
American Political Science Review (2021) 1–18 doi:10.1017/S000305542100071X © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the American Political Science Association. This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the same Creative Commons licence is included and the original work is properly cited. The written permission of Cambridge University Press must be obtained for commercial re-use. The Paradox of Civilization: Preinstitutional Sources of Security and Prosperity ERNESTO DAL BÓ University of California, Berkeley, United States PABLO HERNÁNDEZ-LAGOS Yeshiva University, United States

SEBASTIÁN MAZZUCA Johns Hopkins University, United States https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X . . he production of economic surplus, or “prosperity,” was fundamental to financing the rise of pristine civilizations. Yet, prosperity attracts predation, which discourages the investments required T for civilization. To the extent that the economic footing of civilization creates existential security threats, civilization is paradoxical. We claim that, in addition to surplus production, civilizations require surplus protection, or “security.” Drawing from archaeology and history, we model the trade-offs facing a society on its path to civilization. We emphasize preinstitutional forces, especially the geographical environment, that shape growth and defense capabilities and derive the conditions under which these capabilities help escape the civilizational paradox. We provide qualitative illustration of the model by

analyzing the rise of the first two civilizations, Sumer and Egypt. https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms INTRODUCTION where investments in water management could aug- ment crop yields. odern humans have existed for roughly The problem with productivist optimism is that the 200,000 years. They started adopting agricul- endowments that made an ecology economically prom- M ture only around 12,000 years ago, and it was ising also made it geopolitically vulnerable. An alterna- only around 5,000 years ago that a few populations tive view, which could be called “predatory fatalism,” is intensified agricultural production to create economic based on the observation, made by historians, that surpluses, cities, and bureaucracies. The social Big taking advantage of favorable endowments could back- Bang had occurred: prehistory was over, and history fire. The first agricultural settlements were often sur- began, as Sumerians and Egyptians created the first two rounded by pastoralist tribes ready to loot. According to civilizations. Michael Mann, “the greater the surplus generated, the Archeologists and historians have long studied early more desirable it was to preying outsiders” (1986,48). civilizations, but political scientists have devoted little Indeed, “soon after cities first arose … the relatively attention to them. This is unfortunate because political enormous wealth that resulted from irrigation and plow- , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , analysis can contribute a new angle to the study of ing made such cities worthwhile objects of attack by civilization. A political perspective uncovers how civil- armed outsiders” (McNeill 1992, 85). The destructive izations could arise despite unfavorable odds, why backlash was so strong that it could abort the civilization civilizations arose where they did, and why they process altogether. Thucydides drew a direct link appeared coupled with another innovation: the state. ’ between the security backlash and a choice for economic The archaeological literature, going back to Childe s backwardness. He viewed pre-Hellenic Greeks as “cul- 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 (1936) foundational work, emphasizes favorable tivating no more of their territory than the exigencies of

, on on , endowments for food production as the driver of civil- “ ” life required, destitute of capital, never planting their ization. According to this productivist optimism, cit- land, [f]or they could not tell when an invader might not ies and large-scale architecture arose wherever humans come and take it all away … consequently [they] neither could produce a substantial agricultural surplus. In built large cities nor attained any other form of turn, surpluses were most likely where settlers found greatness” (Thucydides 431BC [Warner 1974,35–6]). a favorable array of animal and plant domesticates and The geographic promise of productivists suggests that given some natural advantages, humans will seize them

and inevitably attain civilization. In contrast, for preda- . IP address: address: IP . tory fatalists, prosperity brings its own demise. Agricul- Ernesto Dal Bó , Professor, Haas School Of Business and Travers tural settlements cannot remain prosperous for long, and Department of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, may choose to avoid prosperity altogether, making civ- United States, [email protected]. Pablo Hernández-Lagos , Associate Professor, Sy Syms School of ilization an impossible outcome. Fatalists have not the- Business, Yeshiva University, United States, pablo.hernandezlagos@yu. orized why civilizations emerge. To the extent that it edu. occurred, civilization is both a mystery and a paradox. Sebastián Mazzuca , Assistant Professor, Department of Political The contradiction in the received wisdom derives Science, Johns Hopkins University, United States, [email protected]. from a political blind-spot. In between the inevitabilities https://www.cambridge.org/core Received: July 06, 2019; revised: July 8, 2020; accepted: June 21, 2021. of geography and predation, settler societies made

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decisions about how to manage the tension between Defense capabilities play a critical role, so the settler security and prosperity. These decisions concerned col- has its best chance at civilization when both growth and lective efforts to create major public goods for produc- defense capabilities are high and relatively balanced. tion and defense. Those decisions were eminently Our results rectify the view of productivists. The eco- political, and constituted the first public choice. As a nomic fundamentals are not the entire story, and to result, civilization, the successful combination of surplus reach civilization a society needed to be twice-lucky in production (“prosperity”) with surplus protection terms of growth and defense capabilities. (“security”), was a geopolitical entity as much as an Were societies with low defense capabilities doomed? economic one. Some early civilizations made durable investments in We advance a political theory of civilization centered protection—such as perimeter walls—that strengthened around the joint attainment of prosperity and security. defense. In the second part of our theory, the settler can Due to predation, in our theory civilization does not invest in defense capabilities so that defense efforts in

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X necessarily follow from the endowments emphasized the future become more effective at resisting attacks by . . by productivists. And when it occurs, it is not a miracu- the challenger. Investments in defense take time to lous escape from predation. Instead, civilization has a mature, and like productive investments, they can be logic derived from the nature of the first public choice. appropriated by the challenger. Because both kinds of The trade-offs facing an agricultural settlement striving investment incite immediate predation, the settler may for civilization were stark. On one hand, investing in prefer to avoid them. Indeed this is what happens if the irrigation could increase crop yields in the future. On settler’s initial income is low. However, if initial income the other hand, investments required sacrificing imme- is high enough, the settler will choose to enhance its diate consumption and the future benefits could be defense capabilities to mimic the profile of a twice-lucky taken away. The decision to augment crop yields and society and attain civilization. An intertemporal comple- exit subsistence agriculture was a gamble. The terms of mentarity with productive investments incentivizes https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms the gamble were shaped by the initial available defense investments. If enough defense capability is built resources, the relative gains from investment, and the today, enhanced security will increase effective returns prevailing conditions of security. Geography affected to productive investments tomorrow and open the path all three parameters, but the decision belonged to the to civilization. settlers. The analysis of such a delicate calculus is Integrating the productivist and the fatalist views in a ideally suited for a formal treatment. formal model creates new insights. Surplus production Our formal theory takes into account the geographic provokes a destructive backlash that precludes civiliza- aspects emphasized by archaeologists, and the security tion for societies that do not have, or cannot build, challenges highlighted by historians. We focus on the defense capabilities. Yet, an optimal first public choice first public choice of how to trade off growth and offers a resolution to the paradox of civilization along security to understand whether any profile of natural two paths. One is being twice-lucky in terms of growth advantages can produce civilization in equilibrium. In and defense capabilities. The other is to create artificial our model, a “settler” (e.g., an agricultural village) defense capabilities, which requires high initial income. receives income from a natural asset (e.g., land), and With these predictions, we reengage the archaeological decides how to spend it across consumption, a product- record through case studies on Sumer and Egypt, the , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , ive investment that raises future income (yielding first two civilizations. “prosperity”), and a defense effort for the period. A Egypt matches the case of a twice-lucky society in our “challenger” (e.g., a pastoralist tribe) may then attack model. Growth capabilities were given by irrigation- the settler to appropriate its asset and future income. If enhanced agriculture, and defense was provided by the the settler spends enough on defense, the challenger surrounding deserts, which protected dwellers along may decide it is not worthwhile to attack and the settler the Nile from most types of attack. The rise of civiliza- 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 achieves full “security.” Defense is costly however, so tion in Southern Mesopotamia could not follow the first , on on , full security may be unaffordable and investments path because the Sumerian settlements lacked natural remain subject to a security risk. As a consequence, protection and faced constant challenges from pastoral the settler may choose a life of subsistence rather than tribes. The second path to civilization in our model was prosperity, forgoing civilization. The fundamentals in open to Sumer, if it had high growth capabilities and a the settler’s decision are its initial income, the returns to high initial income with which to strengthen its investment (“growth capabilities”), and the effective- defenses. Both conditions are supported by archaeo- ness of defense efforts (“defense capabilities”). We logical scholarship. Sumerians invested heavily in water

. IP address: address: IP . investigate whether any combination of these three management and in protective walls, and they had an parameters allows for high levels of security and pros- exceptional combination of initial advantages for food perity—our key outcome metric is a risk-adjusted production. In sum, our model helps explain how civ- measure of growth we call “civilization potential.” ilization was possible in the first two cases on record in We develop our theory in two parts. In the first, terms of what made them similar—high growth cap- defense capabilities are exogenously given by nature. abilities—and what made them different—high versus We show that neither high initial income nor high low natural defenses. The model then accounts for an growth capabilities are sufficient to create civilization associated empirical contrast: virtually all cities in potential. In fact, both higher initial income and growth Mesopotamia were surrounded by walls, while virtually https://www.cambridge.org/core capabilities make the challenger more aggressive. none of the Egyptians were.

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In the next section we review related literature and In our model, aid to the settler in the form of an income discuss broader implications of our analysis for devel- windfall helps if defense and growth capabilities are high opmental success and failure. The following but makes conflict more virulent if defense capabilities section introduces our concepts of state and civilization. are low. In addition, aid helps if used to develop defense We then present our formal model of the first public capabilities alongside strong growth capabilities. The key choice. A historical section illustrates the model with message from our theory is that security and prosperity case studies on Sumer and Egypt. Before concluding, follow not from higher initial income but from stronger we consider alternative explanations for the rise of the capabilities for growth and defense, and that capabilities earliest civilizations. need to be relatively balanced. We hope these observa- tions will inform future empirical efforts on this import- ant topic. BROADER IMPLICATIONS AND RELATED Institutions have long been considered important

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X drivers of political and economic development (see, . . LITERATURE e.g., Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson 2005;Bates In our theory, civilization and state are conceptually 2001; Boix 2015; North and Weingast 1989; North, different but related objects. Civilization involves Wallis, and Weingast 2009). Our theory departs from attaining prosperity and achieving statehood, under- institutionalist approaches, where legal rules constrain stood as a monopoly of violence against external actors, in two directions. The first is our emphasis on the threats. Our theory of civilization nests an account of geographic roots of capacities for defense and growth. pristine state formation. Our attention to natural endowments resonates with Our work adds to scholarship in political science that has studies on whether natural resources pose a blessing or expanded the set of “visions of the state” beyond Tilly’s a curse (see, inter alia, Ross [2015] on the link between (1992) account of European state formation. That expand- resources and conflict, Haber and Menaldo [2011]for https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms ing set considers different roots of state formation as well the link between resources and democratization, and as other regions and times. Scholars have highlighted the Jones Luong and Weinthal [2006] for how the effects of role of intermediary elites in Africa (Boone 2003)andthe resources depend on ownership structures). Middle East (Blaydes 2017), the attitudes of central elites Our second difference with institutionalism is our in ancient China (Tin-bor Hui 2005), religious medieval focus on coercion. We share this focus with studies of practices in Europe (Grzymala-Busse 2020), and coali- the origin of property rights (Hafer 2006). Yet, our tional dynamics in Latin America (Mazzuca 2021; Soifer object of interest is more geopolitical in nature and 2015). We also shift attention away from modern Europe. belongs in the vast literature on “guns and butter” Our distinctive mark is a focus on the very first states, on analyzing conflictual relationships across groups or geographic drivers, and a compound outcome—the joint states (see, inter alia, Powell [1993] and Grossman attainment of prosperity and security. and Kim [1995] for early contributions and Garfinkel The driving forces in our theory have persisted across and Skaperdas [2007] for a review). historical periods. Examples include ancient Chinese Much of the literature on conflict is static, but time settlers facing raids from Mongol groups, medieval matters in various ways. Time may allow conflict to Anglo-Saxon farmers facing raids from Vikings, and spread (Kadera 1998), or it may allow for an identical , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , Latin American port cities facing predatory caudillos in conflict to be repeated (e.g., Maxwell, Reuveny, and the 19th century. The dynamics of prosperity and Davis 2007). We consider a dynamic setting with only security are also relevant to current debates about two actors, so conflict cannot spread, but it may how to strengthen fragile states. Like the settler facing reoccur, and time allows for past actions to alter the the challenger in our model, the fragile states of today terms of subsequent conflicts—creating a dynamic link- grapple with the insecurity posed by predatory actors age. A dynamic linkage is also present in models of 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 (World Bank 2011). conflict where past agreements alter the future balance , on on , Observers have long noted that, in fragile states, of power (e.g., Fearon 1995; Powell 2012). In our foreign aid may not help recipients (Anderson 1999; model, actions in one period have consequences later Terry 2002). Researchers have suggested that foreign because investment in one period alters the resources aid can help stabilize democratic transitions (Savun and available in the next. Tirone 2011) and diminish conflict (Savun and Tirone We are not the first to consider a growth-defense 2012). Yet, other research has suggested that aid is a trade-off (“guns versus butter tomorrow”) in a formal curse for growth (Djankov, Montalvo, and Reynal- model. Kadera and Morey (2008) model that trade-off.

. IP address: address: IP . Querol 2008), that it lengthens conflict (De Ree and We consider a triple trade-off among investment, Nillesen 2009), and that the effects of aid on governance, defense, and current consumption. To the best of our if positive, are only temporary (Carnegie and Marinov knowledge, we study the first “guns versus butter today 2017) or context specific (Beath, Christia, and Enikolo- versus butter tomorrow” problem. In addition, we pov 2011). Findlay (2018) reviews the arguments around derive conflict intensity as a microfounded equilibrium the difficult connection between aid and peace, and in a traditional model of contests and consider endogen- Zürcher’s(2017) review of the evidence shows that aid ous defense capabilities—that is, we allow for the deci- backfires unless conditions for security are guaranteed. sion maker to improve its defense technology. Our model helps make sense of these findings by Much of the work on conflict considers deterrence of https://www.cambridge.org/core suggesting that the effects of aid are starkly conditional. outside threats through force only. Our model is no

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exception: the settler deters the challenger by mounting a strong enough defense.1 This result is in line with FIGURE 1. Conceptual Framework—State and several, long-standing, rationalist theories of deter- Civilization Core rence reviewed by Huth (1999). The focus on force CIVILIZATION does abstract from other instruments of deterrence like alliances (Leeds 2003) or pacts (Mattes and Vonnahme 2010). These instruments are salient in a modern, multilateral world, but were arguably less relevant during pristine state formation. Urbanizaon


. . FRAMEWORK While they co-occurred empirically, civilization and  Surplus producon or state are conceptually different. We first present our Organized “prosperity” (via agriculture) Arts working definition of state and then how it fits into our Religion conceptualization of civilization.  Surplus protecon or “security” (via the state) State The canonical Weberian definition of the state as a territorial monopoly of (legitimate) violence involves https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms two aspects: internal order (typically created through Wring hierarchy) and external security.2 We will consider state- hood to emerge when a settlement attains significant security from external threats. Thus, we follow the canonical definition, but focus on the external dimension. Our focus on external security contrasts with a long tradition in anthropology (referred to in the above subsistence levels (i.e., an economic surplus is section “Other explanations”) that conceptualizes the needed). Therefore, surplus production, or rise of the pristine state as the emergence of an internal “prosperity,” is an ineliminable attribute of civilization. hierarchy that separates rulers from the rest of the So we agree with productivists that agricultural surplus population. That tradition has largely ignored the state is a basis of civilization (Childe’s 1936 foundational as a source of external security. We restrict attention to insight). But surplus production cannot be the only the external aspect, not because we think internal basis for civilization. hierarchy is unimportant or because our theory cannot Informed by the defense concern of fatalists, we accommodate it. Rather, the external security aspect consider that protecting surplus is as important as , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , holds the key to solving the paradox of civilization and producing it. Surplus, and the investments that produce offers a complement to theories based on hierarchy. it, can be raided. Therefore, surplus producers must trust they will get the future rewards. In addition, Civilization security over time is crucial for civilizations to last. Therefore, surplus protection,or“security,” is the other The concept of civilization was first defined by archae- ineliminable attribute of civilization. 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 ologists. Their definition includes surplus-producing Our two ineliminable attributes, surplus production , on on , agriculture, cities, monumental art and architecture, via intensive agriculture and surplus protection via the information recording systems (e.g., writing), organ- state, constitute the core attributes of civilization. The ized religion, productive infrastructure (e.g., irriga- other attributes remain peripheral in our conceptual- tion), and advances in craft production as parts of a ization.4 Figure 1 represents the relation between state, distinct and lasting cultural identity.3 civilization core, and civilization overall (the list of What is relevant to our purposes is that these attri- peripheral elements is nonexhaustive).

butes are only possible when material production rises . IP address: address: IP . 1 For a different notion of deterrence, based on off-equilibrium The Causal Chain of Civilization threats of “ total war,” see Leventoğlu and Slantchev (2007). 2 See Berwick and Christia (2018) and Dincecco (2017) for recent Our stylized view of the civilization process maps geo- reviews on state and state capacity. graphic drivers onto prosperity and security outcomes. 3 Debates about the list of attributes that define civilization affect the set of societies that meet the definition (see Trigger 2003, Chap. 3). Egypt and Sumer are uncontroversial members of the set of earliest 4 The peripheral elements are not strictly necessary, so our concep- civilizations. And our conceptualization based on core attributes tualization can accommodate their being absent in some empirical stabilizes the classification of cases relative to enumerative-list cases. Writing, famously absent in the Inca civilization, is a case in https://www.cambridge.org/core approaches. point.

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FIGURE 2. The Causal Chain of Civilization

2 1 Production 3 Biogeographic &Defense Civilization Conditions Fundamentals Core

Initial income: v Security and To p o g r a p h y prosperity Rivers Growth Precipitation capability: ρ

Soil quality Key summary https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X . . Crop suitability outcome: Plant & animal Defense Civilization domesticates capability: κ potential

Mapping derived through formal

theory https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms

We conceptualize the problem of a settlement making The primary example of the asset is a tract of land. The the first public choice to balance current consumption, initial income level v1 tracks properties of the environ- future prosperity, and defense. The outcomes prosperity ment (e.g., climate, quality of the soil) that affect the andsecurityarelistedincolumn3ofFigure 2.Thekey productivity of the land and deliver an income even decision fundamentals in the model are initial resources before the settler makes any improvements to the land. or income, and growth and defense capabilities (in The settler faces a “challenger” (they) in each period, column 2). These are, in turn, shaped by observable who wants to seize the asset to get its income in the next conditions of the geographic environment (in column 1) period. Our settler represents the historical role of such as soil quality, topography, or sources of irrigation. agricultural producers that gave rise to the first cities. The elements in columns 1 and 3 are observable. The Our challenger represents the predatory groups, typic- relationship between geographic elements in column ally nomadic pastoralists, who raided agricultural 1 and decision fundamentals in column 2 is informed by settlements. Our assumption that each actor is uniper-

abundant scholarship in archaeology, as discussed in sonal makes clear that we abstract from internal social , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , our case studies. Thus, theoretical statements linking hierarchy.5 fundamentals in column 2 and civilization outcomes in Actions, resources, technology In each period t, the column 3 are testable. settler can spend vt across productive investment or The contribution of our formal theory is to show defense, consuming any remainder. A productive whether some combination of fundamentals in column investment of it units of income adds ρit units to the

2 (and if so, which) can yield a sufficiently high degree future yield of the asset, so income in t þ 1isvtþ1 = vt þ 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 of prosperity and security (outcomes in column 3). The ρit. The parameter ρ captures factors that affect the , on on , empirical realization of civilization in the historical returns to productive investment, such as the additional record surely responded not only to systematic forces crop yields attained by investing in water management. but also to historical contingency and chance. To avoid We assume ρ > 1, which makes investment possible a deterministic bias, the key outcome metric in the although not inevitable due to insecurity.6 For simpli- formal theory will be a score of “civilization potential.” city, we abstract from depreciation and discounting. This score combines prosperity and security through a In each period t, the settler can put together a defense security-adjusted measure of surplus production. d , which costs the amount dt , where κ ≥ 0 is the settler’s

t κt t . IP address: address: IP .

A FORMAL THEORY OF THE FIRST PUBLIC 5 Our theory can accommodate different ways of resolving internal rivalries. Each actor in our model can be taken to be a representative CHOICE member of an egalitarian group, a perfectly benevolent ruler acting on behalf of a group, or a perfectly extractive ruler who monopolizes Baseline Model group payoffs. 6 ρ “ ” With linear preferences, investment is never worthwhile if is Players A settler (it) controls a productive asset that strictly less than the marginal cost of investment, which is 1, so— https://www.cambridge.org/core yields an income vt > 0 in each of two periods, t = 1,2. uninterestingly—it will never occur in equilibrium.

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defense capability. The higher the defense capability of Our focus is on whether the settler invests and is likely the settler, the higher the “firepower” dt attained by a to enjoy the returns of investment. Growth does not dt given expense . The parameter κt captures the tech- benefit the settler if the challenger wins. Our definition κt nology of defense—that is, any elements that affect the of civilization as a combination of prosperity and security cost of transforming resources into protection. For is operationalized through a security-adjusted measure of growth, our measure of civilization potential CP ¼ instance, if the settler can place soldiers behind a desert ∗ ∗ d ∗ settler wins − 1 ρ or on top of elevated terrain that wears down the PðÞv2 v1 ¼ ∗ ∗ i1 (asterisks indicate d1þa1 approaching challenger, then the settler will be able equilibrium magnitudes). In words, this is the product κ = κ to mount a stronger defense. We fix t 1 > 0 in our of the probability that the settler prevails in equilib- κ baseline analysis (e.g., t is given by natural terrain). In rium, or security, times the surplus created by “ the subsection Extended Model: Another Path to investment, or prosperity. The remainder of this ” κ κ

Civilization, we allow t to be improvable (e.g., t section investigates whether any combination of par- https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X

. . can be enhanced with fortifications). ameter values v1, κ1,andρ gives the settler a positive The challenger can attack the settler with an intensity civilization potential. ≥ = at 0. If at 0, there is peace. If at > 0, conflict occurs at Solution concept We solve for a subgame perfect the end of period t. The winner in t will own the asset, Nash equilibrium by backward induction, starting with 7 and the income it generates, in t þ 1. We adopt the the second period, and then studying the first. typical Tullock contest success function, so whenever the challenger attacks, the settler prevails with prob- ability PðÞsettler wins dt and the challenger wins Modeling choices and robustness dtþat with the complementary probability.8 If the challenger Our goal is to formalize the first public choice for an does not attack, the settler has successfully deterred the agricultural settlement that is striving to achieve civil- https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms challenger, and this lack of challenge results in full ization. This motivates placing the settler as a key security (P(settler wins) = 1). player in our model, facing the attacks of pastoralist Timing At the beginning of each period, the settler groups. chooses defense dt and investment it, consuming any We have only introduced asymmetries between the remaining resources. After observing (dt,it) the chal- players that we deem helpful to analyze the trade-offs lenger selects their attack at. The winner (the settler, if of interest. Allowing only the settler to invest main- there is peace) moves to the next period (if any) in tains tractability and matches historical situations control of the asset. where one settled, food-producing group has more Payoffs Both settler and challenger are risk neutral room to accumulate than do rival nomadic groups.9 and care linearly about consumption in each period. Letting the settler move first helps make deterrence The settler while in control of the asset consumes possible, an important outcome in our analysis. Last, dt ct vt− κ −it in period t. Thus, in any period t the settler while defense effort burns limited resources for the t settler, attack effort does not deplete a budget for the chooses dt and it to maximize the value of being in control of the asset, which is the value of expected challenger. This avoids the technical difficulties involving a kink in the challenger’s best response intertemporal consumption V ¼ v − dt −i þ dt V ,

, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , t t κ t tþ1 t dtþat function that would make the analysis less elegant while observing the budget constraint (BC) without gaining insight. dt vt− −it ≥ 0. The initial settler’s value is κt The presence of an initial income parameter v1 is V ¼ c þ dt c . The challenger only cares about the uncontroversial, but the introduction of our two 1 1 dtþat 2 value of being in control of the asset, and in period t capabilities requires justification. One fundamental trade-off facing the settler involves whether to sacrifice chooses at to maximize the value of attacking the settler

18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 at current consumption to make investments that will net of costs Vt −at. If the challenger does not dtþat þ1 , on on , increase crop yields. That motivates the inclusion of attack or is defeated, their payoff is zero. Table 1 returns on investment ρ. However, the trade-off summarizes the notation of our baseline model. between consuming now and later is affected by inse- curity, which creates a second trade-off. The risk, according to the fatalist view, is the possibility of pre- 7 In our two-period model, it is immaterial whether expropriation dation, which motivates including the challenger, as involves the income flow or the asset itself. Both cases were observed well as the possibility of conflict. The parameter ĸ1 sets historically: intermittent raids and invasion with “replacement,” such the rate at which income can be turned into defense. . IP address: address: IP . as with Mongols invading China or when Sargon of Akkad took over The two capabilities (κ1, ρ) govern the central trade-offs the Sumerian cities. To avoid ambiguity, we will assume that if in the theory. victorious the challenger replaces the settler in period 2 and faces a new challenger. 8 Generalized versions of the ratio-based contest success function exist but are less tractable. Hirshleifer (2001) explores some of the α 9 αd difficulties. The typical generalization is to functions of the type d þaα. A subsequent historical dynamic between civilized city-states and, The most important feature of our model, which is the possibility of eventually, empires, involved more symmetric contests that also generating deterrence, obtains for any function satisfying created trade-offs between consumption, growth, and security. Our α ∈ ½0, n=ðÞn−1 in a symmetric contest with n players. For analysis of the trade-offs on the settler’s side should aid future https://www.cambridge.org/core α > n=ðÞn−1 , pure strategy equilibria cease to exist. research on those subsequent historical interactions.

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TABLE 1. Baseline Model: Summary of Notation

Model notation Concept Real-world correlate Factors shaping it

Exogenous κ1: kappa Defense capability Military technology: ease Geographic features (e.g., parameters of transforming current desert) resources into higher defense level ρ: rho Growth capability Future income gains Geographic features such as from investment potential for water management v1 Initial resources or Food production Geographic features such as income soil quality https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X d d . . Endogenous 1, 2 Defense level of the Ability to lower the Choice affected by available choice settler challenger’s winning resources, defense variables odds capability, and winning odds i1,i2 Productive Irrigation infrastructure Choice affected by available investment by the resources and winning odds settler c1,c2 Consumption for the Food consumption Residual after decisions on settler defense and investment a1,a2 Attack intensity of the Ability to lower the Choice affected by projected challenger settler’s winning odds appropriated asset and winning odds v = v ρi Second period Food production Initial income, growth https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms 2 1 þ 1 resources or capability, and investment income Key outcome P(settler wins) Civilization potential Historical realization of All parameters of the model (v2–v1) the civilization (geography) and d1 = ρi1 potential: Visible marks endogenous choices d1þa1 of civilization (conflictual, preinstitutional politics)

Our model is robust to a number of extensions The second derivative of the challenger’s objective available upon request. These include considering function is strictly negative for all a1, so the optimal more than two periods, populations who choose pattackffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi intensity by the challenger is a1ðÞ¼d1, v2 whether to adopt the role of settlers and challengers, d1v2−d1 if d1 < v2 and zero otherwise. the possibility of transfers between the settler and the The challenger’s optimal attack function a1(d1,v2) , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , challenger, and destruction from conflict. contributes to the key trade-off facing the settler. Since ρ > 1, investment increases future income, v2 = v1 þ ρi1, but lowers the chance that the settler can keep that Solution income as a more valuable asset makesq theffiffiffiffi challenger ∂ ρ Second period Success in conflict pays off one period more aggressive (formally, a1ðÞd1, v2 ¼ d1 > 0 when- ∂i1 2 v2 later, so the challenger does not attack in the second

18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 ∗ ever d1 < v2). This originates the civilizational paradox:

and last period, leaving a2 ¼ 0. Anticipating this, the attempting future prosperity raises insecurity, which in , on on , settler chooses zero defense expenditures, leaving 10 ∗ turn depresses incentives to attempt that prosperity. d ¼ 0. The proceeds from productive investment only 2 The challenger’s attack function a1(d1,v2) also shows materialize in the future, so the settler does not invest in ∗ that attack intensity becomes zero if the settler raises the last period, leaving i ¼ 0. Since neither conflict nor 2 defense to v2 or higher. Such full deterrence makes = investment will occur in t 2, the value of keeping the the settler completely secure. Because defense is costly, asset is the income that the asset will yield then the settler will never choose a defense higher than the ρ (i.e., V2 ¼ v2 v1 þ i1), which will be consumed in minimum needed to achieve deterrence, implying the

. IP address: address: IP . = its entirety (the winner in period 1 will consume c2 v2 optimizing settler will observe a deterrence constraint in period 2). This captures why the settler might want to (DC) d1 < v2. invest in t = 1: investment grows future income and, conditional on remaining in control, higher future income yields higher future consumption. First period After the settler makes its defense and 10 The civilizational paradox is related to, but differs from, Hirshlei- investment choices (d1,i1), the challenger chooses the fer’s(1991) paradox of power. Hirshleifer’s paradox consists of the a1 attack intensity a to maximize v2−a1. The first 1 d1þa1 fact that the poorer contender can end up better off. We use the term d1 “paradox” to denote a tension: investments leading to prosperity https://www.cambridge.org/core order condition for the challenger is 2 v2 ¼ 1. ðÞd1þa1 reduce security and therefore the motivation to create prosperity.

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 The settler maximizes its expected intertemporal λ − d1 − c:s: λ − ρ c:s: consumption value V1 subject to the budget constraint BC v1 κ i1 ¼ 0 , DCðÞ¼v1 d1 þ i1 0 (9) (BC) and the deterrence constraint (DC). The settler’s 1 problem in period 1 can then be written as – The conditions of equations (7) (9) are necessary and sufficient for a maximum because the constraints are max − d1 − d1 ρ v1 κ i1 þ ρ ðÞv1 þ i1 , (1) linear and the objective is smooth and concave in the d1, i1 1 d1 þ a1ðÞd1, v1 þ i1 control variables d1 and i1. The Appendix offers tech- subject to nical details on the solution. To build intuition before we describe the equilib- d rium, suppose the settler chooses arbitrary investment − 1 − ≥ BC o o v1 κ i1 0 ðÞ (2) and defense expenses i and d , respectively. These 1 o

expenditures buy respectively i1 ¼ i units of invest- https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X . . oκ v1 þ ρi1−d1 ≥ 0 ðÞDC (3) ment and d1 ¼ d 1 units of defense. Now consider changes to the parameters ρ and κ1. An increase in ρ ≥ o o d1 0 (4) raises future income v2 ¼ v1 þ ρi at the rate i , but this new prosperity makes the challenger more aggressive, i1 ≥ 0: (5) increasing insecurity. An increase in κ1 raises the set- ’ o ’ tler s defense at the rate d , and even after accounting The settler s objective in equation (1) reflects the fact for the challenger’s adjustment of their attack, it that defense and investment in t = 1 are costly in terms increases security (using the challenger’s attack func- of current consumption (the second and third terms pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tion a ðÞ¼d , v d v −d , the probability that the − d1 − ρ 1 1 2 1 2 1 qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi κ i1). However, investment i1 yields returns i1 in the o 1 d1 d κ1

https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms settler prevails is ¼ , which increases future, and defense raises security, or the probability d1þa1ðÞd1, v2 v2 d1 κ that the settler keeps its income in period 2. The in 1). These direct effects of the parameters, before we d1þa1ðÞ: objective also reflects the gamble of attempting pros- allow the settler to adjust its choices, are described in Panel (a) of Figure 3, and they represent the critical perity. The settler is not guaranteed the full return ρi1 to its investment but only the risk-adjusted return forces shaping the optimal choice by the settler. The d1 settler may respond to very low investment returns by : ρi1 once security is factored in. d1þa1ðÞ not investing at all, forgoing any civilization potential. In ∗ ∗ λ∗ We characterize the solution d1, i1, BC to the set- turn, the settler may find that higher returns bring about ’ tler s problem for each parameter combination so much insecurity that even then investing is ill-advised. κ ρ ∈ ℝ ∞ ℝ : ðÞ1, , v1 þ ðÞ1, þ In other words, we Yet, the risk may be acceptable if defense capabilities establish whether and how much the settler defends are high enough for a small expenditure on defense to itself, invests, and consumes (and, in turn, whether it buy a lot of security. The next proposition elucidates attains any civilization potential), for each possible com- whether and when the settler can buy enough security bination of the parameter values. Finding the solution is that it makes sense to attempt prosperity. tedious but involves only standard Kuhn–Tucker opti-

, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , mization techniques. The Lagrangian for the settler’s Proposition 1 In a world with exogenous defense optimization is capabilities, (i) If defense and growth capabilities (κ ,ρ) are both d d 1 − 1 − 1 ρ sufficiently high, prosperity arises with partial or full L¼v1 κ i1 þ ρ ðÞv1 þ i1 1 d1 þ a1ðÞd1, v1 þ i1 security and higher capabilities increase civilization d1 potential. If either defense or growth capabilities are λBC v − −i λDC v ρi −d λ d λ i , 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 þ 1 1 þ ðÞþ1 þ 1 1 d 1 þ i 1 κ1 low, civilization potential remains zero.

, on on , — (6) (ii) No level of initial income v1 no matter how high—can produce civilization when defense or growth capabilities are low. High levels of initial income where λBC, λDC, λ ,andλ are the Lagrange multipliers for d i increase civilization potential only when both defense each constraint described in Equation 2 – Equation 5.The and growth capabilities are sufficiently high. first order and complementary slackness (c.s.) conditions that characterize the optimum are given by Panel (b) of Figure 3 illustrates the properties of the rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi solution in terms of civilization potential. In a safe envir- . IP address: address: IP . ∂ ρ λBC — L 1 v1 þ i1 − 1 − − λ λ onment without a challenger, the settler would invest ¼ DC þ d — ∂d1 2 d1 κ1 κ1 (7) and prosperity would arise everywhere in the quadrant κ ρ ¼ 0; d1 ≥ 0, λd ≥ 0, λdd1 ¼ 0 c:s: ( 1, ). In the presence of the challenger, however, pros- sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi perity remains beyond reach for a portion of the param- κ ρ ∂ ρ eter space ( 1, ). In the dark area to the left and below the L d1 − − λ λ ρ λ ¼ 1 BC þ DC þ i CP ∂i1 2 v1 þ ρi1 (8) thick white convex curve, civilization potential ¼ ∗ d ∗ ≥ λ ≥ λ c:s: 1 ρ ¼ 0; i1 0, i 0, ii1 ¼ 0 ∗ ∗ i1 remains zero because insecurity discourages

d1þa1 https://www.cambridge.org/core

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FIGURE 3. Growth and Defense Capabilities Shape Civilization Potential

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X . .

Panel (a): Direct effects holding settler actions fixed. Panel (b): Lighter shading represents higher Civilization Potential (computed in

https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms equilibrium assuming v1 = 1).

investment completely. As per the fatalists, insecurity can The solution to the settler’s problem has three sub- indeed preclude civilization. In that dark area, defense stantive implications. First, taken together, parts (i) and capabilities are too low to mitigate security risks, and (ii) of proposition 1 imply that what is crucial to create investment is forgone; conversely, growth capabilities civilization is capabilities, not initial income. Archae- are too low to make investment attractive given the ologists emphasize favorable conditions for food pro- security risk. Throughout, we will refer to capabilities duction but conflate initial advantages (e.g., rivers offer being “low” to indicate the pairs (κ1,ρ)belowandtothe fish) and the potential for investments (e.g., rivers left of the convex curve, that yield no civilization potential support infrastructure for water management). The (“high” capabilities are those above the curve). latter aspect, our model shows, is critical. Against the fatalists, however, civilization is possible. Second, the exclusive focus on the geography of food In the areas above the convex curve civilization potential production is misleading. Civilization potential can be becomespositive,andasthepairs(κ1,ρ) move toward the zero in our model despite a high initial income, or a high northeast of the quadrant civilization potential increases return to investment. Security matters, and so do defense , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , (lighter shading in the graph indicates higher values of capabilities. The third substantive implication is that a civilization potential; shading in the graph tracks equilib- broadly balanced profile of capabilities is helpful to rium civilization potential assuming v1 = 1). Because . The curve separating the areas with and growth and defense capabilities yield high civilization without civilization potential is strictly convex to the potential, we consider that combination of fundamentals origin and does not intersect the axes, so it does not

the predictor of empirically realized civilization. pay the settler to have 100% of its capabilities concen- 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 The position of the convex curve in Panel (b) of trated on one axis (either κ1 or ρ). Equal amounts of both , on on , Figure 3 is independent of initial income. More income capabilities will be more likely to land the settler in the raises civilization potential wherever this potential is area with positive civilization potential. positive (above the curve) but does not help if capabil- In sum, the first key takeaway from the analysis is that ities hold civilization potential at zero (below the the paradox of civilization has a solution. This is a curve). This is a surprising result. The intuition is as necessary analytical outcome to explain how civilization follows. A higher income allows the settler to buy more was possible. The second takeaway is a rectification of defense but also makes the challenger more aggressive. the production optimism of archaeologists. Since the

Holding growth capabilities fixed, when defense cap- civilization core is surplus production and also surplus . IP address: address: IP . abilities are high the settler can buy defense cheaply. protection, achieving it requires the settler to be twice- Then a higher income helps the settler increase defense lucky by having high growth and defense capabilities. fast enough relative to external aggression, so the Additional remarks The model produces varieties of higher income raises the risk-adjusted returns for an civilizational success and failure. Both the areas with investing settler and raises civilization potential. Below and without civilization potential include subcases, so the convex curve, defense capabilities are too low, so if not all failures and successes are created equal. The income increases, defense cannot rise fast enough to subcases within each area are separated by the thin protect investment, and therefore no amount of income white lines in Panel (b) of Figure 3. The dark area https://www.cambridge.org/core can produce civilization. without civilization potential has a subregion to the

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right of the value κ1 = 2 where the settler attains the right in the space (κ1,ρ). After observing the settler’s deterrence by forgoing prosperity, echoing Thucydi- choices (m0,dt,it), the challenger selects its attack inten- des’s observation. In the subregion to the left of κ1 = sity at. If at = 0, the settler retains its position in the next 2, the settler is insecure despite forgoing prosperity—a period. If at > 0, then war occurs in period t. The winner stagnation-conflict trap. The area with positive civiliza- becomes the settler in the next period (if any), and faces tion potential also shows variation. In the subregion a new challenger then. above the 45 degree line, the settler invests despite Effectively, in this expanded model the settler in t = being unable to fully deter the challenger (the security 0 chooses what version of the game in our previous risk is not so high as to deter all investment), and in the subsection to play by varying κ1. The advantage of a subregion below the 45 degree line the settler both higher κ1 is that it could shift the settler from a situation prospers and fully deters the challenger. High levels without civilization potential to one with positive civil- of civilization potential can be reached with varying ization potential. The disadvantage is twofold. First,

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X combinations of prosperity and security. expanding defense capability reduces consumption in . . These results can inform policy toward contempor- t = 0. Second, since defense capabilities can be inherited ary failed states where central authorities are powerless by a successful challenger who defeats the settler at t = to deter violent predatory actors. In our model, these 0, investments in defense capabilities encourage attacks states are close to the origin in the (κ1,ρ) space, the before those investments mature (just like productive stagnation-conflict trap where insecurity is high and investments). productive investments are discouraged. Part (ii) of The case of interest is one where the settler needs to our proposition implies that no income windfall from overcome defenselessness. So we consider a settler that outside aid will help the society avoid conflict or grow. in the absence of improvements in defense capability Part (i) of the proposition implies that changes in would find itself under attack and making no product- capabilities are needed, and that a relatively balanced ive investments in t = 1. https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms increase in both capabilities is the best path to security and prosperity. Solution Extended Model: Another Path to Civilization As before, we solve the model through backward induction. Actions in periods 1 and 2 follow the logic In our baseline model, even a settler with high growth in our baseline model. Given the initial parameters ρ capability cannot attain civilization if its initial (v ,κ ,ρ), the choices (i ,m ) of the settler in t = 0 pos- κ 0 0 0 0 defense capability 1 is too low. But some societies ition the settler into the game of our baseline model succeeded despite initial insecurity. In fact, the mark with capabilities (κ1,ρ). Investments m0 in defense cap- of many civilizations were defensive structures built to abilities increase security in t = 1 and therefore increase overcome insecurity. We now extend the model to the settler’s payoff starting in period 1, provided that allow for the endogenous strengthening of defense the settler survives conflict in period 0. Once in period capabilities and ask whether a settler with low initial 1, the settler has a continuation value of V ðÞ¼i , m defenses can attain civilization. 1 0 0 ðÞv0 þ ρi0 SmðÞ0 , where the function SmðÞ0 (detailed , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , in the Appendix) captures how payoffs in t = 1 change Setup with m0. Given the continuation value V1ðÞi0, m0 ,we can solve for decisions in period 0. In each period, a challenger arrives who seeks to After the settler has selected m0, d0, and i0, the replace the settler and inherit its capabilities. Like in challenger decides whether to fight. Using the same our baseline model, in each period the settler chooses logic as in the baseline model,pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi the challenger’s attack 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 productive investment i and defense d , but now the t t function is a0ðÞ¼d0, i0, m0 d0V1ðÞi0, m0 −d0 if d0 <

, on on , settler can also spend resources mt in one period to V1ðÞi0, m0 and zero otherwise. The value V1ðÞi0, m0 of increase its defense capability in the next, to being in control of the asset in t = 1 is increasing in both κtþ1 ¼ κt þ mt. The settler’s budget constraint in period dt 11 productive (i0) and defensive (m0) investments, so both t becomes vt− κ −it−mt ≥ 0. t kinds of investment incentivize challenge in t = 0. Now we need to consider three periods, 0, 1, and Given the challenger’s best response function, the 2. Since the challenger will never fight in period 2, the settler chooses d0,i0, and m0 to maximize its expected settler will never spend to expand defense capability in value V . The settler’s optimization problem is periods 1 or 2; thus, the decision to expand defense 0 . IP address: address: IP . capability is only relevant in period 0. In terms of max − − d0 − d0 Figure 3, choosing m0 > 0 in period 0 to increase defense v0 m0 i0 þ V1ðÞi0, m0 , d0, i0, m0 ≥ 0 κ d þ a ðÞd , V ðÞi , m capabilities in period 1 moves the settler horizontally to 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 (10)

11 There is an important difference between the defense expenditure subject to the nonnegativity constraints d0 ≥ 0, dt κ and the defense investment mt. The former increases the chances d0 t i0 ≥ 0, m0 ≥ 0, the budget constraint v0−m0− κ −i0 ≥ 0, the settler defeats the challenger in the same period. The latter lowers ρ −0 ≥ the costs of defense in subsequent periods, i.e., it improves the and the deterrence constraint ðÞv0 þ i0 SmðÞ0 d0 0. https://www.cambridge.org/core settler’s future war technology. We now establish,

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Proposition 2 Given unfavorable initial defense cap- HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS: SUMER AND abilities κ0, if initial income v0 is low enough, then no EGYPT investments in defense capabilities are made and civil- Sumer and Egypt are the most prominent pristine ization potential remains zero. However, a high enough civilizations. Sumer, located in Southern Mesopotamia, initial income v yields a positive civilization potential. 0 supported the first substantial surpluses in human evo- Specifically, defense investments are made in t = 0 to lution, the first city-states, and gave rise to the first increase defense capabilities κ in t = 1; the increased 1 major civilization. Egypt was the first society to attain defense capabilities in t = 1 make productive investments security and prosperity on a large scale—temporally i secure, making civilization potential positive. This 1 and territorially. civilization potential, in turn, increases with growth The case studies in this section make two contribu- capabilities ρ. tions. First, they help assess our assumptions—that is,

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X This proposition says that when initial income v is whether the theory captures the main challenges and

. . 0 low, it is preferable to consume in the present rather opportunities facing the first civilizations. Second, the than augment predatory risk by making any kind of cases illustrate the theoretical results on what it takes to investments. A little initial income does not translate escape the paradox of civilization. Each historical case into a little investment in defense capabilities because matches one of the two paths to civilization identified improvements in defense capabilities also incite imme- by our theory. diate predation and only become protective in the following period. A “critical mass” of income is needed. When v0 is high enough, two advantages materialize. Shared Growth Capabilities and Similar First, the settler can finance a higher defense effort Investments in Productive Infrastructure while it waits for defense investments to mature. Sec- https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms ond, a critically large investment in defense capability is Sumer was located in a riverine valley, along the Tigris possible at t = 0; as a consequence, the additional and Euphrates, exceptionally endowed for alluvial agri- security in t = 1 is large enough to make the effective culture. The alluvium greatly expanded soil fertility. rate of return in t = 1 attractive for productive invest- But to make the best use of the alluvium, Sumerians ment. The result is prosperity in t = 2. That expected made massive investments in irrigation infrastructure, securing extraordinary returns. According to Mann prosperity justifies bearing the initial costs and risks “ associated with investments in defense. The force at (1986, 78), If [the alluvium] can be diverted onto a play is an intertemporal complementarity between broad area of existing land, then much higher crop yields can be expected… . Rain-watered soils gave defense and productive investments. Stronger defense ” capabilities make possible a positive civilization poten- lower yields. The spreading of alluvial flows required tial, and this civilization potential is higher when growth investments in canals, and these investments repaid the efforts. Liverani (2008, 5) gives an of the increase capabilities are high. “ We have derived two propositions that connect par- in yields: The agricultural production of barley under- went a notable, possibly tenfold, increase thanks to the ameter values and civilization potential. The predic- ”

tions differ from the blunter observation that a high construction of water reservoirs and irrigation canals. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , value of every parameter is good for civilization. The Like Sumerians, Egyptians could vastly increase key point is that high initial income and growth cap- their economic output by investing in water manage- abilities are not individually sufficient for civilization.12 ment, which in the Nile valley took the form of basin Instead, high growth capabilities must be paired either irrigation. Egyptians used a grid of basins to trap the floodwater and increase soil fertility.13 Scholars agree with high natural defenses or a high initial income to “ build artificial defenses. In other words, there are two that in Egypt irrigation agriculture could generate

18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 … broad paths to civilization, represented schematically in crop-to-seed yields of between 12:1 and 24:1 but

, on on , ” Figure 4. When both growth and defense capabilities only at the cost of high capital investments (Morris and Manning 2005, 141). For Mann, both in Egypt and are high, civilization potential arises as in our baseline “ model. When natural defense capabilities are low, a Mesopotamia, irrigation agriculture could generate a surplus far greater than that known to populations on high income can finance artificial ones. ” The requirements for the second path to civilization rain-watered soil (1986, 80). The consensus is that —high growth capability and high income—may seem investments in irrigation created the earliest forms of close to the conditions highlighted by productivists. systematic surplus. The high returns to investments in irrigation infrastructure for both Egypt and Sumer . IP address: address: IP . However, our results make clear that initial income ρ and growth capabilities each play a different role in correspond to a high value of the growth capability the civilization process. Income matters in the second in our model. path because it finances defense infrastructure, a mech- anism beyond the scope of conflict-free productivism. 13 According to a long tradition (Weber [1909] 2013; Wittfogel 1957), water management and state formation were closely linked in ancient societies. The thesis of “hydraulic empires” claims that irrigation was 12 For any level of initial income and growth capabilities, defense a public good with large fixed costs and that pristine states formed in capabilities can be so low, and insecurity so high, that civilization order to provide it. However, evidence shows that irrigation was not https://www.cambridge.org/core potential is zero. always preceded by the emergence of state administrations.

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FIGURE 4. Paths to Civilization

Civilizaon potenal with natural defense Yes High Civilizaon potenal defense with arficial defense High Yes capability? No High Yes growth initial capability? No income? No

No civilizaon potenal No civilizaon potenal

https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X . .

Different Defense Capabilities and Different Investments in Defense Infrastructure FIGURE 5. Historical Realization of the Two Paths to Civilization Historians have remarked that territorial isolation pro- tected settlers along the Nile from enemies. According to Bradford (2001, 9), “The sea to the North and the

deserts West and East isolated the Egyptians from the ρ rest of mankind, except for merchants, some infiltra- Sumer EgyptEgypt tors, and the occasional raid.” The sea acted as a shield https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms during the formative period of Egyptian civilization. Yet, the largest and most durable protection for Egyp- PosivePosive ccivilizaonivilizaon tians was afforded by the deserts surrounding the Nile basin. The desert made invasions much less likely than potenalpotenal in other food-producing centers for two reasons. It No civilizaonlizaon discouraged the emergence and settlement of hostile

Growth capability: potenalnal neighbors nearby and acted as a barrier against more distant rivals. In terms of our model, Egypt’s territorial 1 isolation maps into a naturally high κ1. Although the desert had no economic value, it was a key security κ asset. Defense capability: 1 As a result, Egypt matches the description of a twice- lucky location, boasting high growth and defense cap- abilities, and exemplifies locations to the northeast area of Figure 3, which are predicted by our baseline model

, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , profile of capabilities. We illustrate such a shift in as having a high civilization potential. Figure 5. In contrast to Egypt, Sumer was exposed to numerous Two pieces of evidence must be present for the “ threats. As Bradford (2001,4)putsit, Their neighbors Sumerian case to match our theory. There must be … … to the West infiltrated Mesopotamia . The neigh- archaeological evidence of investments to improve bors to the East, who dwelled in the mountains, were the defense and of a high initial income that could fund

Gutians and the Elamites. The Gutians and, to a lesser those investments. 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 extent, the Elamites considered Sumer and Akkad a Indeed, the archaeological record offers evidence of , on on , ” treasurehouse to be raided. Sumer was located in a important investments to improve security. Ditches, “ plain ringed to North and East by mountains, the moats, and perimeter walls emerged with the first settled millennial home of barbarous highlanders, always ready groups, and grew in complexity over time, to make ” and eager to descend on the wealthy cities below (Finer Sumerian cities large-scale fortifications. Perimeter walls 1997, Book I, 105). In terms of our model, the vulner- are prominent in maps of Sumerian cities (Figure 6 ability of Sumerian settlements to invaders means that illustrates). Virtually all ancient cities in Mesopotamia natural defense capability was lower than in Egypt. and the Levant—Jericho being a famous early example

. IP address: address: IP . But if output was insecure in Sumer, how could the —had walls.14 Walls were the endogenous, artificial first human civilization emerge? Our model with substitute for the missing natural protection that was endogenous defense capabilities provides an answer. present in Egypt (where typical cities did not have walls). According to Proposition 2, the key requirement was for Sumerians to have a high initial income v0 they could use to build the defense capabilities nature did κ 14 According to Van de Mieroop’s(1997) study of Mesopotamian not provide. This would raise their defense capability 0 “ κ cities, Perhaps the presence of walls was the main characteristic of a to a higher level 1 that would shift Sumer from a part of city in the eyes of an ancient Mesopotamian.” According to Fritz, “in the parametric space without civilization potential to a the Jordan Valley, settlements were surrounded by a wall even https://www.cambridge.org/core part with high potential, thus mimicking the Egyptian before it is possible to speak of the city proper” (1997 II, 19).

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FIGURE 6. Plans of Sumerian Cities

Ur Uruk

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Sources: Ur: Di Giacomo and Scardozzi (2012), drawn by F. Ghio; Uruk: Jordan (1931); Nippur: Gibson (1993), drawn by A. McMahon. Plans reproduced with permission where pertinent.

The cost of defense investments in rising city-states in terms of diet and, as noted above, alluvial agriculture

18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 was high and would have been prohibitive to societies offered high yields even before investments were made.

, on on , with low initial incomes. Both walls and the often com- Moreover, the Sumerian territory combined the allu- plementary moats have been estimated to involve large vium with an unparalleled initial endowment of plant expenses (e.g., the cost estimate for the moat in the and animal domesticates. According to Trigger (2003, Babylonian city of Dur-Jakin is ten thousand men work- 281), domesticated animals afforded large gains in ing for three and a half months (Van de Mieroop 1997, labor productivity and may have greatly helped 76). Meeting these high costs surely required a high develop civilization. Diamond (1997, Chap. 8) states initial income v0 (as in Proposition 2). If the presence that all eight founder crops in the Neolithic were pre- of defense infrastructure is one empirical requirement to sent in the area as well as four of the five most import- . IP address: address: IP . match our model to the Sumerian case, evidence that ant domesticated animals.15 The aforementioned Sumer had high initial income is the other. properties, fertility, ecological diversity, and plant and Sumer had high levels of initial income, according to animal endowments, map into a high v0 in our model. the archaeological consensus in the productivist view (see for instance Algaze 2008; Pollock 1999). Although 15 the Tigris and Euphrates had less attractive properties Diamond further states (1997, 135) “any attempt to understand the than the Nile, like two-way navigability and a regular origins of the modern world must come to grips with the question why the Fertile Crescent’s domesticate plants and animals gave it such a flood pattern, Sumer had favorable conditions for food potent head start.” Olsson and Hibbs (2005) present supportive https://www.cambridge.org/core production. The rivers offered transportation, variation empirical evidence.

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Two Paths to Civilization pressure, an assumption that has been challenged by other scholars (Allen 1997). The conventional wisdom is that geography played an The focus on social stratification and control is also important role in the rise of both Egypt and Sumer. present in recent political science work on early states. Most environmental advantages are thought to be Mayshar, Moav, and Neeman (2017) derive different common to the two areas. Our model confirms the types of state depending on the observability of pro- notion that common growth advantages must have duction, as this affects the ease with which rulers can helped Egypt and Sumer. In addition, our model iden- raise taxes.18 Stasavage (2021) considers writing as an tifies two different paths to civilization depending on instrument of social control. Scott (2017) reviews vari- how a society solves the political problem of defense. ous arguments on state formation with an emphasis on The archaeological record also backs up the interpret- control by elites over scarce productive land. All of ation that Egypt and Sumer differed in how they got these arguments have merit, as do those by anthropolo- their defense capabilities. The Egyptians found them in https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X gists focusing on social control. They have in common a . . nature, while Sumerians had to build them. This differ- focus on the internal dynamics of social hierarchy. ence is apparent to those familiar with archaeology, but We do not abstract from hierarchy because we think had never been identified as intimately connected to it is unimportant—it was inarguably connected to the how these two societies escaped the paradox of civil- process of building the machinery of early states. But ization. we focus on external security for three reasons. First, irrespective of how societies were internally organized, in order to prosper they needed to manage external aggression, which is the problem we analyze. Second, OTHER EXPLANATIONS the external security dimension of the early state has received little to no attention. The third reason is

https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms Since Childe (1936), production optimists have tied the civilization process to developments in agriculture, methodological: abstracting from hierarchy helps to focusing on the means and relations of production focus attention on the settler-challenger interaction while abstracting from the accompanying innovations and extract the insights that emerge exclusively from it. in military protection. As described earlier, producti- vism has molded the conventional wisdom, focusing on the advantages of riverine environments coupled with domesticable plants and animals to explain why some CONCLUSION regions generated surpluses while others did not. We focus on civilization as the co-occurrence of two Fatalists explicitly connected food production with core conditions: prosperity and security. Managing the protection needs (e.g., Mann 1986, 48). Their focus on problem that prosperity attracts predation constituted violence implies that security is as crucial as prosperity. the first public choice of agricultural settlements and Archaeological research attests to the paramount role made the rise of civilization not a geographic inevit- of investments in protection, such as fortifications, ability but a political possibility. walls, and moats, in the erection of the first cities (see – We study that first public choice through a formal , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , also Service 1975, 299 300). However, we are not model in the tradition of positive political theory. The aware of any account that has explicitly focused on choice of components in the model is informed by the the interplay of surplus production and surplus protec- historical and archaeological literatures and integrates tion to point out a solution to the civilizational paradox. both productive and defense fundamentals. Important anthropological theories of early states Our theory yields three messages. First, the paradox emphasize social stratification and control as defining 16 has a solution, against fatalists. Second, against produc- 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 features. For example, Fried (1960) espouses the tivists, the solution does not hinge solely on good Marxian notion that the state arose as an instrument , on on , fundamentals for food production. Civilization is pos- to consolidate class domination. For Carneiro (1970), sible if settlements are twice-lucky in terms of their states originated as growing populations preferred to capabilities for growth and defense. Thus, civilization is submit to the authority of inchoate rulers in fertile areas possible, but should not arise as frequently as we would over migrating to less productive land.17 The Nile expect from an exclusive focus on the geography of valley, surrounded by deserts, is a good candidate food production. location for such an argument. Our model generates a Our third message is that civilization could follow similar empirical prediction. However, the predicted two paths, depending on whether defense capabilities . IP address: address: IP . outcome is not driven by exploitation but by the fact were natural or human-made. This provides a new that Egypt’s surrounding deserts were a protective ’ perspective on the emergence of Sumer and Egypt, buffer against challengers. In contrast to Carneiro s the first two civilizations. The two cases had one factor theory, our model does not appeal to population in common, and one key difference. The commonality

16 See Claessen and Skalnik (1978) for a classic review of anthropo- 18 Their paper focuses on the contrast between the Egyptian unified logical theories of the state. state and Sumerian fragmentation. See also Mayshar et al. (2015)on 17 See Schönholzer (2017) for a recent investigation of Carneiro’s how the appropriability of cereals (relative to other crops) shaped https://www.cambridge.org/core hypothesis. state formation.

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Proof of Proposition 1: Since the marginal benefit of d1 goes to infinity as d1 goes to zero (a typical feature of contests), the optimum must feature d1 > 0 and λd ¼ 0. Therefore, the solution requires checking eight cases in which the remaining three Lagrange multipliers λBC, λDC, and λi are positive or zero, corresponding to whether each optimization constraint is binding or slack. A tedious but straightforward verification shows that only four cases have consistent solutions as detailed below, and these yield a partition of the parameter space ðÞκ1, ρ, v1 into two regions:  fgðÞjκ1, ρ, v1 ρ < 4=κ1, κ1 ≤ 2 No civilization potential .

∪fgðÞjκ1, ρ, v1 ρ < κ1=ðÞκ1−1 , κ1 > 2 https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X

. . This is the dark area below the convex curve in Panel (b) in Figure 3. The convex curve is given by the functions ρ ¼ 4=κ1 (if κ1 ≤ 2), and ρ ¼ κ1=ðÞκ1−1 (if κ1 > 2). This region is composed of two subregions: Stagnant Insecurity (Subregion SI):fgðÞjκ , ρ, v κ ≤ 2, ρ < 4=κ . no 11 1 1 ∗ κ 2 ∗ κ ∗ κ κ 1 1 1 − 1 CP Solution: d1 ¼ v1 2 , i1 ¼ 0, V1 ¼ v1 1 þ 4 , a1 ¼ v1 2 1 2 , ¼ 0 . κ ρ κ > ρ < κ = κ − Stagnantno Security (Subregion SS):fgðÞj1, , v1 1 2, 1 ðÞ1 1 . ∗ ∗ 1 ∗ Solution: d ¼ v1, i ¼ 0, V1 ¼ v1 2− , a ¼ 0, CP ¼ 0 : 1 1 κ1 1  fgðÞjκ1, ρ, v1 ρ > κ1, ρ > 4=κ1 Positive civilization potential .

∪fgðÞjκ1, ρ, v1 ρ ≤ κ1, ρ ≥ κ1=ðÞκ1−1 https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms This is the area above the convex curve in Panel (b) in Figure 3. This region is composed of two subregions: Prosperity Despite Insecurity (Subregion PDI):fgðÞjκ , ρ, v ρ > κ , ρ > 4=κ . 8  1 1 1 1 9 κ > ∗ 1v1 1 ∗ v1 1 v1 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > d ¼ 1 þ , i ¼ 1− , V ¼ 1 þ ρκ , > < 1 2 ρ 1 2 ρ 1 2 ρ 1 = sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! Solution:    : > κ κ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > > ∗ 1 1 1 1 v1 1 p > :> a ¼ v1 1 þ 1− 1 þ , CP ¼ 1− ρκ ;> 1 2 ρ 2 ρ 2 ρ 1

Prosperous Security (Subregion PS): fgðÞjκ , ρ, v ρ ≤ κ , ρ ≥ κ =ðÞκ −1 . 1 1 1 1 1 κ ρ κ − κ ρ κ − ∗ 1ðÞ1 þ ∗ 1 1 1ðÞ1 þ ∗ CP ρ 1 1 : Solution: d1 ¼ v1 , i1 ¼ v1 , V1 ¼ v1 , a1 ¼ 0, ¼ v1 κ1 þ ρ κ1 þ ρ κ1 þ ρ κ1 þ ρ

We restrict attention to the bidimensional space ðÞκ1, ρ because the shape of the four regions is invariant in v1 , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at at available use, of terms Core Cambridge the to subject , ∗ ρ =κ κ ≤ (although attack intensity a1 (weakly) increases in v1). Inspection of the convex frontier { ¼ 4 1 if 1 2, ρ ¼ κ1=ðÞκ1−1 if κ1 > 2} reveals that a low enough ρ or κ1 precludes civilization: areas with high ρ but low κ1 yield κ ρ ∗ Stagnant Insecurity and areas with high 1 but low yield Stagnant Security; since i1 ¼ 0 in those subregions, ∗− ∗ ∗ CP v2 v1 ¼ 0 and civilization potential is zero regardless of v1. Using d1 , i1 into the civilization potential ¼ ∗ d ∗ 1 − ρ κ ∗ ∗ v2 v1 also establishes that civilization potential rises to positive and increasing levels as ðÞ, 1 rise above the d1þa1 18 Aug 2021 at 18:44:53 at 2021 Aug 18 convex frontier. This establishes the first part of the proposition. In the regions PS and PDI, civilization potential is , on on , positive and increasing in v (differentiation shows immediately that dCP > 0), yielding the second part of the 1 dv1 proposition.■ Proof of Proposition 2: We focus on the case where the settler would be unable to exit the SI subregion in the

absence of improvements in defense capabilities. This involves the technical requirement that κ0ρðÞ1 þ ρ < 4 and κ0 < 2. From the expressions for V1 in Proposition 1, as the incumbent lands, in t = 1, in each of the subregions PS-SS, the value V1 is 0 1 . IP address: address: IP . κ ρ ðÞ0 þ m0 ðÞ1 þ if κ ρ ∈ PS B ðÞ0 þ m0, C B κ0 þ m0 þ ρ C B sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi C B C B ðÞκ0 þ m0 ðÞ1 þ ρ C B if ðÞκ þ m , ρ ∈ PDI C B ρ 2 0 0 C V1ðÞ¼i0, m0 ðÞv0 þ ρi0 B C ðÞv0 þ ρi0 SmðÞ0 : B κ C B 0 þ m0 if κ ρ ∈ SI C B 1 þ ðÞ0 þ m0, C B 4 C @ 1 A 2− if ðÞκ þ m , ρ ∈ SS https://www.cambridge.org/core 0 0 κ0 þ m0

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Once m0 is set, the problem of choosing (d0, i0) to solve the program in (10) is analogous to the choice of (d1, i1)in the baseline model, except now the continuation value depends explicitly on m0 through S(m0). Straightforward (and again, tedious) verification shows that only two of the eight cases for whether λBC, λDC, and λi are positive or ∗ zero hold. Both cases feature i0 ¼ 0, and two levels of defense d0 obtain depending on whether m0 exceeds a level κ2 v0SmðÞ0 4 0 denoted with m. When m0 < m (so that < ), we have d0 ¼ v0SmðÞ0 (Case 1), and if m0 ≥ m (so that ðÞv0−m0 κ0 4 v0SmðÞ0 > 4 ), we have d ¼ κ ðÞv −m (Case 2). ðÞv0−m0 κ0 0 0 0 0 If v0 is low enough, resources are insufficient to move away from region SI and away from Case 1 where κ κ κ v0SmðÞ0 < 4 − 0 − 0 0þm0 ðÞv −m κ . Then, expected utility for the settler is V0 ¼ v0 m0 þ 4 v0SmðÞ¼0 v0 m0 þ 4 v0 1 þ 4 . Since V0 0 0 0 ∗ decreases in m0 for v0 small enough, the settler chooses m0 ¼ 0and stays in region SI. We next show that if v0 is high enough, the settler chooses m0 > 0 to land in region PS in t = 1, which yields positive civilization potential. We show this for the case ρ < 2 (the case with ρ ≥ 2 is analogous). Starting in region SI, increases in m0 take the settler first into https://doi.org/10.1017/S000305542100071X ρ . . 4 −κ κ ðÞρ− 0 > 0 1 region SS and then PS. It is easy to show that if v0 4 1þρ , then m is above the level that takes the settler from SS κ − ρ 0 to PS. Therefore, everywhere in SI and SS the expected utility of the incumbent corresponds to Case 1 but in PS 2 ρ 4 expected utility switches to that corresponding to Case 2 for m0 ≥ m. Some algebra shows that if v0 > , V0 ρ−1 κ0 increases in m0 as long as κ1 lies in SI and SS. Therefore, the settler will choose m0 to be high enough that κ1 will at least weakly enter region PS. In addition, it is easy to show that V0 is initially increasing and concave in m0 in region ∗ PS. Therefore, if v0 is high enough the optimal solution m0 places the settler in the interior of PS, guaranteeing

positive civilization potential in t = 1 (which, from Proposition 1, increases in ρ). ■


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