इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 3959 (2004): Skin Powders [PCD 19: ]

“ान एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“ान एक ऐसा खजाना जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

IS 3959:2004


%7 q’lmx — R-RR (qyf-i’7y7T%F7)

[ndian Standard SKIN POWDER — SPECIFICATION (Second Revision )

ICS 71,100.70

(’) [~ls ~()()4

B[JREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS MANAK BIIAVAN. 9 BA}IADUR SIIAH ZAFAR MARC NEW Dl; l.11[ I 10002 to\,//7/lc,/ 200’!” Price Croup 4 Cosmetics Sectional Committee, PCD 19


This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the Cosmetics Sectional Committee had been approved by the l’etrolcum, Coal and Related Products Division Council.

Skin powder is the class of’ products in cosmetics which customer need for freshness and uniform blemish f’rce look.

This standard was originally issued in 1966 and first revised in 1978. The Sectional Committee decided to revise it in the light of’experience gained since its publication. Skin powders should not be the cause of-bacteriological and fLIIIg:Ll contamination. This possibility may be obviated by, for instance, a process of sterilization. In this revision a requirement limit for microbial content has been specified. Important. marking requirements, such as best use before, list of key ingredients on containers and EC() Mark certification have also been incorporatcxl in this revision.

‘This standard covers two types of powder, namely, and face powders. Body powders inc]ude products ~vhicb are commonly known as talcum powders, dusting powders, toilet powders, deodorant powders, Face powders arc basically makeup preparations which cover up blemishes and give a uniform made up I(mk. Medicated powders, for which therapeutic claims are made (for example prickly heat powder) are not included in this s[:mdard, since they are class iticd as drugs under Drugs ad Cosmetic Ac[ of Government of India,

No stipulations have been made in this standard regarding the composition of skin powders, I Iowevcr, i[ is l~ecessary that the raw materials used are sLIch that in the concentrations in which they would be present in the finished skin powder, after interaction with other raw materials used in the formulation, they are free from any harmful cll-ec[s. For determining the dcnnatological safety of a new formulation. or of a nmv raiv material used

ill an old fi~rmulation, reference may be made to IS 40 I I : 1997 ‘Methods of test for safety evaluation ofcosmetics (,~e..~~}f,ifc’}i,si~~}f)’. Itshall be the responsibility of the manufacturers of skin powders to satisfy themselves of’the der-matological safety of’ their formulation before releasing the product for sale.

A scheme ft)r Iabclling environment fricnclly products known as ECO Mark (optional) has been introduced at the il]stance of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (M EF), Government of India. ‘The ECO Mark is being administered by the Bw-cu[( o/ //dia// ,5’/um/cvJs At/, 1986 as pcr the Resolution No. 71 dated 21 lcbrwary 1991 and No. 768 dated 24 August 1992 published in the Gazette of the Government of India. For a product 10 be cli~giblc for marking with EC() logo, it shall also camy the Standard Mark of BIS besides meeting additional crlviro}lmcnt friendly requirements, For this purpose, the Standard Mark of BIS would be a single mark being a c(mbinii[ion of the [11S monogram ~ and the [Xl) logo. Requirements for the ECO f-riendliness will be additional. i]l:iilliflictllril~g units will be free to opt for St:mdar-d hlark alone also.

~’oinpo~ltion of this Committee responsible for the formulation of this standard is given in Annex l-l

I:or [he purpose uf deciding whether a particular reql, irement of this standard is complied with, the final value. <~bserved Or calculat[;d, expressing the result of a test or .inalysis, shall be rounded off in at-corclance with IS 2 : I ‘)60 cRules for rounding of ’f numerical values (rcni,se~/)’. l’hc number of significant places retained in the rounded off \ a[ue sh~]uld be the szime as that of the spcci(icd value in this standard.

1S 3959:2004

Indian Standard SKIN POWDER — SPECIFICATION (Second Revision)

1 SCOPE powders. These shall consist principal Iy of a finely-powdered free flowing absorbent This standard prescribes the requirements and the innocuous material such as natural methods of sampling and test for skin powders. (hydrous silicate of magnesium with the This standard does not cover skin powder for infants, formula MgJSi,O,O I-IzO) and may contain for which a separate Indian Standard (1S 5339) has small amounts of perfume and colouring been published. matter, as well as other ingredients consistent with the accepted practice in the cosmetic 2 REFERENCES industry. The latter may include materials The following standards are necessary adjuncts to this having anti-per spirant and deodorant standard. The standards contain provisions, which, properties. through reference in this text, constitute provisions of b) Face powders shall essential y be similar to this standard. At the time of publication, the editions body powder described under a) except that it indicated were valid. All standards are subject to shall be of finer particle size and free from grit. revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility 4 REQUIREMENTS of applying the most recent editions of the standards 4.1 Body Powders and Face Powder — Shall meet indicated below: the description requirement given in 3. The dyes, [S No. Title colours (pigments, lakes etc.) if used shall comply with 265:1993 Hydrochloric acid (/iiw-th revision) the latest version of IS 4707 (Part 1) subject to the 266:1993 Sulphuric acid (third revision) provision of schedule Q of Drugs and Cosme[ic Act. 323:1959 Specification for rectified spirit These shall be not more than sparingly soluble either 460 Test sieves: Part I Wire cloth test in water or in oil when tested by the method prescribed (Part 1): 1985 sieves (third revision) in Annex A. 1070:1992 Water reagent grade (third revision) 4.2 Ingredients — Unless specified otherwise, all the 2088:1983 Methods for determination of arsenic raw materials used in the manufacture of skin powders (second revision) shall conform to the requirements prescribed in the 3958:1984 Methods of sampling cosmetics (first relevant Indian Standards where these exist. Other revision) ingredients shall comply with the provisions of IS 4707 4707 Classification of cosmetic raw (Part 2). materials and adjuncts: (Part 1): 2001 Dyes, colours and pigments (second 4.3 The material shall also comply with the requirements revision) given in Table 1 when tested as prescribed in COI 5 (Part 2): 2001 List of raw materials generally not and 6 of the Table 1. recognized as safe for use in cosmetics (second revision) 4.4 Additional Requirements for ECO Mark 5339:2004 Skin powder for infants (second (Optional) revision) 4.4.1 General Requirements 14648:1999 Methods of test for microbiological examinations of cosmetics The product shall conform to the requirements for quality, safety and performance given in to 3 TYPES

Skin powders shall be classified into two types as All the ingredients that go into formu Iation of follows: cosmetics shall comply with the provisions of 1S 4707 a) Bo~ powders shall incIude talcum powders, (Part 1) and IS 4707 (Part 2). The product shall also toilet powders, deodorant powders and dusting meet specific requirements as given in the standard.

I IS 3959:2004

Table 1 Requirements for Skin Powder (Clause 4.3)

SI Characteristics Requirement for Method of Test, Rcf to Nn. ~~ Body Annex IS No. Powder Powder (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Matter insoluble in boiling water, percentby mass,A4irr 90.0 90.0 B — ii) l;ineness: c — a) Residue on 75-miwon IS Sieve, percentby mass,MUX 2.0 1.0 b) Residue on 150-micron IS Sieve, percentby mass,Max 0.5 0.5 iii) Moisture and volatile matter, percent by mass,J14ux 2.0 3.0 D — iv) pH of aqueoussuspension 5.5 to 10.0 5.5 to 9.0 E — v) 1)I IcaVy metals (as Pb), pdrtsper million, ~UX 20 20 F — vi) 1)Arsenic (as AS@I), parts per million, ‘ax 2 2 G — vii) Microbial conlcntilimit — a) ‘Totalviable count cfulg Not more Not more 14648 than I 000 than 1000 h) (kan Negative pathogens Lessthan 10 Lessthan 10 — 14648

I) 1f all (hc raw materials requiri[lg test for jleavY metals and arsenic have been so tested and comply with the requirements, then the manulircturer may not test the tinished cosmetic for heavy metals and arsenic. The product package shall display a list of key 5.2 Marking ingredients in descending order of quantity present. The containers shall be legibly marked with the The product shall not be manufactured from following information: any carcinogenic ingredients. a) Name and type of material; The manufacturer shall produce to BIS b) Manufacturer’s name and/or his recognized environmental consent clearance tlom the concerned State trade-mark, if any; Pollution Control Board as per the provisions of the Water c) Net mass of the material; (Prevention and Control ofPollution) CessAct, 1977 and d) Month and year of manufacturing/packing; the Air (Prevention and Control Pollution) Act, 1981 e) Batch or lot number, in code or otherwise; along with the authorization, if required under the Expiry date or “Best use before. . . .“ (month Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and the Rules made f) and year to be declared by the manufacturer) there under, while applying for ECO Mark. Additionally, provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 and the NOTES — This requirement is exempted: Rules thereunder shall also be complied with. 1 In caseof pack sizes of I Og or Icss. 4.4.2 Specific Requiretnents 2 If the shelt’ life of the product is more than 24 months. Product shall be dermatologically safe when List of key ingredients; and tested as per 1S 4011. g) NOTE — This is exempted in case of pack sizes 01’30 Heavy metals calculated as (Pb) and g or less. arsenic (as AS20J shall not exceed 10 and 1 ppm, respectively when tested by the respective method h) Any other information required by statutory prescribed in Indian Standards. authorities. 5.2.1 Where boric acid has been used in the formulation For ECO Mark the product package shall be of skin powder, its container shall prominently display packed in such packages which shall be recyclable or the following note: biodegradable. CAUTION — This powder contains boric acid and is NOT to 5 PACKING AND MARKING be usedfor infants. 5.1 Packing 5.2.2 The containers may also be marked with the Standard Mark. The material shall be packed in suitable well-closed containers. The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the

2 1S 3959:2004 provisions of the Bureau oflndian Standards Act, 1986 6 SAMPLING and the Ru Ies and Regulations made thereunder. The 6.1 Representative samples of the material shall be details of con~tions under which the licence for the drawn as prescribed in IS 3958. use of the Standard Mark may be granted to 6.1.1 Tests for all the characteristics shall be carried manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the out on the composite sample as per methods referred Bureau of Indian Standards. under CO15 of Table 1 and 4.3. 5.2.3 If the product is covered under ECO Mark 6.1.2 The material shall be taken to have conformed (optional), it shall be suitably marked with ECO to the specification if the composite sample passes all Mark logo besides Standard Mark. The label may the tests. clearly specify that ECO Mark is applicable to the contents or the package or both, as case may be. If 7 QUALITY OF REAGENTS the product package is not separately covered under Unless specified otherwise, pure chemicals and ECO Mark scheme, it shall be clearly mentioned on distilled water (see IS 1070) shall be employed in tests. the product that ECO Mark Label is applicable to NOTE — ‘Pure chemicals’ shall mean chemicals that dn not contents only. contain impurities which affect the results of analysis,

ANNEX A (Clause 4.1)


A-1 PROCEDURE A-1.2 Take 10 g of the material and add 50 ml of rectified spirit. Boil under reflux for 15 min and filter. A-1. I Take I g of the material and add 50 ml of water, The filtrate shall be colorless or faintly coloured. boil for 15 minutes and filter. The filtrate shall be colorless or faintly coloured.

ANNEX B [Table 1, S1 No. (i)]


B-1 REAGENT completely to the filter. E3rythe residue in the crucible at 105 + 2°C to constant mass. 13-1.1 Rectified Spirit — See IS 323. B-3 CALCULATION B-2 PROCEDURE Matter insoluble in boiling water, IOOXMI Weigh accurately about 1 g of the material and transfer . percent by mass to a 500 m I beaker. If necessary, wet the material w ith M a little rectified spirit. Add to the beaker about 200 ml where of water and boil. Allow to settle and filter the Ml = mass in g of the residue, and supernatant liquid through a Gooch crucible. Wash the residue in the beaker with water and transfer M = mass in g of the material taken for the test.

IS 3959:2004

ANNEX C [Table 1, S1No. (ii)]


C-1 REAGENT sieve containing the residue on a stream bath. Transfer the residue onto a tared watch glass carefully and dry C-1.1 Denatured Spirit — Filtered. it to constant mass at 105 * 2 ‘C. C-2 PROCEDURE C-3 CALCULATION Place about 10 g of the material, accurately weighed, Material retained on the in the specified IS Sieve and wash by means ofa slow IOOXMI specified sieve, percent by mass = stream of running tap water and finally with fine stream M from a wash bottle until as much material as would where pass through the sieve has passed. In case the material is not easily wetted by water, the washing could be M, = mass in g of the residue retained on the started with a slow stream of filtered denatured spirit. specified sieve, and Let the water drain from the sieve and then dry the M = mass in g of the material taken for the test.

ANNEX D [Table 1, S1No. (iii)]



Weigh accurately about 5 g of the material in a Moisture and volatile matter, = 100x Ml porcelain or glass dish, about 6 to 8 cm in diameter percent by mass M and about 2 to 4 cm in depth. Dry in an air oven at a where temperature of 105 + 2 ‘C to constant mass (within + 5 mg). MI = loss in mass in g on drying, and

M = mass in g of the material taken for the test.

ANNEX E [Table 1, S/ No. (iv)]


E-1 PROCEDURE the suspension using a pH meter within 5 min of Take 10 g of the material in a 150 ml beaker and add making the suspension. In case of a material which 90 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water. Stir well to does not wet, the pH shall be determined on the make a thorough suspension. Determine the pH of filtrate.

4 IS 3959:2004

ANNEX F [Table 1,’71No. (v)]



The colour produced with hydrogen sulphide solution Weigh about 2.000 g of material in a crucible and heat is matched against that obtained with standard lead on a hot plate and then in a muffle furnace to ignite it Sollltion. at 600”C to constant mass. Add 3 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, warm (wait till no more dissolution F-2 APPARATUS occurs) and make up the volume to 100 ml. Filter the F-2.1 Nessler Cylinders — 50-ml capacity. solution. Transfer 25 ml of the filtrate into a Nesslw-’s cylinder. In the second Nessler’s cylinder, add 2 ml of F-3 REAGENTS dilute acetic acid, 1.0 ml of standard lead solution and make up the volume with water to 25 ml. F-3. I Dilute Hydrochloric Acid —Approximately 5 N. Add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution to each F-3.2 Dilute Acetic Acid — Approximately 1 N. Nessler cylinder and make up the volume with F-3.3 Dilute Ammonium Hydroxide — Approxi- water to 50 ml. Mix and allow to stand for 10 min. mately 5 N. Compare the colour produced in the two Nessler’s cylinders. Blank determination without samples are F-3.4 Hydrogen Sulphide Solution — Standard. recommended to avoid errors arising out of reagents. F-3.5 Standard Lead Solutlon — Dissolve 1.600 g F-5 RESULTS of lead nitrate in water and make up the solution to I 000 ml. Pipette out 10 ml of the solution and dilute The sample may be taken to have passed the test, if again to I 000 ml with water. One millilitre of this the colour developed in the sample solution is less than solution contain 0.01 mg of lead (as Pb). that of standard solution.


[Table 1, S’1No. (vi)]


G-1 OUTLINE OF THE METHOD G-2.3 Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid — LWe 1S 265. Arsenic present in a solution of the material is reduced to arsine, which is made to react with mercuric bromide G-2.4 Stannous Chloride Solution — Dissolve 80 g paper. The stain produced is compared with a standard of stannous chloride (SnClz 2HZO) in 100 m I of water stain. containing 5 ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid.

G-2 REAGENTS G-3 PROCEDURE G-2.1 Mixed Acid — Dilute one volume of concentrated Carry out the test as prescribed in IS 2088, adding into sulphuric acid with four volumes of water. Add 10 g of the Gutzeit bottle, 2 ml of Ferric ammonium sulphate sodium chloride for each 100 ml of the solution. solution, 0.5 ml ofstannous chloride solution and 25 ml G-2.2 Ferric Ammonium Sulphate Solution of sample solution as prepared in F-4. Dissolve 64 g of ferric ammonium sulphate in water For comparison, prepare a stain using 0.00 I mg of containing 10 ml of mixed acid and make up to one litre. arsenic trioxide.

[s 3959:2004

ANNEX H (Foreword)


Cosmetics Sectional Committee, PCD 19

Organ iz/t[ot7 ]

Dircc[ota[c General 01 lkal(b Services, NCIO Dcllli Sti[u AsI lWINl K(JM,\l{ (Chairman)

All lndia Small Seal L’ C[)smclic kfiUILlf’WtLlrCl-’SAswcia[ion. Sllal M. B. [lx3AI Mumbai SIIRI ~. M. CHOIWA (/[//erK//c’ ]) SI{KI S. CIIATI FRJEE (/~//cJ’ncJ/e [[)

13e11gdl Chemicals & l’llflrlll:iccLl(icals [.td. Kolkala DR SAJAL K. ROY L310WDIIURY DR A. K. MAN~AL (A/@nafe)

[’etl[Ial IJrugs I.abrmlory. Koikala [JR M. K. MAZLJMOER DR A. C. DAS GLJPTA (A//er/?a/e)

( ‘CIIIIal lnd Ia Pbarmacopocia 1.trbow(ory. (Ma,tiabad [M SANTLNI K. ‘1’ALwAR DR SUIWMAL DAS (Alkvwafc)

[’onsumr I Nacation and Rcsearcb Ccatrc. AIIIIIcLJabaLI [)R C. J. SIIISIIOO Slrto Y S. Yci.[.oru? (A//erilale)

(’ollsumcr ( ;uidamx Society, Mumbai SHRI N. (1. WAGLE DR S. G. BHAT (Akrwate)

(’ol:;l(e-l}allllf)livc (India) Ltd. Mmbui [h RAJ IQJHLI SiiRI SUNtL AGGARWAL (A/fermlfe I) DR NEENA SILiRMA (A//erna/e 11)

(’(]lllillissi~~t~cr, FOOLI& Drugs Administration. Mumbai SWLI K. l]. .$liENU1

Dahui- Rcxarcb I’oundation. Sahibabad DR N. M. SUNDER

Food & [)1-II:s (’ontrot AdnlinistratioD, Gujarat Slate, Gandbina:ar [l< B N. P,(rrx StiRmiA’rl R. B. DESAI (A//ems/e)

(i~drcl %aps I.(d, Mumbai SHRI A. RANGARAJAN [>R (SH10k4ATl) [

Hindust:ln I.ever Rescurcb Cenkc. Mumbai SHN V, R. DHANLKA SHrLI N. S. BIJLANi (A/fer/7a/e)

Fiygicr}ic Research lnslitute. Mumlmi SHW M. B. DJiSA[ SIIRI MANKH K. C} UiAJH\A (A//erwa/e)

1Indial) Soaps and ‘Ioilctrics Members Associa(irrn, Mumbai SHM R. I{ AILWARAN

Ii}hnsou & I(JIIIISOII Ltd. Mumbai DR hwL4N”r ABHYANKAR DR V. R. BAMBULKAR (Alternate)

].ady Invin (’ullcgc, Ncw Dclbi “rHE PRINCH,AL

Lady Afnrilbai Dogs College, Ntigpur DR (SHRIAMTI) S. B. KUL&\kNl

Maharishi Ayurvcd Products, Noida (U. P.) DK S. C. SAXENA SI au D. K, SHRWASTAVA (A//er/Ta/e)

Pmlcr & (iambic, Mumbai DR AtLUN VLswmATll Swumm S!lwmA PURANDARE (A/fertrute)

13aj;Ij %vasb ram. Udoipur Smr R. t. I+ INGER OR S. ADHl~ARl (Akwm)

Sbirl:ar Ltd. Mumbai SHRI V. K. !+NGH SHWMAT[ SWAT! SINGH (Alfermde)

Le’or’c;Il Indio Pvt I.ld. (Jmkrgaon. (kl.jarat [h ARCIIANA SHJ+O+ER

13al$ara l-lomc Products, Murnbai DR K. C. C;OLJNrJEN

Erwami I,imi( cd, Kolkatrr PROF B. K. GUFTA

6 IS 3959:2004

Orgulfization l

Mm-ico India Ltd, Mombai SIIRI R. MOHILE SHRI BENEDICT M. (Alferna/e)

(:avinharu I,td, Cbcnnai DR M. P. PRASALJ DR G.V. RAO (Alferrra/hw)

111SIIircctoratc General SIIRI ANJAN KAR, Director and [lead ([’CD) [Rcpresendng Director General (Ex-officw)l

Member Secre@y [h (Staumn) VIJAY MALW Dircctor(P(’D), BIS

Skin Care Products Subcommittee, PCD 19:3

I Iitd(lstiln 1.cvcr Research C’enlrc. Mambai SIIRI VINOD DHANUKA (Comwwr) Sm S. M. SHANIJHAG (,4/ferna[e)

lkmgid Chcn]icals & Pbarnmccolicrrk Ltd. Kolkato I)R S. ~llA~RALIORTY DR A. K, MANLJAL (Alfernak)

CadiIa I Icaltb Care Lid, Ahmedabad SHRI PANKAJ R. P~IEL

(’avill Karc l,ld, CIumnai DK G. SRlrRIY/4 SHRI L. ~llANOERSlll:~l l\R (.1/1#/’J7dd)

C’onsomcr tklocatioa and Rcscar’ch Ccntrc, Abmcdabad DR C. J. S]l]stloo SHRI Y. S. YELLORE (A//ertra/e)

ColgaW Palmolive (India) I.td. Mumbai DR RAJ KOIILI SI+RJ S. A~GARWAL (Ailerrrule 1)

DR (SIIWMATI) N. SI IARMA (A/m17ak 11)

lohIIson & lohnson ltd. Mumbai DR PRASHANT Aall~ANKAR DR V. R. BAMJNJLKAR (A//erna/e)

Maharishi Ayorvcd Prodacts, Noida (U. P.) Ek S. C. SAXENA SHRI D. K. Slau\)wr,~v,\ (A//er/la/e)

l’roc[cr & Gamble, Mumlmi SIUHMATI SItWETA PURAN~!RF [Xe AR(JN VISWANATII (A//erna/e)

Shingar I (d. Mombai SIIRI V. K. SINGll SllRlh4A”n SWATI SINrW (A//ww/e) 1,c’orcal lndia Pvt Ltd. Umbergaon. Gaiaral Du ARCt IANA SHEtOiER

7 1~1S IS :, Nli[LI~c.~ry ll)S[l(LitIOIl csta~, iishcd under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote lIJmIc~moLIs d~~~l[)~)[]i~])i ot the actit itics of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods ,IIId allcrld!llg to cf}rlnec!cd nl:]tters in [he c<~untry.

111S his tl)c Copyright of all its publications, No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form ii i~i]()(lt tll~ prior pcrnlissiorl in ~~,ritrrlg of B[S. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of I;nplcmcntin, g the standard, of ncccssary Llcttiils, sLIch as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations. I nquirrcs relating to copyright be addressed to the l>ir~ctor (Publications), BIS.

Review of”[ndiao Standards

.In]en,imcnts are Issued to standards as tbc need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed pcrr(xiicaliy: a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are r}ceded: if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards dmuld ascertain that they w-e In possession of the Iatcst amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of -1)1S c“atalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

‘ibis Indian Standmd has berm developed from Doc : No. PCD 19 (2223).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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