Prefectural University of Hiroshima Graduate School of Comprehensive Scientific Research Program in Biological System Sciences 2021 1 2 Immunology and Cell Biology precancerous lesion in the stomach (3, 4). Our laboratory challenges to reveal the molecular and cellular mechanisms that regulate the development of inflammatory diseases and tumorigenesis in the gastrointestine mediated Kyoko INAGAKI-OHARA(Professor) through leptin receptor signaling. Recently, we discovered gastric microbiota +81-824-74-1795 composition and alteration by HFD. In addition, we showed possibility that
[email protected] leptin signaling in the stomach can modulate gastric microbiota, resulting in regulation of pathogenesis of tumors in the stomach (1). Research topics Clarify the role of leptin receptor signaling in modulation of the immune Reference system supporting inflammation and tumorigenesis in the gastrointestine. 1. Arita S. and Inagaki-Ohara K. High-fat diet-induced modulations of leptin signaling and gastric microbiota drive precancerous lesions in the stomach. Outline of Research Nutrition 67-68: 110556 (2019). The gastrointestinal tract is a site constitutively exposed by numerous 2. Arita S., Ogawa T., Murakami Y., Kinoshita Y., Okazaki M, Inagaki-Ohara K. antigens and microbiota. Therefore, the immune system in the gastrointestine Dietary Fat-Accelerating Leptin Signaling Promotes Protumorigenic Gastric has evolved mechanisms that maintain immunological tolerance to food antigen Environment in Mice. Nutrients 11 (9): E2127 (2019). and commensal bacteria, whereas it recognizes invasive pathogens and induces 3. Arita S, et. al., High-fat diet feeding promotes stemness and precancerous protective immune responses. The immunological responses are critically changes in murine gastric mucosa mediated by leptin receptor signaling regulated by cytokines / hormones.