Chicago, IL 60614 Economic Opportunity 773-388-8839 Eric Lipp
SYCONTENTS EA SChicago ACCES INSIDER TIPS Photo: Matthew Gilson Visitor Information Centers Free Accessible Trolleys Chicago has three downtown Visitor Information Chicago’s free trolleys are a friendly, fun and acces- Centers. Chicago Cultural Center, 77 E. Randolph sible way to get to the city’s most popular attractions. St., Mon.–Fri. 10am–6pm, Sat. 10am–5pm, Sun. They run from late May to early September on five 11am–5pm, closed holidays. Chicago Water Works, separate routes—Navy Pier, Shopping, Metra/Navy 163 E. Pearson St., daily 7:30am–7pm, closed Pier, Metra/Museum Campus and Lincoln Park. Thanksgiving and Christmas. Millennium Park A route map with service times is available at Visitor Welcome Center, 201 E. Randolph St., daily Information Centers and at 10am–4pm. Information counters are also available transportation/trolleys. Only trolleys displaying a at Midway and O’Hare Airports. Call Chicago sign marked “Free Trolleys” are free of charge. Visitor Information toll-free at 877-244-2246 or 866-710-0294 TTY. Free Tours from Chicago Greeter Get an inside perspective on the Windy City, with Chicago’s Street Numbering System more than 40 special interest areas and 25 neighbor- Chicago street numbers start at State and Madison hoods to choose from. These free 2 to 4-hour tours, downtown. State Street divides east and west guided by local volunteers, all begin at the Visitor addresses and Madison Street divides north and Information Center at 77 E. Randolph. For details, south addresses. Even-numbered addresses are call 312-744-8000 or go to
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