(Quasi Experimental Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Education in English Department




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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : NUR MALADISMA Nim : 10535583514 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Judul Skripsi : Reappraising The Utilization Of English Video Making In Writing Descriptive Text At SMAN 5 Pinrang (Quasi Experimental Research)

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Makassar, Maret 2021 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

( Nur Maladisma )

vii UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH MAKASSAR Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259Makassar Telp : 0411-860837/860132 (Fax) FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN Email : [email protected] PRODI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA INGGRIS Web :


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : NUR MALADISMA Nim : 10535583514 Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Judul Skripsi : Reappraising The Utilization Of English Video Making In Writing Descriptive Text At SMAN 5 Pinrang (Quasi Experimental Research)

Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut: 1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesai penyusunan skripsi ini, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya (tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun). 2. Dalam penyusunan skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan kosnsultasi dengan pembimbing yang telah ditetapkan oleh pimpinan fakultas. 3. Saya tidak akan melakukan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam penyusunan skripsi ini. 4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian padabutir 1, 2, 3, saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

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Makassar, Maret 2021 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

( Nur Maladisma )



Bertambah tua itu bukan berarti kehilangan masa muda. Tapi babak baru

dari kesempatan dan kekuatan.

This thesis I dedicated to my family, Especially to my beloved Husband, Mom and Dad for everything.



Nur Maladisma 2021. Reappraising The Utilization of English Video Making In Writing Descriptive Text At SMAN 5 Pinrang (Quasi Experimental Research). Under the thesis of English Education Departement the Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Makassar Muhammadiyah University (guided by Hasnawati Latief and Farisha A. Baso). This research purpose to find out English video making can increase the students’ writing descriptive text at the second grade of SMAN 5 Pinrang. Reappraising of writing descriptive text value from the students after we do the pretest, it can be benchmark in analyzing the success rate of a video technique to improve the skill of writing descriptive text. English video making as the technique approved can increase the ability of students in term of organization especially identification and description in writing a descriptive text. The research design used in the study was quasi-experimental design. After conducting the experimental research about the use of video to increases the ability of students’ writing descriptive text skill and based on the researcher findings in the previous chapter. The researcher concluded that video is effective to increases the students’ writing descriptive text in term of organization, it was shown by the mean score of organization before giving treatment is 54.43 becomes 77.71 after giving treatment with the t-test significance value (2-tailed) of content is 0.000 ˂ 0.05. It means that there is significance difference between before and after giving the treatment.

Keywords: Reappraising, English Video Making, Descriptive



Nur Maladisma 2021. Penilaian Kembali Tentang Pemanfaatan Pembuatan Video Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Menulis Teks Deskriptif di SMAN 5 Pinrang (Penelitian Kuasi-Experimen). Dibawah Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar (Dibimbing oleh Hasnawati Latief dan Farisha A. Baso). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat peningkatan kemampuan menulis teks deskriptif siswa dengan menggunakan Teknik pembuatan video berbahasa Inggris pada kelas dua di SMAN 5 Pinrang. Penilaian kembali terhadap nilai menulis teks deskriptif atau mencari nilai kembali menulis teks deskriptif siswa setelah dilakukan pretest dapat menjadi tolak ukur dalam menganalisis tingkat keberhasilan suatu teknik video untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis teks deskriptif. Pembuatan video bahasa Inggris meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam pengorganisasian khususnya identifikasi dan deskripsi dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain eksperimen semu. Setelah dilakukan penelitian eksperimental tentang penggunaan video untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks deskriptif siswa dan berdasarkan temuan di lapangan. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah video efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis teks deskriptif siswa dalam hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata organisasi sebelum diberikan perlakuan adalah 54,43 menjadi 77,71 setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan nilai signifikansi terhadap uji-t (2-tailed) konten adalah 0,000 ˂ 0,05. Artinya ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan sesudah pemberian perlakuan.

Kata Kunci: Penilaian Kembali, Pembuatan Video Inggris, Deskriptif



Al-hamdu lillahi robbil-‘alamin, praise and grateful for Allah SWT, on mercy and blessing then writer have great healthiness, opportunity and patience. In other hand marvelous grant of Allah is giving easiness to have done the proposal.

Shalawat and salaam, the writer always pass away to Rasulullah Muhammad

Salallahu alaihii’ wassalam as great guidance and marvelous teacher for all of human in the world.

First and foremost, I would like to sincerely thank Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse,

M.Ag, as a rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar, Erwin Akib, M.Pd.,

Ph.D, as Dean of Faculty of Training Teachers and Education, Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar, Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. as head of English

Department, Faculty of Training Teachers and Education, Hasnawati Latief, M.Pd as consultant I and Farisha Andi Baso, S.Pd., M.Pd as consultant II eventually give guidance, and motivation to have done the proposal. They are always giving knowledge and references how to construct the good research. Great appreciation for parents always gives neither motivation nor spirit to have done proposal. In other hand thank you so much for classmate brave class on support that struggling every time and never give up to catch your dream.

In globalization area education is one of particular aspect is important to enchance as principal of human faces the world. Hence, teacher is definitely role and agent of chance to save the world from the ignorance through learning for students. Importance foreign language especially English is one of way in order students accessed references in the world to increase their capability that absolutely

xii xii


teacher as guidance for students how to implementation about it. In other hand, teacher must be having various learning media in teaching with the result that creates virtuous and academic students. Therefor the educations have to the teacher professional that is able great organized learning able great organized learning process.

Hopefully, the thesis with the title “reappraising the utilization of english video making in writing descriptive text at SMAN 5 PINRANG” gives more than information about learning media then it can be developing and furthemore for thesis preparing. The last one, gratefulness for attention then available suggestion from reader is most becessary for the next better.

Makassar, Maret 2021






APPROVAL SHEET ……………...... i






ABSTRACT ...... x




LIST OF TABLES...... xvii


A. Background ...... 1

B. Problem Statement ...... 4

C. Objective of the Research ...... 4

D. Significance of the Research ...... 4

E. Scope of the Research ...... 5


A. Review of Related Research Findings ...... 6

B. Some Pertinent Ideas ...... 8


1. Concept of Writing ...... 8

2. Concept of Descriptive Text...... 15

3. Concept of Video ...... 19

C. Conceptual Framework...... 29

D. Hypothesis ...... 30


A. Research Design ...... 31

B. Location...... 32

C. Population and Sample ...... 32

D. Variable and Operational Variables Definition...... 33

E. Instrument of The Research ...... 34

F. Procedure of Collecting Data ...... 34

G. Technique of Data Analysis ...... 35


A. Findings ...... 40

B. Discussions ...... 47


A. Conclusion...... 49

B. Discussion ...... 49







Pictures Pages

Picture 2.1 Explanation about material ...... 22

Picture 2.2 Part one in describe something ...... 22

Picture 2.3 Example of step one ...... 23

Picture 2.4 The speaker explain about the second step...... 23

Picture 2.5 Example of the second step...... 23

Picture 2.6 Explanation of third step...... 24

Picture 2.7 Example of the third step...... 24

Picture 2.8 Explanation of the fourth step...... 24

Picture 2.9 Example of speculating...... 25

Picture 2.10 Example of speculating the context of the picture...... 25

Picture 2.11 Example of the speculating the context of picture...... 25

Picture 2.12 Explanation of making a longer answer...... 26

Picture 2.13 Example of making a longer answer...... 26

Picture 2.14 Theoritical Framework of research...... 29

Picture 3.1 Relation between the variable...... 33

Picture 4.1 The mean score of the students’ writing skill improvement in term of

organization in experiment class…………………………………. 42

Picture 4.2 The improvement of pre-test and post-test in term of organization …43



Tables Pages

Table 3.1 Analytical Scoring Rubric of the Students Writing ...... 36

Table 3.2 Scoring rubric of the students writing descriptive text ability ...... 37

Table 3.3 Standard of each element ...... 38

Table 4.1 Student Writing Skill Improvement in Term of Organization in

Experiment Class ...... 41

Table 4.2 Student Writing Skill Improvement in Term of Organization in Control

Class ...... 42

Table 4.3 Classification of The Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability using

Video in Term of Organization (Pre-test and post-test) ...... 44

Table 4.4 Mean, Median, Standard Deviation And Test Of Normality ...... 47

Table 4.5 Paired Sample t-test Between Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of The

Students’ Writing Description Text ...... 48





A. Background

Writing is one of four basic skills which is used as means to communicate with others. In writing, people express the language through written form which is different with speaking that expresses the language orally. Writing is also one of the most difficult skills to be mastered. As Geoffrey and others (2003:116) explain that when we write, unlike when we talk, we are engaged in an activity which is usually at the same time both private and public. It is private because the act of composition is by its nature solitary, but it is public in that most writing is intended for an audience, often one which is extremely difficult to define. The act of writing differs from that of talking in that it is less spontaneous and more permanent, and the resources which are available for communication are fewer because we cannot do as we do in conversation like interaction with the listeners and adapt as we go along.

Writing is not easy than other skills. Among the skills, writing is the most difficult skill to be learnt, because it needs hard thinking in producing words, sentences, and paragraph at the same time. As Jack C. Richard and Willy A.

Renandya (2002) said, “writing is the most difficult skill for second language learners to master. The difficulty lies not only in generating and organizing ideas, but also in translating these ideas into readable text.” Descriptive text is one of the functional texts which is difficult enough to be learnt by the students. Descriptive text is a text that describes the features of someone, something, or a certain place.



Descriptive text consists of introduction and description. Introduction is the part of paragraph that introduces the character, and description is the part of paragraph that describes the character. The students can use the simple present and adjective clause in writing descriptive text. In writing the descriptive text, students often find some difficulties. The students usually feel difficult to organize their ideas. Furthermore, many students made some mistakes and faced difficulties to build and develop their imagination.

Based on the statement above, teachers must be able to organize learning- teaching activities. They have to master the materials, methods and also media to make the students understand and apply descriptive writing matters in practice. A good media can help the students in comprehending and mastering the lesson. One of the teaching failures is caused by an unsuitable media in teaching learning process. According to Edward Anthony (2002) in Richards identified that technique is implementation-that which actually takes place in classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective. To modify positively the situation of the classroom and to make the teaching-learning process lively, the writer would like to propose an alternative media, that is the one which common known as video. In using video technique, the teacher is the one who choooses a short video to be watched by the students. The video shows something descriptively. Then, they have to write a text based on what they watch and understand from it.

Berk (2009) conducted the study on multimedia teaching with video clips;

TV, movies, you tube, and movie in the college classroom. She found that the use


of clips can attain 20 specific learning outcomes. Barbeau (2010) conducted a research in teaching writing using video in youtube. It helps the students appeal to digital natives, increase the students’ awareness, reduce the gap between teacher and student, and the classroom become conducive. Mayora (2009) focused on using

YouTube in writing classroom and she found that YouTube videos are effective in helping the students to write. Then, Lee (2004) studied a live and recorded video on Satellite TV and the Internet in FLT/L. He found that the use of live and recorded video on Satellite TV can enhance the communicative language classroom. Flerk,

Beckam, Sterns, & Hussey (2014) conducted a research on YouTube in the English classroom and it provides how helpful tips and students perceptions. Oddone (2011) studied about using videos from YouTube and websites in the classroom. The use of video from YouTube can be considered as the audiovisual material which can be employed to teach other subjects through English with low-level learners.

Anggraeni (2012) and Pratiwi (2011) reported their study that the video helps the students enable to explore main ideas, organize ideas, choose of right words to create sentences and paragraph, produce grammatically correct sentences and use mechanic (punctuation and spelling) in writing. Besides, the use of video does not only support the students to study but it can entertain them, too. So, it can be said that video is an exciting technique.

One way to find out wheter video technique can improve students’ writing skills is by doing some of writing tests such as pretest and post test. Reappraising of writing descriptive text value or finding out the value of student writing


descriptive text again after we do the pretest can be benchmark in analyzing the success rate of a video technique to improve the skill of writing descriptive text.

B. Problem Statement

This study was discussed about “does English video making can increase students’ ability in term of organization especially about identification and description in writing descriptive text”?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objective of this study is to find out that English video making increases the ability of students in term of organization especially identification and description in writing a descriptive text are.

D. Significance of the Research

The findings of the research is useful in some ways.

1. Theoretically

a. The research can be used as reference for anybody else who has the same

interest in the same field.

b. The research can be useful as the references in choosing the media in

teaching writing, especially descriptive text.

2. Practically

a. For the researcher, the research can give a practice in developing her

writing descriptive text.

b. The finding of the research can be used by teachers as a reference to

improve their technique in teaching writing and to find the most suitable

media for improving the students’ ability in writing descriptive texts.


c. The findings of the reserach can be a useful input for the students to

improve their ability and to learn english especially writing skill.

d. For other researchers, this research can give general knowledge how to

improve students’ writing ability in writing descriptive text.

E. Scope and Limitation

This research limits in teaching writing skill. Writing skill has four types, those are expository writing, persuasive writing, narrative writing and descriptive writing. The researcher just focuses in writing descriptive text by video making to faces the students’ difficulties of organization (identification and description) so the student can increase their ability in writing descriptive text. This research will be conducted in SMAN 5 PINRANG.




A. Review of Related Research Findings

Miftahussaidah (2017) in “The Effectiveness of Using Video on Students’

Writing Ability in Teaching Descriptive Text” states that the students of experiment class have higher motivation in the teaching-learning process than students of control class. The experimental class atmosphere is also more active and lively. So that, they enjoy the teaching-learning process and learned the materials easily. In control class, the students seem bored and less motivation. In the teaching-learning of writing descriptive text by using video is successful. It can be seen on the table score that the students of experiment class who received video in learning descriptive text got higher scores than students in control class who received conventional teaching. It can be concluded that by using video are effective in improving students’ ability in the descriptive text for first grade students at SMK

Pasundan 1 kota Serang.

Purna (2014) in “Improving Descriptive Text Writing Abiltiy of the Eight

Grade Students of SMPN 3 Gianyar in Academic Year 2013/2014 by Using Short

Video Clips” The analysis of the questionnaire scores showed t h a t the students’ attitude and motivation in learning English had changed positively. It also proved the effectiveness of video in writing descriptive text. The researcher said that the ability of the students in writing descriptive text was improved after had been taught through descriptive text.



Ningtyas (2014) in “The Use of Cartoon Video as a Media To Teach DeTo

Teach Descriptive Writing Text to The Eightth Graders of Junior High School” states that not only the teachers’ role which influenced the student’s writing, but also the material and media used in the learning and teaching descriptive writing text. Dealing with the implementation of cartoon video, most students liked that very much. The class atmosphere showed that the students were enthusiastic when they were watching cartoon video. It was effective to make the students felt relaxed and enjoyed in the learning and teaching writing. The video used in teaching and learning activity should be suitable with the students’ interest. They enjoyed the video very much because it was very funny and entertaining. In short, the use of cartoon video was very helpful to attract the students’ interest, raised their motivation, and helped them generating ideas. Using video in good condition was very important to help the students understand of the video itself.

Based on the explanation of the researchers, the writer can concludes that the students in learning process of writing descriptive text need something new when they study about descriptive text. They need relax and enjoy situation when they are in the classroom so that they can learn while entertain their self. The teacher must give students a technique which it can develop the students’ writing skill especially in descriptive text. It is a video making in writing descriptive text.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Concept of Writing a. Definition of Writing


Many different definitions about writing are given by experts from many resources. According to James C Raymond, he gives some general opinion about what writing is “Writing is a way of thinking”. Writing is more than a medium of communication. It as a way to remembering and way of thinking well. The next expert definition about writing is from Kane. According to Kane (1995:5), he states that when we choose a subject, it ought to interest us, and interest others as well, at least potentially. It should be within the range of our experience and skill, though it is best if it stretches us. It is not about what thing we want to about, but how we understand it. Good writing has personality.

Meyers (2005:2) says that writing is a way to produce language which we do naturally when we speak. Writing is communication with other in a verbal way. Writing is also an action and a process of discovering and organizing our idea, putting them on paper, reshaping and then revising them. In the other hands, according to Brown (2001) in Fitri (2017) : ”writing is thinking process, because writing is a process of putting dieas down on paper to transform thought into words and give them structure and coherent organization”.

On the other side, Urquhart and Mclver (2005:6) state that writing is a complex process which is about expressing knowledge. Teachers want their students to express their knowledge as thoughtfully and clearly as they can.

Teachers also have to make time for their students to engage in the writing process to get a pleasant result.

Writing is a complex process that allows writers to explore thoughts and ideas and make them visible and concrete (Ghaith, 2002). It is an activity that


encourages thinking and learning for it motivates communication and makes thought available for reflection. When thought is written down, ideas can be examined, reconsidered, added to, rearranged and changed. From some definitions above, it can be said that writing is difficult skill for the students.

Many things must be considered in writing. The things that must be considered in writing are grammar, vocabularies, punctuation, and spelling. We also can say that writing is a way of remembering and thinking so it makes the students think that writing is difficult and complicated. b. Elements of Writing

According to Stephen Wilbers (2000) says that elements of composition in

writing are:

1) Central Idea

This element of good writing involves focusing on a clear, manageable idea, argument, or thesis around which to organize your material. It includes selecting subordinate ideas that support and reinforce your central idea.

2) Organization

This element of writing has to do with coherent arrangement of material. It involves keeping the reader oriented to the central and subordinate ideas. Good organization is logical and sequential. It guides the reader between divisions of the material.

3) Supporting Material


Explanations, examples, statistics, and quotations make the ideas and information presented meaningful and memorable for the reader. In exposition, the role of supporting material is to clarify; in argument, to persuade.

4) Expression, Word Choise, and Point of View

Language is clear, specific, accurate, and appropriate to the audience, purpose, and material. Variety in sentence structure and length creates emphasis.

5) Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation

This element of good writing counts only when it’s wrong. Fair or not, your reader will notice your spelling, grammar, or punctuation only when you make a mistake. c. The Writing Process

Writing is a complex cognitive study or activity in which the writer is required to demostrate control of a number of variables simultaneously. It is include control of content, format, sentences structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and letter formation. In this case, the writer must be able to mastering how to make the sentences coherent by pay attention to the grammar, spelling format and others to become a good paragraph and text. Ghaith (2002) in Utami (2014) states that writing is mostly likely to encourage thinking and learning when students view writing as a process. Teachers need to understand that writing is a recursive process and that every writer uses the process in a different way so that the students experience less pressure and more willing to experiment, explore, eto experiment, explore, revise, and edit.


According to Rumisek and Zemach (2005: 3) in Utami (2014), writing process goes through several steps to produce a good written product. There are some sub-activities to be taken in producing the text. It is more than just putting words together to make sentences.

Writing process, further, incorporates some stages structurally. Harmer

(2007: 326) in Utami (2014) states that the stages on writing are planning, drafting, revising, and final drafting. In the classroom, planning presupposes that students obtain new writing ideas through brainstorming, team work (work together by deviding students’ group) or note-taking in order to avoid the wellknown writer’s block. Drafting entails choosing and sequencing the optimal ideas to be included in the piece of writing. Next is editing. It means that putting everything together in a coherent sentences and check it one more time to avoid the errors letter or sentences.

According to Hillocks in O’Malley (1996: 136) in Utami (2014) in writing the students must know about four types of knowledge. They are knowledge of the content, procedural knowledge to organize the content, knowledge of conventions of writing, and procedural knowledge required to apply the three other types of knowledge in composing a written product. It is also supported by Tribble (1996:

43) in Utami (2014) that in order to understand a specific task in writing, a writer requires the range of knowledge which can be summarize as follows: a. Content knowledge : knowledge of the concepts involved object area. b. Context knowledge : knowledge of the context in which the text will be



c. Language system knowledge: knowledge of those aspects of the language system

necessary for the completion of the task. d. Writing process knowledge : knowledge of the most appropriate way of

preparing for a specific writing task.

As Sorenson (2010:3) states that good writing starts with process.

According to him, there are four basic steps in writing anything: prewriting, writing, revising, and proofreading.

1) Pre-writing (Planning)

The pre-writing process is the first step of writing. It can encourage the students to write what they want and what they think. The students are stimulated to gather thoughts and information in order to get ready in choosing the topic.

Sorenson (2010:4) tells that one of the ways to find the topic is daily experiences of what you see and hear. Sometimes students can stimulated or get experience by what they have seen such as video, events, animal or flowers and others thing. The following activities provide the learning experiences for student at this stage: group brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing, WH-questions.

2) Writing

In writing step, students should write their ideas clearly. They should feel enjoy and comfort to write and express everything about their ideas without worrying about mechanical details, sentence structure and other formal writing techniques. Because they want to express their ideas clearly, they must situate themselves in a comfortable spot and be free from distractions. In this stage, they


write a draft and ignore about mechanics, grammar, and structure in order not to lose their ideas.

3) Revising

Next step after writing is revising. In this step the student must work hard to make their writing or text smoothly and clearly. When students revise, they review their text on the basis of the feedback given in the previous stage. They recheck what was written to see their text. This step also to recheck and to make sure that the student write and communicated or express their meaning effectively to the reader. The student must make the reader understand about what their message by read the text writing.

4) Proofreading

After revising, students should do proofreading. Proofreading is an activity which focuses on getting rid of the mechanical errors, like spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Students need to read their writing several times and pay attention on each sentence. Students may ask someone else to proofread. d. Writing Goals

According to Penny in Fikri Fauzi’s (2011), some of writing goals. In principle, the purpose of writing is the expression of ideas, the conveying of messages to the reader. In addition, there are four purposes of writing in general.

They are:

1) Writing to Inform

Writing to inform is to transmit necessary information about a subject to the readers, and usually it means that we tell to the readers about the facts or what


something happened. Informative writing is the simplest kind of writing but it is also one of the most important information because it is a foundation for other writing purposes.

2) Writing to Explain

It means that writing take what is unclear and make it clear. In explanatory writing, a writer who understands a coplex topic must take sure that the readers understand it as well.

3) Writing to Persuade

According to Daniel Brown and Bill Burnette, Connection ‘A

Rhetoric/Short Prose Reader, (New Jersey: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1984), p. 129 in Fikri Fauzi’s skripsi in writing to persuade the readers, your task in persuasion is to convince your readers to accept the main idea, even though it may be controversial.

4) Writing to Amuse Others

In writing to amuse, it can gives us an opportunity to bring pleasure to others. Seize the opportunity and make the most of it and will come from knowing that we are succed in bringing pleasure to others, if we are find pleasure in writing to amuse. When write to amuse, our primary object is to make readers enjy themselves. It can be funny, but also we should also be good-humored. This means having symphaty for human frailty rather than a contempt for anything that seems different from what we are accustomed to.

2. Concept of Descriptive Text a. Definition of Descriptive Text


Kane (2000:351) states that description is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds, tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience but description also deals with other kinds of perception. In addition, c. Description can help the readers to imagine about the thing or object which talk in the text.

Description can talk about person, place, animal or flower and other thing.

Descriptive text is a part of factual genres (Wardiman et al, 2008:122).

Descriptive text is tell about how something looks like and it is in the text so the reader can imagine that if the descriptive text is clear.

From the explanation above, the researcher concludes that descriptive text describes about person, place or thing in the text and the researcher must describes it in clearly and detail text. If the writer wants to write a descriptive text, they only need to go to the object and take a note by using five senses. It also can be done by looking at a picture or watching a video. b. Term of Organization in Descriptive Text

In writing descriptive text, it should consist of term of organization, such as: identification, description, and conclusion. Anderson and Anderson in Nadia

(2013:9) state that features of a factual description have regarded as following term of organization in descriptive text.

1) Identification

The first generic structure is identification. In this step, it is in the first paragraph and gives a brief details about what, when, where and who of something which will be described later. Identification also known as introduction and it only


tell about general opening statement in the first paragraph or the first sentence that introduces something of the description to the audience.

2) Description

Description is the next step after identification. In description, it describes about details information or features of something as a subject of our description.

By the information in written text the reader can imagine how that something as subject looks like.

3) Conclusion

The last step of the descriptive text is conclusion. In this part, the writer concludes the text or restates the identification or description. A conclusion is not absolutely necessary; however, it is often very helpful to the reader because it usually concludes signals the end of the text. In addition, it reminds the reader of the important point or in other word it is to emphasize the reader to imagine the subject.

Mark and Kathy in Fauzi (2011:25) also tell that the generic features of description usually use verbs which are in the present tense or the verbs which are infinitive. Moreover, to describe the features of the subject, the use of adjectives is very necessary because it explains how the subject is described. Adjectives usually give sensory details about how something feels, tastes, smells, and looks like. c. The Purposes of Descriptive Text

Utami (2014) state that there are many purposes of descriptive text.

Descriptive text is using to inform the reader about the text, for instance the writer


want to share about vacations and they describe about that. It makes the reader know the details about the vacations. Beside that, advertisers describe their products to persuade us to buy, for instance home advertisement, electronic advertisement or travel agent and others. Description enables us to entertain, express feelings, relate experience, inform and persuade.

Although it can serve a variety of purposes, description is most often expressive, so it most often helps the writers share their perceptions. As human beings, we have a compelling desire to connect with other people by sharing our experiences with them. d. Types of Descriptive Paragraph

Based on the definition of descriptive text is a text to describe something, such as persons, places, or things. We can conclude that there are three kinds of descriptive paragraph. They are:

1) Description of People

(Utami: 2014) People are different, and writing description of people is different. You are probably already aware of some of the complications because you have often been asked,“What’s so-and-like?” in replying, you might resort to identification, an impression, or a c identification, an impression, or a character sketch, depending on the situation. Let’s examine each.

a) Identification

In this step, identification consist only of certain statistical information

(height, weight, age), visible characters (color of hair, skin and eyes), and

recognizable marks (birthmarks, scars).


b) Impression

Next is impression. Unlike the identification, the impression may not

identify a person, but it does convey an overall idea of him or her. Although

impression ison is usually less complete and informative than identification,

it may be more effective in capturing an individual’s striking or distinctive


c) Character Sketch

Character sketch is more complete descriptions of people. They also

may be referred to as profiles, literary portraits, and biographical sketches.

2) Description of Places

Unlike a chronologically developed paragraph, there is , there is no set pattern for arranging sentences in descriptive paragraph. It is not necessary to begin with one area and then proceed to another one. Nevertheless, the sentences should not be randomly arranged. The description must be organized so the r reader easy to read that. Make your paragraph interesting. Interesting paragraph will make the reader enjoy your text.

3) Description of Things

In this step, the writer must have a good imagination before starting to write a description about things. The writer must make it interesting and as vivid to our readers. The writer in describes the things must use proper noun and effective verbs.

3. Concept of Video a. Definition of Video


Video according to Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary video is type of magnetic tape used for recording moving pictures and sound. Susan Stempleski and Barry Tomalin (1990) argued that video is the combination of moving picture and sound which can present language comprehensively. Video is the technology of electronically capturing, recording, processing, storing, transmitting, and reconstructing a sequence of still images representing scenes in motion. From the descriptive above, the author defines descriptive video as several storage formats for moving pictures that contain description of people, place or historical building.

Briefly, also define as the videos that contain description things.

As multimedia technology video becomes more accessible to teachers and learners of other languages, its potential as a tool to enhance listening, hopefully becomes new strategy in teaching listening. Video allows integration of text, graphics, audio, and motion video in a range of combinations. In short, multimedia input such as video as an authentic material apparently motivates learners and engages their attention to aural input. b. Types of Video

Originally, the word video comes from Latin means “I See”. Thus, any electronic media format that employs motion pictures to present a massage can be referred to as video (Smaldino, Russel, Heinich & Molenda, 2008:283). According to Smaldino, Russel, Heinich & Molenda (2008:285), there are some types of video as follows:

1) Videotape


Videotape is the preferred medium for commercial distribution of moving images. It is also the current preferred format for amateur and non-studio production of recorded moving images in education.

2) Digital Video

One attractive attribute of digital video is the quality of the image. It is the highest quality of image available, relying on 500 lines of resolution, doble that of analog video. The cameras to record digital video are usually smaller and more compact than analog cameras. Thus, they are easier to carry and can be used by children. Another advantage of digital video is that editing can be done on a computer using software that makes it easy to manipulate the sequence of images.

3) DVD

DVD (Digital Videodisc) is a medium offering digital storage and playback of full-motion video. Just as audio can be digitized, video images can be converted into a digital format. Digital video images can be manipulated (e.g., content, size, and color can be changed), stored, duplicated, and replayed without loss of quality. With digital video stored on DVDs or in a computer, the teacher and the students can edit the content and sequence of the moving images.

4) Internet Video/Youtube

Video also can be delivered via internet, usually streaming video. The same technique can also be used with sound alone. Streaming means that the file does not have to be completely downloaded before it starts playing. Instead, as soon as the user clicks on a link that contains streaming video (or audio), the content begins to play. The video content is actually downloading to the users’ computer


in a series of small information packets that arrive shortly before the viewer sees

(or hears) the materials. Any video (or audio) materials can be delivered over the internet using the streaming technique. In this study the researcher focus on

Oxford Online English Channel. Oxford Online English channel is a course specific channel. June, 16th 2013, Oxford Online English joined to youtube. The subscribers of the channel are 922.739 and the videos have been posted on that channel are 142 videos. Based from that explanation, the researcher claims that

Oxford Online English channel is good to be taught in the classroom for the students. There are 6 steps of video content from Oxford Online English. They are:

1. The first step, the speaker explain about what material we will learn

Picture 2.1 Explanation About Material


2. The second step is the speaker explain about the first thing to do

Picture 2.2 Part One in Describe Something

3. The explanation about example of step one

Picture 2.3 Example of Step One

4. Explanation about the second step

Picture 2.4 The Speaker Explain About the Second Step


5. Example of the second step

Picture 2.5 Example of the Second Step

6. The explanation about the third step

Picture 2.6 Explanation of Third Step

7. Example of third step

Picture 2.7 Example of the Third Step


8. Explantion of the fourth step

Picture 2.8 Explanation of the Fourth Step

9. Example of the fourth step

Picture 2.9 Example of Speculating

10. Explanation of the fifth step

Picture 2.10 Example of Speculating the Context of the Picture


11. Example of the fifth step

Picture 2.11 Example of the Speculating the Context of Picture

12. Explanation of the sixth step

Picture 2.12 Explanation of Making a Longer Answer

13. Example of the sixth step

Picture 2.13 Example of Making a Longer Answer


Based on the explanation above, the teacher can chose any types of the video as media when they teach in the classroom. It based on level of difficulty of the materials and the instructional objectives of writing skill. In teaching descriptive text, video can be used as a media to help teacher to makes comfort situation of the classroom. It also helps teacher in learning process because by using video the student will not feel bored and they will think that studying by using video is very fun and cool because they can see or watching while learn in the classroom. It makes a new experience to them. c. The Use of Video in Writing Descriptive Text

Nowadays, media is one of the important thing in our education. It is something that can help the teacher in teaching and learning process. Media comes from Latin word “Medium” which means something to deliver the message from sender to the receiver. According to Sadiman et al (2002) in Ningtyas (2014), media is kind of tools used to deliver information from sender to receivers which can attarct their mind, feeling, attention and interest of the students, so that the teaching and learning process happened. By using media, the relation between teacher and students can be more effectively in learning process. Beside that, media also have some functions. According to Bown, Lewis, and Halcleroad (1983) in Sa’diyah

(2010), state that the functions of media are: (1) to save time; (2) to stimulate interest; (3) to encourage students’ participation; (4) to encourage students’ participation; (4) to provide a review; (5) to help students to learn communicate ideas visually; (6) to provide a medium for individual or group reports; and (7) to make a classroom dynamic, relevant, and attractive.


One of the popular media in educational system is video. Video is one of the popular technology nowadays. Everyone know about video. Video is a technology which showed a picture in animation, recording and reconstructing every events. Nowadays, video almost used in our daily life. We can say that people cannot separated by the video because we always used it in our daily life always likes watching for get information, entertainment, education, etc.

There are also many advantages by using video as media in teaching

descriptive text in the classroom. Smaldino, Russel, Heinich & Molenda

(2008:288) argue that the advantages of using video in teaching are as follows:

1) Motion

Moving images have an obvious advatage over still visuals in portraying

concepts in which motion is essential to mastery (such as psychomotor skills).

2) Processess

Operations, such as assembly line steps or science experiments, in which

sequential movement is critical can be shown more effectively.

3) Risk-free observation

Video allows learners to observe phenomena that might be dangerous to view.

4) Dramatization

Dramatic recreations can bring historical events and personalities to life. They

allow students to observe and analyze human interactions.

5) Skill learning

Research indicates that mastery of physical skills requires repeated

observation and practice. Through video students can view a performance


over and over again for emulation. They can observe video of their own

performance for feedback and improvement.

6) Affective learning

Because of its great potential for emotional impact, video can be useful in

shaping personal and social attitudes.

7) Problem solving

Open-ended dramatizations are frequently used to present unresolved

situation, leaving it to the viewers to discuss various ways of dealing problem.

8) Cultural understanding

We can develop a deep appreciation for other cultures by seeing depictions of

everyday life in other societies. The whole genre of ethnographic video

can serve this purpose.

C. Conceptual Framework

The theoretical framework underlying this research will be give in the following figure:

INPUT PROCESS OUTPUT Teaching writing Teaching and Increasing of ability throught video Learning Writing Students making of writing Descriptive Text by Writing descriptive text Using Video Making Descriptive Text Ability

Term of Organization

Identification Description

Picture 2.14 Theoritical Framework of Research


There are three variables. They are input, process and output. They are briefly explained as follows: a. Input refers to the teaching writing ability through video making of writing

descriptive text. b. Process refers to implementation or applying of the input variable in the

classrom. c. Output refers to students’ writing descriptive text abiltiy.

D. Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical framework above, the researcher hypotheses is: a. Null Hypotheses (HO) : the video making in writing descriptive text cannot

improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text. b. Alternative hypotheses (H1) : the video making in writing descriptive text can

improve the students’ abiltiy in writing descriptive text.




A. Research Design

The research design used in the study was quasi-experimental design.

According to Sugiyono (2007: 107) state that experiment research which is used to find the influence to each other in the control condition. According to Sugiyono

(2010: 73) there are some kinds of experiment design such as; pre-experimental design, true experimental design, factorial design and quasi-experimental design, and quasi-experimental design. Quasi-experimental design is a kind of research design which has a control class and experiment class is not choosen random.

According to Sugiyono (2010: 75) in quasi experimental design there are to kinds such as time series design and nonequivalent control group design. This research design use quasi experimental design and using nonequivalent control group design model’s. Before we giving treatment, we need to give pretest to experiment class and control class. It means to know the condition of the class before giving treatment. Then, after we give treatment, experiment class and control class are given posttest to know the condition of the class after treatment.

In this research of experiment class, learning process is using video in descriptive text material and for control class learning process still using the convensional method with LKS. In this case, the researcher chose test method as the comparing of using video in descriptive text material. Below is the picture of



quasi experimental design in nonequivalent control group design model

(Sugiyono, 2010:76) :

O1 x O2

O3 O4


O1 = experiment class before giving treatment

O2 = experiment class after giving treatment

O3 = control class before treatment

O4 = control class is not giving treatment

x = treatment (using video in descriptive text material)

B. Location

The location that the researcher will do as a sample is the eleventh grade students of SMAN 5 PINRANG.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of this research is the eleventh grade of the students in

SMAN 5 PINRANG. It consist of two group classes, science and social.

2. Sample

The researcher will compare the use of video making in writing descriptive text in the XI IPA-4 as treatment class and still use conventional method in the XI

IPA-2 as control class.


D. Variable and Operational Variables Definition

1. Variables

Research variable is an atribute or characteristics or value of people, object or event which have selected by the researcher for studying and then we can make a conclude it (Sugiyono, 2011:38). a. Identification of Variable

1) Independent variable (X). Independen (X) is a variabe which influenced

or become a reason of the changes or apperance dependent variable. In

this research, independent variable is video because it has effect to the

students ability in writing descriptive text.

2) Dependent (Y). Dependent variable(Y) is a variable which is

influenced or become a reason because of independent variable.

In this research, dependent variable is student ability in writing descriptive

text because the students ability is influenced by video. b. Relation between Variable

In this research, the researcher using two variable. They are independent variable (X) and dependent variable (Y). Independent variable (X) is video and dependent variable (Y) is student ability in writing descriptive text. In this case, video as independent variable (X) has an effect to improve students ability in writing descriptive text as dependent variable (Y). Below is the picture which showed the relation between the variable:

Student Ability in writing Video descriptive text Picture 3.1 Relation Between the Variable


2. Operational Definition

The definition of variables as follows; a. Writing ability is functional communication; making learners possible to create

imagined worlds of their own design, the learners can share their ideas, thought,

feeling and others to convey a specific purposes. b. Descriptive text is a text which is describe something such as place, thing,

person, and others. c. Video is a technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting and

reconstructing motion picture.

E. Instrument of the Research

Suharsimi Arikunto (2006: 160) state that instrument of research is a tool which is used by the researcher in gathering data to make it easier to be process.

Instrument which will be used is result of learning process test. This test is used to know how far the students mastering the material which had been given.

There was an instruments used in this research. The instrument was writing test, it was used to know the students ability in writing descriptive text after gicing treatment.

F. Procedure of Collecting Data

Procedure of collecting data is describing below:

1. Pre-test

Pre-test was used to measure the students’ skill in writing descriptive text

before the implementation. The test was in form of essay and the students

wrote a descriptive text based on the topic given. There were three topics


and they could choose only one topic to be described. There was also the

rubric used to evaluate the students’ work.

2. Treatment

The researcher come to the classroom and told the student about descriptive

text by showing the video. The research explain about descriptive text. During

the treatment, the researcher will divided the students become some group and

then give them a topic or title about descriptive text. After the students watch

the video next is the teacher give assignment to the students to describes

something. It is working by group and the teacher will give a time to students

to make descriptive text as their assignment.

3. Post-test

Post-test was administered at the end of each cycle. After they were taught

descriptive text, they were given a short video clip to be described. They only

needed to watch the video, listen to the guided questions given by the

researcher, and then write a descriptive text based on the video. To evaluate

the students’ work, the researcher used rubric.

G. Techniques of Data Analysis

The data collecting in this research analyze through quantitative. To get writing score, the researcher will use scoring scale which included content and organization of students’ writing descriptive text.

1. Tabulating the score of the students writing descriptive text ability

Below is analytical scoring rubric of the students writing ability adapted from Jacobs et al. in Weigle (2002):


Table 3.1 Analytical Scoring Rubric of the Students Writing Element Score Criteria 30-27 Excellent to very good 26-22 Good to Average Content 21-17 Fair to Poor 16-13 Very Poor 20-18 Excellent to very good 17-14 Good to Average Organization 13-10 Fair to Poor 9-7 Very Poor 20-18 Excellent to very good 17-14 Good to Average Vocabulary 13-10 Fair to Poor 9-7 Very Poor 25-22 Excellent to very good 21-18 Good to Average Language use 17-11 Fair to Poor 10-5 Very Poor 5 Excellent to very good 4 Good to Average Mechanics 3 Fair to Poor 2 Very Poor

2. Scoring the Result of the Students’ Writing Descriptive Text Ability

The table of standard for each element are show below: Table 3.2 Scoring the Result of the Students’ Writing Ability

Score Classification 96 - 100 Excellent 86 - 95 Very good 76 - 85 Good 66 - 75 Fairly good 56 - 65 Fair 36 - 55 Poor 0 - 35 Very poor

(Depdikbud, 2006)


Calculating score pre-test and post test of students with follow formulas:

Total score x 100 Maximum score (Nurgiyantoro, 2012)

After doing the treatment, the result of test was evaluated. The writer analyzed the result of the test statistically. Therefore, in analyzing the test, firstly, the writer calculating the percentage of increasing achievement is used the following formula :

X2 – X1 × 100 % 푋1

Where : X1 = Pre-test score X2 = Post-test score

After that, the writer count mean score of the students by applying the formula proposed Arikunto (2002:276) :

∑ x M = N

Where : M = Mean score Ʃx = Sum of all score N = Total number of students Then the researcher computed the standard deviation by using formula that is proposed by Gay (1981):

2 2 (∑ x) √∑ x - SD = N N-1


Where : SD = Standard deviation Ʃx = Sum of all score (Ʃx)2 = Square of Ʃx N = Total number of students Then the researcher computed the mean deviation by using formula that is proposed by Arikunto (2002:276):

∑ d Md = N


Md = Mean Deviation Ʃd = Total score of deviation N = Total number of students

Then, the square deviation was computed using the formula proposed by

Arikunto (2006:308):

(Ʃd)2 Ʃx2d = Ʃd2 - N


Ʃx2d = Sum of squared deviation Ʃd2 = Sum of deviation N = Total number of students To find out the effect of treatment, the researcher used the formula proposed by Arikunto (2010:349):

Md t = ∑ x2d √ N (N − 1)


Where: t = t-test score Md = Mean from pre-test and post-test Ʃx2d = Sum of squared deviation N = Total number of students




This chapter focused on analyzed and described the collected data during the research. The researcher collected the data from the eleventh-year students of

SMAN 5 Pinrang. The researcher was given the details of the findings and discussion of data were used to answer the statement of the problem that stated in the first chapter. This chapter is likely the overriding discussion of the research conducted. It denoted the finding of the collected data since in the beginning until the end of the research. The findings consist of the results of the pretest and posttest in the control class and the experimental class. The experimental class in this study is a class of students whose learning uses video media about the material to be described, while the control class is a class of students whose learning uses blackboard media. The data obtained from the research at SMAN 5 Pinrang were then processed to determine the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, highest and lowest values. Presentation of data uses bar graphs and tables in order to make the data easy to understand and to clarify the meaning of the data.

A. Findings

The data description is divided into some points that consist of the procedure of teaching writing descriptive text by using video making, the problem faced by student in learning English especially writing descriptive text. The research was conducted using two classes as the samples. There were XI IPA-4 as the experimental class and XI IPA-2 as the control class. The data were collected by using writing test. For further interpretation of the data analysis are given below: 40


1. The Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability Using Video (Experiment


The researcher using video to measure the improvement students’ writing ability in term of organization. In writing test, the researcher divided two kinds of component in term of organization. Researchers measured students' abilities based on identification and description.

Students’ organization skill in writing descriptive text using video had different score in Pre-test and Post-test. In pre-test, students still less understand about organization primarily based on identification and description abilities but after showing the video of explanation in writing descriptive text, the students more understand about identification and description in writing. It can be seen clearly in the table 4.1:

Table 4.1 Students’ Writing Skill Improvement in Terms of Organization in Experiment Class

Component of Writing Mean Score Improvement Skill Pre-test Post test

Organization 54,43 77,71 42,77 %

Based on Table 4.1 above, it shows that the mean scores of organization skill from students in post-test improved after teaching descriptive text with video making. The mean score of the students content skill in Pre-test was 54,43 and Post- test which to be 77.71. The improvement was 42,77 %.


90 Chart Title 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Organization Pre Test Post Test Picture 4.1 The mean score of the students’ writing skill improvement in terms of in experiment class

2. The Improvement of Students’ Writing Skill through Natural Approach

(Control Class)

The researcher still have taught students by using the conventional technique in

control class to see the improvement of students’ content skill and organization

skill in Writing descriptive text. The interpretation of score can be show the table


Table 4.2 Students’ Writing Skill Improvement in Terms of Organization in Control Class

Mean Score Component of Writing Skill Improvement Pre-test Post test

Organization 57,00 64,00 12,28%

Table 4.2 shows that the mean scores of organization skill from students in post-test improved after teaching without video. The mean score of the students organization skill in Pre-test was 57 and Post-test which to be 64, it was


improvement 12,28 %. With this data, teaching writing descriptive text with conventional technique still able to improve students’ writing skill viewed from the organization, but the results are not to significantly.

Improvement 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Organization

Pre Test Post Test Improvement

Picture 4.2 The improvement of pre-test and post-test in terms of organization 3. Research Conducted a. First meeting before treatment (Pre-test)

The writer started activities by checking the students’ attendance list and describing the instructional objectives that would be achieved. The writer introduced and explained about material to the students. Then, the writer gave Pre-

Test and asked the students to write a descriptive text consisting of 7 until 12 sentences about one of the following topics that students are interested in: favorite food, favorite place to go, a character from a book, movie, or TV program. From the writer’s observation during the teaching process, some of the students seemed easy to write their ideas. On the other hand, some of the students seemed difficult to write their ideas.


b. Post-Test in the control class and experiment class

The post-test for the control class was carried out after using conventional techniques (using worksheets and textbooks), while the experimental class was carried out after being given treatment by showing the video to see learning outcomes before and after being given treatment.

Classification of The Improvement of Students’ Writing Ability in term of organization especially identification and description in writing a descriptive text

(Pre-test and post-test of control class) are presented below:

Table 4.3 Classification of the Students’ Writing Ability Using Video in Terms of Organization (Pre-Test and Post Test)

Pre-Test Post-Test No Score Classification Percent Percent Respounding Respounding (%) (%) 1 96 - 100 Excellent 0 0 0 0 2 86 - 95 Very good 0 0 9 25,71 3 76 - 85 Good 0 0 9 25,71 4 66 - 75 Fairly good 7 20 8 22,87 5 56 - 65 Fair 8 22,86 9 25,71 6 36 - 55 Poor 16 45,71 0 0 7 0 - 35 Very poor 4 11,43 0 0 Total 35 100 35 100

Table 4.3 shows that the classification of the students’ score in term of organization from pre-test of experiment class there were 4 (11.43%) students very poor, 16 (45,71%) students poor, 8 (22,86%) students fairly, 7 (20%) students got fairly good and none of them got excellent, very good and good. While, from post- test there were 9 (25.71%) students fair, 8 (22.87%) students got fairly good, 9


(25,71%) students good, 9 (25,71%) students very good, and none of them got excellent, poor and very poor.

Then, the writer calculated the mean, median, standard deviation and test of normality by using IBM SPSS Statistic 25. It can be shown as follows:

Table 4.4 Median, Standard Deviation And Test Of Normality

Tests of Normality N No. Class Median SD Valid Kolmogorov- Shapiro- smirnov (Sign.) wilk (Sign.) 1. Pre-Test 35 55,00 12,82 0,200 0,049 Experiment 2. Post-Test 35 80,00 11,59 0,105 0,020 Experiment 3. Pre-Test 35 55,00 14,56 0,200 0,040 Control 4. Post-Test 35 65,00 15,14 0,200 0,018 Control

The data normality test is carried out to see whether the data obtained is normally distributed or not, this is to determine the stages of the parametric statistical test. Based on the table 4.4 above, it is known that the significance value for all data in both the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is ˃ 0.05 (alpha value). it can be concluded that the data obtained is normally distributed. Because the data obtained is normally distributed, the next step is parametric statistical analysis (paired sample t-test) for hypothesis testing.

4. Hypothesis Testing

The data which have been calculated by using t-test, based on the result pre- test and post-test of both experimental and control class is to prove the research hypothesis as the tentative assumption below (Nuryadi, 2017; 107):


a. If significant degree (2 tailed) < 0,05, then Ha (alternative hypothesis) is

accepted and H0 (null hypothesis) is rejected. It means that the rates of mean

score of the experimental class are higher than the controlled class. The using

of videos is effective on increasing students’ ability in writing descriptive text.

b. If significant degree (2 tailed) ˃ 0,05, then Ha (alternative hypothesis) is

rejected and H0 (null hypothesis) is accepted. It means that the rates of mean

score of the experimental class are the same as or lower than the controlled

class. The using of videos is not effective on increasing students’ ability in

writing descriptive text.

The result of the data analysis t-test of the students’ writing skill video are showed in the table below;

Table 4.5 Paired Sample t-test Between Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of The Students’ Writing Description Text Paired Samples Test Pair Sig. (2-tailed) Pre-Test Experiment - Post-Test Experiment 0.000

The paired sample t-test was used to show whether there is a difference

in the mean of the two paired samples. Based on the table above, for the output

pair obtained a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000 ˂ 0.05, it can be concluded

that there is a difference in the average student learning outcomes for the

experimental class pre-test and the experimental class post-test (using video

media as learning). Thus, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and null

hypothesis (H0) is rejected.


B. Discussions

Researcher focus on improving students' descriptive text writing skills by using videos. Based on this reflection, it can be concluded that the use of video has succeeded in increasing students' descriptive text writing skills. This is indicated by the scores obtained by students. Most students are able to do assignments and activities well. Besides that, it can be seen from the results of their work on the post- test which shows improvement 42,77% of the students term of organization. From these findings, the discussion is written as follows.

The use of videos in the teaching and learning process can provide fun activities in the classroom. Students get a better class atmosphere during the teaching and learning process so that students can do activities and assignments better than before. This finding is in line with Gordon (2007: 192) which states that by using digital images, sound, and simple animation, teachers can create stimulating and fun activities.

By using video media, it can build good interaction between students and teachers and students with their own friends. The situation in the teaching and learning process becomes more interactive. Students get a lot of ideas and experiences from the video so that they have the opportunity to discuss and share knowledge with classmates. In the utilization of instructional media, teachers use the available media in schools and have not used them optimally due to several obstacles, such as time constraints, difficulties in choosing media, lack of media availability, and negative beliefs of teachers in learning media and learning media. system. In conclusion, the use of instructional media has not been carried out


optimally by teachers and needs to be improved. Therefore, teachers need to participate in training programs to optimize the use of teacher media

(Sukmahidayanti, 2015). It revealed that there are several advantages to using media in the teaching and learning process. First, teaching becomes more interesting and interactive. Second, teachers can present more varied learning activities. In addition, according to Peter (2003), the use of media can improve student learning experiences.

Moreover, the use of videos as a medium can increase student motivation.

Students look enthusiastic and interested during learning. They pay more attention to lessons and encourage stimulation to do class activities well. This finding is also in line with Imathiu (2018). He stated that the use of instructional media in the teaching and learning process can generate interest and encourage motivation and stimulation especially useful and effective in reverse classrooms where students learn to use it.

However, there were some students who were still passive during learning because they felt embarrassed and had difficulty to understanding the material.

Students also have experience problems when the teacher provides instructions during learning. Students have difficulty understanding instructions so that the teacher has to repeat them three or even four times.




A. Conclusion

After conducting the experimental research about the use of video to increases the ability of students’ writing descriptive text skill and based on the researcher findings in the previous chapter, the researcher concluded that video is effective to increases the students’ writing descriptive text in term of organization, it was shown by the mean score of organization before giving treatment is 54.43 becomes 77.71 after giving treatment with the t-test significance value (2-tailed) of content is 0.000 ˂ 0.05. It means that there is significance difference between before and after giving the treatment.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the researcher presents some suggestions

as follows:

1. It is suggested that the teacher especially for the English teacher at the 11th

grade students of SMAN 5 Pinrang, to use video that can be improved

writing descriptive text skill in general structures.

2. For the next researcher, it is suggested to this thesis as an additional

reference with different discussion.



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Appendices 1


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below :

1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words

2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure:

a. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be


b. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics.

3. Choose one of topics and sub-topics below :

Tourism place : Karawa Waterfall, Sulili Hot Springs, Ujung Tape Beach

History Place : Traditional House Saoraja, Ford-Rotterdam, Prambanan


Pre Test

Name :

Class :


Pre Test

Name :

Class :


Post Test

Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below :

1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words

2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure:

c. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be


d. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics.

3. Choose one of topics and sub-topics below :

Tourism place : Kali Jodoh Waterfall, Lemo Susu Swimming Pool, Ammani

Harapan Beach.

History Place : Tongkonan Ne’ rusen Toraja, Lasinrang Monument, Monas

(National Monument).

Post Test

Name :

Class :


Post Test

Name :

Class :


Appendices 2

Rubrik Penilaian:

Rubrik Penilaian Ketrampilan Komponen Writing (diadaptasi dari Jacobs et al. dalam Weigle (2002)

Aspek Nilai Kriteria Uraian Konten 30-27 Luar biasa sampai Topiknya lengkap dan jelas (Topik dan sangat bagus dan detailnya berkaitan Detail) dengan topik 26-22 Bagus hingga Rata- Topiknya lengkap dan jelas Rata tetapi detailnya hampir berhubungan dengan topik 21-17 Cukup hingga kurang Topiknya lengkap dan jelas tetapi detailnya tidak berhubungan dengan topik 16-13 Sangat kurang Topiknya tidak jelas dan detailnya tidak berhubungan dengan topik Organisasi 20-18 Luar biasa sampai Kosakata dan deskripsi (Identifikasi sangat bagus disusun dengan kata dan penghubung yang tepat Deskripsi) 17-14 Bagus hingga Rata- Kosakata dan deskripsi diatur Rata dengan kata penghubung yang hampir tepat 13-10 Cukup hingga kurang Kosakata dan deskripsi disusun dengan sedikit kekeliruan kata penghubung 9-7 Sangat kurang Kosakata dan deskripsi disusun dengan kekeliruan kata penghubung

Rumus nilai total untuk masing-masing konten:

Nilai dari aspek yang dinilai Nilai total = x 100 Nilai maksimal aspek yang dinilai

Pinrang , 2020 Mengetahui Guru Mapel Bahasa Inggris, Mahasiswa

Mursalim Alias, S. Pd Nur Maladisma NIP. 19750414 200312 1 006 NIM : 10535583514

Appendices 3

General Schedule of Research Implementation

No Meeting Date Activity 1 September, 4th 2020 Sending letter permition to SMAN 5 Pinrang 2 September, 7th 2020 Asking permission to school’s principle for doing research 3 Pre Test September, 8th 2020 Doing Pre-test for Experimental Class September, 9th 2020 Doing Pre-test for Control Class 4 1st meeting September, 14th 2020 1st Treatment for Experimental Class September, 15th 2020 1st Meeting for Control Class

5 2nd meeting September, 21th 2020 2nd Treatment for Experimental Class September, 22th 2020 2nd Meeting for Control Class 6 3rd meeting September, 28th 2020 3rd Treatment for Experimental Class September, 29th 2020 3rd Meeting for Control Class 7 4th meeting October, 5th 2020 4th Treatment for Experimental Class October, 6th 2020 4th Meeting for Control Class 8 Post Test October, 8th 2020 Doing Pre-test for Experimental Class October, 9th 2020 Doing Pre-test for Control Class

Appendices 4

Pre-test and post-test score of Organization:

Kode Kelas Eksperimen Kode Kelas Kontrol No Siswa Pre-Test Nilai Post-Test Nilai Siswa Pre-Test Nilai Post-Test Nilai 1 E01 9 45 14 70 C01 10 50 12 60 2 E02 8 40 13 65 C02 14 70 16 80 3 E03 12 60 17 85 C03 12 60 14 70 4 E04 13 65 17 85 C04 8 40 8 40 5 E05 15 75 19 95 C05 13 65 15 75 6 E06 13 65 18 90 C06 8 40 8 40 7 E07 11 55 16 80 C07 7 35 8 40 8 E08 13 65 18 90 C08 12 60 13 65 9 E09 10 50 15 75 C09 11 55 12 60 10 E10 8 40 13 65 C10 15 75 16 80 11 E11 15 75 19 95 C11 9 45 10 50 12 E12 10 50 14 70 C12 8 40 11 55 13 E13 15 75 18 90 C13 7 35 9 45 14 E14 11 55 15 75 C14 15 75 16 80 15 E15 12 60 16 80 C15 11 55 14 70 16 E16 13 65 18 90 C16 10 50 10 50 17 E17 10 50 15 75 C17 8 40 9 45 18 E18 14 70 18 90 C18 10 50 13 65 19 E19 9 45 14 70 C19 9 45 11 55 20 E20 9 45 13 65 C20 15 75 17 85 21 E21 12 60 17 85 C21 7 35 9 45 22 E22 8 40 13 65 C22 13 65 14 70 23 E23 14 70 19 95 C23 16 80 17 85 24 E24 9 45 14 70 C24 16 80 17 85 25 E25 14 70 17 85 C25 14 70 17 85 26 E26 11 55 16 80 C26 12 60 14 70 27 E27 7 35 12 60 C27 16 80 16 80 28 E28 11 55 16 80 C28 9 45 9 45 29 E29 7 35 12 60 C29 11 55 12 60 30 E30 8 40 13 65 C30 9 45 10 50 31 E31 10 50 15 75 C31 11 55 13 65 32 E32 7 35 12 60 C32 13 65 15 75 33 E33 14 70 19 95 C33 14 70 15 75 34 E34 7 35 12 60 C34 16 80 17 85 35 E35 12 60 17 85 C35 10 50 11 55

Appendices 5

Student statistic Score of Descriptive text in Term of Organization with IBM SPSS statistic 25

Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Pre-Test Eksperimen 35 35 75 54.43 12.821 Post-Test Eksperimen 35 60 95 77.71 11.590 Pre-Test Kontrol 35 35 80 57.00 14.562 Post-Test Kontrol 35 40 85 64.00 15.137 Valid N (listwise) 35

Appendices 6

Student Score of Normality database in term of organization with SPSS

Tests of Normality Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Kelas Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Hasil Belajar Siswa Pre-Test Eksperimen .112 35 .200* .938 35 .049 Post-Test Eksperimen .135 35 .105 .925 35 .020 Pre-Test Kontrol .113 35 .200* .935 35 .040 Post-Test Kontrol .112 35 .200* .924 35 .018 *. This is a lower bound of the true significance. a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Appendices 7

The Result of Hypothesis Testing

Paired Sample t-Test

Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair 1 Pre-Test Eksperimen 54.43 35 12.821 2.167 Post-Test Eksperimen 77.71 35 11.590 1.959

Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 Pre-Test Eksperimen & Post- 35 .976 .000 Test Eksperimen

Paired Samples Test Paired Differences 95% Confidence Interval Std. Std. Error of the Difference Sig. (2- Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed) Pair 1 Pre-Test Eksperimen - -23.286 2.956 .500 -24.301 -22.270 -46.599 34 .000 Post-Test Eksperimen



Lesson Plan 1

Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Tourism Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I.Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II.Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 1. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 2. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Diberikan text, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 2. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian- bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Tourism Object :


Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well known as a diving heaven for people around the world. Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. Beside that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially from its underwater corals and its beach. Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that never touched by human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types. They usually hide between the coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that, we can see many war planes and ships that sunken in World War II. Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat island. They come from Indonesia or from the other country. They come to Raja Ampat by plane or by ship, but most tourists go to Raja Ampat by plane to shorten their trip time. Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Worksheet

E. Penilaian

Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students (15 Minutes) • The teacher stimulates • The students answer the students to actively speak out teacher’s questions their opinions related to the they observe. And after students see the video. The teacher starts with questions as follows : “Have you ever visited Raja Ampat ? , What do you think

about Raja Ampat ? From

the video can you find the

interesting things ? • Pay attention to the teacher • After students answer all of explanation questions by expressing their opinions, then the teacher asks students to guess the material to be learned “Can you guess it what material we will learn today ?” • The teacher gives opportunity • Pay attention to the teacher for students to answer it, then explanation the teacher tells that the material to be studied is Descriptive Text about Tourism Place • The teacher explain an • The students pay attention and objective learning to the listen it carefully students

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • The teacher shows an • The students pay attention and (60 Minutes) example of Descriptive text listen it carefully about Tourism place to students on the PPT slide and,

then the teacher asks students • The students discuss and to observe the text by starting answer the teacher’s questions to ask questions : “Please look at the slide and observe the text, What kind of interesting things you find in the text ?

• The teacher asks students to • The students discuss and analyze the contents of the analyze it text by starting to ask question : “What is the content of the text ?” and asks students to determine the generic structure in the text by asking the question

Now try to find the generic structure from this text”

After all of students answer the question, the teacher will gives a reaffirmation related

to the generic structure in Descriptive Text consisting of 2 types : Identification & Description. • The students discuss and • The teacher shows students analyze it the slides related to language features in Descriptive Text. Then ask students to discuss and re-analyze the previous text shown by the teacher. And asks students to mention some examples of sentences that use simple present tense in the text In the final session, the teacher gives a reaffirmation related to the generic

structure and language features in Descriptive text • Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text “Delegan Beach” about Tourism place with • The Students join and sit with Collaborative Writing) their partner • After that,the teacher divide the students into pairs

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task related to write a descriptive text with Collaborative Writing Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignement assignment by Collaborative Writing • The teacher gives worksheet • The students receive worksheet and a picture to students • The Teacher asks students to • The students discuss about the make their own outline based themes and also search and on the information they found share the information about the themes Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft in the worksheet draft individually in the worksheet (Student A makes the first draft, student B makes the second draft) • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing in the content, clarity,grammar, worksheet spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other After that students can also revise and re-edit their writing in the worksheet before submitted to the teacher • After editing, the teacher asks • The students submitted their each team to submitted their worksheets to the teacher worksheets. Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • Pay attention to the teacher • The teacher presents plan for learning material on the next • Students can get ready to meeting receive other subjects • The teacher closes the class


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: a. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described b. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Ujung Tape Beach”


Name : Class :


Lesson Plan 2

Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Tourism Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

V.Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan VI.Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. VII. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 3. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 4. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

VIII. Tujuan Pembelajaran 3. Diberikan text, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 4. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian- bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Tourism Object : RAJA AMPAT

Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well known as a diving heaven for people around the world. Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. Beside that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially from its underwater corals and its beach. Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that never touched by human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types. They usually hide between the coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that, we can see many war planes and ships that sunken in World War II. Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat island. They come from Indonesia or from the other country. They come to Raja Ampat by plane or by ship, but most tourists go to Raja Ampat by plane to shorten their trip time. Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Worksheet

E. Penilaian Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” • Pay attention to the teacher After all of students answer explanation the questions, the teacher gives reaffirmation related to the material about Descriptive Text, the generic structure and language features

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about tourism place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which

part is the generic structure

in the text ?

➢ And give me an example of one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text about

Tourism place”Sea World” with Collaborative Writing • After that,the teacher divide the students into pairs • The Students join and sit with • After all of students join and their partner sit with their partners, the • The Students pay attention to teacher gives an explanation the teacher explanation and direction of how to write with Collaborative Writing Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignment assignment by Collaborative Writing • The teacher gives worksheet • The students receive worksheet and a picture to students • The students discuss about the • The teacher instructs students themes and also search and to discuss, search and share share the information about the the information about the themes themes.

After the students get information related to their chosen themes, • The teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found. Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft in the worksheet draft individually in the worksheet. • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing in the content, clarity,grammar, worksheet spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other After that students can also revise and re-edit their writing in the worksheet before submitted to the teacher • After editing, the teacher asks • The students submitted their each team to submitted their worksheets to the teacher worksheets. Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • The teacher presents plan for • Pay attention to the teacher learning material on the next meeting • Students can get ready to • The teacher closes the class receive other subjects


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: c. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described d. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Karawa Waterfall” TASK 2

Name : Class :


Lesson Plan 3

Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Historical Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I. Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II. Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 5. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata 6. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 5. Diberikan text, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata 6. Diberikan instrksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Historical Place BOROBUDUR TEMPLE

Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia. It is considered to be the world’s largest Buddhist temple for its size (15129 m2) and height (34.5m). It is located in Magelang, Central Java. Not only it became a well known tourism destination to a lot of travelers around the world, Borobudur Temple is also included in UNESCO list of world heritage site. Borobudur temple consists of six square floors and three circular floors which arranged accordingly and make it to be stair-like layers that you have to climb one by one to reach the top of the temple. In the middle of the floor, you will find small stairwell with couples of stairs connecting each floor that you can use as a passage to go to the top. On each level of the floor, there are a lot of relief panels and Buddha statues spread around it. Based on the data, there are 2.672 panels and 504 statues in total. There is a dome located on the top center of the temple and is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is said that, if you place your hand into the stupa through one of its hole and you can touch the Buddha statue, you will be able to make one of your dream come true.

Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Descriptive Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc…. B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Worksheet

Penilaian Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” After all of students answer the questions, the teacher informs students about today’s lesson : “Okay class, our lesson today still about Descriptive Text. Yesterday we learned about Descriptive Text related to Tourism Place, but today is a little bit different. And i will show you..” • The teacher shows a video • The students pay attention and about “Borobudur Temple” listen it carefully And after students see the • The students answer the teacher video,the teacher starts with questions by raising their hand questions as follows : ➢ What do you think about the video ? ➢ What are some interesting things you

can find in the video ? ➢ Afte you watch the video can you explain what do you know about that place ? • After students answer all of questions by expressing their opinions, then the teacher • The students answer for that asks students to guess the material to be learned “Can you guess it what material we will learn today ?” • The teacher gives opportunity for students to answer it, then the teacher tells that the • Pay attention to the teacher material to be studied is explanation Descriptive Text about Historical Places • The teacher explain an objective learning to the students WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about Historical Place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text

what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which part is the generic structure in the text ? ➢ And give me an example of one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text about Tourism place ”Surabaya Heroes Monument” with Collaborative Writing) • After that,the teacher divide • The Students join and sit with the students into pairs their partner • After all of students join and • The Students pay attention to sit with their partners, the the teacher explanation teacher gives an explanation and direction of how to write with Collaborative Writing

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignment assignment by Collaborative Writing • The teacher gives worksheet • The students receive worksheet and a picture to students • The teacher instructs students • The students discuss about the to discuss related to the themes and also search and theme. Students can search share the information about the and share the information themes about the themes. After the students get information related to their chosen themes, • The teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found.

Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft in the worksheet draft individually in the worksheet (Student A makes the first draft, student B makes the second draft) • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing in the content, clarity,grammar, worksheet spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other After that students can also revise and re-edit their writing in the worksheet before submitted to the teacher • After editing, the teacher asks • The students submitted their each team to submitted their worksheets to the teacher worksheets. Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • The teacher presents plan for • Pay attention to the teacher learning material on the next meeting • Students can get ready to • The teacher closes the class receive other subjects


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: e. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described f. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Lasinrang Heroes Monument”


Name : Class :


Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Historical Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I. Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II. Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 7. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata 8. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 7. Diberikan text, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata 8. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat teks Descriptive Text

V. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Historical Place BOROBUDUR TEMPLE

Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia. It is considered to be the world’s largest Buddhist temple for its size (15129 m2) and height (34.5m). It is located in Magelang, Central Java. Not only it became a well known tourism destination to a lot of travelers around the world, Borobudur Temple is also included in UNESCO list of world heritage site. Borobudur temple consists of six square floors and three circular floors which arranged accordingly and make it to be stair-like layers that you have to climb one by one to reach the top of the temple. In the middle of the floor, you will find small stairwell with couples of stairs connecting each floor that you can use as a passage to go to the top. On each level of the floor, there are a lot of relief panels and Buddha statues spread around it. Based on the data, there are 2.672 panels and 504 statues in total. There is a dome located on the top center of the temple and is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is said that, if you place your hand into the stupa through one of its hole and you can touch the Buddha statue, you will be able to make one of your dream come true.

Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like

Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing

Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

A. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing B. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

C. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Worksheet

D. Penilaian Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :

Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” • Pay attention to the teacher After all of students answer explanation the questions, the teacher gives reaffirmation related to the material about Descriptive Text, the generic structure and language features

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about Historical Place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which

part is the generic structure

in the text ?

➢ And give me an example of one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text about

Tourism place with Collaborative Writing) • The Students join and sit with • After that,the teacher divide their partner the students into pairs • The Students pay attention to • After all of students join and the teacher explanation sit with their partners, the teacher gives an explanation and direction of how to write with Collaborative Writing

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignement assignment by Collaborative Writing • The teacher gives worksheet • The students receive worksheet and a picture to students • The students discuss,search and • The teacher asks students to share the information about the make their own outline based themes

on the information they found.

Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft in the worksheet draft individually in the worksheet • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing in the content, clarity,grammar, worksheet spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other After that students can also revise and re-edit their writing in the worksheet before submitted to the teacher • The students submitted their • After editing, the teacher asks worksheets to the teacher each team to submitted their worksheets.

Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • The teacher presents plan for • Pay attention to the teacher learning material on the next meeting • Students can get ready to • The teacher closes the class receive other subjects

TASK 4 Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: g. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described h. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Borobudur Temple”



Name : Class :



Lesson Plan 1

Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Tourism Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I.Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II.Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 1. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 2. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 1. Diberikan video, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 2. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian- bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Tourism Object :


Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well known as a diving heaven for people around the world. Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. Beside that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially from its underwater corals and its beach. Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that never touched by human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types. They usually hide between the coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that, we can see many war planes and ships that sunken in World War II. Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat island. They come from Indonesia or from the other country. They come to Raja Ampat by plane or by ship, but most tourists go to Raja Ampat by plane to shorten their trip time Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Worksheet

E. Penilaian

Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students (15 Minutes) • The teacher shows a video • The students pay attention and about tourism place listen it carefully “Parangtritis Beach” on the LCD • The teacher stimulates • The students answer the students to actively speak out teacher’s questions their opinions related to the video they observe. And after students see the video. The teacher starts with questions as follows : “Have you ever visited Raja Ampat ? , What do you think

about Raja Ampat ? From

the video can you find the

interesting things ? • Pay attention to the teacher • After students answer all of explanation questions by expressing their opinions, then the teacher asks students to guess the material to be learned “Can you guess it what material we will learn today ?” • The teacher gives opportunity • Pay attention to the teacher for students to answer it, then explanation the teacher tells that the material to be studied is Descriptive Text about Tourism Place • The teacher explain an • The students pay attention and objective learning to the listen it carefully students

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • The teacher shows an • The students pay attention and (60 Minutes) example of Descriptive text listen it carefully about Tourism place to students on the PPT slide and,

then the teacher asks students • The students discuss and to observe the text by starting answer the teacher’s questions to ask questions : “Please look at the slide and observe the text, What kind of interesting things you find in the text ?

• The teacher asks students to • The students discuss and analyze the contents of the analyze it text by starting to ask question : “What is the content of the text ?” and asks students to determine the generic structure in the text by asking the question

Now try to find the generic structure from this text”

After all of students answer the question, the teacher will gives a reaffirmation related

to the generic structure in Descriptive Text consisting of 2 types : Identification & Description. • The students discuss and • The teacher shows students analyze it the slides related to language features in Descriptive Text. Then ask students to discuss and re-analyze the previous text shown by the teacher. And asks students to mention some examples of sentences that use simple present tense in the text In the final session, the teacher gives a reaffirmation related to the generic structure and language features in Descriptive text • Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text about Tourism place “Delegan Beach” with Collaborative Writing) • After that,the teacher divide • The Students join and sit with the students into pairs their partner • After all of students join and • The Students pay attention to sit with their partners, the the teacher explanation teacher gives an explanation and direction for Collaborative Writing, and the teacher also gives students direct examples of how to write collaboratively on the LCD Projector Screen.

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task related to write a descriptive text with Collaborative Writing

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignement assignment by Collaborative Writing • The teacher asks students to • The students watch a video watch a video about Losari about Losari Beach. Beach

• The Teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft draft individually Feature “Post” (Student A makes the first draft, student B makes the second draft)

• Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work in the comment box • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing content, clarity,grammar, spelling and punctuation.

And students can discuss or

share comments each other in

the comment box. After that

students can also revise and re-edit their writing before submitted to the teacher • After editing, the teacher asks • The students upload their each team to upload their writing to get an assesment and writing to get an assesment evaluation from the teacher and evaluation from the teacher

Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • Pay attention to the teacher • The teacher presents plan for learning material on the next • Students can get ready to meeting receive other subjects

• The teacher closes the class


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: a. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described b. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Losari Beach”


Name : Class :


Name of School : SMA Negeri 5 Pinrang Addres : Jalan Malimpung Urung Kec. Patampanua Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Tourism Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

V.Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan VI.Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. VII. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 3. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 4. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

VIII. Tujuan Pembelajaran 3. Diberikan video, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. 4. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks.

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian- bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Tourism Object :


Raja Ampat or The Four Kings is a famous island located off the northwest tip of Bird's Head Peninsula on the island of New Guinea, in Indonesia's West Papua Province. It is well known as a diving heaven for people around the world. Raja Ampat covers 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. It makes Raja Ampat as the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. Beside that, Raja Ampat has a beautiful scenery, especially from its underwater corals and its beach. Under the water of Raja Ampat Island, we can see many natural coral’s reef that never touched by human. We can also see many fishes that have many colors and types. They usually hide between the coral reefs to take a rest or brood their eggs. Not only that, we can see many war planes and ships that sunken in World War II. Because of its beautiful underwater scenery, many tourists come to Raja Ampat island. They come from Indonesia or from the other country. They come to Raja Ampat by plane or by ship, but most tourists go to Raja Ampat by plane to shorten their trip time. Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Video - Worksheet E. Penilaian

Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” • Pay attention to the teacher After all of students answer explanation the questions, the teacher gives reaffirmation related to the material about Descriptive Text, the generic structure and language features

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about tourism place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which part is the generic structure

in the text ?

➢ And give me an example of

one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs

related to the assignment/task that students must do. • The students pay attention and (The students are asked to listen it carefully write Descriptive text about Tourism place “Sea World” with Collaborative Writing

through Edmodo) • After that,the teacher divide • The Students join and sit with the students into pairs their partner

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignment assignment by Collaborative Writing through Edmodo • The teacher asks students to • The students watch a video watch a video about Sea about Sea World on their World in their Edmodo Edmodo account. account • The teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found. Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft draft individually in the Edmodo’s Feature “Post” • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work in the comment box • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing content, clarity,grammar, spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other in the comment box. After that

students can also revise and

re-edit their writing before

submitted to the teacher

• After editing, the teacher asks • The students upload their each team to upload their writing on th edmodo online writing on the edmodo online word feature to get an word feature to get an assesment and evaluation from assesment and evaluation the teacher from the teacher.

Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are

active. Is there anyone to say

something about our • Pay attention to the teacher material today ?”

• The teacher presents plan for • Students can get ready to learning material on the next receive other subjects meeting • The teacher closes the class


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: c. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described d. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Sea World”


Name : Class :


Lesson Plan 3

Name of School : MA Masyhudiyah Address : Sunan Giri Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Historical Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I. Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II. Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 5. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata 6. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 5. Diberika Video, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata 6. Diberikan instrksi, siswa dapat membuat Descriptive Text

A. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Historical Place BOROBUDUR TEMPLE

Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia. It is considered to be the world’s largest Buddhist temple for its size (15129 m2) and height (34.5m). It is located in Magelang, Central Java. Not only it became a well known tourism destination to a lot of travelers around the world, Borobudur Temple is also included in UNESCO list of world heritage site. Borobudur temple consists of six square floors and three circular floors which arranged accordingly and make it to be stair-like layers that you have to climb one by one to reach the top of the temple. In the middle of the floor, you will find small stairwell with couples of stairs connecting each floor that you can use as a passage to go to the top. On each level of the floor, there are a lot of relief panels and Buddha statues spread around it. Based on the data, there are 2.672 panels and 504 statues in total. There is a dome located on the top center of the temple and is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is said that, if you place your hand into the stupa through one of its hole and you can touch the Buddha statue, you will be able to make one of your dream come true.

Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing Generic Structure of Descriptive Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc…. B. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing through Edmodo C. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

D. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Video - Worksheet Penilaian Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” After all of students answer the questions, the teacher informs students about today’s lesson : “Okay class, our lesson today still about Descriptive Text. Yesterday we learned about Descriptive Text related to Tourism Place, but today is a little bit different. And i will show you..” • The teacher shows a video • The students pay attention and about Historical Place listen it carefully “Borobudur Temple” And • The students answer the teacher after students see the questions by raising their hand video,the teacher starts with questions as follows : ➢ What do you think

about Boroburudur

Temple ?

➢ What are some interesting things you can find in the video ? • After students answer all of questions by expressing their opinions, then the teacher • The students answer for that asks students to guess the material to be learned “Can you guess it what material we will learn today ?” • The teacher gives opportunity for students to answer it, then • Pay attention to the teacher the teacher tells that the explanation material to be studied is Descriptive Text about Historical Places • The teacher explain an objective learning to the students WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about Historical Place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text

what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which part is the generic structure in the text ? ➢ And give me an example of one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs related to the assignment/task • The students pay attention and that students must do. listen it carefully (The students are asked to

write Descriptive text about Tourism place with Collaborative Writing through Edmodo) • After that,the teacher divide • The Students join and sit with the students into pairs their partner • After all of students join and • The Students pay attention to sit with their partners, the the teacher explanation teacher gives an explanation and direction for Collaborative Writing through Edmodo, and the teacher also gives students direct examples of how to write collaboratively using Edmodo on the LCD Projector Screen.

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignment assignment by Collaborative Writing through Edmodo • The teacher asks students • The students watch a video on watch a video about fort their Edmodo account. rotterdam on their Edmodo account • The teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found. Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft draft individually in the Edmodo’s Feature “Post” • Then the teachers asks to • Students pay attention to the students to check and give comments and suggestion comments on their friends seriously work in the comment box • The teacher asks students to • Student combine their work combine their work into one into one document document • The teacher asks students to • Students recheck the overall recheck the overall results of results. And students can revise their writing related to and re-edit their writing content, clarity,grammar, spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other in the comment box. After that students can also revise and re-edit their writing before

submitted to the teacher • The students upload their • After editing, the teacher asks writing on th edmodo online each team to upload their word feature to get an writing on the edmodo online assesment and evaluation from word feature to get an the teacher assesment and evaluation

from the teacher

Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • The teacher presents plan for • Pay attention to the teacher learning material on the next meeting • Students can get ready to • The teacher closes the class receive other subjects


Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: a. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described b. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “fort rotterdam”


Name : Class :


Name of School : MA Masyhudiyah Address : Sunan Giri Stage : Senior High School Class / Semester : X / 1st Theme : Descriptive Text (Historical Place) Time : 2 x 45 minutes Skill : Writing

I. Kompetensi Inti KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan II. Kompetensi Dasar 4.4.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan tujuan, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai dengan konteks. III. Indikator Pencapaian Siswa dapat : 7. Mengidentifikasi Generic Structure dari Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata 8. Membuat Descriptive Text tentang tempat wisata

IV. Tujuan Pembelajaran 7. Diberikan video, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi Generic Structure yang digunakan dalam Descriptve Text tentang tempat wisata 8. Diberikan instruksi, siswa dapat membuat teks Descriptive Text

V. Learning Material Fungsi Sosial (Faktual) : Mengenalkan, Mengidentifikasi sera Mempromosikan Descriptive Text Struktur Teks (Prosedural) : - Penyebutan nama orang, tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan nama bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan.

Unsur Kebahasaan (Konseptual) : - Kata benda yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Kata sifat yang terkait dengan tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal - Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi - Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan - Contoh Materi: The Example of Descriptive Text about Historical Place BOROBUDUR TEMPLE

Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia. It is considered to be the world’s largest Buddhist temple for its size (15129 m2) and height (34.5m). It is located in Magelang, Central Java. Not only it became a well known tourism destination to a lot of travelers around the world, Borobudur Temple is also included in UNESCO list of world heritage site. Borobudur temple consists of six square floors and three circular floors which arranged accordingly and make it to be stair-like layers that you have to climb one by one to reach the top of the temple. In the middle of the floor, you will find small stairwell with couples of stairs connecting each floor that you can use as a passage to go to the top. On each level of the floor, there are a lot of relief panels and Buddha statues spread around it. Based on the data, there are 2.672 panels and 504 statues in total. There is a dome located on the top center of the temple and is surrounded by 72 Buddha statues, each seated inside a perforated stupa. It is said that, if you place your hand into the stupa through one of its hole and you can touch the Buddha statue, you will be able to make one of your dream come true.

Definition of Descriptive Text Is a text which says what a person or thing is like

Purpose To Describe and reveal a particular person, places or thing

Generic Structure of Procedure Text • Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object will be described.) • Description: contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or anything related to what the writer describe. Structure Language : • Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim.. • The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in jepara, etc. • The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple present because it tells the fact of the object described. • Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep, walk, cut etc….

A. Learning Strategy Collaborative Writing through Edmodo B. Learning Media - Laptop or Computer - Papan tulis - Boardmarker

Bahan - Alat tulis - Buku tulis - Kertas HVS

C. Sumber Belajar - Internet - Video - Worksheet D. Penilaian Jenis : Penilaian tes tulis Teknik : Tes tulis dan unjuk kerja

Instrumen : ➢ Please write a descriptive text based on the criteria below :

Kegiatan Pembelajaran



Teacher Students

• Giving Brainstorming to the • Do Brainstorming PRE-TEACHING students • The students pay attention and (15 Minutes) The teacher review the answer the teacher’s questions material in the previous • The students answer the meeting by asking some teacher’s questions by raising questions : their hands ➢ “Do you still remember, what material you learned in the previous meeting ?“ ➢ “What is generic structure in Descriptive Text” ➢ “How about the language features ? What are the language features in Descriptive Text” • Pay attention to the teacher After all of students answer explanation the questions, the teacher gives reaffirmation related to the material about Descriptive Text, the generic structure and language features

WHILST- Observing Observing TEACHING • To strenghten students • Pay attention to the teacher (60 Minutes) understanding about the explanation material, the teacher shows • The students answer the an example of Descriptive teacher’s questions by raising text about Historical Place to their hands students on the PPT slide and Then the teacher asks students to observe the text by starting to ask question : ➢ “Ok Students, from this text

what is the content of the text ?” ➢ And please show me which part is the generic structure in the text ? ➢ And give me an example of one sentence in the text that identifies the language feature (grammar) of descriptive text and gives a reason!

• Then, the teacher informs • The students pay attention and related to the assignment/task listen it carefully that students must do. (The students are asked to write Descriptive text about Tourism place “Borobudur Temple” with Collaborative

Writing through Edmodo) • After that,the teacher divide • The Students join and sit with the students into pairs their partner • After all of students join and • The Students pay attention to sit with their partners, the the teacher explanation teacher gives an explanation and direction for Collaborative Writing through Edmodo, and the teacher also gives students direct examples of how to write collaboratively using Edmodo on the LCD Projector Screen.

Questioning Questioning • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to ask about Descriptive text • The teacher provides an • The students asks for that opportunity for students to asks about the task/assignment

Exploring Exploring • The teacher asks students to • The students start working on start working on their their assignement assignment by Collaborative Writing through Edmodo • The teacher asks students to • The students watch a video on watch a video abour their Edmodo account Borobudur Temple on their Edmodo account • The teacher asks students to make their own outline based on the information they found. Associating Associating • The teacher asks students to • Each student in one pair writes divide assignments to make the draft draft individually in the Edmodo’s Feature “Post” • Then the teachers asks to students to check and give • Students pay attention to the comments on their friends comments and suggestion work in the comment box seriously • The teacher asks students to combine their work into one • Student combine their work document into one document • The teacher asks students to recheck the overall results of • Students recheck the overall their writing related to results. And students can revise content, clarity,grammar, and re-edit their writing spelling and punctuation. And students can discuss or share comments each other in the comment box. After that

students can also revise and

re-edit their writing before

submitted to the teacher

• After editing, the teacher asks • The students upload their each team to upload their writing on th edmodo online writing on the edmodo online word feature to get an word feature to get an assesment and evaluation from assesment and evaluation the teacher from the teacher Communicating Communicating POST-TEACHING • The teacher provides • Reflect on learning that has (15 Minutes) feedback on the learning been received process : “Well class, you have done very good job today. Most of you are active. Is there anyone to say something about our material today ?” • The teacher presents plan for • Pay attention to the teacher learning material on the next meeting • Students can get ready to • The teacher closes the class receive other subjects

TASK 4 Please write a Descriptive text based on the criteria below : 1. The Descriptive text must consist at least 150 words 2. The Descriptive text must pay attention to Descriptive generic structure: g. Identification : Identifies phenomenon place or thing that will be described h. Description : Describes about parts, qualities and characteristics. 3. The topic and sub-topic of Descriptive text about Tourism place “Borobudur Temple”


Name : Class :

Appendices 10

Observation Checklist

PETUNJUK: i. Jawablah semua pertanyaan dalam kuisioner di bawah ini sesuai dengan keadaan anda yang sebenar-benarnya dengan cara memberi tanda silang pada salah satu pilihan A, B, C, atau D! ii. Semua jawaban adalah benar sesuai dengan keadaan masing-masing, oleh karena itu jawablah pertanyaan dengan jujur! PERTANYAAN 1. Apakah anda senang belajar Bahasa Inggris? A. Sangat senang C. Biasa saja B. Senang D. Sangat tidak senang 2. Apakah anda merasa terbantu dalam menulis Bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan video? A. Sangat terbantu C. Biasa saja B. Terbantu D. Tidak terbantu 3. Apakah anda suka belajar Bahasa Inggris menggunakan video? A. Sangat suka C. Biasa saja B. Suka D. Tidak suka 4. Bagaimanakah kemampuan anda dalam menulis teks berbahasa Inggris? A. Sangat baik C. Biasa saja B. Cukup baik D. Kurang baik 5. Apakah menurut anda penggunaan media berupa video dapat mempermudah dalam menulis teks? A. Sangat membantu C. Biasa saja B. Cukup membantu D. Tidak membantu sama sekali 6. Apakah penjelasan yang diberikan oleh guru dalam menulis teks dengan menggunakan video sudah jelas? A. Sangat jelas C. Kurang jelas B. Cukup jelas D. Sangat tidak jelas 7. Apakah anda senang diberikan video dalam menulis teks berbahasa Inggris? A. Sangat senang C. Biasa saja B. Senang D. Tidak senang 8. Apakah anda merasa kemampuan menulis teks yang anda miliki meningkat setelah penerapan teknik short video clip diberikan oleh guru? A. Sangat meningkat C. Biasa saja B. Cukup meningkat D. Tidak meningkat 9. Apakah anda merasa lebih termotivasi untuk menulis teks berbahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan video? A. Sangat termotivasi C. Biasa saja B. Cukup termotivasi D. Tidak termotivasi 10. Bagaimana peranan guru dalam proses belajar mengajar dengan menggunakan teknik short video clip? A. Sangat membantu C. Kurang membantu B. Cukup membantu D. Tidak membantu

Appendices 11 Score of Observation checklist Pertanyaan Rata- No Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 rata 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 26 2,6 2 1 2 4 3 2 2 1 3 1 2 21 2,1 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 34 3,4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 3,1 5 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 3 4 4 34 3,4 6 3 4 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 35 3,5 7 2 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 30 3 8 3 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 35 3,5 9 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 28 2,8 10 1 4 2 3 2 2 1 4 1 2 22 2,2 11 3 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 4 33 3,3 12 1 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 26 2,6 13 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 37 3,7 14 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 28 2,8 15 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 2,9 16 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 37 3,7 17 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 28 2,8 18 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 34 3,4 19 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 3 22 2,2 20 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 17 1,7 21 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 3,1 22 1 2 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 1 19 1,9 23 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 33 3,3 24 1 2 2 3 3 4 2 3 1 3 24 2,4 25 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 3 26 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 2,9 27 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 12 1,2 28 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 2,9 29 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 4 1 15 1,5 30 1 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 1 17 1,7 31 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 27 2,7 32 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 16 1,6 33 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 33 3,3 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 16 1,6 35 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 29 2,9

Appendices 12 Documentation



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