REALIZATION OF A PLANAR LOW-PROFILE BROADBAND PHASED ARRAY ANTENNA DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Ful¯llment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Justin A. Kasemodel, M.S., B.S. Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering The Ohio State University 2010 Dissertation Committee: John L.Volakis, Co-Adviser Chi-Chih Chen, Co-Adviser Joel T. Johnson ABSTRACT With space at a premium, there is strong interest to develop a single ultra wide- band (UWB) conformal phased array aperture capable of supporting communications, electronic warfare and radar functions. However, typical wideband designs transform into narrowband or multiband apertures when placed over a ground plane. There- fore, it is not surprising that considerable attention has been devoted to electromag- netic bandgap (EBG) surfaces to mitigate the ground plane's destructive interference. However, EBGs and other periodic ground planes are narrowband and not suited for wideband applications. As a result, developing low-cost planar phased array aper- tures, which are concurrently broadband and low-pro¯le over a ground plane, remains a challenge. The array design presented herein is based on the in¯nite current sheet array (CSA) concept and uses tightly coupled dipole elements for wideband conformal op- eration. An important aspect of tightly coupled dipole arrays (TCDAs) is the capac- itive coupling that enables the following: (1) allows ¯eld propagation to neighboring elements, (2) reduces dipole resonant frequency, (3) cancels ground plane inductance, yielding a low-pro¯le, ultra wideband phased array aperture without using lossy ma- terials or EBGs on the ground plane. The latter, is of course, critical for retaining the aperture's wideband behavior under conformal installations. ii This dissertation focuses on the realization of wideband phased array apertures using tightly coupled dipole arrays. A methodology for designing planar apertures is presented including: element selection, material loading, and unbalanced to balanced conversion for wideband feeding. Multiple solutions and practical design examples are presented to increase bandwidth, reduce height, avoid common mode excitation and retain low-cost planar PCB manufacturability. Using one of these designs, a 64 ele- ment low-pro¯le X-band array prototype is fabricated and measured. The conformal array is capable of scanning up to 70± and 60± in the E- and H-planes, respectively. The active VSWR is less than 2 from 8 to 12.5 GHz (1.6:1) and the array height is only ¸=7 at the lowest frequency of operation. A unique feature of the proposed array is its planar layered PCB construction. Speci¯cally, a single microwave laminate is used for the aperture while another supports all associated baluns and matching net- works. Good agreement between simulations and measurements con¯rm the proposed concepts. iii Dedicated to my family. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Professor John L. Volakis, for his guidance and advice. Not only has he taught me the academic side of electromagnetics and engineering, but also the importance of communication about what it takes be a successful professional and leader. His guidance and support led me to present at conferences, publish papers and write proposals. I would also like to sincerely thank my Co-Advisor Dr. Chi-Chih Chen for interesting discussions and insight on antenna design, research methodology and measurement techniques. He has been a great friend, mentor and truly is an antenna and electromagnetics expert. Dr. Chen showed me di®erent ways to approach a research problem and the steps necessary to accomplish any goal. His honesty, intelligence and open door policy has made the ElectroScience Lab a wonderful workplace and home for the last four years. I want to thank the other students in the Volakis antenna group for their challenging questions, interesting discussions and sharing their research during our weekly meetings. In addition, I want to speci¯cally thank my colleges and close friends; Kenneth E. Browne, Mustafa Kuloglu, Brandan T. Strojny and Orbay Tuncay for their collaboration, proof reading, support and suggestions. v VITA September 2, 1984 . Born - Gillette, Wyoming May, 2006 . B.S. Electrical and Computer Eng., South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD August, 2009 . M.S. Electrical and Computer Eng., The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH September, 2006 - present . Graduate Research Fellow, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH PUBLICATIONS Journal Publications 1. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \Wideband Planar Array with Integrated Feed and Matching Network for Wide-Angle Scanning," Under review: Trans. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE. 2. Kasemodel, J.A.; O'Brien, A.; Gupta, I.J.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \Small, Conformal Adaptive Antenna of Spiral Elements for GNSS Receivers," Under review: Trans. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE. 3. Kasemodel, J.A.; Volakis, J.L., \A Planar Dual Linear Polarized Antenna with Integrated Balun," To appear in Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE. 4. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Gupta, I.J.; Volakis, J.L., \Miniature Continuous Coverage Antenna Array for GNSS Receivers," Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE, vol.7, no., pp.592-595, 2008. vi Conference Publications 1. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \Low-pro¯le Wideband Phased Array Antenna with Integrated Balun," Submitted to: Phased Array Symposium, IEEE, Baltimore, MD, Nov., 2010. 2. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \Low-Cost, Planar and Wideband Phased Array with Integrated Balun and Matching Network for Wide-Angle Scan- ning," in Proc. Antenna and Propagation International Symposium, IEEE, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 2010. 3. Volakis, J.L.; Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Sertel, K.; Tzanidis, I., \Wideband Conformal Metamaterial Apertures," in Proc. Antenna Technology (iWAT), 2010 International Workshop on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 1-3 March 2010. 4. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \Wideband Conformal Array with Integrated Feed and Matching Network for Wide-angle Scanning," in Proc. URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, CO, January, 2010. 5. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \A Novel Non-symmetric Tightly Coupled Element for Wideband Phased Array Apertures," in Proc. Antennas Appli- cations Symposium, Allerton, IL, Sept. 2009. 6. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Volakis, J.L., \A Miniaturization Technique for Wideband Tightly Coupled Phased Arrays," in Proc. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Charleston, SC, June 2009. 7. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C., \A Measurement Setup for Characterizing An- tenna on an In¯nite Ground Plane from 1 to 18 GHz," in Proc. Antenna Measurement Technique Association Symposium, Boston, MA, November 2008. 8. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Gupta, I.J.; Volakis, J.L., \Miniature Continu- ous Coverage Wideband GPS Antenna Array," in Proc. Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, San Diego, CA, July 2008. 9. Kasemodel, J.A.; Chen, C.-C.; Gupta, I.J.; Volakis, J.L., \Compact Wideband Antenna Array for GNSS Receivers," in Proc. Antenna Measurement Technique As- sociation Symposium, St. Louis, MO, November 2007. FIELDS OF STUDY vii Major Field: Electrical Engineering Studies in: Applied Electromagnetics Antenna Design and Measurement Techniques viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract . ii Dedication . iv Acknowledgments . v Vita . vi List of Tables . xi List of Figures . xii Chapters: 1. Introduction . 1 1.1 Motivation, Challenges and Objective . 1 2. Broadband Phased Array Aperture using Tightly Coupled Dipoles . 5 2.1 Introduction . 5 2.2 Planar Phased Array Antenna Comparison . 6 2.2.1 Input Impedance . 7 2.2.2 Scan Element Pattern . 13 2.3 Equivalent Circuit . 17 2.4 Linear and Dual Linear Polarization Properties . 23 2.5 Feeding Network Consideration . 27 2.5.1 External 180± Hybrid . 29 2.5.2 Low Cost Partially Balanced Coaxial Cable Feed . 31 2.5.3 Impedance Matching . 33 2.6 Summary . 35 ix 3. Broadband Phased Array Antenna Miniaturization . 37 3.1 Introduction . 37 3.2 Antenna Miniaturization Concept . 38 3.3 Inductive Loading via Volumetric Meandering . 39 3.4 Ferrite Substrate Loading . 41 3.5 Capacitive Loading using a Non-Symmetric Element . 45 3.6 Dielectric Superstrate Loading . 53 3.7 Summary . 60 4. Realization of Non-Symmetric Tightly Coupled Dipole Arrays . 61 4.1 Introduction . 61 4.2 Wideband Balun . 62 4.3 Integration of Aperture and Feed . 63 4.4 Single Feed Demonstration . 65 4.5 64 Element Array Demonstration . 71 4.5.1 Scan Element Pattern . 71 4.5.2 Mutual Coupling and Scan Impedance . 75 4.5.3 Fully Excited Radiation Performance . 83 4.6 Summary . 91 5. Conclusion and Future Work . 93 Bibliography . 97 x LIST OF TABLES Table Page 3.1 Miniaturized element performance comparison summary . 41 3.2 Ferrite resonant frequency comparison . 44 3.3 Dielectric constant for superstrate matching using Rogers TMM series array PCB . 56 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 2.1 (a) In¯nite current sheet over a ground plane, (b) tightly coupled dipole array implementation. 6 2.2 Planar phased array antenna elements under investigation inside unit cell; (a) wire or connected dipoles, (b) bowtie, (c) dipole, (d) slot. 8 2.3 Active resistance (solid) and reactance (dash) for various antenna ele- ± ments in free space scanned to θo = 0 . ................ 9 2.4 Active reflection coe±cient for di®erent system impedances (Zo) of ± each antenna element in free space scanned to θo = 0 ; (a) wire or connected dipoles, (b) bowtie, (c) dipole, (d) slot. 11 2.5 Active reflection coe±cient for various antenna elements in free space ± scanned to θo = 0 . ........................... 12 2.6 Active resistance (solid) and reactance (dash) for various antenna ele- ± ments when placed 8 mm over ground plane scanned to θo = 0 . 12 2.7 Active reflection coe±cient for various antenna elements when placed ± 8 mm over ground plane scanned to θo = 0 .
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