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Altman, Robert, MASH. DeLuxe/Panavision, U.S.A. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation, 1970. Alejandro Amenábar, The Others, DeLuxe/Panavision, U.S.A./U.K./Spain (Dimension Films, 2001). Annakin, Ken, Andrew Marton, Bernhard Wicki and Darryl F. Zanuck (uncredited) (1962), The Longest Day. CinemaScope 35mm, U.S.A. Twentieth Century–Fox Film Corporation. Arcand, Denys. Jésus de Montréal (Jesus of ). Colour, 35mm, Canada. Max Films/Gérard Mital Productions. Ashby, Hal (1979), Being There. Panavision 35mm, U.S.A. United Artists. Barclay, Paris, “Glee.” Wheels. 1ARC08: Fox TV, 11 November 2009. Bay, Michael (1998), Armageddon. Technicolor/Panavision, U.S.A. Buena Vista Pictures. Beauvois, Xavier (2010), Of Gods and Men. Techniscope/35 mm, France. Artificial Eye. Cameron, James (2009), Avatar. DeLuxe/35mm/70 mm IMAX, U.S.A. Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation. Carpenter, John (1978), Halloween. Metrocolor; Panavision, U.S.A. Compass International. —(1980), The Fog. Metrocolor; Panavision, U.S.A. Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer. —(1982), The Thing. Panavision/Technicolor, U.S.A. Universal Pictures. Coppola, Francis Ford (1972), The Godfather. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. —(1974), The Godfather: Part II. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. —(1979), Apocalypse Now. Technovision/Technicolor, U.S.A. United Artists. —(1990), The Godfather: Part III. Technicolor/Super 35, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. 58 Bibliography

—(2001), Apocalypse Now Redux. Technovision/Technicolor, U.S.A. Buena Vista International. Daves, Delmer (1949), Task Force. B&W/Technicolor 35 mm, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. Donaldson, Roger (1997), Dante’s Peak. DeLuxe/Super 35, U.S.A. Universal Pictures. Dwan, Allan (1949), Sands of Iwo Jima. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. Republic Pictures. Emmerich, Roland (2009), 2012. DeLuxe/Panavision, U.S.A. Columbia Pictures. Estevez, Emilio (2010), The Way. Technicolor/Super 16, U.S.A. Icon Entertainment International. Fleming, Victor (1939), The Wizard of Oz. 35 mm Technicolor Three-Strip, U.S.A. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Ford, John (1937), Wee Willie Winkie. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. —(1942), The Battle of Midway. Technicolor 16mm, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. —(1945), They Were Expendable. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer. —(1948), Fort Apache. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. RKO Radio Pictures. —(1949), She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. RKO Radio Pictures. —(1950), Rio Grande. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. Republic Pictures. Gilliam, Terry and Terry Jones (1975), Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Technicolor 35mm, U.K. EMI Films. Goulding, Edmund (1938), The Dawn Patrol. B&W 35mm, U.S.A., Warner Bros. Pictures. Harlan, Veit (1945), Kolberg. Agfacolor 35 mm, Germany. Deutsche Filmvertriebs (DFV). Hitchcock, Alfred (1948), Rope. B&W film, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. —(1963), The Birds. Technicolor, U.S.A. Universal Pictures,. Hooper, Tobe (1982), Poltergeist. Metrocolor; J-D-C Scope, U.S.A. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Jackson, Mick (1997), Volcano. DeLuxe/35mm, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Jackson, Peter (2003), The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. Super 35 mm, U.S.A./New Zealand. New Line Cinema. Jewison, Norman (1971), Fiddler on the Roof. Technicolor/35mm, U.S.A. United Artists. Jones, Terry (1979), Monty Python’s Life of Brian. Eastmancolor, U.K. Cinema International Corporation/Orion Pictures Corporation. Kellogg, Ray and John Wayne (1968), The Green Berets. Technicolor/ Panavision, U.S.A. Warner Brothers/Seven Arts. Bibliography 59

King, Henry (1949), Twelve O’Clock High. B&W film, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox. Klimov, Elem. (1985), Come and See. Colour/B&W, 35mm, U.S.S.R. Sovexportfilm/Mosfilm. Kubrick, Stanley (1953), Fear and Desire. B&W 16mm, U.S.A. Kubrick/Joseph Burstyn. —(1956), The Killing. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. United Artists. —(1957), Paths of Glory. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. United Artists. —(1960), Spartacus. Technicolor/Super Technirama 70, U.S.A. Universal Pictures —(1964), Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A./U.K. Columbia Pictures Corporation. —(1968), 2001: A Space Odyssey. Super Panavision 70 mm, U.K./U.S.A. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. —(1972), A Clockwork Orange. Colour, 35mm, U.K./U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. —(1980), The Shining. Eastmancolor/35 mm, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. —(1987), Full Metal Jacket. Colour film, U.S.A./U.K. Warner Bros. Pictures. Lucas, George (1977), Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope). Technicolor, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. McG (2009), Terminator Salvation. Technicolor/Super 35, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. Pakula, Alan J. (1974), The Parallax View. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. —(1976), All the President’s Men. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. Polanski, Roman (1974), Chinatown. Technicolor/Panavision, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. Pollack, Sydney (1975), Three Days of the Condor. Technicolor/Panavision, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. Riefenstahl, Leni (1933), Der Sieg des Glaubens. B&W film, Germany: Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP. —(1935), Tag der Freiheit: Unsere Wehrmacht. B&W film, Germany. Reichsparteitagfilm; der Leni Riefenstahl Film. —(1935), Triumph des Willens; das Dokument vom Reichsparteitag 1934. B&W film. Reichspropagandaleitung der NSDAP; Leni Riefenstahl-Produktion. —(1938), Olympia: Fest der Schönheit. B&W film, Germany. Olympia-Film GmbH. —(1938), Olympia: Fest der Völker. B&W film, Germany. Olympia-Film GmbH. Robson, Mark (1949), Home of the Brave. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. United Artists. Schaffner, Franklin J. (1963), The Stripper. B&W; Cinemascope, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. 60 Bibliography

—(1968), Planet of the Apes. Color; Panavision, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. —(1970), Patton. Colour; Dimension 150, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Scott, Ridley (1979), Alien. DeLuxe/Panavision, U.S.A./U.K. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. —(2001), Black Hawk Down. Technicolor/35 mm, U.S.A. Columbia Pictures. Singer, Bryan (2006), Superman Returns. Technicolor/Panavision, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. Spielberg, Steven (1998), Saving Private Ryan. Panavision/Technicolor, U.S.A. DreamWorks Distribution. Stevens, George (1953), Shane. Technicolor 35mm, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. Teague, Lewis (1983), Cujo. Panavision 35mm, U.S.A. Warner Bros. Pictures. Wellman, William A. (1949), Battleground. B&W 35 mm, U.S.A. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. Wilde, Cornel (1968), Beach Red. DeLuxe/35mm, U.S.A. United Artists. Winner, Michael (1974), Death Wish. Technicolor, U.S.A. Paramount Pictures. Zwick, Edward (1996), Courage Under Fire. Super 35 mm, U.S.A. Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.