A.A.A. - The American Arbitration Association. Corporate Headquarters, E-mail:
[email protected]. International Center for Dispute Resolution, E-mail: mailto:
[email protected] Website: http://www.adr.org/ A.A.A. - The Association of Average Adjusters - HQS "Wellington", Temple Stairs, Victoria Embankment, London WC2R 2PN. Abandonment [Fr.: " délaissement "] [Span.: " abandono "] [Ital.: " abbandono "] [Gr.: "Abandonnierung "; "Aufgabe eines Rechtsanspruches "] - Abandonment is the giving up by the insured of the proprietary rights in insured property to the underwriter in consideration for payment of a constructive total loss (infra ) or an actual total loss (infra ). See Marine Insurance Act, 1906 (U.K.) sects. 61-63; see also Notice of abandonment (infra ). See Tetley, Int'l M. & A. L. , 2003 at p.612. Abandonment (" abandon ") is also the ancient principle of a shipowner having responsibility only up to the value of the ship and freight (infra ) (but calculated after the collision (infra )). The principle was found in the 1924 Shipowners' Limitation Convention and is still found in the U.S. Shipowners' Limitation of Liability Act , 1851, 46 U.S. Code App. 183. See Tetley, Int'l. C. of L. , 1994 at pp. 510-511, 517-518; Tetley, M.L.C. , 2 Ed., 1998 at pp. 109-110; Tetley, Int'l. M & A. L. , 2003 at pp. 20-21. "Abus de droit" - [Span.: " abuso de derecho "] [Ital.: " abuso di diritto "] [Gr.: "Rechtsmißbrauch "]- A civil law principle of abuse of right due to a flagrant act of a creditor or the possessor of a thing. See Tetley, Int'l. C. of L. , 1994 at p.