Recognising Local Government Leaders and Representatives For
Honours 2020 Recognising Local Government leaders and representatives for their considerable contributions to the sector and their communities Local Government Honours 2020 2020 Honours Recipients 3 Mayor Tracey Roberts JP President WA Local Government Association In a year such as 2020 – when tragic world events I’d like to acknowledge our Local Government have dominated our news feed – the value of Medal recipient Lynne Craigie OAM who has “community” has never been more important. given many years of service to both the WA During these unprecedented times, strong and Local Government Association and also to her committed community leadership has become local community of East Pilbara. Lynne’s inclusive critical in the efforts to expedite business and leadership style has been an inspiration to many economic recovery at the local level. of us, and her ability to negotiate with all levels of government has seen numerous major financial Despite the widespread impact of the COVID-19 windfalls for individual Local Governments, pandemic, we have seen stories appear everywhere particularly in regard to road funding. demonstrating the compassion of our neighbours in helping those less fortunate. Congratulations to our four Eminent Service Award winners Frank Cvitan, Barry Sammels, We are incredibly fortunate in Local Government to Norm Trenfield and Olwen Searle. All of you are have always had a high calibre of people working outstanding examples of community leaders who to improve our quality of life in so many ways, every have dedicated many years to improving the lives day, both before and during this pandemic. of others. The 2020 Honours Program recognises our Our Local Government Distinguished Officers leaders who, through many years of hard work and Award winners John Beaton, Gail Ipsen Cutts and personal commitment, have created communities Jim Epis have all worked above and beyond the that thrive and prosper, even in the face of global call of duty to improve opportunities and facilities adversity.
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