[email protected] STRIPESJAPAN.COM FACEBOOK.COM/STRIPESPACIFIC FREE INSIDE INFO ChiHon from Korea ZAMA BIDS FAREWELL TO MILITARY WORKING DOG PAGES 2-3 BELOVED YOKOTA CASHIER DEPARTS COMMISSARY Shoji PAGE 4 from Okinawa Hiro from Yokosuka CELEBRATE THE RISE OF JAPAN’S RAILWAYS ON OCT. 14 PAGES 6-7 COVID-19 has changed everything, but Stripes is still here for you JAPANESE DISHES YOU MUST TRY AT BY DENISSE RAUDA, butter — but how do we write about plac- LEAST ONCE! STRIPES JAPAN PAGES 12-13 es we can no longer visit or are no longer he Stripes community paper office safe to visit? It’s easy — we don’t. has been empty since April. Yet, Like you, we’re no longer dining out at T the designers who layout the ar- restaurants. We’ve traded in our cubicles, LIKE US ON ticles in the newspaper, the team who up- travel assignments, and restaurant re- FACEBOOK dates the websites, and your writing team views for workstations at home, recipes are still as busy as ever. in the kitchen with our families, and get- Like you, our daily life and our daily ting creative with bringing you a break work life have changed. Though our writ- from the hard news we’re constantly get- ing team, spread out in Okinawa, Korea ting bombarded with. and in Japan, is used to working togeth- We’re looking for ways to keep you (and er, but apart, what we write about had to ourselves, too) entertained.