INDEX. Agincourt, 183 Birket riv., 149 Aigburth hall, 40 Bispham, 98, 100 Aldcliffe hall, 106 ; manor, 99, 103, 105, 107 Hlackbroke ch. arms, 264-5 Alderley bell, 169 Blackhurne fam., 32 Aldersey fam., 38; W., 169 Black borne W., 101 Allerton hall, 39, 40, 41, 78 ; tower, 15, Go Blundell H., 183 Allibone Sir Ric., 106 Bold manor, 16 Almes, 4 Bolton, 29, 99 Ancient fortification, 218 Bond H., 101 Anderton, 184 ; manor, 193 Booth Frances, 261 ; J., 171 ; J. and Dorothy, ANUEKTON FAMILY, EPISODE IN, 181 193 261 ; 'i'., 251 . Chr., 184, 192 ; Dorothy, 190; Ellen, Bordman J., 29 ; W., 29 184 seg.; fain., 184 ; Hugh, 186, 192 ; Jas., Border Sir T., 16 187, 191 ; Laur., 187, 190; O., 182, 183,186; Bowdon, 144 Piers, 188, 190; Rob., 183; Thurstan, 182, Bower H. and T., 150 183,191; \V., 189 Ilr.idish Jos., 57 Antigua, 40 Ili'aitliwaitc ., 106 Antouines itinerary, 82 llrancker P. W., 9 Architecture : dominant harmonic numbers, 225 Braos W., 146 Arderne P. de, 14^ Breres Ric., 187; T., iSS AR.MORIAL BEARINGS OF THE CITY OF LIVER Brereton bells, 167 POOL, i 14 Bridge chapel, 163 Arms of Lancashire fa-uilies, 255 274 Bridgwater Karl of, 21 Arrovvsmith Edm., 104 Bronze age, 129 Ashton hall, 98, 100, no liuck S. and N., 5 fain., 51 ; Luke, 176 Buckshagh, 188 Ashton-under-Lyme ch. arms, 266 Bnlliaghe Ric., 186 Asheton fain., 259, 267 Bulke, 90, 103 Assheton ILdm., 1,2 ; J., 189, 193 ; Marg., 193 Burgh Rob., 183 * Astbury bells, 167 Burscough prior of, 191 Astley, 75 Bury, 36, 37 Aston Hugh, 150 Bushell Jos., 114 Athenian artists, 134 Butler Sir T.
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