Arxiv:1605.00307V1 [Q-Fin.CP] 1 May 2016 Arteei H Etnadshoe-H 2]Models

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Arxiv:1605.00307V1 [Q-Fin.CP] 1 May 2016 Arteei H Etnadshoe-H 2]Models Semi-analytic path integral solution of SABR and Heston equations: pricing Vanilla and Asian options Jan Kuklinski and Kevin Tyloo Facult´edes HEC, Universit´ede Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland (Dated: September 14, 2018) We discuss a semi-analytical method for solving SABR-type equations based on path integrals. In this approach, one set of variables is integrated analytically while the second set is integrated numerically via Monte-Carlo. This method, known in the literature as Conditional Monte-Carlo, leads to compact expressions functional on three correlated stochastic variables. The methodology is practical and efficient when solving Vanilla pricing in the SABR, Heston and Bates models with time depending parameters. Further, it can also be practically applied to pricing Asian options in the β = 0 SABR model and to other β = 0 type models. Keywords: SABR/Heston semi-analytical solutions, Asian options with skew and smile I. INTRODUCTION 100 MC1 MC2 10-1 The SABR model introduced by Hagan et al. [10, 20] N−0.5 is a canonical Stochastic Volatility model: 10-2 -3 ˜ β 10 St 2 3.5 dS˜t = S0 σ˜t ρdV˜t + 1 ρ dW˜ t (1) speed ratio MC2/MC1 S0 -4 { − } 10 p Std. error 3.0 dσ˜t = νσ˜tdV˜t (2) 10-5 This framework provides a natural extension of the 2.5 Bachelier/Normal, Black-Scholes models and of the 10-6 2.0 Shifted Log-Normal equation. As discussed in [15, 17], 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 setting β = 0 and ρ = 1 leads to the Shifted Log- 10-7 ± 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Normal model. The very important characteristic of the N SABR dynamics is the linearity in the W˜ t stochastic pro- cess. This follows the structure of the Heston equations FIG. 1. Comparison of the convergence between Monte-Carlo [12] and of the Stein and Stein model [26] established 1 (MC1) and 2 (MC2) for Vanilla option. Inset: MC2 is about earlier. twice as fast as MC1. The Authors of the SABR model provided very accurate pricing of Vanilla options using approxi- mated/asymptotic solutions [10]. These solutions are useful in most applications, yet in selected problems a We stress that the methodology we are using requires higher accuracy is needed. The concept of analytical so- only one dimension to be Monte-Carlo integrated as the lutions in the form of multiple integrals was discussed second one can be integrated analytically. Such semi- in the literature [11] and finally mastered for the β = 0 analytic integration technique (we call it also MC2 inte- arXiv:1605.00307v1 [q-fin.CP] 1 May 2016 SABR by Korn et al [14]. gration), is known in the literature as Conditional Monte- Unlike for the Shifted-Log-Normal model, these ‘base’ Carlo [31]. We found the term semi-analytical Monte- solutions are not providing explicit analytic expressions Carlo integration (also referred as MC2) useful and ex- for the stochastic trajectories, which are needed for path planatory as it indicates diminishing the numerical task dependent contracts such as Asian options and Struc- by analytical means. The computational task is twice tured Products. What are also missing are generaliza- smaller when the MC2 method is used. And the error, tions and solutions of the β = 0 SABR equations to a although still converging in square-root, is smaller than mean-reverting case. the classical approach even for a few paths (see FIG.1). It The target of this work is twofold. First we use is also interesting to note that strongly out-of-the-money path-integral solutions of SABR equations with time- options can be priced without having to simulate very dependent parameters to price Vanilla options (β = 0 large number of paths. or 1) together with β = 0 Asian options. We show that The issue of pricing arithmetic Asian options is very option prices are functional on three correlated stochastic widely discussed in the literature. Many authors have variables. Second we discuss applying the same method- tried to solve or approximate the pricing of the arithmetic ology to mean reverting models, while for the β = 1 Asian options, including solving numerically the Heston SABR there is the Heston and Sch¨obel-Zhu [24] models. dynamics [23][1]. Yet the greatest effort has been put 2 on finding or approximating the distribution of a sum Where: of log-normally distributed random variables. This sum arises naturally for arithmetic Asian options under the t ˜ 2 Black-Scholes model due to the average in the payoff. ˜x 2νVs−ν s ft = σ0 e ds (8) Milevsky and Posner [19] approximates the finite sum s 0 Z of Lognormals by an inverse Gamma distribution which σ0ρ ˜ − 2 2 f˜y = eνVt ν t/ 1 (9) is the true density if the sum was infinite [6, 33, 34]. t ν { − } A similar idea was applied by Levy [16] and Turnbull t ˜ − 2 2 ˜z 2 νVs ν s/ ˜ and Wakeman [29] but using a log-normal distribution ft = σ0 1 ρ e dWs (10) − 0 [2]. However the efforts done for the Black-Scholes model p Z cannot account for market skew and smile. ˜z We can further rewrite the variables ft using time In contrast to the rather complex calculations made changed integrals τ(t)= ν2t e.g.: for Asian options in the Black-Scholes model, the semi- analytic the β = 0 SABR pricing for Asian options pre- ϑ=ν2t sented herein is very simple and efficient and to the best σ0 ˜ ˜z 2 2Vτ −τ ˜ ft = 1 ρ e dτQW (11) of our knowledge was not discussed prior in the literature. ν − s 0 It should be stressed that the methods applied to other p Z β = 0 models and that such framework can be considered and Q˜W being an unit Gaussian variable (E[Q˜W ]=0 as generalizations of the Heston, Bates [4] and Sch¨obel- ˜2 and E[QW ] = 1), uncorrelated with the Wiener process Zhu models. In contrast to Vanilla pricing, the Asian V˜τ . options pricing simplicity cannot be reproduced outside Finally the β = 1 SABR solution has the form: the SABR β = 0 model. For Vanilla pricing, the semi-analytic MC2 method can ˜ 1 ˜x 2 ˜y ˜z be applied for both β = 0 and β = 1. This type of cal- St = S0 exp[ (ft ) + ft + ft ] (12) culation can be used to check the accuracy of the Hagan −2 solutions for the SABR model. It is worth stressing that The same pattern applied to the β = 0 SABR: for β = 1, solutions discussed by Korn et al. are to the best of our knowledge not available. Most impor- ˜ ˜ 2 ˜ tantly, the MC2 calculation provides a reliable solution dSt = S0σ˜t ρdVt + 1 ρ dWt (13) { 2 − } to stochastic equations with time dependent parameters. pν σ˜ = σ0 exp[νV˜ t] (14) Last but not least it can also be used as a comparative t t − 2 tool to calibrate general Monte-Carlo pricing scheme. leads to the following solution: The presented calculation procedure is that it can be extended to mean-reverting models including jumps. We ˜ ˜y ˜z briefly discuss its application to the Heston, Bates and St = S0 1+ ft + ft (15) Sch¨obel-Zhu models. { } The formal path-integral solutions of the SABR equa- tions as displayed in Eqs. 12 and 15 have a simple form 2 II. PATH INTEGRAL SOLUTION OF THE β = 1 depending on three parameters ϑ = ν t, σ0√T and ρ. AND β = 0 SABR EQUATIONS Further for ρ = 0 the SABR solutions are depending only on two parameters ϑ andσ ¯ = σ0√T . For β = 0 and ρ = 1 we recover the Shifted Log-Normal model We start with β = 1 SABR model: ± ˜y depending only on ft . This generic form of SABR solu- tions was partially discussed in the literature [18, 25, 31]. 2 dS˜t = S˜tσ˜t ρdV˜t + 1 ρ dW˜ t (3) { 2 − } pν σ˜t = σ0 exp[νV˜t t] (4) III. RE-FORMATIING THE SOLUTIONS AND − 2 SEMI-ANALYTICAL INTEGRATION We use the log-variable Φ˜ t: When considering stochastic problems depending on a fixed time horizon t = T , such as Vanilla pricing, we Φ˜ t(S˜t,t)= ln[S˜t/S0] (5) can further simplify the structure of the solutions using 2 1 another set of stochastic variables (ϑ = ν T ): dΦ˜ = (˜σ )2dt +˜σ ρdV˜ + 1 ρ2dW˜ (6) t −2 t t{ t − t} p We integrate the three parts: y˜ϑ = exp[V˜ϑ ϑ/2] 1 (16) − − ϑ ˜ 1 x 2 y z z˜ϑ = dτ exp[2Vτ τ] (17) Φ˜ = (f˜ ) + f˜ + f˜ (7) s 0 − t {−2 t t t } Z 3 The solutions have then the form: that cannot be adjusted to the market. To accommodate for a wider range of skew and smile a framework such as σ0 the SABR model needs to be considered. We focus in f˜x = z˜ (18) t ν ϑ this section on the β = 0 SABR model. σ0ρ For the arithmetic Asian options , under the Bache- f˜y = y˜ (19) t ν ϑ lier model, we can use the sum of Gaussian variables to σ0 characterize its average of the underlying spot price. The f˜z = 1 ρ2z˜ Q˜ (20) t ν − ϑ W formula for an Asian option based on monthly prices and p yearly averaging, is equivalent to Vanilla form but the The solution provided by Eq. 20 follows with the logic volatility is now adapted (β = 0, ν = 0, ρ = 0).
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