Lc061401 Minutes

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Lc061401 Minutes NORTH DAKOTA LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Minutes of the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL Thursday, June 14, 2001 Roughrider Room, State Capitol Bismarck, North Dakota Representative Wesley R. Belter, Chairman, called Following the recess, Chairman Belter presented the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. the proposed membership of the Administrative Rules Members present: Representatives Wesley R. Committee, to be chaired by Representative LeRoy G. Belter, LeRoy G. Bernstein, Merle Boucher, Duane Bernstein. It was moved by Representative DeKrey, Lois Delmore, Jeff Delzer, Scot Kelsh, Amy DeKrey, seconded by Senator Robinson, and Kliniske-Warnke, John Mahoney; Senators John M. carried on a voice vote that the proposed Andrist, Dwight Cook, Aaron Krauter, Tim Mathern, membership of the Administrative Rules Dave Nething, Larry J. Robinson, Bob Stenehjem Committee be approved. Member absent: Senator Judy Lee Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- Others present: Dale Wetzel, Associated Press, ship of the Advisory Commission on Intergovern- Bismarck mental Relations, to be chaired by Representative Janell Cole, The Forum, Bismarck Scot Kelsh. Chairman Belter announced that the law Ken Pascutoi, Dell Computer, St. Paul, Minnesota provides that the Legislative Council also name the Ken Svedjan, State Representative, Grand Forks vice chairman, and he announced that Senator Herb Max Laird, North Dakota Education Association, Urlacher was suggested as the vice chairman. It was Bismarck moved by Senator Cook, seconded by Represen- Ole Aarsvold, State Representative, Blanchard tative Delzer, and carried on a voice vote that the Brian Kramer, North Dakota Farm Bureau, proposed membership of the Advisory Commis- Bismarck sion on Intergovernmental Relations be approved. Blair Thoreson, State Representative, Fargo Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- Dick Dever, State Senator, Bismarck ship of the Agriculture Committee, to be chaired by Kim Koppelman, State Representative, West Senator Terry M. Wanzek. It was moved by Repre- Fargo sentative Delzer, seconded by Representative Jack McDonald, North Dakota Newspaper Asso- Delmore, and carried on a voice vote that the ciation, Bismarck proposed membership of the Agriculture John M. Warner, State Representative, Ryder Committee be approved. Jay E. Buringrud, Jim W. Smith, Maryann Trauger, Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- Mary Janusz, J. D. Dvorak; Legislative Council, ship of the Budget Section, to be chaired by Repre- Bismarck sentative Ken Svedjan. It was moved by Senator Chairman Belter announced that Duane Lee, Robinson, seconded by Senator Stenehjem, and Senator Judy Lee’s husband, died Wednesday carried on a voice vote that the proposed morning and the funeral would be Saturday in West membership of the Budget Section be approved. Fargo. He expressed condolences on the part of all Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- the members of the Legislative Council to Senator ship of the Budget Committee on Government Admin- Lee and her family. istration, to be chaired by Senator Tim Mathern. It It was moved by Representative DeKrey, was moved by Representative Delzer, seconded seconded by Representative Delmore, and carried by Senator Cook, and carried on a voice vote that on a voice vote to dispense with the reading of the the proposed membership of the Budget minutes of the May 14, 2001, meeting and to Committee on Government Administration be approve the minutes as distributed. approved. Chairman Belter distributed copies of a proposed Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- committee structure. He said the suggested ship of the Budget Committee on Government Serv- committee membership was based primarily upon the ices, to be chaired by Representative Jeff Delzer. It preferences indicated by legislators in questionnaires was moved by Representative DeKrey, seconded after the last meeting. He said the Legislative Council by Representative Delzer, and carried on a voice would stand at ease while the members reviewed the vote that the proposed membership of the Budget proposed committee structure. Committee on Government Services be approved. Legislative Council 2 June 14, 2001 Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- ship of the Budget Committee on Health Care, to be ship of the Employee Benefits Programs Committee, chaired by Senator Judy Lee. It was moved by to be chaired by Representative Bette Grande. It was Representative Delmore, seconded by Represen- moved by Representative DeKrey, seconded by tative DeKrey, and carried on a voice vote that the Representative Delzer, and carried on a voice vote proposed membership of the Budget Committee that the proposed membership of the Employee on Health Care be approved. Benefits Programs Committee be approved. Chairman Belter presented the proposed member- Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- ship of the Budget Committee on Human Services, to ship of the Family Law Committee, to be chaired by be chaired by Representative Amy Kliniske-Warnke. Representative John Mahoney. It was moved by It was moved by Representative DeKrey, Representative DeKrey, seconded by Senator seconded by Senator Robinson, and carried on a Robinson, and carried on a voice vote that the voice vote that the proposed membership of the proposed membership of the Family Law Budget Committee on Human Services be Committee be approved. approved. Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- ship of the Garrison Diversion Overview Committee, ship of the Commerce Committee, to be chaired by to be chaired by Senator Aaron Krauter. It was Senator John M. Andrist. It was moved by Senator moved by Senator Mathern, seconded by Repre- Krauter, seconded by Senator Stenehjem, and sentative Boucher, and carried on a voice vote carried on a voice vote that Senator Carolyn that the proposed membership of the Garrison Nelson be added as a member of the Commerce Diversion Overview Committee be approved. Committee and that the proposed membership of Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- the Commerce Committee be approved. ship of the Higher Education Committee, to be Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- chaired by Senator Dave Nething. It was moved by ship of the Corrections Committee, to be chaired by Representative DeKrey and seconded by Senator Representative Duane DeKrey. It was moved by Stenehjem that the proposed membership of the Representative Mahoney, seconded by Senator Higher Education Committee be approved. It was Robinson, and carried on a voice vote that the moved by Senator Nething, seconded by Repre- proposed membership of the Corrections sentative DeKrey, and carried on a voice vote that Committee be approved. the motion be amended to assign Section 4 of Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- Senate Bill No. 2020, relating to workforce training ship of the Education Committee, to be chaired by and development programs, to the Commerce Senator Dwight Cook. It was moved by Represen- Committee instead of the Higher Education tative Delzer, seconded by Senator Stenehjem, Committee. Chairman Belter then called for a vote and carried on a voice vote that the proposed on the main motion, and the motion to approve membership of the Education Committee be the proposed membership and studies of the approved. Higher Education Committee as amended was Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- carried on a voice vote. ship of the Electric Industry Competition Committee, Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- to be chaired by Representative Al Carlson. In ship of the Information Technology Committee, to be answer to a question from Senator Krauter, Repre- chaired by Senator Larry J. Robinson. It was moved sentative Belter said Senator Christmann is not on the by Senator Nething, seconded by Senator Cook, proposed membership of the Electric Industry Compe- and carried on a voice vote that the proposed tition Committee because he is on the proposed list membership of the Information Technology for the Legislative Redistricting Committee and, Committee be approved. because he is the assistant majority leader, he auto- Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- matically serves on a number of other committees. ship of the Judiciary A Committee, to be chaired by Senator Krauter suggested that Senator Tomac either Representative Merle Boucher. It was moved by be added to the membership of the Electric Industry Representative DeKrey, seconded by Representa- Competition Committee or that Senator Tomac tive Mahoney, and carried on a voice vote that the replace Senator Robinson on the committee. Repre- proposed membership of the Judiciary A sentative Belter said he had attempted to recognize Committee be approved. experience and provide a balance of interests in Chairman Belter reviewed the proposed member- selecting the proposed membership for this commit- ship of the Judiciary B Committee, to be chaired by tee. It was moved by Representative DeKrey, Representative Lois Delmore. It was moved by seconded by Representative Delzer, and carried Senator Stenehjem, seconded by Senator Nething, on a voice vote that the proposed membership of and carried on a voice vote that the motion at the the Electric Industry Competition Committee be last meeting to not approve House Concurrent approved. Resolution No. 3022, relating to the study of the Legislative Council 3 June 14, 2001 use of incentive programs as a way of keeping elk Representative Boucher
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