Dear Councillor 12 March 2021 You are summoned to join a virtual Extraordinary meeting of the TOWN COUNCIL via video link on FRIDAY 19 MARCH 2021 at 10.30 am. Yours sincerely Town Clerk PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Members of the public are invited to submit questions to the Council in writing by 9.30 am on the day before this meeting (i.e. Thursday, 18 March 2021) is due to be held using the following email address:
[email protected] or by delivering a hard copy of the question to the Town Hall, West Borough. A G E N D A 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2 DRAFT DORSET LOCAL PLAN To consider the suggested draft response compiled by the Task & Finish Group (copy herewith). 3 WIMBORNE FOOD BANK – REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL STORAGE To consider a request to site a container in the grounds of the Leigh Park Community Centre as contained in an email from the organiser (copy herewith). 4 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC The meeting will be adjourned at this point and Members of the press and public will be excluded for the remainder of the meeting. 5 RISK MANAGEMENT REVIEW 2020/21 To consider the risk management review prepared for the current financial year as required by the External Auditor (copy to follow). Extraordinary Town Council – 19 March 2021 LOCALISM ACT 2011 and CODE of CONDUCT Members are reminded to comply with those elements of the Localism Act and the Town Council's Code of Conduct in respect of disclosable pecuniary interests. GENERAL CONDUCT Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability), Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, Human Rights and Data Protection (General Data Protection Regulation).