Focus on Africa
BIMCC Newsletter No 21 January 2005 ISSN 1379-3306 FocusFocus onon AfricaAfrica ReportReport onon 44ththth InternationalInternational BIMCCBIMCC ConferenceConference IntoInto andand OutOut ofof AfricaAfrica CartographicCartographic entriesentries inin Stanley’sStanley’s sketchsketch booksbooks ReviewReview ofof booksbooks onon AfricaAfrica ((JourneyJourney intointo Africa,Africa, ImperialImperial footprintsfootprints)) RecentRecent auctionauction resultsresults onon AfricaAfrica MapMap ofof thethe seasonseason:: L’AfriqueL’Afrique Centrale,Centrale, byby A.J.A.J. WautersWauters Also in this issue Le Jeu de France-Pierre Duval’s map game An extraordinary example of local cartography January 2005 BIMCC Newsletter 21 1 1 When planning, building, extending your map and atlas collection visit our Sponsors : They deserve your confidence IRIS ANTIQUE GLOBES / La Route du Papier RESTORATION Av. des Mimosas 83 STUDIO B-1150 Brussels Paul Peters B.V. Tel +32/(0)2/733.53.57 Dorpstr. 31b Fax +32/(0)2/735.59.20 NL 7218 AB ALMEN Tel +31/575-43.94.40 Fax +31/575-43.39.73 Supplier of equipment and materials for the conservation and restoration Large stock of historically important of books, maps, prints, photographs, etc. globes, armillary spheres, planetaria, maps. Restoration of paper, leather, vellum, charters If you are a PROFESSIONNAL selling, or restoring, ancient maps, atlases, globes, engravings, etc., you should consider SPONSORING the BIMCC: your advertisements in this Newsletter (and also on our website will reach a selected audience of enlightened amateurs and map enthusiasts. For conditions, please contact: Secretary Eric Leenders, Zwanenlaan 16, B-2610 Antwerpen ( Special thanks to our benefactors : Cartographica Neerlandica André Vanden Eynde The Ortelius Specialist 59, rue de Stassart, B-1050 Brussels Soestdijkseweg 101 Tel +32/(0)2/514.40.47 NL-3721 AA Bilthoven Tel.
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