CES Aids Ice Storm Recovery Ops High School Basketball 24 by Mike Joseph Power and Damaging Power Lines, Facilities 802Nd CES

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CES Aids Ice Storm Recovery Ops High School Basketball 24 by Mike Joseph Power and Damaging Power Lines, Facilities 802Nd CES A PUBLICATION OF THE 502d AIR BASE WING – JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TEXAS • www.lackland.af.mil • Vol. 68 No. 6 • FEBRUARY 12, 2010 INSIDE Commentary 2 Recognition 6 What’s Happening 22 News & Features Troops to Teachers 4 Officer promotions 7 Photo by Airman 1st Class Myles Stepp Staff Sgt. Armando Irizarry, a lineman with the 802nd Civil Engineer Squadron, repairs a power line near the Altus Air Force Base dormitories Feb 3. Sergeant Irizarry and volunteers from the 802nd CES helped Airman’s Attic 14 Altus recover from a severe ice storm that knocked out power to the base Jan. 28. CES aids ice storm recovery ops High school basketball 24 By Mike Joseph power and damaging power lines, facilities 802nd CES. “You just put your boots on, Staff Writer and communications throughout the base. get your tools and go help, because it Lacking enough equipment and man- might be you who needs help one morn- After a severe winter storm blanketed power for the recovery efforts, Altus offi- ing.” southwestern Oklahoma with a destructive cials requested assistance through Air Two Lackland teams, all volunteers, layer of ice Jan. 28, nine members of the Education and Training Command. AETC arrived Jan. 31 with two 200-watt genera- 802nd Civil Engineer Squadron assisted officials contacted Lackland for help Jan. tors and two bucket trucks. They returned with recovery efforts at Altus Air Force 29 and the first volunteer team was on the home Feb. 6 after full power was restored Base, Okla. road the next morning. the previous day; Altus resumed normal With ice accumulations exceeding 1.5 “My father raised me that when your operations Feb. 8. View the Talespinner online at www.lackland.af.mil inches, the storm caused significant dam- neighbor calls for help, you don’t ask him age to Altus, completely knocking out why,” said Jerry Delp, a lineman from the See STORM P12 PAGE 2 TALESPINNER FEBRUARY 12, 2010 COMMENTARY Lorenz on Leadership A mentor’s influence By Gen. Stephen Lorenz Colonel Henjum was the kind of Colonel Henjum passed away after Air Education and Training Command commander person who was easy to look up to battling a long illness. His son, Mark, and even easier to follow. asked if I would speak at his father’s RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE – Mentors touch When he took me and my aca- memorial service. our lives and help shape us into the people that we demic worries under his wing, I was I was touched by his request and are today. We value mentorship in the Air Force and proud to be there. I knew that his spent hours trying to find the right both develop it in our subordinates while seeking it guidance, combined with persist- words to convey how great a person from our supervisors. I like to think that one cannot ence and determination on my part, had just left our earth. I wanted to have enough mentors, nor can one mentor enough. would lead me through the chal- make sure everyone understood the I’ve had many through the years, but one sticks out lenge. In the end, it most certainly lasting difference he made in the above the rest. This particular mentor touched my did. lives of others. life in two important ways – separated by nearly 40 When I walked across the stage When it was my turn to speak, it years. with the rest of the Class of 1973, I came from my heart. I told the crowd While a cadet at the U.S. Air Force Academy, I strode with the confidence that about a man who dedicated his life to struggled to keep my grades up. I was on the dean’s Colonel Henjum had helped build serving and helping others. When I “other list” six of eight semesters. Now, in the end, I within me. He had been a crucial finished, his son rose to speak. While managed to defeat my academic demons and gradu- part of my academy experience listening to Mark’s story, I found ate with a commission in 1973, but I certainly didn’t and, in many ways, part of who I Gen. Stephen Lorenz Colonel Henjum leading me on do it alone. I owe my success in large part to my am today. I kept in touch with another journey. I was touched and academic advisor and mentor, Col. Joe Henjum. Colonel Henjum over the years, often thanking him want to share the story with you. Now, Colonel Henjum wasn’t what I expected for making a difference in my life. I never imagined A few months ago, Mark accompanied his father when I met him for the first time in 1971. To be that his influence would impact me all over again, to the hospital ... and they both knew what was honest, I don’t think I knew what to expect. He had especially at this point in my career. about to happen. The doctor was going to tell been awarded the Silver Star for heroism while fly- The second time Colonel Henjum touched my life ing helicopters in Vietnam. I quickly learned that began with tragic news. On Jan. 1 of this year, See LORENZ P4 FEBRUARY 12, 2010 TALESPINNER PAGE 3 News WISDOM FROM THE CHIEF BRIEFS TEAM LACKLAND AWARDS The Team Lackland fourth quarter awards luncheon is Feb. 19, 11:30 a.m, at the Gateway Club. Contact your first sergeant or unit rep- resentative for tickets. COMMISSARY OPEN ON HOLIDAY The Lackland commissary will open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on President’s Day, Monday, which is a federal holiday. BASE VALENTINE ACTIVITIES A variety of activities are available for adults and children at Lackland to cele- brate Valentine’s Day weekend. A special Valentine’s Day buffet is today, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Kelly Field Club. The price is $9.95 a person. Call 924-7341 for information. The Gateway Club will host a pre- Valentine’s sweetheart dinner and dance Saturday in the Fiesta ballroom, 5:30-8:30 p.m. The cost is $26.95 per person or Photo by Robbin Cresswell $49.95 per couple. Reservations are Chief Master Sgt. Juan Lewis, 502nd Air Base Wing command chief, welcomes Airmen to the Additional Duty First Sergeant required. Call 645-7034 for information. Seminar at the Inter-American Air Forces Academy auditorium Monday. The week-long seminar provided NCOs and Senior NCOs Youth, ages 9-12, can attend a pre- serving as additional duty or backup first sergeants the training they need to fulfill key leadership roles when the need arises. teen Valentine social tonight. The cost is $1 for youth center members and $2 for non-members. Call 671-2388 for details. Air Force participating in summer program Teens, ages 13-18, will have a dance at the youth center Saturday, 8-11 p.m. RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE – Air May 15 through Sept. 30. The program offers flexibility for Cost is $2 for members and $4 for non- Force organizations have the opportu- The annual WRP call was sent out to both summer internships that guaran- members. nity to begin hiring students March 17 the workforce at the end of January. tee students 14 weeks of employment, The arts and crafts center will also for temporary, funded positions as part Ms. Siples said recruiters from partici- and permanent positions for organiza- have activities Friday and Saturday. Call of the 2010 Workforce Recruitment pating agencies interview and screen tions that choose to convert students at 671-2515 for information. Program for College Students with students with disabilities at colleges the conclusion of the summer program. Disabilities. and universities nationwide for the Ms. Siples said participation in the pro- The Air Force is participating this competitive program. gram allows the Air Force to sustain a MOVE TO AFFECT POWER The planned move of a military open summer in the annual program spon- Approximately 1,800 students are world-class and diverse civilian work- sored by the Department of Labor interviewed between the end of force that achieves mission require- bay dormitory on Feb. 20, 8 a.m. to noon, Office of Disability Employment Policy January and the end of February of ments and is technically and occupa- will impact electrical power along the and Department of Defense. each year. tionally competent. travel route. “The Workforce Recruitment These interviews, along with “The Workforce Recruitment The dormitory is being moved from the Program serves as a resource for recruiters’ comments, are entered into Program isn’t just a summer program,” new Airman Training Complex construction employers nationwide to hire qualified the WRP database at www.wrp.gov, Ms. Siples emphasized. “We highly site to the History and Traditions Museum. temporary and permanent employees available to human resource specialists encourage supervisors and managers to Power will be disconnected by base from a variety of fields,” said Michelle and other hiring officials in federal use the student database as a resource electricians for about two hours that Siples, the Air Force Disability Program agencies. to check whenever openings occur in morning at each of the following buildings manager here. Eligibility for the WRP includes stu- their organizations.” along the route: 5100, 5200, 5301, 5206, She added that the program is at no dents who have substantial disabilities; Organizations interested in partici- 5211, 5311, 5408, 5412, 5506, 5612, cost to an organization’s operation and are a U.S. citizen; and are enrolled full pating in the program should contact 5616, 5710, 5710, 7012, 7025, 7206, and maintenance budget, and students who time in an accredited institution of the civilian personnel office at 671- 7214.
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