1- Consider an Array of Six Elements with Element Spacing D = 3Λ/8. A
1- Consider an array of six elements with element spacing d = 3 λ/8. a) Assuming all elements are driven uniformly (same phase and amplitude), calculate the null beamwidth. b) If the direction of maximum radiation is desired to be at 30 o from the array broadside direction, specify the phase distribution. c) Specify the phase distribution for achieving an end-fire radiation and calculate the null beamwidth in this case. 5- Four isotropic sources are placed along the z-axis as shown below. Assuming that the amplitudes of elements #1 and #2 are +1, and the amplitudes of #3 and #4 are -1, find: a) the array factor in simplified form b) the nulls when d = λ 2 . a) b) 1- Give the array factor for the following identical isotropic antennas with N and d. 3- Design a 7-element array along the x-axis. Specifically, determine the interelement phase shift α and the element center-to-center spacing d to point the main beam at θ =25 ° , φ =10 ° and provide the widest possible beamwidth. Ψ=x kdsincosθφα +⇒= 0 kd sin25cos10 ° °+⇒=− αα 0.4162 kd nulls at 7Ψ nnπ2 nn π 2 =±, = 1,2, ⋅⋅⋅⇒Ψnull =±7 , = 1,2,3,4,5,6 α kd2π n kd d λ α −=−7 ( =⇒= 1) 0.634 ⇒= 0.1 ⇒=− 0.264 2- Two-element uniform array of isotropic sources, positioned along the z-axis λ 4 apart is seen in the figure below. Give the array factor for this array. Find the interelement phase shift, α , so that the maximum of the array factor occurs along θ =0 ° (end-fire array).
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