Teacher Leadership and Compensation (TLC): Allowable funding uses

• Iowa is home to the nation’s most comprehensive teacher leadership system, which taps into the expertise of top teachers to strengthen the teaching around them and to raise student achievement. • In 2018, Iowa saw a significant increase in school districts reporting they met local goals for student achievement: 56 percent of districts in the 2017-18 school year, up from 50 percent of districts the year before. • TLC rewards effective teachers with leadership opportunities, attracts promising teachers with competitive starting salaries and support, and fosters greater collaboration for all teachers to learn from each other.

The goal is to maximize every dollar toward student achievement. There are six categories of allowable uses for TLC funds:

1 TLC funds can be used to raise minimum salary to $33,500 for teachers.

• If a district, prior to TLC implementation, had teachers earning below $33,500, TLC funds can be used to raise salaries.

2 TLC funds can be used to provide salary and/or supplements for teacher leaders.

• If a teacher is fully released from the classroom for a teacher leader position, their base salary, additional contract salary and benefits can be paid with TLC funds. • If a teacher is partially released from the classroom for a teacher leader position, the portion of their base salary that is served in the teacher leader position and their additional contract salary and benefits can be paid with TLC funds. • If a teacher is in the classroom full time and has a contract for additional hours/salary in a teacher leader position, the additional salary and the portion of the benefits for the additional salary can be paid with TLC funds. • The Department strongly recommends that districts use a set supplement, per role, that is inclusive of all extra days/hours. The use of hourly or per diem stipends is not recommended as these lead to variability, difficulty in budgeting, and are not in line with the spirit and intent of TLC.

Iowa Department of Education 3 TLC funds can be used to cover the salary and benefit costs for positions hired to replace teachers the district has released.

• When a teacher is released from the classroom, either fully or partially, for a teacher leader position, the salary and benefits of the classroom teacher hired to replace that position can be paid with TLC funds.

4 TLC funds can be used for substitute costs.

• If a teacher is released to observe, for example, a model teacher, the substitute can be paid out of TLC funds. • If a teacher is released to be a part of a team meeting such as a Leadership Team, Data Team, or Professional Learning Community, the substitute can be paid out of TLC funds. • When a teacher leader is out attending professional development, and a classroom substitute is needed, the substitute can be paid with TLC funds.

TLC funds can be used to pay for professional development for teacher leaders 5 (not for all teachers).

• Costs associated with professional development, such as registration, transportation, lodging and materials can be paid with TLC funds for teacher leaders. • TLC funds may be used for administrator professional development to support teacher leadership (TLC funds may not be used to pay the salary of administrators during professional development).

6 TLC funds can be used to pay “other costs,” as outlined below. Other costs must be specifically approved by the Department. Submit achange request for Part 10.

• Other costs may include supplies for teacher leaders such as books and resources. • Technology requests, that support teacher leadership, will be approved under the following conditions: • Is everything else in the plan covered in the budget? • Has the district made its best effort to have 25% of teachers in leadership roles? • Is the technology necessary for the implementation of the plan? • Without the technology, would the quality of the plan be lower? • Will the technology be used solely for the implementation of TLC?

Iowa Department of Education