Suzanne Brockmann,Julie Ann Walker,Catherine Mann,Tina Wainscott,Anne Elizabeth,M L Buchman,Kate Serine,Lea Griffith | 512 pages | 05 May 2015 | Sourcebooks Casablanca | 9781492608998 | English | Naperville, United States ": Deep Space Nine" The Way of the Warrior (TV Episode ) - IMDb

See our price match guarantee. See how a store is chosen for you. Loading, please wait Free 2-Day Shipping. Same Day Delivery. Help us improve this page. About this item. Specifications Number of Pages: Description Best-selling author, pastor, futurist, and cultural thought leader believes that to experience and establish peace, we must first confront the battles that rage within. McManus shows that encountering peace does not occur by accident, but rather by artful intention. Warrior is a call to decisiveness, self-examination, and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness. Way of the Warrior the ancient biblical practices of humility, focus, ownership, clarity, strength, and vulnerability, he guides readers to a deeper understanding of their inner workings and provides the guidance they need to establish peace and tranquility in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, Way of the Warrior even the world! In the style of a Way of the Warrior teacher, McManus delivers wisdom, instills passion, and provides the sacred movements needed to become the warrior you were meant to be. Report incorrect product info. From the manufacturer No information loaded. Restrictions apply. Pricing, promotions and availability may vary by location and at Target. The latest on our store health and safety plans. Way of the Warrior () - IMDb

Uh-oh, it looks Way of the Warrior your Internet Explorer is out Way of the Warrior date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Best-selling author, pastor, futurist, and cultural thought leader believes that to experience and establish peace, we must first confront the battles that rage within. McManus shows that encountering peace does not occur by accident, but rather by artful intention. Warrior is a call to decisiveness, self-examination, and the pursuit of spiritual wholeness. Through the ancient biblical practices of humility, focus, ownership, clarity, strength, and vulnerability, he guides readers to a deeper understanding of their inner workings and provides the guidance they need to establish Way of the Warrior and tranquility in their homes, neighborhoods, communities, and even the world! In the style of a battle-wizened teacher, McManus delivers wisdom, instills passion, and Way of the Warrior the sacred movements needed to become the warrior you were meant to be. His books have sold more than a million copies worldwide. Read an Excerpt Code 1. The Warrior Way of the Warrior Only for Peace. The warrior is not ready for battle until they have come to know peace. We have a history of war because our souls are at war. We have conflicts because our hearts are conflicted. Every war, every conflict, every act of violence exists because our souls rage. Our only hope for peace is to win the battle within. Every war against another is a war that never should have been fought. It should have Way of the Warrior won long before. It should have been won from within. This is our first battle. The war to end all wars is the battle for the human heart. This is the war we must win. To know peace is the way of the warrior. It is impossible to ignore that God is often associated with wars. Certainly the people of Israel have a history of war as well as one of faith. We might conclude that the God of Scripture is a god of Way of the Warrior, yet it is the opposite Way of the Warrior is true. God is a god of peace. We are the ones who brought war to the human story. And since then, God has been fighting for us to find our way back to peace. Solomon tells us that there is a time for war and a time for peace. Our history betrays us though. Our past is marked by war, while peace Way of the Warrior forever eluded us. Sadly, the story of humanity can be marked by the weapons we have forged. From stones to arrows to swords to bullets to missiles, our inventions betray our intentions. An outside observer might say that we are creatures of violence for whom peace is simply the language of poets and philosophers. Yet the way of the warrior is not about refining our skills for war; it is about choosing the path of peace. I have chosen this language, but you may find it at first contrary to the intention Way of the Warrior this book. Peace can come only when it is fought for. It never comes to the passive. In fact, if you choose the way of peace, you will find yourself in a constant struggle and endless battle. The peace we seek must come from within, and this, you will discover, is the greatest of all battles. I have Way of the Warrior peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil. It is the struggle that all of us know, some more profoundly than others. If precedent is an accurate predictor of the future, we should not expect we will ever know a world defined by peace. It is perplexing when I meet people who believe there is no God and yet still believe in peace. The human story is marked by envy, jealousy, greed, violence, and bloodshed. There will never be peace on earth until there is peace in Way of the Warrior. This is why the way of the warrior must begin here. To find your strength you must find your peace, for the path to inner strength is inner peace. This is where our journey begins. The way of the warrior begins with finding the missing peace. There are certain names that stand out throughout history as beacons of peace. Strangely, when you choose the path of peace in the midst of violence and rage, you are often simply remembered Way of the Warrior a single name—for, example, Gandhi, Mandela, Teresa, Tutu, Buddha, and, of course, Jesus. Although each of them advocated for peace in the midst of violence, it is Jesus alone who claimed to actually be the peace our souls long for. Jesus lived in a time of turmoil and conflict. He was born in a world where his people were oppressed by a foreign empire. While we think of Jesus as a man born free, Way of the Warrior was actually born a slave. In fact, Jesus was a survivor of an infanticide ordered by a king who feared for his reign. All of Israel lived enslaved by the Roman Empire. Israel belonged to Rome. As a man, Way of the Warrior was considered a subject to a Caesar who proclaimed himself a god with the right to rule over the lives of all mankind. If Jesus knew freedom, it was not because of his circumstance. If Jesus knew peace, it was in contrast to the chaos that surrounded him. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. After all, they expected him to bring peace. Many who believed he was the Messiah thought that he would come to deliver them from the Roman Empire. The title Messiah had come to mean something very specific to the Jewish people. They expected that this Messiah would parallel the life of King David. It would be this Messiah that would lead his people to Way of the Warrior the greatest empire in the world. This Messiah would become their king, and the fulfillment of the promise would be found in their freedom. The coming of the Messiah would be the end of oppression. There was a very simple litmus test for the Messiah: if he does not establish peace, he cannot be the Messiah. It was Way of the Warrior responsibility to bring them peace; he was the embodiment of true peace, yet the type of peace they had hoped for never came. His words must have seemed bittersweet. He spoke of peace with such certainty in the midst of such chaos that it probably caused many onlookers to assume Jesus was a bit naive. This is not peace. If you came to set us free, to establish a kingdom of peace, then you are a dismal failure and a grave disappointment to all of us who have been waiting so long for the Messiah to bring about change. The peace he brings will never come to us the way we had hoped or expected. This is not the way of the warrior, only the way of violence. You might find it peculiar that I would describe Jesus as a warrior. After all, he is most commonly known as a man of peace. God stepped into human history to fight for us. He did not hope for peace; he fought for peace. Sometimes the true mission of Jesus is misunderstood because he never carried a physical weapon in his hands. Yet Way of the Warrior you want to see the true marks of a warrior, you need to look at the scars on his hands. In his death and resurrection, Jesus took upon himself all the violence of the world so he could bring all the world his peace. That is why he is most profoundly and uniquely the warrior of peace. All around me I find troubled hearts—men and women drowning in worry. We have become so adept Way of the Warrior worrying that we have created an endless number of names to describe the nuances. Worry projects a negative view of the world around us. Worry projects a negative future. Worry is an act of faith. Worry is not rooted in reality but does affect our reality. Our anxiety, our distress, our worry—when stripped to its very Way of the Warrior rooted in nothing, or at least in nothing we can control. It is interesting that in another place where Jesus speaks of peace, he brings up trouble once more. The Way of the Warrior (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) - Wikipedia

When a fleet under General arrives at the station ostensibly Way of the Warrior protect the Alpha Quadrant from the , Sisko recruits Lieutenant Commander to discover the ' true intentions. Season premiere. The Deep Space 9 crew hunts a Changeling through the space station. Using wide-angle phaser sweepsCaptain and Major Kira Nerys chase the Changeling to the Promenadewhere it suddenly resumes humanoid shape and grabs hold of Doctor Julian Bashir after emerging from the Promenade directory. It is Odoand the chase was really just a surprise drill. Kira asks the computer how much time it took to catch ; three hours and twenty-seven minutes is the answer. Odo laments that duration isn't good enough, noting how any other Founder would have had a field day with the station in that length Way of the Warrior time, culminating in Bashir's death. The staff is then dismissed with a warning to scan anything and everything next time, given the other Founders' increased proclivity for shapeshifting. Another random drill is scheduled, and an offer from Quark to take bets Way of the Warrior how long the staff will take to catch Odo is Way of the Warrior. That night, when Kasidy Yates joins Sisko for a romantic dinnershe remarks that there have been some changes on Deep Space 9. Firstly, Sisko has shaved his headof which Yates approves. Secondly, there has been a lot of "maintenance" done on the station lately. Sisko is secretive, but hints that the crew is preparing a few "surprises" in case the Dominion decides to attack the station. The recent revelation that Changelings have infiltrated the Alpha Quadrant has caused a large amount of unrest, and the have responded by sealing their borders. Its commanderGeneral Martokrequests shore leave at Deep Space 9. After Sisko agrees, the DS9 crew is amazed when an entire armada of Klingon ships decloaks around the station. In Quark'sthe bartender nervously opines with O'Brien and Way of the Warrior that the Klingons who have arrived are awfully quiet. When Martok meets with Captain Sisko and Major Kira, Way of the Warrior immediately wants them to use his d'k tahg to cut their palmsproving that they bleed and therefore are not Changelings. When the Klingon is satisfied that Sisko and Kira are really who they appear to be, Martok proclaims that the Klingon fleet will remain in space to counter the inevitable Dominion attack. The DS9 crew resumes regular duties, despite the fact that the station's complement now includes countless Klingons. Kira is distracted away from the holograms and unimpressed with them, admitting that she has never had much Way of the Warrior an imagination. Odo and Garak have a quiet breakfast at the Replimatwhere a worried Garak reveals that, since the destruction of the Obsidian Orderhe has heard rumors of civil uprisings on Cardassia. Their meal is interrupted when a group of Klingons accosts Morn on the Promenade. Odo breaks up the altercation, but the lead Klingon, Drexlevels threats at both Garak and Odo. Odo tells the group of Klingons to leave the Promenade or be thrown in a holding cell. Drex and his thugs later ambush and beat Garak in his tailor shop. As Bashir repairs the 's broken boneshe states he is surprised that Garak isn't pressing charges. Garak, in his usual manner, brushes off the beating but is wondering why Klingons have become so hostile to Cardassians. Once the senior officers return to Deep Space 9, Way of the Warrior meets with Sisko again in his officeslamming Kaybok's dagger onto his desk. Kaybok has been executed as punishment for disobeying his orders. Sisko realizes that something must be done before the situation escalates out of control. Remembering how Curzon once told him that the only people who can really handle Klingons are other Klingons, Sisko notifies Starfleet Command of the situation and Starfleet consequently dispatches Lieutenant Commander Worf to the station. Upon his arrival, Chief O'Brien welcomes his old crewmate aboard. A disgruntled Quark, however, upon seeing Worf, sarcastically remarks that precisely what the station needs is "another Klingon. Worf immediately goes to see Captain Sisko to introduce himself and report Way of the Warrior duty. Despite thanking Sisko for his condolences, Worf is clearly not willing to talk about it. As is established during their conversation, he has been on extended leave at the Klingon monastery on Boreth for a time. Sisko apologizes for interrupting Worf's leave, but Worf tells Sisko his leave was almost over. When Sisko asks where Worf will Way of the Warrior be assigned next, Worf admits he has been considering resigning from Starfleet. When Sisko asks why, Worf explains that living among Humans has never been easy for him but that it has become even harder for him since the Enterprise was destroyed and that he is no longer sure of his place Way of the Warrior Starfleet anymore. Sisko tells Worf that, if he doesn't want the assignment, he will understand, but Worf tells Sisko that, until he decides one way or the other about resigning, he is going to do his duty. With that, Sisko gives Worf his assignment: find out what the Klingons are up to. Before Worf leaves, Sisko cautions him that he too once considered resigning from Starfleet, but now believes that would have been the wrong choice. He urges the Klingon to consider his decision carefully and Worf promises the captain he will keep that in mind. Worf ventures into Quark's, surprising the Ferengi by asking for prune juice over the traditional Klingon choice of bloodwine. Chief O'Brien asks his old shipmate to join him and introduces him to Doctor Bashir and darts. Worf's first try at the sport ends up with him throwing the dart halfway through the board. Then, Kira and emerge from the holosuite, dressed in bright, colorful and extravagant medieval clothes, arguing over the fact that Kira knocked out Sir Lancelot. Way of the Warrior introduces Worf to the two, and while Kira is embarrassed and tries to explain the clothes, Dax is quite taken with him. Just then, Drex starts to stir up trouble, so Worf decides it's the perfect time to make his first attempt at finding out what the Klingons are up to. He picks a fight with Drex and takes the warrior's d'k tahg. Drex's father, who happens to be General Martok, comes to Worf's quarters to demand the return of his son's " honor ". There, Worf voices his disappointment in Martok for the general's dishonorable tactics of harassing personnel and ships, but Martok vows that it is all in the Alpha Quadrant's best interests. Afterwards, Worf vents his frustration on a tactical holosuite program. When Dax arrives, she challenges him to a battle with bat'leths. After a brief fight, Worf gains the upper hand and sweeps Dax off her feet. Dax Way of the Warrior asks whether the simulation made Worf feel better. Worf is frustrated at the situation, noting that his contacts on the Klingon homeworld refuse to speak with him. Dax suggests that, with so many Klingons on the station, surely one of them owes the House of Mogh a favor and might be willing to reveal the true reason they are there. Worf invites an old family friend, Klingon officer Huragafor a drink. When they consume a large quantity of bloodwine and become drunk, Worf presses Huraga for information. Owing Worf's father, Moghas Mogh had saved Huraga's House during their feud with the House of DurasHuraga tells Worf all Way of the Warrior the "glorious battle" that awaits them ahead. What Worf learns disturbs him, so much so that he hesitates to tell Sisko. Odo argues with Worf on the Promenade, and tells the Klingon that no matter choice he make, it is his duty to inform Sisko which side he's on before it's too late. Worf decides to tell Sisko the ominous Way of the Warrior — the Klingons are about to attack Cardassia. The rumors are true; the Central Command has been overthrown by Way of the Warrior resistance. The Klingons are convinced that Changeling infiltrators are responsible, although they have no hard proof. In the wardroomSisko confronts Martok and demands that the Klingons call off their attack. Martok hints that Chancellor Gowron will be told of Worf's involvement in uncovering news of the planned attack. Worf himself feels guilty that he has essentially betrayed the Klingon Empire. When Sisko points out that Starfleet will never support an unprovoked invasion and that the attack will place the Federation-Klingon alliance in jeopardy, Martok claims he will return to his ship and consult with Gowron. However, once Martok beams aboard his ship, he sends a message to the Klingon fleet, ordering them to begin their attack. The fleet cloaks and warps away from the station, heading straight for Cardassia Prime. The crew of DS9 meets in the Way of the Warrior. They are in a particularly nasty predicament: warning the Cardassians of the Klingon invasion is tantamount to treachery, and the Federation Council has decided not to get involved until they speak with Gowron, a decision supported by the Bajoran government. Besides, the Klingons may be correct that the Dominion was involved in the coupsince, Way of the Warrior Odo points out, this is indeed how the Founders would set about gaining control of Cardassia. Kira states that the Obsidian Order's destruction gave the Cardassian dissident movement the strength and momentum it needed to take over the government, with or without Way of the Warrior involvement. Worf points out that this is irrelevant — many Klingons in the Empire believe they have been at peace for too long and that the Empire must expand in order to survive. The looming Dominion threat has given them an excuse to attack and conquer. If the Klingons have returned to "the old ways" of conquest, Bajorand potentially the Federationare at risk. Sisko tries an unorthodox tactic — he invites Garak into the wardroom to measure the Starfleet captain for a new suit. As Garak works, the crew Way of the Warrior sure the tailor overhears the fact that one-third of the Klingon military is currently heading into Cardassian space and will arrive within the hour. Garak excuses himself, and immediately afterwards warns Gul . Busy fighting the civilian insurgency, the Cardassian Way of the Warrior is unprepared for a possible Klingon invasion. When the Federation officially condemns the invasion, the Klingon Empire withdraws from the Khitomer Way of the Warrior. The Federation-Klingon alliance Way of the Warrior dissolved. Despite this, however, a Klingon ship decloaks, claiming to have Chancellor Gowron on board, who wishes to speak with Worf. Aboard the Klingon ship, Gowron happily greets Worf and Way of the Warrior him that, despite everything, he still considers him a friend. He then tells Worf why he is there; he wants him to leave Starfleet and join the Klingons in the battle. Despite wanting to return to his people and knowing that he owes the chancellor much for restoring his honor and giving Kurn a seat on the Klingon High CouncilWorf refuses, Way of the Warrior Gowron that he will not break his oath to Starfleet, nor will he support an unwarranted attack. Enraged, Gowron warns Worf that, if he refuses, the House of Mogh will be stripped of all its assets, Kurn will be removed from the High Council, and Worf himself will be exiled from the Klingon Empire and left with nothing. When Worf replies he'll still have his honor, Gowron simply says, " So be it. Later, Worf sits in Quark's, deep in thought, and is joined by O'Brien. After reminiscing over how they saved Captain Picard from the Borgand how Worf knew they would succeed despite the overwhelming odds, he says he has decided to resign. O'Brien tries to convince him otherwise, assuring Worf that Starfleet is sure to build another Enterprise soon, but as far as Worf is concerned, the ship and the life he knew are gone. As he cannot return to Boreth and feels that his son is much happier living on EarthWorf decides to apply for a commission with a distant cruiser Way of the Warrior in the Nyberrite Alliance. Believing he is a liability to Captain Sisko's dealing with the Klingons, he asks Sisko to accept his resignation, but Sisko refuses — Starfleet needs Worf more than ever before. Indeed, word soon arrives that the Klingons have broken through the Cardassian fleet. Sisko contacts the new Cardassian government, the Detapa Councilonly to see the face of Dukat.