Ethnic boundaries shown on this map are not an Distribution of Ethnic Groups in Southern exact representationW ohf iteh eN isleituation inS tehnen aCrountry.

The administrative units and their names shown on this map do not imply White acceptance or recognition by the Government of Southern Sudan. Blue ") State Capitals This map aims only to support the work of the Humanitarian Community. Renk Nile Sudan Renk Admin. Units County Level Southern Darfur Southern Shilluk Berta Admin. Units State Level Manyo Berta Country Boundary Manyo Melut International Boundaries Shilluk Maban Sudan Fashoda Dinka (Abiliang) Pariang Burum Data Sources: National and State Dinka (Ruweng) ") boundaries based on Russian Sudan Malakal Baliet Abiemnhom Panyikang Map Series, 1:200k, 1970-ties. Rubkona Guit County Boundaries digitized based on Aweil North Statistical Yearbook 2009 Aweil East Twic Mayom ") Nuer (Jikany) Canal (Khor Fulus) Longochuk Southern Sudan Commission for Census, Dinka (Twic WS) Nuer (Bul) Statistics and Evaluation - SSCCSE. Fangak Dinka (Padeng) Digitized by IMU OCHA Southern Sudan Aweil West Dinka (Malual) Nuer (Lek) Gogrial East Nuer (Jikany) ") Luakpiny/Nasir Aweil Maiwut Aweil South Raga Koch Gogrial West Nuer (Jegai) Nyirol Ulang Nuer (Gawaar) Aweil Centre ") North Ayod Kwajok Mayendit Leer Dinka (Rek) Fertit Chad Nuer (Adok) Nuer (Lou)

Jur Chol Tonj East ") Wau Akobo Nuer (Nyong) Dinka (Hol) Uror Duk North Panyijar Dinka (Gok) Dinka (Nyarweng) Wau Nuer (Ador) Jonglei Balanda Bagari Tonj South Cueibet Rumbek Centre Twic East Pochalla Jur Chol Balanda Bor Dinka (Agar) Dinka (Twic JS) Anyuak ") Rumbek Dinka (Ciec) Rumbek East East Murle Bor South Nagero Dinka (Atwot) Ngalam (Kachipo) µ Yirol West Dinka (Bor) Central Jur Bel ") Pibor Wulu Bor Libya Red African Dinka (Aliab) Sea Tambura Awerial Republic Bongo Mvolo Jie

Chad Terekeka Mundari Sudan Eritrea Moru

Azande Nyanwara Lapon Mundri West North Mundri East Pori Kapoeta East Ezo Ethiopia Ibba Baka Boya Central Southern Western Avokaya Lopit Toposa Nyangatum African ") Republic Sudan Nzara Mundu Lokoya Democratic Bari Democratic Juba Republic of Cong o Makaraka Republic of Congo ") Yambio Kapoeta South Lolubo Pajulu ") Latuka Budi Dindinga Kilometers Yei Torit Lainya Kenya 0 50 100 200 300 400 Kakwa Madi Acholi

Kuku Lango The information shown on this map does not imply official recognition or endorsement of any physical, Code: SS-0132 Morobo Kajo-Keji political boundaries or feature names by the United Nations or other collaborative organizations. UN OCHA Lubwara and affiliated organizations are not liable for damages of any kind related to the use of this data. Date: 24/12/09 Uganda Users noting errors or omissions are encouraged to contact the IM Unit, OCHA at [email protected] IMU OCHA SS