About the online Glebe Society Bulletin ... Earth v Sky launched How to view the online Bulletin We are getting used to wet weather, but the sky The pages of the online Bulletin are almost identical to In this issue ... was clear as the sun was the printed version except for the use of colour. Click on the headings below to jump to the item setting on Tuesday 24 April. From 5pm, a large You can use the index (In this issue) on this page to Earth v Sky launched 1 crowd of Glebe residents, jump to individual stories, or you can scroll through Anzac Day service 1 some with their dogs, the edition using the scroll wheel on your mouse, or started to gather near the the page-up/page-down keys on your keyboard. To How WWI changed Australians’ attitudes 2 return to the index, click on the blue triangle at the giant Moreton Bay ig trees on the foreshore at bottom of any page. The online Bulletin also has links From the terraces 3 the end of Glebe Point that take you to wbesites or email addresses when you Road. They were there click on them. The layout is optimised for wide screen Glebe irsts 4 to celebrate the launch monitors so you can read two pages together. Local residents unite over plans for John 5 by Lord Mayor Clover Do you have some pictures of Glebe that Street Reserve Moore of Earth v Sky, others should see? City prunes Murrayas in John Street Reserve 7 the dynamic artwork featuring the City of Lord Mayor and Allan Giddy 3/2012 April/May April/May 3/2012 2012 Sydney’s irst ever wind turbine and new unveiling the plaque. Photo: Phil Young Do you have some digital images that you believes ... and Déjà vu 7 technology that samples the colour of the others would be interested in? If so, email editor@ sky. Using this information, nine lights Anzac Day service glebesociety.org.au, and we’ll assess them for a centre Glebe apartment owners face tough decisions 8 will bathe the trees in coloured light during The barriers around Foley Park that have page spread in the Society’s online Bulletin. sunset. The story behind Elsie Walk 9 hidden the War Memorial for the past few

Before the launch, we stood around sipping months have been removed, revealing a Only in Glebe … 9 coffee and meeting up with old friends. spruced up Memorial and a neat row of The children, and some adults, waved Membership of the Glebe Society Glebe Library’s 15th birthday 10 freshly planted rosemary bushes. Individual member $45 green and white windmills, representing About 75 people gathered in Glebe Point How Glebe Library moved to Benledi 10 the wind turbine. Then, as the sun was Joint (2 people, one address) $55 Road at 7.30 am on Anzac Day. Many of Household (more than 2 adults and/or setting, Clover Moore and Allan Giddy, the Letter to the editor 10 creator of Earth v Sky addressed the crowd. them had seen each other at the launch of children, one address) $60 Earth v Sky only a few hours earlier. Concession (student or pensioner) $20 Youth environmental action in Glebe 11 Clover Moore reminded us that this is the Pastor Julie Brackenreg from the Glebe Institution or corporate $110 inal installation under our Glebe Point Glebe Society events 11 Road Public Art Program, joining Nuha Community Church welcomed us on this Download a membership form from our website (www. ‘brisk’ morning. The ceremony, the 21st glebesociety.org.au, click on Membership > New member- Saad’s Skippedy Skip at Glebe Public News and Notes 12 held here since 1992 when the Memorial ship), write to the Secretary at PO Box 100, Glebe, 2037, or School, and Nigel Helyer’s Wireless House in Foley Park. All three works came out of was restored, followed the now familiar email [email protected]. For your diary 13 extensive consultation with Glebe residents order of service. Max Solling gave a mov- If you have a matter that you would like to discuss with the IETY • INC ing address which put a local human face Management Committee, please contact the Secretary. Contacting the Glebe Society and directory 13 C and businesses, which led to a call for O proposals, developed by Michael Goldberg. to the events of World War I (see page 2 of


this Bulletin and the Glebe Society Web-

• The proposals were exhibited for public

Community Contacts E comment in September 2009, and were site), our President Mairéad Browne laid a B GL THE E

Manager-Neighbourhood Services Centre: Glebe, • then assessed by a panel comprising Leon wreath, Piper Rob McLean played the La- Forest Lodge, Camperdown, Ultimo & Pyrmont, Nick Parossien, chair of our Public Art Advisory ment and folk singer John Dengate played Hespe. Panel, and Glebe residents Sue Ingram and There’s a Long, Long Trail Awinding on his tin whistle. Office: Glebe Library 9am-5pm Monday-Friday. Janice McCulloch. Jan was the editor of Phone: 9298 3191. Sydney’s Art Almanac for over 25 years. - Edwina Doe Email: [email protected] Clover said: ‘Sadly, she died in 2009, but I am sure she would be very happy that What’s coming soon Sydney City Council Customer Service we’re here today to witness the launch of Telephone (24 hours): 9265 9333 Earth v Sky’. Email: council@cityof sydney.nsw.gov.au Sunday 29 April, 5.30-7pm - Ben- Website: www.cityof sydney.nsw.gov.au Allan Giddy explained that Earth v Sky ledi – Illustrated talk on Douglas Mawson. (Fully booked) Dumped Shopping trolleys: Trolley uses the world’s irst colour-sensitive light control system to invert the colours of the Tracker 1800 641 497 Wednesday 2 May, 9.15-11.30am sunset and project them onto the trees. The The Glebe foreshore walk in January 2008. Photo: Bruce Davis Harold Park: Mirvac hotline for residents 9080 8588 newly developed technology takes a - Blue Wrens Working Bee, Paddy Glebe Society Bulletin ISSN 1836-599X Gray Reserve. See page 11. Continued on page 4...

A publication of THE GLEBE SOCIETY INC PO Box 100 GLEBE 2037 www.glebesociety.org.au Anzac Day 2012 From the terraces

An extract from Max Solling’s 2012 Anzac Day address From the Terraces returns from hibernation in order to report to members on heritage matters from a newly reformed and revitalised Heritage Subcommittee. How WWI changed Australians’ attitudes Heritage – its contribution on our website has served to pro- I remember a swagged half-curtain Of all the legacies of war none is as the Neaves brothers attended Glebe the dreadful news is quite true? His vide an outlet for many of Bidura’s in the hall of my grandfather’s 1915 When next you ind yourself wres- subtle and elusive, or as important, school. On receipt of Harry's death mother and I cling to the hope that former inmates to share their har- cottage in the Sydney suburb of tling with Victorian plumbing or as the changes it brings about in certiicate early in 1918, mother there may be a mistake and that our rowing experiences in institutional Carlton. The curtain, red velvet as you can’t ind a match for a broken people's attitudes. It is from this Emma Neaves sought advice about only child and only treasure in life care. It’s a salutary experience to I recall, seemed rather exotic in a Federation era path tile, you might perspective that the First War World Erie's death: I understand he was is still alive. Please excuse this very read at http://glebesociety.org.au/ house which could not otherwise console yourself with thinking about is remembered most clearly in one of seven who were in a dug- unconventional note to a business wordpress/?p=991-comments. be described as ornamented. My the real contribution you are mak- Australia: for the profound private grandpa was an Englishman but out, ive of whom were killed, two department but I cannot write in a ing, in a micro- and macro-sense, The Heritage Subcommittee is plan- and public grief it caused; for the instantly and three died of wounds. did not stand on ceremony, so I had formal way just now. Yours truly, to Glebe’s heritage. Here is how ning two important events over the new sense of national conscious- On receipt of a cemetery book in always assumed that this decora- P. Gibbs. the Heritage Council of NSW sees next 12 months to give members ness it created among the Australian 1921 Emma enquired: We can trace tion was a vestigial trace of the Similarly Ada Welling found it dif- heritage: the opportunity to understand the population; and most signiicantly, just possibly where the two boys curtain (also called a portière) icult coming to terms with the death architectural and social history of for the legend of Anzac which it ‘… Heritage places are an irre- used inside the front door of many fell - but do not know so far whether in 1916 of son Ernest Welling, a this important house. Stay tuned. generated. ... their bodies were recovered to placeable asset – a non-renewable English homes in an attempt to stop warehouseman, who lived with her cemeteries - it may not have been resource – with beneits to society, Hall arches, curtains and draughts. ... After the war a concerted effort in Wigram Road. Two years after the environment and the economy. lourishes was made by the War Records Sec- possible. Some day we may know his death she sent this in memoriam Whether a vestigial draught ex- certainly. For society, heritage places rep- I recently visited a pre-WWI house cluder or a tacit visitor excluder, I tion of the AIF, Mitchell Library to the Sydney Morning Herald: resent those places most valued and other State libraries to col- Bert Hopkinson, Glebe rower and which boasted a wonderfully deco- suspect the Australian climate and Oh the anguish of the mother by communities because of their rative carved wooden Federation our social mores have sadly ren- lect diaries and letters of frontline draper at Anthony Hordern’s Man- contribution to the sense of place soldiers, photographs, maps and chester department wrote from the Oh the bitter tears she shed ‘lourish’ part way down the hall. dered such features redundant. and identity of neighbourhoods and It started me wondering about hall other memorabilia. It had been the front to brother Ainslie: A line to let When she heard her boy was Exotics v natives in heritage as tangible links to Australia’s past features generally. oficial policy of the AIF that each you know I'm still on deck by a heap missing and its culture. Retaining heritage gardens soldier be issued with a diary and Ian Evans’ book, The Federation of luck ... Fritz's army is like the And she wondered ‘Is he dead?’ buildings also beneits the environ- A member recently shared with us camera. Writing letters and keeping rest, pretty well worn and the quick- House, states that ‘entrance halls Oh the weeks and months of ment by re-using embodied energy his conlict about the plantings for diaries were a way for AIF soldiers er the people who are running this had a portière curtain draped behind torture and, in this way, reducing the energy the garden of his newly renovated from Glebe to manage and cope joint take a tumble to themselves, Oh the agony and pain consumption involved in develop- terrace. We went to the Heritage with the chaos that surrounded them the better for humanity. Australians ment. For the economy, heritage And she wept and prayed and Council’s ‘Maintenance’ series at the front. are worn threadbare through over properties provide the assets to (Information Sheet 9.1) for their work, they have a permanent job in wondered Some letters relected a deepen- support jobs and investment in the advice. the lines to strafe the Hun, and the Would he come to her again ing weariness and sense of futility. tourism, real estate and construction quicker they take a tumble the better. industries. Heritage places deliver It is suggested that the maintenance All my pals ... I came over with ‘Killed in Action’ came still later Bert’s luck of heritage gardens ‘should be are gone, but seven out of the 150 Men are not machinery. Oh the awful truth is bare. both public and private beneits in however ran out. He was killed at these ways.’ (Extract from Herit- based on good general horticultural remain, it's simply scientiic murder, Hamel on 8 July 1918. See full text at http://glebesociety.org.au/ age Council of NSW submission to practice rather than current fash- not war at all. Erie Neaves, a 25 wordpress/?p=5629 the current NSW Planning System ion’. ‘The concept of the original year old cashier from Glebe, told Grief remained with people Review.) garden should be respected. Herit- elder brother Harry: I keep smiling as they attempted to rebuild a An example of a Federation age gardens should continue to be but I tell you it takes some doing ... world without those to whom Bidura – unintended conse- portière. Photo: Lucie Booker planted with trees and shrubs which the premonition I had when leaving they had been so fundamentally quences relect the original species used in Sydney that I will never see home attached. Nineteen year old The Glebe Society has always listed the arch, forming the portal to a the design. The recent popularity of again still hangs about me ... one Percy Gibbs, a process engrav- Bidura on its website as one of our private realm into which few visi- Australian native plants has led to would be unnatural to go through er, who lived with his parents suburb’s heritage treasures. It was tors were ever admitted. Most were the introduction of species such as uninjured. If I get out with a leg at 16 Charles Street Forest built c1860 by Edmund Blacket ushered into the parlour or drawing Grevillea in heritage gardens which and an arm off I'd be perfectly satis- Lodge, enlisted in the AIF in at 357 Glebe Point Road. Blacket room and entertained there by mem- were originally planted with exotic ied ... so don't get married until August 1914. His father wrote and his family lived there whilst he bers of the family.’ species. The original character of after the war. Harry, a 30 year old to the Defence Department in the garden may consequently be lost worked on his Perhaps the decorative woodwork grocer, had been killed in action on June 1915: I am informed that or obscured. commission. I saw was accompanied in its early 16 November 1916, three months my beloved son Gunner P.L. days by a curtain or maybe the ‘When replacing or adding plant- before Erie wrote the letter. Erie Gibbs (No 282) second Battery, But Bidura also served for a time as Pastor Brackenreg (left) listening to Max Sol- a girls’ home from 1920. Rather to wooden feature was deemed to send ings, select from the range of spe was killed in action in France on 6 1st Division has been killed in ling’s address in front of the newly uncovered November 1917. Born in Glebe, action. Will you please tell me if Glebe War Memorial. Photo: Phil Young our surprise, the accompanying blog a suficient message on its own. Continued on next page ...

Go to Page 2 Glebe Society Bulletin Go to April/May 2012 Page 3 Go to index index index ... continued from previous page Glebe firsts university (Charles Perkins, cies originally present in the garden, graduated 1965). John Street Reserve or at least from species which are The theme for this year’s National • First government acquisition similar in form and character and Trust Heritage Festival, held from and rehabilitation of property in were in use at the time of the origi- 14 to 29 April, was ‘Innovation and Australia for low-income hous- The has plans to redevelop John Street Reserve, the little park near the tennis courts between Bridge nal planting. The pattern of planting Invention’. Inspired by this theme, ing (Glebe Estate, rehabilitated Road and Hereford Street. Local residents are questioning the plans and the process that led to them. A resident in beds, rows or hedging should also the Glebe Society has decided to 1974). action group, ‘Friends of John Street Reserve Inc’, was formed in December last year to oppose the current plans for a community garden. match the original.’ put up a list of ‘Glebe irsts’ on its • First suburban rowing club in Sydney (Glebe Rowing Club, Heritage gardeners! Colonial website with links to further infor- The article below, submitted to the Bulletin by The Friends of John Street Reserve sets out the story so far from 1879). plants database mation about each item. This list their perspective. For information on the next stage of consultations planned by Council see ‘What next’ at the will include achievements by people • First public wireless house in end of this article. The Historic Houses Trust is com- or groups from Glebe or Forest Australia for community en- piling a database which includes Lodge where these have been the tertainment (Wireless House in Local residents unite over plans for John Street Reserve more than 11,000 listings of plants irst of their kind in Sydney, NSW, Foley Park, 1934). This article follows the City The consultations, re- known to be available in the colony Australia or the world. • First test cricketer to score a of New South Wales up until the of Sydney Council’s deci- sponses and some incon- Here are some candidates for the century in each innings of a test 1860s. The database is compiled sion to effectively change sistencies list. Please send in others or feel match (Warren Bardsley, play- from several sources including the use of the much loved free to challenge or support any of ing for Australia against Eng- An initial community con- Botanic Gardens records, nursery land, 1909). John Street Reserve from a sultation held in February those listed: passive recreation park and catalogues and manuscript plant lists First Australian to become 2011 included an invitation • the Council’s proposals for created by colonists such as Colo- • First Prime Minister of Australia airborne in a self-designed and to a ‘St James Park Com- the tennis court complex nial Secretary Alexander Macleay (Edmund Barton born in Glebe built aeroplane (L. J. R. Jones, munity Open Day’ (but did upgrade. The approved (1767-1848). Go to http://www.hht. in 1849 became PM in 1901). 1911). not include consultation on net.au/research/colonial_plants concept decision for the • Start of the Women’s Libera- • A few notable almost-irsts: John Street Reserve). tion movement in Australia (67 Reserve fences off the most - Liz Simpson-Booker • One of the irst three municipal- A second consultation in Glebe Point Road, 1970). used, sunny, 40% of the ities (i.e. council areas) estab- Reserve to construct a se- August 2011 included an in- First refuge in Australia for Continued from page 1 • lished in NSW (1859, the same ries of 18 large brick/timber vitation to a ‘St James Park women and children escap- year as Randwick, which was plots for a community gar- Community Consultation digital snapshot of the twilight sky ing domestic violence (Elsie the irst). den, together with potting Day’ ‘to seek comment on and projects contrasting hues onto in Westmoreland Street, estab- the leaves and branches using LED • One of the irst branches of the sheds, compost bins, water the concept plan’ devel- lished 1974). Labor Electoral League, later Some local residents enjoying John Street Reserve a few lights, producing a changing display tanks and tables. oped after the February • First attorney and solicitor the Labor Party. (1891, shortly months ago. Photo: Fiona Campbell consultation. This second, as the night progresses. The tennis court upgrade trained in Australia (George after Balmain, which was the Unlike St James Park, which faces August, consultation now includes removal of the few parking Allen, admitted by the Supreme irst). a busy road, the rear section of John also included John Street Reserve spaces reserved for the tennis court Court of NSW in 1822). Street Reserve receives a lot of sun in the Concept Plan and separately Please send me your proposals for users and a renewal of the ten- • First Rugby League club in Aus- inclusion in the list (and feel free to and provides an open grassy area identiied: tralia (Glebe Dirty Reds, 1908). nis utilities building. This renewal dispute any of the ones above!) at will include a publicly accessible protected from trafic and noise. This • St James Park as ‘an informal area is greatly valued by all park us- • First Aboriginal Australian to [email protected]. toilet despite its location in a quiet park with groves of trees, ten- graduate from an Australian ers as a relatively safe children’s play - Bill Simpson-Young residential street and its proximity to nis courts and playground’ area, as well as a space for people primary schools and a preschool. • John Street Reserve as ‘an Originally the job was expected to luminated for about 90 minutes. walking their dogs, sitting and read- The residents support the concept of open grass area for kick about be done in a few months. However The turbine will operate silently and ing, doing their exercises and social- community gardens – particularly and active play’. it took six years. Paradoxically the have no impact on local wildlife. ising with neighbours and friends. where they rejuvenate bleak unu- delay resulted in a better outcome The recent decision by Council seems The invitation for this second con- Clover Moore and Allan Giddy then tilised spaces, replace ugly bitu- - lights that will produce better col- contrary to the original information sultation day stated the intention unveiled a plaque commemorat- men footpaths with verge gardens, The wind turbine that powers Earth v ours but will be easier to maintain, provided to the community on its for John Street Reserve as: Sky. Photo: Phil Young and a better wind turbine. Glebe ing the launch. While they were reclaim waste areas and provide intentions and has raised increasing ‘We are aiming to improve the Society member Martin Lawrence, talking, the lights had started to take food support for those people unease with each stage of the process. park by: increasing grass areas The energy used to power the lights who was one of those concerned effect. Because of the cloudless sky genuinely in need. On principle we We are particularly concerned that to provide more space for recrea- will be balanced by an elegant about the noise expected to be pro- that evening, the trees were bathed cannot, however, support existing clear and transparent assessment of tion; installing new equipment and 18-metre wind turbine that feeds duced by the wind turbine originally in a subtle blue light, but people rare and well utilised small public the beneits and potential impacts nature play elements for children; renewable electricity back into the who saw the tests before the launch parks which beneit the wider lo- selected, is pleased with the inal on local community use and wildlife creating planting areas for na- grid. The turbine, featuring three outcome. say that the colours are often much cal community, being effectively habitat has been reduced in favour tive bird habitat; and improving eye-catching curved blades made brighter. Take regular evening turned into the vegetable gardens of Earth v Sky will operate each night of the desire to act quickly to deliver connections between John Street from carbon ibre and ibreglass, walks to the foreshore for a lucky a select few. at dusk, with the lights programmed Reserve and St James park areas’. is 300 metres from the trees on the dip. change. to switch on at sunset and stay il- shoreline. - Edwina Doe Continued on next page ...

Go to Page 4 Glebe Society Bulletin Go to April/May 2012 Page 5 Go to index index index John Street Reserve John Street Reserve

... continued from previous page would ‘then be open grass for Recommendation #12 of the ‘Su- passive recreation’ but advised perb Fairy-Wren report’ was for City prunes Murrayas in John Street Reserve The subsequent concept plan did not that ‘this is not recommended’. a demonstration habitat garden to Long established murrayas (Mur- other murrayas be pruned and that appear to address the above points (No reason was given). relect the landscaping techniques raya paniculata) in John Street their pruning was not related to the Déjà vu and effectively ignored the impact and garden structures for small bird Reserve were severely pruned by preparations for the installation of Community responses to the Unfortunately this is not the irst on the surrounding residents. the City’s landscape contractors the 18 private allotments in the com- report habitat, while supporting propos- time that Council’s gardening on Wednesday 28 March. The six munity garden. A heritage study commissioned als to create a habitat corridor. The subcontractors have been out of While there were some people who metre shrubs line the boundaries of by Council described the reserve John Street Reserve was seen as an There was discussion about the dei- control. welcomed the proposals, many of the southern part of John Street Re- as being a well utilised area as did essential part of this corridor. nition of a ‘community garden’ and the residents were incredulous at serve and had never previously been In 2004 a healthy magnolia the Council’s display panel on the it was agreed that it could include a the report’s reference to the Council’s ‘Developed Concept Plan’ pruned by the City. The Reserve was removed from the front of consultations and the feedback ‘overall ‘biodiversity’ garden in which the support for the proposal’, especially provided minimal reference to habi- is an important blue wren habitat Bendledi. Council admitted that forms provided to Council – yet the lora was established and maintained in relation to the proposals for the tat planting and the report offered and forms part of a corridor link- the tree appeared to have been recommendations, in contrast, refer- by the City with signiicant support community garden and loss of park- few relections of the aims for this. ing Glebe’s wrens with those on the removed in error. enced the Reserve as being ‘under- from the local community, similar ing. campus of the University of Sydney. utilised’. Despite describing beneits of com- to the current management of Paddy In 2007 a plumbago hedge at The contractors told angered local In addition to written submissions munity gardens in a listing of strate- Gray Reserve in Hereford Street. John Street Reserve was trimmed A feedback form at the August residents that the pruning was in prior to the Council meetings,183 gies and implications, there was no Such a garden would have the sup- very heavily. A local resident consultation invited responses to response to the ‘imminent’ develop- received a letter from the Mayor residents around the parks and in reference to the ‘Superb Fairy-Wren port of local residents and would a series of questions, including ments in the Reserve which were acknowledging the plumbago neighbouring streets signed a peti- report’ and no indication that the conform to the adopted recommen- ‘Would you like to be involved in approved by the City in December as sheltering blue wrens (at the tion ‘opposing the St James Park passive recreation area and creation dations of the Society’s Blue Wren the community garden?’ However, and include a gated community time) and saying that future trim- and John Street Reserve Developed of a demonstration habitat garden Report (Superb Fairy-Wren Habitat if residents were being consulted Concept Plan’ and to ‘urge Council garden. ming would only be carried out if also supported these strategies. in Glebe and Forest Lodge: a com- necessary for safety or access. on the genuine proposal why didn’t to adopt the Alternative Option con- On the afternoon of Friday 30 munity based conservation project. What next? the question ask:’Would you like tained in Attachment E to leave John March a meeting was held in John An initiative of the Glebe Society. In January 2010 over 100 native the sunny portion of the Reserve Street Reserve open as a passive use Residents around the park and in Street Reserve between the residents Sue Stevens, 2008) plants were uprooted by Council replaced by a community garden?’ – park for the entire community and neighbouring streets (including a and ive City employees, including contractors, destroying the small The City is planning further consul- bird habitat in Paddy Gray Park quite a different proposition! to retain the St James Park Tennis number of Glebe Society members) Joel Johnson, Manager Reserves, Courts parking for the tennis users’. tations about its developments by that Council, the Glebe Society are now lending their support to Trees and Aquatic Facilities. City The report to Council and door-knocking and surveying the and the community worked to- At the November Environment and staff conirmed that the work-order Developed Concept Plan a formal group, ‘Friends of John opinions of residents within a 250m gether to create. Profuse apolo- Heritage Committee meeting 13 was for the pruning of only three Street Reserve’. The group is trying radius of the Reserve. gies were offered, and concerns The report on St James Park and people spoke on the item, including murrayas adjacent to a house in St to engage Council to retain the park- about systemic weaknesses in John Street Reserve provided to 11 against the Developed Concept James Avenue; residents were told - Norma Hawkins ing for the tennis courts and keep the management of the Park, Council’s Environment and Heritage Plan. The issue was referred to the that it was not intended that the and Andrew Wood the Reserve as a passive use green and the failure to recognise the Committee on 28 November recom- December Council meeting where space for the whole community biodiversity of its plantings were mended endorsement of a ‘Devel- the original Developed Concept Plan while proposing the alternative op- discussed. The City agreed to oped Concept Plan’ and approval, was endorsed. tion of a habitat park suitable for the develop a Management Plan for preparation and lodgement of a Blue Wren Report Blue Wren. the Park, to include the use of Development Application. dedicated, properly supervised, Glebe has long been an important It is to be hoped that there will be An ‘Alternative Option Developed contractors with Bushcare train- area for Blue Wrens and John Street genuine consultation on the future Concept Plan’ was also included. ing. Reserve was identiied as being part of the Reserve by Council. This plan addressed some of the of a corridor for this beautiful bird. We are grateful to Council for concerns highlighted by residents The report, ‘Superb Fairy-Wren - Duncan Ball taking care of the parks in Glebe and incorporated: Habitat in Glebe & Forest Lodge: a for The Friends of John Street and the rest of the LGA, and community-based project’, endorsed Reserve realise that mistakes can happen. • our on-site parking spaces (but by the Glebe Society and funded However, I suggest we watch out which the report described ‘will If you would like any further through Council’s environmental for gardeners with chainsaws. reduce the native habitat plant- information please do not hesitate grants program, emphasises the im- to contact the Working Group or - Edwina Doe ing area)and are not recom- portance of pocket parks in creating Secretariat via the following email mended’) a corridor essential for small bird For a video of the Reserve includ- address: johnstreserveglebe@gmail. ing the unpruned Murrayas Google • the deletion of the proposed survival. com A murraya last year, before pruning. Norma Hawkins inspecting the pruned ‘UTube’ and then search for ‘John Community Garden area which Photo: Duncan Ball murrayas in John Street Reserve. Street Reserve’. Photo: Andrew Wood

Go to Page 6 Glebe Society Bulletin Go to April/May 2012 Page 7 Go to index index index us. Carla said that the previous The Environment The story behind Elsie Walk workshops on Basket Weaving, and urban development and left many Hip Hop, the Didj Playing, Mural inner-city houses unoccupied. Painting, Toolmaking and Family Art Day had helped build relation- Glebe apartment owners face tough decisions A television program was aired ships with people and organisations about empty houses owned by the in Glebe, and they were looking Bulletin 1/2012 included an ar- and/or households where young options, and having obtained several Church of England. Women scouted forward to furthering these connec- ticle about the selection of Glebe adults or teenagers seem to need quotes, I was interested and grati- around the Sydney suburb of Glebe tions. Gardens, a 103-residence strata several long showers per day. In ied that the expert environmental and came across a pair of cottages scheme, as one of the ive schemes fact, it’s estimated that baths, consultants came up with the solu- in good condition. One, in West- Then came the performances ... for the joint Council/NSW Govern- showers, basins, sinks and washing tion I favoured: replacement of moreland Street, was called Elsie. First was Black Tree. Described ment Smart Green Apartments Pilot machines account for over 2/3 of our double 36 watt luorescent T8 The women moved into the houses, as a troubadour, this young Abo- Project. The project is now nearly the water consumption within strata globes and ittings with single T5 28 claiming ‘squatters' rights’. riginal singer has been involved complete. Glebe Society Member schemes, greatly outweighing pools, watt long life luorescent globes and Since its inception Elsie Refuge has in the music industry since he was Jan Craney, apartment owner and spas, garden irrigation, cooling high performance relectors. This is operated under a collective frame- 16. Though claiming to be very utilities co-ordinator at Glebe Gar- towers and commercial use. Install- tried and trusted technology which work. In 1975 the Commonwealth nervous, he performed beautifully, dens, tells us more ... ing water eficient showerheads is I favoured over a LED solution in Government made funds available singing his own gentle ballads while accompanying himself on guitar. the single most effective solution to these circumstances. to the service following strenuous The Glebe Gardens community The entrance to Elsie Walk. Photo: Phil reducing water use. Glebe Gardens, lobbying of the then Treasurer, Bill His irst EP is due out later this year. has received some tangible beneits The pool heating upgrade poses Young. Hayden. with annual water bills of over After a short break, the Stiff Gins and its 120 page Final Report and some challenges. By democratic $40,000, has twice heavily promoted On Monday afternoon 28 May the When Elsie celebrated its twentieth took the stage. This duo has been Recommended Action Plan has been vote, the 25m pool and toddler pool Sydney Water’s subsidised Water- Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, will anniversary in 1992 there were 300 one of the country’s premier In- prepared. Now it faces some tough are heated all year round to about 25 Fix which involves installing water ‘name’ the laneway running be- refuges across the country. digenous acts for the last 12 years, decisions. degrees. Three options were inves- tween Derwent Street and Derwent and for someone who had never eficient showerheads in individual The suggestion to name the lane tigated for us: higher eficiency gas Lane, adjacent to the western end heard them before, they were a The simplest, most obvious beneits residences, but with only modest ‘Elsie Walk’ was made by members boilers (a like for like replacement), of Glebe Public School, as Elsie revelation. Nardi and Kaleena also result from the Waste and Recycling take-up rates. Now that WaterFix is of the Glebe Community Action a solar system and a heat pump. Walk. The laneway was dedicated write their own songs, and their assessment. Actions fall into two no longer subsidised it will cost at Group. There are several unnamed Boilers lock us into similar gas to Leichhardt Municipal Council by stunning voices, amazing harmony categories: waste recycling and least $180 per residence instead of laneways in Glebe and the Group consumption and escalating bills. the School in 1993. and uplifting music, together with waste avoidance. Repainting the $22 and the chances of adoption are was keen to commemorate the Solar will be quite expensive to lyrics – nostalgic and political – that garbage room, using signed co-min- very slim, especially when it does The naming of this laneway will importance of ‘Elsie’ in Glebe's install and operate, needing signii- recognise an important part of history. acknowledged Aboriginal history gled recycling bins and waste bins, nothing but rain, rain, rain! Further cant boosting except at the height of Glebe's recent history, as well as - Robyn Kemmis while remaining irmly in the pre - providing guides for residents and a monitoring of consumption in differ- sent was wonderful to hear – what a summer. A heat pump is estimated acknowledging the importance of clearly identiied household clean- ent areas of the complex was really class act! Their charming and often to save about 50% of our current gas the Women's Liberation Move- Only in Glebe … up collection area should reduce all that Sydney Water could suggest. funny chatter between songs afford- consumption costs. ment in establishing Australia's irst waste and mess and put Glebe Gar- Individual residence metering would women's refuge. ... could the NSW Reconciliation ed a little insight into their lives. dens into a lower priced category for cost millions of dollars. The Glebe Gardens Executive Com- Council send out a general invitation Even the sausages were excellent, waste collection. A win/win result! mittee is now faced with agreeing Founded in 1974, at a time of mas- to the local community to come to Energy is the area for tough deci- served on fresh sesame rolls – what There are a few harder initiatives to which of the recommendations will sive social change, Elsie was Aus- Tranby Aboriginal College (where sions involving expenditure, but more could you want! consider such as installing a cloth- go forward and how. Fortunately tralia's irst refuge for the victims they now have ofices) and sit in fortunately Glebe Gardens now has of domestic violence. Previously For those who missed it on televi- ing bin, and reviewing our disposal there is some assistance within the the wonderful amphitheatre there lots of information to assist. The women and children in danger from sion, the last Sunday of the series of hazardous waste and communal Smart Green Apartments project to take part in Art Music Culture audit, action plan and ive detailed violent husbands and fathers simply Comunity. Did you see the posters? had a showing of the ilm The Tall composting. for the implementation phases. business cases show us how to had nowhere to go when their home I did, so I went to Tranby early one Man, followed by conversation – And there seems to be advice on Water, alas, is not so straight- make energy consumption savings lives became unbearable. Sunday evening in March to attend and there was much to talk about. some existing and newly emerging forward. NSW does not have a of 58%. Fortunately, to help us, Elsie was initially the product of the third in a series of Sundays in subsidies and sources of low interest We thank the City of Sydney for the residence-based user-pays system recommendations are prioritised by two contemporary protest move- Glebe. community grant which made these inance. But all that will be another within strata schemes. The Owners payback period: under 2 years, 2-3 ments - the new wave of feminism events possible. More please! story! After an acknowledgement of Corporation of each scheme pays years and 4 plus years. The car park and the conservation movement. Gadigal Country, we were greeted - Jan Craney - Bobbie Burke an amalgamated water bill for both lighting upgrade, with dimming con- People were starting to talk about by Carla McGrath a member of the individual and common area water trols and the pool heating upgrade, Note: For ideas about how to violence against women, an experi- Council’s Board who told us that Note: Julian Boswell, Project Manager ence that made people very angry at the NSW Reconciliation Council, consumption, passing on the costs despite their signiicant capital cost start the ball rolling by monitor- their main goal in the series was to (a total of up to $80,000) fall into and motivated women to do some- tells us that they will look at doing an- via resident levies tied to the value ing consumption of electricity, gas make everyone from in and around the 2-3 year payback category. thing about it. Meanwhile, unprec- Glebe aware that Tranby is a space other series towards the end of the year of each residence, not to individual and water in your scheme, contact edented environmental activism by for the whole community. ‘Our or the start of next year. Meanwhile, water consumption. This means that Having spent considerable time look out for news about Reconciliation Jan Craney, Utilities co-ordinator, the Builders' Labourers Federation Place’, they called it, and they had single or dual person households prior to the project investigating Week (27 May – 3 June) and NAIDOC Glebe Gardens, on 0405 821 463 or had resulted in 'green bans' which set out small lighted candles around greatly subsidise large households possible car park lighting upgrade Week (1 -8 July). [email protected] had considerably slowed the pace of the fence at the College to welcome

Go to Page 8 Glebe Society Bulletin Go to April/May 2012 Page 9 Go to index index index Glebe Library’s 15th birthday Youth environmental The meeting room at Benledi was formed a display around the walls as visual materials and story time for action in Glebe Glebe Society events illed on the evening of Friday 20 well as providing a continuous loop pre-schoolers. Meeting rooms were On the evening of Anzac Day an and main course, BYO fee, sweets April when staff, members and video display as a backdrop to the Glebe Voices - available for hire for community event took place in Glebe which is and tea or coffee. friends of the Library gathered to proceedings. use. In its irst week, 500 new mem- taking concrete community-based investing in our Film and talk at Benledi celebrate ifteen years in its present - Jeanette Knox bers joined. The irst loor was let to action to reduce the energy usage building. Margaret Whittaker, re- commercial tenants to subsidise the and emissions of local businesses. communities Waste Not – ‘an award-winning cently retired, introduced and inter- operating costs of the library. The The event, called ‘Repower Sap- beautiful and emotional ilm’ pro- How Glebe Library We had a packed house upstairs at viewed three representatives of the Fighting Fund became the Friends phos’ was held at the Sappho Books, duced by the Total Environment the Ancient Briton on April 19 when COW (Concerned Older Women) moved to Benledi Café and Wine Bar. It was organ- Centre about garbage recycling in of Benledi and Glebe Library and Richard Spencer, a local resident group who shared their memories ised by the Inner West group of the Sydney – including recycling of held functions and book fairs to with 20 years’ experience in local of Glebe in earlier days. Copies The following is an extract from Australian Youth Climate Coalition household waste; ‘Reverse Garbage’ raise money for Benledi House and and international community devel- of their booklet Stories of Glebe Max Solling’s talk at the Library’s (AYCC) and the New Moon Blues community business; excessive Glebe Library. Margaret Whittaker, opment, led a lively Glebe Voices Women, Past and Present, handed birthday party initiative, and is part of an AYCC packaging; toxicity of electronic who had worked since 14 February discussion on how we can increase out to partygoers, made an appro- campaign called ‘Repower Aus- waste; and a ‘sustainable’ house ... A group of Glebe activists which 1966 at Bankstown Library, was social cohesion in our communities. priate souvenir. COW lobbies for tralia’. As part of the campaign, the in the inner city. Showing of ilm included Allison Chiew, Pam appointed Glebe Branch Librarian in improvements to services in Glebe, local AYCC group is organising fun- and a talk on the City Council’s Grinter, Tanni Iverach, Robin Law- February 1997. Margaret had a staff such as transport, and the COW- draising events in local businesses. approach to waste management. belles make and sell their craftwork rence, Marie Mackie, Chris Newton, of four assistants including one oth- After the event, the majority of the Early evening, Thursday 28 June, to raise funds. Heather Sykes and Ros Wheeler er qualiied librarian. She believes money raised goes to the business to Benledi. formed the Glebe Library Fighting public libraries have a major role Margaret Whittaker then reminisced help them reduce their carbon emis- New members welcome ... Fund. Money from rafles, stalls to play in communities and their sions (for example, by installing about her ifteen years as head of the ... and a talk by Deborah Cameron, and an Art Show and funds from the contribution to people’s lives can solar power and converting lighting library team, including the history former ABC Radio 702 morning sale of the Bridge Road site went never be underestimated. Her other from incandescent to LED) with a of the Library, and a look back at host and now working in commu- into a reserve fund. Council paid the great love is classical music, espe- small portion going to AYCC for its earlier location in Bridge Road. nity consultation. Friday 20 July, continuing their campaign. AYCC She shared her memories of the fund Department of Health $1.3 million cially choral singing, and she is the 6 - 8 pm raising efforts for the building by for the Benledi site, selected archi- subject selector of these books for have their own volunteer sustain- residents, and the support for many tect Tim Schwager to design the the eight City of Sydney libraries. ability oficers who will help the Richard Spencer. Photo: Bruce Davis Annual General Meeting years of the Friends of the Library new library and community facilities In 2008 Margaret was the recipi- business to improve sustainability Guest speaker Lucy Turnbull – Sun- group. She also underlined how and accepted a tender from Build ent of the ALIA Study Grant Award and supervise the use of the funds We also had contributions from day 26 August, 11 am much she had enjoyed being part Corp Pty Ltd of just over $1 million where she visited thirty libraries in raised by the event. those operating several Glebe agen- cies about the good work being done For more details all of the above, of the Glebe community, and was to build a 500 square metres library. Sweden, England and the United The ‘Repower Sapphos’ event in this regard. The achievements of and bookings, see the next Bulletin. looking forward to continuing to Work began on 27 July 1996 and States, investigating the feasibility included six local musicians, an live in the suburb. After her talk she Centipede, Glebe Youth Services the library was oficially opened of a free public music library for the auction of art created on the night - Dorothy Davis had enough breath left to blow out and the Glebe Community Develop- by the member for Port Jackson, City of Sydney. Margaret retired on by local artists, food, drinks and the candles on the Library’s birthday ment Program are both impressive Blue Wrens working bee Sandra Nori on 19 April 1997. The 16 March 2012. discussions of renewable energy. It cake and voices were raised for the and inspirational. Richard gave was the irst ‘Repower’ event to be Paddy Gray Reserve, between traditional song. library had disabled access, two - Max Solling practical examples on strategies held in NSW and one of the irst in Hereford Street and Wigram internet computers, books, audio- for achieving ‘great’ communities A musical interlude of jazz from Australia. Lane, beside 57 Hereford Street, and we inished the session with Barry Canham and his players fol- Wednesday 2 May 9.15 - 11.30am AYCC wants Australia to be pow- the sense that the conversations we lowed, while we enjoyed a glass of Letter (weather permitting, otherwise to the ered by 100% renewable energy had are just the beginning of further wine and some nibbles and chatted Wednesday 9 May). Editor and, rather than waiting for others discussions and actions towards with friends old and new. Then Max to make this happen, these young strengthening our community. Solling presented one of his inimi- Join the Glebe Society’s Blue Wrens Dear Editor people are actively working on it Group, members from the Glebe table talks. He traced the history of themselves and holding ‘Repower’ - Mairéad Browne the various Working Men’s insti- Congratulations to Jan Macindoe and the members of the Environment Bushcare Group, Rozelle Bay Com- Subcommittee on their excellent Environment Policy and Action Plan as events all across Australia.If you munity Native Nursery and City of tutes, Schools of Arts and library know of other local businesses who Coming Events services in Glebe from the mid nine- published in Glebe Society Bulletin 2/2012. Sydney staff and contractors for a may want to host fundraising events A Turkish Experience working bee at Paddy Gray Reserve teenth century until today. He con- Resident action groups are necessarily parochial but don't need to be ex- for reducing their resource usage, Kapadokya Café, Glebe Point Road (local National Tree Day site in cluded with a tribute to Bernard and clusively so and the more of us who can be persuaded of the importance contact me at alice.simpsonyoung@ - combined with the June Thirsty 2010 and 2008). If you don’t want Kate Smith, with special mention of looking after our environment the better. In this case the Greens' gmail.com. I am a Glebe Society Thursday. Traditional Turkish home to pull out weeds and add a few of their ground breaking book The slogan 'think globally, act locally' is very appropriate. member, Sydney University student Architectural Character of Glebe. cooking and entertainment. inill plants, come and have morn- Yours sincerely and a volunteer for AYCC. ing tea with the workers anyway, at Photographs from the Bernard Thursday 7 June, 7pm. $30 per Smith Collection held by the Library Ian Edwards - Alice Simpson-Young about 10.30. person covers shared mezze plates - Jan Craney

Go to Page 10 Glebe Society Bulletin Go to April/May 2012 Page 11 Go to index index index News and Notes For your diary ...

Thirsty Thursdays The Wireless House – a clariication Wednesday 2 May, 9.15-11.30am - Blue Wrens Working Bee, Paddy Gray Reserve. See page11. Members and friends are invited to meet in restaurants Heritage Consultant Hilary Hewitt has drawn atten- Thursday 3 May, 7pm – Thirsty Thursday – Roxanne, 39 Glebe Point Road. See page 12. tion to the fact that the article in and around Glebe, usually on the irst Thursday of What makes something Wednesday 9 May, 7pm – Management Committee meeting, the Walter Burley Grifin Incinerator, Forsyth Street. each month at 7pm, to eat and talk with other people a heritage item? (page 4 of Bulletin 2/2012) did not who live in Glebe. We visit a different restaurant each acknowledge the role played by the late Jan McCulloch Tuesday 15 May, 7pm – Players in the Pub, Harold Park Hotel. See page 12. month, varying cuisines. Put these dates in your diary in saving the Wireless House. Friday 1 June, 7pm - NAIDOC trivia night, Harold Park Hotel. See page 12. now. The fact that the Society initially supported the Coun- Thursday 7 June, 7pm – A Turkish Experience, Kapadokya Turkish Café, 71 Glebe Point Road. See page 11. On Thursday 3 May we will go to Roxanne, 39 Glebe cil's plan and later, along with others such as Jan Wednesday 13 June, 7pm – Management Committee meeting. Point Road. McCulloch, sought to have it overturned is widely recognised, and Jan’s role is acknowledged on page 6 Thursday 28 June, early evening – Waste Not, Film and talk at Benledi. See page 11 On Thursday 7 June we will go to Kapadokya Turk- of Bulletin 1/2012. I regret that last month's article may Thursday 5 July, 7pm – Thirsty Thursday – Fountain 77 at 77 Glebe Point Road. See page 12. ish Café, 71 Glebe Point Road. See page 11 for more have given the impression that the Glebe Society alone Wednesday 11 July, 7pm – Management Committee meeting. details. saved the Wireless House. Friday 20 July, 6-8 pm – New Members Welcome evening and talk by Deborah Cameron. Venue tba. And on Thursday 5 July we will go to 77 at - The Editor Fountain See page 11. 77 Glebe Point Road. Sunday 26 August, 11am – Glebe Society Annual General Meeting. Please email me or ring me on 9660 7066 by the Players in the Pub Wednesday before the dinner to let me know if you are Our irst moved playreading in our new home is Oliver coming, or if you are likely to be late. Goldsmith’s classic comedy She Stoops to Conquer at - Edwina Doe 7pm on Tuesday 15 May. The venue is upstairs at the Harold Park Hotel, 70A Ross Street Glebe Seating Welcome to new members is a mix of chairs with backs plus comfortable poufs. The Glebe Society Inc The following people were accepted as members of Admission is free. Contacting the Glebe Society at the April Management Committee Mine host Will Ryan is opening the kitchen for orders Established 1969 The Glebe Society Management Committee: meetings: from 5.30 pm. The menu includes snacks and light President Mairéad Brown 9552 2888 meals ($12-$15) and chargrilled beef, lamb or chicken Mail All correspondence should be addressed to: Vice President John Gray 9518 7253 ($17-$20). There is a bus stop on Wigram Road for Immediate Past President Liz Simpson-Booker 9518 6186 Laura Forsyth routes 433 and 370, and up the hill at the Ross Street The Glebe Society Inc. PO Box 100, Glebe NSW 2037 Secretary Vicky Marquis 9552 2592 Jodie Hooper shops for route 470. Treasurer Bruce Davis 9660 7873 Bridgette Leech Website Committee members (ive elected positions): Reingard and Bill Porges City of Sydney Councillors The Society has a growing Website (www. Dorothy Davis (Events coordination) 9660 7873 Lord Mayor: Clover Moore MP glebesociety.org.au) for the information Carole Herriman (Eglinton Road Project) 9571 9092 We look forward to seeing them at future Glebe Society of members and anyone with an interest Murray Jewell (Assistant Treasurer) 0416 978 608 functions. Councillors: in Glebe. The Website will only lourish if Lesley Lynch 9660 5084 Phillip Black members use the site. Send contributions or Bill Simpson-Young 0411 871 214 Trivia night fundraiser for NAIDOC Meredith Burgmann comments to [email protected] Irene Doutney Convenors (ex-oficio members of the Management Committee) A fundraiser trivia night for Glebe NAIDOC (the Na- The Bulletin Bays and Foreshores/BCC Bruce Davis 9660 7873 Chris Harris tional Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Com- We are glad to publish letters or articles on Bulletin Editor Edwina Doe 9660 7066 mittee) will be held on Friday 1 June, 7pm for 7.30pm Robert Kok any matters of interest to Glebe, any topic Community Development Robyn Kemmis 9692 9440 raised in the Bulletin, or any issues relating to at the Harold Park Hotel. Shayne Mallard Environment Jan Macindoe 9660 0208 John McInerney the Glebe Society, within the Guidelines pub- Heritage John Gray 9518 7253 lished on our website. Write to the address For bookings and enquiries contact Sarah Foulkes or Di Tornai History Lyn Collingwood 9660 5817 Olly Loveday at Glebe Community Development Pro- above or email [email protected] History of the Glebe Society Jeanette Knox 9660 7781 For enquiries: Please contact the City of Sydney on ject phone 9692 9375 Membership Cheryl & Bryan Herden 9660 7371 9265 9333. Disclaimer Planning Neil Macindoe 9660 0208 Make up a team of 10 or come as an individual. $15 Views expressed in this Bulletin are not per person. necessarily those of The Glebe Society Inc. Transport & Trafic Andrew Craig 9566 1746 Forest Lodge Website coordinator Phil Young 9692 9583 Bulletin deadline Other contacts Coro Innominata concert Public School The next edition of the Bulletin will be pub- Archivist Lyn Milton 9660 7930 Sospiro: Cardoso, Gesualdo and Monteverdi Home of The Glebe lished at the end of May. The deadline for History of Glebe Max Solling 9660 1160 contributions is Wednesday 16 May. Plaques Project Peter Robinson 9660 1160 3pm, Sunday 6 May at St Scholastica's Chapel, Glebe. Society Archives Press cuttings tba Google coro innominata for more information. Phone 9660 3530

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