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April 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E549 the Cold War. These experiences taught him Carlisle’s Board of Directors, and serves on long and reputable career includes many pro- the importance of coalition building and the many other non-profit boards, such as the fessional accomplishments that reflect the cal- interconnectedness of humanity; lessons he Cumberland County Economic Development iber of his leadership and service. carried with himself into his professional life on Corporation, the Cumberland County Industrial Sheriff Gossage joined the police depart- Capitol Hill. Development Authority, and the Pennsylvania ment in May 1987 and proved himself a nat- Ted committed his life to service and was State Workforce Investment Board. ural leader. He worked hard and steadily rose known throughout the halls of Congress for his I believe we can all take a cue from Mr. in the department as he mastered numerous compassion, leadership, and his pragmatic ap- Tuckey’s inspiring story and his personal life-saving skills from law enforcement oper- proach to politics. Ted was a trusted advisor motto of ‘‘service above self,’’ as a guiding ations to public-safety issues. He became the to numerous members of Congress, including principle. This award is proof that hard work chief deputy under former sheriff Dennis former House Republican Leader Bob Michel, and quality service do not go unnoticed, and Kocken’s administration, and quickly received of Illinois, Representative Nancy Johnson, of that a positive impact on the region is widely the endorsements of Mr. Kocken and other Connecticut, and, ultimately, the 51st Speaker recognized. previous sheriffs in his campaign for county of the House. Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing leadership. Ted’s most enduring physical legacy in the Mr. Tuckey for all he has done and continues Sheriff Gossage has served with distinction U.S. Capitol is the Capitol Visitors Center, to do for the Carlisle community and congratu- in what he calls ‘‘the finest law enforcement which enhances the visitor experience for late him on receiving the Cumberland County agency in the nation.’’ Brown County is the three to five million visitors a year. From his Friends of Scouting Award. oldest sheriff’s office in Wisconsin, but Sheriff position in the Speaker’s office, Ted played an f Gossage has faced many challenging cases instrumental role in the completion of the throughout his tenure. Nevertheless, he has building, which was created in the wake of the PERSONAL EXPLANATION provided steady leadership during times of Capitol shooting in 1998 and the terrorist at- change and supported his department while tacks in 2001. The Capitol Visitors Center HON. RODNEY P. FRELINGHUYSEN protecting Northeast Wisconsin communities. safeguards millions of visitors every year and OF NEW JERSEY The historic Brown County sheriff’s office, will remain a lasting memory of Ted’s abilities. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Gossage once observed, is much like the His ability to build consensus, combined with Green Bay Packers—a local institution rich Thursday, April 26, 2018 the care and compassion he had for those with traditions, achievements, and pride. There around him, made its completion possible. Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN. Mr. Speaker, on is no doubt that Sheriff Gossage will be We mourn the passing of Ted Van Der rollcall No. 153, on passage of H.R. 3144, I missed by the officers who worked and served Meid, a friend and colleague to many. He left am not recorded. Had I been present, I would with him, the county officials who depended a lasting impact on those who had the pleas- have voted ‘‘aye.’’ on him, and members of the communities he ure of working with him and his memory will f helped keep safe. As Sheriff Gossage steps be forever entwined in the fabric of the Cap- down to pursue other opportunities, I have no PETE YAZZIE-RODRIGUEZ itol. doubt that he will continue to serve well. f Mr. Speaker, I urge all members of this HON. ED PERLMUTTER body to join me in commending Mr. Gossage HONORING MR. KENNETH L. OF COLORADO for his service as sheriff and his long career TUCKEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES protecting the great state of Wisconsin. HON. LOU BARLETTA Thursday, April 26, 2018 f OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH BIRTHDAY OF JOSEPH P. SILVA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize and applaud Pete Yazzie- Rodriguez for receiving the Arvada Wheat Thursday, April 26, 2018 Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor Pete Yazzie-Rodriguez is a student at Ar- OF MASSACHUSETTS to recognize Mr. Kenneth L. Tuckey, who is vada West High School and received this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES receiving the Cumberland County Friends of award because his determination and hard Scouting Award. I know I will be neither the work have allowed him to overcome adversi- Thursday, April 26, 2018 first, nor the last, to applaud Mr. Tuckey for ties. Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in this well-deserved honor. The dedication demonstrated by Pete recognition of Joseph Silva, a resident of New The Friends of Scouting Award is given to Yazzie-Rodriguez is exemplary of the type of Bedford, Massachusetts, who turned 100 individuals who have shown exceptional sup- achievement that can be attained with hard years young on Thursday, April 12th. port for their local Boy Scouts of America pro- work and perseverance. It is essential stu- Joseph has dedicated his life to serving his grams. Cumberland County’s division of Boy dents at all levels strive to make the most of community and country. In World War II he Scouts has chosen Mr. Tuckey as their hon- their education and develop a work ethic was drafted into the U.S. Army, serving two oree this year for his outstanding community which will guide them for the rest of their lives. years in North Africa and another in Italy. Dur- service and his ambassadorship for the Boy I extend my deepest congratulations to Pete ing his service, Joseph attained the rank of Scouts. Yazzie-Rodriguez for winning the Arvada staff sergeant for the 22nd Quarter Master A lifelong resident of South Central Pennsyl- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Battalion, Company A. vania, Mr. Tuckey has long been a pillar of the award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the Upon returning home, Joseph joined the Carlisle community. Throughout his storied ca- same dedication and character in all of his fu- New Bedford Fire Department, and remains reer, he has helped his community both eco- ture accomplishments. the first and only Cape Verdean to achieve the nomically and through countless volunteer f rank of deputy chief. Joseph served at the Fire ventures. Department for thirty-six years, where he rou- Mr. Tuckey owns and operates Tuckey Me- IN RECOGNITION OF SHERIFF tinely encouraged other Cape Verdeans to chanical Services, Inc., Tuckey Metal Fabrica- JOHN R. GOSSAGE apply, even inviting them into his home to tors, Inc., and Tuckey Restorations, Inc. , and study for the firefighter’s exam. On his days has led each of these companies to success. HON. MIKE GALLAGHER off he worked as a longshoreman for nineteen For instance, Tuckey Mechanical Services, OF WISCONSIN years. Inc., just celebrated its 50th anniversary this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1950, Joseph married Julia Barros. The year. He and his wife, Marsha, have two sons, two would go on to have two daughters to- Matthew and Nathan, who also work in the Thursday, April 26, 2018 gether and today Joseph is a proud grand- family businesses. Through his work, Mr. Mr. GALLAGHER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today father. Joseph has remained active in his Tuckey has been integral in the revitalization to recognize Mr. John R. Gossage’s 31 years community, receiving the Marian Medal from and historic preservation of downtown Carlisle. of service in law enforcement, including two the Dioceses of Fall River for his dedicated Additionally, Mr. Tuckey contributes to his terms as Brown County sheriff, and the suc- service, and serving on his church’s Building community as Board Chairman of the Univer- cessful legacy he leaves as Brown County’s and maintenance Committee until just five sity of Pittsburgh Medical Center Pinnacle- top law enforcement officer. Sheriff Gossage’s years ago. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:33 Apr 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26AP8.018 E26APPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 26, 2018 Mr. Silva’s children and grandchildren speak When her husband became President, she RECOGNIZING ALLIE INGALLS incredibly highly of him, noting the value he dedicated her life to supporting literacy efforts, placed on education, as well as the impor- and it was during this time that she started her HON. SANDER M. LEVIN tance of listening and understanding. non-profit, the Barbara Bush Foundation for OF MICHIGAN Mr. Speaker, I am proud to honor Joseph Family Literacy. Once her husband left office IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Silva on this joyous occasion of his 100th and moved back to Texas, she continued to birthday. I ask that my colleagues join me in devote her life to her non-profit and later Thursday, April 26, 2018 wishing him many more years of health and served as an ambassador-at-large for Mr. LEVIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- happiness. AmeriCares. ognize Allie Ingalls from Royal Oak High f Today, I honor former First Lady Barbara School.