A Golden Hearted Hero
A Golden Hearted Hero In February, 2011, Oklahoma City Police Officer, and Kappa Sigma Brother Chad G. Peery, (Nu-Phi, Northeastern State University, ‘96) was off duty, enjoying a basketball game with his family at a local res- taurant. Knowing he was an officer, employees asked him to help es- cort three belligerent patrons from the establishment. When Brother Peery attempted to escort the men out, they brutally beat him. One held him, one beat him, and one held patrons back from helping him. Brother Peery was left paralyzed from the attack. All three men were subsequently charged and sentenced in the attack. For the past two years Brother Peery worked tirelessly in his recovery efforts. He began to regain some use of his arms, as well as his legs, never giving up. During his recovery he was dedicated to remaining involved in Oklahoma City and other local communities, working on efforts for others, despite his own needs. He also remained a dedicated single father to his four children. Brother Peery’s family rallied beside him in his recov- ery and healing. Just two months prior, Brother Peery stood to receive the Devon Energy Community Hero Award in front of the entire audience at an Oklahoma City Thunder basketball game. Likewise, with assistance, he was able to dance with his sister at her wedding. He was making incredible strides in his recovery and even returned to work with the OCPD in their Cyber Crimes division. On Sunday, April 14, 2013, at approximately 5:30pm, the van in which Brother Peery and his children were passengers, driven by his caretaker, sustained a blown tire, causing the vehicle to veer and roll several times, ejecting Brother Peery and several of his children from the vehicle.
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