DT\682330EN.Doc PE 393.883V01 EN EN Introduction
EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ««« « « 2004 « « 2009 « « ««« Committee on Petitions 30.9.2007 REPORT on fact finding visit to Ireland 26-29 June 2007 Committee on Petitions Rapporteurs: Marcin Libicki, Radu Podgorean. DT\682330EN.doc PE 393.883v01 EN EN Introduction: The objectives of the mission to Ireland were to investigate and respond to several petitions submitted by Irish citizens, while at the same time allowing the Committee to consult the authorities at national and local level about ways in which certain issues raised by the petitioners might be best resolved. The members of the delegation were pleased to be able to count on the support and advice from Irish members of the Committee who, as our guidelines preclude members from the country visited forming part of the official delegation, joined at various points in an ex officio capacity: Kathy Sinnott - 3rd Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Mairead McGuinness, Proinsias de Rossa and Marian Harkin. The timing of the visit, which took place shortly after the appointment of a new government in Ireland, allowed members of the delegation to meet with Dick Roche TD, Minister for European Affairs, and John Gormley TD, Minister for the Environment and very constructive exchanges concerning the rights of European citizens were held with both. Prior to these meetings, in depth discussions with senior officials from several ministries, coordinated by the European Affairs ministry, allowed members of the delegation to obtain comments and explanations on all the topics which had been chosen by the Committee for investigation. Members of the delegation wish, from the outset, to place on record their sincere thanks to all the officials involved who devoted a considerable amount of time and effort, and indeed patience, in order to respond to the many questions and issues raised by members on behalf of petitioners.
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