CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by RERO DOC Digital Library [Palaeontology, Vol. 52, Part 5, 2009, pp. 1009–1027] HIGH EUROPEAN SAUROPOD DINOSAUR DIVERSITY DURING JURASSIC–CRETACEOUS TRANSITION IN RIODEVA (TERUEL, SPAIN) by RAFAEL ROYO-TORRES*, ALBERTO COBOS*, LUIS LUQUE*, AINARA ABERASTURI*, , EDUARDO ESPI´LEZ*, IGNACIO FIERRO*, ANA GONZA´ LEZ*, LUIS MAMPEL* and LUIS ALCALA´ * *Fundacio´n Conjunto Paleontolo´gico de Teruel-Dino´polis. Avda. Sagunto s ⁄ n. E-44002 Teruel, Spain; e-mail:
[email protected] Escuela Taller de Restauracio´n Paleontolo´gica II del Gobierno de Arago´n. Avda. Sagunto s ⁄ n. E-44002 Teruel, Spain Typescript received 13 December 2007; accepted in revised form 3 November 2008 Abstract: Up to now, more than 40 dinosaur sites have (CPT-1074) referring to the Diplodocidae clade. New been found in the latest Jurassic – earliest Cretaceous remains from the RD-28, RD-41 and RD-43 sites, of the sedimentary outcrops (Villar del Arzobispo Formation) of same age, among which there are caudal vertebrae, are Riodeva (Iberian Range, Spain). Those already excavated, assigned to Macronaria. New sauropod footprints from the as well as other findings, provide a large and diverse Villar del Arzobispo Formation complete the extraordinary number of sauropod remains, suggesting a great diversity sauropod record coming to light in the area. The inclusion for this group in the Iberian Peninsula during this time. of other sauropods from different contemporaneous expo- Vertebrae and ischial remains from Riodevan site RD-13 sures in Teruel within the Turiasauria clade adds new evi- are assigned to Turiasaurus riodevensis (a species described dence of a great diversity of sauropods in Iberia during in RD-10, Barrihonda site), which is part of the the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition.