The Oxford Democrat.


l» ILLINOIS PATRONS CO OPERATING. REMEMBERED. little branch near It wus withiiu that the major cm vefdure. Reaching the welcome shade, was tied up in (A by, "About 20 I n>ckon, Isam. Il AMONG THE FARMERS. efforts yram, White some of the a in down where Isam hud al- and in it an ax and a co-operative thn«i t« util servant NevtT before he dropped lay paddle. di n, hit ttin' U r I*· 20 In a small Γι> and away like the dew "Well, go'u Counsellor At Law. of iIm.· I'atrou· of llusbaudry said the at he clam- That «oar· from tbe earth to It» home In the «un. hi* 1 ft> had a threat been lt*vt«lttl at ready pitched his handle. "Isani, major *f<»* emuthef. I'm go'u bave bccu a failure, the TWO RUNAWAYS years yer git me «η·Ι '* way yet prin- So let «teal iviv. lovingly, the faahion bered do»* it that gently ham who ww η character Mumbling after of old in, "bow liappen you r ev'n d»*e monfs m Ht vr<'Kt» rAI.M. MAISK. *'*r»iir»TuayLow still holds and lack* success remeinlier&l wlutt I have done. privileged t« git wi' hyah biff ciple good Only l»y a boat ax and abou the house. It was uot darkies, a m»-aning smile npon bis lips, find and all ready hen·, < r wuz cum- iu case from absence of busl- HARRY BTILLWELL EDWARDS suriirieing bout jiiiint. Lor, V"»"! E* I any only name κη·t ami tomb all fur By > »!► u;n*. From the M y uiy place my (h· η Γ «rc that jast before daybreak next which, aft»τ all, ia merely thinking the runaway notion only struck you just min beck I 'Now ueu management. Grange, rotten; Ionic kep' a-sayin, ^ ma- the well filled before thin utTMiM'trirtK-t· >n «I we aa article race of time well and mon a kiuirk was heard at the aloud, Isam hnnight from «lay morning?" ter ketch uutbiii (>ra«U· *«rr1eiitti.r* topic· bulletin copy descriptive The brief natlenlly run; ICopi right, 18Π3, by T1h> Onturjr cum\t*ay. ing Maes'Cruffudain' go'η Attorney & Counselor, to aoltclte·!. Allnw all —ν»1~ιή*τ,»« '■ So let me aw av. ollently, \. of his a «null «tone Lutin shook h ω head as he chuckled : of, and in defence of the l'atroue' \λι* pcaeefoUv, All rigbtii «β* rv. IlKMit D. IUv- mnemliervA what I have «lone. yallerbelly MAINS. of Only by it .aid Inn clothes Soon, after «vrtain rit»* and ceremonies "Hit ain' de rite time er ter \.. Wrlruitural K· 11 tor Oxfoi'l tieiaocnU. Mnut.uturlng Association Illinois, CHAPTER I. stotx quietly donning day fer chowd'rmeat, en all die ro'n en yin- He : Ye·, like the fragrance that wander* In darkite··. Paru. M·. written it* secretary. says Wfii ii^untl that lie would find to the occasion, he t uiK*. Miwt' Cr.iffud Dere ain' ss >^vlnr> Kank KuiMIftg. by flower* It raine from are elo*«d doubt bnt «uinide, appropriate approach- spluin guus got ter be «'at «υ so. Eu, bl< of Illinois When the up I have little many people dry "lu lv.'-' the Slate lirange <>n hand 11»· was not mistaken. ed the and with a no tellin w'at time dem houn's t* r and gone. fii middle rememlter Craw- Inud major, triumphant go'u goodness, hvah's de cbowd'r duu ha'f ΓΑΚΚ. instructed ltd executive committee to So wouM f t* to the world'» dweller*, (»v»>rgia yet " < t.KSH Κ Λ weary "It s dun struck me, Mass' flourish extended a tumbler of red strike er hot trail, en de trevdat yer kin what 1 have done. who in CratTud, large ii Aud Isam souuc the only remembered by ford Worthinjfton, antebellum " lyin rwddy. Iwgan | THEN make arraugvmeut whereby ter which aruee a clime ain' ter lif* out'u rva< h ANO NOW. coun- en i 'bligv I p>, «aid bain. liquid from gracefully go'n yer to sh:ike his own from the of the order could farm house in Baldwin f " priz»-s bag Attorney» at Law, members buy Need* there tlie of the love written record. days kept open Th·· little Swntl*D vean this mouth the pral»e h! said tht* major, "then we'll small forest of mint. UT a dog. boat, propcllM that rorn?" The *gn from manufacturer*, or as The name and the graved on the -tone? as he wm calb-d "When· diil you get uiachincry epitaph ty. Major Worthintfton, er shot out into the mains, writer w»:it W est "to with we have live»! let them l>e our talk ht ovrr first. "Dun foun noo he said, strokes, KKTMKL. grow up the near tlrst liants as At the The thing· for, Ucauae of some fancied aid ho hail ex- spring," by vigorous major fixed his y*· sU-nily upon the non- possible. — C. Pvk. but the man the and under the willows χ oi HerrV-fc. Sl'enr couutry." We started from Boston that •tory sat upon the stepe, th«· major in propped against cypress river, gliding session of "ïtf they reported they λ\> oVmItm l»e rcflttnberod by what we have tended to hi* country during th<· difli· Ιηφη chalant babbler. am " uioruing. and went through so that hi* •1 ami talk it over did, was motionless, and his hands were bon· it* past* ugera swiftly downstr» an Monday found manufacturer· organized il»Dr, with Mexico, was n»>t a type—un· rocker, they "Di* co'n, Mild Isam, shu< king >H\KI KS R HOLT. New and Montreal over the culty his Kugland it was and more, that they untiil a glimmer trembled in tho folded pean fully in lap. oo'u. impossible, I nee«l not lie tnlMed, if another «oeceed me. 1» jw to boom* of many ninguliir character* j'ai·· ear. "en w'at «ley calls 'vol'nterry l>rand Prunk Κd I road. The train was to 1 Isam caution* IV. were to sell uo To reap down those Held· whleh In *pring east What between them nt> one down, p*uses who would sell to farmers ever weer. au· I >rifeded Isaui. who bore a jwck whispered ejaculation: my stretched En drse e* uv de wile kinew'at in I ten ver. and it be can constitute a lie lived in the by yinguns Main nwrt days reaching Col., means of relief that a company Ile I* remembered what he ha* done. type. th·· " H .s .»*r Bluok, only by that luui the appearance of a sable soul, ef he ain' dun gone ter sleep! I by gigantic tre·*, in who*· ls* n-ck» η dat Ian' pow'ful cicadas singing. old boyish madr uo but a new flatheud of home-seeker* that «tutted the traiu own my tation uot miles from Milled*»·· Kringlc, reply, fixing scribed to build their machinery. Λ· It» «animer and autumn move ntlentlv on. many m.i i\ II \RLOW. were never of the t uce antl the Ileitis, m wurrin ter 'r man 'r his fat. Mass' enthusiasm rose strong within the ou iiis hk cast it far iuto the stmun weary telling why they was Soon alter, m The bloom ami the fruit and the *ee<1 of Its *e«- surround* d several huudrvd tUsappearuig This report adopted. ▼ille, by answer J were "tired of hillside* in New the ytiods the hountbt Craffud, Mass' Craffud I" No a tiro Nam wxm had Kng- to out a call was •on; beyond. Ouly j jor AboTe blazing order carry this actk>n, what ! have Attorney at Law, Und." \s we came nearer and nearer I «hall «till l»e remembered by : km v| when they left, and these tugged came. "This is the camp, "he said, "and his kettle Kwiiunnif. and within its issued to twenty-two prominent Patrons ilotte. to the va-t level Stretches of Western at down on his knees, he care- to the n-d chunks of Deb as to meet to the com- tii leir chains with noisy pleadings, Getting there"—pointing log jammed depth* «putt· great MAINS. in the state organize I have if the between the of the cl»-ar wat«TH with the river'· mud—"is com and onions. With the earnestness a secured and books N«»t but the «ni that In life I have «oWu; Nrp-amiugl>anui-n, Woodhaveu beverage lij-s organized, charter myself, witbl " as th< ί« iu d to ml»» the on to a»'e«. all about me forgotten con- ι surra. eye, y rocky for the subscription of the stock, Shall |va«· >ut it.s master, and the overseer, too llee|*>r and allowed them to percolate the plac·· for br ain tuid mlbeJlies. of a wizard pn paring his atrange old hills that had «eeoied «wj much in the opened Save the truth I have «|>oken, the thing* I have with) j y which was at #100,000 iu shares mue, m-ru-l· uned U) the eccentricities of iowuwan! As the "apple" of the Isam fairly shouted : eocti<>us !»■ iiiiiiK over the boiling mix· at hume. Th« »c honu-seekers fc-ft placed done. | Attorney at Law, way > no us·· a r of ®lo each, η person being |>ertnlUcd thut lit»· ut power to worry over hia sud tightened throat darU>d up and glided "Dere, now, dey ain' nev'r ture, add: ir hen· pineh of p« p|s and the trsiu singly or in groups at little So let mr living l>e. no lie my dying; s K'AAY, MAIN». to own more than 100 shares, that it den in his stead. lowii atfain into he tellin er man wot knows how ter fish there a dash of salt. As he stirred the statious the railroad, and So let my name l>e. uabbuooed. unknown; lepartore, π-igned place whispered: » along disap- h In the \ * v.rang* RtoeS ColWtloa» »{·«γ!λΛ.τ. might not become monopolv and unml**ed, I ehall *tlîl lie re of the led first di- "Mass* es dun fainted?" whar to er line. De two go in* hs he sang aclwvrful up lo the marvelous I'npraiaed Tie path runaways Craffud, yer drap 'long savory plant»· peared—swallowed hands of η fe λ No one not a member tne m I wtli plum bushes, eyes ojswd, major terg»ther. yer liyar ditty. evening ..Κ Ρ JuNït A *>N. lwelopment of the ι .range in standing could e«. by as good out in tht: bolt The next minute he drain- M-uts' en fer r, fallen, and tfi< red of the fl;im>-s I ι It seemed at Thtt time, though at xt< nt, that stood upright. Craffod, git n-ddy suppi light subscribe for the stock, and b\ special p-|m " rural New would I*· de- SILK FROM WOOD. held, .« small for-st in itself. This ed off the drink and sat <-oiiteuiplating w'ile I 'ten ter de res', bniuglitoiit hi-llgun· iu bold η lief lie Dentists, Knglaod surely contract do one can cist more than 201 open within Jû y ea rs ; y»t, to-day. vva* he burial where without the honest fiv ♦·, in w hotte eyes was a pe- Throwing oj*u his Isiun die- seemed a veritable of tiie swamp, MAINS, populated votes, «ο it is a company of the grouml, pack, genius NORWAY. we believe thtt the of the hill majority IT IS HAKUSnllK AM» CIIKAI', AM» IT nga, d t»> unit r or system the graves of culiar look. played his simple tackle, hurried and land from his spirt l»y tl»·· cheer ■. P. Jot»·. l>. D. *. than people." ι, Ρ J«m*. Low us are more pr»".j>eri»Us they "Tank de and cut a fr>ui a lur- and the J. when the National Granite at Othe; t ρ-attires of the trash dotted fur half er hour. Am' nev'r fallen tree out a handful of flat- to the li»rht< d circle. || New for the V\e*t, and «OtUvr· heap, hyidi picked Ktiglarid »e»*ion In Illinois, as Mr. states, ter liulk at er 'fo' en to a the Λ Burgeon, Mtisuhu^tt*. heady the These glimin.p-t I known yor julup heads. Adjusting himself log· BE Physician i*d all over 1\>ηη«·. ticut. invention of the of manu- »tiadowy depths. [TO CONTINUED.) discussed and favorably received The proceu l».un 40 cast his lui·· and to draw Γ A Kl.H, MAINS. Vermont and New you will fully faintly m the gray half light, and yeaursl" major U-gan MITB Hampshire, the of action. The Matters «if facturing «Ilk fr<>m wo»*! U du·1 to Count «><<■> ore η who hack after serv- pltn ahiv. red as he The "That came in the right time, Isam, in the bream. Thr Carumbrr »>: ow»' Black tlajfta riud rte· have come for stock llilaire de « hardonnet. who, after slightly po*»d. Sponge. : W ■» Granges subscribed many Κ rr-U> l'r>. I>ut it K^'urtjM. ice on Western farm*, content to culti- twenty-two uiov meut did not the notice of and it's said the chuckled Isam, "I ain' in 1MU that lie could an to n«r» Imm!" ««rape tf<*id whisky," major "Dere, now," lu the cucumber In the company. There are in Illinois Pxpt'riiDPnt», found "l'on iriny ntr«i|/. sponge (Kupleo- vate the old hillside» It U U- w as)].· said: "Where did it?" ■pen do dat senee was er-«'ourt* again. the scheme has make his » commercial tucee*·. tht lujoi. h<> smiled grimly heartily. you get yer y»*r tella we have » sj*«rimen of 1,200 stockholders, aud pro*.*"** «lav.-s with whoiu h· was nj-.n singu· " cucumber) I I'.l « K. lieved those who ouglit to be be*t iu- chuckled the negro, "hit's in Miss Milliard en we all wuz l»y reached a that the following of wood silk have hern ou don't come this way. Run. "Υ·xMr, 'Mainly one which lies the mud after the »tage Large quantities but t«Tm*. Hi» bn»ail rolling " upon [ormed, that the tide of lar ea*y ask er immigration : «old and utilized in France, and win 11 run off but hit ain' g»*>d ter stray down ter Hvk··*' fishumd." it some- tation will make apparent made, his yoao adding awl· uud the cheer- the Iteloug er how many teef she got." more papers mg. ucgpi answered most beautiful of all these silicioui -Ί ΤΗ FA M AINK ertaiti it is thai the prosperous our own hou*··, hi* comfortable "quarters, MIS up the near Spring- production to the number of Tin realized that he had be- .'las* of f rm· r-iu New luve signrd locating plant ily major is or, KngUnd Is to Industrie*. where dwelt th.· nrgroea, λ11 hetîpok·· sponges Kuplertelia aspergillam. field. which elty pledged give 'essir. Ain' nuthin ter tech come a gu« st. He laiiKhinl, sank ba<-k I. *-ldoiu *etn the lise when they were go'η its it is Venu»' flow- ν « -I «rurk » »rrmu» bonus for lh«· location of the Λ costing $1.V>,00(< is to be prosperity and independence. Iiidepeud commonly railed, factory am 'n dere is dun Imiuii the tree and soon again was lost Ή-tter *ati-ticd to where thee are, silk oh 1 All dem against er basket. It is like a beaatifnl boni stay a their The m* for the built near Manchester. Artificial , ιιt |η· won. Ν.> prince evrr ruled with or. liural New ^ ork- •hop* city. pi en in sluuiU r. When he awoke, then· had ( .il Bu*.»·»». CM*«,313-12 h.tu at \ «m U >»e η» and and already ef fibers or a aadCf pnrwut. an· draw u, and within the n»**t to ill·· *old, ηλ\ tij mo n> tluui thisι bachelor glassy graceful bouquet Ho*i·, 31 3-2 ;r. shops potcut is 'bound ami Is* η a derided in his surround- JcWpfc.··,. will advert!··' for tb·· for this new wood silk I »l what the deuce change holder. The first of this sponge Dj* *.d h 313-2 ten da\ the comp4Ujr competition planter. surround· d by hie black* ami specimen i'?«' fM. sot im- A low tin· burned a few s Soin U so t li η Κ it i* announced that six The betrayed ings. yanls came into the of bkl for their cot) struct Ion. spite grett acknowledging nom*other than lus own major's inquiry in England pnwession and tlnu-i Iihv·· arrang···! to take the e rath· r than Ho knew away, and sundry Un* of bacon wen· Frederick L. Odlin, INFERTILE EGGS. of Ihe efforts of the corporations already will. j pain lîu curiosity. the late Professor Uwen iu 1841. It was lot » I of the even before w. is the of 111 a set in rear- their tools, the m*-!ro|M>]itan newspapers, output factory, t* Well how secretive negP) any browning frying juin jauntily him as a treasure. It was STATE DETECTIVE. Aft«r tuauy n^is' experience This marktd character was a man held by great thi·. the greatest effort of a single brick ha· been laid. clav when in connection I then-oii, while fn»iu the ashes Is-neath lEWIVTON. MAINK. ing poultry ou a limited »c*le, I have ar- co-operative low medium height. Hi* inclined interrogated soon followed by a few more specimen·, the is to succeed. The manner lti which wood Is convert- figure Isam shook his the brown « lids of hoecakes I l«U>u ΜΠ*·». rived at the conclusion that one of the i.range, going his sup«mtitiona. pmtruded. were in the market at about '·. *ult· A. v. to and withj j " which sulci Kor»T«n.|M«. of have con- ed into «ilk st Besancon Is a remarkable ry d«-cid« dly portline*a. b»yon< ·■«· A Huwr »ln>rt uif< rill»· the "The Hoard Directors 'Tain' but er said Isam ·>( eggs U thin head bile»" £8 but now that have been |>revaitiug to have built fori of the benefit arising from tin· alone· i«urn>w mu*tach* and lin-1 apiece, they :oo couinement of the tracted implements cxtinple .r don' "but des wait tell de fish fowl·, lilies, Mass' Craffud, you apologetically, found to be so bo and of! combination of chemistry an 1 engliieer- 1» rial of hl:w k and gray hi* fare was "i |/ plentiful they may λ -γιλ them some e!em« nt them for this spriug'* delivery, mixed deuisum er dene kns. beret)* denying knov nil 'bout dat?" g.t upwid days, us Τ1ι«»ο ^ the best and litest Al- Ing. The wood tlbre. which may b·· pa- rl.-tu» shaven. Iron gray hair in abund bought for mauy shillings. •eoi-- *ry to the production of go*»d, very pattern. sait I the "if I en den sm· w'at liit >» ttroug, fertiie χ g-. ready pt ]Jît», 1» hri ath en frulphuric By ed suit of grav was illumined by a nif- »>p' deep hii i after the acids to com his s the old ne^n> :ts he until the very much altered, 11," said Isam, willing yi ti|s>ii pn>- the islands and ulso Mains •\er\thuig ap|»-ar- t«» go right entirely satisfactory." fl.-d shirt ami broad spreading ruff* of umotig Philippine subway, Notwithstanding the gen-ral failure »re washed out by water it Is found to is»· in the iutcrest of peatv, "w'en duced tin platter^ in-m his kit and trans- hick ι* *1· >ut h.\If theu frftin the tin· -it linen. pron oil thu coast of Mraxil. "They livo allruUoC u> rvtra· :u»· ol «κΙ line· have becom« soluble in a mixture of the humble but us i>f farmers' organization· throughout er rrit gns ont'u de fl· sh, d«· ferred smoking viands, s< * Όοκ unknow η euu«e it die·, tfeere an» weak sj only burnsl in mud which is so ft and 1ont of a bpik- hannttd him, and their the effort still Tills is Into and is man * art ion*. In the long of his I stepjied impede the assumption of elegant \- these come from f tcturiug enterprise, gum put cylinders, day* ami it then float· d his vision Ml. «... complaint» mostly til ρ ne near the examined u|*>n pictun-s aie in their A. I. NT I STSYA^T. with in -reasing forced, great pressure, luto idlene**. when the was not [ath form, and they supported Ju—e their fowl· iu confine- continues, apparently by pipes 1,-gislatnre t Isam had Im*- MtALU IS »)h>kt«|i criti "1> p-'s er piund of boyhisKl's scapudes. s of «uoeas*. lu various form· to the machines, rhese was an ally. plug hyali and from sinking by 1 .on leti to infer that it is the prospect leading spinning iu wssion, the negro unfailing tfit chowticr. position prevented Tolcl Artî ment, fur t wun tleni to him fn«m liis own J'repiirtng \«<τ«| l»ruir*

    le (v|;.ru-\ant' ΙΙ«·ιΙ·<Ιι· Ρι·»ιΙ»γ». con- so that no filament day h t·» for was five or six Try as- »w η chemicals In small could 1 yon me swallow such tled, the negn> y»ars which that .unlown each they will imnit buildings, buy >|M*nlng a and a expect j rrving individual, casting sponge, is inhabited by one, I 1 «M>i Fellow* BlocA, day, business as It if hs as » human beyond sorting journal paper Isanj had hunted and frequently elt me tits to an 1 transact other l»asi» through large stuifr tiie senior How they oil λ* MUU· iu redly And the necessary junction. j from a he had no inquiring glance sometime* by u pair, of decapod crusta- ΓΑΚ1", M\1NB. s. liair. tuU··» are known as the ; neighboring city peri- fertile N>dl« These 'lilt's t r Mass' (YafTod. U n· in can»·- " he of strong, egg*. organized a fac', rtruvcd tiff and m t gums for rabbit* and his ax and went t»> work the ceans. He reminds one of the !| production «ilk worms," and in the odical Of course he watt Whig. " forcibly i- for t-hiikeus when 'gln-s factory th re's r sho' nuit. It a· ; uncommon plug, m;ir iJ w )>cr η of I tin al. and s»*»n ait» r th»· 1 U-fore in already he In the cylinders force* lo* which pine th·· completed shanty often f' und that a few years ν· » furnubc*!. Kith -uih a tenacious uiembraue that it pressure ting upon broad veranda, u]«>n morning together only Ijr thi* for f«».ld»*r i th« ν had faJleu luid was at th»· the value of crop pur- along the tube*, and when to th>· plugs surprised "Den* aiu' no chick'η ·ιι d«r Γΐι» n, with one glan»»· fu a vas written to show that this < for th»· chick, unaided, to ;ummy liquid „·ν.. pt I ark fr-m the front around sprint? happy ago paper A. 3. CEE. MANAGER. impossible ». fad thit mi tore of well- are srare it on the « (·«►-« 1'he lie sm ill taps turned on, through ; tl had caused planta- s.tiil ««t* "but er th»· font*nt« a cou- ur-t it. It should l«e lifted very care- shadv « astern exposure and overlook»*! by pan." ho îitiously, gitive perched ujion l r>-l» V-« t>>urt ;is much food at i:, ι ·—.*%>( l'v(M't. grown Hangtriin gives -achofthe gla*s "silkworms,*' the tion were made up of old nails, ·* r with the he »ΊΤ otherwl»e it may dry down upon J the bark variL Tw.*c π They fuss nit·· app'tite kin git lira' good1 warring bmun, glided ■tructed by this crab. "—(iood Words fully, substance h- un aero of go«xl corn. is the in the 'spurious tar KulkllnjC*. for •ml of which pulp appears bits of ρ tl antl and < » s on er into th»* woods and from I he ihuk. thus making it impossible s in short tdnrt* had scram- glass, pepper | on rr flip r b.xon hit kin diâappeand farmer» who are pickauiiiui, grip " «>U)pKli<-Dil(d by form of a globule. of a he little fellow to fne its*·If from the beiug scarcely perceptible sprii kled with the blotsl chicken, r chicken. vifw. IN THE SMOKING CAR. ,u* attention t<> their this with her bled in front of him for small silver yall· leg it kiiν intelligent I'he f ic'ory girl touches a C ΚΛΪ>, ih ti. W ith the Urge breeds of fowls, Kacl pluie contained few hairs fp»m I "Thrre i* in that," mid the notion concern- t>u*iues·». and It Is being kmii I buuib and draws out an almost invisible a* h.· M-att.nd them upon the something Despite popular The Xf« \ uung Wο m m ii srnuftl to Κ oow s a remove the chick» a* plainly a of Λ. good plaU lu the 1 ad of the deceatssl and piece "<««t black the negro, he never got Lh.»t m that fact is a matter of great iui- w hich, as the evaporates, U neath. The tear* wrung from | the major. your flip, yon ing runaway U'hrrw Sh»· lirlonf^d. Smith fl on to a bobbin : then eight tun h had hie and shook his bead. dering·. :lteui iu her /eal to asaist some belated dry, j revolving dri«d upon cheeks, the smoking cur n( a suburban train of «tran: ec I he man-labor cost of it la I •r ten or a dozen of such tl ac- nali Wen cr lu- Th»· wa« to him a re- M Aiiufa·turer frurrj! machinery. out the W heu done producing laments, of the he had turned away "No, nigg'r feed*, swamp merely aofl. a thread of wood-silk, enjoy into a at. The gentleinan who ocuu- ■lean water before them. ThLs is the constituting of to ac- June. The to he transfimil another flip baron recalled landmarks with surprising :h· tenth to the middle of A'hich before being used has be pied the seat behind her l«aned forward irnt itage of -uco-sful chicken rearing. "that it must be he was going ar»l wil then will have become well warmed so as to remove the mm nil* η d, in that «a*y method his platter, mighty curacy. But where on man. .-heroically treated, "île and touched tier the shoulder. -( <»ecth to coin- can wait. ountry from the summer sua, wheu the ast traces of the nitric acid, and render to how before he hanl for an hoiu st nigger live what for an* inatt»·» that up common dream*, year* "I beg yonr pardon," he nid, "but and " will start iuto a «troug he silk uuiull and then the *at out hem" Th»· must not 1*· left alone. young plants tmnuble, had ui*.iti that «une porch watching fortably major thin in the sin king car. GEEbE ON THE FAHM. at once. Sow a bushel of I ] v.itiks are betweeu roll- fa'-·· t.* the j er* to the tlbre wonderfully ami 1* to suft< γ ftviu th»· " give the rani. "Uaml" he had sank injury. the fishrmuui gati *». farm where is I n- The com aud the are uow j lustre which is characteristic of this «\tkM(iR TO •very poultry kept. potatoes ligh motions that "Er hones' ho said, stirring of th»· ^ : moving with little nigg'r," piscatorial g<>d. «he u do not rv>am over a or so, and the other lew silk, as it takes the jerky perveruity Then calmly produced dainty ] ike turkeys, they planted, chiefly artificial which, and fresh cake, ceas«*d to bite. The *-eiued to attune themselves to aptheaûh·* inserting bream ;uid redb»*lly a and » hole tow but uear at home work incident to the .season well done •olors of the most and always case, abstracted cigarette II. 1 Bol.MTKK. uship. stay dyer perfectly, out do at or driven cigarette his master's mw«· attended to uow as , which are made of dissolved that s er vitf'tin don' ea tor de There would I* a •tten». given plenty pasturage diould oppor- irations 11, η membend the startled look p* dey '«piirt· ond»*r h;uulsotn»'ly. sot to voce remarks ami curious a- grille. ν ill their entire living otters, and be at inter- titire. such, for a- guti- * coun- *>!»', Μί*»' Crap ml, don' do it!" murk* uv de w'en backbone ami a get ueariy tunity repeated kvoody example, swept οvi r the funny little man year pitf. strong pull, resisting steadily in ί: τ dire t η—butshes.vmed ·. The are a the time for seed- , or which is glance* Goods, oiig a# gra-- grow gosling, vals of few days till ;ottou the imitation ivory answer : a that ha^l 1*···η worn next the en ril*« en chin·· es sot out." would bn'ak into view. Gruceries, Dry Paper j tenance and hi* gai] Iment spar' cattish so «elf «.>« .seed that she wan but little care after is There is no of !, so for billiard serenely p> lardy and requin Ing reached. danger low largely employed whoev r skiu. K;i< h had un "Your idea of ia Th·· sto»*l this it ! "Lonl mussy, Mass' lYaffud. ingredient imi>ortant etujuette perfectly major peix-cntion, noon for the morning are two week» old. I'he old ones this work. work Dalls. kuife handles, shoe lifters and forgotten papers. hex [>verdoing Thorough but w hat it wiw no Isam." f'nce of the fisherman was «'xhaust.-d are at harvest. The team Is con- "Yes, sir. and you fixing day only was overcome. I ar generation. Joes the •erned, it appears right "Madam," «aid he, place in the and tin· sK*wt. es w'en de f«-ed 'e«ae'i en almost contin- " I oulou-e and Km Men are the largest teres of light grass be turned inro heavy , itrong than that of the natural silk, There had been genuine grief ioldK gem'man high that the «wearingbecame fur ladies. ■ η» Pi 's, 0· s. Lime, Ha Farmer. its T1 examined the feed t' others low." the reach» d what rtveds, at I ofteu rea« h eight of :rops of Hungarian.—Maine •osscsslng only about four-fifths of negro's voice a* he replied. major signs pointed nous, and major "Indeed!" she "is nut thu ·· replied. even I" each. The feathers, Ko' Miw,' tYnffud, dun ont a rye in broa»l day- With an air of dignity the old negro termed a "stat«* of mind. • ALL AND Ό. Κ l'S. ii;d pounds enacity. Gawd, you Only practiced generally the snu king car?" are valuable, 1*· No· .» .1 od time to note the etl'ecul is rife as to the i* would have been to discover the remnant* of the vm the when »bkh t^uiu· may picked f Speculation already ffi.t lit wrong nigger dia time. Isam light1 apt gathore«l up epread, Isani approaching camp "Yes", ma'am." If the hens have ( will have hree or four times a year. •f the winter feeding. j •fleet that this new < am m-v r He took out hi* knife the finished, and retired to 'if the fisher attnut·*! htn ; production nigh nter 60 year ole, en he themj deliberately major having the language i am u I the form and show , the various textile manufactures of "Well, «moking—that why [•reserved triangular j lpou 1,f d<· on er run vet. wdi. anu Ile ( !ut< hi*l the arm and nnmt fell from the ten. "Sum'n dun gone wron w id >1^- \(»Τ1< ι:. >, will be for market | in the conditions of the silk and geetion, ii η-ally off, major's profane ejaculation to go into another car. Ml SS| \·.» ||->· M VI Mi. !<>r ia- Uut the trouble with the greit majority, I'he success of the manufacture is not Vain enjoying km', Creeping edge to and which I do not think it η·-t sjHcimeu·. Spra\ " comply, l> Μ*. perfect about the is that the hiud material has but one whilr hone ! You mont let de meanes' backer now. He put aside tfu· repast beheld his in lus * >:1«.ν .-war. May Λ watch -ecu country, iroblematical ; the already, bevond ns-all. morning nigg'r companion engaged would be for you to attempt to t eet and fungus pesti>. Carefully jsilicy Ν ι. i: α ι·η .>41. -Lay are an excess of we been used in and ou (I en den· aiu' no and th·' kit with th»· fat»· that at ί etc., ami kill theiu as |»arts heaviest, showing , is have said, largely the major wa.s bn-akfanting alone, place git looue, grumblingly investigated um-ijual conflict she returned and she ν \ 1» ML a Warrant In InaulrrWT J or lice. uiite«. enforce," calmly, Instances tat. No matter how young these birds l'arls. and has been though his two servant· attended the table tellii w'at'd You de chill once more. "En I reck'n w'en he see timet» overtakes all fisher* h«un docked .ι u.»-i ourtof 1 iv«ulvrnrt for «aid oou i- »r. It: many extensively, who liapp'n. git settled back iu the Mat with an uir <Κ>Κ of fat should treasured !»ndon. When this silk comes to be cat'piller war dat I to mise fruit, even lumps highly Iaam in the hits issl'jfivt· all back." "Ef dere's ter up*>t ■ m t lvl>t«.r, on ιοί poor apples, suddenly doorway· anyt'n go'n the after thinking very In-ohei petition J ι)· owners for are there can be in unlimited 1 ■· w «« on liie so the the they by | •roduced, which it yer ltv η •r. wl.l.h ;>ctlt: Hi**! substitute- have lowered by clothes were torn and soiled, and kind er man hit scats. L)»s « itiegtr result of iu the His t'ank de Lord!" quick, hard for a in· ment, and pa«M d η ΜλΓ Α. I» 1*M. to which la-it named j that the ,lieir orders, the overfeedlug. juantities. it will be employed Drn now, sighed I »riia· of cider vinegar poorer his fa<-e won· a lot>k that was now!" wear iImla t·· '»■ ton; put*· I. thatUx* j utilized H tien keepiug is made a busi- ,-«rioa· fabrics which are now or hangdog Ή had calmly in hie The woman «lid not bloomer* en *:> I - of t\*n be poultry wholly major persisted fbe ma- t- .»·. : .ι·ί: I ;raues upplt-s hardly a from in truth comical. Since that oh The out again, t» uess and men seek to get profit from silkworm silk, day to extract a uutil his knife negro pcep»-d ami wan not mannish iu any ■ mV] a Woman could -r .«e. an! Uh leMTcry is to the best it. possible, md thus it will by large annually With a great pretense of jor She seemed a- refined The be.-t grow apples «napped. saw th·· irat»· bv hliu are forbidden law, plau from other lilies of work, [ ht to whom the Ktme time of the and this without fortunate victim; then he ·ί>·ι. bjr and diould they of people present price year, e with the broken blade be.—New York Journal. t·..· * rv ·. Γ- -.ι!·' Γκ-f'fc·' ι •os-lble. carefully honestly pick a rage persisted th»· tank ible Mill leurn that fat is to be avoided, 11J >f silk is t^ueeu. βιιν cans»·. fisherman a hngt cat upon ι- a*.I <-howMe um or more Α» j nd k. and it w ill not be unrea^in prohibitory.—-London apparent nnti sure out fell the drop p.u as evidence of Îfinally, enough, to s. ·. to be takeu w '.·■' ! ki *t art of In when marketed, it» presence this was what the major and with the daah him pt.e .u-, ο · fair price Evidently In an instant the negro had w.i» d paddle The BaMiu Armj In Napolruo'· Itoj. t.. ·- at Parla la takl County, ! expect ou the ping .idea >a*l methods aud extravagance H as for smiles came :uu. and another beneath his Λ L>. at nine e'ckick I u of scarcity invthiug may pay. thinking of, it in and with agaiu grind June, IK* year- man at the head. So as it aiil 1 thrust place again, The Russian wan strong in reg- of abundance the [>.art of the long his face like shadows under and end the η mains far army •ut in the year· only "For Sufferelh went ui»on iick to tree was «υ heel, by kicking above writ lieus are for the fun of the thiug Chanty Long.*' his I the begging pite· ular bat weak in well disci- a luatt'l Um* >. ttepuiv his eves fell again upon the old m gn> he said Isam reveled display pas ; for and tolerated. jJl right, idiot," laughing- aas the Ο «sacks, a «·»-.- of Um liMlt of llMuivMcj of cattle fn>m Texas " w· out and th· η largely supplied by shipment· "Isam!" he said, just as he had sj*>- * it. •ion until nrscd pfepar- ·· 'Lead the I won't trouble <. .civ of otford to the of hansas and ly. way. j of riders from the Volga tri/ona p;»-tures J w ith id to make his nee known. Going peculiar body There is one fact iu couueetion ken yearn ago. ju off without much ado, près» , he have been unusually Urge, Ik] moved tnd the who the rental of I territorie- are the tone* a into th·· c:tne Dou, paid the horse which meu proue ·''Yes, sir." and jerky little who was not built for back liuinlred yard* Ml ss| Vht'.K'S XVTICK. »r««mi-ii.g a of grass-fed industry and he major, iheir lauds to the crown four good supply It is the conditiou of the were same. h»· shouldered his well stuff»·»! by years' VT1 he:id to overlook. the s had brake, ( 4> κ;» «»> 0\Κ·>Κ1» cot t«H.k. It is rep»>rted that j rac» and climbing fences, serrioe at their own stock offered for sale. Horses will not "You an· to run Isam. runijing lack and lifted his voice in song: military chargea. "f M beeu in the 1'anhandle thi·» fixing away. as ml as he could do to up. The 81 \τκ kOH I >ave bought value |uch keep Then, us now, with barbar- and it'll uear their to-day !" and that "Sum folk·» wy niint'r won they fought f Ml'. -Mav JS. * 1» 1*«. of which ι'Λ.ιιιιο go by trail anywhere "M, again reproachful, his head as he priug, aud flesh. It is negri wagged ominously ou»· I." ic attacked iu for- t..,· on t:i< >4i. oav ..f unless in tiue form I caught in ni} co'afl* ferocity. They open Ν that he rem *inder by rail. protesting voice. a warrant In laMltcarr vw to to sell young stock hurried aloug. iiatiou, each man for himself, and gave (K foolish attempt ; as have for He was βχρτβββίοτ» ·« ourt of for *al«l Yes, you just you yearv but w'at dat cheerfully giving t r th·· Intolveacy not bitted and accustomed ibeiv am' notellin uig- jo until the czar offered a ducat ·.? the estate of! in the thoroughly an· to start. I have to this refrain when h»· quarter O\fon|, axatn-t i omtnon to sheep ranged are fou getting ready his curvortin sugg»**nvp of Madrid. ^litne to the reiu and road. Meu looking got lix*'en 'gun were II ΓΙ il Kl -"-ELL were ou g'r scene for every live Frenchman. They I from u> #4. I.ambs had on for a week. cjun "Lor bleiu tvul, he aih' dun gont. broke in upon the and m Iiim>Ivi-di l^r'-lor. ud petition narket· φ'.'.ΛΟ as well as conformation and my eye you 'fo' now. Ouo time bust- m|/ ef pretended wooled tor style roui.1 lightnin tnown to ride 100 miles in 24 hours, which vu Ual oa tlM ; ictive a: >1 to #4.Γ·»; Colorado on said the hie after the 1er to stumble over a cat Down ΪΝ·ι·ι.ΐΓ. |wUtli<· | size, and will base their estimates major, fixing lips ed tm· ov'r dere, en sebeu er tleui $lccpr gasping M \ I » )■>'·>, I*· whlrh laot lumvl V». if uid their services in pursuing an en- irub» brought $·'> to #6 them. It is the well fashion. "I am g*)iug t«» he it, with a came his < that what is shown Worthington out. En dat summer de Nevertheless produced bag. Un-et-u !alms la W· be compute·!. plug clrap ty were invaluable.—Professor W. M the Jeilverv an·! horse, as well as where and j> α now, ef I co»*i de ve y Srny •nt .f any lel-to and dressed, well finished know this time you go why 1 fev'r Rtruck eoben en do handful uf corncob pipe*, awl cutting "Dere. pick'd t.> >lebt phoi nigg'rs, in of property brWn^lDf sal·' actor and free driver which is ter mek dat Sloaue Century. 'idy an·! the you go." Aiu' reed «torn hand» <1 to the the finest fish I wanted fur ehowd'r, •r :.'.r hi# nse, an«i the delivery good lus' pue uv'm died spang dead. major " more than sain»· cat. Isam's .· htm arv forl-ldden at pork Then· was sileuce a full minute ; then Isam hit'ud er be»*n dis r *n prt»yertf by snapped anything nev dat fev'r fo' or sence on de smoking outfit in the world. Ah 8««ui·)] SuHriret, uf ·»1<1 had χ it a nte«'tlni( of the t_n»-îlt«>r» teeth and his As or prices. I the negro si*>ke: balanced a coal upou shone, eyes glisten»*!. t>> lei t» att<1 Uooee one | But do say," continu»d skillfully glowing to eend pru\« their placJ. dey un- Mrs. Tono—So you're going 1·β *t » : he looked at»nit and saw the other > _;.··· «>f hi* e be h..H«*n .it I'arls Five silos were built in this township ••Mass' 'dml en I dunno 'bout welcome he threw np his four daughter A. Craffud, of the "ef "Somehow upther Kump'n Raid captive· η the -erenu-enth day o' June, | ! aud one has extensive knowledge subject, Vassar <"Uflty. about teu years ago, only how et is. Hit jee' sorter strike* han«l*. *'·>, at bine o'ck* t in the foren«><>n. '■actly folks had n' burn de fuin dat time de runaway noehun struck in, aud that but once or twice. * dem light Mrs. Vassar colors dou't •c on-1er mr hand the late dr«t a(K>ie Mood * in beeu filled, Mrs. Laura C. Phoenii, miwauksc, WU. me, en I'm 'fo' I know't. En dat catch Mass" Craf- Update—The Do buy Sartaparilla to gone Bet can't 'Isain, you ter neo com'uy terday, "Where you 'm, wrh^n peopleWhy it does not to go " tree uuthin'd hupp'n. you go'n become her. Record. (act almost say pay —Philadelphia to any other,—in 1'airymeu er eollum fac', sho. be so fud?" Im»n \ bATE>, Ueputv Sheriff. preference to make a feed which "Matron mf a Benevolent Hetne τ 'u Baldwin county t'r en hit's go'n ter Mai»' Craffud, much expense git nigg'r " — for' all other·? the then M n*er ->f the Court of Insolvency, (o the exdaaion of Dr. Milea' Nerrlne "Well," ea.ici major, go er fur'm. "said the · 1 renders milk and butter unwholesome and knowing the good bun uvdc lightuiu's light *u«l. I des laid iu bag »p»*h'ly "Right here, major, regard Not lieauty. of <>xfbed. is a to cnymo' t has done me, wish to help others, over- when it rtrikea yon. It relief get drew in and ex- him "and I havt-n jjjjjcjujr and unsalable. The silo aud incubator my en i: i'ty fe w fco'n ter rake pine eti«w The major merely ing suspiciously, "Why dot* she wear that disfiguring Farm- come» dislike for the this rid of vou But if you κ * elee for an are a slow but sure death. mj publicity, occasionally. dere. a cloud of smoke. He content«*d been catching anything reil?" «lviug 'bon pelled " 1 ·« bel·! at me. In Not. and Dec., 18B3, without me know 'Kl>. —At a Court >»< l"r»»bate ers cornered themselves iu last letter may give off thi* time letting with "You are hour. 1 potatoes ** himself cayiug, very dear you ·. within an·ι for tneCounty of Oxford.on had the eam off "Disfiguring? My boy, Because fall because raised nothing else The inmatem LaGrippe," when you start I'll cu# your CHAPTER HI to "Den don' r now. Yer des go :»'iav of .Mar. A. I>. !■*·». use that Hood'β they thoughtful," and laughing softly y« stop ihould see her without it I"—Detroit Γ he τ know from actual what and I was one of the Int. Resuming duty t \ »B Me HI widow of illtKIKH MKR aud were forced to sell for they when come bark—if I u race has been ketcliin en we ter cure* when other» fail. you T4e human certainly himself Isam retired to his meaL As he rite 'long 'em, go'n * Ltthe beat, i. ·., it this too with the care of ao many sick, I Free Press. it. of t;u. k!Md, teccaaed. havtn« \>rv could I.ook out for breakers soon, believed him. a into a the is still made under get, And Isam evol retale of ««!·! derea*e>l of the m· and nervame civil full of "natural leaf" and we'll big ia in manufac- not!<°e personal supervision 1 beeame debilitated perique— Wisconsin Important "ι:ΐ'ίΐϊΐ), That ·α1·Ι |*tltlon«*r *l*e ed*. CHAPTER IL oat and con t π J of ee se nee had a who originated it. from and the drafU made on t crope regains along for his master How long hit bin yer hands and mak· -•ι ne toall >*-r-«.n- lrteiv»teai I ewuily. that the may appear | to the had ever an.l Mies. farmers to stick potato Mile»' Beeteratite Nervine, of like importance he not realize it 111 as he <*f it.· < ourt to Iw bohlen at Parii. within i'f comparative advising Dr. anything he ίd id adapted out er overseer en boun hyah. Bimeby «aM « ..untv, on the thirl Tue*la_v of June advertisement uuder the assurance that potatoes I took 2 bottle· and am to aay, I am He cared not an iota for hi* S. Gov't Another thing: Every crop, happy confronted. was for foot journeys of considerable be iu er Got ter whar of all in Power.—Latest U. Report >t :>ioe o\ lock In the foren<>on. an·! «how ia honest. to be much this still continue 'long hurry. git Highest Leavening Hood'· is true, are likely higher year. In better health than ever. I lout time, nor for hie bad example, but flush new freedom sua * -v. If aiK haTe the Mme. of darsaparilla h. the of meut es thicker too. Dat bacon en hoe- tlwy a<(aiu4t the advice is followed the result may am a nerve was leng, l.KO. A. If Its aeeaeiemal «m, feed, it him to think that there WILSON, Jed** Per- galled tain Jd him. cake hard ter but don' half fill Α Ιπλ· — with some be as work la A letter ad- beat, dey ropy -attest safety predicted. my very trying. in connection with a negro exercise told at laet l> Ketfl-ter. iu this me." any tiling Β t the unwonted de bill wid er Des wait \I.KKRT PARK. sonal conditions must govern dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach old run'way nigg'r. that he could not fathom. In thi* A must eoon have been or- matter. Jane β. ISM. Mas. Lacra O. Paomx. hijlt perforce twell we git er mess er redbelly en brim, he had at laat found a cunning Isam over a Far· for Kale. Dr. M ilea* Nervine la «old on a positive negro ders I, when plunged sharp en I reck'η sho' nuff de fun go'n ter has establish- that the first bottle will beneli and a mystery that evaded hi* penetra- and a line of Tim.· I' trtrl ice place, m called, two miles fn»m A single tax community decline indicating long ter start. Time we us go'n. Muss' 11 sell it at Û. * bottles for fe, or no b'gin »ri« fltU. ».· to M m tv* nt tillage, an.l «ou.1, | Hood's ou the eastern shore of Mobile Îiaranteedruggists tion. Study a* he might, satisfactory and a denser in ed itself pale green growth Craffud." ** watere·! -ufleient to twenty j paaturv keep where it to work out the could ever be necured. Year : head of -toik BtKinUfal supply of Bay, hopes explanation DOB exclaimed The rose and followed u,'rty Sarsaparilla tax major cheerily. •lature '♦rrw« all kin·!* on All (lrugK^ts. $1. involved in the after about the 1st of his fac- nf*e bnlldii'ic*. j I* the One True Blocd Punier. j probkm siugle year July Μοβ' din; now!" the Isam soon found a wMrn rju> 3β laid In turln* M*m. The com- Skirting swamp, been out repair* ! Hood*Co.. Lowell. of Henry George. totum failed to appear, and the place knew the It waa .he >ea«on. to settle I*re <»nly byC. theory Tie major place. and the pa«t year Will be *oVI tht* pared j not contain Dr. Miles' Nervine bog path, presently runaways «ι-w*ate to to take i munity does many geuulne that had known him ao knew him in tor futher Information apply are the only pills loug the line of the Ooonee river mapped earns in sight of the river. ▲ batteaa abmwtccv pure Κ r SToNE. V^mlnUtrator. I u na·· farmers. Health ten a ^ wtth Hood's iarsapanUa. Restores ao mon fovtaieht Parla, March 1. im Hood S Pills SOUTH HIRAM. BROWNFIELO. BUCKFIELD. teTABLlSHKD Util. BETHEL. EAST ,^Γ of tawistOD was lu Imiic lombard and wife THE OXFURl) BEARS. The merry-go-round ha· ar- The I*dleV Circle wii] meet with MU» Mellen Pomplily of Sterp| Comfort already over nome of the 1 'til* ton e been In town visiting friend# rived and been placed ou Odd Fwlow·' l»elia Spring on Wednesday afternoou town recently looking HARTFORD Qxtoxà t he reek. 1896 C. B. BICYCLES jBcmocrat, June Ail are cordial- ι y horses. Ile p#»t JChe lot and «υ started to the delight of the and evening, 17th. peed purchased od busi- ileald's for F. A. *ox went to Lewlaton and ISSU ΚD ΤΙ ES I) AYS. THE DOINGS OF THE WEEK IN ALL children Saturday afternoon. ly invited to attend. uFancy Boy" Philadelphia to ι es* last 1» MICE. the convention at Auburn Miss Floesie Gitohell has gone partie», f1000. jweek. her BEDIICTIOH SECTIONS OF THE COUNTY. Tueaday paying man Mr». Κ lata Mason le with from with her friend Miss Herbert Hall, a young married 1 stopping was well represented by delegates Ashland, Mass., a few β. JI NK 5», ÎS9ti with wife and four children, left home j ;ranmen within twenty Boston Patent Bicycle Τ··»· —Al Λ' a Tttr If ρ&1·1 «trtctlT Sun· «t U Α. *. Fred Andrews of Boston Is In town. 4 <-enta. lay Mrs. Henry Griggs and her daughter, be to Otherwise fs.oti a rear. Single oopW of Mai- there yoln live than you'll likely friends this Mrs. Jennie Jewett Morandl » If .'aI «Iniirtli· in ttmatrltiKiiilAr1 Mrs. *>ocker, Miss Uattle Crocker, Tuesday afternoon the W. C. T. Grace, visited in Fryeburg If advertise In a "matrimonial" — I in Wed- I jet Adtutikkmk.xtii AlHetrala.lverti-emenUarr A. and chow dele-J week· den. Mass., visited friends town yoi| consecutive tn#ertlo«u> for $1-3· per l»r. M. M. mod Mrs. O. met in Garland Chapel, A citizen of Allen's Mills rtven three 1 Houghton I prob- contract» U Broton one of our oldest japer nch In length of coluina Special M ixiui made & carriage trip to Kich- gates to the county convention which Mr. Bartlett, neiday. thin is so now. He Is mourning a m«île wtta local, traaatenl an-1 vearty a4vertl» most died Sun- Miss Llla Andrews of Kumford Falls ably rnond last »t*k. to meet In June 23 and >'». and respected citizens, iiife win Is not lost but be-1 Norway, of W, E. Pike. only gone COLUMBIAS is the Mn». ami Mrs. M. Watkins vUlt- Whltehouse. Hon. James S. morning. 31st. His funeral guest on tombstones. He be- Mr. Henry Judge day May is In I ore, «s t ley say were In was held on Key. B. Stone Chariot Forster of Portland town, acknowledge no ed at ,1. « t'umminge* last week. Wright and Hon. Johu Swasey Tuesday, < came ac« uainted with her the of the World a through | The Standard J4/\a ai.iuLK cop»*. visit- a case. Mr. Bartlett had been in guest at Hotel tang. «ΑΛ the ie fixed abs ^11 Mr». H. K. Hammond has been town Thursday on referee otHclatlng. 1 patrimonial column of a western paper. I competitor·, end price 1(1 of lb* Democrat are toer cool* health for a but wai a went up to Kum· 'Il II at I Sln*le Copie· her Mrs. Κ. E. >horev, at Friday afternoon the Woman's Auxil- falling long time, Quito delegation was California and has been ■ \J\J for the eeaeon of 1896 V/VJ malted on of by inf daughter, the ruç of Boston are and the order. He leaves a widow, son, city. and can't Golunibja, wife a li t and tions buy 1 you sburtler·» stow. arroll reading-·. she received letter, l>ru* Hoojx»r our attended the >ftlce whtre re. tne two Several of citizens Sorwa?, Nov·*' l»ru* Su relatives at Pari·» Hill. The three pastors connected witn and daughters. whs met a hitch. I visiting state convention at Auburn ]>y Farmington livery Buck He kl. Alfred Cole. Ι''"*™**·»'·, letters in Paris office: several churches have all been absent I>r. Gatchell was called to Freeport Cniversalist in time to 4. r. Insurance t>®ce Advertised post md driv η to the station | rrrebure. conven- this week to attend Irvln who is this week. I. Po»t <>®ee. T. r. Kan·tail. this week attending their several Llbby, th< out train. rar1"> Hill. M Melle·. A Is erected rtU-h going J. Newton. reported seriously 111, temporary bridge being M tM-low the structure In the vil- Mr. tumteiBi- The manv friends of l>. C. i'hllbrook present C. F. Webb of Watervllle, Près- J. F. PLUMMER. i»r. Br. Lenvltt of Kastport. have | for Columbia Bicycles Α. moved to Hiram K. C. At wood and left for their Agent Mr». «Η0*η..η. turn to Bethel about June :»th. village. family been app dnted bv Gov. Cleaves a com- bail Monroe went to Portland home in New morning. Powers, The Bryant Pond boys played Before another Issue of this paper an- Bo>nton Jersey Saturday mission t > Inquire into the desirability Llewellyn after- two weeks ago and took the .'lid Dr. A. E. Cole of Boston is in town in | Gents' with the P*ris Hill boys Thursday other centennial will have passed Into degree i»f eiitabl! «hltiit more normal schools Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Furnishings k.. OF HOULTON. a seore in He Is also an odd Fellow, for a short ail·- noon. Twu ijuite game, if the history. Bethel will «ivc a warm wel- Masonry. stay. Kaat or ( «■ntral Maine, and the most | to 1< a Red Man. a of and a members of Evening Star did run up considerable. Score 19 come to her sons and daughter* who re- Knight Pythias Thirty-four L·* locations. will went vautageol maim:. of Paris llill. ton innings. also G. A. It. We don't know what he i»dge, F. Α A. M., by special SOUTH PARIS, FOR REPRESENTATIVE TO CONGRESS. in favor turn to ioln in the celebration, and A. take next unless he takes a wife. traiu last evening to Canton, at on Kev. Κ W. llerce, Mrs.»». Thayer, to all friends who are interested to come. Thursday An int| iu>*t was held Rockland Mr. Fred Weeman lias sold bis house at where visited Lodge. au Mrs. J. llcrce, Mrs. Ε. H. Jackson. Oxford County ha* one plucky woman they Whitney the body of George Gaskln, employe Nelson Jr., hast Hiram to Rankin. Addi-on Cole, h former citizen Dingley, Benjamin Maxim and others attended hnd she live* in Bethel. She took her llalph leading of MainV circus, killed by being knock- < 'harles F. Howard is a tene- of died in Auburn OF LEWISTON. the I'niversalist state convention at Au- hoe and herself to th*» adding ituckfleld, Saturday, ed from lie of a car by the bridge at presented high- was a top ment to his stand at Kast Hiram. at the age of SJ years. Mr. Cole was death a burn lait week. way surveyor to work out her tax. and Thomaat |»n. The verdict Are You to New the vicin- Mr. Cameron has leased his son of the late William for many no fll Buy a deer in was Cole, and blame at- and correct Going There is the tax worked Harry b accident, EVENTS. evidently .he worked until caused For ntyll*h appearance COMING Pack- barber to Butterlield fora a and influential citizen Our a*- I ity of Hillside Cemetery. Albion ont. shop Sidney years wealthy t ached t< the railroad employes. our uniform* arc un*urpa**cd. Rum fori drove harness and has to North of this and was the oldest of a Juin· !».—<»*fonl r. iiioo.i t»ran?e, ard saw her iu the road when he lie v. preaehel a very shop, goue place, •ortm<*nt of ready to wear #uit* W ielcct- whom are < This Χ. II. of teu children all of « IT\ <>l Mh. the from the eariv train Friday sermon from 1 fc:lX. h Conway, family statu or HIM. Tol.KIK), »*d from the flneat material*. cut and Celebration. Bethel. stage up King* > Spring? •lune lu. -i.enlrr.nial Impressive ^ as one of three. role was for III « A* Cot NTT. Carpet remain uumolested Hon. ΛΙιηοη oung served Mr. dc- we can make It for interest toc.i.l Hearing of -tate uwn-r* oa all·! morning. She may was a centeunlal sermon, and the pastor living except that he Ν tlw made «killed inukfra. Tatteful If no we think your June 11 of Kka.ik ClIKXKT make* owth by Palh». month* vet. Hie vice of the state conven- some years proprietor the carding JJ. I A moderate well we can »«♦' taixl». Kumfiml for about four urged that all the homes of Bethel presidents M-nlor (tarantT of tin- llrin of Κ CHHill Co.. inmct iImi tad prlcee. and #<*♦· how you. 11 li — « ·-ufrrvnee of ι ·>ηίΤΥιί» at and was a successful business .lune Cat»· Che of Ex-Governor IVrham that tion Bangor. mill here ■Mil* biintr.r" In tfte t lly of Toîe-lo, County ami to all our »uit*. Λ full line We now In stock a rtne line of the bent. A! «ην. should bwome pure and lovely mutch have tk>nai Chojvhe·. family Λ. worth attended StAlr anl, all color» and June l*s lT-ttjfcrl l'nlver*a!l*t expected Bethel God might tum <>f Ο Ν Κ III MUCK!» tMH.I.ARM f„r ra«h of Sweater* price*. summer. I robate 4 ourt at June 21. Chain Karl* lllll their house for the deed be the mine the first set- Fryeburg ami .1»·· ..f( ilarrh that cannot ho curr«l Extra Cotton tru open worthy FRYEBUHQ. rverf All Wool Supers, KxtraSupir*, — Comu itu·*· In Hemp. •lune IT Hearing l>v Appeal Jackson was at Mrs. McLucas went to Porter the uw f II iLI.'« C 4 Τ Λ HHII I IKK Sooth Mrs. Hooper visiting tlers chose for it. koyal by I etc?. "Vum!r. R. F. Chase and wife came fri>m rKANK J. CHKNKY. Oil Straw her Mrs. H. P. Hammond'», WhtUHiB of Sunday to a «juarterly meeting and Cloths, Mattings, Part·. (.laughter's. Sunday evening last week. I »r. Chase has re- In Portion·! ac- ill. She was BostOh sworn It .tw-|. 1.1 gave temperance (.'hate for a thl* * of ΟητηΙκτ, A. I>. If·*. you Moquette. an Inuslv ( n»eriU>o. South Norway and is now turned, leaving Mrs. longer em*, fli 'lay June S Krpubll· count of the sickness of her husband. der the of the W. C. 1. I I he home, improving we can «how yon a line of sampl'M from th»· Tari». auspices A. W. U LEAST»'. entry, *outh Is much better at this writing. attention of Messrs. Α. Λ P. It. Voung are making (IUL I'ul-lic Home New June .lu.—l»emo« ralh County Convention, He ί speaker held the undivided stay. Walker of is visit- .Votary npor.i Block, large»t Carpet House In Kngland. his extensive on the com Sirs. G. X. Boston Part*. Fred Jackson came after sister, his audience while he answered the three repairs shop. ( < ure l< taken an-l ,v i< Park at Mr. Barrows'. llall'» liiUTnally Me. IT il.—New 1 n*îao-l Kalr. k'.^tiy and care for Rev. Mr. a very ing «ujrrh Norway \u* Mr». P. Hammond, to go bv tl»e of Sargent preached ■ murous of >»tat« I.ewUton 11. i argumenta used enemies pro- was with llrr«tl> the Ι·Ι«·>· I an·! nurfaw \uk 2V Sept « Maine >'»lr, sermon at Memorial observed ·>η| .·η the wife who was sick. She returned a nun instructive the Congregational duly Chas. P. Kalr. his 1. ·\ free Ridlon, >«(·». li, l»i. IT -«>\for»ttmonlali>. .11 «f. a of veterans, preceded by <τοι>η·1», between South I'arl* anUt.«' HU'.uncI 11< y M.W Al>\ KKTl»HMENTs I j*wUton. at the Methodist church were of a high lunch milk. «"an Inc. last >»turdav morning to Miss Kmtua ! Individual In regard to the fn»tn Hulk" Ι Ci £n EU-jpwit In (Jt. urged duty Order. Vttlonal music bv a select Cbotr In Weeders, I'rveier a of the late Alexander the he We received a letter from our l.ltrhtnla* Thayer, daughter great reforms of day. lu closing recently oc- RE' L ESTATE TRANSFERS. former schoolmate and townsman, and the able address of Sir. Wright Hrfrt.-rnilon. s. rhaver. and one of our tuoct worthy ! appealed to the homes for temperance J and horse We < latin W. J>. at ! the afternoon. CultivatorH hoes, ladies. The ceremony I as the fountain head of harles Benton. Γ. consul, cnpled «.real Reduction and popular young and purity being at on Satur- HKAX, RKUIITtR. j«\ u«cavan. 50 I he drama the academy NaUrc ι»η \ trnlnl.trai τ'- Acvount **s formed in the presence of a few all fH-ietv. The ΓηΙοη is to be Honduras, propelled by at congratu- day some of the ALB ΑΧ V. with or short hiilers, N.*!c* on Η HI. bv E. W. Pierce, an cents worth of jK>st.ige stamps. evening, performed by long ! New Goods relatives Rev. pastor lated in Bethel Goods ! i". Hon*- for Nilt. having given people I scholars, was a success. K. L WwhN U* l*rt»rllla ΙΙο·1»·Ιοη, of the Pari- Hill l" ni versa» st « hurch. at to li-ten to a lecture full of Karca:»* In Woctem. 4.· I opportunity NORWAY LAKE. at I / ■ Man le \ I- run, Spring Kev. Mr. Wood of Bangor ■v.utfi l'an» tira.γι ο. the home of the bride. I'he bridal are due preached \ I u· /. » F. C. pair earnest thought. Thanks fr»m j on r.»«J L, BBflriag·, MERRILL'S, of Mr. Charles Welch of Somenrllle. th.· Congregational church Sunday Notice» Appointment. started immediately for a carriage tour i the I'nion to Miss l.tura Hall who so nctnuD. Me--enjr*r*» Nolkv of Mass., U visiting at C. W. Partrldg.'s. an I remained for another week. Through the White Mountains by way kindlv and at the A. K. Warden to l-aurn Κ Honwy, Manf. of Implement*, to gracefully presided Maul Partridge came home from Mrs. I/>rJ of Windham is at her Agi. Direct from the your feet. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard will and Miss Mice who Mary rattair* rnwTAno*. factory REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENT'ON Frve^urg. organ, Purington I ortland la»t Mrs. Wnrrlner's. of Monday. mother's. W»< 18iHj. of <»\f<, The liei>u!>Uron voter·» appro- S'( wlt^ Mrs. Geo. Mrs. ι ha riot te Powers has come home \ι(Ιγτ«·ι·. at the Court η l>eniocrat rhat other Kit» M III: in in to \nirU· M. Ilolman, :aw rv;ue»U-i I·' nicit tu cenvrDtkui fr.· Is. The hop··* elated by all. .. 'IV <>■> June 3. l^»>. at | « Il m lton June 17th. from her visit In Boston and Portland, Hou*e, >.eaator«. Ji:av passed MEXICO. spring goods very shoemakiu^ K»î!-Ut of Prv>l>ale. few Hie Oxford ·»η the 1st of June utCT, Count» \ttoroey, families a off much In the usual i days. opened C. 1. Ilowa -I rt al to J. I·. Ilowanl, U> Hooper enjoyed pleasaut pic- very pleasantly, in shoe at For service one i on>ml**ioner, an.) Sheriff. Alao Mood went to l.ewi«ton to at- as and summer are al- found any made, any price. style, lountv Grove manner. The cemeteries were Iuvid I advertised, guests I'tAMT iTMV an Committee nic at Gibson's Saturday. ; outlying ¥11.Tow ch«o*e a Rrpublk County tend Thtrs- on the a· w ad- in the convention I ready ground. fit are The l>n*i· of will be follow· The ordinance of baptism ill be visited by delegations the forenoon. Populist C M to Melkn Abbot, and they strictly representation for election Misses Kva Goodwin and M irv Bir- \I>U|J Yju κ town and planlatkiu orgaawed ministered to a large number of candi- In the afternoon a large audienee listen- day. mkw ut. will entttVd I» one defeirate. and rows went to on purj»»*·» at a and back Boston Diursday. ?uu for 71 v.-te- > a-t for dates bv Kev. H. A. Roberts the Bap- ed to very eloquent interesting J Κ < mill' κ'*-' to "*ar*h II. I nml, an anai leioimu every EAST HEBRON. I>r. Wm. t;. of («overoor lu the ! at the town hall Kev. F. K. Morgan Southport, the RrpuMkan ran·:;!.»!* for Itisi church next >unday eveniug address by II. X. Merrill raided the frame of his PAHIS. UP TO DATE ! A fraction of ♦>> vote* ■ r<»nn., and a friend, are at the rirctton of 1»'.^ laa.iorlty The -tudents of Paris Hill ! Bartoo of Bethel; also remarks Kev. Morgan S Κ Turk· r to Ofo W. « ook, to at Academy by fvarn last Λ coin- wll al»o entitle the u>wc an ! plantation ' Weduesdav. large ! residence. mi the from the grammar school, \p. Sargent of I Denmark. After the ex- W ITKKI OKI*. want to see our Our lines of L ui! an! a l.litlona. •Icie^ it» pupils pan ν gathered to lend their aid. lie in- The week has been one of sadness Wc you good.·*. Countf tonimlttee * ill 1* In an entertainment ercises st the hall the gr*ve« of soldier· by \ I ">i tn to J M The Kepu^lk'an will give Wednesday to ν lola Woo«l, PA over tend* have it read to store his Lav reason a IΝ tine kid hoots take the lead ail other-. room at the C«>url of death. Berulce Misses' -e*-i.>D at Uie «..rami Jurv June 1", In Academy llall. in the BrownHeld cemetery were deco- Webster, Κ \ Kill· 11 lien I. Warrvn, »ouUi Pari· at » oViock on ttw morti!n»t evening, I and then the work at leisure. * .1 Μ .· Μ ι". yi tlou*e at has been ar- the Daniel A. Bean 1'ost. complete ; little girl of unusual promise, died Mon- and k· receive the crv '.entlal·» of The programme rated by are lead in of Uie .invention, following Mr. and Mr>. Morse of Halloweil a and her We price, quality style. are on with , day after few days' illness, Uie ilelctt.-iU·- ranged : Farmers getting alowly the of W. I.. Ilcan Com guests their daughter. Mrs. death w as followed that of her father, Per rler of the Kepui Couoty rui i. tlieir by planting. : Bradeen. Mr. Morse Rev. mlttee. Is accompanied Mr. John A Men Wehater. who has been PARIS GRAIN CO. r. Chairman. I. Cboru*. To Thee. OL'oaotr? Mrs. Reuben Seavey dangerously SOUTih ΛΙΙ& SHOE STORE. K.N Ε SMITH. ! to at OXFORD COUNTY ECU I «. L. Bradeen meeting a 1 The >ha-li>w of ΙΚ>«»πι, .juarterly lingering long from distressing disease, an l will i< on I sick. The several towu· plantatk'n* Mek-n llaiumon·!. W est Paris. on and the same night Mr. to .leicjink·» a.coril!ii|C to the following True h ê rtrr rcmarktble MA Λτ W· tlticl I. UuiMtue the .lohn Β Uough James our oldest cltli*n. w.ilk- Tuesday, of I lav ritf leaned the remedy, NEXT DOOR TO NORWAY NATIONAL BANK. vit. Temple. HEBRON. Fogg, I.eander Greenlaw died suddenly TVRSAL miiJ LXTEItSAL ute, and we*- îlut, J.mhuaW.s Colby· his barn -vas Noma 'I*he services were M*rriirs after j heart been in his.usual dertul ία if» t,uUh motion to relier edlxtret*. Albany. 1 ν, t. Tlu Oa-*mau «. M ta· A. O. Brt«« Memorial l»ay very \'· disease, hiving raised,^'L two caries to from mill at will Aa-lorer, i »»*fon!. l*er*ls Λ. C'hlkl. interesting. A delegation from !»«rlnal u«ing keep health the day before. Thursday after- Paris, keep W. FAUNCE, Clerk. η a F· Met be'.. 4 l'ari», 7 V "Mark's V*t>t Kile." «■«*>· * Cable He said wheu was j Pain-Klllcr Throat. f h ·, Post, G A. K·. Mechanic Falls, was failing. anything ■ noon was devoted to the funerals, at- 3 l'eru. i —la M i.arian l. ^outli (hllla, IMn rr h«ra, Dyarairry, (η·Η« BrownricM, (D see on a going on he liked to get out and It. Mrs. Car- hand ami a'i huuti Buckdel·!. 2 Porter. I The Bride* of Jean lagekiw here. Hemarks by t apt. Bucknam and tended by Kev. Mr. Voung. eoiiHtiiiitly good ( holer·, iXimpLnnli. Ttaderby, lie was to sit down and rest Byron, 1 llntbitry, t.ra*·* IT. I»»* Prof. Sargent, and prayer Kev. l»r. obliged rie Webster Buggies arrived ju«t before S Kumforl, I by « acton. I 7. V ru u WinlN Morti»>n lAturt. « wheu be returned home, the distance from av. assort lient of Pain.KlllerlV'UXXZ'Vr. i rine. Six gr ives were decorated. , her brother died, coming IMJgw Mr Lor··, Mirk llradnrlir. Pill ft· til· A MILLION FOR SIGHT. l»enmark. t -to ne ham, C- f- Brvwn am- ^ a being but a few rods. He Is verv E. Webster and wlf.· <>r H brumatUn· aod < 4 ltlaOetii. t "»t.iw. RoU-it S. tleu ion. Snnday Prof. Sargent gave very fine Pa., and Mr. James Bark Hide, Viratfl·· bar le Itrotdway Hou**, the New York millionaire. 3 «umner. ι bit ions. Flou Γ» to Erveburit. r*n ti. Memorial address iu the church. came from tawell to attend the funeral all hU wealth hare hi* eyesight restored. «■ilea·!. 1 sweten, ole of Paris was Pain-KiUer SSFÎiïijfcS? Mrs. entertained the ladies Henry returning of his brother. and an ν one * I, «irafton, 1 Oultar Solo. Sargent I M A UK. II brings lp*«fv prrmanmt rrlxtf "I will jflve #1,000,000," said Mi. Rou«s, "to Β was a at- home from Auburn with four tine pigs; Grain and In ail f*w* of Spral··, «.reenw.»»t, 1 W^fcrforl. Ml·» Vgne· \ea»ey. circle There large lirai···, Cal·, restore I will walk out of store and li ·.. w Tuesday. «ben ne.«r H. one MT*rt llartia, Ας my »i|(ht. my Hanover, 1 nuts·» k, I Ttte M ouMrAwper*· SolUAtay. tendance. and a time Mr·». Merrill's pig got SOUTH WOODSTOCK. .« g»od reported. will to and ·· .· i*La>TATl<>XA. Κ van· f I'ana Ua*e on feed keys. He be welcome thie ten-story building, a number Hebron out and tried his speed. Cole called Our school house hae been Mill 1 frukltu, Lixilr M Newell. truite from («rang·1 purchased Pain-Klllcr truat.*1 friend of lb· th··!* Is In It." Ilebroo, L. to him, but and he has con- ">4 thing Hiram, i Utroln, I I·· Ttte of Ui«· Reflmeat. weut to West Minot Thur- lay to P»m"· L'ogers help Rogers bv U. Ii. CummingJ. ,>lerh>Blr. farmer, Plaalrr, Heller, I lot; η Κ Cole. ji.had inmed his knee and run. but k In fal Fruit Lime, 13 REOOMMENDED J off his coat for h DR, S, No. 6 Pleasant South Paris. I li. "Βι·ν Wjoliit," fur the two weeks, and gra-s li otherw ise, and pulled unusually full, and the fruit is setting By /ftyttndiu. by Jflfwnartn, by Mtnutert, by RICHARDS, St., Kuth I suara* past j j JfaSuiHWM. by A'vrarj m 11· tpilaU. finely. race: when told to get him Carl started but iusects the I U. Mr BlifXla'* Kir·» Itai.y. looking j well, may destroy crop Hijir, KVeHYBOOY. POWERS FOR GOVERNOR. and the was in a few minute* βν Julia f.Carter. Mrs. l»r. Hall id Kingston, Mass., is : pig caught ; unies» they are fought persistently. Col* Children for Pitcher's Castoria. I*. Mush-. at H. A. Cushman's. without the least injury, and Mr. Flatter, Cry ν! an·! visiting Pain-Killer THE man MOttSI» M ;»■» ·ι ι Π09Β. Prof. Black of Colby 1'nlverslty gave rongregationai It within lb* r»a<-h annually after the «-ntertaluiueut. As this is foi aavo tlmra l·· n>*t la doctora' bill·. in numerous friends in the here on «lune 2d and 'Id, followed bv the For at l>ottom many an illustrated lecture on Virginia place. kale price* hawar· of Itullalim*. Tall· Uou· bet IB· I ·!,·· benefit f the acadt mv let everybody i convention of K f 'he 1 >11 to which the invention *a' present, But if have not much it would i A meeting of the Oxforc this summer a student from Medicine of the you money, j» >"'« entitled-» remarkable sj^cial II Kmest S. Hatch Is painting the belfrv supplied by ing und profitable. Family Age. Count ν Association of I'niversalists wil and is be- ^ ale, a Mr. Converse. He shows (rood II. W. Stuart left his home on or summer suit at •Ideriui that the nominationattendance,^ was a fore- ί of the village church, the roof Mr. NOTICE. Taken Internally, It Cure* buy your spring beheld iu Paris Tue-darand Wednesday as he takes his mother alonjj and as he did not return his that lx conclusion and that there ma. nc ; ing shlugled. judgment Tuesday, The «ub~ riber hereby ifl*·» notice Diarrbira, and I'ain in the gone June l'îth and 17th. : with him to care for him. a ha· >1 ilv a'lralni»trau>r of th< Program I λ veil Cornet Band furnished music family became much alarmed, and Iwtn ap|>ointexforl, •lecea.-wd, am! *lvcr Hon. Harold M. Sew*»'a■.FSSfiîT^î! of K« ν Ei I'ied It Cures We also a an ! <κ·ηΐ.» a Mr. Warren Charles a fox re- gone farming about 200 men joined the lie Externally, line of Hats, Sewall made ringm* Repablicnx I K*"poa«e. Pr*»l tlie V··.«nation caught of Mit·! decc:i.».| η carry large Caps summer. on itemnuU Kkkli)-t the e-Uli· Cuts, Bruise*, II Br» C Κ. \agvll. In a set on his coru laud foi «il found afternoon am Burn*, Scalda, vch in accepting the nouimatu.n il ûiMa Norway cently trip Wednesday ι ««•nt the »Λΐη<· for *ettlement, Sprains, ,p Ι to ! »>· Ûlueer. much exhausted Toothache, Pain iu the Face. Neu- Furnishings. l.lewellvn Powers of Houlton ; a crow. l'igeou Hill walking all indebted hereto arv rr«jue"te·! U· make pay Hon Ι ! M. flatfonu NEWRY. Meeting V uioo«e was >*en to cro«- the road aud In a dazed condition, and unable to ment lni'in ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. was nominated »« candidate for «overnoi 1 A Re»· f· Κ Barton, Betnel |u»teljr. I Mia·*. Mrs. L. W. Kilgure has been ailing .lune i, i> ALGERNON ti. W A LKER J. W. SWAN cfc CO., aD, I A-; ire*. Kev. U. I». Towae, l^ewlrton one below the John Walkei remember what had during No article rte» attaiaad ta inch bv Judfi A. K. *tva«e of day lately for son)· weeks. At she happened uuboundat I % l>t*rus»lon. : present writing the pr C A Friday evening Tbe MfeM hirehy lli Mayleu, Augusta ahum W. Frost has bark hit "Hlck'ry glVM *· ea« b«ar *o Ν bought ill Ut il a I a>lmlnl*trator of the e»t:il· laatimotiy tha rfli-acy of th· EAST BETHEL· Farm" was at Robinson II .luly |> r*in Kil!»r W* Wh Bm » PMMk The MM* WEPXlKlUI. town presented bat· »«»u tta magic alT«cte la old in this of J. F. of Soulli tha Mr. W. ('. Howe of Waltham. Mass.. place Cooledge, for the benefit of the orchestra. mg aa'*r»»t |>».a, and know It to h· a made acclamatHmJ ;■· » of tion then by C' nferrn· Meetlac. I aud will move then· at once. IIARBIITC. DUNHAM, tote Norway, good articl·.—OlaWaaaii hi α «A at J. l>. U't week. were if. Mr Power* was uotided, and came inU lie*. John kimUa;!, Turner Centra visited Hastings' realized. Id th«· Couul r of decenard. anl glvei A ap«ady car· fur paia—βο family ahoald ba J. S. Allen's Mrs. ol — SOUTH PARIS. • k· ntwob, Kev.C L- Waite, BruntwUL Mrs. Bean and little sister, Butters, Dr. Barker's wife and children of Nor- bon·!» a* Un law W. Serwoa, Rutnford Fulls, made them η short visit demand· a*.ln-t the c«tau· of mI. h ta tha >iat au earnest Oowoor a* "J> «pent past way have visiting father, an forth is «t the home ol n-'iuc-'ted raal taarit. tnaana of raraorlng pain, I fi>. ofrmoo. Ilev II Κ. Κ.ή\ Aulurn lias to at raenl luiincv in.· ha» a. iui«~l a ">"·*" Λ' ι· 1 K. S. Bartlett gone Married, Welchville. May :iO, by ately. reputation aqaai to controti· Μ Ju. Framing- her father. Κ. Β. of this town. June 1*j i. MI N«»T l. whittle. KmaJrry ba*ia' ( A») thiilm ! i ΛιΜπμ, ham. Ma'* to work a on a milk Κικψρ. Hoscoe William ·*«··. Pain-killer.-Λ·«^·π Waltham and one year Watches all ι· »rt- of the h til. and made ol lUrt W. W Centre much Staples, Esq., Mayberry Hooper, Ivering Our road surveyor is making *t la r-ally ■ valiabla m»rt chu ret J. H. Swan's. district week. b» "Pn»T Ua»u.,f Hold •»arywkM% jewels year £ Paris visited at GREENWOOD. STATIC OF MAINE. > U°*l"he follows·.')? are the resolution» recently We have cool hotl. aa. It aad (HO. for entertainment. a to very nights. < > Brow has gone South Paris has heard * —June β. Α. I». 1km. 15 in Boss 15 Gold Filled adopted : W. PlEBCE, l\i*tor. Foye Ο. E. Baker took a to Rumford Everybody of the year 1SUJ, oXr»»Ht». jewels year Case $12 Kl»WlN to work. trip Till* U to rive notice, that on the '*h 'lay ο The i^a.-ol Mala· the whole .ea-inn so cold that it Repu» Falls on hi« wheel Tuesday. being June, Α. I». ··»"., a warrant tn Inwlvenry wai 0" rw* with the hi of an aa WIIITTKMOKK l»I>TKK'T. Walter Bartlett has returned homt a 17 in Boss lô Gold Filled Case $15 prtle «tory ;V^uTîl^nKepubit· a" has l>een called the year without sum- l»*uexfonl, &/aln*t tin- etlate oi New Stock of nt « t«e Se th Sieberliug, who fell from %p- enough aa come are Koefl.. offert of has a new two-seated I. of al Watches from the UNFIT « Ζ. W. B.»rtlett I'KRI.'BY BROWN, Browntlel·!, (J3T uf taltlifu'.. Neaumlal an«tai>ieJV^Jrto "* irw ii'iue over a hid th< John Sh&rron was lined Judge It mvself, hut folks were, aud used to they Factory pie year ago. by my to Ix- au insolvent I>ebtor, on petitloi tu.vrry Wchav, covered carriage. it lu June that jlHgvd ^ departmeM- misfortune to lose a nit* cow recently : Evans 8·*· and costs for ansault upon Ly- *|»«*ak of frequently. of of «al l DeliU r, Which wa·» tllr»l ou tht FOR SERVICE until are oiled and -U* »een our -tate Jebt te-'.aee"! and at (H'lltioii they cleaned, >■'.■■■ Mr. an old man about SO Ute Kev. Daniel Hutchinson 5th of.Iu le. Α. I). 1ΛΜ, to which la-t name·! t!i« burl*»" >1 -tate taxation taa«lel!j* Jf !."" Tb<χΗ \'ir wishi .gto a*.M Sieberiinji man Walker, years year the «lay HARTFORD. late Interest on claim·' Ν to lie compuWiJ, Thai ir. now It- *rateïul o1 loss can do so to Wm of He to court. was ordained, aud the was so cold lated. This we do and the Watch one v« ;Art·. tenter» appreeiaUoa in ht» by seudiug I S. j age. appealed higher day the of ilebl- ami the delivery anifd,, Betsy Cuehman, payment Any Wall railhiulani service rente*»-! w over- dtstlo*ul»hed E. Par is, Maine. Mrs. Gardner of Boston is at the th*tt the men shivered ith th«*ir transfer of ai debtor the four Cooper. widow of the late Jonah C'ushinan. aged y property lielonisliiutoKild 2Γλ1 pu-t him or I >r the anti Papers, Whittemore ha* ve their ilebu and choose one 01 Window a «orr administration of lu and who had a Lodge. |ir< Shades, s^nal eapar always spoke i>rai»e. at λ ïurtfvea J. S. of New i? 2*. Al- tlon. A number of snow more A-»i^u< e« of hi* CKtate, will lie hehl It* t·· govern aivl well. Mrs. Drake Jersey kind word fur all. Funeral June 3d at- burg. Thursday evening. May «light squalls wisely wau ourt of lu»· »ency,tobe liolilen at l'art*. In Mid 'We %rr of the an·» adhere to .. a few weeks at the old home- the rain fell in th«?re over the That ;>ri>uil history spending tended Rev. H. C. Munsou. Our though torrents, passed during day. th » Klh of June, Α. I». 1AM, at l •riadvie* »f the by ns County.ou (lay Riepu'itleaa partv. stead. I was a good time Inside the hall. After eighty years ago, and since history o'clock in the forenoon. Picture In >4*1.· a Hair- we are in fa*or of an friends and neighbors have our heart- Moulding, the routine of the be occur- Given un·!· r my ban·! the r ju-t ant ^,ual taxation, Μ Memorial was observ· hall was and a social dance for an cold and last Tues- Drapery Poles, Day faithfully sent from our friends in Buckrield. opened, unusually spring, i* Me^iip· of the Court of Inaolvcncy, foi popular education, euch M>ntiiu*nt anJ talelU address of Key. S For Sale The able B. a little while was in order. At 4 :1"> a. overcoats were in demand while vabi Oxford. rv^ar t for thr n.U irm! n^.urrr«of our -taU |«d. day County «*tr highly spoken by WILSON'S MILLS. M. all started for home. planting ο! M Al tu- ■»· l*' eniployw Mmin« heard it. The siuging by the quartettt Mr. l.eo. W. is at home, Some one advised ns to name our ri it ttv *ιι ! *.Ηι·Γβη«* U· E. U. Brooks has a new wheel from Gray again AT theομμ·#ΙΙβ|ΐίΐ»ικι for th** occasion was verv good, ar.d tht his of for farms and of resideuce when prac- coMteue·! art:·.» a» «tell He is for M. D. Stur- having finished job surveying places aar> ·· 1 (I!.·· way-, a m vnurtt *·>»'· Robinson and Mildred heene, were well preseut. here about we m^ke ice Λ rear was forty years ago, pro- Noves'·/ Drus*Π 7 t**o uttr »tate " The of the Berlin Mills drive Store, It's fun lnau*urau-t by received. Services at the cemetery wert LOCKE'S MILLS. hereafter to call it the Bennett trade. όυο-Ι rna U mean Improve»! over A/iscoog Kalis last at noun. pose the on Monday and Estes of Paris vi«itn an>l the o( C. C. Gerrish with two friends, and ago from Boston ing daughter, Farmers are done planting, but Γτ pn-Perlty macheenee Club, among whom were Mr. nearly CUT FLOWERS rt*T+ ai»«l r»ut..»eiout U th«· rectpr*«fof Balm proved. Mrs. Daniels is moving into one of some of their sweet corn proved to be a poiu v .I'lapu-t to the buxtne·* of the country Poor, now president of the club, and Koads are is were her houses here. so had to be re- time U> time to coo being improved they poor, that the ground ^l^liu-te·! lCii Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sturgis; Beti>on and wife of Gor- AT dittoαο'- wtih confl-lem-e an-t chao^j re in unusually bad condition. George Waterhouse pro-pent» Crafts came up to guide and several planted. 4,.,re«l. revenue wlil 1* ma.le a-le^uat* to th« Sweet com. caterpillars and scare- ham, Ν. II., were iu town one day last Your scribe is just starting into the •apport of the govi-rnment an.l the U*ue of went from this place. crows engross the Nnuers" time now. week. cream business ou a small scale. Ilarry bon.1* o^enribly for the m^nWua*»-* -.f« Our Sabbath School organized the hut to iefl< leu· We -hall -oon lieed the account ol Heleu Delano of Dixtleld U staying C-ole collects it for the West Paris butter <1eiuption funar· <»fpo*d the second place in ing school here this summer. Grass is since the by .nwrnt on« accept presidential B. J. O!*oo, AmI. SU|4erlntentalne believe in the maintenance SWEDEN. ROXBURY. the past week. than last year. the of rational crvtit by the utmo* falti. ity siderably lighter LOW PRICES ! a down huL*t all the planting in this section Mrs. Farnum of Rumford was at Mt. Save many tiij> to wart» the tutbllc creditor nol for tiiecre-Ht Nearly The rain of aud .Sun- Mrs. Whitman writes without gloves done. Corn been in Saturday night <.r'. -ake t>ut (or the nation· sake, for tne is planters Abram Hotel last week with a and woe to the was a boon to the millinery. on, uses sharp pen, sound τν±~>υ that the mont » demand the week. Most farm- day great farmers, cellar t»tairs. yaluaij*pro««*, hone· direct Save lots of food. Hon. Whoever with honor borrows with thnt and listened to a very in- is a tine and both she and pays wiuter was very hard for grass. day evening, She poetess, from the we*t. «»«· -oun-t ttnaiwe and certalntr at the Mr. Meserve and a gentleman friend sermon Rev. J. II. Bounds. Kev. 1>. A. Gammon weut to Canton teresting by her eon Plaisted, with their portraits, We on l>anro*eettoa from Hallowell George are in Poets of America. F. A. Sliurtleff, Make many thing aud spent Sunday with his uncle, Green- NORTH PARIS. represented all ilem rlptloDj·. an l «ell at» low aa any one la ·■»" a vacation, and to take in some trout in the ""SK iSSt'J* ÎT3*. field Gammon. Kev. Mr. Bonnds preached New Sevr-al woo*U horaea on lie at all time* aad wtth all nation* Arm. ti-thing. Mrs. Harriet Chase died May 30th and Begtaad. band —I— at North Lovell Berlin and Ν. and and SOUTH PARIS, MAINE, of a and fishing at Little Concord Pond. already at work on the place. expectedly Tuesday, Errol, H., Upton Mine. Come in and be con- 2d. served side and Rumford to West Bethel. Mrs. Charles Field has to Massa- Abraham Norwood and little Ruth June They aide by Andover aam^| Lhe for bj Tyler, Power·, ho«n we ■·▼«' "™*\ u> he stand Mrs. W. S. Nevens of Waterville is vla- Wilfred Hersey is working Isaac ing family lately our ana tou. ι^«ue Umv— meat was a for ▲. 8. Bean's steam mill. i/V. A. It Son·. BftMLnr 6 Biokxbll. OtilldrM for Pitch·!*· Owtorlt ud lNWcr of part) her Mrs. Annie B. Andrews. Tltcomb in Norway. happy meeting both. Fvothinghem Bign Ory uovernor of Maine. iting slater, [

    1 Urine era t. W. A. BUke Ht home Îr mi» Lyon. Mis» Ca«»le (« Brlggs. who hns beeu GRAMMAR SCHOOL GRADUATION. NOBWAY. ill for win·» is the church m IhcWûford X. C. Kurd of Su m lier Id town tiro*. improving. Thursday evening Baptist was rilled with an audience which had new J. has the J. R. LIBBY S. F. will the street purchased Saturday. Brings grade been attracted the exer- Henry Bangs hi* land in the thl* week. by graduating Moses Ilarriman house. PABDL Ο. Κ Trask, of was at through pines cise* of the class of *96, school. 80C7B Esq., Mexico, grammar Owing to the very poor health of one PORTLAND h»*t urrica. South Pftria I.ot visited his I>r. II. Packard and Mr. J. A. Lambe «.h γη Friday. E. Keeue of Buckfield F. member of the Arm of Harrtman Broth- <«l 4. ». k, on .· ii«Uu;«A. l; Mr». P. W. last week. seat* the arranged Il Oscar < handler of West Sumner wt« daughter, Bouncy, occupied tastily er·, we understand the Arm will be dis- at sat the ■ ■ ■■ in tht· platform ; the left graduating m »%%%%%%»%»%%%%♦»%% » l'ortlanAc « |Λ *ι»1 » M j plat* lait Saturday. Itev. Mr. Haughton exchanged pul- solved. ν ; class of members. Their teacher, * ·» Λ·η λ<·. » ι: a * ι.» I with Kev. Mr. of eighteen C. F. Whitman, Esq., Gen. κ riii m »i, Mreet Is about for the parts presented. Mr. Fuller of Oxford and a large crew ready plasterer». Avenue. All the showed a of ν !t*vr S.iith parts high degree the week for t't > W. »-«V. tnu·» have been at work during put- Some great bargains » l" *. « « ι* r. Mrs. P. M. Uolden of Street has excellence; each one bore the of ·> « »«»·· U High Mrs. stamp in the atone foundation for the new ι», * Pike, the teacher of the ting month. 500 » -i : » *., ·.» *a.| : 10 r been in a popular member of the class the visiting the village few day». originality. Every on Street between A. J. coining yds. , intermediate «chool, will spend a part of block Main emerna. «howed that he had been faithfully and Block. summer drees < V Porter is an addition of her vacation at her home In West Paris. Never*' and Odd Fellows of all wool η .λ! Church K.J. Ι putting wi«ely instructed. Munic- DRESS GOODS >·■ 10 4J feet on to the rear end of his At the June term of the Norway ■■· v>!n, :rv.«hln* irrrkt*. thirty out at 25c. Pift-.r 1 This is a town and ha» Very many of the ideas brought were several per yard, reg- »· * s,»l>' *l)i VlttuI IJ « barn. metropolitan ipal Court Tuesday there if: goods is a would do credit to older and much fur- TWUt rrvnlnn; ( hri» that's going. The latest a number of new entries 50c. Our entire nrs everything trials and large ular .■»■£ >.· 'Mift-iav «·\«η1ηχ. J. case ther advanced Λ look- price » F. Plummer has rttted Op in his of the measles. Tula Brlggs Is the pupils. brighter of cases. Business is rather ·'■ w Τ « π«ι·η>«η. In this increasing line of and summer ν residence one of the finest bath room* unfortunate possessor. ing class never held exercises the court. spring » "'ιΐη„· i> *» a. than decreasing in [«rayer to And their work their ·· i>· 4.W X ; Si'huil he found place. proved work will be com- at a mark -, | anywhere. Mr. and Mrs. .1. P. It Is that and rrra Klchardson with The reported capes jackets I .·.,·* M.ftJna. Jr.», minds as bright as their faces. on II. F. Morton of the from Rochester and menced on the Jones residence Τ r. *.. mm ιι«*ιΐη„ Superintendent friends Portland, was as follows : down that will sell programme at once. price *-·. martlnv. rrt>Uv *vrein< l'an* Manufacturing Co. made a business tiroveton, wrnt to Camp Owliley Satur- Pleasant Street $ Push 'em ! h R<·* T. J. Kaai«lrU, hu4ur. Calvin C. a along -t to Boston last week. for a week's "LA BOB CONQUERS." Collector Cole says that them in few ϋ»ι «fnt.» )«< (S« (i Sgtf> trip day outing. days. ». ftin^ Xaatc. was the first to pay his Him; tax, w |>n»jrer inntliK Τ 00 ». Hussey 50 fine white bed M-s. Josiah Burn ham of l*ortland vis- Children's Sunday will be observed at Prayer. and l»eo. A. Brooks the next. spreads iff *1 « Tar-l*.v rvc*la«. 1. 'Salutatory, Noble I«ee«l» of Noble Women. in,,r ited her parvut-. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. the Methodist church next Sunday. An B. claim at 75c. «rirti' umsiii M Hell* Tuft·. Ο. Nearpass, special pension 50., regular price "«tone, in thi* village last week. Illustrated sermon to the children will 2. NeDcflt* ot lite Itllile. examiner of Portland, was in town \ Μ Κ· νι· '-ΛΤ awt-Uiig TuewUkj «venin* I ,1 Grace 1. Wheeler. at our Dress Goods and ■I be given in the tuorning and a concert at SPLENDID SELLING counters, SrinchfteM of the S. The Sla*erv of Thursday. M » t.*txe. nnlar œ»rt Norway ? o'clock in the l~a«hlon, are at L« is a v< cat a evening. Walter C. Chaee. Mr. and Mrs. John Twomblv orders that are in from all π lu» ( wV thunder do you suppose we want of a 7. The Value of uniting jwtitlon S*tnnlar of U) se* the B^tes-B 'Wdoin ball Klectrlclty, that \ <·π»ηκ«. (**·,·ηιΙ game. at this time of 'r" C'leve A. Purington. the Urand Trunk Hallway, asking store to our *. '■α: -t.»rr $« fc»r tnwtc jail year WANT TO TAKE NOTHING from this .;·· open S. A Mother*· Influence. Urace K. Murj'hy. no be made in the running of big ■vAturia» âflrriKve». t.corge K. PuWifer of West Sumner change «ο The baccalaureate sermon to the grad- Mu»lc. trains for service on the Nor- £ $ new store but an merchandise basket and a full tod fourth of I Aisiutown Mr. l'util fer passenger empty I* Vv.oth Street. enjoved 11. The of no Education, as porters' ϋ Advantage* there the summer months neatag· of each tLoolh, Ια amusing existence in Lewlstou last Itertle L. 1 lark. through she to her health with [(Ore II THE (.'ASK of I)re«> V r. The male chorus had a house at week. He had been to Lisbon and was 15. One *t»«|i t'j»war1, good of !· J IS. Ilablu, Albert I.. Murphy. the change. Stock Consists (•ootid i* fa*t lowering these-quick- BLACK GOODS. Ih dr*« *o ! lhlr'1 W «>.ΐη<Μ»·1·ν Hebron Friday night, and the receipts returning with six colonies of honey bees 17. via»» Alla C. Walker, Hev. C. E. on fore- My the stream run* .v ι-.·ν 11 πι,>nth. to a sum. all netted. in front of Prophecy, Angel I, Sunday eelling day·, «W imountrd respectable securely lv Su*le E. Porter. No '(ulte Stopping Mlome, Valedictory, the baccalaureate sermon Τa* at tirnt. For SI, mevt* every noon, delivered clear bankrupt *hich will go for the bene tit of Mr. a I.lsbon Street goods store while putrid ti llill. dry ■ Mudii' vote of cIhim. to the clas< of High stocke an* tabu here. H'e don't touch It* I*ike. hi-wife did some shopping, one of the •Λw>ljrn1 E-DI MITI ES. Pretty was passing along the sidewalk. >he for Summer. I'riee-outter'· club. piece Ilrr«e*. of Hutkrield, ;o attend the exercises of the graduating diplomas. Kev. baronne h.. Angeii, i*. and Cord. waMhable tiling Βι.λγκ Kvery was somewhat excited about it and call- In the Dr. F. II. atepnen No. Carolina, Norway. Bum, WtlghU of illack ι·ιμμΙκ in our *tock land there »oe l'hur*day, and made :l;iss of School presenting diploma*. I>r. Bennett and wife, Mr. *}>od. The round cord woven in gi\c* ; Norway High Friday ed a who ordered our South Cummlngs, are was radii policeman, Packard, of sch<»ole, ad- IMne Cellar Sash and Frame*. ΟΚ(ίΑto fabric. just piece*) ally clipped. .ta pleasant call. •vening. superintendent and Mrs. Horace Cole, Mr*. A. S. Kim- Wentern Hi»·, Sap Sheathing·. strength the thin Paris friend to drive on at once or he dressed the class as follows : ball. Mre. Alice Wood-turn, Mre. S. I». ν » K. will held its m··**- ] 1 he scholars of the intermediate school would take him to the class of and I>oor Frames. Blinde and Blind Trimming*. The rtora| lock-up. This, Scholar» of the graduating Delia Mr*, Cvru* |hoors λ at 7 ;H> Hawkins, Miss Noyée. < 1 ν evening next nd a sociable in t«rand Hall Fri- our friend refused to do, and In- of 1st»*» : H-gandie a- Army <|uletly South Paris grammar school W. 11. Mr*. and I no We Threshold*. Screen Doors. CUT Mnll VIUS. popular :.·. bu*iu··»» S. Tucker, Mre. Warren, |out*ide on yourselves *a« at Bethel IN FACT which 1 slides, that rain, ίοχ i.eorge Crockett and " M. I.. Kimball. E*q., lir. thit time. Then I shall arrest you!" as a class, and your HtmHHHHH doc* not dlnturb; the**· are reduced. \■ 'Imr K<»val, Ki^-or i*rar il »»!♦· » tithing to the Sunday Hiver ally. upon you several this week In a bearing be- trip sa>* the The citizen of South teacher. day· Value and umial l."»c. and ·.:/ ·. tre un a ri-hin^ iast and had fair luck and policeman. Whltehouse. price, tri|> -egion week, Paris which fore Judge reached toward the netting Ν ou have arrived at that of I'rio· now while last, 10c t<> 1*· 1 h«r\ i«*ft early Thur*- good time. period Hev. J. A. Harding and I>eaoon W. 8. I2'vc. they 'Jfc kind held about two bushels of bees Inside the for tv km·) to J*· your education which calls special and at- » r tu i. I'ratt went lo Hum ford Kail* FKAWK. All it·· kin.I to I'he I »t ι rield of the box and calmly as follows : "If You have studied faithful- FKOM correspondent replied recognition. tended the installation of the of Material kind to *>· *24* and Mr. 11. Ρ to tn-o. hand on me or ou pastor wool, may In· forty style», li^-lit Kaiu«a«*il iuuiford Falls Times refers Cen. you lav your my horse, for many week*, during which time 75· kind to ly the church at that a of as tear the Baptist place. Building and ilark, one i· t the ruSDcU nvo^- V. Wilson the of the I'll be darned if 1 don't be*»» the of care and every picture. »{«^*ker day. open you have objects of visite*! Mr*. Webster Beal Bangor CHAM.IKSseason of like character if'-rd Kail* Thur«dar. when l'he s&vs he thiuks this is a and let every bee loose?" It is solicitude of teacher and OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Last ^o.»<|s judge <|uite netting your parents. her Mrs. T. L. Not a hat the reduction. at thtr »i< to daughter, Webb, during were .Vic. These now 25c piece e*caped In. \h place ump from corporal. almost unnecessary say that the po- You have arrived at your graduation ex- the past week. Send for «ample·. κ licem.-tn "drove on." and the man from well fitted and for them, Suffering from toothache? Well. l»r. ercises prepared W»· understand that .1. W. Swan will and other famous the of Oxford County was left to and well merit the honor which Mantel Shelve*, Hood Slashed anil Bifl So. I'luc and ; v«>un< h«»r*e by l*ure tuck I» to relieve He capital you they commence business at the old studio on Scotch makers cou- suffering you. -tart home when the was done jwtiltewood Ginghams « shopping confer. Pin.·». etc. ;>ι<· trsiW Ia>t tnil ill d·» it and wlth- Street at once. New scenery Β «ckeU, Framing Spruce Flooring. tri but*· »ay one hundred choice M<>II A IK. Shine* like painlessly profitably, and the moved! Oh. how weak Is As this on the road Cottage • s»\ tria ?ht· U«t >'.;t or spirit you pass gateway Wee tern ANNKItSoVs had been Almost wr making fear favor, and his of and in«truments. Screen» made to order. Γίηο, Cyprejs, Scyainore, to this Hale. If your only hope the law when there's a Ih*'s nest under and the VV'.idow style* they poli-hi'd ebony. >vt a I.f mental development acquisi- ν trutk at i :> clip, ewsrd will be h;s dues for his Mrs. (»racle Hurd ie In It!"»*t !t ii.** of (reorge wood KailWftJ irn· jri· »»r «km reiiow« twocs the pa*t, so in the future, the price and I'edar, California Bed J. .tt her old a lie was throw η from a carriage X 'wel i*o«tn, Stair IUII Bal· Oregon 25c Price, 17c » vï tA ba«in«M. WVdti*'*- *«ίι on*· co»t Mr*. Γ. Ramsdell visited and sling, quality. given of bronie green, success you will tind to be persistent ."4Κ· ktn.»tin«·*, made kind drop «)»> Thursday evening. Henry Yellow Bock Connections. |l (it to 7Jn ν tnd ihv r***ult lot look decidedly more than Κ Λ. went to work with the In new field of study you will Birch, Maple. Telephone Satinu Artists of such skill drop up-to-date Dudley your Hose of Auburn delivered his lecture by II..SS kind drop to »!i th·· 1 dit! before the and alterations w it h the * evening. rvpairs road machine Friday. t-arrr you pleasant thought "America for Whom" at the First that France and Germany ti^ht l-J7j ktns. Brocade Voveltie·, »·<· k« tiol. lit »hi!« a( work many pride was the best delivered in this for a loriday, carriige ironing teacher and place ( rold M«dal and other favorite »n w.i* > We notice among the of the »nd love parents. Mr. Γ.· uo of the u Milieu'. Λ fragment from * graduates of*your long time. 1'he sjwaker handled his more than to «hop. With an elevated with and 25c. brand*. style*. > -•>uth Paris («ramtu.-tr School Ethel Ellis aim, justice j -■».·· f tb·· ivuvroiioe. ar of «Γ·· 1 whicb h»· was uttln£ struck subject with marked ability and most SATIW our a« vour rule of conduct In all the ; MAINE. No leu > » II·»* ol and JïmIî Curtli, two of arnart girls. charity NORWAY, NOVELTIES. l«-ft wn·?, «carting copkxu eloquently. 110.111\ DOW £0 at ·'»' \ W 11~«►: I l.'t A. »l!.iirs of life—ever bearing in mind that ; than at thif ·| at James David Flood and Isaiah lifty styles price, 11 λ 11 now at 7*· I'KhI. Il* U work in > Smith, *1.ι»ι. ly gtt ^ «'· ι···.;: »t aguiu. Although the farmer groans spirit and constant is the Kryrburg •arne«t study price e'ate con- not tbe plain «tuff*. ft now K»at over the Advent of the he re- lYnlcv attended the PopulUt counting JS<|U*Jltjr Krv·· ;r< h»* t wo t»*rm« of lion. ( harks 11. Prince of ItuckrMd catapillar, ive must for success in all depart·· WOOL of weave, Itnow ^mt It.U pay vention at Auburn as Phantom harlequin i ·ίο·« th thu* no have delegate*. plaids • f.ioh «·»γ. held un th* tir·*! ι* ι* S. ut h ISri» lo do «orne At. far, potato bug* menu of science and are tradieg learning. J no. of Au- where curl* of black worsted been seen. City Marshal A. Turner, tiny .1·.·.· A!iJ iH'v tubrr. i»t Mr. Prince sav- the You will go on fitting yourselves by ; mints of k Send for sample*. *\-due*day. burn, visited our village Thursday and tangled in yellow-and-bla< îu. krt. !d trade th^t went to l our own and half the •id K. Murv h at formerly I.. S. Swan and Abbie are to make a industry, integrity educa-j insisted Sheriffs l'arker and threads. Fancies in which de- ·>;»· best nnd by Deputy M e*i«ton u«»w come· to S»uth l'ari* and team this week to Bethel and ion. worthy associates of the ( comes and theothei « 1Î-». In th«* ilJ trip by Pross arrested "Hh<»da" Flint at her sign by looming, A Ν I 'Γ Κ, seeded an· i shotted trip >··- * iv the conscious- ! !i« aa ci:« nt. in -* ·}'»:·'· the Pomona in life—happy WE in. Broken Two ICuuiford Fall·, arrost- CLAIM half is attending (turest on Street. She was stuffs <>f the l"h*y brought and place Bridge printed plaids. ground hi|(h«rciui, 11 at Falls and re- less of having your time j a line of wool also for half •ut. rhU i* * fi«h 11. !.. S-ift lost averti .** the range the Tuesday, improved Bd in Auburn or I.eul«tou and That cannot find such toned Iteige, gray having many figure*. sheep to esca|»et! you unique * at the the best advantage, you j \ > to Bethel to f»e >pportunitie« a and 2ÔC Cl: f !i« !·-*-. Wbvn »u!t Of it ft·» at»». The turning present from the officer* few day* *go mourning. dogs day* λ leaders of the and low shoes for ill become fit strong, w Ladies, $1.25 per pair <1 I'l I if. they brWi^ w« re caught at it. * «hot gun w.ts Lvntennial. ;ame home. By means of a letter rit- |l.W«tulTio4tU) <>g« jot followers of the weak. «tuit> cut to blind was here we are at the time li.1l m. sum. mbered and luto ictl*>a, is work on the abut- ten by her she dl'OOvered that up brought \n>el Dudley at With and pride it is my prh·- selling present 39c. n ws* t «i of pleasure rhe arrest was attended with some ex- i th>'re bigger iughter ment* of the at Jackson'· cross- : in mind wool. ii which h*« bridge lege to relient these certificates of in the State of Maine. Bear Τ of Some of tlie latter are Milk ami « ρ you Κ Κ Λ AGGREGATION trim thiii has been made thi% season Mr. i« 71 he .-Itement. She was found after some t I». X. True ing. Although Dudley past ,-our Although graduiting ! have u scholarship. concealed in the hav. we not the Novelties that been ν the otti vl dog killer for the tow of ν for a on ; time Deputy that carry largest Wm. F. Read'* famous «ilk ami wool *:· »' 'i »« U read contract granite rom the school seems a trivial only by always grammar j a 'A.>c. '*u·. all down to tJi«* 'aris. that Sheriff Bassett received stinging blow our br»mnht f*5c " ·' « ·>. work, and believe· in the old saying ! w ith tie school and : in the but Ltnsdowns, \ Λ !' I rue <»f Portland, natter high was stock county, prices A<; !«·>*·! of .'îfc. compared η the face before th·· common "lr is better to wear out than to rust pri*oner Th«· of tin·*»? i# ll.Jft. th· mm·· of th«· The of the grammar school hail ( md college, in after yeirs when you | sec us where sot·tu to always price pupils yet locked up in the "cooler" for the are the lowest. Call and Illuminated Novelty, you Frtnk 11. at l>ut·" I lave the school room with it* llnally always Sktll· Uibwo'l Grove Friday after- left many was slender lattice of lil.ick pknic light. Friday morning she taken our statements peek through Single Dre»* l'atterri», 14..V), goat ♦îJ.lfr' .« will oon. l'he fxcurtion was th»· < and associations,! and be convinced that I'hey given by Tb«» dogs have agaiu visited \m«sa ■njovments pleasant ;o Auburn. into the many colored foundation. * no incident of jjr*iu *ud f<«d. and do ii-hiT. Mi»s Era Richard«on, to those S * β of killii < md its few petty trials; >ix or col- tnd II. I.. if: flocls sheep, g I.. 1*. Swett, M. L. Samp-oa » η I J >hn are true. Yours Needle-point clieelu. eight «· very truly, I» -r forv. .ho h»d an of ·>'> in in both rour school will call up SlTEKIi. The richest average deportment #nd margling many flock*. ! days happier: Sampson returned from a llshlng trip up or*. •r the it is I s or sweeter associations than in our stock. Admired the term ; and li«t, pleading I'he\ .(.<-> ! 4 i.f Π. 1.. Swtft't bought j he Wild figures thrown up on plain goods by -»/·· ri«»t vuud morn. at h!Ut«*r- Ε. N. SWETT. Manager, j South Paris men. < >f Mooming with color of fabrics. W. Maxim has a ••den" In the longiug to They youth. A more and prom- inch intervals pebbles i »t d»*w ν eve. dignitb-d men M\r<«n j theu their ode, which brighter, intelligent next to A. J. answer the given b\ The clase saug In the one brick block Nevers, the semen' of S. I*. M tiim Λ Son's description partie·! sing clas* ha* never graduated from story worsted. LU.kiruoA mouut untamed factory sas one of their number, soft wool Sl./t ih would t>e rh·· admiration tow iu£ [tnitlkc and thinks h«' may oung Spared Heather}* a and the iuss sorry appearance a > >r trouble to for i'lain colored Mohairs. r" ι<>\«· up-town into uioje pretention· pre-ent Come, let η» ·1ι>£ merry *mg. perfect arrangement* carrying hi£ i*<. γν wero cnuaod bv is considerable to both meu. Thl* merry -lay In J uni-, .he final The Ilow iniin >· ιΙΙμιπΙ, of children really Brocade Novelties. 39c Every picot price-cat. uarters it her season. Th»· profess- program. stage, u|K>n ran N»cured. With tU, an·! l»*e*. an t jrrowing thlux*. worm· at.·! lio* quickly and «urely they I' tnona mcfUat Kutu- ion doctor" is a which the member* «if the school board, Ix· to a minimum. (inrng*1 of "hicjcl· compara- TALK OF THE STATE. <>i:r heart- are now In tone. Infant mortality would reduced The I -1 iy, June The Port- ively new one but ought to l»e a lucra- Supervisor W. F. Jones, J. A. Hoberts, SILK AND WOOI. Henrietta. on In Hie'» fair morn. 59c. ufnrd Falls K*ilw.»v will ive ο tie with the number of wheels now We're ruarvhtnir Esq., H. !.. Home and Ο. I*. Brooks, well known make of Arnold, Constable 1'resident < urran of the Shore l.ine In chlblhu»·!'» happy hour·. was of 79c never tr*in wi:hthe :i u·*·. were seated, be«utiful with flower*. IS A (OLLBCTION A Co., that never wear shiny, contacting Τ» garner ui> the harvert «heaves, the κ'ιΙΙ be iu a un- trtin-i on the lirtrid Trunk, save railroad completed Λη>1 cull the «werte^t flou era. Iver the front of the stage in setnl- goods, anil 7'h* goods grouped gather and hold dust, that never require <·. 1 lrunk rate will î>e ^ who had tweu "Kemlgemus I ΙΓ1 I Β f. 11 j large family will leave their hall at :34» mford sellers Ami then ajraln «oroc joy— mMIKIBAIKγ lor nil iionuich dl «orders liquor The\ were a erer ir> move. now '«i th« round from >ty. are that we UK ■xerclees few remarks "* I prepared fore il il *»i'k .»η·Ι Wool Henrietta· »1 atkini; trip an out of town The rbotce»t metal opened by .. at *11 by msiL the band .and to the criterttining sport s of drenjiuor now <1 eaded by proceed I» tntxe-l with an t'V Rev. B. S silk lattice threads cross thcmsclve·.. <1 .'^"Silk .ιιιΊ Wool Henrietta* I) Kumford 1 tlN #1.4·». now tiues. He was a alloy. Prof. Wiley. Prayer by I -"k ihont children sent free to mother·. • annual memorial pay lug Λ silk 411-1 Wool Henrietta» now 91 Λ» metery, where the heavy Hideout and music Stearns and Xors*·- ^ .!>,·· I'.iri i. ii ire free. which see checks *_M»i -· liions in by ΜΓ* I 7Vr»i<» througii you pin-hcad silk \ν·κ»ι Hcnrirtu* n<>* *1 ■■■> proportion. will l«e Rev. H. J. "spotter." An>l now. dear Teacher, one an>t all, lVvv ME. #. :S anil idre»s given by liquor assisted Prof. DR. J. F. TRUE A. CO., AUBURN, of color. Silk anV.«>| Henriettas now *1 *' Weli)>l you fou·! aΙ Henrietta* now *.'.<» K. kud \. M of X Uughtou. Down iu Knox County town pre- We'U chcrloh in our heart of heart* L»iven, Frank 1*. Knapp and other*. Ia<*i|tiard looming of diagonal $3.··) a have been invitetl to attend, and a case in nM'inorles of l.'»,ijc«- wiil u'lit·· in cvl- .odge paring to right bridge the ">wwt you. 1'he following programme was then and chene mixtures. will do «ο il : U a number to a tinUh. The town has al- were well cheeks. John** tiibnon'* hoped goodly courts we The several parts IUy l ul- Α η·Ι ever a» ol.ler pruw. given. Harlequin DOCK LE WAKI* Wool Henrietta, •· u dlnntr. nd *··ΐΓ their newr badges. The out more in bla< k w ill b^ picnic ready paid legal expenses May we In memory Ox rendered, much time evideutly having Standard pin head checks, both much like d'ete. w very Drap ·»« furniih*d nrm Kank ill also parade. the than it would have The useful tesvon* you have tauglit to : und colors. and cvfl'e* opposing bridge, (teen devoted their and white 59c .<■ at The cl»M of ΊΑ. preparation ■>7 kind Mt .'ttt.d. Iu the ail-moon ix>et to build it. ί Sylvan Shurtleff has let the contract I. Character, ha.·. L. Br»'Wn # 1 .«W» kind at 7">e ν of Mr. Bean dismissed i Our Ki-athf.T·! Kricn·!». >h'«rt session *j»e*vh- >· W. to the two At the close Kev. A. Walker The Itockland s ton β of II. II. Trie, Kthna 1'rarl l>uubam. 79c. *1.50 kind at ll.QM and λ jf»»od :he well with the exer- geuer·] venues through his lot·». Pleasant hardware, and A. J. llu«ton. stationery, audience, pleased 3. Privileges an of the two and and with new iuterest in our Katherine Mae Towne. STl'FF> cut to Ti»o forno >cnd for lodges. ■tp-ft Avenue is to extend from l*lea-aut were cises, samples. burgUri/ed Wednesday night. reat Reduction are ton with ladie*. will be C hut because there Mualc. >hvi:.s, •:re**t to Highland Avenue and will be I'rie lost mx revolvers, valued at 82.">, ichoois. fault, Avenue 4. «»tir All>crt Anm.·! Tiiwne. many of them, and the new store wenty·five fert wide, Highland and Huston goods of a total value of PROGRAM. Country, ruade in Alsace. BETHEL CENTENNIAL V The Influenrv an«l Value of Persereram-c, DoI.I.Alimust be for the new SATINES, st· i- from neir the Pleasant Street was of good·, bought ^ h*vf not Iwrn about A-'o Kntrance effected by com- II .title Din < in Prices goods now in but pupil» Arrangeaient* are practically ragtn. store. These are >ilk and Wool Boucle. (That's just litrmuy, fr««m the intermediate ν he in breaking glass for the celebration of the centen- Mohair of silk alternate with everyliody ought ί.· iatul Mr. >hurile!i pleted Mule. »Iso Stripes FRENCH recently purchased has voted nial of the of cord. Hol- France.» Dainty designs, pin-point . Avenue will l>e contract Phillip* t"«e- an-l Λtius»·!· of Money, & I ridges very eiw. Highland graded which will and Children's Jackets Same as we sold you last a of water tiid an afi'<*lr be Sarah Kllen Truman Ladies' weaves. Scotch mixtures light. quality feet wide and all in tirst- pany for complete system may expected Capes toned granite 4 ar>ù! h'Swari». now hlrty-eight i»e a to the of Bethel, who 9 An International Court of Arbitration, year at :17 I7c KraiiL ΐν»ηρ»·ν. works. The water is to l>e brought credit people and many untellable things. 79c l4c,< »hape. The work is to be com- KernaM W. .Sawyer A .tutlQ M %r*tWc. four miles ou never do halves. Following pleted With. from Mt. Blue pond, away anything by 10. ClaM History, Kannle W. Cummin*». we have left can be KOert Tuft» by duly to take ιβ of the : What a high hill. The is the general program day Music. garments \ W Λ wr >wr'jlr»l. corporation HO V I Κ «,ΙΝΊ.- l'^rk a few since, dii- at an annual of salute of and beils at the customers. $1.19. "»· « Slarst-.i;. Register days twenty rental iirand artillery 11. Clan* F. Kaunce at to suit •1.00* hydrants, Prophecy, Itenj. prices The IIA MS. Anderson's ami other overed amoLg some recorded papers in each. The estimated cost of the iunrise. li. Soir.e Succ*ee«. be a will which lud of from Γ to !·. II. Culllnan. choice things unmatchable in high grade IWrti«e l>*tU. protute otliv.*, *ork« is upwards (ireeting* George SCOTLAND'S at and ïôc kind in for at 10 o'clock 13. The Newspaper, •Win P. Ilarriman Maine. Silk and wool. Silk and plaids plain, |7c ι.»: '·Ιγ·*. Ltu t>een riled the office «.rand parade sharp. Klplrr. vident!) a in Yeazie It. The Silver Otiettlon, *W. G. Spratrue Waists ! ·η did Friday Cl'T n« I.ifwel Ku»*ell. aome G. of Shirt Mohair. Curious weaves. Merchandise ll»e testator die*! years Dynamiters job 1'rades procession, lire departineut. IV The Great («eneraU of History, ur Line li'Mrr i"arrar. evping. the 2#th ult. A of aud as it w,-.mthought he hid utide uight, quantity dyna- Α. 1ί., schools and club. •Vlitor M. Whitman. salad Dressing, so to speak. Nov- wool ciiallies. so 1·. farrmr. oue corner of a bicycle mite was under Fam- Irt. E'luratlon. «Harry E. Crockett to will, a thorough search was made, but placed Dinner from 12 until 2 o'clock. line of Shirt Waists cannot elties drop $ 1..» and $1.*>D. styles. Light, dark and black, in en»e. house and The house was 17. Parting AiMres.·», ( ha*. K. Ko*. Our io w ill could be founK.'o»Wr. was preferring Musi.. price, e*- wrecked, and the glass blown out of the most fastidious town will be furnished French the to suitable where Out of !·»« Lur» t ù*"*. >r was therefore a|>|M>inted. and wsill be directed places help pleasing people all the house* iu the vicinity. Mrs. M;iU'l WvratlL ate has ^>een settled, and tioal distribu- they can spread the same. •Excused. the are with of any of these goods on w «air nieiwt. Nellie an of the taste and right. samples Scud for ;.ι>· some time ago. The executor Ikmabue, occupant Address at 2 o'clock, on the common. prices samples. made and Jones in a few well chosen has al- house, was prostrated by the shock, the of Supervisor ipplication. ■/·. irtett·1, whivh appear? ι ïamed in the will is the one who Welcome by president. Beading The sou was blown a win- words presented the diplomas. ·» and her Aille through of the towu. • *l.jC *t the idmini*tered upon the estate, the act of Gloves and 'Ventiijc. tdy but not incorporation L'lass ode, written Miss Gregg. was Drees Underwear, ·· settleorham, i* tuu<*: "E tch lady i» ince discovered. was seat that the house has not had a Opera House crowded. Every < suggested S. H. Portland Portland "tH-rrtf exceptionally Κ. ha« have nutl all the room was not Mis» Mattie Hereey re*ij{n«"d and the may on the common from 7 standing see us. 11m* N'4t good reputation, job Band concert so Come lnand Itdytjiurtttteta as of Sanderson work of fuough to accommodate the citi/eus, ·· Ht MUM principal beeu the ''regulators." to 8 o'clock. I hey have excellent Ma«s. The Deertield keen and wide awake is their iutereet in V niera ν, A«hiieid. with a of ( w» Ktc etc. 31 iw The commission by the Su- To conclude grand display i>ur most A ^ Echo savs: "We .ire eorry to appointed excellent high school. Yours respectfully, > »'^ll«*y line be- llreworks. χ tiut reader. of San- preme Court to decide upon the social hour or two was the e|>tiuo«llT 1 •*rn th.»t Mis» .M. E. lleraey, full band of Port- enjoyed by r ■.··!» rvhooi of Oratory, t»«D Fairfield and Benton, came to a Chandler's military L'lass and their friends after the Seraon Academy. has felt compelled bv music the departure ·λ la^t after several land will furuish throughout mneuded by prv»s health. to her decision Friday meeting of the citizens. he »tate of bet resign ih>- iav. M W ebb. \*ho i« a native ht* held times. It h*« not changed things much Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sanborn of the itfon as which «hc be & Andrews. » lb·· principal Benton l.'t4 odeon Hall will open throughout M h.»- reached top at the end from the old Hue. It gives Advertiser went to Hanover to <>r -even year·», to take effect for the of Saturday Noyes bet*n I he to build and Fairfield the and evening f fuoi··, hiM'jj; Jane. 'Hie acxd· feet of the bridge day reception some friends who are In >f this «chool year in and it I* that join camping '» as [Un- the remainder, which is about two- visitors, earnestly requested that town. organization* uuder Miss administration shall ■ ■■■■$ 3 H Κ 3 $ 'M 3 <·» •my llersey'β visitor in town June 10th, hi' Htli'K the thirds. With this decision there seems every A. F. Andrews & Sons received twen- i:i« been successful and bas names. <> eminently on at the hall and register their t ι etc.. having had in to be a holding back Benton side. trail horses last direct from anked well with the l>est school* a ty-five Saturday Il move the on their side At this hall there will be collection of BOSTON -v tioa from *uch masters j he a wish to pier the West. Call at once if are look- ! «Wstern )f aaeachtttett·. It will They be of interest. you Drain and of two sections of the old relics which will Pipe I.istemauu, so the bridge oue or more. l.chberg for the academy when Miss ing for WALL TRUNKS î and •orry day on a Thie the Fair- | late l»r. ibunruach will connect J l»-r«ev -ever* her connection with it. for pier. PEKHAPS PROPHETIC. A carload wish to do and that just recevied, •u'lwr of Se* York City, as field side do not say rery few comparatively posse.** inrny Our esteemed contemporary, the Port- BORN. jjg φ! *%ith Madame ('amilia l'rso. the decision of the commission must be Save money by as for the succesafal teacher. land Argus, appears to be over stocked buying which will be sold low f and *kill- luaNAcations ^ ughlv cmpeteut a a final. ■>h·' i- not only model instructor, but with "tail feathers." Last Wednesday's In I»ix field, May SO, to the wife of John S. Trunks and Valises at remarkable for b«r amn· as the at superior iii-oiplin .riau. We sincerely A murder and suicide was committed issue speaks of General George D. Bls- Harlow, a eon. lowest, ;·'. ** for her wonderful to In Norway, May 21», to the wife of Frank B. Φ improve her health may Mondav <>n Woo 1 Island in Saco bee and A. K. Ilertick. Please Oile of tbe new and steamers, ^ ^ Λ ! »l»e is able to do is b»-*t »ope evening Judge, a daughter. palatial ] hat extent. that the trustees will refuse Frederick W. Milllken, aged .'*8, a it on ; have In .South Pari», June 8, to the wife of W. H. tb< Bay. lay easy, gentlemen you'll fallowing new«paper clip- and ail a m>n. RICHARDSON 4 KENNEY'S, Λ accept her r«>«ijçn;ttion pre\ fisherman, game warden and special po- the "General*' blushing! l>tok, State" or "Portland" Tuckers Harness $ $ iv. ν volumes ad to her In 27, to the wife of ObeiD|wU>Dt MmI, to him. The MARRIED. tal stations In tbe Slate of Maine, All KM·. next Thurju keu's and belonging weapon Smith of was chosen (railroad 3 m m $ as % m w. $ * « it hou t a among the | leld at the church E. F. Norway itrekl car· from Union Passenger Station run peer Baptist was a 44 calibre rifle. at * o'clock. Fol- used repeating Oxford member of the Republi- The Price· -*s of this Here are < evening. June 11. County In Welchvllle, May 30, by Boscoe P. Staples, I country. iay Milliken died within an hour. Hobbs, con- J r. LI8COM B. 4" is the can State Committee, at the state K.-xi Mr. William and Miss Daisy ÎKoOTlS* J r--<« comment* : io* log programme: when shot was Mayberry General Agent. are who was drunk the vention KoMneon, both of Oxford. Manager. very iatere«tlRg. * ·< :··λχt tutier bear·! her Tuesday. perform Marrk. was sobered and as- In Parla, June β, Her Kdwln W. Pierce, at PORTLAMD, MAIMS· -- fired, quickly by H lU-rtha Wel>b wa.« ilottUWI the residence of the bride'* mother, Mr*. Buth A full line of all Hone and t*»t Prerer. sisted in the man com- O.k. 1st, 1806. l_i-t trfiit -ι* «*4βτί «t her making dying Every effort is being made to keep Mr. Hiram Β Hubbard and M1m It i- mu«l M u»lr. M.Thayer, Furnishing·. ιη-ι-lrvl, »* of ouixr she fortable. After Milllken died Ilobbs Emma C. both of Pari·. Carriage Holt, the Mechanic Falls murderer, Thayer, will to ask at our r ιιν oue uuirsf feeUiut »« tat rr. "( mu *f I. I ( barw Thee, Fllnir same The In Her. K. An· pay prices Dont You'Go to ■ihi't himself with the rifle. artificial methods of sdminl·· Norway, May ST, by Caroline wny tin' thai Darn* 1ft the heart of alive, by Bernenl and E. both at Democrat Office. store. over Hobbs* rent, which je'l, Beavey Mary Llbby, Ml Kinds ef the |>ri»tuco .«ueh -oui -tirrto* strains. trouble began nutriment, but the physician· do of Printing — tering Norway. -'■< t:ntbu«iaaUralty necalle·! was overdue. sure as whether he will be In 27, Bev. Β. N. Stone, *U. not feel yet Frveourg, May by «jitib*. Our Live* art· What We Make Tbera Iwlah Booth and Grace L. Hutchln*, l>oth of held at F.«eav. < to warrant a murder trial. ■».—At a Court of Probate (tcrtru'le.1. Ernestine1',η·.Ηηι· McArll··M,· At well enough ORD, ^ » m* Caitiiii* l'r*o hen BUSINESS NOTICES. Fryeburg. veburg, within and for the County of Oxford, tiMuaiisis, appear*! Γη June at the home of Mr. Charles '1 oo vtolinlste mat ewuM ap Maeir Mason, 3, first of June, A. D. I«M. I" !■».ιχο, Bev. K. 'the Tuesday v Trenu>n who killed Merrill, father of the bride, by P. Bar named Eiecutor In» certain OXFORD, M At a Court of Probate held at 17 Market So. W,-m. ha· been mwrt in made Alfred Hurd of Blddeford, IED ILYR, Sq., Paris, lobe The homes of many persons are ton. Mr. Dana C. Phllbrook and Miss Once to be the last Will and Fryeliurg, within ami for tbe County of Ox- Laurt·" wat something k>ag his father with an axe snd razor, was on rament purporting UKALEU IX « Merrill. on the flrat Tuewlar of A. D. IMS. r*.i Hie Trenton. N. J. and cheerful in consequence of to* anient of SARAH P. SANBORN, late of ford, June, happy of murder in the Hiram W. Acfmr. of tbe estate of Saturday convicted Hi un, In said County, deceased, having pre Hearer, 'ia brunette. hankkkd. That the said petitioner gave ι xattl County, decease·!, having presented hie Ί l>nnre* were insane for some time, but count of Estate of said Ntrâ-ate* >paai*h midst that would move the hospital ot oe to all tnteiested, causing a administration of the over * within persons by Auil look our bargain· in '·' λ tini-b rvma'kabte. ai»! aaortxtaal- Muafc. your been sane. weeks deceased for allowance : Sprinf from their adjudged In S. 1 sop of this order to be published throe « sorrow and Cushman, M is Italian Art clouds of despair Hartford, May SI, Bet«ey at That the aaid Admr. notice to Summer \* now Webb particularly plea«lng •ration, Roman an00 In tbe Oxford Democrat printed Ordkuud, give and Goods. Our »tock ·· ·-- irldow of the late Jonah Cushman, «sltely -f b« r louble noie an«t haneoek· Nathan Aialon Chase. if would send them to be aged year·, at a Probate all peraona causing a copy of this Presides, you 8 months. loo h Parts, thai they appear interested, by ν th* »Mitr>e«a antug is «•stHfettall? ia*» I'riKtbeev. I.a LouIm Me Anile. mast fall unless is al· hli t of next, at nine o'clock In in tbe Oxford Democrat printed Sooth Paris, fathers. In heaven's In Jane John Alden Webster. Tuesday *July " — v— *'■ ii ::*· r,.i,-e of love tutalea» husbands and kind they gambling Fryeburg, Î, that at a Probate Coart to be telling _ show lf bate, may appear are lowed at that resort. The Maine re- In June 4, Leander Greenlaw. he forenoon,Mf and cauie. any tbey they We cm show all the latest •t-'iSn well bao-lle>i can breatbe U»« soft Belle I>ambe. do for those who Fryebara, not be hekl at Paris, la said on the third Tues- you stylei AGENTS Mary name, something In June β. Carrie, vh tbe said Instrument should proved, County, ί* Now*. Ala.. be sorts are not io such straits. Bethel, youngest daughter WlDaao Testa- of next, at 9 o'clock ta Ike fore- -Ithy lUrmliigttaai,*** to Graduate*. with a disease that cannot of Mr. and Mrs. William 17 φι roved and allowed a» tbe but day July tod novelties of the season. Come ii lingering Merrill, aged years, Fred be noon, and shew eaase, If aay they have, why the the unfortunate with- In Brownfleld, tl, Broton Barilett. nert of said deceased and tbat Vlye Λ l're«entittion of Diploma.·, thrown off by poor May same should not be allowed. η v^nts; reserved seats been as- In Norway, June 1,1'erley ▲. McCrslUs, aged tod our before V/L.Douclas Shoes l ia.·· Ode. out Thousands have The Maine Popaliat convention UEO. A. W1L80E, Jadge get prices bvylug. *Ots. ι at physical'aid. 14 rears, 8 months and 16 day·. it k^ts now on sale 6hurt- and millions more are on the road sembled at Auburn and nomi- he World Benediction. saved, Thursday In North Paris, May M, Mrs. Solono· Chase, No trouble to show Best re, and at Jjton«*a drug Cere. C. Batern an tor rÂLUÛT Β. nu, i goods. ««re to the Keeiey nated Lather governor. BgednjMit. at .Vorway. •Same Bank. WASTED TO ▲ SKELETON. THE JOKE ON HIM. Chaps Colic Vailty, toxkland Co,, Ν Colds HOMEMMERS COLUMN. "The Parisians" arc a merry lot I Spring 1 Γ·. ^ (Jay E.V. PlÏ*C·: Sir—For three J*·*· «f Otbm. ^ off the utiige a* well an on. AU smokers lUUl'ITU €xperii!K< Chafing on of Interval to the ladle· When uonwpomlCTtf loplea at one time or another have met the man rthte diaraar. eonfJ»P- Coughs Croup U solicited. AUUmw : Editor Ηομβμλκ,κμ' tod heart dbw. fast Aft·., who telli at a ruinou» rate of dis- Schigo, Column, Oxford Drmuenl, Parla. Maine. cigars Kuore taking IJnctor count. This insidious individual «peaks Pierce'· Golden Medical G:nth')i!i U : /·' b. 28, '^5. Chilblains CramDs " Catarrh Comes Dlecorery I bed waated Company with great difficulty, but usually t it· REMEDIAL OF FOODS. Kuglish to a akeleton: r /V "/.· /·. VALUE ■war / consU «ksjsc to their childrrn a· ^ the that It· a ν* uv manages to convey Impression could not Bleep nor re*, stjs gaffissag·down the knowledge of wort[j the housewife There will come a a recent tiou and handtA th.1 it unexpectedly Urne, eay» have been timea w la bed Hitters a to tlx fat eiiated lor eighty year. «cept M»ae.w. the cigars smuggled. and many tm/'s blessing » remedy ha*e attended witn what No. IM A when no will be admin- Could all iifeenta inflattinuu. n is often as to WhwiI writer, medicine assume· the to die to be out of my UuoT was orifin«t«4 to cure ^ puzzled Ctiarles B. Wells, who in mind and fa mil v u*e ? II a.l form, ol „>re thru,, u South Paris. have biwn in acute and audden at· mtoi-ry. W^P bT »t#p. overworked, both burn.. bruia*·. bronchit... ι Then time When the worda rightly istered, except role of In "The Parisians," aorcnear neuralgia MaM, .'=-* to get for dinner. Paillard Gay the sign* and malttk* of ■ itaeewe"b.te.b»ck. mump.. muacutar and written, one below the other, tackf. l>i«eaee will be cured by food·. iho nervous tunc lame The nul and If when, gueaead at the Boston Museum, last week met .returning health gradu- bOiiv, rtshri"g KkliS toouliU. aud wboo^Dg cough. great :r.,lK;t is doubly precious. at the left The housemother is UxAhachc, the diagonal (beginning upper intelligent testing one venders. This one in- but wmly •UflJcinU. has of theje ^ailjr dejrt·while lbί so she only hand Uttur and ending with the lower the value of this assertion in her dally and oped tbemai'lvf· lions, building up system, caught sisted that his cigars were smuggled the"Μ·τοτ«ττ. ajj band letter) will the name of a of the meals for her household, taking //. a? I and of rlgh» opell ordering to the unbroken 1 ι· up w and iff vitality package pointed triumphantly _ o-umy giving jQ her of Z. Dowxt, and fuuiouh engineer. for lauly aojuind knowledge on The natural Infer- Eag. at our hundred Pianos and stamps the boxes. Oi9 word*: 1. to the dktetlcs has her on the to such -eevcn, and am well and ttroUR. tot V>:ak. (Sitwd) erenr Irritation Croat Highly pl«a*lug put way were elCfc* erery cramp, Linimenterery W·,^. _ Organs, was that the bnti·*.Anodyne ence, therefore, cigars ν ache. erenr u„ 8. to the HILL. JohnsonsIt «ooihe» ever a. much a. KXTRBNAt. taattv. tf. Mlttleadlng. Agreeable P. * enlightenment. stolen. J< nis ItUfor IVTKRNAI. Mother «hoa!,i U . old K»ery ear. 4. Λ chronometer. &. Indie pensai· is valuable as a food for those A aw family PbyatgUw Celery The foreigner opened a box, and in the H'itttfst : Henry If. lihiit. ?n itio.fU I>r John«o« «. Abuudanoe 7. that are unusual from form of rheumatism, t.'··· Thing· suffering any deft manner peculiar to his cla*s, thrust Pill Mado." I*«e John»on'« Piano Stools, a " cur? "Beet Livor r.rrv of nervous Il I allt:o«t NONESUCH or 9. In the middle for diseases of the nerves, and nitlers will your ■ Inr unaccountable. the only good cigar in the l*>x on Mr. I J· V. Λ Male of exhauntion also. MINCE MEAT ahip. dyspepsia. and the actor found it to his lik- TH -««.Wen Mctlieul Dteow" hna alao nervous troubles Wells, t>«J iilo r lurmU*! l/fttuce is useful to those suffering tin- my daughter of u very a ' the ah* <-*n. In · lew and recommended curvt| De su-e gel _ In b*r pantrr ing, promptly on t i· thigh. After trylnir atmoat tWT»«f LF you No. 131. Vtrlitlou. from insomnia. \ the heel »' »ll wanted we ti>rn· bottle·of Pills brand. Tne Covers ■a π u tr* salesman promptly with 4ut aucccaa. purchased Un J. Avoid imitations. arsons I; Watercress is a for hwiW U "LP." Ρ scurvy. whk-U per- # iltwrtu -«ood mine· pi*. Think Choose η word to fill the rtrnt blank, and remedy to know who would buy and disposed of lilacowry." up IVanuts for : are es- ,'^f Γ it- So pMltofr chgppliMl. «««dial, thfti till the following blanks with the Indigestion they one ho* for #1. Next be allowed two » of dia- um. DOWNS. -· ν ν Oi*C· ! AND inUmixiDf. A v*»rka«{r tip·* word cho recommended for corpulent 1 »:C klut •mine letter* that form the pecially boxes to go for 97, and followed this up NoueSuch. rwUniOBiy 10 eta., will i betes. I'eanuts are made into a whole- BBRBiSgS^'g^v" but arraneed: three boxes for With Make· «en. differently by selling juM OF ΜΑΜΕ. make two lanf* pi··. permet some nutritious soup, are browned and 9T4TE aUo. liwn we· an «hi who lived by htm* If. one box left he offered it to Mr. Wells, Fruit lake and Fruit Puditlnf as are eaten as a siui- — from ht» or *h«if. used cotfce, relish, a for k mint ccph<»rl who had not made purchase, I ρ·, k·*·· or are aud served as yet oxr< itu. sa. in no substitut·. Kud be, —ire tue. frvnh notion·· im- plv baked, prepared more aud more one of the five Books. (frw*r Take "They 92. 'Hie actor became COURT This cut shows pianoe Instruction n»na kl» almonds. c H7NTV COMMISSIONERS' H«n«! 7-ul n« H port. s/lted with the him the to "W * '*** satisfied cigar given in made L per, »»<· ·· "I ·»·Ί J"a a moment ««••h branch of my art. Onions are best nervine I AND ROAD nil.1.3. finished I *ra almost the * and XV. gold, \ Mr. h smoked it, offered 91.7A, Louie Style, -AT- ψψ Κ,» Putkea'Tkaatar»-ί Thru. λΙ.λλ. his *··»ϊ t rain would gi .' Ί·ν» at 1'ari», ·* BRIDAL CHAMBERS Reasonable lufluenza. Katen evert* other open cigars, prides p, 5.» day. colds and a iiittltul term, himself at being able to judge of cigar « E. W. soon have a clearing and I mile· trawl, CHANDLER, day, they its There was the leaf run- No. 131. Word I'unln, fron tilling. A j. rt I «. I Λ, ι.ι ! ·1ιιν Kumford Kail·, « fleet on the I .%«»> I .41·IMsTKkTvRtl HJUX whiteuing complexion. the full of the and this petition of A lv»ru>r, — nine letters which la both old to ning length cigar, Kalla Mill aivl s»or». «i A word of is used Induce perspira- 70 mIle» trevel to Ituinfonl Thr m Asparagus him sure the brand was all Al BROS.— Flouring made rij(ht. S s. t·· U»e Κ-lai·- <>t ami new: tion. an»M Τ'ΐκ 1. -, S. 4, It a trial, standard. ( arrots for sufferers from asthma. May 'I ν »η·Ι of Î SO Thl» ™··!1 «t. fur maar oar* by the I wtli furnloh DOORS WIXDOW8 »ajr break another. There was the Kre«l IS·» octer, or<*«)>!·.] H, I* a of a tlower. a amount of nutri- open to *oW Ul« or *t reasonable prit.-··. 8. 4. S, Λ, 7, part Kggs contain large I ndlea travel from Norway l'art* riourla* 1 <.n;>*iiy SU* Mjlm leaf all right, but a more careful examin- u lu· le» tbe rie ht of ί··»ν of &, 7, t* the reverse of wild. ment In a available ■ l'art· anl return, lu «Urr tr. 4. β, compact, quicklv » re ation showed that under the to .1 term, 7 Bru ant'· Foml The Uni »»· thoroughly Is a of the most of of wrapper Ma. IS. 14, 'lay· regular A. rt. part irregular form. Kggs, the yolks If' to In MB TV mill '« ta *·>»» coalition II Also Window 1 Door Frames. especially was not tobacco but colored 4 mile* travel frotn Norway i-aire·! up there paper, 3.» l !» *t!ll a bual all \erba. eggs, are useful In jaundice. Beaten l'art» and return, fuL« a.wyv» low »a Ma* fur 01 with some fluid which » If tn want of ar.r k'.o! of finish laakto a word which to and saturated kept m«. This βο« wtl! I* aofcl it !>ar 6. A, 7. 8, la expresses raw with sugar are used clear property OultMt work. »en«l In tout wltn. Hm Lob it from into f! ime. He conclud- f.v4 u· iraln Kor tbe right i-artle» ihu 1· » «pleolH the voice. With and bursting t«r an· I on haa«l t beap for Cut agreement. strengthen sugir W. \\ ΙΙΙΤΜ AUMl to Into * »c,! e*tal 7. la a of the human the beaten white of is way get u> Λ, \ large portion lemon juice eggs I'tr HU», 1-'· tac I'iuImm App'y proiiit the box to I.ouis Hendricks, who L, May S. Λ ΤΚΓ Κ. A.lmr and Job Work. race. used to relieve hoarseness. .V2 1 oaimen la. M Planing, Sawing «un» ax the flrst Is also one of "The ti ay Parisians." and The laat letter lit the Fresh. fruits are excellent for ««κ «>\r«'Ki» »" Me. rij>e COl > rrv >rt!»n l, a heav- as the E. W. CHANDLER, A word of aix let ter*, meaning I the blood and toning up the appears positive police captain. Τ» J. I'. HTK AltN». l»r <>r. Hua. t» A Wl'jut. So. l'wl*. Me- purifying Wells that he had concluded to ... Vain· wandervr A» remedies explained a-l *••«4 Sup.eer. enly system. «pecillc oranges ι Jan'y I. i. S, 4. W> 4 'lav· at l'art», a scheme. »s it his throat. '*> 1, 8. H, 4. is an arrangement, are >our oranges are highly stop smoking, injured joornot irt*lun, #10 aperient. He been a b ·χ of mile· on name, J oo 1, 2, 3, 4. Λ. I» a carpenter'* Uxil for rheumatism. had given splendid To i.% travel We Want You ν recommended il, u> S at l'art·, a*t- IHKK' I /«»Λ i« in the and wMied to give them away to j Marri ·.·, |o, -lay* 9. 3. 4, A. pleaannt country. louions for feverish thirst in sickliest, cigars, ·ο*Μ*>0. KNOW J it avoid the to smoke them. Journr-t TO Appty ' coughs, complaint, terior motive for the and l«rrtUkt tkr.-m-lk tk· No. IU. rieal Aeroatle. h for I pre-ent At Tomatoes are powerful aperient To 130 tu lia· travel on «ame, y BICYCLES. SUNDRIES and 14..ΛΓ I M (ArM ϊί·Μ turned the box over to the man. the a for property toi at l'arl» on petition of <1 ·<·!·, urt" (if* liver, sovereign remedy dys- j May day·· Λ ίι A* a consequence Wells, iiMf*n, Apples dyspep- 4 '«» a Whenever he lighted To Jfi mile* travel on *ae. write ue. We can also save you sia ; are nutritious, medicinal aud every performance. ELY S they cam*· his clear one a pur/led expression over dollar* if you intend vitalizing ; they aid digestion, the fill U) tfood many fait*, but not until the ln«t one had been BALM voice, correct the of the stomach, j y >TK \ a wheel. Write us. CREAM acidity In which to buy smoked did he learn the ι. 14.1- > are in rheumatism. Insomnia way May "pen» an ) Iran··*» valuable as Hendrick* had the cigars given CYCLE MFG. CO., lh« Vanai and liter troubles. An apple contains enjoyed PURITAN l'atn a η <1 him. ΛDti· nutriment as a in a uXIO Kl t.'ol'N r\ lirai» much |>otato pleat- PORTLAND, MAINE. Inflammation. ^ To UEO. W. RIDI.ON, l»r. Ι'η4<ιΐ> COLH HEAD anter and more wholesome form. the Vrtwa, A BRIDEGROOM S ANTICS l«».. th*· Mrti.hranr frwr. ( «H. KrMorr· Mirtnttof dilute thick blood. send the WIS I»* ILL* KOH MLK. (•rape* Jan. I i, Λ. 4. to four «lay», adjourn e-1 T»-U «κ I »n>rll Th»· Ha m I* ·ι«Ι< k.y al'^-r1**) The innocence of city way· the » Hi to the surface, remove ob- by «torn U-n «ο·! »a<· twelve f.«-t wltxtmi;.- I'rH-r 5·1 rrnt» at circulation term, art·! jlvr·· rcllei at oar·. I'm* from th»· dis- fn>io MexI'O AO· 1 mcu'stor» The·»· mtU» nnd uewly married country Mar 1 ι, II. ft4 mile· travel |>um|n. nmvWr. «τ hv mall struction* from liver nnd lungs, Λ 12 > g\-t» com·» to < υπ k· l'art» nrvl return, S-V new .*nl will he -owl ih'aj « Marren Niw trict* who bien go their ΚΙΛ ItU· Τ11ΐ:κ>. street. the stomach to a coudl- on » Κ t M HINl."· Λ x>N» bring healthy V ·;, tw> 'lay· at l'art·, | l'art* 5 li yesterday th·· tjurer nut leg of a hrld»'- an l return HINTS. I IS, 14, li, four "law at l'art», groom nt the Inland caused a great May υ laugh. regular *e»»lon, in A \ from a little letter is was th·· Cohb .'ι ι·.· HE CAU6HT AT STRAW. dipping epicy It worst. Matisg'-r allowed, ·'.« mile· travel »atne, reasonable, now that Irnion* he had ever M-eo. and Mr. · obb ha.·» been npfiilliy #40 W an· so used a* medl· commonly "spring in Chicago hotels thirty years. W. And Found it Bulwark of Puritana oKO. ItlDLoN. -When vou are lemon a cine." making On Wednesday night young man a|>- l'ar». M.») Itll». 1». Strength and SufelT. pie* or cak«a, ami have Kjuce/ed all tin· proncbed the counter at th»· Inland ami can out of a lemon, iuit out the around hi in. the juice you glanced nervously STATE ο»' M \ IΝ Κ. C". B. Downs, of freight depart- Wb.ii t..ι ■: tir in ir.· acwnifii» " ooject» turn side In Mit, \re he asked. l!**>. skin, wrong out, dip you the clerk?" finally « ·\K< A{|», aa. l'art». May 14. Λ M-utit· Railroad Trvle Mark lllu*trntlon luv* Iwen rltfhtlr |îumm>e«. faucet*, kettle, ••Yes. What can I do for you ?" he TV MTMaaflr aMQMWl the al-ove »nd the nam··» (which an» <>f unequal W. w M hitmar-li. J K. »Mre< anrv heluw tIt*· other. th·» each Imme- HI t an>l «rvrrally pianos with foil within need* cleaning. polishing up "I want a room." l'T rendered and •ul'wrllied ta- ; suffer from η ifdne naU tlino on to the critical hunger tin *1 K'tlrr» will «ι«ι·!1 the name of fa I» of thee all be relied satisfy diately with ·» dry. soft cloth tVinnrl The clerk the register toward ire tr l Mefore «ne. world, may beyond question which he could eat, bat not —St. Ntcholft*. pushed Willi M \ N. reach, tuou· Kv.tfUoli (Quaker best- after with the lemon. him. C MA RI.E-H Y. rubbing ine Ju-llcUI Court. and connoisseurs. lives at '·'.» Daniel Street ·* Clerk Supn nating digest. He Λ correspondent wants to know how What do want me to dor" the purchasers < harxlr. you \ I -« May 14, !·<·!. LUt of ilir*»#· 1'innu*. No. 134. so "I...... Kniil for C'lilRlogiie nml l'riro tells in the follow- to clean uew iron cooking utensils man out. .· ) t;.. and his eij-erience young «stammered Matli|f Ûr*t «-vamlio-1 a»id lit.· fore 1. n>ni of r~>n* united In a odor be < oiiiiti ··( — "A any the removed. "Write name," the nnU of t»··· 4:<iiier· words: " disagreeable may your replied clerk, r>lnic j ing • » *»e ,«1!"W thereon oonitnou l|{n. cause of this inlor the varnish a f.>r> "iinty, we rertlfv tKnt to The U who was becoming Interested. When I waa 14 Tears old 1 began tlM· f· ·* Il »· .11! >1 Π -J»vtlVi l> 8. "A century." which the manufacturera on the out- man wrote W. put The young "Parry f >i <· W. J. WHEELER, which or To t\ U bltniar*h, l«e troubled with indigestion, Thu wli»4i\ "A fillet, roller imatb." Bide of ironware to It from rust. the (vv .'·' protect Smith," and at the request of clerk To i i st«-*rn-, ·Ί «orv of or var- tosr. :«* 1 grew uj> beeame instead After the kettle |M>t 1» in use the add» d "Marley, III." He was assigned Ui Tot W Kl'llon, IIIIJ,l.\tiX lll.ork, tU a and < until 1 found it hard to keep Jim MrtAfrun. nish will burn off in few hour·», a room. Λ few minutes afterward a bell Γ >. I M. Κ HM ΠΙΙ. <>untv \tt.· better, M \ lerk ·· to remove than IIAKL4.S t W II IT V I a-n m'luethlnu to it. rh»»n»r«· tny head, there is no better way there wa* a woman w ith fi>od i «peptic iUt .i'.crcO. attain, and I ant t<> construct whatever from the pot called to the fact that he had not register- \ew tin*, are also much more w did not get much sympathy. cake etc.. ed for his Ife. Rry |<> the l*u«*l*r. desirable after the "newness" has worn "I was married was 1 tried as many as a dozen ditferent only yesterday," WANTEDANTEO-A MAN should be in the oven ear to hire an I «uperln — Β al- off. They placed his "and I all ahout Ι to iure me. No. lil At aeranmond Aoro*tlr: explanation, forgot rtiirrlt'iiei· things, but they all failed b> fore u*ed, and allowed to burn ι Mit·· A#fv. '' I rUiit»* t'ortmilip. Y neat an, being her." Till·. II I'It It 4 urt »"■* it'dJ te thnorv. »n l fvNtWM hdott •uni|> and like a man 1 «a* ready feet. and blacken until the tin effect has Ν·η· l'a. drowning V leo|v»:rn I. uruliu*, Κ mvndd. Acrt» bright Then he registered from "Xew u ν i:u l'»;i ΜΙΙκ-η street. I'hlla-lelphla, the then wash until to catch at any straw ottering tic. Bkyek disappeared; thoroughly nox," having given his bride's maiden clean and smooth, and there will be no name *■» hi·» residence the even- ie:tst hope of rescue. Then 1 tried No. 1..'.—Sutuethlut* t<> Moke: preceding con- : knes» and all more dWIk ulty about the cake sticking to ing The couple spent th»· day in sight- l^IRES Rc»tbccr Pari tana and «ϋ> not only relieved bj of the were Ο / disotdcrs Blood, them th th·· hotel until best herbs, berries in a short time s\er. tair the it from the pain, but I Kidney*. l.ungs, M hether egg» are fresh or not may be evening. Λ bell bo ν who had sprinkled Ncr\e>. Heart. Brain. them in a nature makes for completely cured of my indigestion. easily ascertained by putting wet «awdust on the floor of the rotunda and roots Ο and Skin is >.au>cii of cold water. The fresh ones will bell he 1 could eat w itbout their by pan wassweeplng it up. To the boy Τake no sausage· are roc1 :beer making. link at once; those that sink slowly said : me, aud 1 found That Puri hurting 92/ while those that float are to fri/z her IT. suspicious, "My wife wants a candle oth a uew stoma, h r Him'V p*iiu.i(AU. tana had given n:o bad. hair with. If can one for me, Lf at τ»· γ»»»· probably you get WIIS |»;λ*· 9vU food. I believe is made as follows: |wi(, for Infants and Children. that would digest any Whey vinegar I'll sweep while you are gone." that 1 was the liist sou in Mralc two of whe\ from curd, ) pel gallou* the broom from the hands of Taking λ Miirl>U* <>r i.nuilte Monu- add to It one of and one· the bride- buy |>ound sugar, the astonished colored boy, ment or Cemetery Wrk of any W It in the with the itnutc· "■ A of salt. Don't IN\ ΚΊΤΙιίΑΤΚ of C»>toria tablespoonfnl Keep groom proceedwl to sweep the rotunda. iJo Gun is Fired kind Miitll yuii y oWrralion ρ rong while it is It w ill he •hade working. Hi* bride, an voung exceedingly pretty tKittle on the « t the U.-p*kk read ν for good woman, evidently the belle of the village, prtnn», permit «ta o\cr tb· W"rld is added. The rotunda was Society. ..11 Thirty ami fhildr»» gar stood watching him. It i« th» b«'it tmiody for of who are fond of ♦•salt- as lu·m h aiul S« >, in » nnijnevtionably to use Puritan », Those you crowded, and the broad smile* the mercy help. Portsmouth Children l;k* it It Stomach ri»ii!g bread," but dislike the slow proc- to look at her Lt tloett the '» 1 t'r<-->«'n tk· world ha· βτ·Γ known. It Ν hirmle··. but n->t the as I know parsing throng stopped degree, White Bronze, I List, ès* which it Is this: On the by made, try told her something was w rong. I And In it Μ··Ή.·γ· if· that since then many have l'ur.una makes the iiusband, Joiu^'u's lielladuuuA Il la niurli morr Artlatlr ait : of w arm water and It au even Caatoria vomiting I had d\*pepsi.t f«r years. kettle keep CLEANING. prevent» Sri.ittjt H makes the is No > temperature until sponge light, nn » T. n, I could h utîiy »t tnd up an·! I No lis.—Crtw«word Enigma ΙχνΜη- GOT HIS INFORMATION CHEaP. Ctitoria core» Dlarrhtrt l Win·! *Jir>. which will t»e In about two hours. The Price* to f>ult all. Work 'lollvrrr·! r*ery· ·..;·! t· I* «ς w .· ΤΛΓ. Little Kerdiuand—I saw ki»s Sis- where. Write for deslirn» »η·Ι Informa be before noon.—Ex- you relieve* Trouble· bread can baked ES! HORSES! HORSES! tlon Co«lrt to Cwtori» Teething Nu. 121.—Diamond*: ter Alethca just now, Mr. Dusuap. HORi nothing tDTNUplfl. change. — here A η g I>u«nap (embarrassed W-well, Caetoria ο η re· Con*tiput ion and Flatn:ency Is a for if won't tell any- LFWIS M. MANN & quarter you you SON, Agents or Cil» OLD the effect· of cirbon'f! γ·γ' I ga· poi»on«·· Right STYLES. lVnl Pari· Main·. OaitoHa nentraliie· f f 'TO HEALTH THE body. Κ Ρ I. A I Ν — C Ι- Λ A I .it t le Ferdinand Ί A 'κ The tin de siècle maiden is no longer contemptuously doe· not contain or -rh·':· uaiι S (J W Caitoria morphine, opium, 'îi i ι_ < »f course I I) I Λ Μ ΟΝΟ G I. A Ο 1 cents last for |ΐ'ΐ.·ι ·:ι> content with a half-do/en hats: dear me, «(Uarter! got fifty night »nhower, gowns. "My baby croup put np only. Mi-tine Rhymer·: some writes Mrs. .1. B. The result was marvelous. It not and I have s»*en very fetching confec- by Shlloh's Cure," er child. comfort, «!, h««tt»g. and Don't allow any ono to aell you anything eUe pi·· relieved but it made me tions In the way of bnuuet* hats. Martin of Huntsville, Ala. Sold by F. only mc, new life. fecituiv. mnUirv, wine. 3. Cheapside, was in Cuba South Paris. " " une purple fancy A. Shurtleff, ω % aniwer ·ν·ΓΤ perfectly well. Instead of being rul'·. fare. Ware, defied. beauty that it i»"jn--t good and will pnrpo—." straw, lined with white rice straw. It doubled up with pain, Puritana has Gr-t t»f omr *lnxfZ *t !k.«Kr»lt<} Η·»»ί^'Τΐ(|ΐ|τη»*·1ΐ*· No. 126 —Word xjusfi*: A GREAT GERMAN'S PRESCRIl'- »*· wms u hat with the brim narrower Sea that yon get evtr-τ u $1 Imt Ittff trtatiiuiil. large O-A-S-T-O-R-I-A^ L'iven me a stomach like ;in md ··« « y U Λ Γ O L Ε ostrivh, b et Nr 'iM,o«< »4l.»of Γ" *tUB« I l> Ε A r b« hind than iu front. The crown was TION. CAVKATS, *«· N. aa4 _ trad· that will almost frfcagr » ι: ι* κ ι: ι ι. omen marks· "" «· every digest anything. * S«%. » »rt. % a Irmr■! fu.TUfti Th· ι> λ and wide, and was trimmed in front and kid- attention of hontcmen to the it low Diseased blood, constipation, ο rail the OESICN PATENT·. Th· fac-similé There is t.κ» for ate t«i t. u.,ivbu4 C /·Λ .%wfvl. X. 11. on ΙιαηΊ a choice notliiης strong L A h Τ Κ It A » Κ LEND with rosettes of gauze ribbon, liver aud bowel troubles are cured I luve coa*tantly etc. /^y' purple ney. hu»lne-n from COPYRIGHTS, «""•PP" iu favor of Puritana. Wtie* suitable for' any Τ·* Information an! free lluii).»n writ»· to say A l: Τ b Π I » Ε Π ENDS edged with satin. Karl's Clover R»»ot Tea. Sold F. ■ignatnraaf by by n»{ to heavy teamlnif. I icuaraiitee MI NN A CO.. »! liMOâbWAT. New Y<-R>. 6^/^fcoGC/U at were Λ L H R Τ Behind aud the sides garlands A. Shurtleff, South Paris. |*c mild to lie ju»t ».·> repreaenbed, If not, Olilnt tiiirvau f..r sr.-urltv pnu nu lu Am· rl>-«. t*err taken «ulilki Lj a nulle» given frvo of di*rg<» lu U±a with rosettes of gau/e PI11I.HKOOK, Bethel, Maine. sterdam: 1. Amazon. 2. Malin. 3. Sahara shades, mixed McGlnnls—'That's mighty folne, |*at. for Pitcher's Castoria. ! was one Children ! SAFES ! SAFES ribbon. Behind the crown la*t it-Jir tirand Trunk I»e|>ot. Cry SAFES 4. Tu w ton. 5. Kddv stone. rt Kaiu«j. 7. How o*Id Is it? Pat, (pouring the with buds D.irif!) 8. Alexandria, y. Madagascar. large poppy, placed high, Into his glass)—Faith. *>1 don't Scientific drops of §mmora an lAnrr«t circulation any κ-lontlflr· paper In tha > υ» — WJ '·'· \t·· m χ and forming aigrette. don't know ; but it's ez owld ez it'll ever Firo Prool and Burglar Proof Ν afij· Fifty THE ETHER." world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Int.llUeut These hats, the are as man nhoul.l t«r years. purple by way, be." without IL W.^-kir. f.l.OOa rear: Μ('>(ίΓ * Stool Lined Safes Î 1. Let much the rage, as when they first blazed "BjYOND iljfc'aixmomh*. Addrew», Co,. No. 12 ».—Transpositions: your Λ UK \VoMlROI"> Al'Y KNTL'RKS. lVBLUULii-s .Hi I lm»adwsy. Near York City. the at Easter time, and STOKi t» amers be simple und your speech unaf upon public they smart and feeted. 2. Kindness governs better than are invariably becoming. h and Safes ! House Safes ! straw hat also flourishes This i now surtlingly original Bank anger 3. falsehoods bring serious 'Hie green l'UKi'Arations r< »u Jesting ho«>k. I scenes laid in Oxford en- and in One pretty sorrows. 4 Many who point·» much gains |»opularily. **T»4»n vu rick, w· jjmr* her fVtort». [ucipient Over 150.000 of.Our Safes in Use form Baby A to the via the Today. but little. 5. Learn to live as model that 1 examined was in the County. trip planète joy you she fur CwtorU. HUMPHREYS' was NMirn she «u a Child, cried currents and aerial navigation. tf. Men to honor of a beretta and of 90ft pli- suptma1 would wish to die climb capote, worlds is SPECIFICS are a she to Owtoria. < onitnui with scientifically and industry. 7. Labor brings able rice straw, and In very wide fancy When eh* became Mlw, clunj· Jication foreign by prudence « The a -(taMi-hed. pleasure, Idleness pain. h. Make not a jest braid of very bright green. When ahe had Children, «he gave them UuAuria. finally prepared Remedies; have was Sent for .'52 cents. Send At another'* infirmities. V. Silence le the The of the capote scalloped J jetpaid only edge been used for a at now. half century best answer to Dation all round, excepting the immediate t'A and the crown was low and round. |W. IRKS JOHNSTON, with entire success. back, Maine. ^1» a wreath of corn- Andover, Great AH Ε ΥΟΓ M ADE It was trimmed with »o. urmirir rog flowers In different shades of intense nre shtrik- 1—Fever·, CongeaUou*, inflammation·. was turn- Mrs. Moriarty—What yez miserable by Indigestion. Constipation. blue. The rather narrow rim The Wind Blows 3-Worm·, Worm Fever, WonaOolle. AfES a cache lug for now, Pat? Mr. Molarity—Sure, 3 Teething, Wrkef ulneas Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow ed up at the back to show deep ·'oUe,Crylng, owners of the mill raised our 4— IHarrhra, of hlldmi or Adulu ... h and the Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is positive of corn flowers and ivy leaves, A IMIntis Battle peigue One Hour -D»»cnicry. Griping, Colic. widout consultin' the I'nion. 4 tuft of the same flowers wag pay .. cure. Sold by F. A. Shurtlet!', South and another C-Chnlrri Morbus, Vomiting.. OK No\ KM BhU t AHK ALItKAI» WKLL l'll>KK W Vϊ ν Paris. raised very high and served as a base for ?-I'ouch·. Cold*. Bronchitis in Three. Eaceacbe. ... ornamented with the ON EDGE. M-\euralgla, Toothache. KMOKU two green aigrettes NERVES R-Headacliea. Sick Hradachc. Vertigo. ( PILW IK) NOT CUKE. feathers. liilluuiiuwt, Coiwtlpathin e>es of peacock I was nervous, tired, irritable and not make it 10-l))f|xpiila, President of the United States Why | or i'aluful PrrMi ... Camden, Strings to hats arc becoming very Tea me 11—Huppre—e< In the Chicago, Boston '72 Haverhill, Lynn, Eastport, Pille do Dot r*rt cross. Karl's Clover Hoot made It— While·, Too Profuse Pert»«l» Constipation. They and one sees them wide pump your water? much the .... Karl's mode, well and Ε. Β. Wouukn. 13-<'roup, LarrncltU. Hoarw-n*aa IS TO UK KLKCTED, VM> Till· and Boston '93 fires. only aggravate. Clover Iîoot and of happy.—Mus. and narrow, and long and short, Sold F. A. Shurtlefl", South Paris. I I -kali Hheuiu, Erysipelas, Erupt km·, Tea gives perfect regularity of the by lft Kheuaiailam. or Rheumatic lalns. on ribbon and tulle and lace. The wide on Vault AVork F. A. South 1·—Malaria. Chill·. Kev.r and Ague ... Estimates Application. bowele.—Sold by Shurtleff, a BEST COUGH CURE A wind mill, NEW YORK WEEKLY TUIUl'NE given tulle or strings measure whole THE good Blind or Paris. gauze IT-PI lea, Bfcwlln* and is a Koreor Formerly the MORRIS & IRELAND SAFE. breadth across and are very fluffy is Sbiloh'e Cure. A neglected cough s good tower, good Il*-0»hlhalu>y. WeakEyea. of "' 1·—Catarrh, Influt-nia, Cold lu the Head will, a» alwayf, he fuund it) th»· thickest ι·ι g» beautiful tied in a large, soft bow di- dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's and a to pump good 50-Whooping ( ouch, Ιϋηΐζ vigorously for SOI ΝΊ» lil *»ΙΝΚ>*· Ι''··, Address all correspondence beneath the ch'n. Cure. Sold F. A. Shurtleff, South N 1 "W hat in jour opinion If. the best rectly by '4l—Aalhma, Opprtaaad Breathing which will PROSPERITY TO Till * d* for ladles thoroughjob •4*4-Bar Dl«eharuf natv a Debility ,1'hjidcalWeaknt*· loading Republic·»η paper •SI and S3 Sudbury St., Boston, man under the chin, making very more ml satisfaction other young describe it was the demurely "De trouble wid too mauy ob nig- 3®-l>rop«y. and Scanty Secretions ΝΕΝΓΙΛ A NATION'A I. FAMILY r face. you ;r fit setting for the times its cost it vested in a 84-ttra glekneaa. Sickness from hiding NKWSl'Al'*·1^l!i reply.' gers," Kays Uncle Moee, "is dat you than tiv< The campaign new* mid dlicu^ioui· will White alpacas or mohairs are becom- •4T—Kidney Dlaeaaea, wauts to lib sicuers an' die Christians." bi ,nk and then it makes the M-Nervous Dr bill t y American citizen. more the shaky ing more and rage every day. 're Mouth, new· < orre-i···" Hood's Pills are to take, to women lk« eo to have All the of the Foreign ρ,, easy easy Last summer at the European watering f pleasant plenty SV-trlaary Weakae—, day, blood causes that tired cultural Market Sh^rt ,;:h operate. Core indigestion, biliousness, were so numerous that it Impoverished of fresh ater at hand. 31—Palafnl Period· I><.|>artmeut, Report#, places they right 3*4—Diseases of the in each K»#hi"» headache. one Hood's Sarsaparilla purities, Heart. PalpltaUoe plete number, Comic Picture·, bold seemed as if every other woman feeliug. in before the kot Vitas' f,fJ and vitalizes the Get yi ur job dry 33 -Kpllepay, Spa»ma. 8t Dance.. elaborate *ηΊ λ variety of item4 CLARION met was white and now the enriches blood, giving 34 *ore description·. in mohair, Threat, volnsy. Diphtheria.... omes on. uew life and increased aud vitality. weather 3A-<*hrenie I ongeatl··· Interest, make up AN* IDEAL FAMILY PAl'l··''· have croze has arrived on our shores to vigor AEruptioaa.. Tramp—"Please, mum, you any spend -«·· aCu summer. If »eed a wlud mill, spray pump, cold vittles?" Housekeeper—UI am very itself during the coming you We fùrnieh -The Oxford Demormi MIKES ami STOVES. Doucet sent out a very stun- Jinks—I can't understand how sMp- steam, gas, gasolene sorry to sav, sir. that everything is hot." recently force pui ip, rain, "Slew Vork Weekly Tribune" (both P*PC confection iu white mohair trimmed wrecked sailors ever starve to death. "77" for GRIP. > Slams the door. ning or hut a I ir engine, pipe, tittiugs, hay stand for the txst that is ecru canvas and a not? Jinks—Because I with brighteued up by Filklns—Why etc., send for cata- hM kj Dru* «lit·, or Mat prrp.14 nm rwvtpl r.t μι ha. and I carriers, forks, •c, art for ,at> be iMurti la IS a·4 h stock of violet ribbon. just came over from Liverpool, jjorse IL··, l,,.wpt M, in every n, rat ap ta 11. M .lu .ml;. One Year For possible way—in want a for ca- is a material which is never once felt the least desire to eat. Only $1.75, Customer—I cashmere !>·. · remedy Scotch logue. Hraraavn'll4actL(SBlarr«l AlartMd'.aalLBam·. material, and now the workmanship tirrh. being very generally used by mmm'iiikco., m * lia wk»m.,■*·!«*. sir. Here's a in this and G. STEPHENS, 4 «eh in advance. all around usefulness. j; Drug Clerk—All right, leading dressmakers country CAPTAIN SWEENY, U. S. Α., blood tonic that is advertised to build up abroad. For years it has been unneed. Maine. IrcM Catarrh Buckft >ld, ail onlera to the constitution. and the revival of it means a great deal San Diego, Cal., says : "Shlloh's HUMPHREYS' CAN YOU DOUBT I have ever g Customer—Young man, do you think in the fashionable world. It come· in the Remedy Is the first medicine WITCH HAZEL Maine. me for consti- OIL THE OXFORD South P I'm to dose with a blood most beautiful colore and makes op found that would do any good." Bee:ham's pills " DEMOCRAT, Paris, of the thousands going myself THE PILE OINTMENT." the verdict 5 tonic for months, on the chance of it most Price ôOc. Sold by F. A. Shurtleff, just gracefully. Get the for POea—External or Internal. Blind or Bleeding; rite it to I over is I io* and Fistula In your name and address on a card, send who are using them ? doing me some good? Not much! A dainty organdie made silk South Paris. pation 25*. Alio ; Itching or Bleeding of the Bectam. postal and a. iweet The relief Is Immediate—the cure certain Best, Room 2, Tribune Buildin«r. New York City, want immediate relief ; besides, catarrh a mode) afternoon frock. One BE CURED be ία® dealer does CONSUMPTION CAN and PRICE, 50 στ*. copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will One Warranted. If your a and no tonic or blood I saw was of white, book lit your druggist's TMâttHBîMCTI. is local affection, confection which •oM ar et Every the use of Shlloh's Cure. This great by Bras» lata, Ml poatpaM mm racatpt ρ rte*. to you. write to the manufacturers. purifier ever made, can cure it. Here's with little delicate tracings of flowers by ■SXr*mm'U*.C0..111âllS WWaaM-.lOTta*. not have them, or cure is the known remedy SO cents. Let me have Ely's Cream over It. It was made over pale yellow cough only go by lit. for that terrible disease. Sold F. ▲. KateblUtod .1ΜΛ Balm. It'· the I know of to buff silk and set off whit· rib· ; by All râturpitràtod T&. WOOD & BISHOP CO., BUfff, only thing glace, bjr South Pari·. Kindt ef Printing «t tht Democrat Oik·. Children Oryfor Pitch·!»· Caatoria- cure an attack of otUrrh. Shurtleff, com ii mo w. , boo.