CHAPTER 1 Reactive Bromine Compounds O.N.Singh 1 · P.Fabian 2 1 Department of Applied Physics, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221 005, India. E-mail:
[email protected] 2 University of Munich, Lehrstuhl für Bioklimatologie und Immissionsforschung, Am Hochanger 13, D-85354 Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany. E-mail:
[email protected] Bromine, a minor constituent in the Earth’s atmosphere – with its 50-fold higher efficiency of ozone destruction compared to chlorine – contributes significantly to the ozone hole formation and wintertime stratospheric ozone depletion over northern mid and high latitudes.In addition ozone episodes observed in the Arctic during polar sunrise are solely due to atmospheric bromine.CH3Br, CH2Br2 and CHBr3 are the major brominated gases in the atmosphere, of which CH3Br being most abundant, contributes about 50% and CH2Br2 around 7 to 10% of the total organic stratospheric bromine.Bromocarbons with shorter lifetimes like CHBr3 ,CH2BrCl, CHBr2Cl, CHBrCl2 and CH2BrI decompose before reaching the stratosphere, and are responsible for the ozone episodes.But for 3CHBr, which has also significant anthropogenic sources, all the aforementioned bromocarbons are mostly of marine origin.Halons (H-1211, H-1301, H-2402, H-1202) are solely anthropogenic and are far more stable.They decompose only after reaching the stratosphere.It is estimated that 39% of the stratospheric organic bromine (ª 7 pptv) loading is due to these halons.Increa- ses are being still registered in the atmospheric abundance of halons in spite of production restrictions.Though extensively investigated,the existing knowledge with regard to the pro- duction and degradation of atmospheric bromine gases, is not commensurate with its importance.