Ministerial List 6 November 2020 Notes: 1. All Ministers are members of the Executive Council. 2. The Parliamentary Under-Secretaries are part of executive government, but are not members of the Executive Council. Their appointment will take effect at a later date, following the return of the Writ. 3. Portfolios are listed in the left-hand column. Other responsibilities assigned by the Prime Minister are listed in the right-hand column.


Portfolios Other responsibilities 1 Rt Hon

Prime Minister Minister for Child Poverty Reduction Minister for National Security and Minister Responsible for Ministerial Intelligence Services Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage

2 Hon

Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Minister for Infrastructure Minister for Sport and Recreation

3 Hon Kelvin Davis

Minister for Māori Crown Relations: Associate Minister of Education (Māori Te Arawhiti Education) Minister for Children Minister of Corrections

4 Hon Dr

Minister of Housing Associate Minister of Finance Minister of Energy and Resources Minister of Research, Science and Innovation

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Portfolios Other responsibilities 5 Hon

Minister for COVID-19 Response Leader of the House Minister of Education Minister for the Public Service

6 Hon

Minister for Social Development and Employment Minister for ACC Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister for Disability Issues

7 Hon Andrew Little

Minister of Health Minister Responsible for Pike River Minister Responsible for the GCSB Re-entry Minister Responsible for the NZSIS Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations

8 Hon David Parker

Attorney-General Associate Minister of Finance Minister for the Environment

Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Minister of Revenue

9 Hon

Minister of Foreign Affairs Associate Minister for Māori Minister of Local Government Development

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Portfolios Other responsibilities 10 Hon

Minister for Building and Construction Associate Minister for Children Minister of Police Associate Minister of Housing (Public Housing)

11 Hon Damien O’Connor

Minister of Agriculture Minister for Biosecurity Minister for Land Information Minister for Rural Communities Minister for Trade and Export Growth

12 Hon

Minister for Economic and Regional Development

Minister of Forestry Minister for Small Business Minister of Tourism

13 Hon

Minister of Justice Minister for Broadcasting and Media Minister of Immigration

14 Hon

Minister of Defence Associate Minister of Health (Māori Minister for Whānau Ora Health) Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing) Associate Minister of Tourism

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Portfolios Other responsibilities 15 Hon Willie Jackson

Minister for Māori Development Associate Minister for ACC Associate Minister of Justice

16 Hon Minister of Internal Affairs Associate Minister of Education Minister for Women

17 Hon Michael Wood Minister of Transport Deputy Leader of the House Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety

18 Hon

Minister of Conservation Associate Minister for Arts, Culture and Minister for Emergency Management Heritage Associate Minister for the Environment

19 Hon Dr David Clark

Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Responsible for the Earthquake Minister for the Digital Economy and Commission Communications Minister for State Owned Enterprises Minister of Statistics

20 Hon Dr

Minister for Food Safety Associate Minister of Health Associate Minister of Research, Science and Innovation

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Portfolios Other responsibilities Hon Aupito

Minister for Courts Associate Minister of Education (Pacific Minister for Pacific Peoples Peoples) Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs Associate Minister of Health (Pacific Peoples) Associate Minister of Justice


Minister of Customs Associate Minister of Agriculture Minister for Veterans (Animal Welfare) Associate Minister of Statistics

Hon Minister for Disarmament and Arms Associate Minister for the Environment Control Associate Minister of Immigration Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth

Hon Minister for the Community and Voluntary Associate Minister for Social Sector Development and Employment Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Ethnic Communities Minister for Youth

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Portfolios Other responsibilities Hon

Minister for the Prevention of Family and Associate Minister of Housing Sexual Violence (Homelessness)

Hon James Shaw Minister of Climate Change Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity)

PARLIAMENTARY UNDER-SECRETARIES The following appointments to Parliamentary Under-Secretary roles will be made, and will take effect, at a later date, following the return of the Writ.

Rino Tirikatene MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries Minister for Trade and Export Growth (Māori Trade)

Dr MP Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Revenue

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