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The Georgia Senate, by a rote of 29 to 8, TBE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, HMmUBEMIS .EDUCATIONAL 1 1 THE PBESS. | has passed an important educational bill. Published every «lay (Sunday© oxcepteaj by the MISCELLANEOUS The bill provides for the creation of a high PROFESSIONAL SEPT. 20. I PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO.. TUESDAY M0BSI5G, school in each Senatorial district as a branch PlortlatHl piusiness l^lollege® j.1 ! r-9 E ;cs JSM ST., PCETUUtD. —astu— ■ I The oldcut B B institution of Bf the kmd of the State university at Athens. Under HL-J{§ in the State. Thorough in- H struetionin L subsorii B Kvsuv regular attacks of tbe PRE'H is foruisheol J'KE».- 1 Uut! liars a Year. To mail I the bill, when a suitable building is ten- ■ r» Sevan D tlxrs Year, if paid in advance. | r eDmanshlp, InpMrcepiiig 1 JElLat | rttb a Card oerti&cau signed by Stanley Pullen L §£ B and all tho B B collateral BS H 'ranches of a || dered the State, a high school may be cre- M, Q COMPLETE B BOMSESB B ^R EDt'OATIOM, PLg ttuiior, All railway, steamboat and h«tel maDager^g KB B Fur further r’4r*M» infoimation, ^h^B AKdreia, S' V YUfc, matneI^tate press us ated in each Senatorial district. Those who EDUCATIONAL. L. A. Graj, A.M BH— Cortland, '’$3et7 Mam*. Anil confer a favor upon by desnauding t’redentia sg ’i ovei v Thujuuoat morning at t> Students admitted at time. ON 4 to our ft bill did so for the double reason published $2.60 ij any CATCH every person claiming represent journal. the opposed tear, i; j aid in advance at $2.00 a year. angt) eod&w2raS2 |s |V that it was, in their judgment unconstitu- Rati of Advertising: Oh© inch of space, the tional, and that it was not warranted by the vnjftli of column, constitutes a “square.” I Hiss Se wall’s AND GET Otf Wo do not read nnonyinous letters acd commuioB < first 76 cents ARCHITECTS. 8cliool.| are affairs. $].; 3,eT uft’-e,daily week; pei •ttione. The name and address of tbe writer i> ft existing condition of w*ek j^ftcr; throe insertion* or less, $1.00; continu 567 1-3 Street. Congress di case*’ indispensable, not necessarily for pubiica b Vnc every other day after first week, 60 cents. erratic ion as a of Governor Roberts, the rather IJ«Jf -quart;, three insertions or less, 76 cents I The fifth year bc.Rsu« **epf. 15, 1^81. P but guaranty good faith. -m» week, $1.00; 60 cents per week after. * We cannot undertake to return or ro com B the has sever- in Studies pros Executive of Lone Star State, S»*e« iAL Notices, one-third additional. KCareful instruction will be given English pi P.H. SiLatin. Greek French and German THOSE 'Quxueaiious that are not used one su- bead fir FASS9TT, Boarding plae ONE OF al his Under of “Amusements’* and “Auotkw fef good qualities, being personal ARCHITECT, aes provided for from out of town. Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three laser pupils of the in the State Peni- Uons or less. $1.60. Centennial Block, 93 Exchange Street. B For circulars, or admission; apply to tlic Frinci fra pervision prisoners State 78 Winter St. jy23-eodtf | t re “Maine Bp&l. he Advertisements inserted in the g Our Great Loss. tentiary. Most of them, says, young Press {which has a large circulation in every par the Mate* for for first inser OKAS. H. KIMBALL, men from the Northwest, East and' North, $1.00 per square * To-day all Americans re brothers in tion, and f.O cents per square for e:\ch -absequeu ARCHITECT, laser I'M?. “mSsI a| who, having.strayed from home restraints, tutor‘.ion. 180Vs Middle Street. 1 Gome SchoolSEMINARY, for Voting Women. Only one teaclT’- common A nation mourns its deads ;■ grief. \ Address comm anications to !J 5»i* g household arts, &c.; liter have fallen into bad and into all cooking, dress-cutting, s£ company got work of lull. Vacancies chief—a chief who has become endeared to I Portland publishing go. I | ary high grade. Always He them that >od conduct in order of application. Send for k5 NOBBY trouble. tells g catalogue Civile ESSTO-fNEER8. the people in no ordinary measure by thesel I Mention this paper. C. 0. BRAGDON, Principal, gp will shorten their terms, and if they behave S jy21eod2m weeks of patient and heroic endurance o/l i nTekt augments. gjjj themselves pardons them out. pain arid weakness. In the full maturity ol'i E. O. | .JORDAN, MISS MARIA E. ODELL, [I with andS News and writ- J CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, hisgreatfaeulties, wish, opportunity The Charleston Courier, (iiikifs Dancing Academy. 184 Middle Street. TEACHER OF FRENCH AND als power to do good tilings for his .tell loved na-S ing of the charges against Lieutenant Flipper, DRAWING, g HATS live land, he has been rudely bereft of that! has the candor tosay that the accused should Cr* 4LO«N FOR Y«»UNCS lABSEs" GI1VTM 111 1M.—rouiEU nee*? LAWYERS. life which had so much iu it for him, for his® have the beuefit of every doubt and a scru- .?!• id received or in classes. I 4,w n«tn« Kv»hi»»fe Oct. Pupils singly aud for us The loss is too over his I €-L.%Ma FOR YOUNG lARIFRl Eg family all. pulously fair trial, not only on own ac- / at Miss and Miss ^ Tlmi'tJiij Oct. Olh, at 4 o’clock. Apply Sargent BradburyV^ BRIMS. and the too new and FEAT but on account of his grief oppres count, race, upon Jj The following are members of the Cumberland School, 148 Spring St. ily23eodtr ||s whelming j| *1I ier Issociation: sive for in words. WeH if ha CVA**’ »*OR JIJYRNKLE$.-fiaturdayJ fitting expression whom much obloquy will unjustly fall, Mh at > Oct. 4.30 uud 4.30 p. in can bow our heads aud wait with and word deodtf 3 4 S. C. ANDREWS. Iglttlled only heavjg be proved guilty. A sound manly sepl7 1 COUNSELLOR. Ar We have them a d are selling them in KNOX SILK HITS, | LAW, MM FAMILY SCHOOL, hearts for the first force of woe to pass.! is this from the South. 188 Middle Street f protest CUMBERLAND FARMERS CLUB all Qualities.? that noble wife and mother who has ba-1 NOHKIDfclElVOCK, ME., $3.30. I DAVIS’ “The sub-idea in E' giishmen,” says the crown PERRY On. Special H t the low Full :ome so near to the American people through! A W. R. ANTHOINE, and exchange, entire new stock. Our t.Vnd in to the destructive \ COUNSELLOR AT Hl^xalSollsiliLOca. J-OSsO- L no one else has we manufac- hese how cau the heartfelt 8 Spectator, referring LAW.. Over, them, wee’s grievous weeks, FAIR, j 48 Exchange St. nobby youug style. August rains in England, “always is that Fall Term will com menco Sep6. For ture them ourselves. in all I KILLER i sympathy for her in her great sorrow be! circulMpf Best $!.«« Huts shapes PAIN seasonable 4iul references, aripiy to Ilats. 13 A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY they ought to be patient under 22nd. m in SOFT Also Ladies’ Si iff Flat Brim |f I old I From all civilized lands and from alls SEPT. 21st and H. F, EATON, Principal 50 New and Nohhy shapes j h?*ff wpnt.liAr. hiit tint limlpr unsp.'isnmible. BION m Fall O'-.-yes, lias line. For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Use. iun; a 0 BRADBURY, ^ jly!9Otf^ BATS. hpsoms under the broad canopy of# J COUNSELLORS LAW, and rail Robes, large A sure for :.i-M>id not fill 30 -Street || Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, etc. archduke, $IOO-for Exchange j£ him who has His life is known Time extended o Sopt. kOlb, at 10 o’clock. S Perfectly tafe to use internally or externally,and gone. by* rian letter received by a banking firm in g certain to afford relief. No family can afford to all his fellow the labors and* be countrymen, Brussels the other and the firm No. 2 $100-f«r 3 00 (In... p ARDON W. COOMBS, J. W. COLCORR, I m without it. Sold by all druggists at 25c., day, gave 50c., and St a bottle. of his his C. G C’osbyns .. m Julia U COUNSELLOR AT LAW, hardships early years, studiousgS $2000 to the poor to pay for the job. They Char Be turds ns.bg Roger 93 Exchange Stree ej PERRY DAVIS ft SON,Proprietors, and his laborious < I. manly youth, courageous, had hunted in vain Brussels for Geo. li ve us .bn lsie D 14$ Pearl Street* I Providence, R. through Nell and devoted the work and the John K Noyes us.brm Little Jao24 dtt Jun23 eod&wly manhood, one to translate it. Maud (J JOHN C. fl| | any Wn Irish i,e.brm ft COBB, his and the crown- S __ triumph in career, JC Benson ns.. .blk g Dexter J COUNSELLOR AT LAW, escusflftcu^ieAi, great m Gentle Annie 31 Mj Stree sciisol|| The Mr. Hubert O. Thompson who claims CFtHM Moulton n8.b Exchange 485 1-3 CONGRESS 8T. M ing spectacle of patience and fortitude undgi E Y Turner us.blk m La ly Despatch for the New York that Prepares for Bu»iue*«, High School oife protracted suffering, all these are household county Democracy DRUMMOND & DRUMMOND, College* CLEAR or MIXED it is “the best and purest representation” 22d. J COUNSELLORS AT LAW, words in every American home. His good, ^ Second Day, Sept. 93 Exchange Street 5th which the New York ever Sixth Year begins MONDAY, SEPT. p Cooled on lee, | With Fine Ice. pure and life furnishes a model for Democracy had, Instruction and patriotic KO. 3 $100—for 2.50 Cl»»». TnE thorough. Light ventil«.tiong|f is the same Mr. who took part excellent. Sessions from 9 a. in to X to. those who are to come after him. He has Thompson ns.bro m Little r JAMES D. Alriu 'uu.litj Daisyjj FESSENDEN, Lessons at reasonable rates a in that Ufi COUNSELLOR AT Jgjj^Private died and with much work un- with Mr. Kelly year ago unique Cha- Re.nnlsu*.b g Roger LAW, For further inf rmation address C. B. YARNE V DELICIOUS DRINK untimely good Geo R sens ...bm Elsie 172 Middle Street .j?>; when and other local nom- Dg| ML, Stevens* Plains, Me. augl 1 -eudtf and but he has not lived and died iu vain. lottery Assembly C G. Crosby ns.. .s m .inliaj j|£ (Par© wholesome.) done; C .shier inations were drawn out of a hat. Vm Bolton ns..bro g fla$(Unfc o£ leclmoiogy For U»« in Families, He The world is better for his presence in it J. u. Bcuso ns.blk g Dex er C J H. FOGG, llWass. It'll*, Clubs, Picnics, Far COUNSELLOR AT Boston. aud the beneficent influence will far in- LAW, ties, etc. last Philadelphia Press: In Italy, where !V«*. 4 Free-for-all Horse* 42 Exchange Street four courses $130—for V2 Regular year Civil, Mechanicatpg I to the future. of on H B. Shawn* .bro s Tom oatchon a*id Mining Engineering, Architecture Chem stry.Bp there has not been a case brigandage V C Hall ns. blk s Black Ar bur II :Pn\sics. Natural History, etc. Students are alM|g the main land for two t-.ere is a gen- b J r H. admitted to partial or special courses. School years, C. B. Trask ns. g Dandy J. FOGG, # oi^ Mechanic Arts for instruction in Draw HUB B COUNSELLOR AT PUICH of LAW, Euglhh', eral that the ■ ug.jpj feeling prevalence brigand- Mathematics and sch*>ol Ik; The President. US 42 V2 Exchange Street. shopwork. ext year RKA»¥ OKOPEMNG. SYLVAN PORTER, Entrance examinations in the is a blot on Horse gins Sep. 28,1881. Sep&£ TL thing needed In wine cellar*- the and of men the age deep sepl9-dtd Snpt. Dt>p'. 21 at 9 Despite griefs pains and 22, A. M. the nation and an evidence of the demoral- C M. P. FRANK, ROBERT H. RICHARDS, Secretary, g& Delightfui as an after work of life must go forward. Ilearts may NEW PORTLAND THEATRE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, WILLIAM B. ROGERS, President. dinner Cordial and a re* izing influence of republicanism and Protes- 199 Middle Street. be sore and heads bowed with sorrow but Frank Curtis, _Proprietor an.i Manager. aug22iL&tli4w |!g freshing Beverage when mixed with tantism. Water, $«»du. the world goes round and the thoughts of MISS A. C. MORGAN Lemonade, fold Tea, ITIilli 26th. CLARENCE Ac. men must turn from the dead to the Secbetaby Blaine has addressed a note Monday, Sept. jJ HALF, SCHOOL for 1TOUIVM LADLES living. T COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Thu Kror Welcome Favorites. aud|| We cannot the alone, al- to Mr. Horace N. re- 93 Exchange Street. GIRLS, Portsmouth, jN. 11 “Like nectar”—Boston Courier, contemplate past Fisher, acknowledging Reopens September 28, 1881. During vacation ap-^ “Delicious.”—Boston Transcript though our mind,s are drawn to itbytresh ceipt of the official announcement that the tor eireu'ars and information to Mrs J. irl. Fos- “Invaluable for a little treat.” ply sp well con- --— lack the sacoir and emotion. loved selectmen of N. had L. W. BAIRD’S ;• AAIiON B. HO .DEN, Box 285. jun22d2aw W&S2zn. ts22 n Many faire to strong Garfield, Franconia, H., Time* COUNSELLOR AT LAW. |jjTEK, ||jj of the people, is dead, but the President ferred unon the peak of the White Mountain FAMOUS 399V2 CoLgi cbs Street. thzabeth s Academy \ does not die. Chester A. Arthur is Presi- range heretofore known as Haystack Moun- FH PUNCH owes its popularity to thopn dent and will be obeyed and respected ac- tain the name of Mount Garfield. SETH L. LARUABEE, Wiil Re-open ior tlie ;y and exquisite flavor of its components. The i. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, pi licious. cooling j nice of selected Limes and Lern- cordingly hv the orderly and law-abiding luo Street. s united as prime ingredients w ith choice “Rhode the Charleston Exchange IP J&.'XjiILm TS? S3 XU Import to the Island,” says in this delightful article. a ton- citizens of this nation. He comes MINSTRELS! jlyTeodtf £ Liquors Imparts as as “can find a Senator able BS'jf quality. highly approved by pl^sicians. (S. C ) News, Posi’ iyely lh- greatest and best of all! 1881. place under singularly unfavorable cir- I P. J.LARRABFE, September 5th, t IAUTION.—The Wule Popularity of Hub Punch Senator Burnside, but will not find one more Jicudigtlie AT s It would he hard for L COUNSELLOR LAW, School affordB every facility for acquiring led to the appearance of inferior imitations com- cumstances. enough §IHE a|j| ui uuc iuwi- 199 Middle Street. JL solid and finished education. sed of cheap, deleterious material and utterly upngub ui cuuaucnuuuBj VKW lOdK CnfTKCW CHOIR HOYS, anybody to follow one so near the hearts of worthy of patronage. Reject these, and see thal in relation of A mention will be to gentlemauly every pub- BAIRDS ZOYAYE CAOJETS, Sprciai given French.^; Muou(U obtain the genuine, with the name of “THE the people as the late President, but it is oughly PUNCH REGISTERED”—blown in Iht —AND— I J. J. LYNCH, For further at Convent ofA; f^HUB lic life.” particular apply also the. name the on the hard for Gen. Arthur because he L COUNSELLOR AT LAW, 50 FREE STJBliJKT. mglass, of proprietors capsule specially Mercy £\i Sover the cork eaeh bottle. All will 3-» Exchange Street R of infringements has been associated with those hostile to Practical, at Hemlock N. POPULAR—4©—P£RF0RMER$ aug2Pdtf Ste promptly prosecuted. jokers Lake, the he has Ticket* 75, 50 and 35 cts Sain o' seats coin late administration, although Y., waylaid a guest—supposed to be a boast- ee 1 LOCKE & by Wine Merchants & Drug meiH-ts r riday. Sept, i i at 8.30. Get the •*Adv»> LOCKK, RENE DE I BIsold Grocers, §| be- COUUSFLLOR8 AT POYEN, of himself always maintained friendly and ful ceward—while he was riding through Pr.^rone with piauo sUe-.t music and full uarto L LAW, announces a huge sale t GISTS. g 17<> Cor. Street.*! Bachelier es lettrea. uUrs F ee to all. Middle, Exchange coming relations with his predecessor. the woods with a young lady. They de- and (JniverMily of Frm?ce, will receive poplhlj I. W. P »1RH .Proprietor Managerf 1C, H. Graves & Sons. Boston, circumstances have aroused a wide or his and what one ■■ « r i* Mass! manded his in tfa*- French lain age 1 1 Tftese money life, IS E. OOK.Busla.es IVUuagi-rii privately nrm1Prop’s. eod3m u CH ■ Remnants ju23 WILLIAM H. L' rsa*^. 123 P«rii auolalui Manufacturers5 sc-,i20 dl w ONEY, Addrtu, jj spread distrust of Gen. Arthur and have got was a bullet in the arm while the other | L COUNSELLOR AT LAW, -OP- /2 H'Aiiuaixavx uji. [led to great injustice of sentiment towards was rewarded with a broken arm. ^ 11 A Is I, Little SHEETING AND SHIRTING, BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED. I city I ABBOTT FAMUrSCHOOt J filuej shim. It has been a matter of feeling ratber|S H. The thinks we are a F. ; TNT. Farmington, Maine. .Address A. ABBOTl 6 cents. Missouri Republican WILBUR .||| 0 <■ limited lot yard iv d Bleached Cotton Remnants, of reason and will gradually disappear® 214.1 ATTORNEY AT Principal. eept2deod21t jjthau “The Wei.nodaj Evening, Sept. LAW, jp One i“i R 'lu.-ants, yard wide, Unbleached C otton Remnants. 6 cents. £ nation of gamblers, and says: spirit Post Office Building f SUM’S 3when it is fairly anije considerately 0:.e pile Ureal Falls AA., 89 ineb Uubleacsed Cotton Remnants, 7 cents.- lookedp of which has taken of MISS H. E. giant i| in and such fair consideration gambling possession CLARK, have sold this grade at 8 cents.) \ n the-face; it»| |~ Latin and.'..' (We always the in the form of speculation in resume Private Lessons in French. country i C. P. MATTOCKS, Swill One great lot Ureal Falls L. Unbleached Cotton R-muants, 7 cents. These are; is now the patriotic duty of every American® COUNSELLOR AT LJ#\ t SEnglish studies. Residence 782 Congress Street. »§ PADS:: and stock boards is enough GRAND CARTDONCERT! I ‘1 ‘- n -' — » the exchanges Ibt. citizen to tn —----■ stout. 31% Exchange St.f m aepd eodtf rai extra the give 1.j Flaunel Remnants Operate Through § to excite the alarm of the conservative —BV THE— One limit d lot White Cotton and Wool Cheap. J " It must be remembered that Gen. PROF. III. SAUCIER, I-i connect i"n with this R mnant Sale we shall offer for a few days, the finest lot *T5erte VoreeTau^’ Arthur^ JAMES T. ] McCOBB, of Pianoforte at 5 cents a it has ever is a gentleman of education and position, glasses.”__ Orchestra BENJAMIN KINGSBURY, §/CONCERT PIANIST, and Teacher of Orieutal, D tonel.aud other mate of Prints yard,that been, ’the Circulation 8 anjp Philharmonic of Boston.- M Fur bush & Son’s Piano war. Apropos of the Second District Maine 85 Exchange St. Address, r-srs. ^ ■ur foilum- to TKACK MARK. SH able aud successful lawyer, a man of 33 Aitieis. BekshABd istlmann, Conductor. 435 St. >eod3m possess. cxperi-®f | Congress augS* Ilului Ague, Liver and Stomach ¥*««!;&, the Hartford Post “The grooms, • H euce in affairs who has shown election says: S| For Malar it. Ague and Stomach troubles. §4. OOff practical grcatil ANNIE LOUISE j JAMES O’DOV’NELL, D1K. JOHN l» MEILL, Clolmnn'* Special Pad. For chronic casts executive ability m important stations, a® Democratic artv has never made a success CARY, J COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Mpleeu Belt. For stubborn cases SOLOIST Teacher of aud Italian gBlolmou’M ot|g of its in St. Rugli>h Singing'.^ m and Liver and Stom-m and consistent from the* greenback alliances, except making Pianist. 1U± 119% Exchange enlarged Spleen unyielding steady Republican W. H. SHEHWOOD, (of Boston,) amt Phy»io?ogy of the Voice, HORATIO STAPLES, Sj ach troubles. $5.00. the itself ridiculous.” FOR A PREMIUM.” free on application broke and J COUNSELLORS LAW, Iter. move It was Sunday, and the day bright of the nation will S The above for itself. terests. The affairs in Wm, Gill’s Musical Comedy, 31% Exchange report speaks HOLMAN PAD CO., beautiful. We had encamped the previous on with a perceptible jar, and men (P. O. Box 2112.) 744 llrQii i!way, N. If. B scarcely near night at the little village of Middletown, r THOMAS & BIRD, juell eoa&wnrmtim will sow and reap, buy and sell, go and come COUNSELLORS AT LAW, A^ the mountain where was to be fought the first 38 Exchange 3t in peace as before. Those who expect any LADIES’! of the war north of the Potomac. At battle II SWEETHEART. saw--.-- Win l. imMa——B harm to the Rt public from the accession of early dawn troops were seen moving toward 3YR0N D. VERIO Fine York Boots a the are J LL, New Specialty. Gen. Arthur to Presidency doomed from all directions, while I COUNSELLOR AT LA W, rs? xx ja s' South Mountain, St to 191 Middle Immense .Success Attends the pleasurable disappointment. the waving of signal flags from church Tickets, 75. 50 and 35. | Sale oC Fine IMPERISHABLE The nation should do its part iu solving steeples and lofty elevations, and the rapid SUlc of seat* commence Friday, Sept. 1G. WM IIMII H MI Hill——I——— the difficult the Pres- in all directions, were un- w il FRANK S. WATERHOUSE, problem by upholding riding of couriers sep!4 <1 COUNSELLOR AT LAW, PHOTOGRAPHER, ident’s hands and helping him by kindly and mistakable signs that there was "serious busi- S j 93 Exchange At 421 CONGRESS STREET. P 518 Maine.! PERFUME. 1 ahead. It was a strange Sunday to 53 Street, Portland, ai‘ words and acts to well ness” wp!3 Congress hopeful accomplish just BUSINESS CARDS. I as our was a green one, baviuU MUSIC TEACHERS the burdensome and delicate task which is us, regiment & bean less than three weeks away from our na- Murray Lanman’s given him. At the very least let him have jus- tive State. The skirmishing commenced at J. N. MARSH, BOOTS and tice and fair let be subdued H. KOTZSCHMAR, SHOES, play, prejudices in earn- home / sunrise, and the battle, which began Witch Miker, at again. \ PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY, and let and criticism FLORIDA captious unnecessary that little moun- Silver ware Glasses etc. Music Store ELIXIR around Watches. Clicks, Plated Eye Stockbridge’e WATER, est about noon, raged be withheld. So shall we all fare better and F *r Saie. tain till long after dark. Onr regiment was Clocks and Jewel and as he the loss Watches, y Repaired Cheap WASTED. lessen as much may great and as we wer® Warranted. P A. E. PENNELL, ordered in soon after noon, SINGING IN ALL BRANCHES Best for TOILET. BATH, VOICE, for Fine which the nation has sustained by the death the base of the mountain, I saw Gen. 317 Congress Street, Portland, Maine. Tenor Soloist, 96 Park Street Feet with wide, troublesome joints Bootsjp!! nearing and Shoes. of him whom we all mourn to-day. who was in command of our corps, Opposite Frye’s Drug Store. Burnside, and SICK ROOM. eminence and iepl* d3w* BOOT! "A ROLLING STONE GATHERS posting a battery on a little LIFE the TO write!! in the current number of ...... ni tha Inina Notiiiine that we t,ET. TOE BANNER JOST A HORTON, American Law Review in capi onr was as Boots and Shoes 1 mar31 ThS&Tu&wtim argues that, were green troops (for regiment To Let. NO au should be the he PA INTERS tal cases, iusaue criminal large a3 the rest of brigade), inquired FRESCO Furnished Rooms in nice location |0S8." is cheer. treated precisely the same as one wlio “what regiment?” and spoke a word of U Market Ntjunre, Portland. DESIRABLEup town. So Customers roving from store BOX Maine. sane. in view in such he A few moments more and we, with bayonets sepiy-eodtf 1173, Portland, KliffiV RKMIIY! to fail of the fairest Genuine & Lanman’s The poiut eases, Price4 reafoambl© and satisfaction store, oppor-i Murray the recklessness of new troops guaranteed. reasons, is not the moral guilt of the crimi- fixed,having with je2 dly Saw Tlill To Let. A Positive Cure for Kid- tunities in BOOTS and SHOES and haversacks if| to and the ob- thrown away our knapsacks MEN’S J do n»t at E. T. nal, but the danger society; & Liver they stop FLORIDA* WATERJ of were charging up the sides of the mountain, Tbe * aw, clapboard, sliiugle and plan- I ney Complaints! Merrili’s| ject to be sought is not the reformation •vfyR TLA ftf rv I New Shoe Store and examine to and throb under on the Salmon River at Scots- for| of which seomed fairly quake r». 1 ing mill, Jersey Congress Boots, Light Soles, Bevel and all Diseasesarising the criminal, but the protection : Province of is Bdge,®j themselves the great bargains 49 cents,'at society® the terrific fire of artillery and musketry. As ! Quebec, Canada, Width. A A, A, B and C, Men’s Hue stylish goods now| is as injaj such as The iusaue murderer just a Stown,,now to let for a term of one or more all the leading styles. therefrom, being offered there. dangerous#asl| we reached a “clearing” near the summit the sane and his death can Sjea's Inflammation To make room for fall and MOORE & CO.’S. one, only rebel which was posted on our right My increasing trade demonstrates th-* fact thatjfll Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, OWEN, I protect® battery, Machiiiei) netv, and in good running wiu-| 00dtt&w2t26 him. The conclusion another us, and the people appreciate tine stylish goods, at prices of the Bladiier, Brick Dust Deposit, ter his overstock ju25 society against upon peak, opened upon thatjfll g» ods, large |g from® into our "color com- order, Railway siding pas-es througli are known to be fr< m GO cents to $1.00 per female of| lunatic first shell came cracking pairjg Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, summer most and will this reasoning is that every STEPHEN inili ya'd; Logs easily obtained at mod- less than elsewhere. all Diseases shoes who® pany,” wounding several men and causing BERRY, Complaints, ami be| commits whether his insanity to- erate prices. This saw mill is driven by sold at hazardous to murder, great confusion. At this instant I looked of the Urinary Organs. prices be® near theg ouvutu we had KJL X- » wards our which passed < and water p 'wer, with large pond for logs, trade. Come ! Seek the iUtClUUVIlUUV) battery ./'■/ /-, (laid early |CU1UU1C base of the mouutain, and from the very jd Jfiind.l, good mill yard, and possessing etery % Dra^iNt Bint* Wold over 1 ,XT offices 2 story Merchan’s Bank building, with disease of the Kidneys, after having during OPP. «. 8. HOTEL.! year, the ninth corps served in every department on the road to the tried WEAKLY DATED in Oftpe Elisabeth, s reet. Heat st..am. First class that time various medicines without obtain- dtt ft not over A 10 cent the Potomac to I think I may five minute* walk of Fib exchange by sepl4 ably be §2000. per gain from Vicksburg, Sn two lights, and within vault. ing relief, T was induced to try a bottle of your ou the tei eepSdtf to say that I saw General Buruside the Ocean euse, a cottage house containing ELIXIR OK LIFE and it affords me was for to the receipts up safely desir- ROOT, pleasure hoped bring of where bullets were aud rooms. Lot contain? two acre? of land. Very do Lei, to that am- bottle of it cured me. I. field battle, flying, say completely the desired and though this times than I saw able for summer residence. Apply on the premises Brick House, No. 70 Gray street. recommend it as the only valuable aud certain cure long §500,000, shells were bursting, more IMPORTED of our com- or of DESIRABLEContains 10 rooms, bath room and tun,a. e for kidney troubles I have ever seen I would add has not been given the present condition of any other or ail other generals D. W. FESSENDEN. ESQ., Apply to N. S. Gardiner, R E. Agt., 03 Exchange hat before taking your medicine 1 had become so for. mand, including the “brigadiers.” 14 dtt 31 Me’ .5 was about to is something to be grateful my Exchange St., Portland, street. sep8eod2w I weak that I give up work. Hoping things At Autietam, three days after the event i.hat other# who have suffered like o WINES & myself may be LIQUORS! There has been an increase of about §20,000 narrated above, I saw him ride his “old sorrel as to vour •GINGER- fortunate try valuable medicine, of nil An thr I amidst THE SHOE kiudit, Impure water, unhealthy climate, fruit, R horse” across the famous stone bridge, Summer Quarters Truly yours, T. F. Mo MAIN. unripe in the over last year, but the total DEALER.|| unwholsomo food, cramps, chills, malaria, ex- legacies of shot aud shell, and the cheers of FOB"SALE" J *ue«’ Lauding. I pper half of Freucb Root GOI.H BOOT. OIUOIWAL PACKAGES K| a storm SIGN OF THE A* n 8PBIt(« TONIC AND APPKTIZ- cessive heat and the thousand and one ills that be- from churches and individuals is about the roar of battle. His to let for t.b* BeaB^n. Address Bo> f| —FOR SAIF 81— p his meu above the AT House, seplO eodtf HA!* NO § set the traveler or family are to those rising Me. fldtf jg|y GB IT GQI 4L. nothing || in the face of danger acted like an 968 Portland, j’yl fortified and sustained the use of Sanford's H same. coolness R. & SON, ! by _ his men. I never knew a ORE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. STANLEY Importers “the delicious.” a upon Ginger, As beverage it inspiration • and lot No. 137 Cumberland will lfW PORG POKTLANR flR, gl so beloved the rank and file street, ST., cuenchcs thirst, opens the pores, relieves thehead, at he general ofiicer by be sold at a BARGAIN if sold To be Let. 4eo31 A mebchaxx Abbeville, S. C., says he rode our HODSE immediately, warded regulates the stomach and bowels, eradicates a 18 of his men. On one occasion past is about to move Gobi Medal A a» the owner from the City. j5gj| for intoxicants and new life to the had rather trust the than the white as the almost ex- >«i and after Oct. 1, 1880, the the \uthor. A new and great Elixir of Life Root craving imparts p negro brigade at midnight, men, Company, languid, careworn, overworked,nervous and sleep- were the or now occupied F. O Medica Work, warranted IT. fy farmers. A will his bills as hausted by a forced march, resting by Inquire J. C. PROCTOR, premises by the||i J. KITTRKU6E, Agent lees. Beware of imitations said to be as aood. Ask negro pay long® & 37 best and cheapest, indispensa Kg roadside for a few moments. As soon as the Kuiicy & Co., Mo.’s 35 Ex- HUMKl.ANB MAINE. for Sanford’s Ginger and take no Oeod3w No. 83 Exchange St. ble to ever\ entitled other, as he has to pay with, while there their iM.pl t« man, “tb<§«| a Loid # anything “Old Burnie,” forgetting -tmugc St. Apply of Lite :ar?ALL DRUGGISTS SELL everywhere. Weeks & Potter, Boston boys recognized Science or, Self-Preser-aB Kg whites will if can. weariness, began to cheer. He raised HESKV DEESilMO, v bound in iinesl Ff6t'Cba3 je eod&wly22 ood&w3m dodge they they -lion;” ILSLEY Moreover,|| “Not now, boys; full BROTHERS, j ffj farmers and jy ibis hand and said quietly, Mo. 37 Exchange St. muslin, embossed, gilt, 8t>0|§§ he says the negroes are better aud in- COPARTNERSHIP. dtf contain* beautiful s eel en- Inoi now; we are t o near the enemy;” my pp. ATOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN that the and do the 27_ 125 Till l> KRTA14 know more about raising cotton, it became as still as though “boys gravings, prescriptions,gll LI subscriber lias been Executor EKS Fliinnoy Bros.! itjgrl stantly sent mail duly appointed from its re- t() LET. xryrnrrr fTTTTVCtPT Tt prh'O ®hly $1.25 by of.the of more than the whites. Were asleep. His corps, frequent CO-PARTNERSHIP. will economically was DISSOLUTION OF .illustrated sample, (5 cents; from oue to another, and rent suitable for dr 'ss making or THlBlilll «©nd|& s 3 tO Federal Street. !auglo moval department IlsTORE jJJUW 1. \t’KA JANE late of 1 ritHK conartnerehip heretofore existing under the! Ku w \ddr Medical Institute or l>r. DOVEITT, Portland, ICE. Glass, and I corner ot Federal and India Street as, Peabody W.kS Garland of Arkansas and dubbed “Burnside’s Geography \ & 2^ millinery, ■mu .. — Se.vatoes firm name and *tvl» of McKKNN DOlTGH-fi 4 Bulfinch Boston. In the Oouuty of and has ——————m tnat no in I BKent 810 month. Also rooms at No. 72 Ketl- H. PARKER, No. it., Cumberland, deceased, r- STREET i In-|| ihiuk it safe to affirm corps engaged is* dissolved by per* taken himself that trust 97 CROSS EH. I mhmakers, hereby irutua]| augl3doodly upon as the law directs. mv“ of Kansas, of the Judiciary sub-Cora-.,'* or endured more than claims St. aug!7-dtf All galls more battles hardships con*--nt All persons holding against thej persons having demands upon the estate of §epl O-Tn-Th H -3-3 mo 1 was and geral intend to make a tour of the the old niutb. And yet X believe there •aid fi m wil present the for settlement said deceased, are required to exhibit the same: _—1 mittee, princi-K* s allj| Six Rooms to Let. J. ££. BATES, a man in thecorps who would not have fol- persons ©wing ?aid 11 m wi’l phase-all upon idg and all persons indebted to said estate are called OAK PILING. commercial cities for conference with SB uot who will continue at S' house No. (143 Congress rear Park. Se- La:*, of S. M. & Go. to make payment to E. ». pal lowed Geu. Buruside to starvation or to the can- McKenna and settle, iheoldg fN street,, Peneugill upon FHE81LTIAW A KUOS. * >TT at short uotico, by •tauu. L. AHKENNA, tl and turnace. between 8 andn EDWARD ouantitylumiehed fc. business men on the of aj so did believe in CHAKl.ES g bago, gas Apply Advertising W. LOVUITT, Executor. | .1 W. H. 35 leading subject non’s mouth, implicitly they J* HN DOUGHEK. 1 Ell) a. m., to UK. GEKK1SI1, 075 Congress St. Newspaper Agent, £? Portland, Sept. Oth, 1881. Advertising Agents, SIMONTON, his and Our war devel- I dtf NEW aug20dlin RIG Commercial St. H bankruptcy law. integrity patriotism. Portland, Aug. 30,1881. sepl-d3w I sep7 I YORK Cm. .1| septl3 dlaw3wTu* USD w. VOGBTH ST., CINCINNATI g I general 1% Soli City of Chelsea, Goodwin, from bulletin was issued at -5 30 this evening, tbe^ FOREIGN. Virginia. dacksonTllleJ THK BUYERS' GUIDE- them. take breadl PRESS EXTRA, | ■Vould A 7% for New York, with lumber, put into Norfolk 20. is fairly alive with They continued in much the same condi- ICJon. Carry. JBthJ TUESDAY MORNING, SEPT. 5? President 8 Hale & Norcross.. under Jury mHetrt. 9th in»t, lat 32 51. loul from her hands, and turtles would! k the the f Reports, directly he tion as during afternoon, pulse varying 1 -lexicon. 77 30. w s struck bv a tornado and had to out away j? allow her to take them eutirely out of the An Extra Edition of the Press will with rather llj* '- .from 102 to 10(i, increased force London, Sept. 19.—The in an Jpbir. 7% both masts. Lost all snare, part of sails, and sprung d while she held them in one hand, Times, edito-1 | water, and After nourishment he .terra Nevada .. 20 aleak. TRADE CIRCULAR. some thau Burnside, but Issued soon after the Edition. 7'and volumo. taking rial, says: “It would bo well if the op<5 of bis specimens element, rendered those things necessary.” png 80@7 light 60@6*70. PORTS. back as an eel could. An- Cattle-Receipts 8000 head; shipments 2000 head DOMESTIC hy the undersigned Re- has his eyes open, intends to be fair, and would daft only Vice President Arthur Officially Notified. fully presented kept a foot in seemed DEAD. Be-establlshment of the German Lega- steadv at G 20®6 65; to choice ship- SAN FRANCISCO—Ar 18th, barque Gen Fair- uf with a to other small one, about length, Ifore exports good tail Ileuses Portland, view General will us to “see ourselves as others see us.” and Lonq Branch, Sept. 19.—Attorney slow at 4 6 5® 6 00; common to medium 10a New York, 16.) help to be fond of her caresses, tion at the Vatican. ping chtln, Taylor. (Apl show the extent and variety of articles particularly sent the to Vice loo lower at 8 25. Cld El an, Lincoln, Queenstown. Joat look at the following mirrored outlines: be handled about as she pleased, it being MacVeagh has just following 85@5 17th, ship Capi the names of those could Rome, Sept. 19.—Herr Von Sohloezer, the Sheep-receipts 2000bead; demand is very good; GALVESTON—Ar 13th, sch Albert L Butler, handled, and large that he was to remain under wan Boston is n ore like an English city than any understood President Arthur: German diplomat, having concluded negotia- common to medurn weak at 8 60^4 00; good to Rill, Boston. dealers who make this City the best other town in America. Yet, eveb in Boston though. It becomes our painful duty to inform you of tions with Cardinal Jacobin!, the Papal Secre- choice 4 40@6 00. JACKSONVILLE—Ar 14th, soli Florida,Gilmore, market and trade centre for the people it was one of the most Belfast. and Philade phis, you will tail to discover any- Taken altogether, the death of President Garfield and to advise tary of State, for the re-establishmeut of the •>f Maine. novel entertainments we have ever witnessed, Dsmeiuc markets. Cld 14th, sch Rockie E Yates, Harris, Albany. thing like the caste of an English cathedral to take the oath of office as President o' German legation at the Vatican, started for to visit Port not fail v you CHARLESTON-C d sch James M Riley, not prepared and visitors to this locality should without If it concurs Varzin on (Bv Telegraob.v 14th, 33f“Parties the United States delay. Sunday. V; Providence. order from the follow- to the a-k the favor to the writer. or-YOBK. ^ept. 19 Evening.—Flour market Allen, land, may goods hansom cab is as much superior granted The w:th will be very glad if The Ar Boston. I)ur your judgment you War in Tunis. without with so 18th. Bartlett, Welsh. an much attached to her qnotable change, closing scarcely brig Mary ing classifications with perfect reliance United States as The is evidently Struggle on earliest train to morrow, of the Long the public conveyance lady in will come here 19.—Gen. Salatier summoned much strength; export and home trade demand dull PkRT KOVAL, SO-Ar 17th, «ch C K Flint, Cook, a Loudon aud takes as she well may, Tonis, Sept. that their orders w ill he at- American hotel clerk is antterior to pets, pride, ffjt WindoM Secretary of the Treasury, and New York. promptly Mirror-Journal. the Caliph of Zagbounan, and after loading the light. Cof tended to. Satisfaction or hotel isirier There is hardly a street in Chi- showing them.—Marlboro’ W. H. Hunt, Secretary of the Navy, Receipts of Flour 19,200 bbls; exports 1509 bbls; RICHMOND-Ar 17th, «oh John H Converse, gnatnuteed cannons in his presence, said if the aqueduct Kennebec. cago and New York as well paved and watered Thos. L. Postmaster ales 16,660 bbls; No 2 at 3 90®5 16; Superfine tin, money refunded. James, General, was cut he would the town iu London. at Last Ended. again bombard Vestern and State 5 90®6 lojcommon to ext. NORFOLK—Cld 15th, sch Joe Souther, Watts, as the commonest thoroughfare A Driver’s Yarns. good Stage Wayne MacVeaqh, Attorney General, also the inhabitants a wai NC. the cities iu He imposed upon Vestern and State 6 95(©6 60; good to choice Wes- Wilmington, American lutuseB tu are, many said S. J. Kirkwood, Secretary of the Interior. Ar “I had made one run down here,” contribution of 1,000 oxen and 1,800 weight ot eru extra at 6 70® 8 00; common to choice Whit» 19th, snip Northampton. Johnson. Liverpool. t sBicri.TimaL tools gi«be,v t vet ter built and more convenient than only cases, in New to be delivered in three days. For Vboat Western extra 7 00® 800; fancy do at 8 H ALEXANDRIA—Ar llitb, sch Alrnon Dird,Drink- Field and Flower Seeds, Fertilizer* sc. There is a uniformity in our driver on a journey down barley, ourowu. singular stage the inhabitants are to be fined 9 00; common to good extra Ohio at 6 30®7 76 water, Windsor, NS. WM.O. 8AWYEK&CU. 5, 7 & 9 Preble St. America wt in Session at sach day’s delay H the Burnishing of them. Throughout Mexico, “when, passing one of tbe sidings, The Cabinet Fraacklyn ommon to choice extra St. Louis at 6 30® 8 00 ALEXANDRIA—Passed up 15th, sch Emma 1,300 francs. Drummond. 4 UKRIi AY Fine one notices an absence of individual taste. one Cottage. *ate«t extra at 6 80®7 25; choice U WATCHES, took on a double-fitted ‘gray,’ Gen. Loger has issued an order that any Ac. are all ac- Simon-pure, d ubie extra at 8 30®9 25, 3100 bbls of BALTIMORE—Cld 17th, barque Goidcn Sheaf, Jewelry 8il»cr»arr, Clock*., Dining rooms and narlors arranged 19.—The Cabinet at including fellows who had lived a Long Branch, Sept. \rab found at the aqueduct shall be shot. Mill extra at 7 40®7 60 for W I; 7 60@7 75 Lunt, Portland. OH AS. H. LAMSUN, 201 Middle street cording to one pattern, and the pattern is far of tbe pioneers; those it,y this la. is still in session at Franck- dispatches show that Salatier’s eol- for S A; 1600 bbls No 2 at 3 90@6 15; 800 bbls Su- Ar 17th, barque Ada Carter, Thurston, Buenos more French than English. life in advance of civilization, making the waj hour, in., Special ,4 POTtlfitAKlEM; Draff", Piunu.Otb) iinu has been attacked since the •erflne at 5 35® 6 1800 bbls low extra at 6 95 Ayres, Astral in Atneiica is restlessness. The I HE PRESIDENT DIES AT constantly 15; Agt». Pratt’s Oil. Tee rule in time to lyu extra 6 30®9 PHILADELPHIA—Ar steamer Panther for others, but always leaving Cottage. 10th inst. The Arab loss is *t6 50; 4900 bbls Winter Wheat 25; 17th, W. W. WHIPPLE A CO., 21 Market Square iu The old easy generally heavy. an } opposite obtains England. country foun- 5600 bbls Minnesota extra at 5 957§9 26; Southern Wiley, Portland; brig Rabboui, Coombs, Fern >- the and the will t bcuiital". is, peculiarly attractive to many cape press improvements, IN MOURNING. Paris, Sept. 19.—The French troops (our is unchanged. 312.844 dina; sebs Clara Rankin. Griffin, St John. NB; Ke 4 FOTHEt’AHlEH ; therefore, THE NATION Wheat—receipts Toilet Articlee &o. who have lived their lives in America dation for which he has so surely laid. Evi- shortly be able to take the offensive vigorously usba exports 165.321 bush; 1®2% lower on Win- no,Ackley Saco; Ireue E Meservey. Meservey, Ken. Imported Perfume*. Soane, persons Grief all Over the nebec: W 8 St John. NB. JS FILED T. MEAHER & (X).. 478 St want rest. The of life in the Demonstration of it all in Tunis. ter Red; other kinds without decided hangs; export Mitchell, Mitchell. Congress and intensity he had never before seen thejinterior of points Baxter. dently 10.45 O’CLOCK LAST NIGHT. demand moderate and fairly active business in spec- Bragdon,Chase, Kennebec; Allie Burnham, The « atreiul is iu All Country. at Candahar. 4 POTHEPABii Prvpara- cities especially apparent Chicago. before he con- Fighting Gardiner a car, for it was some moments ulative account; sales 2,249,000 bush, including tion of a — A. the town seems to be especially “on the rush.” New' 19—11.15 P. M.—The is that Cld sch Provi Prescriptions Specialty. York, Sept. Bombay, Sept, 19 It reported heavy £95j»00 bush on spot: ungraded Spring at l 27® 17th, Irene E Meservey. Meservey, E. DANA 689 St that crosses one of the cluded to seat himself, which he did cautious the »R., Congress There is a drawbridge church bells are tolling ior President’s firing has been beard in the direction of Can- 1 SUN, oppoeiL- opens which men constantly on the alert Boston, Sept. 19.—On confirmation of the The Methodist Ecumenical Council. a to over while it is eye H it 1 42. No 2 Red 1 46%; steamer No 2 Ar at Delaware Breakwater 17th. (ship Soltaire Absolutely permanent Photographs specialty. from the cars and try get Snows of President Garfield's death the bells ol 46%@1 exhibit. Let me say here that in this London, 19.—The Methodist Ecumen- do 1 42: No 1 Red at ! 47%@1 48% ;«Mixed Otis, from Hnll, E. A moving. Not that they really facilitate their danger suburbs and in Sept. 41@l 4 KTIHTH’ JIATF.UIAI.H,Architects’ His Death M so Bof this city and began tolling, Conference to discussed the ot Winter at 1 42; White at 1 27® 1 44V2; NEW YORK—Ar 17th, ships Frank N Thayer. Art Goods for have eventually to wait for man carries a and gen- Expected ical day subject, ungraded r\ Engineers’Supplies, Picture Frame*, progress, tney country every pistol, Ban short time tlie streets in the vi- Vo 2 do at 1 42; No 1 White, 2*000 a*, Morrison. Liverpool 21 days; Marcia O Day. Put 6*8 li incredibly missions, use of ihe press in non-Chris- 4V@®1 GYRUS F. DAV IS, No. Congress Sfc the cars to cross; but they must “get on.” as I had al and fereign t lower, nam. Bordeaux 24 days, barque Martha A McNeil erally in his back pocket. Well, cinity of the newspaper telegraph offices for of mis- 44%@l 44% liyt* quiet. Corn %@1% some demon of motion was behind tian countries, promotion gospel Havre; C B Gil Seville Hntiiom A Klauk Kook". is as if were crowds weak and active trade; receipts 247, Marsters, Hazelline, key, ry seen tickets, I took filled with awaiting details, and eemi Infidel dosing fairly there is such a ready the other passenger’s sions, work required iu papal >25 bush sales Man-on. Stubbs, St Simon’s I and; scbs Flora Clara’* everybody tn Chicago, general There was no confusion and bulletins were exports 27,631 bush: 1,178,000 brig BOOKM. Circulating i.ibrary. the need of Method- Jacksonville; Gam- • B. ownv, -1 Soon Warren. nine auout »uu nations, especial cooperation, 210.000 on at 63® Condon. Hope Haynes, FRANK CLARK, 515 C<>’gress St. Onward stampede tu the prairie city. mauttre, hy Physicians. which was bush, including spot; ungraded read in subdued silence, at last resources ot Farrow. is most of the ism in papal and pagan lands, 74c: No 3 at 69c .No 2 at 71c®71%c; No 2 White at age. Augusta; Orion, White, Bangor; Mary New York the cosmopolitan o man aud hand, with the usur.l broken of sorrow. nett uud Hhoe», Fine ( uvloin Work, nay put my only by expressions deep Methodism in number, wealth, •<5c; No 2 for September at 71@71%c, closing at Patershall, do; Mail, Merrill, Bath; Brave, Ben American cities. Boston claims to be the organization Maud Web- BOOTHfor Ladies and Gents to Measure. uick behind me to get my punch; New 19.—News of the Presi- for the work of the world's 71c; do October at 71%@72%c, closing 71%c, do Portland; Idaho, Jameson, Rockland; of tho United States. Washington, motion, York, Sept. md spiritual life and B. F. WHITNEY & Go., 222 Middle St. Athens November at 7+%®75%c, closing 74% c. Oai* 1 ster. Chipman, Boston; Ida L Howard, Foss, and ut before I could “Ticket, sir!” quick er dent's death, al hough not unexpected, proved sonversiou, and the best means of developing the »■of govo: uineut, is Biately diplo- say 2c lower, closing heavy; receipts 137,850 bush; Elizabeth DeHart, Low, Bridgeport. find Hhocw: Fine and Medium Goods at hau the muzzle of a six-shooter a severe shock to those who heard it to-night. and them. River ma i. is the Manchester and powder employing ale* bush; No3at4l%c;do White 49c: Ar 18th, schs Dolly Varden, Smith, Apple low J H V'ETHKRELL & CO., Philadelphia NEURALGIA OF THE HEART had surrounded the bulletin 461,<»00 Boot* prices. oi America. Chicago has given it- welled under my eyes, and a hearty voice Crowds of people Vo 2 at 42%@42%c; do White at 50c; No t at 43; NS; SJ Gillmore, Stevens, Sullivan; .1 W Wood- Tuocessors to GYRUS LOWELL, 226 Middle St. Liverpool I’ve the boards in the course of the aud do ruff. Anderson. self several romantic and titles, in* ang ou: ‘Put her back, stranger, got evening, White do at 52 %c: Mixed Western at 41®)43c; Bangor. datteritrg Two Persona Drowned. in- Cld Harriet S Jacksons. Bacon Rio and Fine i oufiiiiaiia, ou You but I shook awaited for any cheering news of the White at 47<®52%c; White State 5< @53%c. 17th, barque "the Garden City,” “the Prairie Iran ye!’ may laugh, PROX- patiently 1. F. U successor to eluding SAID TO BE THE President’s but the bulletins Scranton, Pa., Sept. 19.—A man named cluding 5,000 bush No 2 for at42%c; Janeiro via Baltimore; Ibis Sawyer, for Galveston, C'lANDIFM/ xRD, and “the Phoenix San Fran- lands with him over a free ride, anyway. condition, gave September Allen r»f>f. Street City,” City.” his own and the uorooer »utar arm; uiu brig Marena, vtoore. Montevideo; sch Aloert Clar- Gow, emigre** time I down the road when no hope, aud when those were put up announc- Lanaban, with family family i4U,u*>uao 4o(c$*3ot;. Hays, one-legged preacher, nice old *$ 10%e. granulated 9% @ Neptune, DEANE BROS. A SANBORN, 188 A 186 Middle St there. wore sides. The news spread with lightning rapidi- the boat, iMiuahau’s years daughter, crude in bbls W and Mattie Holmes, do for Boston; Alno- touch of the backwoods, the latter represented ^•ermission to hold meeting: Hays Petrol?uu> stronger;unite*! at 96%; Elwell, iuv uuu was tuo uuivoiaiM and Wm. aged 1(1, were drowhed, und at Pori, mak, do for Alfred W Fisk. Hoboken for Uur.ul alam m«l luiporter untrimmed the ai old-fashioned wooden leg, strapped in place ly inrougn cn.y, Harvey, 7@8. Tallow firm, sales 70,000 lbs 9. Mystic; by gaunt, telegraph poles, were rescued with 19 Boston: Albert for Saco; Em- of Havana Wholes* e and Retail. and held firm a leather around the topic of conversation. the others difficulty. •lull and lower; 610 new mess on the spot 62% Dailey. Elizabethport CVKAIM. igars, former Madison Union Square and Iny by strap do for South Port ERNESTO cor. and Middle St. by Square, do October and November closed at 18 Go press, Newmarket: Maggie Todd. PONCE, Exchange the and this uncomfortable he wa?* The bells of the churches of Trinity parish i$l9 75; Fifth Avenue. Philadelphia suggests waist, being all 80. I.»r*i lower and closed dull and Johnson for Calais; Fannie Flint, and Geo B Somes at it. few of the Demonstrations of Grief Over were tolled, at short intervals, fur an hour. ($18 30@55 pLOTIlINOaod Fnrni»hii*tf Loolk, of Sunderland and constantly tugging Very on at 12 25 a do for Salem; Stella M do for do. Quaker element Darling- depressed; sales 316 prime steam spot Kenyon, ourvjjc.auii a w. * but it a One afternoon paper issued an extra shortly tou under the pressure of a great industrial hands knew him, they thought good FINANCIAL mD COfflftO&AL 12 30;76 city steam 12 20;refined at 12 40 for Con- NEW HAVEN—Ar lGtb. sch Lizzie Cochrane, 184 Middle Street. a after the news was which was eager- is Washington. If you chance to have iome fun; and very rough the received, tinent. Rutter is quiet and firm; State at V2(323c; Hopkins. Bangor. destiny. Washington Country. at FALL RIVER—Sid 14th. sell Jennie R An- If Mm’* and Child- the curious and manners of Bet they were that filed in that evening and ly purchased any price. Western lo@33c. Cheeiie is steady; State 9(c$12% Moreo, INTO, Hay*> want to study ways derson. Darien, to load for Boston. dren’s, Wholesale and Retail. and the of in tilled the back seats. Of course, some few Augusta, Me., 20.—The bells of the Wholesale market. poor to choico. CLOT the office-seeker depth ignominy Sept. PortUud Uatlr 11 PROVIDENCE—Ar ech Annie Brj v BOSTON A PORTLAND Clothing Co., 256 Middle. were reighi a to Liverpool dull and weak; Wheat $> 17ty, Frye, he is content to wallow to and ladies and railroad officials present. are for the President’s death. Portland 19. which live, go city tolling Sept. steam 3%. ant, Calais. 4c granulated 7 00; Winter Wheats 6 00; low gor. ing sitting parliament. from all 00(39 60@8 grades Sid schs Richard W Denham Meehan, Perth J factory Price*. the of the first to the close of service an Boston, Sept.20.—Despatches parts for Extra C. Pears re rather scarce and about 5' c 3 Wheat is 18th, (lOAL Unchecked by the conventionalisms of hymn at 60(34 50. active, lower, irregular Perth for New York dOS. H. No. 253 Commercial St. wor- of thd country indicate deepest sorrow and Gardiner; George, KennWton. POOR, .Fill be or ever-iilcreasiug buzz aud noise disturbed Sweet advanced 00c » bbl. Irish and unsettled No 2 Chicago Spring at 127 cash, Uid World, you delighted disap at the death of the President. Bells higher. potatoes for Boston; Sarah Louise. Hickey, Weehawken foi but old in his went on mourning and all year. 1 28% for October; 1 30% and Ca»ket .flat* nine Hirer*, according to the nature of your moral ship; Hays quiet way are scarce aad hnn. September Haverhill; DK Arey. Snow, New York for Saco. pointed, have been tolled, are draped and potatoes 31 31 for 1 32% for December; No 3 and Undertakers. the freedom of oblivious of it all. The forms gone through buildings November; Ned Sumpter, from New York for Saco; Chase, fm CFFINFurnishing ^ constitution, by Washington half-masted. me following aie to-day's quotations of Flom, do 1 00. Com lower 64@64%c S. S. RICH A SON, 133 Exchange St with, he prepared to dismiss his congregation IflagB 19>rejeeted 95c@l Rondout for Bath; George E Prescott. for Bocie'y. The President died at about quarter before Sic. or cash; 64%c for and all year 66%c- with the usual benediction. ‘Let us pray,’ he train, Provisions. September Salisbury. CBo-iery. Kid Glovn, Laccn, As a town the Empire City has many de- PRESS COMMENTS. for October 05 %c Noven^ber; 66c December: 7»c is said, and his hand behind him un- 11 last night. But meagre particulars have NEW BEDFORD—Ar ISth, schs Nathan Clifford. CORMET8Kmbroideries and Worsteds. lightful features. The site upon which it sluwly put Tributes the Dead President. firiour. «rai«. for May; rejected 00%c. Oats dull, weak ancrlow silence was Newspaper Jones Bango*-; Wra Todd, Wood. Calais. W. E. PLUMMER, Cor. Congress and Brown Sts built is Surrounded water it has der his coat-tails. The sudden been received, but they show his death was aperilne.6 75'4(5 25 If. M. Corn, er at 3 % a39%c for cash; 89%o for September unique. by I New Tribune VINEYARD-HAVEN Ar 16th. scbs Alice Tarl- which canuot be over- wonderful, aud as he got on his knees every York, Sept.(20.—The says: tx-ra. Spring. .6 5046 75 car lots, 78 ind all 39V2C Octobe ; 40%c for November. Kid Glove*. Ribbon*, sanitary advantages sudden. He passed a comparatively " year; ton. Grand Turk for Boston; Nulato, Small, back benches ducked quite good Tae Death the bravest and best. X 7 25«7 7B Oats, 52 42c December. and at 08. Handy, Embroideries Ac It has a river that goes mother’s son on the reaper gathers Spring.... for Rye strong higher lor Port Johnson CORSfimLaces, Worsted Crewels, estimated. splendid there was a loss Sacked Bran.. 27 00 and lower Hoboken do; Lettie Wells, Warr, a The old fellow never eight Sunday, though steady After a which has kindled the ad- ‘atent Spring strongat 1 09. Pork active, weak E. S. MERRILL. 487 Congress St out to the sea in a flood that breaks off into down quicker’n diver. struggle Barley for Portsmouth; Katie Mitchell, Mitchell. Augusta Kinir. tion of the world for his heroic manhood 00 Mids.. 27 8-• at I 9 UO ash; 18 85(318 90 for September, 18 8' (ar it has the dreamt of drawing a pistol, but his habit of of strength. At 8.30 in the morning a chill Wheats.3 5009 for New York; Mexican, Kldridge, and E Closson, China and «-ila** Ware. picturesque lakes, and Hudson, 33 5" 18 85 for October; 19 00 for November; 18 75 all at that served in President Gartield has gone. From the still Win- Cotton Seed.earlot Bangor for Newport. J R. S. which as far as is a second Rniue. hitching strap him. good came on which lasted twenty minutes and was 35 00 Lard is lower and weak at 11 90(5*11 95 Harding, ('iROf'KGRY, RAND, Albany where crime aud come not he ter best.7GO®7 76| bag lots year. very Returned loth, schs Helen 6* 9 St. river Btead.” heights pain for 12 10 for No- brig Kaluna; Clytie, Congress There is an arm of this magnificent severe. the chill his ran Jonunon ts.. 80 ctsb; 11 90@il 92Va October; Mabel F ! quite During pulse looks down upon a mourning nation which he |0ow,b. for December; 11 90 all Bulk Maria, Staples. which rechristeu Harlem, at the New 0047 2 51 Meal, 75 vember; 12 25 ye-*r. schs E and GOdDM, Milk*, Shawl., Drew* they to was to wise of Michigan....7 Sailed, Alligator, Mexican, Closson, D&Ai'i'iliUhULUlUWAli un 146 and feeble. Profuse sweat- t‘*e discharge duty. .. dears 7 76. short ribs 10 short Ac. York suburb of that name. In the autumu very hoped help by it. LocG Win- Cats, 55 lower; shpulders 60; Anna DRYGood*, Woolens, Linens, men than Abraham Lincoln and Frye. At Worthier fair 7 75 .. 27 0- 10 80. MLLLE'iT A LITTLE. 227 Middlt Strset the world has not a fairer show of wood and I0®7 Bran, EDGARTOWN—Ar schs Moses Rock- .. bis nour, 44,0o0 dub* *uea. for Portsmouth; Addle Ryerton, Georgetown St, op., learn how great and good a man was lifted to Maine o no®n on Pork— for Boston. Brooklyn bridge is fiuished, New York indeed sent the to Lon- 504.000 bush corn. 71,000 bush oats. 9,000 bus* and Calling MacVeagh following despatch the Presidency by the votes of last November. CapeCod,0 0040 00 Backs 24 00424 2F BOSTON—Cld sch Reed, for Wedding will be a wonderful I liked it better, I ve 31,000 bush barley. 17th, Joseph Wilde, It Cards and Fine city. MAINE. no four mouths found Bugs. 0,40 Clear 23 011423 25 tpNGRAFING~ Stationery. * rail- don: He is President more. Only 000 bbls flour, 16,000 bush wheat, Baltimore, WILLIAM 613 the advent of the elevated — Shpiuenw-10 S. LOWELL, Congress St, confess, before 19 in that Me.=s ’970.42025 Ar seb Hannah Grant. Strout, Machias. It has Long Branch, Sept. he held the helm, but a work done Sugar. 415.000 bush corn, 119,000 bush oats, 6,500 bus) 18th, road That may be my bad taste. Granulated.10'4 Ha.ua (covereil) 13® 13Vi Ar scbs Live Lakeman. Grand Me Custom and Read) Iflade Clothing The President had another chill of consider- short time will bless the laud for ages. rve. 21,000 bush barley. 19th, Yankee, advanced, nevertheless, during the SxtraC. 9% lee. nan; Emily. Surry; R L Kenney Farr, fm FINE Gents’ Furnishing Goods. greatly Suicide. able this morning, which, following The World says: No man was better Sr. 19 -Flour lower; treble Gasper, few in Houses which severity Prui* t.lb, P a ..13%®13M. Louis, Aug. 5@10c Rockland; Martha. Manuel, Keunebunk; Brunette, ALLEN A COM PAN Y, 229 Middle St past years many ways. him a choice Damariscotta, 19.—Mrs. Henry Leis- so soon after the chill of last evening, left equipped by study and experience iu public Mnso’tl RaisinsS 15 Tiorses. ft S>.13Vi® 13% extra at 6 35 6 65; family 6‘76@6 90; to on first visit were cousidere to be “up Sept. 00®3 Babbidge. Belfast. Itt Choice my weak indeed. His became more work of the Pail— a, 14 at 6 95(37 55. Wheat lower: No 2 Red Fall -ign-uud was found very pulse affairs for the special Presidency, .ondon Layers2 75 43 001 13% Vi fancy SALEM -Ar 17th, sch Addie, Costello, Kennebec town” are now going “down town” ner, an aged widow, about 70, at l 41% 1 43 for October; 1 46 for No- Flowers a specialty. gradually frequent and feeble than at any time since he taking into accouut the conditions under ’nrkish Prunes.7@7Vio B'f" fofbash; or New York. FJLOBV8Tf*,Fuueral —not on but in the estimation of socie- town 1 49 No 3 do at 1 29.No 4 do at W. E. MOK ON A CO., 816 Congress St rollers, drowned in a well near her house in this from the immediate shock of the to has been chosen to that iPea.3 2o@3 3i VsE vember; December; Ar schs Ella Bangor for recovered which he came it, Oranges for 18th. Frances, Bulger. nearer and nearer Central o' 00 '.ladiaui,'.2 754',' 85# l 24. Ooni lower at r*3c cash; 64%c Octobe*; Thomaston and ty—taking refuge a miles out of the wound and his condition more office John Adams. What Paiermos pt'i-6 -@7 Wilmington. Del; Franklin, Marshall, Foreign l>o*uc*tic, €6%c November; for New York. Children’s Christmas Toys. suicide while tem- During the day liis system has reacted to can we better say of such a death after such Oats lower at 41c for cash, 42%c October. FRUIT, vases and fiuwers and and antique morning, having committed aj Valencia ipeuse.. Waiter. H May. BRVERLY—Ar sch Eastern Light, Kelley, GET*. H. CUSHMAN, 488 Congress St pictures some and he the afternoon and life full of honors but not of than to j r: for Pork lower 16th, I still think extent, passed yet years case 811 Creamery.28®30S 44%c for Novemb 60%c May. furniture in shops and stores; and insane. large 50@121 Cherryfield. and Mtove*. Stole porarily _ At this hour he is rest- the and memorable words of. at 19 40. Lard 12. Uauge* a evening comfortably. repeat solqjpn Lemons. [(lilt nominally LYNN—Ar 16th, schs Balloon. Eaton, Bangor; Broadway, when you look at it from point EdgeV-ormont28g-.Oja »biB busn whea*. agents for the improved Range. ing and no disturbance is expected Burke: ‘‘The melancholy evmt of yesterday Messina.8 00® 900 Choice 22®25S Receipts—17.UOU nour, 60,000 M F Patten. Ellsworth; Ontario, Sprague. IjlURNAGEM, Highland where there is a vista before you, the quietly, 18 98 0< H) busb bush bru»i Cushman, O. M. A D. W. NASH. No. 8 Exchange St long THE APACHE WAR. the There has reads to us an awful lesson too Atlermoa.8 00,0,9 00,Good.. 420# com, 67,000 oats, 3,000 Calais. in the world during night. been, however, against being most picturesque long street there of Witts. iStore.15@G H /e 34.000 bush barley. PORTSMOUTH-Sid schs John S Case. Col and CoboUiery. no gain whatever in strength, and is, much troubled about any of the objects bush wheat 17th, Even the aud wires are not ob- or-g eeanntt— ! Mlheeae. Shipments-l1,000 bbls flour, 14,000 W Boston. Medium and Common telegraph posts t herefore. no decrease of ambition.” cord, Rockland; G Lewis. Hutchins, f^UKNITCRKFiue, Goods, distance anxiety. dinary Maine.12 Vs ft 60.000 bush corn, 12,000 bush oats, 3,000 bus! jectionable nuder the condition of to the Wilmington.l 60@1 701 S.14 MILLBRIDGE—Ar 9th, sch Mabel, Strout, from PORTLAND FURNITURE Co.t 40 Exchange St. Many of the Savages Returned so The Sun says that in his death the warms 4 0.000 bush to the view. The physicians expected death, but not 7642 00 ermont—12Vas tariev, rye. Portland. lending enchantment Fort- of Virginia_1 |Bi Car Reservation—About 160 Warriors hopes and sympathizing aspirations I'eoue-see ,1 20®1 35! 7 Factory. 12--,414 Sid 14th, sch Mabel, Portland. pot-, Crockery, soon. theg 7 Strout, and House Goods. a Position. Whole are painfully disappointed.! '4!Oc1 Skims. Vs® 8V3B '?-i4c for December; 62c for FORE1G1V '"ORTS. The Grand Tour of Fort A. 19.—Severs 1 new| Englishman’s Thomas, T., Sept. 414c Per obi ..2 1 _ — A. Ct_J_nr n_A. rn r ar-, and I and all 01 us "fell aud his Cone rd 3 2 50. fe lH4c. BROWN, Squaro all to a formed tamed deatn was irom su«er down,” re-.J Grapes 03 Ar at NB. 13th sch Perry Atlantic a-signed points, verging basiu, boxes-are at 2 2o u Musquash, inst, Victor, smart p. liiical aspir. n s, via the ierry. mains will be borne to their last rest attended! Delaware Grapes—3 P quoted pfl Mobile, Sept. 19.—Cotton is quiet; Middling ENTM’ Furai*hiu«( Gootl*. Neckwear, me Salt, Oibicu, Carriessa, White aiusj*? ren assistant to Private Secretary' Boston. tour is under- by Youug, the unanimous aud hearfeit sorrow of doz. lands at Ho. K Underwear Ai Fine Shirts to order. proves that the modern are forti- by fifty! v'am 9 9Ril'9 fkl> tll>l. C'l grand Black rivers. The savages strongly the news from the at A 493 Browu, brought cottoge millions of free men. 8AvA>"J?AH,Sept. 19. -Cotton quiet; Middling up- [Latest by European steamers.] CHARLES OUSTiW <2.*., Congress St taken without reference to the old condition of fied. It is a dreadful formed of deep Sweet 4 00. country, The first indication The The is over potatoes 50@'» buida UHc. make i' ten minutes before 11. Times says: long suspense Cld at London 9th, State of Maine, Small, Cardiff Whole-ale and Retail. in the travelers' club—that the can box canyons, whose precipitous sides than | membership had occurred was the A crime more wanton or purposeless New Okleajns, Sept. 19.—Cotton easy; Middling and San Francisco. GROCERIKn,Fine Teas, oonees and Fancy Groceries. nearly impossible for the troops to operate. that anything serious ap- auyijj at Ha»«< i ^alra* didate aanat have boon 3,000 miles east of Pall recorded in history, has compassed the deaths fSeceiftt* uplands 11 Vic. Sid fm Deal 3d ins# John DeCosta, Robertson, GEO. C. SHAW A CO., 585Ao87Cong. A 235 Middlo the officers and soldiers mean busi- of a ot the Elberon Hofei * However, nearance messeoger of the President of the United States. It Portland. Sept. 17. IS Cardiff. Mall. When the of the educa- and Trill booh b* h***»rd from. KOf ERN. plan finishing rrcen, off. is| For care 45 ratflcelUnoous mercaaudb fcur*p«aii .Tiaruetik Ar at 6th H S Watts, fm who obtained a carriage and drove rapidly Isafe to thet no conspicuous man has£ Portland, gg Antwerp inst, Gregory, Fiue and low say public I prices. tion of by allowing them to or roads 68 cars miscellaneous iun S§ San Francisco. tl goods young gentlemen, has to summon members ever this life amid sorrow so connecting By Telegraph.) W. L. WILSON A A Federal St. It is supposed he gone departed pro-g nandlse. 19 —Consols at 99 3-16. Off Brikbam 6th from Antwerp for CO., Exchange a time in the train of a no- THE ODD FELLOWS. London, Sept. inst, Gatherer, pass certain great found and universal as that which attends the'J Cal. of the Cabinet, who left here about 9 30 p. m. 19-12.30 P.M. -Cotton mai-ket Wilmington. /iBOtEKITS, Tea* and Flour. It pool, Sept. It u tj. ini v. s><, ble at or in the went out of date, away of .James A-Garfield. may| Ar at Fleetwood T J Southard, Handy, ooart, wars, General has notified Vice passing Forcieu liupovtH. mil; Uplands at 7 3-16d; Orleans at 7 3-l6d sales Sept 7th, Attorney MacVeagh be confidently asserted that among the thiugsl San Francisco. 47 Free Street. and to trail a in the low countries w as no d ,0 0 bales; speculation j and export 1000; futures pike The Grand Lodge at Cincin- President Arthur of the President’s demise. which his slow has made COW BAY, C6. Schr Nellie F Sawy r—453 tons Sovereign martyrdom plain Hour. Fane and one of the liberal the cities and so- to| coal to Ryan & Kebey. n steady. SPOKEN. Tea*, longer arts, nati. p. this people is that there can be no stable Pure Ac. rn.15 m.i gov-J PILLaU. Bark J up ter—1271 bales rags to S GROCERIES,Coffee, Spieoe, Butter, Ao., of France and contended for tbe eminent for them at home, nor respect abroad,! I>g Aug 30, lat 36 N, Ion 20 W, ship S C Blanchard, WILLIAM MILLiKKN A 582 St ciety Italy Cincinnati, Sept. 19.—The Sovereign The Cabinet has arrived and cone in a Warren & Co. « OU., Congress just while tends to stimulate! Notice. Ladies now cream tartar anc Oakes, from Liverpool for San Francisco. once en- L of Odd Fellows of the United political partizanship PORT NS Schr J M Dean—142 using or rather the plume, of fashion Grand »dge -FOGGING, East or 40 miles, Belle /HJN8 AND FISHING TACKLE. palm, to All are here ex- lowest of our and tousg *ia in will have better results Sept 16, Cape May brig is its annual session here. The body Franklyn Cottage. the passions nature, coal ti> Portland Ker Oil Co baking by aging for Du Pout a POH alone. men of rank States holding place-1 Yeast Powder. it in cake Prescott, White, from Buenos Ayres for Boston. VT tgent D#.K, and joyed by Venice Young the General hunting becomes the of the most ST JOHN, NB.' Schr Julia S—100,000 ft boards! ougress Try biscuits, report of the Gland Sire shows that for cept Blaine and Lincoln. Attorney parent re-gj etc. HEN D rtOtK. G. L. BAILEY. 221 Middle St. to Mark P •oughnuts, pie srust, and fashion still swam in a gondola, but gath' there were morseless hatred and foulest revenge. The | year eudiDg Dec. 31, 1880, §456,- has the latter two, who Emery.__ Slade’s English Mustard is sold by all gio- Store. Hair Jrwelry and Human MacVeagh telegraphed blood of the dead President will, we believe I ered wit to on in 000 members and 79,429 encampment Grain market. *rs. Hair Goods of ail kinds made to order. practice home-keeping youth lodge are now en route to of the Pres- SPECIAL UA1R for t.he was Long Branch, and trust, n Uriah such hatred and|sorrow NOTICES. 6_7 Paris and Aix-les at FJ orence members. The total relief year for^ Portland. 19. k A. BLOCKLINGER, Congress SL Bains, Rome, the evils out which its Sept. §687,655; the total revenue, §4,594,622. ident’s death. oi sueddiug grew, thutg aud Tnrin, and at tbe tables of tbe the of his death in the .5 The following quotations of Grain were receive; IIARBIAGES. cutierv, Tool*, gaming Great excitement here and potency may prove, g ca-TJ and Builders’ prevails particu- A. W. -Jordan isr®. Hardware,Glass Supplies. Rhenish as well as at the Ri- providence of G«»d, to be greater than iy telegraph from Chicago to-day by prince bishops, Western Crop Prospect lars cannot be obtained. The around aughtg fijj T. L. MERRILL A CO., No. 9 Market Sqnar 3 guard which should have atteuded the street: At these the Tribune I unflagging! 57 Commercial D. Ammunition and Tackle dolto in Venice. places, grand Chicago. Sept 19.—The prints eight no In this city, Sept. 17, by Rev. A. McKeown, D., Fishing ami deal* r* in the has been doubled and one is al- kuu L'cni euergiesoi uis uut> — M|iuuir». some cottage 'hic&go-Wheat——. -—Corn-—Oats Frederick Tar box and Miss Dora E. Davis. of a columns of Western crop roports, giving ~ | Harness Leather, Wholesale and Retail. tonrists encountered much company, has r Nov. Oct. Nov l have now the largest and most complete stock 01 HARNESS idea of the of the losses sustained lowed to approach it. The Government Columbus, Sep'. 19.—News of the Sept. g In Ellsworth. Sept. 10, Chailes A. McCartney and CHAS. J. WA LKER A CO., 163 A 166 Middle St met the Admirable magnitude Presi-| 13 4% G53/4 42 the above goods in the State. Wholesale and mixed description. They dent's death caused the most * gj Miss Georgia Haskell. the The greatest damage to taken of the only telegraph wire profound grief, retail. Also for the New by great drought. possession 132% 65 % 41 in Tremont, Sept. W. Thurston aud Miss agents following A FURS. Special Fine, Chevalier de Balibari, his excellency the Count all the is fouud iu southern The bells are to'ling. The Republican State? 6, Henry Wolf Robes a crops Illinois, which is connected at Elberon. It will be al- 1321/s 64% 65% 41% | Maria S Kummel. manufacturing companies: HATSYork Goods. Buffalo A specialty a Committee at once withdrew all the Middle and the Lucrezia, and the where every crop has this season proved fail- appointments* 132 Va 64% 65% 413/* § In Trent >nt. Chas. H, of MERRY, Hatter, 237 St Cagliostro, pretty most to further details Sept. 9, Capt. Dodge Mtf Parker & Fox Double Breech aud is now to impossible get to-night, for this week. 131% 64% 65% 40% illustrious Giacomo Casanova, with his watch ure, corn bekg imported supply ft Desert aud Miss Rose E. Thurston of Tremont. Cap* and Fur*, manufacturer are off from all communication 131 64% 65% 40^/4 Loading Guns, the home demands. This whole region is now as we shut Chicago, Sept. 10.—The fire alarm notified! fi and Dealer in Furs, Ac. in each his cordon of the sometime* 130% 633/4 65% 40 V* H Ladin A Rand, Orange Sporting HATS. Robes, fob, Spur doing every thing possible to ship out stock of with the and its ali bell towers in the at 10 30 to-night G. A. SUSSKRAUT, 232 Middle St. cottage inmates. city ofj November torn 9.36 a m 66%c; 9 50 a m 66% DEATHS*. Powder. mistaken for the Saint with an ace up ,11 kinds. Iu central Illinois the damage has the and the slow and jgjj and Blasting Esprit, M.I death, immediately 12.31 p m «5% c; 1.02 p in 65%c call •;5%c Omsk PHARMACY. [12 sol-| — ALSO— hand with not been so great, but the prospects as compar- emu of the bells called thousands for 12.31 a ra 1.02 m Borneo. Books and Gases. his left sleeve, and his right ready General has came tolling ofj September, 39%c; p 39%c.|J HOmEOPATHICMedicines, ed with July are roil need nearly 25 per cent. Attorney MacVeagh just people out on the streets. call 39%c. In this city, 18th inst., Joseph, only chi’d of and Atlas S. E. SYLVESTER, M. D. 410 Congress St carte and tierce. a _ Rendrock, Dualin, They unquestionably spent our of 33 over two-thirds Hotel from and and Martha Cooke 6 months 11 In Missouri, reports, to Elberon Francklyn Cottage George aged days. Powder wholesale and retail. Chronometer*, in sham marbles OaHy Ooucnuc In this 19th Charles Watche*, great deal of money antique report corn damaged from 20 to 30 per cent. the statement: city, lust, 'Thomas, youngest and Silverware made following THE LAST DAY. < child of Patrick and 14 JEWELRY,Clocks, Charts, of the old mastars In winter wheat out of 23 reports over two- By water oonveyanoe—1000 bash torn meal to Bridget Welch, aged T. WM. SEN TER A 64 St and well-doctored conies to Lowell at 10 o’clock. B.DAVIS, CO., Exchange thirds show decrease iu but little I sent my despatch i>BR & months, 17 days. If very rich, they pulled down their country acreage, very Gradually Sinking: but Death Not Expect-f to._ In Mrs. Minerva C. Kendall before that Dr. Bliss had seen the Freeport, Sept, 16, No. 178 Middle Watche*, Diamond*, and them with Palladiau progress with fall plowing. Shortly ed so Soon. widow of the late Wm. R. 74 Street, Silver and Piated Ware. houses, replaced Dry Goo;b Wholcnale market. Capt. Kendall, aged JEWELRY,Solid of tile to recent rains a decided Opp. Pont Office. cor. structures, such as miniature temples Owing heavy President and found his pu’se 100 and ali con Tho c&lcial and unofficial bulletins below Shows years 6 months 19 davs. Nearly CARTER BROS., 521 Congress, Casco St and Neverthe- for the better is expected in the corn The following quotations are wholesale prices and In Saccarappa, Geo. F. 21 apr21 sn eod6m winds, partbenons pantheons. change ditions then a The Sept. 19, Webb, aged Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, fu- in Kansas. Out of 38 one promising quiet night. the condition of the President up corrected Storor Bros. & Co., Goods TEWELKY, less, the old grand tonr bad its uses. The crop reports only yesterday toj daily by Dry years. tf Silverware Mauul’rs Gold and Silver Platers. a in- doctor asked the President if he was service at 2.30 ture or member of Paaliament, with or shows a crop equal t» 1880, and majority feeling 'near the hoar of his decease. his Woolens and Fancy Goods, 54 $ 56 Middle street: [Funeral Wednesday afternoon, ATWOOD A WENTWORTH, 609 Congress St peer Though symp.J o’clock, at M. E. Church. ^ without his was from En- dicate damage from drought of 20 to 76 per uncomfortable. The President answered, “Not “bear-leader,” away toms were cons dered alarming death was UNBLEACHED COTTONS. In Kennebuuk. Sept. 14, at the residence of her * tVELBY, Watche*. Clock*, Nilver A for a of He r cent. Cure Your Corns gland perhaps couple years at all,” and shortly afterwards fell asleep, and 36 in. 7%@ 8 Fine 7-4.14@17 sou, Mark H. Ford, Mrs. Jane M. Holland, aged Plated Fine Watch Repairing. From Ohio and of 67 24 re- hardiy expected so soon. Jeavy JE Ware, mained long enough in foreign countries to ac- Indiana, reports, vied. 36 in. 7% Fine 8-4=.16@20 88 years. BY USING ROBERT B. SWIFT, 613 Congress 33 Dr. Bliss returned to his room across the hall 0%@ some idea of their language and man- port ooru damaged 50 to 75 per cent., report A. Light 36 in. 6 @ 6 Fine 9-4.20@2« In Brunswick, Sept. 11, Omer J. Morin, aged quire President. Colonels |9 M.] Watche*. Clock* and Bilve. ners; he lived in the best and wittiest society from 10 to 40 per cent. from that occupied by the Fine 40 in. 7%@ 9 Fine 10-4 ...27%@32% 17 days. SCHLOTTERBECK’S damagq Long Beanch, 19.—The condition of Ware, Manufacturers of Masonic Goods, Ac. known aud if he From Iowa, of 41 reports, 33 corn the Sept. BLEACHED TONS. JEWELRY, tuat existed in the world; report Swaim and Rockwell remained with the President this continues unfavor- J. A. MERRILL A CO., 239 Middle 8t 10 to 75 cent. morning to be a clever person, got rid of some damaged per after 10 Best 36in..ll%@l3 Fine 6-4..16 @20 ftAffjINtt DAYS OF STEAllSHiPS. happened President. About fifteen minutes able. Shortly after the issue of last evening ID GLOYG8, Lace*, kmallwarw aud superstitions about the From Nebraska, of 24 reports, 9 report corn Med. 36 in.. 8 @11 Fine 7-4.19 @23 Wart & Bunion Solvent. prevalent English and remark bulletin lie bad a chill, lasting fifteen minutes. FROM FOB to, LA.Ladies' b Goods, wholesale and recall* fields of ihe merit of 15 to 20 percent., and nine 60 to 80 o'clock the President awakened 36in.. 6 @ 7% Fine 8-4.21 @26 urnishing playing Eton, riding damaged The febrile rise coulinued until mid- aght Lake Champlain ..Montreal...Liverpool....Sept 18 Entirely harmless; is not a caustic. OWEN, MOORE A CO., 607 A 609 Congress of cent. The remainder show a reduction of he was following Fine 42 in.. 10 @14 Fine 9-4.25 @30 straight across country, aud the capacity per ed to Gen. Swain that suffering greet’ gj Colon.New York.. Aspin wall... Sept 20 It removes Corns. Warts, Bunions and Callous night, during which time his pulse ranged Fine 6-4..*..11 Fine 10-4 ANT~Tnilor. A bine Aosrl- to heat three Frenchmen on yield which varies from oue-lourth ol a crop heart @17 Wyoming.New York..Liverpool....Sept20 without a blemish. an) Englishman and placed his hand over his from 112 to 130. that followed ..27%@32%g leaving xnent of Goods. to a total failure. pain Tl^e sweating Gallia.New York..Liverpool 21 for in each bottle. MERCU imported any fair field of battle. TICKINGS, ETC. ...Sept Brush applying A. 231 Federal Dr. Bliss was summoned and when he entered was quite profuse The cough, winch was Renublic.New York. 22 F. SMITH, St. 'Ve have all that. It is no Minnesota has a better crop of corn this sea- Drills. 9 .Liverpool....Sept LUJIS IS O UAllAXTBED.^&H changed longer troublesome the •hill, him but Pickings, 8@ Frisia.New 22 A Fine son than those States which make this a room found the President during gave r| York..Hamburg....Sept MERCHANT TAILOR. heid necessary to the education of a young graiu the substantially Best.15 Corset .. 7 8 1 centa. all little annoyance for the remainder of the night. @17V2 j Jeans* Parisian.Quebec —Liverpool.. ..Sept 24 Price *A5 For aale by Druggist*. 111 assortment of Cloths for Gentlemen’s Wear man with that he should a cer as the intense heat of August forced of the heart al- Medium... 11 @14 8@ 9% a prospects pass specialty, without pulse and the action This at 8 bis was 98, jSattcens. Dominion.Quebec.Liverpool... .Sept 24$ it and will be convinced like thousand/ AUG. S. FERN ALD, 237 Middle morning temperaiure — ydu tain time at tbe various courts of Europe. The the crop to premature maturity, and late corn Light. 8 @10 Cambrics. 5@ 5% m of Chester_New 24 Try most undistiugnishable. He said at once the pulse 100 and respiration 22 and feeble. At City York..Liverpool....Sept who have used it and now testify to its value. craze now is that everybody should has been badly dried up. Cornfields in many Denims.12%@16%ISilesias.10@20 Devonia.New York..Glasgow —Sept 24 Aab for gchlotterbech’» Corn and Wan prevalent and directed that Mrs. 8 30 he had another chill, on account of which Ducks-Brown 9 t£12 !Cotton Flannels. 7 x16 27 MRS. E. R. to America. The Americans districts are now ready to gether. President was dying Arizona.New York. .Liverpool....Sept Solvent and take no other. Millinery. FOWLE, go good-natured ihe was A 'Twine & No. 4 Llm farmers have been dressing temporarily postponed. Fancy 12Va(j|l6% Warps 18@28% Lake Manitoba.Montreal.. 28 sndtf St are fond of English folk. They have In Kansas for two weeks Garfield be also the doctors. The | .Liverpool....Sept nov23 very called, bulletin will be issued at J2 30. Batting—Best...... 11 Va ajl3 g Baltic.New York..Liverpool....Sept 28 a ever since their uew corn owing to the complete a fancy goods, # shown generous disposition they cribbing President remained in a condition until 1). W. Good. 8%@l of Pai-a.New York. 30 m failure of ieroads are now dying (Signed) Bliss, City .Aspinwallv..Sept Velvets, Flowers and Real Lacos. beat us m yacht Dunam# aua jock maxing pasturage. Large York. Panama.Oct 10 Millinery 10 35 wheu he was dead. He died D. Hayes Agnew. Vccapulco.New MRS. J. DRY DEN, Cor. Congress aud Cusco Sts 1851, aud the has not been decreased being made ie the new crop of corn. pronounced of iiehmond..New York. 1 feeliug P. Mtoek market. City .Liverpool.Oct FINANCIAL. the Alabama award aud the victory of Iro- of some trouble of the heart, supposed to be [12.30 M.l Anchoria....New York..Glasgow Oct 1 "and nunnery «*ood», by The of stocks were receive even from suf- following quotations Oct 1 satins. Ribbons, flowers A Lades. quois. And they love an English lord, The Forest Fires In California Extending but that of course is uncertain. The chill which the President was Sardinian.Quebec.Liverpool... MillineryVelvets, neuralgia, & Moulton of th* ra Oct 4 A. £. BARNES, 402 Congress St. if be is one by courtesy. Their hospitality fering at the time the morning bulletin was is- yesterday by Woodbury (members .New York..Liverpool only San Francisco, Sept. 19.—The fire in Marin Lake 7 is proverbial. uot receive their sued lasted about fifteen minutes and was fol- Boston Stock Exchange), corner of Middle and Ex-B Neplgon_Montreal ...Liverpool.Oct They only county is and has burned over the 8 spreading a of Moravian.Quebec.Liverpool.Oct EASTMAN A guest, but take charge of him and pass him on THE LAST MOMENTS. lowed by febrile rise temperature and change streets: 16 MillinerT^ CUTTS, Throckmorton ranche of 16,000 acres. The Sarmatian. Quebec.Liverpool ....Oct Nos. 1 A 2 Uuitod States Hotel BuUdLng. to their friends—in short, put him through, as sweating. He has slept much of the time, bat Closing B WANTED. flames on Sunday extended up the northern The Last Words the President Spoke— Opening. it in called in the vernacular. hisgeueral condition is not materially changed Moston Land...... 8% 8Va mn*ic Book*. String*, MumikI slope of Meant Tamalpais to the summit, and Fortitude. ALMANAC. ...SEPTEMBER 20. _* T«* be Americans of the best Mrs Garfield’s Grief since. His temperature is 98.2, 104 and Water Power. 8% 8% MINIATURE instruments and Merchandise. put through by where a force of men are trying to prevent the puise fj MCAIC, to for 20—1 a.m.—Previous to 20. Flint & Pere Marquette common.. 3«> 31 % siuirisrs. ... .6.45 water,(AM),. 9 02 IRA 0. STOCK BRIDGE, 166 Exchange St class ij an agreeable operation uudergo, from down seaward. The town of Long Branch, Sept respiration j High fire going C. S. & lev. 7s... 105% 106 Min set?. .6 01 I Moou rises.. 2.50 one is dined aud danced in every center, the 1‘resi (Signed.) D. W. Buss, A IU8H BOOKS, Piano*, feted, -Saucelito is threatened. If the fire extends his death the only words spoken by ■iartford & Erie 7s...... 68 Va 68% aud then on to renewed D Hayes Agnew. Jfi Musical Ac. paused hospitalities over Mount there is to had a severe in his V. T. &S. F..137 137 Vs UNITED MumcOrgans, Instruments, thai Tamalpais, nothing rieut were that he pain ^ O.K. HAWES. 177 Middle St But it is agreeable and exciting, rather a P. & Maine.154 154. stop it until the ocean is reached, distance the that [0.00 M.] Boston }&] instructive The of the operation will heart. It is supposed by surgeons & Clev. 24 MARINE NEWa Gla** in Great subject of 15 miles of heavily timbered c uutry. But Though the gravity of the President’s condi- 1. S. 24%jl Good*. Eye* have no time to assimilate the knowledge, to was occasioned a clot of blood foim Eastern. 45% 4r>% J of and The beet make. few houses destroyed so far. At Summit Sta- death by tion continues there has been no OPTICALVariety Shape Color, or to check it* for iuutauc aggravation Flint & Per© .100 Va 100% *a C. H. No. 4 street. weigh it What, on the Northern Pacific Coast Bliss was the one notifi- Marquette preferred POUT OF PORTLAND. STATES FARLEY, Exchange tion, Railroad, iug on the heart. Dr. of his symptoms since the noon bulletin was Ft. Smith. 76% 76 will he iu the of insight into the cu- UR. & gain way (he flames jumped a space of half a mile, or of and issued. He has slept most of the 1% 1%;-m HANGINGS, Interior Dei ora- now worked of the ed of the President’s expression pain, time, cough- Jatalpa. rious problem being out, an and a 19. tions. Goods, Ac. else the fire was started by iuc ndiary, ing but little and ilh mote ease. The sputa Summit -Branch..... 17 Va 17 j£s MONDAY. Sept PAPERDrapery Work, Upholstery evolution of what is a negro nation entering the room he at once saw that 88 BOS WORTH A MORSE, 691 Congress St practically another large section is endangered. So far upon remains unchanged. A sufficient amount of Denver & Rio Grande. 88% Arri ved. 5s of 1881. the wreck of a ? "■« from slave-holding republic some 60,000 acres have been burned over, a the end was near. nourishment has been taken and Northern Pacific preferred. 79 78% and Coupon C bickering A Non*. Liuii* ruiun retained •* Steamer Falmouth, Hall, Boston for Eastport PIANOS; He will find that politics are not fashionable land. Common.39% 39 Ed McCam«ron A Maine Piano Co.’* large part of which is valuable timber Members ot the were immediately Temperature 98.4, pulse 102 and respiration 18. St -lolm, NB. L A Son. iu the best American society, aud that a family the Broker’s Pianos. BAILEY A 72 Exchange St. D. W. 'Sa'es at Board,Boston, Sept. 19], Barque (Nor) Zigelln, Pillau, Aug 8, with NOYES, scorns to casta vote which summoned to the bedside. All arrived and (Signed) Buss, .lupiter. Market Price Paid (01 Knickerbocker D. H. Deer Isle Mining Company.b 60— to S D Warren & Co. Vessel to Chase, Leavitt Highest and ot best make*. that aristocrat’s boot- A Rumored Duel. Agnew. 8Ucj| *rags Onjna* may be neutralized by J perfect quiet prevailed. Sullivan Mining Co 4 this Issue by PCANONFive makos of Pianos aud four of Organa. of and 19.—It is rumored a 19.50 A. M.] jgj Cow CB-ooal Free St Block black. He will find plenty agreeable Richmond, Va., Sept. the ordeal with Douglas Mining Company. 2%^0 j Sch Nellie F Sawyer, Bunker, Bay, SAM L' El. 1H UKSTON. N 0.3 has Mrs. Garfield bore trying clever men, and still more agreeable and clev- duel been fought between Gen. Peyton The President’s chill this lasted to Kvan Hi Kelsey. A morning ur.iv .i w n«un /Rri Durant. Port Jorarins. NS— A Organ*. Weber, Kiiimch raw Wise aud United and exhibited er women. He a taste for States District Attorney great fortitude unprecedented nearly tweuty minutes and was quite a severe Bach and Smith Am. t iruans. may acquire New York Slock and Honey market. coal to Keiosene Oil Co. PIANOSPianos, shredded and Lewis iu consequence of and to uo of one. He is as some A 435 St tomatoes, clams and cabbage, political speeches courage. She gave way paroxysms reported having slept since Sob Julia St NB—lumber W. M. FURBUSH SON, Congress articles. Warrants were issued for (By Tefcjgr *ph.) S, (Br) McIntyre, John, for raw wild ducks; but, so far as good uewspaper evident she it subsided but is now awake. He has taken a nearly grief and after death became New York, Sept. Money loaned to Mark P Emery. ri’Bfi Frame IPy. All kinds Frames American is he will fiud it, their arrest to day but they could no be fouud. small of nourishment. 19—Evening. 3| Koss. from for Boston. society concerned, she quantity on e mercau* •.'* Sch Hugh (Br) Nora Scotia to ordsr. Fine Gold Frames a Specialty. met at and witbdiew to her own room. There b tween 4@tt il, closing 4^5; prime PIC mi"as political a reflection of It is reported they Warrentou quietly Scb lanthe, Johns, Gouldsboro—canned lobster to H. 37 Street. conversation, n xrr: —..,1 ..A 10 A. tile paper 5 tiG. Exchange eteauy at 4H1 for long 3 R. KNIGHT, lemple full of but [10 M.] & Morrill. that of Europe To catch the national charac sat a heart-stricken widow grief, and 484A4 for sh rt. Governments are weak, ex- .a Burnham Dr. nton s»ys that the N to W Sts. SHIRTS in IDE TO ORDER, Fins to the of Another says they met near Qaan-H it Boy during prevalence 5s oft’ *s and 4%s m Sch Harvey, Bunker, Ellsworth—lumber Cor. Middle & Exchange teristic-i, plumb uuspeakable depths report with too much Christian courage to exhibit tended selling l4, coup Vs coup Furnish nauerwwu »uu and Wise was of the rigor the President’s pulse went to F Milliken. eodtt ^ mgs, intrigue and that office-seeking which tico, on the Potomac, Gen. np Vfe; ot hex-issues unchanged. State bonds dull. Bail-iM jy7 MERRILL A CO., Under Preble House. political sbotE| to those about her. She of course was laboring 143 and was feeble. At this hour Sch Tiger, Gray. Camden—lime to P & O RR. like a to dem- in the and Lewis in the left breast very it has road bonds irregular. seems to cling pestilence purely right thigh Scb Llaitie M Calais fer Glou- Harness || a straiieand her efforts decreased to about 140. The patient is ex- he transaction* at the Stock Exchange Mayo, Robinson, Haidwarc, Leather ocratic institutions, ne must go beneath the under terrible despite £ggreg*t-S weak and there is cause for ed 207.454 shares cester. and Horse Goods. Wholesale and Retail. from her and her tremely great for Gloucester. SADDLBBf surface. Success fn New Haven. tears flowed eyes The are to quotat ions Sch Eliza Jane, Hutchins, Orland GEORGE M. NKLS< & G« ). 119 Exchange St. Republican [P3 ■alarm. following -day’s closing ofg for Boston. her noble men Securities: Sch Martha Weeks, Somes, Ellsworth bonds' became drawn attempt Govern New 19 —At the annual elec-sa lips by Dr. Bliss has made a statement as to the for New York. fumacei. A Iinduo Haven, Sept. p States 6 ex .100% Sch Benj Reed, Reed, Kennebec qjTOVB»,B«uge», Curious Pets. of with which she has been of the (Jniteo s, ^ ^ tor he ‘Orawior tton for three members of tie Board to bear the burden and progress President’s lung States 6’s ext •% Sch Blake, Kennebec foj New York. Cook County, III. 7s. Supplies. Agents itange.” Educa-Jg ^origin United ..10< Starlight, A 233 A on the bor tion the successful ticket was the one He said the troubles Schs Venilia, Cole, Fnndy, with 150 bbls KNIGHT HOWARD. 235 Federal St. There lives in Sandwioh, MasB., to-day, afflicted. Miss Mollie was naturally, greatly Stroubles. fuug began United Stares new, 4t4’s, reg. Bay Chicago, Milwaukee & St, Paul to 118%;^ 160; Nellie May, lakes iu gotten up by a lew Republicans ostensibly ■with hypostatic congestion, which was cauie d United States new, 4%’s mackerel; Ezperanza, Gross, do, 1st Mort. 7s. and Bunmcvs. bets of one of the most charming and a burst of tears flowed from the coup.113*4^ 210. R. R. ^TOVES, Range* defeat any tickets which the present board affected, Bin part by his being in a recumbent position, Unite States new, 4 s, reg ..116 t£ >Dyer, do, O Agent for Wood, Bishop A Go.s’ Goods. the accom- her noble effort Dayton & Michigan R. R. 1st America, a Mrs. F. H. Bnrgess, might put in the field. It had to encounter, child’s eyes, notwithstanding ■because *he side was injured by the wound. United States new, 4’s, coup. Cleared* W. D. AMES, 29 Market Square. 6’b of Mort. 5s. a he created Pacific 95.130 New plished wife of a well-known furniture dealer, however, only ticket made by Democrats, to follow the example of her mother. ST parotid swelling inflammation Jj|| Steamship Eleanora, Bragg, York—Henry and Furuncr*. of stocks: as No. Pacific R. R. Gen’l mort. 6s. Rouge*, with three Democrats on it. to be uTwhich extended from the gland to the mnniiM The following are the closing quotations Fox. STOVES,Sole Agents for Magee Furnace Co.’s Goods. who is at present attracting no little notoriety The death scene was one never forgot- Rockland—Ken- car of tbe throat aud larynx, and after- .'hlcago So Alton.. 130 S I Sch Louisa Frances, Thorndike, Eastern Trust Co. 6s, A, N. NOYES A SON, 12 Excbauge St through the relation she sustains to the Inhab- Perfect and there was & Alton Hi feeU & Tabor. ten. quiet prevailed, ward Invaded the broneulal passages and was vbJcag<' preferred.139 and other desirable securities, Furnaces, und Ranges. itants of this lake. It has her custom MINOR TELEGRAMS. while the President was attracted to tbe rather 0. B. Quincy. .... 160 been not a murmur heard right lung than to the KjJ EBOM atEBCHJLNT’S EXCHANGE. -FOR SALE BY- STOVES,Sole Agents for the W Ham- BARRETT, French and & at luug. fiually Lake Shore.126*4 Sid fm Bremen 17th iust, ship E Stetson, TAILOR.German. English Good® chanced to be favored with au invitation to The tannery of Kierstad Sou, Hancock, sent to the * ton. Telegrams were immediately added to that the ocees of blood poisoning viichigan Central. 94% mond, New York. Me. W. H. KOHKLNG, 89 Exchange St N with a of, leather, was 186 Middle St., Portland, witness 'his novel feast of the tribe. Y., large quantity in and to the sous winch in the course of time was sufficieut to Sew Jersey Central .... 95% % finny Loss President’s mother Ohio, nnd Draper. Bine Goode and burned yesterday. §40,000. in the au N orth western.126 *4 Screamer, 1203 tons, built at Brunswick in first the water with her haud- are now at Williams develop right luug inclination to an Ship cashed. rAII.ORFirat-clae® Work a She [membrane S. Bonds _.. who New U. Called Specialty. splashes of the battle and James, was Sorth western preferred.. 137% 1862. now on t e way from Bangor to Orleans,* Yesterday was the anniversary Harry abscess. This not developed until within £3 3 eodtt D. E CORNISH, 249 Middle St. a there be seen and York Central.143 Vi Si on local account for sail wbeu iu moment may ap- of in which President Garfield as also to Vice President Arthur three or four New has been sold $12,000. Chickamauga, College, days. Rock Pi and draper. of Island.136 41 from every direotiou hundreds took a part with Gen. Thomas. men. proaching distinguished other prominent public Must be vliiwaukee & St. Paul. 120 nGUOKANDi. Taii.orFine Good® always on hand. Satisfaction from Guiteau Taken to Long Branch §|1 231 Federal large then eels, iu size The Grand of Odd Fellows from for fr. A. SMITH, St shiners; varying Sovereign Lodge Sew 19.—A Brig Clara J Adams, I>ow, Boothbay Notice. iuarant>*ed? of the United is its annual ses- York, Sep Long Branch spec- Uuion Pacific stock.122% Cl ashore one to about three feet in length, may he seen States holding Philadelphia, with ice. went Sunday night, Masons ami tlieir friends are in- Cn.kctt., « ««■., THE LAST BULLETIN. ial to the Brooklyn Eagle says:—“'It is ascer- vVestern Union Tel. Co. 88% d oi sion in Cincinnati. about one mile north Highland Light Station. V. Hall on for fuueral*. turtles the rNDEPENOENTvited to mr?t at Congress ThUK8DAY.H UNDKBTilKKBSKobe., ami ever, tv^ni.iH> cautiously approachiug. Next appear! Death. tained from sheriff of Monmouth where she remains. Her mainmast n<* ll>lS ^ Dr. Santa Maria has been installed President The Doctors’ Statement of the county 1 Cape Cod. Isfj SEP I’. 22, at 7Va p. m to organize a Society to ben MckVctsNA ft 4»4Con«r«M84 that it the President dies here hull to be She® on the surlace ten, twenty and thirty feeil Guiteau win inliloraitt Hiairtic Mt»ckk. gone and the appears breaking up. called the Citizens’ Life Boat, or Temple Paoifk.M of Chili. a. m-1 of the mate. McFadden ami Clock 'laker, [1.15 have to be brought here at once before a coro- .was in charge Capt remain-fiS of which is, as far as ihe away, their necks ttretched to see (By Telegraph.) Crew saved the the obiect possible, proiBO-3|j Oliver Gerrl»b at appareniiy Gen. Hancock will detail a court of- ner’s The coroner can at h >mH this voyage. by Station sE classes and WATCU special Long Branch, Sept. 20.—The following jury. view the bod) ■iug tion of pe*ce among individuals, races,m & 54 whether it is friend or toe who is dis at iAN Ekancisoo. Sept. 19 The following are I he vessel registered 466 tons, was built at M WM. SENTEK CO.’S, Exolumge Street urhiu^l martial to try Sergeant Mason, who shot aud let it but Guiteau must he a' th«;J linen. ani the intellectual and moral instruction ai d en ficial bulletin has been issued: go, produced .osing uuottttiona of stocks iu and owned S of fig just Mining to-day: [culler 1869. by Staples, Lubee,« tertainment of the The of thlsSI Ilcalcr. i. Savvey the waters. In less than three m.uutes thesel Quiteau. once. New Jersey law is very strict outliai of people. meetings W.oiland P. M.l Beet <& Belcher... y ? Winslow & Co Portland, Capt McFadden,® will he nubile. MB WOIUiS * ly the new British minister at 11.30 and men want Guiteau. 12%^ is insured. Society sep!9-d3t WOOD.Kin.llii>«.. PICKETT, pinm. various species bad ooilected directly before! L S. West, After the point Jersey evidently Bodie. and otliors. The captain sails for Philadelphia Oct. 15th. The President died at 10.35 p. m. SVig her, and as she commences to feed, the water! Washington, THE PRESIDENT’S DEATH. gf caught his gun in a brush, when it wont off NEW MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. j auction OALKK. TT-rre PHESS. li'and discharged its commits in one of his knees. ADVERTISEMENTS_ was carried at once to his home, and rnedi-. pgtHe Stock of aid summoned, but the shock was so great Large Dry Goods, Fancy How the News Was Received Here. jj$fcal ! rUESDAY MORNING. SEPT, 20. could save aud he died in Htbat nothing him, ^THE CHEAPEST”! Goods, Woolens, Ac., Ac., “about four hours after tlie accident. He wasj -AND- THE PRES8 At seventeen minutes before th< about 38 years of age, and leaves a family. fc< A. & 1 By Auction. midnight F. ROSS CO., HEADQUARTERS v of N. G ?*t obtained at tbe Periodical De|K)t? bells to and as reached LINCOLN COUNTY. shall sell, commencing on Tuesday, Sept. Arm- began toll, the count F -: Urn, Tur.^uis, Brunei &. Co., Andrews, ol | —FOR— WE 20th, at 10 o’clock a iu and continue until the sad to oui A little of Mr. Frank Moulton Will one of the finest assortments of »t. x. •Veinworth, Hodsdon, A. T. Cleveland thirty assurance was brought daughter open September 19, told, at 10 a m. and 2 Vi in at our salr-aro^m. a cut a p. & Maine an. Whitefield, received dangerous fewfs a 7a MiddleSu, '-Velander, Bosun* Depot, people that President Garfield was dead. The L8 Exchange street, large a >d desirable stock of that run out of the while with a The C Life »n rains Safest and Suit- Cblsbo'.m l?ros., all „d»jg ago, playing jack-knife. Dry Fancy Goods, consisting of cloth* for was at that and the streets de- J blade d y. city quiet hour, ran, and fell on the knife, the en-^ DRESS losurancof ngs and O ercoa iBkS. Dress Goods, Cashmeres, V- Co. an GOODS| »^:>urn. illarrl Small A “rted; but tiro tolling brought men from theii iring the bowels and severing important-* \ipacas and IJnens, Napkius, Hosiery and Gloves, Acguw. F Pierce. lood vessel. The wound is a dangerous Ever Exhibited in this city, including I Ladies' aud Gents’ I'noerwear, arpets Hamburg imes. The offices were crowded WATCHES, H. ii*bb A Co. newspaper oue.g and Linen and Bangor.J. or Edgings Insertions, Yarns, Paper or J. O. Shnw I In Gold Silver Cases, for® Ac. Hath, ith anxious inquirers, and others clustered iutlieWorld! dollars, Worsteds, Veilings, Belt*, Ac., Thb F. M. Burnham. Ladies or Gentlemen. a ibove stock was for and contain* Bi&ieford, the coufir. bought city trad*, Jollerson’s Bookstore. out the Western Union, dreading Lorinff, Short & Harmon PLAIN AND STRIPED PLUSHES, § ;h* usual variety ot staple and fancy goods, and Bridgtci., Daniel Dickens. ation of the news. The sad In will be sold without reserve In lots to suit. Ladies deplorable ave for sale a very convenient little bill | B. G. Dennison. andij ire Invited to attend this sale. Bn*’svicfc, was received Hand F. A. Verrtil, Uigence, so long apprehended, file called the Economy. Qim» Mills, itter VELVETS, PLAIDS,! 14,18 thousand P. BAILEY & Damariixttft, E. w. Dunbar without astonishment bnt with SILKS, SATINS, 0. CO., AUCTI0TEEB6. silence, per !| sepl7 dtd Freeport. W. A Mitchell. and A ofound People felt too deeply grieved THE Fry^carg, K. C. Harmon Shirley Lewf, regret. Carpets are as much an article of necessity g FLANNEL ETC. 1 CHAINS. I rainier A Oo. SUITINGS, Gardiner, talk much. means of jj Irish. 1 the humblest home, as a luxury! All tlie desirable patterns injra F. O. BAILEY A CO., Gorham. J, and -A. owtU, C. L. Spaulding. ad adornment in the residences of Our stock never was so large as now, we invite your solid Gold or Boiled SEMI-ENDOWMENT POLICY 1 MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. inspections^' Merchants Lew&ton, Chandler A Estes. thej| before purchasing. Plate.|j| inetloneers and Commission Judkins. In selecting one, ■whether Lisboa, C. K. ealthy. -OF THE- IS Ml. Fall*. A. W. if. A. expensive'^to Salesroom Exchange Mechanic Bridge, Millott. p otherwise, a good light is necessary prop-,1 A. O. F. O. 0. W. Al LKN Norway, Noyes. THE CAMP FIKE. and BAILEY, Richmond, G. A. Beale. rly inspect quality, texture, color design;® *). The Fire NOTICE. sale of Furniture and General jlcrchan- RocKiaed, C. Andrews, Camp company produced theii ad purchasers like to select from weshal Regular E. H. Johnson. patteri)8i| We have received another lot of “CARPET SAWIPL,E§”that lise every Saturday, commencing at 10 o’clock a. gitbattus. ?un in an | Camp” at City Hall last lat are latest and most with and oct3dtf ?m: at ’he Post Office. evening, artistic, sell for SO percent less tlisiu price. Tli se are in one DIAMONDS, u. Consignments solicited. •‘vrappa. regular le un-^ t«o'| I Life Insurance of L. Hodsdon and is to an The Saco, H. B. Kendrick. play supposed represent evening aubted as to quality. exten-g ard There is a demand for these, so come early to King, Drops, Lace Pins, Ik, guarantee > Thomaxton, S. Delano. lengths. great se-|g &c|a camp and the comrades themselves & 169 £ or three and then And fault with Jr VI:.a have*:. B. Lane enjoy ve warerooms of Joel Goldthwait Co., rare the best. Don’t wait two days OF iEWYORK, Waldo'ooro. G. Bliss. >und the camp fire. The Dutchman, Irish- afford all these the assortment. Washington street, Boston, in-,^ [s the SAF ST and CHEAPEST In- WaterriUe, J. M. Wall. m and Negro were all present and enter- and are now filled with a superbB Bazar Patterns. Wfocassel. Gibbs & Bundle*. ucements, Sole Agents for Harper’s snrance trer offered any Com- W^odiord*s Comer. H. ined the audience with their and makes of by Moody. songs jsortment of all choicest g pany, and is secured by As-. 1881 Yarmouth C. E. carpetings,|| 1881 Ooombe. i«s Major Gorman gave a drum solo and a lited to the wants of all classes, an I to over JEWELRY, sets amounting iuspectiong in ;litning drill exhibition. Mr. John H ! which will prove of interest to all. Handsome patterns diets,Ll CITV i S L> VICINITY. irne’s musical specialties were good, and the Lace Pins; Drops, Scurfag Jeing by the colored quartette very fine. F. A. ROSS & C05GRESS ST.I Finger Bings, &c. M Pins, —on -■ eodtf ra Se play will be repeated this evening. Have tried, as a remedy for your Cold or C0,Tm ^ you $90,000,000. FALL NEW AOWEh{T,i3EMHiNTS TO-DAY. Soro|! MV sweetheart. Throat, Dr. Graves’ Balsam of Wild Cherry aodl || and & ENTERTAINMENT COLUMN. "My Sweetheart" was produced at the Port- |§| Tar? Composed; as it is, of two of the bes of > X TAXATION. Baird’s Minstrels. id Theatre last evening by Minnie Palmer H most simple ingredients in nature, it cannot fail Wild and Tar are universal ® NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. d her The is of little ac- &Itiild relieving you. Cherry These policies are settled in 20 years by the pay- company. play For Ladies or in HATS admitted ata'l with med* neut iu cash, of one-half the amount insured, Families—C. A- Bickford. but serves to ly by everyone acquainted Ouly. “ unt, introduce some SILVERWARE,I pleasant H as svent of death Hat to the Wi Ibor’s Cod iver Oil and the best for Coughs. All the Novelties,” weiln recurring during period cine, as sure remedies, for the amount iosured. Goldthwait. igtng and to permit Miss Palmer to appear as afiill line of >e«eftclary full Carpets—.Joel Sore Throat, Bronchi is, Whooping Cough, UNCOMMON staple I>r. W, II. Roberts Dentist. her She was as usu- Hcolds, goods.|a specialties. vivacious, all other diseases of the | no Eetail House ii ILLUSTRATION. Toe Index-Oliver Dits *u. EMHoarseness, and pulmona-S Probably and her support strong to carry facilities French Clocks, American Clock", For adien enough f>r. Graves’ are just now given by Operal® 35 in Policy of On y—Horatio Staples. e organs. Many having used ibis section has the facilities foi Age (others ages proportion), slight burden put upon them. The play gj|r\ B&lsamjS Glasses, &c. Please call of F. A. Boss & Co. are Spectacles, ^ £1,000 annual premium $29,18.— FALL II he th.s highly in its praise. If when you ii Mtse J. Martin, Teacher of Piano. repeated evening. H-'peak afflicted,|| such pin-nominal bargains and examine before you pnrehase. a giving JO of $29.18 each, $583.60 For Geullexnen On y.—Horatio Staples. baird’s minstrels. will give this really valuable remedy premiums §you trial,j& HORATIO )ne half of returned in 20 years, 600.00 l*o t in Eastern Ixepot. will not be in his effects. Samples policy It is Baird’s Minstrels, and not Barnes’, as you disappointed STAPLES| In || Insolvency—3 10 bizc. 50 cts, LADIES’ anil HISSES’ UNDER ELANNEL! IFortetlenieuOolyihave not Total cost insurance for 20 years, $83.00 cts.; who is stated that will in New generops to those gentlemen yet $1,000 yesterday, appear jH or Liv < pro-§j For Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Constipation, -AS- vide t thcm.se1 re* wi'h worm, QSFOKT-jg cost of insurance death HATS. Tliand Theatre next Monday H ^ Annual $1,000 against evening. They «ir use Catharic FLANNELS for the com-l or 20 exclusive of all dividends, Popular Everywhere. Complaint, Improved Family Pills,|p ABLE UNDER ATWOOD years, $4.18, ve & with them this year the New York Church Forw vhicb are declared as with other forms “Hardline,” the French name for Burdock, made by Dr. Graves; price, 25 cts. per box. ing cold winter, FOUR NOTABLE LOTS! annually || tud available ou the of loir Boys and Baird’s Zouave Cadets. Perkins & Co., Portland.® attention. | anniversary policy. at wholesale W. deserves is as popular iu France as in America. As an Forty lllsale by J. realjv your [■formers are advertised to STAPLES. I are the and HORATIO And best anti-scorbutic, aperient and diuretic, it cannot! appear, they FIRST. elegants 11 doubtless draw a full AUSTRALIA* WOOL Undershirts and extolled. Burdock Blood house. % be too highly Bit-| Drawers. These goods are heavy, and! Ml For further information, apply to notes. iNEW mtworthJ trrs combine, “in a condensed form,” all its ADVERTISEMENTS| We have secured feu soft and delicate to tee touch. Per-tfS COE, Tow Riol’o /'alalwafad TTntvtnttr T~ln mntvr duriugthe past yet properties. For gout, cutaneous disorders weeks the most faultless assort' sons to whom the feeling of 509 Congress good troupe will appear at Hew Portland Theatre ordinary^ Street., meut of Ladies’ that it hai is can wear those « and troubles they arc next and Undervest Flannels intolerable, | kidney unequalled.! Friday Saturday evenings. been our fortune to Youi with are Price £1.00; trial size, 10 cents. sepl9-lw veyer possess. perfect comfort, they coloreds? attention is called to a few of th( in beautiful tints of Scarlet and W. D. LITTLE THE Exciting Runaway. just White,Ij j and White and blue nurfjy Yesterday the delivery team of Messrs Dun- grades. Did gold Navy Fill, AGENT, tbe many notable can be seen in our SEW The auction sale of Dry and Fancy Goods.! and Conspicuous among White. Samples largel ning Clifford, the grocers, was standing in Merino Under this at barg litts, are our Ladies’ corner window'. &c., commences at 10 o’clock morning front of their store corner of Cumberland and 31 StreetM veils at 50 cents, with Drawers at the SECOND. RED UNDERWEAR. Many! Exchange dOw M sa esroom of F. O. & 18 aug31 HATTER Bailey Co., Wilmot Exchange! streets, when the horse became Mime price. These goods coutain a largi persons who are subject to RheumatismS ■treet. DRESS l a box that over near him of aro finished or are benefited GOODSl _‘ Ifrightened y tipped percent age wool, nicely Neuralgia, ureatly byjg has just returned from the market, with 11IMMINSS. and numbered and are tin Scarlet we New and Boston and dashed wildly up the street, the wagon accurately wearing Underiiannels; show|f YorkjPhiiadelphia styles nest for 50 ets., ever offered in these in four from a light® for fall. We shall keep the largest retail PORTLAND POST OFFICE. switching from side to side of the street. Op- goods goods grades, and the market. cotton and wool to the from New stock ever shown in Pi rtland, prioea June i. weight Haying just returned as we case. 27f posite the Cathedral the team collided with then heaviest^ York,*gj way dvwn, buy by the Many wise Physicians direct ribbed, double-breasted, all wool I am now to offer as lino a Mr. Curtis’ that out Ceutu’-fs prepared X-a Xj " team, pitching gentleman nts t« OFFICE HOURS: Rheumatic and Neuralgic pati cook Goods. lincj|| If and a serious in the back of his Passementeries, cutting gash -wear Si ARLET UNDER FLANNELS THIRD. BONANZA. These are ^ From 7.30 a. m to 8.30 p. m.f Sundays excepted. I lieavys Sundays open for Carriers *uid General Delivery head, and at the corner of Smith street the IRIDESCENT. (That is a prescription that we ciu pui mixed, ribbed, double-breasted NEW FALL from 9 to 10 a. w o: goods,g| runaway dashed over a little four year old hip for we have a complete assortment price 75 cts. (last year we sold them for® ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. li d at the lowest child of Mr. F. A. Drinkwater, that was play- ilSlack and Steel, Solid Jet, Silltf |Ladies’ Underwear, $1 00.) Boston and intermediate offices—Arrive at 12.16 Cord. [possible prices. FOURTH. JOB LOT. We have secured! TRUNKS Close at 8.16 a. m., 12.30 and 9.00 p. m. ing in the street. Some say that the horse p.m. I We have Ladies’ very fine, soft Merino an immense lot of Hen’s DRESS GOODS & Boston and the West—Arrive at job stont,^ WOOL!| 12.15, 5.10,8.iO, tirst struck the child with its feet and then the bound m. Close at 3.16 a. in.. 6.0( (Vests and Pants, handsomely cotton and wool Merino Shirts & AND and ll.lt'p. 12.30, ■nixed, | as ever been shown TRIlUGSfin this has and 9.00 p. tn. wheels passed over its body and head; others FRINGES. I finished at 75 ets each, also, manj Drawers, which we shall run for 50jj marhct.jH or via Boston & Maine Intermediate Way Mails, one wheel over the child. Af- 1 both and better. cents each while last. Also, say only passed grades cheaper Railway—Arrive ai 12.40 and 8.10 p.m. Close at UlnFk and Steel, Draw they wc| street ISlridesecnr, variety of Un iervests and sell an excellent of Men’s Youths’J have received di-B 8.16 *. m and m. this the horse dashed down Smith Sol-l| Every (iiiality We l2.Soj». |iter id and all Silk, i» a assortment of just Great Southern & Western—Arrive at 12.16 5.10 Jet, Jet Silk, I-ands for Boys and Bins raugiay in price and Undershirts and Drawers We have large where he was afterward found lying on his P Boys’ forg from tiie Manufactur-fl BAGS. 8.1<’and ll.lt* p. m Close at 8.15 a. m., 12.30. roin 25 ets and upward. 25 ceuts each. rect 6.0*» and 9.00 p. m back, feet in the air, and the ruins of the and WEI NEER FORGET that we, ers a, lot of Ladies’® Parties can come hers and find just Bangor and connecting routes—Arrive at 1.16 p around him. large right wagon scattered 0NL1 sell tre w-ite iin-i. what want for a Trunk or as they m. Close at 11.46 a m. “Bonanza,” FINE BLACK SILKS 1 they Bag. to We also routes—Arrive at * The child was taken to its homo and is the and Children’s line all-wooll range from 76 cts. $16.00, Augusta and connecting 9.00 injured Ie- laundered shirt, which probably J and 4.4" CRESCENTS. that we shall sell and warrant make them to order. m. and 1.16 p.m Close at 11.45 a.m. was best 75 cent shirt kuowd. every|$ Dr. Merrill called. The doctor unable | satisfaction. Hose in new and choice! and 9.0o p. m Iridescent, Steel, Solid Jet. yard to give perfect gfl Morning Northwestern, by Grand Trunk Railway yesterday to stafe the extent of the injuries. Horatio a a. in at 8.30 a. in. FaU The above Arrive at 8.4<» Close During the afternoon the child vomited sever- Staples, styles. Lewiston and Auburn—Arrive at 2.05 anti 9.00 a. rep; m. at 6.30 and 11.45 a. m al times, and of severe STAPLES| of excellent full! m. and 1.15 p. Close complained pains 246 MIDDLE Also a fine assortment of quality, 4.46 and 9.00 m. ST., 24(5 Middle Me. p. across the chest. Tim other injured person St., Portlaud, | Castine l>eer Isle, Sedgwick, S. W. Harbor, Mt BALLS. ME. dtw jep2(/ dlw fashioned & finished seams,! was taken into the of Mr. F. sep20 PORTLAND, g SILK Desert Jones port, Machias Machiasport, East Ma- house J. Hunter,1 | COLORED DRESS SILK PLUSHES! chias Mill and Bar via eAeh steamer Solid Jet. SILKS, but to bridge Harbor, where his wouDds were dressed. Mr. Clifford Iridescent, Steel, In Insolvency. being subject slight! —Arrive at 6 a. m Close at 9 p.m. was the affair. Ikmrt of for the of Cumber we shall of-a Eaetport, via each steamer—Arrive at 6.00 a.m. very gentlemanly throughout Insolvency County wj AND VELVETS imperfections, Close at 5.00 m p id. State of Maine. p. Iusteid of his team he devoted his chasing | The index. D. 1881. mails via New to sai.- September 20. A. fer them at about half Foreign York, day previous p? new fall shades, i the! time to after the persons in- ■ Bn ail llie ing oi »»earners—Close at 8.16 a. m. whple looking case of GEORGE W. RICH, Insolvent HATS, and the East—Arrive a LACES. Debtor.|| of We! Express. Augusta Bangor jur, d. lrflS is to give notice, that on the nin* teenth ^ price regular goods. The La’de Da Silk Hat for young 8.06 a ui Close at 9.0«Ap. m. | CARLZERRAHN ex- By day of A. D. 1881, a Warrant in a gentf*. Nobbiest thing out. Hats intermediate offices and the no^n- Irish Land 1 French and Spanish. September, can this Sknwhegau, League. Gsiipure, was issued Henry C. Peabody, Judge recommend lot,! changed for $3 00. at 1.16 Close at 11.45 a. m. solvency by | Arrivc p.m The of the Irish Sacred and Secular Choruses, the Court of for said County of Skowhegan also closes at 9.00 m. regular monthly meeting | Insolvency Cum-J$ PASSEMENTERIES, FRINGES.! the p. rland, against the estate of said George VV Rich» imperfections being! Cana ia and intermediate offices, via G. T. R.—Ar- tock last Mr. and Hand League place evening. Selected arrange! Portlaud, in the County of Cumberland, doing rive at 12.5 m Close at 12.30 m. g GIRDLES, as one of the! p p. Peter O’Connor was elected secretary, vice R. siness under the style of U«o W. ich & Co., ad ■’* OPNAMENTS, very slight, Nova Scotia ami Prince Edward's Island—Close at For Soeiciies | BUTTONS Singing iged to bean insolvent debtor, on petition of© 11. 45a. m ami 9.00 p. m F. Somers, The of the best we shall be! resigned. proceeds lastj * id which petition was tiled on the twelfth BUTTONS, &C., bargains SwH.nton and intermediate via P. * O | and Musical Conventions debtor, offices, Vu, entertainment were voted to the Ladies’ To match, y of September, A. D. 1881, to which date t K. K.—Arrive at »>.16 p. m Close at 7.45 a. m. Landj able to offer this 3 Chorus associations of ail kinds will welcome this ;erost on claims is to be computed; To match all the new shades In falls season,! Bartlett, N. H., and intermediate offices, via P. & master wh< League. !ncw compile ion of ;ust the music the ITiat the of any debts to or by said ^ ex- GLOVES, payment O. R B.—Arrive at 8.55 a. m Close at 12.00 M iu dres-goods. Please call awd StS and one well the at-3 Remarks were made to the effect that the ■makes it tikes to u o, and u es so successfully, btor. and the transfer and delivery of any prop-& worthy in all colors and kinds, Hammocks, Horse Worcester, .Mass., and intermediate offices, via P. ainiue our new me tings. 27 Choruses *44 octavo pages ;y by him are forbidden by law; goods. Covers, Carriage Dusters, Ac., Ac. R U R.—Arrive at 1.20 p m Close at 12.46 laud biil was only an instalment; that it was |Umi-ical tentiou of close in board', $1.25; paper §1.0 '. Lnat a meeting of the creditors of said debtor, buyers. All goods delivered free. m ^Priee p p. introduced simply for the purpose of perpetu- prove their debts and choose one or more assign- N. H.. and intermediate offices, via P Rochester, IThe ’*cts.) Emerson, is the singinj * of his estate, will be held at a Court of Insol-« & It K K.—Close at 7.00 a. m. landlordism, and that the agitation BDKAI.( by ating book for ihe season. The best of all bi to be holden at Probate Court room, ex- I. [school ucy in| are & Carriers deliveries made Nelson puty Sheriff as Messenger of the Court of 253 Middle Street. I COE, 8.00 m. Insoljg 4.00 and 8.00 p. in On -Sundays at p. which is uodoub STUDLEY, I o I1E ( DO RU8 ($1) ed*y of Cumberland. dtf K the was endorsed- sepl2 inlying to continue agitation, the best huh school song book for those who desire roucyJorsaidCounty • new one. Also keep fa »• ind LIGHT ANI s.-hoo Superior Court. Montreal Excursion. LIFK (3 cts ) iu the front rank of sund ty song books, a worthy <*omp mion of which is equall; DR.W. ii. THE BEFoitE JUDGE BON KEY. A large excursion from Lowell and other good 4iEA« ON LIGHT (30 cts> roberts| 253 Middle Street. L. Caring, otherwise called* towns on the line of the Boston dtf Monday.—Mary mannfacturing g^-Any book mailed for retail price. DENTIST, GRAND DISPLAY sopl2 Madam Lopez, was arraigned on an indictment for & Maine railroad passed through this city yes- a house of ill-fame and n t keeping pleaded guilty. on its to Montreal aud It | way Quebec. Boston. IIORATIO terday OUTER DITSON & CO., 1576 Middle The case is set dowu for trial Tuesday morning. TU.TL&3 Street,! -OF- HATTER consisted largely of French people. The traiu Sep20 The following sentences were imposed on indict- over the Boston & Maine consisted of eleven ments and complaints under the liquor law: In Insolvency. Portland, Rftaine. cars about six hundred of 197 middle Street. aud costs. Paid. containing people, of for the of Cumberland FAUX and James Dumphy. $2(K) Court Insolvency County sep20 dlw* oodtf Michael Burke, ou four com plaints, \va* sentenced whom a large number came from Saco aud State of Maine, WIATKR| aep!7 to hues amounting to $40 ) and costs or twelve A. D. 1881. pay Biddeford. On the Grand Trunk the train was September 20th, Eastern FERNALD’S monihs in Committed. A stock selected with ref-fe Lo*t In Depot. jail. superb special In case of FITZ ROY BENNETT, Insolvent Debtor Thomas done $20 and costs. Paid. divided, going out on the regular train CARPETS.| ALL HAND marked “E. A. W..S PORTLAND AND SAN JUAN part SATCHEL, erence to nnHIS is to notice that on the seventeen!] John F Winslow, ou thr c indictments, was sen- aud a the give on plate. Finder will be suitably! pan by special. I). a warrant in In Chicago,” eleven m uiths in J day of Sept., A. 1881, rewarded it at the office of J. HAMlL-sS Goods. tenced V) jail. by leaving Dress 1 was Issued by Henry C. Peabody, Judg John Murray, $ OO and c»msls. Paid. Runaways Caught. FALL AND WINTER solvency TON, Supt. F. & O. R. R. in Eastern Depot. Fall F. TRADE,! of the Court of Insolvency for said County of Cum 3*150,000. 1*1)9 Ingrain*. tln-ir debts and choose one or more Silks and Satins. H common seller, drinking home and tip- to prove assign Overcoatings,! nuisance, careful the Boston at a Cour selected and our stock of to all of which he TJiat unusually journal, ees of hia estate, will be held Having purchased pressn pling shop, pleads guilty. WIDTHS G >ods in the season, it enables us to exhibit 100 000 Each. on IALL of to be holden at Probate Cour early Shares, $2.50 • Transcript, stumbles in its article the yel- Insolvency had been agR on third of October F. F. NT. variety than could we do if it d.-SE Oil floth*, tii iuum*, lJuol( imi9i room in Portland, the day I ! greater for Working Capital, 25,000 Shares. darkness of theOth iu this Hlat-p until the time. Appropriated low inst., paragraph: ling*. Ac. A. 1). 1881, at ten o’clock iu the forenoon. ferred present Rug") We extend a cordial invitation to all our [subscriptiou Stock.7o,000 Brief Jottings. “John G. Whittier tells the o: a level’ Given under my hand the date first above written crsto-jH for of story fr and see our new goodsW SUITINGS, Required purchase property... $0,000 GKO. W. mers and ends to come er fine at headed who ou the dark of RUGS AND MATS PARKER, for immediate Anrt day yesterday. Mercury Quaker, day May> the of Insol Required organization I )eputy Sheriff, as Messeugcrof Court AND >ind to be a member of the Connec- and in all Sizes. development expenses. $1,500 sunrise was 67*; hood, 65°; sunset, 67°. 1780, happened Pci sian, Turkish India, vancy for said County of Cumberland ticut Legislature. The mauly yet reverent na- | To raise tie above amount, $7,600, 76,000 T. M. of New has har- sep20-27 a with Merrill, Gloucester, ture of uns of the doctriuts 01 III will be offered for limited time, representative bushels of winter wheat from three in the By every incoming steamer we are con- ^ Dill TROWSERINGS. ption to increase price 100 percent wi h'»ut notice, Ye>ted fifty William Penn finds tit commemoration and Shares stiintly adding to this stock the latent I..- at ten cent** per ahare- This is at bed rock of seed. What Maine farmer has done following lines by the ‘Quaker poet.’ are now bushels choice*t foreigu style*. carefully notedevcrythieg new price to everybody. Subscriptions Abraham of whom Whittier or Having for one-third of the whole amount. better? Davenport, JSP^Our proes are m derate. A:1 D^pot Horse '; $1.25 $6.75 CHAMBERLIN k are to pledged nearly Each, per aud nobby, they prepared give books will be Saturday, Oct. to a was the son of the second Con- Cars pass ur door, ami two elevators constantly/$ Subscription opened A horse attached to a wagon belonging wrote, John, the of Portland garments that on or furnish easy access to any department. DozJ gentlemen 1st, 1 81. Prospectuses application, by running &j HOISIEdJ Tele- information at sewiug machine agent was thrown down on the gregational minister of Stamford, Connecticut, Cor. Congress and Elm Sts. are in every particular correct. mail, and all given Company’s office, eodt/ I'M) Middle Mi., Portland, Maine. Address— sidewalk in front of the Post Office yesterday, and graduated at Yale College.iu 1732. He ecpl 7 |g phone No. 570. This Shirt is fully equal! Portland and Sau Juan Mining Company. ii received no serious died iu his native town in 1789. He was long dtf ^ b injuries. sepi7 of the col- The vacations are about ovei to Custom Shirt that There was quite a fall in mirror plates at ouei a Councillor of Connecticut—first JOEL GOLDTHWAIT & any business of the furniture manufactures on Middle lege aud then of the State. He was a colonel CO.f and we again return to costs Call and see A. S. 169 I $9.00. CHAS.H. FERNALD, a iu the aud was spoken of St. children to school. NEW PLAN street yesterday, ending in serious cash. militia, invariably Washington and the them before any O’BRIONj THE BOS FON. codlw ordering 287 MiMIe PORTLAND. The usual Tuesday eveuing temperance with that title, which is good evidence eep20 and Retail Dealer in Street, intend to a nic< Wholesale sep!7 For delivery of Coal. Limited uumber will be held at the Mission that he was not a Quaker. Whittier no where We keep very other. _d2w meeting Gospel of orders for delivery of coal by the he line of daily this evening at 7.43. Good speaking and sing- in his poem of “Abraham Davenport” says Excelsior Coal Wagons, will be received ing. All are invited. was a Quaker. The poet does, however, make man fell overboard from the Boston boat a mistake in this line; _- coalJ II. Iv in" PAINE, just as it started from the wharf last night, “And they brought them (the candles) CHILDREN’S SCHOOL BOOTS Coal* a at Lowest Market CALL and SEE “Thou uy the flaring ights the Speaker read.” Doraestto Specialty, aud went under several times without losing Owen, Moore & Co. Prices. Also, ST. Col. mauly declaration was in at that competition. 26 COMMERCIAL his hat. Davenport’s prices defy the Council, which had no such officer as “tht K.ind.1 ing Wood.. In whieh for There was a touch of mutiny on board a for- Dealer special Coals, pari- Speaker.” The House of Representatives had and are not excelled by eign vessel, whose name we were nnable lo dtf ty preparation no sepl2 Bros’ Coals) this market. WLD already adjourned. This is a slight orror, 236 Commercial Street, Decker llanos, any placed upon in the harbor The learn, yesterday. captain RIP meet the market on either by ton, than a license allows. IBS’S PORTLAND, MAINE. prices, greater poet’s BOOTS, aud mate were attacked and the United States carload, or cargo. Windham, Sept. 17. W. G. FAMILIES Orders received by Telephone. apldGm marshal was summoued. bought when they were low. Mens 6; ANNIE LOUISE CARY. P.O.Box 1619. can depend upon getting i No. 347. Telephone W. <57 T~ U. a of firstolasa Personal. Men’s fine goods double or singh Also choice stock ylAdtf The is the order of exercises at the Secretary and Mrs. Blaiue passed through following Gaff, Fleischmann & Co’s soles. i/VM. M. MARKS, a it.uil meeting of tho Woman's Christian the city on the 6 o’clock train from Augus’a Temperance Union, which will be held at Flue DR. R. T, ;a.-.i evening. They immediately took the PIANOS AMO ORGANS. WILDE, Street Congregational church, Lewiston, Wed- truiii on the Eastern road aud expect to arrive Ladies’. Hisses’ and Children’! 1 WHITNEY and Compressed at Long Branch at i) o’clock this morning. Ttie nesday, Thursday Friday.: THE NATURAL MAGNETIC PHYSICIAN, WEDNESDAY. fine and medium goods. 1> .'inters’ Exchange, Secretary, though f.omewhat worn, appeared YEAS T .1 | Samuel Thurtou, Has returned from tis vacation, to the P. M.—8.00. Reception of at rooms in good health. delegates fresh and reliable at oil tim> from* of W. C. T. U Lisbon street. Absolutely s, A full line 111 Exchange St., Portland, Me.® Mr. Robert Davis, of Ferry Village, has their ^rocer or baker, as ffe now supply it Gaiter THURSDAY. i Free St. Block, jRTLAN® been appointed by Sheriff Sawyer as special R rttf A. M.— 9.30. led Mrs. H. Pine Jo b Printing Mpecialty. sop20 And will be pleased to see all those who a»e sick (or this Prayer meeting, by deputy county. E. And have found no relief by taking drugs N. Jones, Winthrop. In attended to permanent FRESH EVERY DAY. irders oy mail or person promptly and he oau as thousands of Mr. Ii. L. Koupmau, of Yarmouth, recently PaieiKed Match 15, 1881# Eg and medicines, help you, of Yes*«t i* extensively counterfeited f his patients will testify. [tom Culby University, is now en- Appointment committees. Egp-Our j£ graduated I which is on to Il..k Address of welcome, by Miss Hattie N. Notice carefull' our Label, primed >el-ss Particular alleuti.u paid RR<'| at the Astor Library. low and bears of Men Measure at gaged Millett, Lewiston. paper, signature Gall, tfleisjhmannSj 222 M1G0LE STRUT, pampblci Priming is off the & without which none is Genuine. Boots ami Shoes. James Gordon Bennett cruising Response by Mrs. F. C. Porter, Caribou Co., Under the Faljpouth Hotel. i PnThStf M Removal. HOURS: Satisfaction in OFFICE coast of Maine. Annual address of President L. M. N. guaranteed even Senter & I William Co., From 9 to 13 A. and ‘J lo 5 P. M. Stroud water. C. A. KIXkFOKl), I M., Stevens, and Nau- Accidents. P. M.—2.00. Devotional evercises, led by Mrs. B. F. WHITNEY & CO. Watch, Clock, Jewelry au30___dlm H. F. Portland. “ WEDDINGS. tical Store, removed to Fred C.Wescott, a brakeinau on the Ogdens- Crocker, IN 2.30. Minutes of Rec. Secretary, Mrs. H. J. GENERAL AGENT MAINE, 1 burg Railroad, was shockingly mutilated Sat- AKELEY & Packard, Bangor. No. 51 Exchange street, T. J. CO., while shackliug cais at the Fabyau sta- ■220 Federal Portland.! urday Annual report of Cor. Secretary, Mrs. C. Street, their old s sep20 dtf EA and directly opposite iepodm3 tion. lie was caught between the hunters C. Hunt, Augusta. g|| Mi Cards Invitations, Carriage Manufacturers, about of his body and his testes crushed Annual report of Treasurer. 480 CONGRESS CORTLAND’LONGSHOREMEN'S midway Box. ST,, RECEPTION 'on the Question I-- VISITING and off. The bufferer was brought down BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. Evening.—7.30. Addresses by members of tht OPP. PREBLE HOUSE. 21 and 23 Preble Street late train and taken to his home ai convention and others. m 4tf passenger aug2 v. MAI*E. CARDS, TfTE hereby notify all West India Stevedores. PORTLAND, Steep Falls. FRIDAY. and in the Latest V V tha tho pay shall be 37 cenia in the hold A m»u was burned Iii Insolvency. Engraved Styles. shoots off the named Turner severely A. M.—9.30. Devotional meeting, led by Mre Horses. 33 on wharf, ai d 33 for piling cars, S. G. Court of Insolvency for the County of on ind after October 1st. of our at the rooms of the Portland Com- Sargent., Augusta. Cumberland^ Horses, _ of all descriptions moulding 20 A. D. 1881. WEDDING STATIONERY. P. .1. Carriages 10.30. Mi u < s R o d ng Secretary. State of Maine, September b, g V A B K E B, F I Sir I IV G HIGGINS, Secretary. manufacture. The lowest prices pany Saturday. Water got into the moulds, Portland, 12,1831. sept3dl0t own Report ot tiie year s work by Vice Presi- fN case of Cass us M. C. Pratt, insolvent debtor.^- Sept. State, and that on the seventeen tl In the taking Quality causing the iron to tly, which burnt him about dent an 1 Standing committees. I This is to give notice, day'll of A. D. 18^1, a warrant in insolvency T HAVE received this two car loads oAl "IT style into consideration. the breast. Another man was Election of State officers and of September, j|j Ml morning injured slightly delegatee was issued by C. Peabody, Judge of the courts FOX JL Horses from Canada, one car load being heavy I LOWELL,| to the National and Henry TACKJ-E, and Convention, ap- of for sail County of team horses, from 1300 to 1500 Engraver Stationer, of insolvency Cumberland,^ i-sw-y averaging pound*® pointment Standing committees. the estate of eaid * eight. these *re sevoral m itched p«irs H POTPOURRI JARS. High Street Church. against i Among 513 Congress Street, rOBXLAJIP. ME. P. M.—2.00. Devotional exercises. I CETEERX rhe other car from to Attention to of all kinds, CASSIUS M. C. PRATT, of Portland, U load, weight 3,000 l,200,n scpl-l A flue Special .Repairing High street church will celebrate the fiftieth 2.30 Minutes. and I I are all aad sound, and adapted to __•_dim assortment at in the of to be young general® Jne4 of its next Box. County Cumberland, adjudged an|j business. anniversary founding Sunday. Rev Question debtor, on of said which (WILLIAM insolvent debtor, >; REVOLVERS, of Committee on petition CYRUS F. DAVJS’ Mr. Feun will deliver a historical in Report Resolutions. w -s flleaon the .-evemeenth day of address petition Septem-gs 1 ft. TAXES. Evening —7.30. Annual address by Miss Fran- AD. to which date interest on claims m £00,000 Hemlock Lumber, the iorenoon. In the evening there will be ad- ber, 1881, RENOROCK, FINE ART STORE, ces E. Willard of Evanston, 111., Pres. m to be computed. FRAMES, PLANK and LARGE fATOTICE is hereby given, that the time allowed dresses Rev. Dr. one of the National Woman’s Christian That the nayment of any debts to or by said debt sp N11 5»3 CON OK ESS STREET. ill for the of taxes in the by CbickeriDg, If to voluntary payment Temper- 'iL'S RUFUS DIMENSION. Sawed Or- under ance Union. <>r, and -be transfer and delivery of any property RAND, augti eedlf Town of Elizabeth, for the year 1881, three who have been settled over the fitILOl, Cape pastors him are forbidden law. i der at shortest possible at the close of by by so. 81 a Discount of 4 per ceut, will expire Mrs. Bant of Portland will lead the to * O numLIi STREET church, and by clergymen of this city and singing That a meeting of the creditors of said debtor, I POWDER, notice. busine s on Saturday, October 1st, 1881. on the cornet. prove their debts and choose one or more assignees t Portland, 13. The will be at the Town office, on and a from the pen of C. P. Sept. sepl4dlw Boards on hand. New Removal. undersigned vicinity poem of bis will be held at a court of insolvency toi L O A DING Fuse. Dry Glon-g and October from estate, k# j Electric on R. R. September 17th, 24th, 30ih, 1st, a former Probate Court in cestcr, M. C. Hsley, Esq., of Cambridge, membei be holden at room, Portrjj 2 to 6 o clock STATE NEWS. bind, on the third day of October, A. D. ; CHEESE! CHEESE! JORDAN, Collector, of the society. the forenooh. t for E. JOSE & 1881, at ten o’clock in Al* OnpoiaI’m Pdwrtw Hills. 100 Boxes Plain Cheese—North a C. CHAS. CO., Cape Elizabeth, Sept. 12th, 1881. sepl3dlw I Given under band the date first above written. Jay Factory. o«2 JORDAN, ALFRED, dtfMEJ fl ANDROSCOGGIN COUNTY. my 150 —No. Livermore do, have r« moved to the corner of Preble and Retail Grocers’ Association. GKO. W. PARKER, & OPPOSITE FALMOUTH where The Bank ba* HOTEL, 50 —No. Turner do. t'ou«reM» Utreet*, they olfer at wholesale Androscoggin county Savings of the Court of Insol-Z * held a in Stur- Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger 50 Turner do and retail, a tin stock or crockery and Glass Ware, The Retail Grocers’ meeting the court to an- Sage —No. petitioned for authority pay vency for said of Cumberland. 221 MIDDLE STREET THE PEOPLE’S « or ornamental and useful All the oificert County More to follow. For sale by LAUNDRY, I with great variety rich, tevant Hall last evening. other dividend of five per cent., making fifteen sep20-27 articles.BeplUdSii VARNISH. executive committee re of the twenty ptr cent, scaled on the | G. L. BAILEY. NO. 53 FREE STREET were present, and the deposits J eodtf This dividend will be the first ol jy30 SMITH, CAGE & CO.,1 | Brou jfcrted by-laws, which were accepted. Severa probably paid The only place In llils citv, to get fl-st-class from"Consumption. Aethma, roil «HAL£.t 9£ COmnfcBVUL ST. sepl'Jdtf & >o work)| that send me their January* (lone. (We \t»e no machines destroy clothing.)? chitisaud Catarrh JOHN BABCOCK & CO.’S Stand- ■nailers of interest to the trade were discusst-c icddrec# will receive something of KENNEBEC COUNTY. 2V2 Story House on Emery Street. A desir.ibie »V Come and see our work, and satisfy yourself. J Notice. |IADDRESS can ard Coach are for sale by and acted and made foi house and 1 cation *itti all modern inipr vemomalj great value tree by mail by which they get im-gi Varnishes, upon, arrangements Our North Vassal boro writes 4~*1HAS. T. WALKER wai admitted a member c be reetored to heaitth. Q correspondent Sebago &c. For sale low SUBE«J»^O^DRU^i>NES^| mediate reief and perfect A a of third ii Gas, by H our firm W.. W. WHIPPLE VO., meeting the trade the Monday Sunday, while a party was out guuning on J JUN C. 83 St. vy duly 9,1881. For write ABA North & JORDAN.! Addrew A. D. Yovx«, 177 Central Ave.. Wtllla»s-| PROCTER, Exchange g & DAVIS. particulars, JONK.% Vas;B ItHOWIAS dim ■ ■ lit Market For d. 8m» B October. Priest Hill, Daniel Davis, one of the number sop20 eod3w g seplUdilt CURTIS salboro’, Me. ansZOisBm 9 ■ sep!7 burgh, N. Y". au22-dlm* Jel7 Square, I I i RAILROADS. STEAMERS. Wisdom. SALE TRADE CIRCULAR 1 Harvesting and Care of Corn. Wit and FOR B T Oil PRESS. The present summer has been cool, with’ri FOR 1881. more than the usual amount of wet we a l h- ;; | For oiiic or To Lot. MAIL S. CO from the New York Herald, from PACIFIC 8. with the wet A telegram I er. From this cause, together J So. 173 State St. now occupied a St. Johns, N. B., gives au account of a terrible^ House, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Stock. revented Po.-s»:ssiou Raise Good weather the last of May, that | Dwellingby Geu. George Thom. given | FOR of St. and bv till late Cou ration and massacre on the island J t L. I>. M. Sweat. NVnnKII ABKANeEMENT. CALIFORNIA, We believe in raisins good stick; planting the larger portion of it flag uct-let 1881. Apply ffl (RAILROADS.NEW TIME TABLE. iit*jj eodtf stock. Indeed it is the corn iu this Stale is Pierre that was by a sick aug31 On OKU after Monday, June 87, IhSl, tbLS we mean improved the season, baek-|g prevented soldier| gj WHOLESALE JAFUI, 4JH1NA, noil otter MONBAY, JUNE *Jth. or no economy at all, to raise ward, and will later than usual. the diabolical plot. There poor economy, ripen Eveujgl 'overheariug ON 1881, trains will run a* under: Until further notice passenger train* matter bow much or rain will be is|| a2k.isn> lMlau2d», New Eeala.ii. u*xa anv other kind. No tiiat planted before tbe that tones down a great conflagrations FOR SALE. I will run ae follows: unless®late.|j| nothing A antral in. stock a farmer raises, it should be but the stalks are well grown, and To Montreal and West, 9 a. wu, aiul 1.00 p. in. bow little 'and massacre, and softens its harder features,^- The new an splendid steamers sail from New of as near to a lair To Quebec, 1 .OO p. m. LEA VING PORTLAND it should be in point quality there is an frost prevent, crops! and fork on the 20th and 30tb of each month good early like it in time. A eouflagra-3 40 Steam Engines To 7.10 a. an., 1:4.49 and 5.10 p. m. 10th, care of the coni having prevented Boiler^ Lewiston, a. m.—For all stations. All points in and for San it is to attain. It should will be harvested. Good a M.83 passengers freight Francisco perfect as possible tion that destroys a wbolo accompanied® I7U10M 3 to 75 H. P-, also, great varioly Shaft ® To Gorham (mixed) 3.30 p. m. Northern New arrying to success city, White MonuiHiux, Hampshire tg below. those characters which constitute after it has is as essential rivers Beltifig, Steam To So. Paris and 9.00 «. sa., combine grown, a mas-acre that turns the Btreets into r iug, Hangers. Pulleys, PumpsM Norway, Gorham, Montreal iud O«, Oct. 10 and are the results of and the necessary ARRIVALS. will not at So. Windham. While Acapulco, cattle, sheep, hogs soil in the spring, place.—Peck’s Sun. St., Mm. | (Tbit, train stop when iug aug27codlns* 07 Sudbury Boston, or Hiram. For or rates and the fullest iofor persevering efforts to pro- tion of it afterwards. In harvesting, frjj OF PORTLAND, !VIE. From Gorham, So. Pari*, & Norway, 8.33 a. n» Rook, West Baldwin freight passage long-continued, Steamers at Lake for Naples, Brldgtm. nation, aoply to the General Eastern Agents, fix characteristics that are there is no from frost, it is better to md 1:4.40 p. in. Sebago duce and required danger _ C. L. HABTLKTT A CO., Years of Suffering. From f(Cwistoa and 8*35 a. oa.- Harison and Pleasant Mountain. , husks to Auburn, Bartlett. Ho * on. ensure the best returns, or en- let it stand till the outside begin «n.—For *■ 11 stations as far a* I 15 .“ten? •irfft, cer. Broad 8t., to pecuniary corner Pratt and Broadway, Farm For Sale. 1 1.00 p. ui., 3.59 p. m. ■$.05 p. After that use the Mrs. Barnhart, is un- with the 12.45 p. m tram or to W. D. LITTLE A CO., hance the from rearing these turn, before cutting it. This circular presented by the From Montreal A 1:4.40 m Dally stage connections profits arlsiug a sufferer from Chicago, Quebec. p. 8o. 31 Exchange St., Portland. of care in it as in Buffalo, was, for twelve years, Wholesale Dealers Mini Manu- From Montreal and the 5.30 m for St&ndish Llmingtou, S- b 'go. J«8Sdlf useful domestic animals. In the case same kind drying drying | markets and dersigned, West, p. Bridg- oi<^ known OCATED near railroads, school, From Lawiston mixed. n att Cornish, Porter, ixexar Fails, Denmark, the s This be done letting it remain rheumatism, and, after trying every :< abu dance of facturers of Portland. The Merchant Junction, 9.40 and beef, mutton, and pork objects uglnB hay. may by I J 250 ac es, go d tillage, wood. g| ton Cenire, Lovell, Conway Corner, Jackson it to admit tbe air; cured h<*ut*e and 2 Manufacturer will here Hud eouveu LI.AN LIN I." ROYAL MAIL are maturity, and the largest percent-B on tbe ground, turning remedy without avail, was entirely large or< liara, two storied ell, large and Glen House. early let byj ca.i bo cast iucreased Jefferson A NTEAM8HIPI. meat to of carcass. H but it is better to shock the cor”, and barns. Ouis 40 tons of bay, ly iently classified and indexed, general PASSENGER OFFICES Direct ivtnnections with Profile House, age of prime weight |i Thomas’ Eclectric Oil. on e.is> terms. have 10 After that it to 100 tone. Price $3000, and of de- and S*ammlt of Mt. Washington. Sailings from QUEBEC every SATTTtDAY of observation and study remain out a few days dry. w Real E-'ate merchandise supplies every Many years H W .LDRO.N, Agent, ARRIVING AT PORTLAND: rhis ronte presents unprecedented advantages to of per- should be hauled to tbe barn, busked, and ISO .Middle street, which are offered to the 74 EXCHANGE STREE1 brought a vast amount knowledge "You smoke a .great deal, Gus,” said al sep9eod2w* scription, tourists, enabling them to view 'he magnificent It is of. '_ llrms whose —AND— 8.40 b. nj.—From Bartlett and intermediate its. to breeding and management. the corn and stalks taken care Trade by facilities, experi- *cenery of the Lower 3t. Lawrence, lu addition, taining oi friend to Gus He Smith. "Yes,” replied lions. we are indebted for ou accouut of frost, ence ana have this OSPOT AT FOOT OF 2AD1A ST. he distance from Quebec to *.iverp.—From and White Monntali knowledge after dinner. I have got so iufy p. Fabyan’a and of the reduced dis ance 1,000 miles found in all of our improved for other cUitse, it should be shocked, "particularly foFsall au honored position among the Whole-!’: shorter, the excellence any I points. the ocean *s Inland navigation reducing actual As a to remain out as the habit of smoking after dinner, that the Markets of the country. I 5.37 us.-Through train from Swanion. V t. breeds of useful animals. general and may be allowed nearly din-g ale I Tickets Sold at Reduced Rates p. voyage to a minimum »1 five days. uer don’t taste when I eat it, unless 13 J. HAMILTON Sup t. raise a few cattle, much than the other, as it would take right to the estate of the late Oeiroit, TIilv. aubtt Extra ships from GLASGOW G \LWAY, thing, farmers horses, longer A lot of land belonging |ro Caaaila, Chicuga, June 24 1881. tha' have a smoke afterwards.”—Texas Siftings. !> annul (liuciuuHfi. I.ouIm. Omnhu. Portland. jne26dtf AND LONDONDERRY DIRECT and and of late years more of them to become as if left standing for Dr Lucien lig^lls of Falmou'h, containing | Si, 8«g- Q'TEENSTOWK bogs, ripe, of the A a Held Farm Inan Si. Sail Lake 10 BOSTON was the rule borne think the sixteen am s. beiig apart Pual, Oily, than previously. in good weather, Yarmou h. A Is an liEipItiitf aa. si.'Ct-i Nan ml information to keep sheep purpose lyiug on the C uniy K *ad to Denver, Frnncittco, For passage apply who make a of are better and tbe com as when The worst of all diseases are Coin- farm in KENDAL], * Market at. There are those specialty stalks good Kidney uudivi ed two th'rds pari of the ^lauding ACrKSCDI.TCKAX,WHITNEY, and all point* In the .agent are lazed ^ J. Sqnart| >7 8* N. some branch of live stock hus- it is cut as soon as the kernels and The best of all said field. F«*r ter«ws &c apply to K.MLKK1LL, anui Mairj luiplc t >r LEVK A A.LDKN, Agents.2 way, Y.; particular plaint Hi spepsia. West ««d Southwest 107 South 5tb St. their in the shock. This wants niedi-^ Corner, Falmouth. seplbeo<12w* ■uruiw GEO BLANCHARD A BRO. 40 North west, 201 Washington St., Boston, bandry, and make all farming opera and ripened cines for these diseases is “Elixir of Eifes Colleys 48RI('UliT(JRAIj Oolong Eastern Railroad, Portland E. A. WALDBoN Agent. and this there is a loss of time ITI>fr»«. Bent OeU Trained. JOSEPH HICKSON, (laneril Manager. Philadelphia. tious subsidiary to that specialty; proof, and besides $ -EMKPfTM. dGm the Root,” the Banner Kidney Remedy. J. K. FuY & O., 135 Middle St. ,T. 8P10EK ,SoiH.riutaudont. MUMMER ABBAN ]j4 is judicious in many cases; but when it is ripened in this way, as evago BKI.TINO eminently Btumwlic mud DrcsfM'sl Jo28dU are not in this of moisture from ears in the shock ilkictiico f! farmers generally specialists ration himself in L. St. L SW. IHhl those on tbe An rural seated a|t BfiKi1.JOHN BEST & CO 280 Comereial COMMENCING JUNE 27tto, > sense. .aise such .animals, and proceeds slower than from Itnflliuapolis Ticket Office. They only and on the Shop* autl .VIovcasiir., as think at the same time. In some restaurant the other day began European these only in such numbers, they standing corn billjl BOOTS.LORD, HASKELL A CO., 135 Middle SI ¥ Grand Trunk lo to cut the be- of fare. three waiters nearly! Over Railway. their buisness it is the tops After employing Cabin and Tickets the necessary in conducting places practice I " and Shoe*. Leather A* I- hadsssg- Steerage by this is to 5000 f made corn is When dishes him, nod advantage. The mistake by very fore tbe fully ripe. half au hour in bringing HOO A. F. OOX & SON. Manufacturer-1 NOTICE. Cunnrriy Alina, Ibiund. White Wtar m ».»*» he| in the kind and aone uui. he — Author Liu«* of Kurtpruu Siesaem many, however, is quality ripens wen, ueaved a aud whispered, as put nn«i Shoes, Leather A Finding*. ; for the ex- sigh, of the stock raise. men who are in value of the tops will pay liis| C. J. WALKER & CO.. 153 and 155 Middle and after the 26th iust., the day ailing vreexly iron. Boston and New fork For they Many gain ou the bill of fare, “Mister, I’ve et BOOTS St| Monday, will not are cut too the tiuger to| train Montreal at 7 30 a. in. for Pori- 'urther call on or address working small farm> think that it tra work, and if they early, and”—moviug his linger to the bottom and Nboc***, Jlnoi'a-*. an«l Jobber#.-, ON leaving particulars field thar, of| & 52 and 54 Union $lan .w. in season for Souxn care Is or taken, by ed room. Have or Endorsed the BOOKS, Exchange g New arriving p TO THE SOUTH, exercised, pains 1 Signed London, and Had «w>nnaotiou^ South and Wngt. BOSTON Transcript. A Rimmu similar means, _ Stationery Pa^n*. who Corn has been 6aved by — — ?ta rime. I.ow farming friends, say they are^farming & 208 Middle F u CONNECTING WITH V. train will leave Portland for Boston and way ♦eici-Weeklj line, Quick afford u« a Remarkable BOOKS,MIRING, SHOUT HARMON, in a small way and cannot when allowed to remain standingon frosty BURNETT’S COCOAINE Following V tions. at tt.OO p. m. arriving in Boston at RnteK, Fr*qaeo* Aepnrturew. only Blank ISook« and stock for and it in piles in is Stationery, j* 10.00 m. connecting with all rail linos for received and for.vardeU dual7 to FALL high-bred breeding purposes, night, by cutting putting Has Received Universal Endorsement, to 47 p. Freight buy half of a Document: BOOKS,DRESSER. MOLELLAN 00., Kxcbang. New York. there with the Olyd© Hiram- it will not take before they will change the In one case about | AJVKK, connecting long morning. jfo other preparation, possesses such Town Gvodx and S. S. Supplied WEDNDSJDAY and SATUK- was cut. that time 'he sun was remarka-g ■I Messrs. Seabury & Johnson, Manufactur- Fur Portland, leave Boston, itt, nailiug ©very their minds. piece By bie for embellishing aud Kjj HOYT. FOGG & DUNHAM, 103 Middle s»t I LINE STEAMERS to Pnilaurl|*hiu direcf, connecting at and the properties strongtheu-| BOOKS 7.80 and 8.30 a. m. and 12.80 and 7.00 m., ar- common also, is the mistaken the wet off from the leaves, the aud it dark and glossy % ing Chemists, 21 Platt St., New York: pNORWICH p. with Steam Liner, to t’hurl©*- A error, drying n,g hair, rendering MPRS.. Arc.! — — ana 11 od Philadelphia corn | ||j Paint, Whitewa-b, FOR m Portland at 12.00, 12.25, 5 p. Clyde that to make stock-raising pay it remainder was left standing. The It cures baldness aud eradicates dandruff. $ we WHITE A 127 Middle Si -iviug on. H, t., Waxhiugiau, D. <-©•«•*©- opinion GentlemenFor the past few years m HKCSKI y. SONS, The 7 p. m. train runs flail;. a off §j j* ttwu. D. Alexandria, Va,, and all ttai must be done on a scale; that large from that cut in the morning dried well, Burnett's Flavoring Extracts aro Ac. tickets to all Mouth am CL, large tbe| sold various brands of Porous Plas- I ntr’»-, Paiui, wui.««*i Through point* jici water Lines. the business on for while that from what £ •|j have Fore St. at lowest rates at Ticket Office, Gem capital is necessary to carrv and was good food, bgst. BrushTRUE BROTHERS, luO iFe*t Depot Through Kate* named and Bills of Lading ivec and the Public nercial street, J. M. French, Ticket Master, am lbat broad acres are re- was left standing was poor stuff. When, ters. Physicians prefer un.l illfr* of '‘Uuu-e Fin-: NEW (rom any point in New England to Phi laded LJ successfully; many to* ^ YORK, M the Union Ticket Office, JS. A. Waldros, Agt or I wish Fore laborers of from the of other work, Witness—“But, your honor, only to all w BUII.DEBHLb.’’ RURKOW8 «R- ’8., ML & Cross For rates of Freight and other information apply numerous kept—some doing Pore ns Plaster 1 — — necessity Benson’s Cancir.e quired; || I.EAVB 40 Exchange street. I) D. C MINK feed and take care other reason the shocked corn is The Court—“Silence, sir; no more off llakrro. Fine FunOlure. Tickeu* for Meat* an< \gent, them at high prices—to for any say—” Pullman liar 196 Boston Maes. husk- them one of the very J DEANE BROS. St SANB< IRN, 183 MM lie Si Ticket Office. Washington Street, of the ‘aristocratic” brutes; that rich feed left out several weeks after it might be insolence, or I’ll fine you for contempt.*, others. We consider CTAH1NET Berth* sold at Depot & Genera! your rj || LUCIUS Win. IP. Clyde (4, Managers, at no little is sometimes the aul Paper Hanging. TUTTLE, must be or supplied ed and taken care of—as can be insolent here the household remedies worthy M No. 12 So. Delaware Ave., Philadelphia, purchase! sir! Nobody except 3 few reliable I MARRETT. BAILEY SCO. 190* 192 Midrib j General Passenger and xet Agent. that extensive and stables and case—there is some loss, as the evap- who is CURPEtl3«8 rtatiou febfl Cost; costly always court aud the gentlemanly attorney are to all IX PORTLAND,! D. W. SANBO&N, Master Transjx 4 of confidence. They superior unit Upholder, <-oo tentious where the operations otherwise would place dry an ver-use off |§ CARRIAGE iPortland & Worcester Line. TrniuN will run as follows: I.*eave Portland farm, aud with pill,” aud by and so by I)AY of the is in a corn-house potion, order merit, recognized for Ml. Johu, Halifax aud the Provinces, ou such an extensive scale. But point corn after it is husked medicine do damage to their stouMl tie ate, F«»h nuii Vegetable*. 39 No Transfers. jlyCdtocl A K ISA A G EM EATS, permanent physicians and druggists. PACKING 221 Commercla and all stations on E- A N. A. Railway, FALL on farms of or crib built for that Where con- of Summer CTANNEDj PORTLAND CO., we desire to emphasize is, tljat purpose. aclis. The commonest forum Com-fc and 111.15 St. •»!. Mte* is Manufacturer anil .Te 12.50, pm.; Andrews, size more and better stock than is siderable are raised one of these are lu.i-- A touut*. PER moderate quantities plaints Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera,| and Middb phen, Fredericton. r00*100h THREE TRIPS WEEK. a Ben- EKN KSTO PONCE, cor. Exchange now can be and what is kept A corn-house that can be Cholera Morbus and Cramps, all of which can j When other remedies fail get CIIIARk- Hoo-ehead I.ake, and all stations on R. A carried, kept; indispensable. anil Good is as near to dollars, will be Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, a rem-1 Furniabiug Piscataqui* R. B*. 111.16 p. m., (or 12.50 p should be bred until it built for from forty fifty be cured by son’s Capcine Plaster. & 147 Middle Si ON 4NI> AFTEB HON- upward J. T. LEWIS CO., noon, and remain us over night); for but a seven that is almost as well known in Europe CI.OTHING m., Bangor l!hh Hiraai- what is desired as If single for six or hundred edy asj New Lint and fi 1 r f® D4l,Si;Pl possible. large enough bas- fllunuIaiTuri-rf- A- Jokkti. I NewVork&PhiyeioEiia Bangor. Hncknport, Dexter, Bedam yfrii as loss in itis in America reputable druggist; ©r* «f dkis Cine will horse is raised, let it be such au animal kets of ears of corn to dry in. The Every if use 1I.|.K\ * 229 Middle and 8 Temple St» 12.46 p.m., 12.60 p.m., J11.15p. Pain-Killer for sale. You will be disappointed you CtGOTHING00., Mkowhegnn, *11 'mi 1iWESasami Lean* Bui I road and on a has the m. 7.00 a. m., 12.45 p. m.. 12 50 Wharf, w ill find ready sale at a paying price; to half that quantity tight Pads or Elec- I uigi-ol Carlon Waterville, of trying dry cheap Plasters, Liniments, Whole-ale, by 1 Sound Brook Route. m. »ot State street, every Monday, '■ 11.15 an 5.16 p. Saturdays only,! .,11 Ht.Ha ef stock. However will be more than the interest on the MCALLISTER. Hi' Ommercial 81 p.m., p.m 6 iu. flilor trical Magnetic toys. (THAI,.j RANDALL* -BETWEEN- Hallowell. Ganliurr, Rich- rednesuay, and Friday at p. lor Eaatpon and start is if Where In it is fashionable now to mar-' Auacusta, t. with connections for Calais, small the scale on which a made, cost of the corn-house every year. Chicago get All, by the Cargo, Carlouil or Ton. mond, aud Brun*wica 7.00 a. m., 12.60 p. John, Robbinston, is no SURE REMKIJY AT LAST. Price !15c.ta S Sew Trenton & r. Andrews, Pembroke, Moulton, Woodstock, the commencement is and judgment small lots of corn are raised, and there ried in the morning. This gives the S. ROUNDS fi SON. 88 i-unmoreial ?ork, Philadelphia. 5.16 p. in., til.15 p m.; Bath 7.00 a. m. right early MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER. Co | m., rand Menan, Digby, Annapolis, Yarmouth, in all the for the best in lonh. 12.50 p. m., 5.16 p m. Rockland, and Knox and care are exercised breediug, suitable arrangement drying it, hride a chance to get a divorce before Dealer Special Windsor, Halifax, Moncton, Newcastle. Amherst, night.—| 1 hub 13 (uol) s.Wiwly PAINE. 267 Commercial l- A I incolu R. K 7.00 a. m., 12.50 p in a few a class of farm animals is to leave husks on as many as possble Trnu Timps. G HENRY L. 1 STATION IN SEW V0SK £.*i!!£& i,. ictou, Shediac, Bathurst, Dalheusie, Char- time, years way COAL. m.: Anburu and Lewiston* 12.45 p. m. of which and trace them. The tra- Whit-- Ash aud Cumberland, ttetown, Fort Fairfield, Grand Palls, and other may be produced superior quality, of the good ears, t TOA1-. Lehigh. so .t Station in 6,06 m. Lewiston via H*uu*wick 7.u(- WARREN & KING 162 Commercial Si I Central Philadelphia p. ations on the New Brunswick and Canada. Inter- a vaiue far can be hu. almost and the v,- m a. til.15 Phillip*. will represent money greater ces g anywhere, THE m., p. m.; Farmington, and Western Coun- Wholesale hy C’aeloail or T«u. & Reading R. R. Ulonmouib ilonial, Windsor, Annapolis, than that of common stock, and amply re corn will but if some of it is to be t*hiladelphia Rangele; Lnkr, Winthrop Rail dry well, CHARLES H 0’BRION, 236 Com’l St West Waterville aud North ts, and Prince Edward Island Roads, muncrate its owner for his outlay used for seed, there be a choice of pla- COA1- NINTH AND CBKEN S'tBEETN, ReadOelri, id Routes. original may MEDICAL.J Mniee Grinder- An*on 12.45 p. m., Farmington via Stage » Roarten niu! the traces were received to 4 p. m. and In- for slock. ces. Mine failed once wheu Admiration 184 St 186 Fore Si AND TiilBD AND BSKKS STS. Brunswick, 7.00 a. m. SHF' Freighi up any breeding tTOFFBij.J H. H NEVENS&C0., rmation the same be had at the favorable the near a crib filled OF TEE regarding may The fall fairs present opoortuni- hung in corn-house Cream Yurliir, A. and Hue of the Railroad Wharf. for Spire-. LEAVE FOR PORTLAND BOSTON, Freight Agent, ties for the of animals of improved with ears of corn. After t’ at the corn THE SURGEON'S KSIFE. I ROLLINS A HU MERY ls4 & 186 Com. St. For Circulais with Excursion Routes Tickets. purchase ClOFFEES, Double Stone Bafios From Halifax, 8.10 a. m., 6.00 p. m Ml. for in another Farm. Trains, Traci, .ate Rooms and fuiihes Information at breeds and kinds breediug purposes, seed was kept place.—Home WORLD. .tiehi- A Pioduci Denier*. Impress John, 8.15 a. m„ 8.00 p. m.; Houlton 9.00 apply > v Be sui 1. to ticket, (.at any railroad os twan 40 T C hfR- occasions will be Wonderful St HALL. 1 3 Commercial »t hay а. St. 9.45 a. m.; umpany’B Ottice, Exchange St., and that these opportune Surgical COMMISSIONTHOMPSON boat la Now -ria m.; Stephen, nuckspori. Operation—Rcmora!| offieo England) 7.50 a. m. t8.00 EY, President, and Manager. seplGdtf more than they have ever of Urinary Stone* from (lie Hlad- TIONAKY, Plain A- Fancy Mil 6.00 a m.. 5. p. m,; Bnu«or. largely Improved 7.10 a. m Belfast. room How Careful Farming Pays. L. PERKINS, 489 Congress at p.m.; Dexter, .4.00 p. m.; been in this way, there is scarcely any der-Sncceiifnlt A. CxOTFEtj KOUISD BROOK ROUTE. 8 30 a. m.. Allen's m. Mko*« S. $ a. Mrs. б. 30 m., 2.85 p. began, of farmers A. Z. of Hamilton, has raised XTOOPEBAGE SlOtli Eunanera. to doubt, for the great majority Kingsley Simeon Tietsell. of N. liadJ 2.30 p m.. Waterville, 9.27a.m. 2.00, tl0.u8 cut and cured from two Mr. Saugerties, Y., GKO. 8. HUN I * (X>., Ill Commercial St Bangor k Machine WORLD’S U.iU tt Ul now the economy of superior farm this season, and ^ turn mvuunjo vui; recognize been t reated for seven by various physiciaus-’ one half acres of Cfen tons of years China anil Gla— IVan. S.1U.,.00 a. m L0.10 a. m., 2.42 p. m., tlO.68 p. m.; animals over the nondescript and mongrel and land, good 4 0. loads for what they call Stricture of the Urethra without? C. K. .JOSE St CO.. 140 St 142 Middle Si I FARES, Gardiner, 6.17 a. m., 10.28 a. m., 3.02 p. m., STEAMBOAT Timothy hay, twenty-one horse wagon CKOCK..BBY, 9, ... I One Way, sort—Prairie Farmer. *•“-- a. 11.16 a. 4.00 He benefit. He consulted Dr. David Kennedy i-iEaiiRKIIY. Gl.inx anil Plated Ware. fll.20 p. m Bath, 6.65 m., m., beside of a load of scatterings. finally | ExcaniM, a. part | 242 Middle St. “3 p. m., Brunnwick' 7.25 a. m., 11.45 n*. one of N. who found "his trouble to HmrRestorer HAYES & DOUGLASS, also sold two loads and they weighed, Rondout, Y., bej 4.30 p. m., tT2.36 a. m., (uight.) Kncklnud doc PIPK.Garden Border, Ewer? KiENCV. Sensitiveness of the Horse’s Foot. and the other From Urinary Calculi or Stones in the Bladder. The | IS PERFECTIONt NSW BKCLAnD 8.40 a. m., 1.30 p. m. L«*«iKioa, 7.20 am.. TIT. DE4KBT, BOfKLAHD,CA8 -INK, 1,050, 1,170 pounds. Ac. W. ».OCR WELL. with the 5 Wheels. J. j 11.26 a. 4.15 til.20 p. ra. ■Portland,nil.LBKIDGt Mil No form of flesh is more sensitive to pain, these I have estimated the others at onlyl tor at once removed the foreign bodies For RESTORING WHITE DKAI^ V -51‘i niisiiington Street, Boston m., p. m., Phillip**. .H44 UHAh. GRAY, Window., Blinn. mi-1 fixture-. 7.10a.m.; Pnrmiugton, 8.60 a. ra.: Wiu- H of a horse’s a When he knife and then his Blood Specific, “Fav-| -1 :a h. r. than the inner substance half ton apiece. bought gave great or FADED HAIR to its CHAS. S. FARNHAM A CO.,293 Commercial Baldwin, 10.26 a. in. rtforth 4u*«>n. 8.3<* a. m foot.g thisSj youthfu; DOORS, j v C. R. R. of N. J. throp, The Staamer are like those it was a orite to their reformation. The Mi«Sdtf Gee Pas*. Agent in as follows: The LEWISTON, Its powers of sensitiveness land ten or twelve years ago, boggyB Remedy,” prevent Fainter, a .uir*.suppiie ||l 9 being due Portland morning »CHARLES D BERING. Mas- COLOR, GLOSS and BEAUTY, trains from and Bath, 8.3 which lie sleeping under the human finger- swamp, the whole piece being divided by aa entire treatment was eminently successful, and Mr W. F. PHILLIPS A CO., 134 to 13W Middle S Augusta ter. will leav* Kail road V hart. | its and Druggists, a. m. 8.40. The day trains from Ban- nail. To this from hurl and undue and on the whole two or three Tietsell’* was rapid and perfect. renews life, strength grow*- A Drug’!.. aundrie* Lewistont Portland, every Tarmla) and protect stream, cowsp recovery Chemical. gor. and all Intermediate stations and con ^{wwSaaBKSSESa! hard summer. It mate: A CO.. 74 A 7H Commercial Si £» Friday evenings. at 11.1H o'clock, or on ar- pressure, nature has put this horny picked a poor living in the While “Favorite Remedy” is a specific in all Kid-* Dandruff removed. A DREGS.w. PERKINS I BOSTON & MAINE RAILROAD necting roads at 12.55 and 1.00 p. m. Th« vras^S quickly * -tvai of Express Train from Boston, f#r and I have sal boss wild skunk Chem'Cnt*. Paial», Oita, Ac. afternoon trains from w e^ervillo, Augusta, Bat) shield vis: the outer sole; yet covered with of grass,, § ney and Bladder diseasas. it is equally valuable less Hair Its al- J, Bm'kland, Ore» Isle, in| Dressing. perfume E. L. SIAN Wool > A CO., Market » FALL ABBANCKMEKT. Rocklaml and LewL.‘on at 5.42 p. m. The Nigh f'u»tiue, Meilcwirk, and seen an smith hack and hew bushes and alders in abundance.® of the Bow DREGS, Wen Harbor. Rai Harbor. ignorant cabbage, cases of Bilious Disorders, Constipation jfc a. m ^|so. (Ylf. I>esert,) ^ and rare. Sold all Druggists. Woolen., aud Fnaej Good.' Pullraafc Rxpres* tr'in at 1.60 ^ awav this natural until he could It was and full of sink holes of by Goode, in y JoofMporl, a04( Unrhianpori. protection, rough els, and all the class of ills apparently inseperabl l«ti Middle Sl u*i»t after c I t Cars attached, run uaily, Sundays nilibiBlye, mud|| | Established over 40 years. UEER1NG, MILLIKEN ACO., ^ __Ou illoadiQf, Sleeping $ Krturumy, leaves Machiasport every bon indent it with his fingers, and little and and muck. It did not seem to me d It sale?: DRY Pnuwcuxei Train eluded, between Boston and Maine Central K. R actually clay from the constitutions of women. Try Enormous ond Increasing and Good. |£, (SMI, fay and TburtMifty florucug, at 4.30 1 to a full Your^j Good., Woolen, Tune, ^ o’clock, of blood oozed forth from within. that it could ever be made produce -I a Throughout and Amerv: 5; LEAVE PORTLAND only. ft as In the name drops druggist has it, and its cost is only one dollar hot-.- Europe STOKER B111 is. A CO. 54 A 50 Middle S and Skew couching tbove, Arriving Portland after hav- Mr. is aa DRY -■*-«»* BOSTON at ti.16, 8.46 a.m t Runs through to Bangor every morning, H the of the horse, of any But Kingsley ii. -' evening, connecting with the Pullman night train imagine feelings crop thing. tie. the lucky man is he who puts this advice goods and woolens. and 6.00 at Boston at 10.46 Sunday Morning, but not Monday. Does was driv- l*:i *$3 l«» i*. m., arriving began I for Boston.* been into the shafis. Ho skilful farmer and the best plowman «*■*:-• I TRUE A to 141 Middle ~>1 not run to or ing pet name Dr WOODMAN CO.,137 10.00 m. leav> Dexter, Belfast Bucksport, Sundaj [practice. Don’t forget the and address, j5j .ZneBiuMBi Dry §Sa m., 1.16, 6,10, p. Returning, I Gonuects at Rockland with Sanford s. 3. Go. en forth i to the dust and of the ever knew'. He took it in hand with a a. and 7.00 ru gravel Ron N. Y. The Doctor would A tonic and Hair woolens, ««. loston at 8.80 m. 12.30. 3.30 p morning. I steamers each for Belfast, and River D vid Kennedy, lout, lovely goods, Ticket* tlrwt and *ec«ad claw* for trip Bangor or sent a stone pave- steel and first A. IJJT LP A CO. 33L A 238 Middled m srrtvint at Portland at 12.25 6.00, 8.00 and 11.00 Limited I also with steamer on streets, pounding along choice plow, plowed thisig while is in the j removes allays all itc- Dry :.an«li»*gi*; Monday Wednet- it understood that, he engaged dandruff, m Portland for dleacb *41. John »icd Halifax on Male at redocst- ment with but the thinnest poss ble two and one-half acres on the soutli side of* [have Goon.. Woolen, and Pane) Good. «§., Scarborough 8 «iay and Friday trips for Green’s Landing Bluehill nothing ol his “Favorite Hair azxd promote at 8.45, a. m. ratea. substance left between the [introduction medicine, Remedy,” stops failing CHAPMAN A 00.. 159 Mor Wol anq Centre Harbor I rooms should be addressed to crop grass FLOE thorough &.00 p. m. for a Last he* an.l I'roiiN.o:i--. 3.45 a. ra. and 1.10 p. m. For .liauchettei p GEo. L. DAY, Gen. Ticket and when thick retains moisture long heavy crops of hay from it. year LlLOtE. Groeeric* |E*t Leave Portland for Canton 1.00 AgeePortland, E. C. HERSEY A CO., 93 « 96 Com’l si and Concord, N. II., (via Lawrence,) at 8.46 I E. 01 SUING. General MEnaice- time, and the flakes which are attached to mowed it twice, but some years it has been® £ and 6.10 p. m. Leave Lewiston for Canton, 1.67 $ i. in.; (via New Market Junction) at 6.16 a. ra. and fl Portland, July 1 1881 jyBdtf a 1 him the® mRUIT und Whole.ale.’ and 4.35 p. m. the solid horn, act as natural “stopping” heavier than this. helped get up Produce, L.lOp. m. Morning Train leaves Kenucbauk £ HODGllON BROS., 101 Commercial Si. f Saturday ticket s to return Monday at reduced to the hoof accumulating and retaining a little that grew close to 1 tor Portland at 7.25. by hay. Except the|J Mauln. fine A Common prices. to as as LU’BNITVBE Parlor Cars on trains leaving Portland at 8 46 a. moisture beneath. In addition this, every stream, it was all good Timothy hay A 23 Frees connections with Bern is, Raugeley Lakes jj £ WALTER COKEY Co., 1 10 and 6.00 p. m. Returning on trains leav- Stage ISLAND STEAMERS. more or less as a in ward- I ever saw Mr. m., Dixfield, Peru, Livermore, Wer flake sets spring, grown upon upland. Gutters A Coniines Boston at 8.30 a. 12.30 and 7.00 p. m. Byron, Mexico, Kings-i^ IRON, ing ra., Sumner and Turner. off bruises or other injuries to the sole; is a man, now past thiee® 31 A 33 Union s Parlor Car Meat* aecured in advance hi ing ley plain practical G4LYANIZKDW. H. SCOTT. litre., 29, OTIS HAY FORD, and thus the floor of the box is pro- score and but and Oepol Ticket Office. Supt, TELEPHONE 433. horny ten, vigorous strong. t rain and Receiver. & Dealer. Portland June 27. 1681. Ju27dtf HeJ Feed, 1.10 p. m. train from Portland connect# tected from and externally. has his useful life in KENS TABOR A CO., 11 Central Whan gSfr*The injury internally spent plowing, mowing,j Of ELL, vith Mound Line Steamer* for New York out the routine and the and ever since FOR Yet, the farrier, following speaking truth, I-g flour and feed. And all rai! lines for the West. The 6.00 p. m. I Wliar, of his pares the sole un- have known him in doubling the crops WALDRON A TRUE, 4 A 6 Union rain connects with Bail Line* for New STEAMERS. THEJSLANOS. craft, injudiciously onjj ClJKE. One package is generally sufficient, Grain, til it springs to the pressure of his thumb. all the land he has had to do with. WhenS d| itROPERIEs. Flour and Provision*. I’orli and the South and We»t. real cure of Catarrh for $1.00. Six packages $6. 109 Commercial S I 1.10 m. train from Portland will The immature horn thus denuded and I travel about I see these hills and valleys* gj that Or w. A 0. K. Jlilllkeu, 107 A Note:.—The p. octl2 TnTh&Sdly aot at Beach or Pine Point. The iTourists’ -Steamboat Line. much of it half® | Only Vegetable Compound Flour and Provision*. stop Scarborough stripped of its outer covering, immediately with an slleged hay crop, § 6.00 in. train will not stop at these stations ex- acts the and J COUSENS A TOMLINSON, 217 A 219 Oom I p. to the evil effects of ex- white I am confident it comes by a upon Liver, C4HOCHRN. to take for Boston; and the 8.30 begins experience daises, directly Boaster.! cept passengers d 1 ROPERS. Spice Grinders A GoRew m train from Boston will to leave ternal influences. It loses its moisture, poor farming and will continue as it is untiirfg cures a. stop only STEAMER MINNEHAHA Liver Complaints, Jaun- lx TWITCH ELL, CHAilPUN A CO., 175 Com $ taken west of Biddeford. hardens and shrivels up. It occupies the land is tilled. I am glad || passengers BOSTON dries, thoroughly sHNOAV T BAINS Leave Portland for LEAVES tog Cos- d 1 RUEEttS. a smaller aud in so the sole be- make this as an example dice, Biliousness, Malaria, and Stations at 1.00 m. 21 onion space, doing statement, forg? p or chas. mclaughlin a co,. ceutrai st. Way p. Trefethen’s / affter it the The same can be done with for Portland at 6.00 m. | Diamond, comes more concave, drawing others. ten,® CELEBRATED Itassistsdi- p. ■Portland. and Peaks. tiveness, Headache. d 4 ROE K RSI, „„ contraction are or a hundred acres ipSTETTEijv“HA p wall. The stays against twenty, fifty right about]® SAW TOSS A DEE RING. 1 Centra Whrl or YEK, Trains on Boston & Maine road connect with all ! »*■$ Evergreen Landings. and heels be- that the farms arid's the M Steamers ■ 6.16 A. M. 7.00 A. M. 7.10 A. M. taken away, and the quarters us. I state positively system, 14 ROPERIES and Provi»ione. between Portland and gestion, strengthens n-oamorts rvming Bangor ■ 8.45 0.30 0.16 come and the horse cannot hut other lands in the town of Hamilton, don’t* CON ANT A HAND, 153 Commercial Si Mi. Desert. 8t narrowed, the Or Rockland, Machias, Eaetport, Calais, ■ 1030 11.05 10.55 half what bowels, purifies I 4 ROPEREES. Flour aud ProvGion*. lohn and Halifax. Also connect with Grand Trunk go lame, even on smooth ground. produce any more than they* regulatesthe j| ■ 2.00 P.M. 230 P.M. 2.20 P.M. OT FLETCHElt A CO., 159 Commercial S' .rains at Grand Trunk and Maine Centra FARE $1.00. It must be that the se- would with sent free. Dr. Station, ■ 3.15 3 35 remembered, also, thorough farming.—Utica, N.g blood. A Book & trains at Transfer St * d 1 BOt'EKlES. Flour und Provt.ioa.. aid Portland Ogdenaburg ■ 4.30 5.00 apparatus of the sole being deranged Herald. The lAvonfce Steamers Forest City and Job: 6.10 creting Y., 162 N. Y. K Of H. S. MELCHLK A CO., 147Commercials •ion. ■ 6.10 640 6.30 new horn will form so much so, that Sanford, Broadway, All trains stop at Exeter ten minutes for refresh Brooks will alternately leave FRANKLIN WHAR1 % slowly, 1 ROGERS. Provioiou* and Flour. has been sufficient to FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. ji nente. First class Rooms at Portland Portland, at 7 o’clock p.m. and INDIA WHARF, 9 Tickets for Sailing Trip 25 cento. before the amount W. P CHASE A CO, 167 Commercial St Dining 9 Or Transfer Station, Exeter, Lawrence and Boston. Boston, at 5 o’clock p. m. (Sundays excepted) ■ se!4 dtf for the old taken away, the oct!3 eodeowlyr compensate WANTS. d 4 ROPERIES AND PROVISION'S. THROUGH TICKETS to all points West anc Passengers by this line are reminded thai they *e- this must 149 Commercial jure a comfortable rest and avoid the horse must be re-shod, when part Or SHAW, SON A UAWKES. •JoiL.-n may be had of m. L. William*. Ticke night’s expena» and inconvenience of in Boston late at be robbed this senseless par- and D'ealers in Flour. Boston & Maine Depot, and at fTnioii arriving nigh again through vgent, Tickets and Staterooms for sale at D. H UliOGEKSSMITH, GAGE A CO., »2 Commercial 8> liiLet Office, 40 Exchange St. ing. WAITED. JAS. T. FURBKK. Gen. Supl VOUNG’S, 272 Middle Street. therefore, the natural provision Euiiery ami Funu tool Tickets to New via the varloui Seeing 169 Middles H. STEVENS. G«n-Agent, Portland, Through York, in the sole of the hoof for its Hardware,emery, WATERHOUSE a OO., Sail and Sound Lines for sale at very low rates. HOTEL DIRECTORY. existing to Men of education and good business ability Cutlery aud Farm Tools Freight taken as usual. diminution in thickness, when necessary, how to sell learn, by actual-experience in the held HARDWIRE,SMITH, TIBBETTS A CO., 131 Middles:* J. JR. COYLE, Jr., Ge- fia Agent. Cmbracingthe leading Hotel* at which the Daily and that the intact sole is the a»d then to take of ter- «n*K ilt.f knowing books by my system, charge lor oriental Powder MilL * Pkkss be found. who are success- Agent* may always best againgt injury and deterior- ritory and start men; will pay men No. 2 Freest. safe-guard to 1200 N. M. PERKINS A C0.t ation to this it must be laid down as ful, after a three-months’ trial, from $500 $ Hardware. Bl'ig region, it the second. mju supplies. Agts. Portland and Worcester Line. ALFRED. which there »be first year, and largely increase wiuium>| a rule in farriery, and from W. J HOL- KING A OEXTiJi, 2(19 Middle ; iLFRED HOUSE—R. H. Give age. experience, and send this. Hardware,Belting. IV Norfolk, Baltimore & Waskin^tot G<*1lng, Proprietor, must be no th at this part STOMACH departure LAND, Springfield, Mass. seplOeodlw I ATS, Cap*, Fur*, Unite* und Glove*. PORTLAND & ROCHESTER it R. AUBURN. is not to be interfered with on any pretense, A CO.. 254 .diddle t- STEAMSHIP I g U BYRON UREENOUGH UHVB, ELM HOUSE, Court St.-W. S. 4 A. Young, Pro- so lone as the foot is in health, not even Heavy Hardware Ad. Nl' Ji n Si R A KBAPiWKMKNT. prietors. j BON, Steel, and after June 2? First illaM the are to be disturbed.—Cole’s The WAITED. A. E. STEVENS A CO., !4(. A 1 oilCommercla _On llouday, dteaiiuiiilp* AUGUNTA. flakes 1 Train* will leavt Hardware Ac. Passenger^ Horse’s Foot. ^ Carriage a. and V.UGU8TA HOUSE, State St.-Charlea Steel, I :Portland at 7.30 «**., JOHN HOPKx WM. Ktllikon, 8, CRANE, A 1 27 Commercial > C CONCERN wants a busi- IRON,E. COKEY A CO.. 125 m at Worooste> WM. I*A I). U. MILLER. Proprietor. It/fANUFACTURING Shaken in Every Joint —BS—®*"»i-45 p. arriving WHENCE, and in Though Plunk and xn. leav» RATH. AJjL ness man in Portland every ciiy (not RGB. Southern Pine Timber, -t 2.16 p, m. and 7.80 p. Returning Front Benton direct every WEDNG8DA1 dollars > nd fiber with fever and ague, or bilious remittent, 210Commercial a. m. and 11.15 a already taken). A fe* hundred necessary LTDB„aru8. .1. M DEEPING, Tuion Depot, Worcester, at 7.30 and NATLKDAY at 3 P. ML IHANNON’S HOTEL Jerry Shannon, Proprietor after orders have been the system be freed from the malignant m. and 6 JO to pay for goods on delivery may yet all kind*, i-ilao.t Walnut a -pe n., arriving at Portland at 1.10 p. p forwarded from Norfolk to Washington and BATH HOTEL—C. M. Plummer, Proprietor. 1 Stomach Hitters. Protect ihe .llail.lt, Freight WO-LHUUS secured for the s me; $ 50 per month profit guar- virus with Hostetler,8 n. Lake ciaay. S. W. LAKKAi.-EE SuN, 194C.m’j ilexandria by steamer Lady of the ai»d HOl.MTfcK’M »1LLM. anteed. The most searching iuv- stlgatiou solicited. syste a against it with this beneficent antispasmodie. Ll -J?or Ayer June.. Fitchburg for liver A l.au.. Planter -*•»■ Cisclou, hrougb rates given. Freight forwarded to Peters A. S. ARNOLD & CO., 1293 Hroadway, New whi h is furthermore a supreme remedy 131 it, Cement. Cal. | and HANCOCK HOUSE—.M. Hancock, Proprietor. * i >V h Nit»hnn, Lowell, Windham, E? and all Points South and Sout) * rtaeum- C. A. B. MORSE A 5 Com ■jurg/Richmond York. sepi 5dl complaint, constipation, dyspepsia, debility, L‘ Hair. CO., at 7.30 a. m. and tl.!l5 p. m. other ailments | [liiix vest via Va. and Tenn. Air Line C. P Gaither HINTON. a'istn, kidney troubles aud im UKK, Ship Races and ship Guild £ Kor Tl uncbewtcr, Concord and points North, *• and Dealers igent,240 Washington street, Boston Maas. To al BARKER School St.-H. D. Parker «£ Co For srlc by all Druggists generally, YV. H. 314 Commer’l St.J 1.45 n>. HOUSE, Aromatic m L1 lag, SIMoNXoN, p. loints of North and South Carolina and vi» Schiedam Th S & Tu & wl beyond Win Proprietors sepl Pmr and Snort. t^ar Eocb^ter, Spring vale, Alfred, Atlantic Coast Line, and via Seaboard Air Line to WANTED Spruce, and Paco River.7.30 a. ra.. 1.45 CRAWFoRD St.-Stumcke & Good- LIUmEB,RUMERY BiKNIE OO., 332 Commercial x erboro •ialeigb, char lotto* Spartansburg, Greenville. At HOUSE, Court n*., and (mixed) at 0.30 p. in. Retorniiii and Points Waldo A win, Proprietors ot All Riuda, “iHauufrV. p. anta, tne Carolina* Georgia g leave Rochester at (mixed) 6.46 a. 11.05 No. 229 Poston A RETAIL Blood Bitters will the mast ACO., 272 Comma oiai S e mu '»earoe, Agent, Washington Street, AMERICAN HOUSE, Hanw St.—L Rice Son A course of Burdock satisfy LLiHREREDWIN CLEMENT a. and 4.06 at Portlanr SCHNAPPS. on m., p. m.j arriving Mass that it is the Greatest Blood Purifier earth. Proprietor*. tkeptical Western A Mouthrml 0.36 a. m., m. and 6.10 p. m. TRIAL 10 Cent*. Eu>icra, (mixed) tl.lOp. bills of lading given by the aoove named PRICE, $1.00. SIZE, lit. eN. 2nd to 204 Fore vi Cumberland Through KKUNMWIIK. LOIRER,S. H, A A. K. r©r ti! Agent, vegetable decomposition t! tti.lt, Doom, Ultud*, | he West, and at Union Depot, Worcester, no2 itf ILARK’S DINING HALL, Graml Trank Railway I LEGKOW BROS., 24 Xew York vlalVomich f.ine, and all rail W. of tin SALESMEN. Li i-robieSig Depot.—M. Clark, Proprietor. Copper &c, m. & N. K. R as Limestone, Sulphate g Pine A llard Wood. I /]a Npringdeld. also with I¥. Mich. Philadel- to 22(1 < SI C. Maryland Route”) for DEXIKB. Aromatic Schnapps is superior J W11 lit Fit A BACON, kirn'l (“Steamer First class men wills ICJTIKGK. g phia. Baltimore, Wanbiui;ton, and th* ev#ry| experienced A YYuteil MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE HOTEL-W. G Mor other alcoholic preparation. A publi<9 Steam, ly. Planter* aud * Doob not at Woodford’s. These steamers up TWO 74Somerville Ave., SOMERVILLE, Mas.fi Shipper*. atop this a for it. For sale all j. M. DYER & CO., 611 Coi-gress Street. 119 Commercial S J. W. PETERS, Gen. Ticket fl dons for passengers, making very convenient PORTLAND claimed by Druggisti TLMMONSA HAWES, Agent, for travelers SPECIALTY. OYSTER*. | GEO. P. WE- fl and comfortable route between New AMERICAN Cor. of Middle and Inula St. sepl ___ J\ Supt, Ja24dtf HOCSE, 2dif_‘ Varniahe* A supplir*. 1 the summer months and grocers. Oil*, York and Maine. During thest 0. H. Wilkins, Proprietor. Fish Barrels, and 1-2’s and 1-4’s. JOHN W. PERKINS A CO., 74 A iti Com’ touch at Haven on their PAINTS, g steamers will Vineyard pas- JITY HOTEL Coruci ul Congress and Green Sts. sep2 ei«U3t and from New York. Wanted. «*ge to Passago including J. K. Martin, Proprietor. Six Houses < S' p J. B. new EI I A O., 187 Fore State Room, $6 meals extra. Goods destined beyond FALMOUTH HOTEL, Corner ol Middle and Onion Portland or New York forwarded to destination at »h*w A llungiMg*, Book* A Stationery Sts.—O. M. Son, Proprietors. If. race. For further Information apply to PERRY'S HOTEL, 117 Federal St.—J. G. DR F. KFNISOnI LOK1NG, SHOKi 4 HARMON, 808 Middle Si HENRY General Portland. Perry PAPER FOX, Agent, Proprietor. prices from $4000 to for wbiclj cash Materials. J. F. AMES. Pier 37. E. R. New York. $7000. From 146 Tremout Ag’t, PREBLE HOUSE, Congress St—J. A Son 4T will be paid. Must be flrst-c ass and att>dern Stree-H J. D. 1 >KX EK at CO.. 480 Congress t Tickets and State Rooms can oe obtained at 2S Lindsey will be FHOTODRAPHIC Proprietors. in in best localities. Boston, at U. S B From Dec. 1 to no every particular, Ketchup A. {TRAVELERS fixenange Street. May 1, pas 0. S. HOTEL, Junction of and W. Hotel, OFT. I*. foiH Vinegar. Cider, Congress Federal Sts H. WALDRON, Real Estate Agent, Wholesale A*ts. 8 A 10 Martel «eng©r» will be taken by this line. deefidtf A New W. F. FHIlLIFS& CO., Foub Days only — RooidH PfCKI.ES,E. 11. PKTTENG11.E & Co, Mfrs., —McDonald begin. Proprietors. 180 Middle Street. sept9eod2w* I CAN SAVE MONEY, 18 BEAVER STREET, aug30 TuTh&Sly 19 Form*, BiiuiomjS goods_tun Rubber oo. ROlKPOBt. and Bn«l rVailw A Union sty. treate* H Portland Branch, cor. Middle CARLTON HOUSE—J. A. without Pain. Rubber Nutter, Prop. A Dealer*. BY BUYING THEIR- t«r»24»r.. tf ■ Importer* Boston BATBOiYO NEW YORK. GRAY’S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. EMERY A FUR. Hear! of Union Wharf VILLAGE. dly wantedT SAliT. ISH, —AND— CENTRAL HOUSE, Wm. H. HIP BROKERS, Store* A Chandlery. Smith, Proprietor. MARK 4 Centra) W u OTICE IB HEREBY OIVE.V, that TRADE MARK-'ffS«°^TTRADE DODD’S S J. S. WINSLOW A CO., S & PHILADELPHIA NACdAKAPPA the subscriber hw been duly aud Stminal A d verti jKIP BROKERS, Cordare, Chandlery an.; PRESUMPSCOT HOUSE. — W. S. Pratt. Proprieto sppolnted a first class Life Insnranoe Company, the ser Newspaper sing Agency, St taken upon tbemselyes the trust of Administrators Weaknes^ 3 Stores. UV AN A KKLSKV Oil Commercial vices of a man of g >od standing *nd extended Diseases that follow WASHliVCTON BOSTON Line. NKWWUKGAN. of the est.te of By mSLy 405 NT., Ware. TICKETS Direct Steamship asu of Self- Plated and Britannia a in Portland. The light man will re- sequence fl® | jll.VER TURNER G Heselto Proprietor Wll.LI iM HUSE, late of Portland, quaiutance Advertisements receive*! for every Paper in tbtS 218 Fore si HOUSE,-W ceive 'ii*eral S RUFUS DUNHAM A SONS, Mfrs, of Cumberland, deceased, and given compensation. Memory, Universal United States and British Provinces at the Lowes’ Every and •MI1LLIPN In the County A Press Office, and piLROAD leaves each Port. Wednesday all de- dress INSURANCE, Lassitude, Pain in information STOVES, Knuert, Siult* Cn*tiug*. bonds as the l.w directs, persons hiving d3t* Contract Prices. Any cheerfully give* ELMWOOD HOUSE—I’. L. are sepl 7 the. Dimness PORTLAND Slot E FOUNDRY CO., 844tore Saturday. Page, Proprietor. mands upon tta .state of said dece„soil, required *nd estimates promptly furnished. 5 indebted to Back^ ELLSWORTH. to exhibit the same; and all persons File of the Pres?* a»»pt for inspection at any tim' oUU.UI A Molnm* Importer* to Ho said estate are called upon to make payment other^fjiseaseB H FMtimatea *ond for Oircuiar. GEO. S. HUNT A Co., Agts Eagle Retinol > Wharfage. AMERICAN HOCSE—A. l. sauudore, Prop. £5 From Long Wharf, Boston, 8 p ED * AUD H. SISE ) nf for 100 choice Bom Trio. Adm’rs.A AFTER TARING. Newspapers. Kiock* Gnlrnnired m. From Pine Street Wharf •lUSECH H.DOW. / BUSINESS DIRECTOKY. BEFORETAKmB.c^™pK‘“i'4°“ St HOULTWN. Grave. im»g«- i'.LAUGILLIN A SON, Center at 10 a. m. "premature ItACKI.E Philadelphia, -*D. O Proprietor. Portland, Sept. 6th, 1881. we SNELL HOUSE Floyd, ra^FuIl nartirnlars in our pamphlet, which desire to Spices and Grocers’ Sundries : D. H. insurance one-half the rate of sepl3 d1aw3wTu* Medicine is «EO. P. ROWELL & CO. Coffees, I.KXVINTON. Accountant and Notary Public. scndircc by mail to every one. ^i^*The Specific o. W. SLMONTON A CO.. Mfrs., 13 A 16 Umoi § sailing vessel. or six packages for #5 11EAS, YOUNG’S,! ^ sold all at $1 per package, by druggists of the for the West by ‘jpe Peun. R.R., and South IE WITS' HOUSE—Quiubj A .'lurch. Proprietor,, UEO. 1!. OUlcc No. 1N4 itliddl. or will be sent free by mail on receipt money, by WARE, Mfg’» unit Dealer*. Freight 8. K. NILES, UOO.tlAN, Advertising Agents, connecting 1 ines.f orwarded free of commission. Street, Portland. addressing 1HK TENNEY A LEIGHTON, 202 Fore St. 1 5jy NUKKIDGBWOLK. tttti GRAY MEDICINE CO., FOR ALL THE LEADING NEWSPAPEKS. Pekhagr Dollars. Kouml Trif fil) Mir*, uud Eljghl Advertising Agent, No. 100 Main Street, BcrrALo, N. Y. Bag* Ac., Dealers,I Meals and Room included. DANFORTH HOUSE—D. Dantortb, Proprietor. NEW HOICK u. ». BROAD A 162 Exchanges! 10 SPRUCE SraElT, 11BCNKS, CO., | Middle St. For Freight or Passage apply to NOR HI AN NON. • TBIIIOIVT ST., Book Biudorg. EST-Sold In Fred. A. Timer. 221 St., I Portland, by Congrwi A Trio,ini fi. B. NA7IP vON, Agent, HONTM.og ana cor. and Green Sts. The Press mav oe found on tile at our otbce. Brown A In a I loxtng Stone, Congress c 168 dtl SOMERS HOUSE, Hilton, Proprietors Smtracte tor Advertisements Newspapwx O, A. Boost, Printers 0HADR0UBN KEN AL.,, S 1272augll deSltf IO Long Wharf, Boetom (jUlNCT, 11, WOOLKYS nd sown* at the United tales, Canada an ■ aug29dlyr 4 PARK KOW. NKW^HOKP | elan No. Ill Exchange Street. British ProTlncea Exchange f