Etn1961 Vol07 24

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Etn1961 Vol07 24 I ,r I ' \ ' Vol. 7, No. 24 July 19, 196,1 - Semi .-Montllly $,6 per year by first class mail Edited by Hal Bateman · Page 187 . ) FORElGN NE;WS . r ,- .{ , .·. .. LEIPZIG, GERMANY, June 28: Hoykinpuro (Finland) 14:07.2; Jijannemann 14:07.4n; : ·,) I' Pfe~i'!)'7i"; Beer;'2418¾''; Milde 175'9½"; Frost 244'9". •. ' · I · , •\ \ 1 1 ·, POTSDAM, GERMA,NY, June 24: Janke 8:08.2; A. Mikhailov (µSSR) 14.0; ,Lips~is 1 1 (USSR)' 57 8 '; ,Bukhantsev (USSR) 1~1:s."; Lyakhov .(USSR) 178'11½''; Bakarinov (USSR) 213'8". l ' , ' f -' '1 .. W.LAINZ,GERWu\NY,June 27: Ste'inbac)l 24'9½"; Lingnau 56'1½", ' . PARIS, July 8: 100m, Be.rruti (ltaly) ,l'.O. 3; Delec;our 10. 5. ,400H, Morale (Italy) 50. 5; > / 1r Janz (Germany) 50. 7. :~ Moens (Be~gium)•1:50.a; ,Schmidt (Germany) 1:50. 6~ Jazy 1:51,5-. .,..) :. ' 1500, Bernard 3:45 .• 8; Verheuen (Belgium) 3:45. 9.~ Meconi (Italy) 61'1"; Urbach (Ger- 1 many) 5,7'1¼". ~ Veron 24'7¼". 5,0oo, ,·Flossbach (Oermhny) 14:2-1.;4; Bogey l4;2 ,1.8.J1L 1 82 '; ' < Macquet 255 C. Lievore ( 251 '2½"; PV, Lehnertz (G~rmany) .14 '5¼"i Barras (Swit'- 1 zerlandr 14'5¼". 400R, France 40. 4; Italy 40. 5; Germany 40. 9. July 9: 4·001 Kaispr (Ger- ., ::~, l ' many) 46, 6; Bruder (Switzerland) 46. 6. llOHH, Svara (ItaJy) 14. 4. 3000SC ~ Bohme (Ger- . ·t many) 8:58. 4. 200t, Berruti 20, 8; Delecour 2·1. O; Germ iar (Germany) 2.~. o,·.!iJi.Idr~ss 6 18¾''\. DT, koch (Hdllabd) 17'/ '9½"; Alard 176'1½'' (natio~al record). · - 'StARBRUCKEN, GERWu\NY, July 10: Jerome (Canada) 10~4; Sardt_(Italy) 20.8; Singh (India) 147.'0; S.chmidt 1:51, 6;, Ohlemann ·,(Canada) 1:51."7ni_Bertoia ,(Canada) 1:53. 3n; Lingnau 58 t8,lt1 .. ' I ' ' . I • . ) • 4 • f •· ~ • ' ' ' . ""\ ' SOLINGEN, GER!v1ANY, July 6: Jerome (Canada) _10."4; Mcinelt 1:50. 9; Klinkenberg 1 I 1:-50. 9n; B,ertoia (Canada) 1:51. 4ni Ohlemnnn (Canadzj.) 1;52.1; Grodotzki 3:45.4; Zimny: (Pol- /' l , ,. and) 13:49. 6; Fl~s~bach 13;52·.4n; Janke 14;05, Sn; I?isI:ie 14107,4n; S,idlo (Poforid) 257'6½", L '' HELSINKI, July 5: 100m,An!:Uo (K~nya,), 10~6 (~O. 4 ~n heat). 400, Brightwell (Great ~­ Britain) 46. 6i Olis Williams (USA) ·46. 7; Piummc:i;-,{USA) 46. ,7; Singh ,(India) 46, 8',' 800 1 Snell (New Zealand) 1:47. 6; Matuschewski (Germany) 1:48. 4t Salbn9n 1:48. 7; Ketl;' (West Indies) 1:48.~; Mocns (BClgium) 1:49.2; Balke (Germany) ,1:49~8; ,0upr¢e (USA) 1:52,0, ,5,000 7-Hal,- berg {New· Zeala.IJ4) 13: 5_7. 4; Pirie (Great Britain). 14:02, 2; ,Hoykinpuro 14:05. O; Truex (USA) ,14:06, 8; Heatley (Great >~r~tain.) 14:0~;8 : (Glohessy,. Australia, lltl1Jn •i4:44. of._HOH, Chist­ yakov (USSR) 14. 3; Malan (Soutp. Africa) . M. 3~. ,·1~Avant (USA) 6'10f'; BJ, Schmidt (Poland) . 25'1½"; YaH;:ama 24'11¼"; Olod!tan (Nigeria) 24 7,,/\ SP, Silve ,st~t '(USA) 59'19-~"; Sosgornik . (Polandr 58'7j ,"; Lucking (Great -Britain) 57'10£"; Botha (South Africa) 56',10¼"; Karas~oy • (US-:-,. , 1 11 '\ SR) 56'10! ·"; ,Humphteys (USA) 54 ¾ , .J.'L.Kulcsar (Hungar 'y) 219'11½"; Kuisma 2':19!.11½'!, July ), i r" I 6: 200, Jones (GB) 21. 3.; Amu (Nigeria) 21. 3. 1500, . Beany ' (USA) 3:42. ,J; Salonen 3:,.14. •1; l Rozsavolgyi (Hungo.ry) 3:44. 6;' H~ith (GB) 3:44. 7;. Barris (Spain) 3:45. 5; Vamos r(Rurn4nia) 3:46, ,1; Sullivan XRhodesia) 3:46. -7; Waern (Sweden) 3:48. o. ,10,000 ; Magee (New Zea ,land) 2•8: 50. 8;,'Power (Australia) 28:56: 6; Anentia (Kenya) 29: 14.. O;Bulli:vant (GB) 29: l9 : 0; Vagg (Australia) 29:,13, 5. 400H, Rintamaki . 51, 6. 3000SC, Buhl (Ger,!Uarty) 8:39. 8; Krzys 1zkowia _k . (Poland) _8:11. 6; Tcdcnby (Sweden) 8:50.4; Siren 8!50. 6. PY~La,ufer 1(Gcrmany) 14'11 ."; Preuss~ , • ger (Germany) 14'7¼"'/ HSJ~· sc ,hmidt (Pola~ .) 53' .4"; Rah~a_mo 151 'l;i'\_DT, Silvester 19,4'5½"; Malan (South Africa) 187'6"; Humphr:ey~ 185'2"; Lindroos 177'9½". HT, Cieply (Poland) 209t4"; Nikulin (USSR) 204'4"; Zsiv ,otsky (Hungary) , 202'3}"., Pa:gani (USA)' 6tih at 193'.:1". > , . -, 1 MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, Juric 24: ,Wiggs ,($alukis) 13:34~ S {3.'rniles); Rowe 60'3½". '-l f; ...h EDINBURGH, SCOT.LAND,June 24: Fnirhrother 6 18½". , , , . '... ... ·. ' ,,,1" . GATESHEAD, ENGLAND, July J: Sn~ll (NZ) 1:50. 4y; Philpott (NZ) 1:51. Ohy; HaU,,erg ' -,, r, ~(~ , . (NZ) 4: 93, 4; ;Simpson '4: Q3, 7,I?.;Tayfor 4:04. On; An1erson 4: 04, 7n; Rowe 5.7'9¼"• ..••. ': ·\ , .· .. ,, 1t 11 ::t:•'i::, '~KUQPib1 F~N.Ll\ND,June 3,0: Rintamaki 5~,~8;,~uisrna 256,'ll. • ·\°\.,;, \, ' J ✓,\ • ,';-. \ ,, '. • ,, 11j ' ' l ( ' ' f 'J'' I ' ·. t . [. '\1' 1 '.,:f')\f:\,",{, < ' ; ~."' ;' ; ', , •\. \, y- , , ,J ' ,' ) ,. ',, / I ,, ' • I ~, ,• : \ ,. 1 . ' ·· J ( .X,\',I' . , . ' Page 188 i_ July 19, ' 1961 ·, . JYVAESKYLAE; +FINLAND, Jµly 7: 2 MHes~ Halberg (NZ) 8:30. 0 (world record); Hoy- , .0 kinpuFo 8:44_. 6. 800, Snell (NZ) 1:48. 8; Salonen 1:49.1. 1500, V/.aern (S;weden) 3:44. 3; Barris (Spain/ 3:45.7; -Larsson (Sweden) 3:47.2 ..J:!1._Hellcn 6'8i". PV,-Ank:io 14'~". DT, Lammi 176'62'r; Malan (South Africa} 176'4½"; Lindroos 175'7". 400H,Rintamaki 51.2. · " OSLO, NORWAY, July 8: Metcalfe (Great Britain} 45, 8; Singh (India) 46. 4n. 1 11 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN,Pettersson 6 loi , . ·, , / i . .. MISC. RUSSIAN RESULTS: Okukov 53'1!"; Reinsprerik 58'6"; Niemanichine 10.4; " Nlkojenko 10. 4; Kodiatchcnko 10. 4; Iniac}Jine 6'8¾"; Ter-Ovan:esyan 10. 6. HULL, ENGLAND: Rowe 61'5¼''; Merriman 13:37,4 (3 miles) • 1 11 .. POZNAN, POLAND: Schmidt 10.4, 25'3½,"; Sosgornik 59 7 , :HELSINK1, RINLAND, July 10: Kerr ~Vest Indies) 46. 3; Rintamaki 46. 9n (Snell, NZ, , fifth in 49. 4); Salonen 3:48, 4; Halberg (NZ) 3:48. 4n, / BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, July 8: Kowalski (Poland) 46~ 3; Szentgali 3:43, O; Par sch 3:43. 5n; Berisford (GB} 3:43. 9n; ;vamos (Rumania} 3:44. 3n; Tulloh (GB) 13:52,. S; Rozsavolgyi 111 13! 59. 3n; Szabo 14: 00. 8n; A. Mikhailov (USSR) 13. 8w; Krasovskis (USSR) 14 '9 ; Var ju 60'4¾''; Frost (Germany) 248'3". July 9: Szecsenyi 186'3"; Bukhantsev (USSR) 178'4"; Csutoras 21.2; Korda 1: 50. 3; Simon 8:43. 6; Zsivotsky ' 212 18". · MUNICH, GERMANY: Urbach 59'3". COLOGNE, GERMANY, July 12: Jerome (Canada) 10. 3; Berruti (Italy) 20. 8; Gcrmar 21. ln; Kaiser 46. ~; Singh (India) 47. On; Snell (NZ) 1:48, 6; Schmidt 1:48, 8n; Klinkenberg ' 1:49. 5n;.Halbcrg (NZ} 7: 59. 6; Watschke 8:04. 8n; Allonsius (Belgium) 8:05. 5n; Bohme 8: 06. On; - Magee (NZ) 8:06. 4n; Janz 51. O; Wagner 51. 9n; Idriss (France) 6'7½"; Lingnau 57 1 9¾''; Sidlo (Poland} 253'3½"; Cavalli (Italy) 50 19¾". ~ . , USA 124, USSR 111, Moscow, July 15: 100m, Budd (US) 10.3; Drayton {US) 10.4; Prok- horovskj.y (USSR) 10. 5; Vinogradov (USSR) 10. 6. HT, Rudenkov (USSR) 217'7½"; B.akarinov (USSR) ~12'11½"; Pagani (US) 188 15½"; Backus (US) 183'½". 400R, US Gones, Budd, frazier, . Drayton) 39.1 (world record); USSR (Ozolin, Bartenyev, Konovalov, Politiko) 39.,1 (Euro­ pean record). 20-km .Walk, Soldov (USSR) 1:38:11. 2; Panichkin (USSR), 1:39:30. 4; Mortland ,, 1 (US) 1:42:23. 6; Zinn (US) 1:44:58. 2. 800, ,Siebert (US) 1:46. 8; Dupre~ (US) 1:,.17.3; Savinkov '; (USSR) 1~47. 4 (national _record); Bulishev (USSR) 1:48. 2. 400, Williams (US) 46, 7; Plummer (US) 46. 9; Rac}?.manov (USSR) 47. O; Arkhipchuk (USSR) 47. 6. llOHH, Jones (US} 13. 8,; A. Mikhailov (USSR) ·1a. 9; Washington (US) 13, 9; Chistyakov (USSR) 13. 9. SP, Gubner (US) 60'7½"; Silvester (US) 60'5½"; Lipsnis (USSR) 59'5"; Varanauskas (USSR) 58'4". PV, Uelses (US) 15'4½"; Wadsworth (US) 15'1' 1; Krasovskis (USSR) 14'9"; Petrenko (USSR} 14'5¼'r:-To, 000, Zakharov (USSR) 29:34. 4; Virku~ (USSR) 29:43. O; Gutknecht (US) 30: 13. 8; Kitt (US) 32:47. 8. HSJ, Kreyer (USSR) 54'8¾"; Fyedoseyev ,(USSR) 52 18¼"; Sharpe (US) 51'4"; FloE!rke (US) 50'7½". July 16: - . 200, Bt1;dd20 _. 8; Ozolin (tJSSR) 21.. 1; Prokhorovskiy 21, 1; Drayton disqtt~lified. 1500, Beatty (US) 3;43, 8; Grelle (US), 3:45. 3; Byelitskiy (USSR) 3:46. 2; Savinkov 3:48.8. 5,000, Bolotnikov • ~ . (USSR) 13:58. 4; Truex (US) 14:05.4; Samoilov (USSR} 14: 14. 8; Clark (US) 14:45. 4, 400H, Cush­ ma,n (US) 50. 5; Chevichalov (USSR) 51, 2; Farmer (US) 51. 6; Korenyevsldy (USSR) 52. O. 3000- ,, SC~ Sokolov (USSR) 8:35. 4; Young (US) 8:38. O (national record); Natoditskiy (USSR) 8:58. 4; -, ... C. Jones (US) 9:09,Z. H1.__1Br,umel (USSR) 7•4t"(world record); Thomas (US) 7'2¼"; Avant ~ (US) 6'1~1"; Shavlakadze (USSR) 6'8¾''·~ Boston (US) 27'2"; Ter-Ovanesyan (USSR) 26'3¼"; , Watson (US) 25'11"; Vaupas (USSR) 25 4i '. DT, Silvester ,191'9½"; Bukhantsev (USSR) 184"10½"; ;, Humphreys (US) 182'_7"; Metsur (USSR) 175'4". JT,Tsibulenko (USSR) 272'8"; Vlad. Kuznyet­ sov (USSR} 268'6½"; Fromm (US) 229 111½"; Wilkinson (US) 229'. 1600R, US (Plummer, Frazier, Y 0W1g, Williams) 3: 08. 8; USSR 3: 11. 6. Decathlon: Kutyenko (USSR) 7, 615 pts.
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