Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church For
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MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, IN FOR THE YEARS 1773-1 828. VOLUME I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY T. MASON AND G. LANE, FOR THE METHODIST EPI8COPAL CHURCH, AT THE CONFERENCE OFFICE, 200 MULBERRY-STREEt. J. Collord, Printer. 1840. Minutes for 1819. 319 MINUTES TAKEN AT THE SEVERAL ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, FOB THE YEAR 1819. Quest. 1. Who are admitted on trial ? George Coles, Nathan Rice, Samuel D. — OHIO CONFERENCE. Ferguson 6. Samuel Adams, Samuel Brockunier, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Edward Taylor, James Smith, Dennis Edward T. Taylor, Isaac Stoddard, Goddard, Charles Elliott, Thos. M'Clary, Lawson Walker, Moses Ladd, Elijah Greenbury R. Jones, Josiah Whitaker, Spear, Benjamin Ayer, James Bishop, Hezekiah Holland, Henry Mathews, Aaron Lummus— 8. Zachariah Connell, Le Roy Swormstedt, GENESEE CONFERENCE James T. Wells, Arthur Elliott, Andrew Thomas Demorest, M'Clain, Burwell Spurlock, John Harber, Horace Agard, Davics Williams, Joseph Farrow — 19. Henry Peck, James Brower, Franklin Metca'lf, Belus Shep MISSOURI CONFERENCE. herd, Chester Adgate, Sylvester Carey, Thomas Tennant, Washington Orr, Elijah Boardman — 10. James Lowrey, William Mavity, William 2. Who remain on Medford, John Wallace— 6. Quest. trial t TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. OHIO CONFERENCE. Bennett Dowler, Ira George Brown, John Kesterson, Joshua Eddy, Allen Wi ley, Peter Stephens, Calvin Ruter, Butcher, John Brooks, Samuel Harwell, Philip Greene, John Stewart, Job Baker, John Obadiah Freeman, Samuel D. Sansom, P. Taylor, George Atkins, Thos. Ancel Richardson, Robert Paine, Hart- Lowry, Richard Corwine — 12. well H. Brown, Stirling C. Brown, George Locke, Thomas Madden, Robert MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Hooper, Isaac E. Holt, Elisha Simmons, William Townsend, Rucker Tanner — 2. David Adams, Abraham Still, Lewis S. TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Marshall— 19. James Witten, Jesse Green, John Da- SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. ver, Thomas Stanley, George Taylor. James Dannelly, Barnabas Pipkin, Jesse George Atkins—6. Sinclair, Matthew Rayford, Levi Stansell, MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. John Mullenix, John Schroeble, John John Booth, Ledbetter — Chappel, Peter Duff, Christian G. Hill, Wiley 2. John Howard, Thomas Gardner, Samuel SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. — Jenkins, jun 13. James Dunwody, Elisha Callaway, Ra VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. leigh Greene, Robert Flournoy, Jeremiah Freeman, Thos. Francis Asbury Ward, Williams Harris, L. Winn, Hugh Hamill, Nicholas Ware, Asbury Morgan, Enoch Johnson, William Burge, Henry Benjamin Rhodes, Thos. L. Greaves,Thos. Alley, Miles Nash, Thomas Howard, A. Smith, John L. William George C. Chesley—8. Jerry, Connell, Henry T. Fitzgerald, Charles Betts, John Dix BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. —17. Edward Pram, Dennis Battee, Thomas VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Dorsey, Richard Armstrong, Thos. Rice, Charles L. Cooley, Peter Doub, Thomp Jacob Larkin, James Sanson, John Mil son Garrard, George M. Anderson, Heze ler, John Lee—9. kiah G. Leigh, William Eastwood, Ex'ura PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Chapman, Ira Parker, George W. Charl Henry G. King, John Talley, Edward ton, Archibald Robinson, Joachim Lane, Stephenson, Joseph Carey, Benjamin Col Curtis Hooks, Amos C. Treadway — 13. lins, — Paul Conaway, William Allen 7. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE Yelverton Peyton, Jesse Lee, John Daniel Coe, John Bangs, Orin Pier, Tanyhill, William Hamilton, Robert S. 320 Minutes for 1819. VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Vinton, James Moore, George Erwin, Sa muel Cushen, Peregrine Buckingham, Wm. D. Barrot, James Smith, Isaiah — Thomas Beauchamp, Bennit Dowley, Harris 3. Laurence Everhart — 12. BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Henry Furlong, Wm. Barnes, Thomas Charles Pittman, James Long, Samuel Jamison, Jacob L. Bromwell, Sam'l Ken Grace, William Wright —4. nerly, Richard M'Allister—6. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Nicholas Morris, Ebenezer Brown, Wm. Quinn, Bartholomew Weed, Ed — Henry Hatfield, Harvey De Wolf, Cyrus ward Page 3. Silliman, Noah Levings, Seymour Lan- NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. — don, James Guinlin 8. John M. Smith, Fitch Reed, Timothy NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Benedict, John J. Matthias, Jacob Hall Isaac Jennison, Jesse Fillmore, Ephraim —5. Wiley, John S. Ayer, Peter Burges, NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Fisk, Samuel Nor- Wilder Mack, Wilbur John Briggs, Benjamin Keith, Eleazar Haskel, ris, Damon Young, Squire B. Steel, Amasa Cowles, Joel M'Kee, Dan'l William 12. Sullivan Bray, M'Gray— Plumly— 6. GENESEE CONFERENCE. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Freeman Dixon, Calvin N. Flint, Ed Alvin Torry, John B. Alverson, James mund O'FIing, Dana Fox, James G. Peal, Jackson, Ezra Adams, Reuben A. Ails- Samuel Belton, Russell Downing, Ara worth, John Dempster, Thomas M'Gee Williams, Hiram G. Warner, Robert Jef- —7. fers, William W. Rundle, Zechariah Quest. 4. Who are the deacons t Paddock, Edward Paine, James Wilson, Those marked thus (*) were ordained this year. Alonson Gifford, Andrew Peck, Alba Beckwith, Timothy Goodwin, Enoch OHIO CONFERENCE. Barnes, Micah Segar, Jeter Forster, Par Cornelius Springer, Samuel Hamilton, ker Buel, Cyrus Story, Aurora Segar, Wm. Cunningham, Burroughs Westlake, Benajah Williams, John Beggardly, James John Tivis, John P. Kent, Wm. Hunt, Brownson, Glezon Fillmore, John Tooke, James Simmons,* Greenbury R. Jones, Paul Stowel— 30. Lemuel Lane, Thomas A. Morris,* Wm. Westlake,* Thomas Carr,* Sam'l Glaze,* Who are admitted into con Quest. 3. fall Sam'l Baker,* John Brooke,* Wm. Hold- nection ? man,* Sam'l Demint,* Ezra Boothe*— 19. OHIO CONFERENCE. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. James Simmons, Ezra Boothe, Thos. Carr, Samuel Glaze, Samuel Baker, John John C. Harbison, Daniel M'Henry, Brooke, Thomas A. Morris, Wm. West- James M'Cord, Josiah Patterson, Philip lake, Wm. Holdman, Samuel Demint, Si Davis, Thomas Davis, Alexander M'Al Jones,* mon Peter — 11. lister,* Chas. Slocomb,* Wm. R. John Harris* — 10. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Alexander M'Allister, Wm. R. Jones, TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. James M'Cord, Charles Slocumb, John John Seaton, Simon Peter,* Andrew Harris — 5. Monroe, Josiah Dautrey, Jas. Simmons,* TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. Benjamin Peeples,* Clinton Tucker,* Tho Lewis Garrett,* Wm. Benjamin Peeples, Wm. Allison, Clin mas Stringfield,* Hearn,* Edward ton Tucker, Thos. Stringfield, Lewis S. Manson,* Ebenezer S. Manson, Ebenezer Ashley,* Wm. Allison,* Isaac E. Holt, Garrett, William — Hearn, Edward Ashley, Timothy Car George Brown 15. — penter 9. SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. SOOTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. James Bellah, Daniel F. Christenberry, Josiah Evans, John Taylor, Thos. A. Andrew Hamill, Zaecheus Dowling, Za- Rosamond, Benjamin Wofford, Wm. Han- chariah Williams, Tillman Snead, John kins, Hartwell Spain— 6. Taylor,* Hartwell Spain*— 8. Minutes for 1819. 331 VIRGINIA CONFERENCE. Norton, Wm. Kennedy, John Simmons, George Burnett, Wm. Richards, Rus Travis Owen, Nicholas M'lntyre, John sell Foster, Wm. H. Starr, James Reid, Scott, Benjamin Wofford— 9. Stephen Rowe, John H. Boyd, William VIRGINIA Peebles, Wm. D. Barrott,* Jas. Smith,* CONFERENCE. Isaiah Harris*— 11. Thacker Muire, Allen R. Bernard, Jo shua Featherstone, John T. Brame, Da BALTIMORE CONFERENCE. vid.m uronutc,Browder, _, t. , T rr. , r, Thomasi nomas Browder,urowaer, JohnJonn r.F. Thomas Beeks, James Taylor, George Wright, Benjamin Stephens, Wm. M. Brown, Henry Furlong,* Wm. Barnes,* Elliott— 9. Thomas Jamison,* Jacob L. Bromwell, BALTIMORE Samuel Kennerly,* Richard M'Allister CONFERENCE. —9. Henry Baker, Bazil Barry, Robert Cad- den, John Waterman, PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. elect, Robert Boyd, James Sewell, Mordecai Gossnell, elect John Creamer, Watters Burrows, Wm. —7. Quinn,* Bartholomew Weed,* Edward Page*— 5. PHILADELPHIA CONFERENCE. Richard W. NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. Petherbridge, Jacob Moore, Wm. Ross, Wm. Lummus, Edwd. Stout James Covel, David Miller, Ibri Can —5. non, John Loveioy, Horace Weston, John M. Smith,* Fitch Reed,* Timothy Bene NEW-YORK CONFERENCE. dict,* John J. Matthias,* Jacob Hall,* Aaron Pierce, Sherman Minor, Josiah —10. Bowen, James Younes, Heman Bangs, Smith Dayton, Earl NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Bancroft, Phinehas Doan—8. Zalmon Stewart, Jeremiah Marsh, Da niel Dorchester, Moses Fifield, John NEW-ENGLAND CONFERENCE. Briggs,* Eleazer Steel,* Amasa Cowles, John Lord, Josiah A. Scarritt, Nathan Paine, Joel M'Kee,* Daniel Plumley*— 9. Salmon Winchester, Thomas C. Pierce — 5. GENESEE CONFERENCE. Alpheus Davis, Joseph M'Creary, Isaac GENESEE CONFERENCE. Grant, George Ferguson, Joshua Joshua Rogers, John Arnold, Nathan Beebe, — Daniel Shepherdson, George Peck, Wm. B. Dodson 3. Jones, Alvin Torry,* John B. Alverson,* Quest. 6. Who are the bishops and su James Jackson,* Ezra Adams,* Reuben perintendents ? A. Ailsworth,* John Dempster,* Thomas William M'Kendree, M'Gee*— 15. Enoch George, Robert R. Roberts— 3. Quest. 5. Who have been elected and or Quest. 7. Who have located this ? dained elders this year ? year OHIO OHIO CONFERENCE. CONFERENCE. John M'Mahan, Moses Trudcr — Daniel D. Davidson, Curtis Goddard, 2. Henry Baker, Russell Bigelow, Samuel MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Brown, Shadrach Ruark, Francis Lan- James M'Cord. drum, elect, Wm. P. Finley, elect— 8. TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. MISSOURI CONFERENCE. Joseph Pownall, Joseph Piggott, John *** ' Ov^li ^Sf2fi&* vSl!*^ Scripps,""*'*•••Jacob Whitesides,J' elect——i. ». S^oirbatty-T311"68' TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. MISSISSIPPI CONFERENCE. Wm. Adams, George M'Neely, John ^ Samuel Smith, Nace Overall, Henry B. Bascom, Sellers, Ashley Hewitt—2. Sadosa Bacon, elect, Timothy Carpenter, SOUTH CAROLINA CONFERENCE. elect— 7. John