Lc061401 Minutes
NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Minutes of the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Thursday, June 14, 2001 Roughrider Room, State Capitol Bismarck, North Dakota Representative Wesley R. Belter, Chairman, called Following the recess, Chairman Belter presented the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. the proposed membership of the Administrative Rules Members present: Representatives Wesley R. Committee, to be chaired by Representative LeRoy G. Belter, LeRoy G. Bernstein, Merle Boucher, Duane Bernstein. It was moved by Representative DeKrey, Lois Delmore, Jeff Delzer, Scot Kelsh, Amy DeKrey, seconded by Senator Robinson, and Kliniske-Warnke, John Mahoney; Senators John M. carried on a voice vote that the proposed Andrist, Dwight Cook, Aaron Krauter, Tim Mathern, membership of the Administrative Rules Dave Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Bob Stenehjem Committee be approved. Member absent: Senator Judy Lee Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- Others present: Dale Wetzel, Associated Press, ship of the Advisory Commission on Intergovern- Bismarck mental Relations, to be chaired by Representative Janell Cole, The Forum, Bismarck Scot Kelsh. Chairman Belter announced that the law Ken Pascutoi, Dell Computer, St. Paul, Minnesota provides that the Legislative Council also name the Ken Svedjan, State Representative, Grand Forks vice chairman, and he announced that Senator Herb Max Laird, North Dakota Education Association, Urlacher was suggested as the vice chairman. It was Bismarck moved by Senator Cook, seconded by Represen- Ole Aarsvold, State Representative, Blanchard tative Delzer, and carried on a voice vote that the Brian Kramer, North Dakota Farm Bureau, proposed membership of the Advisory Commis- Bismarck sion on Intergovernmental Relations be approved. Blair Thoreson, State Representative, Fargo Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- Dick Dever, State Senator, Bismarck ship of the Agriculture Committee, to be chaired by Kim Koppelman, State Representative, West Senator Terry M.
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