CZECHS AND GERMANS • A STUDY OF THE STRUGGLE IN THE HISTORIC PROVINCES OF BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA The Royall~titute of International Affairs is an unofficial and non-political body, founded in 1920 to encourdge. and facilitate the scientijie study of international. questions. The Institute, as s-Uch, is precluded by its rules from expressing an opinion on any aspect of international affairs; opinions expre:s:sed in this book are, therefore, · purely individual. CZECHS AND GERMANS A STUDY OF THE STRUGGLE IN THE HISTORIC PROVINCES OF BOHEMIA AND MORAVIA


OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON : NEW YORK : TORONTO Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International AJ!airt 1938 OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AIIIEN HOUSE, E.C. 4 London Edinburgh Glasgow New York T01011to Melbourne Capetown Bombay Calcutta Madras HUMPHREY MILFORD l'liBUSBl!R TO TIIB 11111VllRSITY

PRINTED IN OIUIAT BRITAIN PREFACE HIS book was undertaken at the invitation of the Royal Insti­ T tute of International Affairs as the third in a series of studies initiated by the Institute on the practical results of the territorial provisions of the Peace Settlement in problematical areas. The previous volumes in the series were The Peace Settlement in the German-Polish Borderlands, by Ian F. D. Morrow, and Hungary and Her Successors, by C. A. Macartney. The present study has been precipitately overtaken by the rushing course of events; the German annexation of Austria in March 1938 transformed the Central European situation just as the book was going to press, and must, I fear, help to account for statements which may become suddenly obsolete. It is impossible for me to attempt to cover developments since March 1938. I can only hope that my work will help to provide some explanatory background to the ~ight Henleinist demands made at Carlsbad on April 24th and to any consequences which these demands may precede. .. A word of explanation seems necessary as to my use of place­ names. Here the need to hasten publication has prevented con­ sistent revision. I intended always to use the language of the majority in any town or district at the period about which I was writing, with the alternative name in brackets. In the historical chapters, however, the German names alone have often been used, not as indicative of the majority in such and such a century, but rather on account of their naturally greater familiarity to an English public. No political implication whatever is intended. I have only had the opportunity to acquire a distant familiarity with Czech, and am only too well aware that this lays me open to criticism. It would be difficult to find an adequate way to thank every one who has helped me to gather the material for this book. .Froin officials and laymen, from Czechs and Germans throughout the Historic Provinces, I have encountered unwearying kindness. .I want also to use this opportunity to thank every one concerned at Chatham House, and, in addition, one or two personal friends without whose sympathy it would have been very much more difficult to have written the book to its end. It should perhaps be repeated that only I am responsible for the statements made and the opinions expressed. April, I938. ELIZABETH WISKEMANN. CONTENTS I. BEFORE THE WHITE MOUNTAIN


III. 1848 19


VIII. WAR ·• 70 IX. BETWEEN WAR AND PEACE 79 X. THE PEACE CONFERENCE • 87 XI. THE GERMANS IN 97 (i) Northern Bohemia . . 97 (a) North-Eastern Bohemia 97 (b) The Lignite Area 99 (c) Karlsbad 100 (d) Egerland IOI (ii) The Bohmerwald and Southern Bohemia: 'Language- Islands' . 105 (iii) Moravia 109 (iv) Southern Silesia I 14

XII. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1919-1933 n8 (i) Negativism n8 (ii) Foreign Policy of Dr. Bene~; Relations with Germany 127 (iii) Activism ·• 131 (iv) Nationalists, Nazis, and Youth 134

XIII. THE ECONOMIC ASPECT • • 140 (i) Financial Policy 140 (ii) Land Reform 147 (iii) Industry • 160 {iv) Difficulties with Germany over Commerce and Cur­ rency Questions . (v) Labour

XIV. THE RISE OF THE SUDETEN 197 ~· . CONTENTS XV. CULTURAL QUESTIONS 207 (i) Elementary Schools 207 (ii) Public Libraries and Adult Education 21 x (iii) Secondary Schools • 211 (iv) Teachers and Inspectors 2U (v) 'High Schools' 212 (vi) The Role of Prague 216 (vii) Theatre and Opera 219 (viii) Effect of the Reich German Revolution of 1933 221 (ix) The Jewish Question 226 (x) The Catholic Church in the Historic Provinces 228 (xi) The Hlucin (Hultschin) Territory . 23 I XVI. SINCE THE ELECTIONS OF 1935 · • 235 (i) From the Elections in May 1935 to the Eger Speech in June 1936 235 (ii) From June 1936 to March 1938: the Agreement of February x8th, 1937 251 XVII., IN CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX MAPS Development of German Settlements in Bohemia, 17oo-x8oo Facingp. IO Distribution of Minorities in Czechoslovakia, based on a Czecho- slovak source • Facing p. n8 Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia • at end Distribution of Sudeten German population in Bohemia and Moravia-Silesia, based on map in Die Tschechoslowakei. im Spiegel tier Statistik, by Erwin Winkler at end BIBLIOGRAPHY IT would be almost impossible to mention all the newspapers and pamphlets which it has been necessary to consult in writing this book; I am therefore not attempting to make a list of them. Direct references are given in the footnotes. Of the vast quantities of propagandistic publications which have been sponsored by the Czechoslovak Government on the one side and Herr Henlein's (S.d.P.) on the other, it has not seemed worth while to mention more than the most important, since the attitude taken up is usually so far from objectivity. Monsieur Chmellir's The German Problem in Czechoslooakia and Monsieur Sobota's Das tschecho­ slooakische Nationalitlitenrecht are, however, too valuable to omit, and Herr Henlein's speeches in spricht deserve to be studied. R. Jung's Die Tschechen should be read as symptomatic; I cannot recollect so virulent an attack by a Czech upon the Germans. (i) Official Publications AusTRIA-HUNGARY Stenographische Protokolle tiber die Sitzungen des Hauses der Abgeordneten des Reichsrates. Process Georg Ritter von SchOnerer-Neues Wiener Tageblatt. _ Vienna, 1888. CZECHOSLOVAKIA Administracru Zprava obce ••• Prahy za rok 1896 &c. (Archives of the City of Prague.) Statistische Jahrbticher der CSR Zpravy statniho Ufadu statistickeho Republiky Ceskoslovenske (Mit­ teilungen der Cechoslovakischen Republik). GERMANY AuswlRTIGES AMT: Die grosse Politik der europaischen Kabinette, t87I-1914. Berlin, 19ZZ-7· GREAT BRITAIN DEPARTMENT OF OVERSEAS Tlw>E: Reports on Economic Conditions in Czechoslovakia. FOREIGN OFFICE: Bohemia and Moravia. (Peace Handbooks, issued by the Historical Section of the Foreign Office, No.4.) London, 1919. British Documents on the Origins of the War, I898-1914. Edited by G. P. Gooch and Harold Temperley. 12 vols. London, 1926-38. (ii) Other Books (a) Books and periodicals dealing with the period up to and including the Peace Conference · BAUER (Otto): Die Nationalitatenfrage und die Sozialdemokratie. Vienna, I 907. BEN'Fl (Eduard): Svetova vatka a na§e revoluce. Prague, 1927. (Ger­ man translation: Die Aufstand der Nationen, Berlin, 1928.) BRETHOLZ (Professor Bertold): Geschichte Bohmens und Miihrens his zum Aussterben der Pfemysliden. 4 vols. Reichenberg, 1921-5. CAJTHAML (F.): Obrazky z 'DeutschbOhmen' (Sketches from German Bohemia). Prague, 19Z3· BIBLIOGRAPHY Cechische Revue: Published in Prague by Dr. Arnost Kraus. 1907-12.: CHARMATZ (R.): Oesterreichs innere Geschichte. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1911. DENIS (Ernest): La Boheme depuis Ia Montagne Blanche. 2 vols. Paris, 1903. DORICH (J.): V ceskych slllZbach. 1921. EISENMANN (L.): Le compromis austro-hongrois. Paris, 1904. FISCHEL (Alfred): Oesterreichisches Sprachenrecht. Briinn, 1910. --Der Panslawismus his zum Weltkrieg. Stuttgart, 1919. GRONBERG (Carl): Die Bauernbefreiung und dieAuflOsung des gutsherr- lich-bauerlichen Verhiiltnisses in Bohmen, und Mahren und Schlesien. z vols. Leipzig, 1894. HllFLER (Konstantin): Geschichtsschreiber der hussitischen Bewegung. HuGELMANN (Karl Gottfried), ed.: Das Nationalitiitenrecht des alten Oesterreichs. Vienna, 1934· ]ESSER (Dr. Franz): Das Wesen des nationalen Kampfes in den Sudetenliindern. Vienna, I9IZ· KERNER (R. J.): Bohemia in the Eighteenth Century. New York, I93Z· KRAMAA (Dr. Karel): Poznamk:y o eeske politice. Prague, 1906. --Pt!t pi'ednaiek o zahranicne politice. Prague, 19zz. K.RoFrA (K.): Das Deutschtum in der tschechoslowakischen Ge­ schichte. Prague, 1936. LANYI (P. Geist): Das Nationalitiitenproblem auf den Reichstag zu Kremsier. MAsARYK (T. G.): Palackys Idee des bOhmischen Volkes. Prague, 1898. -- Svetova revoluce. Prague, 1925 (German translation: Die Welt­ Revolution, Berlin 1927). MILLER (David Hunter): My Diary at the Conference of Paris. 21 vols. Privately published, 1924-6. MouscH (Paul): Geschichte der deutsch-nationalen Bewegung in Oesterreich. Jena, 19:26. --Die sudetendeutsche Freiheitsbewegung in den Jahren 1918- 19. Vienna, 1932. NAUMANN (F.): Mittel-Europa. Berlin, 1915. NICOLSON (Harold): Peacemaking 1919. London, 1933· 0DLOZILIK (0.): Wyclif's Influence upon Central and Eastern Europe. (In Slavonic Review, vol. vii, No. :21, March 1929.) p ALACKY (Franti§ek): Dejiny N arodu Ceskeho w Cechach . a w Morawe dle puwodnich pramenu wyprawuje. Prague, 1848-76. --Gedenkbllitter. Prague, 1874. -- Geschichte von Bohmen. Prague, 1836-67. --Oesterreichs Staatsidee. Prague, 1866. --Pamatnik na oslavu stjch narozenin Frantiska Palackeho. Prague, 1898. -- Spisy drobne. Prague, 1898-1903. PEKA.R (J .) : Smysl Ceskych Dejin. Prague, 1936. PEROUTKA (Ferdinand): Budovani statu. Prague, 1933; PFITZNER (J.): Sudetendeutsche Geschichte. Reichenberg, 1937. PROKEs (Jaroslav): Histoire tchecoslovaque. Prague, 1927. PLENER (Ernst von): Reden von I87J-I9II. Ed. by Hans Patzauer. Stuttgart and Leipzig, 1911. RADL (Emanuel): Der Kampf zwischen Tschechen und Deutschen. Reichenberg, 1928. RAsCHHOFER (Hermann), ed.: Die tschechoslowakischen Denkschriften fUr die Friedenskonferenz von Paris, 1919-ZO. Berlin, 1937. a86 BIBLIOGRAPHY RAuCHBERG . (Heinrich): Der nationale Besitzstand in B5hmen, Leipzig, 1905, REDLICH Ooseph): Das osterreichische Staats- und Reichsproblem. Leipzig, 192o-6. RE:NNER (Dr. Karl), under pseudonym R. Springer: Grundlagen- und Entwicklungsziele der ost-ungarischen Monarchie. Vienna and Leipzig, 1906. SIEGHART (Rudolf): Die letzten Jahrzehnte einer Grossmacht. Berlin, 1932. . SPINA (Dr. Franz): Article in Deutsche Arbeit, 1910, vol. vii, pp. 433-9· • STRAuss (E.): Die Entstehung der Tschechoslowakischen Republik. Prague, 1934. TEMPERLEY (H. W. V.) ed.: A History of the Peace Conference of Paris. 6 vols. London, 192o-4. WINTER (Max): Zwischen lser und Neisse. --Die Blutsauger des Bohmerwaldes. WoLF (Karl Hermann): Editorial and other articles, and reports of speeches, in Ostdeutsche Rundschau, 1890 to 1908. WosTRY (Professor): Das Kolorusationsproblem. 1922. Article in Mitteilungen des V ereines jar Geschichte tier Deutschen in Bahmen, Heft 3-4, I9IS. --'Die Heimatllinder der Sudetendeutschen zwischen Ost und West" (in Zeitschrift jar sudetendeutsche Geschichte, May 1937). WICHTL (Dr. Friedrich): Dr. Karl Kramarsch der Anstifter des Weltkrieges. Vienna, 1918. ZAP (K. F.): Ceskomoravska Kronika. Prague, 186z. Revised version 1892. ZEMMRICH (Dr. J .) : Sprachgrenze und Deutschtum in Bohmen. Bruns­ wick, 1902. (b) Books dealing with the post-Peace Conference period CAKRT (J.): Ra~in als Wlihrungsreformer. Mlihrish Ostrau, 1926. CHMEI..AR Oosef): The German Problem in Czechoslovakia. Prague, 1936. CZECHOSLOVAK NATIONAL BANK: Ten Years of the Czechoslovak National Bank. By various authors. (German version: Zehn Jahre Cechoslovakische Nationalbank). Prague, 1937· DEUTsCHER HAUPTVERBAND DER INDUSTRIE: Mitteilungen des Deut­ schen Hauptverbandes der Industrie in der Tschechoslowakischen Republik. Published weekly at Teplitz-SchOnau. --Tatigkeitsberichte. Published annually. --Warum vertrligt die Industrie der Tschechoslowakei keine ErhO- hung der Erzeugungskosten? 1930. Deutsches Wirtschaftsbuch fur die Tschechoslowakei. Annual, 1933· FISCHER (Josef), PATZAK (Vaclav), PERTH (Vincenc): Jejich Boj (Ihr Kampf). Prague, 1937· - FREISSLER (R.): Vom Zerfall Osterreichs his zum tschechoslowakischen Staate. Berlin, 1921. Germany and Czechoslovakia. Articles by an active anci· responsible Czechoslovak Statesman (reprinted from the Prager Presse). ['Orbis' publication.] Prague, 1937• HAssiNGER (H.): Die Tschechoslowakei. Vienna, 1935· IiENLEIN (Konrad): Konrad Henlein spricht. Karlsbad, 1937. ]UNG (R.): Die Tschechen. Berlin, 1937· KLEPETAR (Dr. H.): Seit 1918. Mlihrisch Ostrau, 1937· BIBLIOGRAPHY 'KREBs (Hans): Kampf in Bohmen. Berlin, 1936. LOWY (Dr. Julius): Die Joachimsthaler Bergkrankheit. Extrait des Comptes-Rendus de Ia IV8 Reunion de Ia Commission Inter­ nationale des Maladies professionnelles. (Lyon, 3--{; avril 1929.) LOPKB (Studienleiter Helmut): Lecture at the National Socialist His- tory Teachers' Conference, Bremen, 1935· MAcARTNEY (C. A.): Hungary and her Successors. London, 1937. MouLTON (Harold G.) and PASVOLSKY (L.): World War Debt Settle­ ments. New York, 1926. Nationality Policy in Czechoslovakia. ['Orbis' publication.] Prague, 1938. (Especially the Prime Minister's Speech of November 17th, 1937·> NE~AS (Jaromir): Economic and Social Problems in German Bohemia (in Slavonic Review, vol. xv, No. 45, April1937, pp. 59g-{;11). PETERS (Gustav): Der neue Herr von Bohmen. Berlin, 1927. PFITZNER (J.): Sudetendeutsche Einheitsbewegung. Karlsbad, 1937. RAsiN (Alois): Finane{ a hospodarska politika eeskoslovenska do Korce v. 1921. Prague, 1922. RIST (Charles): La Deflation en pratique. Paris, 1927. SETON-WATSON (R. W.): President Masaryk in Exile (in Slavonic Review, vol. iii, No. 9, March 1925). SINGULB (Hans): Der Staat Masaryks. Berlin, 1937· SoBOTA (Emil): Das tschechoslowakische Nationalitii.tenrecht. Prague, 1931. SPANN (Othmar): Der wahre Staat. Leipzig, 1923. --Vom Wesen des Volkstums. Jena, 1931. TEXToR (L. E.): Land Reform in Czechoslovakia. London, 1923. VEREIN DER WOLLINDUSTRIELLBN MXHRENs IN BRONN: Berichte. Published anually at BrUnn. VoNDRACEK (F. J.): Foreign Policy of Czechoslovakia, 1918-1935· New York, 1937. Was ist der KB? Published by the Aufbruch Press. Prague, 1938. WHEELER-BENNETT (John W.) and LATIMER (Hugh): Information on the Reparations Settlement. London, 1930. · WINKLER (Erwin): Die Tschechoslowakei im Spiegel der Statistik. Karlsbad, 1937. WINTER (E. K.): Arbeiterschaft und Staat. Vienna, 1934• INDEX Abyssinia, 246. Austria (pre-War) (cont.) Ackermann au1 Bohmen (Johann von Poles in, 36, 45, 62, 63 n., I IS· Saaz), S· Political parties, &c. : Adler, Viktor, 41. German Agrarians, 65. Adlergebirge, the, 97• German Clerical Party, 37, 6s, Administrative Refonn (1927) in 99· CSR, 132, 133· German Liberal Party, 24, 29, 35, Aehrenthal, Baron, 70. 37. 40· Agriculture, Czechoslovak Ministry Gennan National Parliamentary of, 149, rsr, 152. Union, 65, 201. Albrechtice, see Albrechtsried. GermanPeople'sParty,47,5I,I34· Albrechtsried (Albrechtice), 209. German Progressive Party, 47, Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 45• 51, no, 134. Alldeutsche Blatter, 47· German Radical Party, 65, 66, Allotment, Law of, 149· 68, 72, 134· Andrassy, Count, 35· German Social Democrats, 51, Anglo-Bank, the = Anglo-Czecho- 65, 68, 76, So, 8x, 86. · slovak and Prague Credit Bank, 172. German Working-men's Party, Anschluss, see under Austria: Germany. 6s, 99, 134, 197. Antriige, the Six, 257 et seq., 262. Reichsrat, the, 28, 32, 40, sx, 52, Arnau (Hostinn6), 212. 53, 6o, 6s, 76, 102, 108. Arndt, Ernst Moritz, 17. Social legislation in, 187. Art Schools in Prague, 226. Staattrat, the, 32. Ali, see Asch. Universal suffrage introduced in Asch (Ali), 85, 8g, go, 91, 1oo, xos, (1907), 51, 52, 71, II$. :u8, 230, 256, 276. War Loans, 74, 119, 144 et seq. Auersperg, 35, 36. Austria-Hungary: Comproxnise (Aus· Auforuch, Der, or Auforuch-circle, gleich) of 1867, 32, 35:- of 1907, 250, 265, 268. 27, 16o; Bosnia and Hercegovina, Augustus the Strong, King of Poland annexation of by, 53, 70, 71; Cus­ and Elector of Saxony, 101. toms Union (1851), 27; Gennany, Auslands-Institut (at Stuttgart), 129, Dual Alliance with (1879), 41, 45; 247· Russia, agreement with (1897), 48. Aussig {Osti), 9, 83, 98, 99, roo, 173, Autonomy, claimed by the Sudeten· 192, 228; Henlein's speech at (Feb. deutsche Partei, 203, 257 et seq. 1937). 257· Aussig Chemical Company (Aussiger Bach, Alexander, 27""9· Chemischer Verein), 165, 173, 192. Bachmann, Professor, 6o. Austria (post-War): Germany, agree­ Badeni Language Decrees, · the, mentwith (July 1936), 225 ;-annexa­ (1897), 43, «· 47, sx, s6, 67, 103, tion by of (March 1938), 270, 279, 104, IIO, 115, 126. 281;- Anschluss, 40, 85, 94, 130; Balkan Wars, the, 72, 161 n. -Customs Union proposed (1931), Banks in CSR, 263, 282; Law of 1924 130, Z79• to assist, 163; Reorganization law Austria (pre-War): (1932), 167. See also under Biih­ Constitution:ofDec. 21st, 1867, 34; mische Escompte Bank, Biihmische October Diploma (x86o), 28, Union Bank, Rediscount Bank, Zem­ 29; Patents (1775), 13; - skd Banka, 'ti'onOstenskd Banka. (March sth,186o), 28;-(Feb. Barthou, M. Louis, 235· :z6th, 1861), 29; Schmerling, Basch, Dr., 192. Constitution, 29, 30, 110. Bat'a shoe industry, the, 189. Educational legislation, IZ, 35, 38, Bavaria, 2, 83, 84, 85, 96, 104, 106. 39· Baxa, Dr., Lord-Mayor of Prague, Finance, Ministry in, 61, 6z, 63. 215, 218. Franchise Refonn in-of 1882, 37; Bechyiie, M. Rudolf, 94· - of 1896, 37, 43, 52, xo8; Beck, Freiherr von, sz, 53· -of 1907, 51, 52, 71, us. Beneii, Dr. Edvard, 6s n., 69, 74, 77, Officials, 6o, 61, 6z, 63. 79, Bs, 87, 88 et seq., 127 et seq., u 290 INDEX 20'7. 213, 222, 235. 2J6, 2J8, 239. Budejovice (Budweis), 9, 40, Ioo, 107, 240 et seq., 280. II], IJJ1 180,181,220. Benes, M. Vojtech, 212. Budweis, see Budejovice. Beran, M., 278 rr. BiihM, Die kleine, 220. Berchtesgaden, Agreement of, Feb. Bukovina, 41. 1938, :a68, 270. von Biilow, Prince Bernhard, 48. Berchtold, Count, 70. Bund der Deutschen, 54, 148, 210, 228, Bereitsclw:ft, Die, 137, 245, 246. 265. Berg- und Hutten-Werk, the, 176, 177• Bund der Landwirte, see German Bicycle industry in CSR, 174. Agrarian Party in CSR. Bi1y Kostel, see Weisskirchen. Bund Deutscher Osten, 129. Birthrate, the Czech, 55, 69, 282. Buquoy family, the, xo6. Bismarck, 45, :z8o. Burgenland Corridor project, 89, 92. Bodenbach (Podmokly), 2, 61, 97, 98, 174· Cajtharnl, M., s6. Bohemia (German newspaper pub­ Cambon, M. Jules, go. lished in Prague), 87. Capek, M. Karel, 251. Bohemia: aristocracy, 14, 15, 17, 31, Capital Levy in CSR, 142, 144, 145. . 153 et seq.; Chancery removed to 146, 155, 162. Vienna (1749), 11; Estates or Diet Cas, 69. of, 9, 13, 19, 29, 43, 6o, 68, 71, 72. Catholic Church, 41, 48, IOJ, 125, Bohle, Herr von, 247. 228-jt. Bohmerwald, the, xos et seq., xSo, 188. Cechische Revue, 62. Bohmenoaldlnmd, the, 54, 148. Censorship in CSR, 223, 224. Bohmisch Leipa (Ceska Lipa), 137 rr., Census in CSR-in 1921, 113, 119, 174; Henlein's Speech at (1934), 123, 124;- in 1930, 1]4• 203, 204 n., 242, 248, 251. Cerna, see Schwarzbach. Bohmische Escompu Bank (Ceikd Cerny, Dr., 112, • escomptni banka), 163, x66, 167. Cerny, Tomas (Mayor of Prague), Bohmische Union Bank, 167. 217. Biihmisches Staatsrecht, 31, 32, 35, 46, Ceska Lipa, 1ee Bohmisch Leipa. ss, 67, 69, 79, 88, 99, no. Ceskj Krumlov, see Krumau. Boii, the, 2. Chamber of Deputies in CSR, 119, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Austrian 131. annexation of in 1908, 53, 70, 71. Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Brand, Dr. Walter, 136, 137, 200, 202, Holy Roman Emperor (Charles of 203, 2.48, 249o 250, Luxembourg), 6, 45, 101, 102, 214. Brass (textile firm), 187. Charles V, Emperor, 9· Bratislava, 213; Little Entente Con- Charles VI, Emperor, 12. ference at, 186. Charles, last Emperor of Austria­ Breslau, I, s, 246; Archbishop of, 229, Hungary (Kaiser Karl), 75 et seq., . ·246. 82, 128, 143 • Bretholz, Professor, 3 n., 4, 105. Cheb, see Eger. Breweries, 107-9, 150, 181. China industry, the, 101, 162, 171, Brezina, Mag. Laurentius, 8 n. 172, 255· Brno (Briinn), 4, 81, 109 et seq., 132, Chomutov, see Komotau. 134. 227, 254. 259. 274. 276. Chrastava, see Kratzau. German polytechnic at, 213. Christian Social Party, tee Clerical German textile school at, 213. Party. Theatres in, 220, 225. Cisleithania, 31 rr., 34· See also under University at, 63, 64, 213. Austria (pre-War). Volkssport Trial at, 139. Clam Gallas, Count, 147· Woollen industry at, 170, 171. Clam Martinic, Count, 31. Brotherhood, the Bohexnian and Clary-Aldringen, Count, 51. Moravian, 8 rr., u, 109. Clary-Aldringen family, the, 99· Bruck, 27, 160. Clemenceau, Georges, Ss. Briinn, see Brno. Clerical Party, German, in pre-War Briinn Programme of German Social Austria, 37, 65, 99;-inCSR,131, Democrats, 1899, 68. 132, 199, 206, 230, 262, 271. Brunt:iJ, see Freudenthal. Communal Elections in CSR - in Briix (Most), 56, 84, too, xs6, 172, 1919, 84 n., Ss, 113;-projected in 173· 1937, 264, 265, 268. INDEX Communists and Communist Party in Deutsch-politisches Arbeitsamt, zor •. CSR, 121, 132, 177, 206 n., 224, Deutsche Akademie (Munich), 247. · 237· Deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, z6x. Compensation Law, 149, ISS• See Deutsche N ationalsozialistische Arbeiter also Land Reform. Partei in CSR (or D.N.S.A.P.),. Concordat of x8ss. 27. see German National Socialist Constituent Assembly - at Vienna Working-men's Party in CSR. (1848), 25; - in Prague (1919), Deutscher Hauptverband der Industrie 119, 121. in CSR, zs6. ~· Constitution, Czechoslovak (Feb. Deutscher Kulturverband, zxo, z6s, 1920), 119. z66. See also Schulverein. Continental System, the, 19. Deutscher Schutzbund, 130. Com Monopoly in CSR, 238. Deutscher Volksrat in Bohmm, see Cotton industry, x6x, 168, 171, 276, German National Council in Counter-Reformation, the, n, II4. Bohemia. Cracow, x, 19. Deutschnationaler Verein, 41. Croats, 24, 72. Devaluation in CSR: in 1934, x86;- Crownlands (Kronlander), 26, zS, 71, in 1936, x86, 256, 76. Dientzenhofer, II. Curiae, 29, 37, 40, 43, 52, 71, 108, Dittersbach, 169. 112, 216. Dobrovskj, IJ, 15. Currency, establishment of indepen­ Doderer, Herr, 176. dent Czechoslovak, 119, 141 et seq.; Dohna, Count, 9· Devaluation of-in February, 1934, Dollfuss, Dr. Engelbert, 135· x86; - in September 1936, 186, Dresden, x, 97, xoo, 130. 256. Drexler, Anton, 135. Cyril, 3, 6. Dual Alliance, the Austro-Gennan, Czech, Dr. Ludwig, 132, 177, 195; 41, 45;- Franco-Russian, 46. -'Czech' cards, I95· Duchcov, see Dux. Czech Agrarians, 6s, 149, 150, x6o, Diirich, J., 75· 196, zo6, 236, 237, 238, 242. Dux (Duchcov), 100. Czech National Socialists, 65, 221 n., Dux Porcelain Works, 279. 237· Dvofak, Antonin, 40. Czech National Theatre, the, 40, 64, Kralov~ (Koniginhof) "'""'\"" For­ 216, 219. gery of, 16, 46;- Textile industry Czech School Union, the (Ustfednl at, 170. Matice Skolskd), 39. ss. s6, 210. Czech Social Democrats, the, 69, 79, Eastern Pact, project for, 235· 122, 150, 206. Ebert, 17. Czemowitz, University of, 227. Eden, Rt. Hon. Anthony, 252. Education in CSR, 207 et seq.; : Datimil, 7• Ministry of, 208, 209, 215 n., 223, Dalmatia, 41. 269;- issues decrees of 192.5 and Di\l!ln, see Tetschen. 1932, 222. Defence Law (1923) in CSR, 121, Eger (Cheb), Egerland, J, 12, 42, 44, 241, 267 n., 273. 64, 89, 90, 91, 101, 102 et seq., 127, Defence, Ministry of, in CSR, 238, 137, 174, 199, zzo, 228, 231, 244, 239. 243· 247, 283; - Henlein's speech at, Defence Societies, 259· in June 1936, 249, 250, 257· Czech, 55, 64, 95, 113, 116, 122, Eight-hour day established in CSR, 123, 134, 148, 156, 194, 212, 189. 221 n., 244, 255· SeealsoNdrodnl Eisenbrod (Zelezny Brod), 242. jednota severoceskd, Ndrodnl jed­ Eisenmann, Professor Louis, 15 and nota polumovskd. n., z6, 29 n., 31. German (Schutzvereine), 54, 135· Elbe, R., 2, 98, 127, 128, x8x, 185. See also Bund der Deutschen, Elbogen (Loket), 191. Bohmerwaldbund. Elections, see Communal elections, Deflation in CSR (1922), 145· Parliamentary elections. Delcassl!, 49· Electoral Reform, see Franchise Re­ Denis, Ernest, 13 n., 14, 22 n. form. Deutsch, Dr. Julius, 8s. Enabling Act in CSR Gune 1933), zoo, Deutsch-Bohmm, see German Bohemia. 241· INDEX Encyclical of March 1937, 230. Frymburk, see Friedberg. Enhuber, Herr, 275. Frjvaldov, see Freiwaldau. Epiag china concern, 172. Fundamental Articles, the, 35, 110. Erste Brii.nner Maschinen Fabrik, 239· Erzgebirge, the, xox, 163, 174, 175, Gablonz (Jablonec), 99, 137, 163, 171, 178, 179. 184, 187. 184, 199, 242, 248. Eulenburg, Prince, 47 n. et seq., 66 n. Galicia 3, 36, 41; insurrection in (1846), 19. Faber, General Superintendent and Geneva, 128, 235, 246, 265. Probst of Berlin, 48. George of Podebrad, 8. Fahrner, A., 99· German Agrarians in CSR (Bund der Falkenau (Falknov), 173, 176, 192. Landwirte), IJI, 160, 199, 202, 206, Falknov, see Falkenau. 271. February Agreement, the (1937), 254 German Bohemia (Deutsch-Bohmen), et seq., 262, 263, 264, 270. Government of, set up, So. Federer, 193· German Confederation of 1815, 32, Feldsberg, 90. 40, 66,280. Ferdinand I, Emperor, 9, 31. German immigration, early, into His4 Ferdinand I, Emperor of Austria, 19. toric Provinces, 4, 9, 10. Ferdinand II, E.mperor (Ferdinand of German General Electricity Com­ Styria), 9 n., 101. pany, 279· Fichte, 136. German National Council in Bo· Finance, Ministry of, in CSR, 177. hernia (Deutscher Volksrat in Bah­ Finkensteinerbund, 136. men), 64. Fischel, Professor A., 9 n., 24, 7I n. German National Socialist Working­ etseq. men's Party in CSR, 65, 105, 131, "Fischer von Erlach, u. IJ4o 135, 137, 138, 197, 199, 202. Fischem (Rybare), xox. German Navy League, 47· Foreign Office, Czechoslovak, the, German Small Traders' Party in 269,270. CSR, 99, 199. . Forests, 149, 156, 157, 158. German Social Democrats in CSR, France: Russia, Dual Alliance with, 46; IJI, IJz, 177, 199, 204, 205, 206, - Treaty of May 1935 with, 236. 262,265. France, treaty with Czechoslovakia 'German Socialist' Party (founded · (Jan. 25, 1924), 128. Feb. 1938) in CSR, 268. Francis Ferdinand, Archduke, 72. German-Austrian Mining Company, Francis Joseph, Emperor, 24 et seq. the, 279. Frank, K. H., 265, 266, 267. German-National Party in CSR, 99, Frankfurt Parliament (1848), 22, 24, IJI1 134, 199· 25, 197· Germany: conscription restored in, Frankfurter Zeitung, 261. 236; Nazi Revolution in, 197, 198, FrantiSkovy Lazne, see Franzensbad. 221 et seq., 232, 235; Press cam­ Franzensbad (Franti.Skovy Lazne), paign of against CSR, 236, 239, 240; xox, 105, x8o. wireless propaganda of, 246. See Frederick the Great, n, 229. also under Treaties. Frederick of the Palatinate, 10. Ghent unemployment insurance sys­ Freissler, Dr. R., 81, 83, 84, 86, 90, 95, tem, the, 189, 191. 97, IZ2. Glass industry, the, 161 183; - in Freiwaldau (Frjvaldov), II4, 116, Gablonz, 99, 100, 161, 162, 171. x68. Glatz, II, 89, 94, 229, 230. Freudenthal (Bruntal), u6, 168, 191, Glove industry, zz8, 256, 276. 26J. Gmund, go. Frick, Dr., 138. Gorsdorf-Grottau, x69. Friedberg (Frymburk), 281. Giskra, 32, 35· Friedeberg (Frydberk), n6. Glaser, Rudolf, 17. Friedek, see Fcydek. Goebbels, Dr., 138, 231, 237· Friedjung, Professor, 71. Goethe, xox, 224, 242. ·Friedland (Fcydlant), 89, 91, 99, 169, Goll, Jaroslav, S· 191. Goluchowski, Count, 29. Frydberk, see Friedeberg. Graphite, x8o, 181. Fcydek (Friedek), 176. Graslitz (Kraslice), 157, 158, 174, Fcydlant, see Friedland. 175. 176, 184, 191· INDEX 293 Gratzen (Nov~ Hrady), ro6. Hungary, commercial relations of: Gregr, 42, 46. with Czechoslovakia, 165, x86, 238. Guemica, 260. Hus, Jan, 8 et seq., x6, 27, 229. Gutmann family, 193· Hussite Revolution, 7 et seq., 100. Gutzkov, Karl, 15. Hussite Wars, 278. · Hussites, Hussitism, 98, 107, 109, 114. Habsburgs, the, become kings of Bo- Huyn, Archbishop Count, 229. hemia (1526), 9· Hacker, G., 254· lglau (Jihlava), 82, no, IIJ. Haider, R., 139, 248, 265, 266. llling, 139· Haindorf (Hejnice), 169. Imperial Decree of 1627 (Verneuerte Hamburg, 98, 127, 128, 181, 279· Landesordnung), xo. Hanka, 16. Imperial provinces, the, see Crown· Hardmuths, pencil manufacturers, lands. • 107, 180, 181. Innere Dienst, the, 38. Hartmann, M., 24. Insurance Act of 1924 in CSR, 189. Hasner, 35· 'Iron Ring', the, 37, 40. Hasse, Dr., 47· Isergebirge, the, 171. Hassinger, Professor, 5· Havli~ek, K., 15, 22 et seq. Jablonec, see Gablonz. Health, Czechoslovak Ministry of, 269. Jachymov, see Joachimsthal. Heimdall, 47, 51 n. Jl!.gemdorf (Kmov), 84, II41 n6, 191. Hein, 32. Jahn, Ludwig, zoo. Heinersdorf, 169, 170. Jaksch, Wenzel, ZII n., 254· Heinold, Baron, 112. Japanese competition with Sudeten Heinrich, W., 136, 137, 200. German industries, 161 n., 163, 167, Heintschel, textile firm of, 169. 171, 174· ~ Hejnice, see Haindorf. JelaCic, Ban, 25. Helmer, Dr., Abbot of Tepl, 229. Jesser, Dr. Franz, 69, 76, 202.

Hemp and jute industry, 161. Jesuits, II, 1001 I II. Henlein, Konrad, 2oo-6, 221, 222, Jews, 40, 54, 59, 68, 103, n6, I2J, 124, :us-6 (Kultur-Rede), 231, 238, 239, 198, 204, 205, zz6-8. 242, 243, 246, et seq. Jihlava, see lglau. Henleinists, the, see Sudetendeutsche Joachimsthal (Jachymov), xox, 174, Partei. 178, 179, x88. Henry IV, Emperor, 4• John, King of Bohemia, 102. Herbst, 32, 35, 43· Joseph II, Emperor, II et seq., zo, 24, Herder, 14, 242. 27, IOZ, II4, IJZ, 216. Herold, Dr., 56, 6o. Jung, Edgar, I37, 204. Hermskretchen (Hfensko), 185. Jung, R., 135, 223, 248, 278. Hildebrand, 11. Jungmann, IS· Hitler, Adolf, 135, 159, 197, 199, 205, Jury, Dr., 271. 235, 236, 278, 28o. Justice, Czechoslovak Ministry of, Hlu~in (Hultschin), 90, n6, 231-4, 269. 262. Hodza, Dr. M., 70, 238, 250, 253, 254, Kaaden (Kadan), 84, 99· 256, 2.62, 2.69, 270. Kadan, see Kaaden. Hohenelbe (Vrchlabf), 184, 194 n. Kaizl, 46, 48, 6o. Hohenfurth (VySSi Brod), 40, 229. Kameradschaftsbund (or K.B.), the, Hohenwart, L., 35· 136, 137, zoo, 201, 249, 250, 265, Hofice, see Horitz. 268, 271. Horitz (Hoi'ice) in South Bohemia, Kaplice, see Kaplitz. 221, Kaplitz (Kaplice), 8z, 106. Hostalek z Javoric, xoo. Kapp Putsch, 96. Hostinn~, see Amau. Karl, Emperor, see under Charles. Hradec Kralove (Koniggriitz), So, Karlovy Vary, see Karlsbad. 170, 174;- battle of, 32, 277• Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary), 101, 163, Hranice (Miihrisch Weisskirchen), I7Z, 179, I8Z, 191, 192, 263, 264, 134· Ka~par, Cardinal, 229. Hfensko, set Hermskretchen. Kasper, 248, 249, zso, z6s, z66, 271. Hugelmann, K. G., 57· Kataster system of classification, see Hultschin, see Hlu~in. Personal system of classification. 294 INDEX Kc (the Czechoslovak crown), 1919- Decrees, Language Decrees, Lan­ 23, 142 et seq. guage Law, Language Ordinances. Keller (hops dealers), 184. Language Decrees-(Feb. 1926), 120 · Kelsen, Professor, 226. n., 126;- (1928), 133· See also Kerner, Professor R .. J ., 14. Badeni Language Decrees. Kienberg (Loueovice), x8I. Language Law of Feb. 1920, 1 I 9, I :zo. Kindermann, Ferdinand, 12 n. Language Ordinances (Stremayr) of Klinger (textile firm), x6s, 169. x88o, 38, 43, us. Knirsch, H., 135· Lansiog, Ss, 89, 90. Kohlert (musical instrument makers), Laroche, M., 89. 174. 175· League of Nations, 129, 186, 235, 236, Kollar, 2I. 246, :zs:z; Sudeten German J;..and­ Kollner, Dr. F., 267. owners' Appeal to, 154, IS6. Komenskt, n, 153· Legionaries, the Czechoslovak, 77, 78, Komotau (Chomutov), 9, s6, 6I, xoo, 151, xss, 156, 224, 265, 267, 270. 174, x88. Lehmann, Professor, 245· Koniggrii.z, see Hradec Kral.ov~. Leitha, R., 31 n., 34, x6o. Koniginhof, see Dvil.r Kralov~. Leitmeritz (Litomerice), 9, xo, 13, Korber, von, 51, 75, no, III n. 6:z "·· 99o 100, 137. IS6, 228, 268. Kordac, Archbishop F., 229. Leopold II, Emperor, 13. Kosmanos (textile firm), 169. Lessiog, Professor T., 244. Kost'any, see Kosten. Lex Perek, see Perek. Kosten (Kost'any), x89. Lex Uhlif, see Uhlif. Kramai', Dr. Karel, xo, 46 et seq., 67, Liberec, see Reichenberg. 70, 87, 95, 109, 121, 141, 147, 159, Libraries, public, in CSR, 211. 224, 243· Lichnowsky, Prince, 48. Kraslice, see Graslitz. Lidooe Nooiny, :zsx, :z6x. Kratzau (Chrastava), 169, 170. Liebig (textile firm), 19, x68, 187. Krebs, Hans, 135, 204 n., 223, 248. Liechtensteio family, 147· Kreditanstalt der Deutschen, zoo. Liegnitz, battle of, 5, II4. Krejza, Sergeant, 241 n., 273· Lignite miniog area and industry, 99, Kremsier (KromeffZ), Austrian as- 172, 173, 184, 227, 275 i Czech sembly meets at, 25; - Constitu· immigration ioto, 39, SS· ' tion of, z6, 275· Lioen and flax industry, u6, 161, Kmov, see Jagerodorf. x6z n., x68. Krofta, Dr. K., 9 et seq., 70, 229, Linz Programme of x88:z, 41, 43, 48, 260. 72. KromeHz, see Kremsier. Literary Revival, Czech, 14 et seq. Krulis Randa, M., •77· Litomerice, see Leitmeritz. Krumau (CeskY Krumlov), xo, 81, 83, Little Entente, the, 127, 128, 130, 86, 106, 181. 164, x66, x86, 235· Kudlich, Hans, 20. Litviooff, M. Maxim, 235· Kuhn, Oscar, 202. Lloyd George, Rt. Hon. David, 85, Kulturkampf, the, 48 n., 230. 88n. Kulturoerband, see Deutscher Kultur- Lobositz (Lovosice), 62 n., 99, 173, verband. 192. Kundt, E., 201, 202, 265, 266, 267. LObe, Paul, 130. Kunnerts (stocking manufacturers), Locamo, Treaties of, 128, 129, 157, 256,276. 236. Kutna Hora, 27; Decree of, 7· Lodgman, Dr. R. von, 76, So, 81, 83, 8s, 86, 90, 95, 122, 131, 134, 259, Lace-making in Erzgebirge, 101, 174- :Z69. Lamatsch, 245· Loesch, Dr. von, 130, 245, 247· Land Office, the, 149, 151, 154, 155, LOhner, von, 21, 24. 156,230. Loket, see Elbogen. Land Reform, 102, 119, 147 et seq., Los von Rom Movement, 47, 48, 103, 229, 237. See also Allotment, Law 231. of; Compensation Law. Loucovice, see Kienberg. Landesschulrat, the, 43· Louis the German, King, 3· Langenhan, von, 85. . Louis, Kiog of Bohemia and Hun· Language conflict, the, 37, 38, 59, 6o, gary, 9· . 123, 255· See also Badeni Language Lovosice, see Lobos1tz. INDEX 295 Uiwy, Dr., 178. Na Strazhe, 240. Lusatian Slavs, 88, 274, 276. Napoleon I, Emperor, 14. Luther, Martin, 9· Napoleon III, Emperor, 28, 45· Luxembourg, House of, 5· Ndrodni jednota polumovskd, 55, 209. See also Defence Societies (Czech). Machnik Decree, 238, 239, 246. Ndrodn£ jednota severoleskd, 55, 157• Mackevil!, General, 240. See also Defence Societies (Czech). Maffia, the, 75, 141. Ndrodn£ Noviny, 22. Magyarsdg, 253. National Bank of Czechoslovakia, 143, Mlihrisch W eisskirchen, see Hranice. 167, 246. Malypetr, M., 2IJ. National Socialist German Working­ Manchester Guardian, The, 244 n., men's Party (N.S.D.A.P. or Nazis) 281. of the German Reich, 130, 268. Mann, Thomas, 224. National Unions, see Defence Socie­ Mannesmann concern at Komotau, ties. 174, x88. Naumann, Friedrich, 76, 277. Marcomanni, the, 2, 3· Nazi Revolution in Germany, the, Maria Theresa, Empress, I I et seq., 197, 198, 221 et seq., 232, 235·

J01 102. Nazis, the, in CSR, see German Marianske Lazne, see Marienbad. National Socialist Working-men's Marienbad (Mariansk6 Lazne), IOI, Party. 105, 163, r8o, 182, 229. Nazis, the, in the German Reich, see Masaryk, T. G., 26, 40, 69 et seq., 88, National Socialist German Work­

94, 96, 109, 121, 127, 131 1 153, I59, ing-men's Party. 178, 199. 221, 222, 2J8, 241, 264, Nel!as, M., I77, 195 n., 196 n. 268, 28o, 283. Nejdek, see Neudek. Mayer, author of Kremsier Constitu- Nemec, Professor, 238. tion, 25, 26. Neo-slavism, 46, 49, 73, 78. Mayer, Josef, 85, 95, 105, I6o. Nepomuk, St. John of, II. Mayr-Harting, Dr., IJ2. Neudek (Nejdek), 174, 175, 176, 191, Mein Kampf, 278 n. 263. Meissner, 17. Neues Wiener Tagblatt, 42. Metal-workers' Trades Union, Inter- Neuwirth, Dr. Hans, 24~, 265. national, 176 n., 177. 'New German Theatre in Prague, Methodius, J, 6. the, a I 9, 242. Mettemich, Prince, 14, 19, u6. New States, Committee on, at the

Metzner, 139· Peace Conference, 9I1 94· Mies (Sti'ibro), 10, 13, 6I, 88, I02, 109. Noske, 95· Mining, hard coal, 19, 114, I76; Nostitz, Count, 175. lignite, see under Lignite. Nove Hrady, set Gratzen. Minorities Treaty, Czechoslovak, of Niimberg, Nazi Party Congresses at, Sept. 1oth, 1919, 92, 94, 120, 129, 138, 265. 250, 251. Mittel-Europa, 41, 48, 79, So, 82, IJ01 October Diploma (186o), z8, 29. 219, 277, 278, 280. · Oder, R., 13, 114, 127, 241, 261. Mittel-Europa (F. Naumann), 76. Officials in CSR, 125, 126, 227, 269. Mohacs, battle of, 9· Old Czechs, the, 42, 43· Moldau, R., see Vltava, R. Olmutz, see Olomouc. Molisch, Professor P., 68. Olmutz, Archbishop of, 19. Moravia, Union of, with Silesia: under Olomouc (Olmutz), 4, s8, Sa, .I ro, Joseph II, u4;- in 1927, 132. 113, 134, 137, 229, 259• Moravian Compromise, the (1905), 51, Opava, see Troppau. 52, no, 112, 259· . Oppa, R., 127. Moravian Diet, the, 221 SI 1 6o, no, Ostdeutsche Rundschau, 64, 69. ns. Osterbegehrschaft, the (1916) (=· Moravian Ostrava (Mahrisch Ostrau), Easter demands), 76, 79, a8o. see Ostrava, Moravian. Osterreichische Kreditanstalt, r63, r66. Most, see BrUx. Ostrava, Moravian (Mahrisch Os­ Miihlig (glass concern), I71• trau), 83, no, 113, 114, 127, 134, Munich, I, 130. 172, 233, 234, 243, 261, a6a. · Musical Instruments industry, the, Ottakar II, King of Bohemia, 4, 5, 101 1 163. 105. INDEX Pacher, Rafael, 79· Police in CsR, 104, 2oo, 233, 244, 254, Palacky, Franti§ek, 15, 16, 22 et seq., 255, 262, 264, 266, 267. 110, 159, 217; and censorship, 16; Population movements, Czech-Ger­ History of Bohemia, by, 16, 27; man, in the nineteenth century, 38, interpretation of Czech history, x6; 39. 55· letter to the Committee of the Porak paper-mills, 181. Frankfurt Parliament (1848), 22; Posts, Czechoslovak Ministry of, 269, Osterreiclu Staatsidee, by, 33, 34i 270. · views on Austria, 23, 24. Potocki, Count, 35· Pan-German Union, the, 47, 51, 129. Prachatice, see Prachatitz. Pan-Germanism, Pan-Germans, :u, Prachatitz (Prachatice), 9, 10, 100, 107. 44 et seq., 64, 66, 79, 104, 105, 131, Prague rising (1848), 25. 135, 138, 139, 197, 201, 203, 259, Prague, University of, 6, 12, 40, 44, '278. 63;- Czech, 63, 214, 215, 216;­ Pan-Slav Congress, the - (1848), German, 63, 214, 215, 216, 217, 24i ...... (I908), 71, 73· See also under 225,269. Slav Congress. Prdak, 37, 6o. Pan-Slavism, :u, 45, 46, 78, 88, 203, Pressnitz (Pfisecnice), 191. 224, 235· Pfemyslids, 4 et seq. Pannonia, 3· Pfisecnice, see Pressnitz. Paper industry, 107, x8x, 227. Prostejov (Prossnitz), Czech workmen Parler, Peter, 6. . ' shot at, 77· Parliamentary Elections in CSR : Punktationen, the (Czech-German (19zo), 121, 122; (1925), 131; Agreement of 1890), 43· (1935). zoo, 204, 233. 246. Patents: of 1775. 13;-of March 5th, Quadi, the, 3· x86o, 28;- of Feb. z6th, 1861,29. Patscheider, Dr., 137, 245, 246, 259, Radium mine (at Joachimsthal), xox, 277· 178, 179· Peace Conference of Paris, 79' et seq., Radl, Professor, 6, 7· 87 et seq.; Czech M6moires pre­ Radosov, see Rodisfort. sented to, 8z, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, Railways, Ministry of, in CSR, 172. n6, 279; Czechoslovak Commis­ Ra§In, Alois, 74, 8o, 95, 121, 122, sion at, 89 n., 90; Czechoslovak 14o-3, 148. Note of May 2oth, 1919, to, 92, 93, Raudnig (Roudrllky), 209. 94. 95· • • Realists, the, 46. Peasants: m exghteenth century, 12, Rediscount Bank in CSR, 282. 13; - emancipation of (1848), 20. Redlich, J ., :z6, 29, I II n. Pekaf, Professor J., 16, 18. Reformation, 9, 1 14. Pelcl, 1411. Reichenberg (Liberec), 12, 68, 83, 98, Perek, Lex, 58, 1n. roo, x6x, 169, :zoo, 212, :zxs, 225, Pemerstorfer, Engelbert, 41. 227, 228, 242. Peroutka, F., 94, 261. Renner, Dr. Karl, 34 n., 69, 83. Personal system of classification, 52, Rhineland, German reinilitarization 67, I 10, 259, 275• of (March 1936), 236, 246. Perthaler, Hans von, 29. Rieger, F. L., 23, 3 x, 32, 42 et seq., 99, Peschel (hat manufacturers), 165. 159. 217· Petschek (lignite mine-owners), 172 n. Riesengebirge, 97· Pezet, E., 265 n. Rodisfort (Radosov), 265. Pfitzner, Professor, 2 and n., 4, S· Rohn, W., 265. Phoenix Insurance Company, 282. Romantic Revival, the, 14. Pichon, M., 79, 90. Romerstadt (Rymarov), x68, 191. Pilsen, see Plzen. Rosenberg, Alfred, 221, 222,231,233, Pilsudski, Marshal]., 235· 251. Pius IX, Pope, 27. Rosen bergs, the, or Lords of the Rose, Plener, Emst von, 38 n. et seq., 73, 102. of Krumau (Krumlov), 107. Plzen (Pilsen), xo, 40, 108, 109, 192, Rotava, see Rothau. 243, 279, 280, Rothau (Rotava), 174, 175, 176, 177, Podmokly, see Bodenbach. 283. Poland, s, 114, 12.8, 166, 252, 263. Rothau-Neudek iron and steel foun• See also under Treaties. dry, 175. t76, 177· Poles in CSR, 235· Rothschild fainily, 19, 115, 193· INDEX 297 Roudnlky, see Raudnig. Senate, the, in CSR, 119. , Rownania, 127, 164, 16s, 166, 167, Serbs, the, 24, 72. 170, 186, 23s, 26o, 266. Seton-Watson, Dr. R. W., 91. Rousseau, J. J., 14. Seyss-lnquart, Dr., 270, 271. Rumburg (Rumburk), 12, 89, 91, 99, Sieghart, R., 40.

168, 191 1 228, 231, Sigiamund, Emperor, 8, x6. Rumburk, see Rumburg. Silesian Diet, the, us. Rural Edict (1846), 19. Silk industry, 161, 171. Russia: Defence Ministry in, 240; Simon (textile firm), 169. · Great Britain, agreement of 1907 Skoda factory, 108, 140, 176, x86, 192, with, 70; Revolutions in- (19os), 280. · 4S. Sl, 71: - (1917), 78; Turkey, Slav Congress, the, at Moscow (x867), war with (1877), 37, 46. See also 4S· under Austria (pre-War); Treaties. Slonzaken, the, us. Rutha, H., 136, 137, 2oo, 248, 26s, Slovakia, J, 94, 134, 170, 173, 180, 268. 2S3· Ruthenes, the, 19, 24, 36, uS, II9, Slovaks, the, 24, 2S, 33, 34, 69, 71, 134, 146, 23s, 26o, 282. 134. 146, 148, 156, 2S3· Rybai'e, see Fischern. Slovenes, the, 40, 41, 44· Rymarov, see Romerstadt. Smetana, 40. · Social Welfare, Czechoslovak Minis- Saar plebiscite (Jan. 193S), 200. try of, 19s, 196. Saaz (2atec), 9, 10, 100, 184, 201. Sokol, the, 46, ss, 74, 200, 264. Saaz, Johann of, s, 6. Sonnenschein (hops dealers), 184. St. Germain, Treaty of, 148, 161, 164. Soukup, So. St. Wenceslas, baths of, meeting at Soupal, 143. (March nth, 1848), 21. Spain, Civil War in, 2S2, 261. Salzburg, 33, 138; Pan-German Con- Spann, Professor Othmar, 136, 137, gress at (1920), 13S· 204, 277· Samo, 3· Spina, Dr. Franz, 131, 202, 225 n. Saxony, 2, 83, Ss, 96, 1oo, 101, 185. Spiro's paper factory, 107, 181, 227. Schaflle, Dr. 35· Staffelstein (Catholic Youth Group), Schaffners, the (founders of chemical 2JI. factory at Aussig), 98. Stalin, 260. Schalk, Dr., 64 n, Stiindetheater, the (in Prague), 219, Schichts (chemical manufacturers), 220. 98, 205, 247, 262 n. State contracts in CSR, 164, 172, 191, Schiller, 102. 193, 194o2J9,26J,269• ' Schilling, 24. State Defence Law of 1936 in CSR, Schlicks of Elbogen, the, 101, the, 233, 241, 242, 243, 244, 2SS· Schmerling, Anton von, 29 et seq., Statistical Bureau, the Czechoslovak, 42, 107. 270. Schmerling constitution, the, 29, 30, Steinacher, Dr., 247• no. Steinbach, 187. Schmeykal, 43· Sternberg (Sternberk), 188, 191. Schonerer, Georg von, 40 et seq., 51, Sternberg, Count, 16. 64, 103, IS9t 278. Sternberk, see Sternberg. SchOneriant!'l' (followers of G. von Stettin, 127, 128. SchOnerer), 40, 41, 42, 47, 64, 6s, Stitn~, Tomas of, 6. 70. See also Pan-Germans. Stone-cutting industry, 116. Schools: Czech-German quarrels re­ Streicher, J., IOJ. garding,J7-9.S4.SS.s6,s7,s8,9J, Stresemann, Dr. Gustav, 96, 129, 131. 94, III, 112, 125, 207 et seq., 232, Sti'fbrny, J., So. 233; law of Apri13rd, 1919, re, 208. Sti'ibro, see Mies. Schubert, 223. Sturmer, Der, 103, Schulverein, the, 54· Styria, 33, 68, us, 177. Schuschnigg, Dr. von, 26o, 268, 270. Sudetendeutsche Htimatfront (S.H.F.), Schwarzbach (Cerna), 181. 202 0 :ZOJ, 204, 205. Schwarze Kqrps, dtu, 2S2. Sudetendeutsche Partei (S.d.P.), 177, Schwarzenbergs, the, 106, 108, 147• 197 et seq., 2os, 206, 224, 22S, 230, Seidler, 76. 231, 233, 237, 238, 239 et seq.; Seliger, Josef, So, 85, 99, 122. quarrels in, 248, 249, 250, :z6s, 266, INDEX 26S, 2S1; Six Bills or Antrage of Treaties, Conventions, Pacts,&c. (cont.) (April 1937), 257 et seq., 262. Locamo (1925), uS, 129, 157, 236. Sudetendeutscher Heimatbund, 130. Minorities, Czechoslovak (Sept. Sudeten/and, Government of, estab­ xoth, 1919), 92, 94, uo, 129, 250, lished under. Freissler in 191S, Sx, 251· 97· Russia-Great Britain (1907), 70. Suffrage, Universal, introduced in St. Gennain (1919), 148, 161, 164. Austria in 1907, sr, S2, 71, us. Trebnitz, see Tfbenice. Sugar industry, 19, 64, 20S, 23S. Trieste, 98. Svatopluk, 3· Triple Alliance of 1882, 47• Svehla,Antonin,So, 131,132,237, 23S. Troppau (Opava), 4, 81, 83, II3 n., Svitavy, see Zwittau. 114, 116, 132, 137, 161, 193, 212 n., Switzerland, 69, 92, 93, 94, 2S9. 275· 232, 233, 234, 245, 261, 262. Trutnov, see Trautenau. Taaffe, Count, 37 et seq., 1S7. Turnverband, the, 54, 136, 200, 201, Tachau (Tachov), 105, :uS. 249, 265, 266. Tachov, see Tachau. Tusar, M. Vlastimil, 121, 142. Tacitus, 2. Tyrol, 51. Tariffs, 164. Taschek, Dr., 10S. Uh/if, Le:e, 232. Tatkreis, the, 137. Umgangssprache, 54, 88. Tepl, Abbey of, 229. Unemployment in CSR, 190. Teplice-Sanov, see Teplitz-SchOnau. United States of America, 77· Teplitz-Schonau (Teplice-~anov), 35, Universities, 3S, 63, 64, 212 et seq, S5. 99. IOI, 156, 174. xSo; Henlein's See also under Czemowitz, Prague. speech at (1935), 242, 243, 263; Usd, see Aussig. Incident of October 1937, 266, 267, Utraquists, S. 2S1. Teschen (Ti!sin), 90, 94, 96, 114, us, 137. 235· Vander Lubbe, 139. Teschen Commission, the, Ss. Vamsdorf, see Wamsdorf. Ti!§in, see Teschen. Venetia, 33· Tetschen (Decin), 97, 9S. Venice, meeting of Dr. von Schusch­ Teufel, S4. nigg and Signor Mussolini at, 260. Textile industry, 12, 19, 9S, 1n, 162, Venkov, 252. 167 et seq., 191, 26.3, 264. Verein (later Volksbund) fur das Textile Workers in CSR, Union of Deutschtum im Auslande (V.D.A.), Gennan, 16S. ~ 129, 130, 233, 245, 247• Theatre, the, 211)-21. .Verneuerte Landesordnung (1627), xo. Thirty Years War, 9, 10, Viererbl, Dr. Karl, 223, 251, 267. Thun, Count Franz, 46, 49, 97· Vitkovice (Witkowitz) ironworks, 19, Thun, Count Leo, 25, 27 n. 114, .192, 193, 227, 239· Titta, Dr., 6z, 99· Vltava (Moldau), R., 33, 106, 127, 181. Tobacco factories in CSR, 174, x8S, Vogelsang, 187. ', 192· VojcechovskY, General, 240. Tourist traffic, 163, 179, 18o, 1Sx, 1S2, Votary, see Wallem. .· . 1S5. Volk und Filhrung, 265 • Trautenau(Trutnov), 12, 9S, x68,184. Volkischer Beobachter, 248, 251, 253, Trbenice (Trebnitz), 6z, 64, 99, 156. 261, 267, 268. Trboii, Master of, 6. Volkssport, the, 135 et seq., 197: - Treaties, Conventions, Pacts, &c. : Trial, 139, 198, 202, 223, 247· Czechoslovakia - France (Jan. Vrstislav, 4· 25th, 1924), u8; - Gennany: Vrchlab!, see Hohenelbe. commercial-Nov. 1934, 1S4, Vsetin, 191. x85;- Nov. 1937, x8s; railway VyUI Brod, see Hohenfurth. (1937), xos; - Poland (1925), 129, 235;- Russia (May 1935), Wallenstein, 99, 102, 104- 236, 237, 240, 242, 261, 278; Wallem (Volary), ro6. - Vatican (Modus Vivendi of Wandervogel, the, 136. 1928), 230. War 1914-IS, Czech desertion dur­ Gennany-Poland Oan. 1934), 235, ing, 74· 26o. War Debts, Austrian, see War Loans. INDEX 299 War Loans, Austrian, 74, 1 I 9; liquida­ Woollen industry, 161, 170, 171, 276. tion of, 144 et seq. Wostry, Professor W., 4, S· Wamsdorf (Vamsdorf), 98, 164, 263, Wyclif, John, 8. 276. Wasserpolaken, the, us. Young Czechs, the, 42, 43, 51, 6s, 141. Weigel, Bruno, 261, 267. Yugoslavia, 127, 164, 165, 167, r86, Weinmann (lignite mine-owner), 235, 26o, 266. 172 fl. Weisslcirchen (Brly Kostel), 169, 170. Zagreb Treason Trial (1909), 71. Wenceslas, St., King of Bohemia, Zaji~k, Erwin, 230, 250. 3 et seq., II. 2atec, see Saaz. Werstadt, Dr. Jaroslav, 75· Zatka, Dr., 108. Westen's (enamel-ware factory), r8r. Zborov, battle of (1917), 77, 265. White Mountain, battle of the, 9, 16. Zehrer, Hans, 137, 204. Whitsun Programme, the, 1899, sx, Zeit, Die, 224, 249, 252, 264. 109, 218. 2elezny Brod, see Eisenbrod. Wicht!, Dr., 73· Zemmrich, Dr., s6 et seq., 61, 228. William I, Emperor of Germany, 42· Zemskd Banka, 166, 167. William II, Emperor of Germany, 49• Zenkl, Dr., :uS. ?6. Zentralbank der deutschen Sparkassen, Wilson, President Woodrow, 77, 8z. 167, 282. Windischgratz, 25. 2ivnostenskd Banka, 39, 40, s6, xo8, Winter, Max, r88. 145, 166, 167, 186, 192, 193, 280. Witigonen, the, 107. Znaim (Znojmo), 81, 83, 113, 134· Witkowitz, setJ Vitkovice. Znojmo, see Znaim. Wolf, Karl Hermann, 44 et seq., 77 et Zweiteilung, 67, 68, 69, 79· seq., 103, 134, 159, 197, 278. Zwittau (Svitavy), 82, 113, 263. PRINTBD JN GREAT BRITAIN AT TH8 'VNIVBRSITY PRI!SS OXFORD BY JOHN JOHNSON PRINTBR TO Tim 'UNJ\Il!RSITY (VIO :.<

BOHEMIA AND Mr ORAVIA-SILESI A DISTRIBUTION OF SUDETE GERMAN POPULATION I BOHEMIA A D MORAVIA-SJLESIA O:t !i: ed on map in Dit> 'fsrlu•rhoslon·flluoi im Spitgrl der Stntisrik, by Erwin Winkler (published by the K. H. Frank Verla~ in Karlsbnd under rhe auspices or the Henleinist Pnrty)