

Justin D'Ath | 144 pages | 05 May 2011 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781408126462 | English | London, United Kingdom Killer Whale

Shark Bait, Anaconda Ambush, Killer Whale, Attack, Bushfire Rescue, , Sting (Extreme Adventures), Man-Eater, Grizzly Trap. A creature with huge jaws, and rows and rows of enormous teeth A wild, action-packed ride, Killer Whale is the most chilling Extreme Adventure yet! Visit for more. Author: Justin D'Ath. Publisher: Penguin Group . ISBN: Category: Juvenile Fiction. Page: View: Download →. Before long, they're stranded on a wobbly icefloe. Just when it seems things couldn't get any worse, a massive creature emerges from the deep. A creature with huge jaws, and rows and rows of enormous teeth A wild, action-packed ride, Killer Whale is the most chilling Extreme Adventure yet! Visit for more. Killer Whale: Extreme Adventures

About Extreme Adventures: Killer Whale. Sam Fox and his younger brother Harry are thrilled when they win a family holiday to Antarctica. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse when their ski plane crash lands on arrival, with the boys becoming isolated from the rest of the group. A creature with huge jaws, and rows and rows of enormous teeth A wild, action-packed ride, Killer Whale is the most chilling Extreme Adventure yet! Visit for more. Author: Justin D'Ath. Publisher: Penguin Group Australia. ISBN: Category: Juvenile Fiction. Page: View: Download →. Killer Whale is another fast-paced, frenzy of a story that takes a sharp turn from the norm. In every book, we find Sam evading all types of danger, and coming out it relatively unharmed. the difference in this story is that Sam learned how selfish some people can be and finds himself involved with a radical environmental advocacy group. Extreme Adventures: Killer Whale

Sam Fox is back! EXTREME ADVENTURES. KILLER WHALE. In good bookshops NOW!!!!!. Shark Bait, Anaconda Ambush, Killer Whale, , Bushfire Rescue, Spider Bite, (Extreme Adventures), Man-Eater, Grizzly Trap. Extreme Adventures titles have a strong environmental dimension, and this is showcased in Killer Whale, as Sam, aged 14, and his 5-year-old brother Harry, find themselves stranded on an ice floe after the airplane taking them and their father on a whale-watching tour in Antarctic crash-lands. Separated from the rest of the group, and floating out to sea, Sam and Harry soon realize that, in addition to the danger posed by the extreme cold, there are sea leopards and killer whales in the icy. Extreme Adventures Series

Before long, they're stranded on a wobbly icefloe. Just when it seems things couldn't get any worse, a massive creature emerges from the deep. A creature with huge jaws, and rows and rows of enormous teeth A wild, action-packed ride, Killer Whale is the most chilling Extreme Adventure yet! Visit for more. OceanShark 1 Jun. Extreme Adventures: Killer Whale rated it really liked it Jan 14, It is predominantly humpback whales that we see off Sydney and generally in New South Wales. Ask tjbpquartermaine about Naturaliste Charters. See 1 Experience. Deadly 60 Quiz: Rhinos. But if you want, Ocean Extreme can also take your photos for you. All languages. Killer Whale is another fast-paced, frenzy of a story that takes a sharp turn from the norm. In every book, we find Sam evading all types of danger, and coming out it relatively unharmed. the difference in this story is that Sam learned how selfish some people can be and finds himself involved with a radical environmental advocacy group.

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