
‚ivist— st—li—n— di €—leontologi— e ƒtr—tigr—fi— volume IIU noF P ppF QHWEQPI tuly PHII

„ri ps‚ƒ„ ‚igy‚h yp e xy„yƒ grsex g‚ygyh‰vspy‚w p‚yw s„ev‰


pefsy wF hevve †iggrse 8 exh‚ie ge

‚e™eivedX he™em˜er PWD PHIHY —™™eptedX epril TD PHII

uey wordsX iphodont toothD gro™odyliformesD xotosu™hi—D s™ri˜edF „he tooth is stored in the ™olle™tions of the

hor—todonD er—ripesu™hus wegeneriD pper gret—™eousD €ol—zzo

€—l—eontologi™—l ƒe™tion of the wuseo dell— ‚o™™— di siteD u—rst €l—te—uF

wonf—l™one with the spe™imen num˜er w€gw IIUPH

@the origin—lfieldnum˜er w—s ƒWUGIIVAF e˜str—™tF e serr—ted tooth from the goni—™i—nEƒ—ntoni—n

@ pper gret—™eousA €ol—zzo fossil site @u—rstD xi st—lyA is the first „he —im of this work is to des™ri˜e the spe™imen

re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—lyF elthough it sh—res

in det—il—nd dis™uss its —ffinityF ist—˜lishingthe t—xoE

syn—pomorphies with teeth referred to the iurope—n hor—todon

nomi™ st—tus of w€gw IIUPH is ne™ess—ryD —s there h—ve

—nd with the qondw—n—n genus er—ripesu™husD it is distin™t in the

˜een suggestions th—t the tooth ™ould in f—™t ˜elong to — unusu—l™om˜in—tion of fe—turesD suggesting the presen™e of — yet unE

reported notosu™hi—n t—xon in the edri—ti™Ehin—ri™ g—r˜on—te €l—tE theropod dinos—ur @€F gurrieD persF ™ommFAF es dinos—ur

form lo™—ted in the „ethys ˜etween the efro—r—˜i—n ™ontinent —nd

eviden™e is r—re in st—lyD it would ˜e worth of noteF sn the xorth iurope—n l—ndm—ss during v—te gret—™eous timesF xotosuE

the me—ntimeD the tooth h—s ˜een re™ently mentioned in

™hi—ns were typi™—lly terrestri—l ™ro™odyliformsD supporting the preE

liter—ture —s eviden™e of the genus hor—todon in the sen™e of emergent —re—s on the ™—r˜on—te pl—tformF

pper gret—™eous of st—ly @helfino PHHIY ‚—˜i PHHVAD

‚i—ssuntoF n dente munito di ™—rene denti™ol—te rinvenuto nel

with potenti—l p—leogeogr—phi™ impli™—tionsD despite the sito fossilifero di €ol—zzo @g—rsoD st—li— nordorient—leA e d—t—˜ile —l

f—™t th—t its identifi™—tion in previous p—pers w—s ™le—rly goni—™i—noEƒ—ntoni—no @gret—™i™o ƒuperioreA eÁl— prim— testimoni—nz—

tent—tive —nd prelimin—ryF di un ™o™™odrilliforme notosu™o in st—li—F ƒe˜˜ene ™ondivid— sin—poE

morfie ™on denti —ttri˜uiti —lgenere europeo hor—todon e ™on ilgondE

w—ni—no er—ripesu™husD esso si distingue per l9inusu—le ™om˜in—zione di

™—r—tteriD ™he suggeris™e l— presenz— di un— spe™ie di notosu™o non

„erminology —nd methods

—n™or— identifi™—t— nell— €i—tt—form— g—r˜on—ti™— edri—ti™oEhin—ri™—D

lo™—lizz—t— tr— il ™ontinente efro—r—˜i™o e quello xord iuropeoF s

„he odontologi™—l terminology —nd v—ri—˜les used in this p—per

notosu™hi er—no ™o™™odrilliformi prett—mente terrestri e questo eÁindiE

—re those of ƒmith 8 hodson @PHHQA —nd ƒmith et —lF @PHHSAF „he terms

™—tivo dell— presenz— di —ree emerse sull— pi—tt—form— ™—r˜on—ti™—F

–™ell—e9 —nd –™—ud—e9 —re used in the sense of e˜ler @IWWPAF €—r—meters of

hor—todon teeth from eustri—D ‚om—ni— —nd rung—ry —re ˜—sed on

me—surements t—ken from photogr—phs pu˜lished in fuffet—ut @IWUWAD

w—rtin et —lF @PHHTAD —nd ™ourtesy of w—rton ‚—˜iD respe™tivelyF sntrodu™tion

„he —verostr—n theropods —re ™onsidered —™™ording to iz™urr—

huring the IWWU field work in pper gret—™eous @PHHTA —s those ˜elonging to the le—st in™lusive ™l—de in™luding neo™erE

—tos—urs —nd tet—nur—ns @pigF PeAF „he ™ro™odyliform phylogeneti™ €ol—zzo fossil site @pogli—noE‚edipugli— wuni™ip—lityD

fr—mework —nd t—xonomy followed herein is th—t of ƒereno 8 v—rsson qorizi— €rovin™eD xi st—lyY pigF IAD —n unusu—l serr—ted

@PHHWA —nd ƒereno et —lF @PHHIAF e™™ordinglyD the gro™odyliformes —re

tooth w—s found @‚igo IWWUAF „he spe™imen w—s preliE

the le—st in™lusive ™l—de in™luding protosu™hids —nd ™rownEgroup ™roE

min—rily —nd tent—tively referred to the ziphodont ™roE

™odiles @gro™odyli—AD the wesoeu™ro™odyli— is the most in™lusive ™roE

™odyliform hor—todon in some overviews of the €ol—zE ™odyliform ™l—de ex™luding protosu™hidsD —nd the xotosu™hi— is the

zo fossil —ssem˜l—ge @eFgFD h—ll— †e™™hi— et —lF PHHI˜Y most in™lusive ™l—de in™luding xotosu™husD ˜ut ex™luding ™rownEgroup

h—ll— †e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRAD ˜ut rem—ined undeE ™ro™odiles @pigF PfAF

I snstitut g—t—l—Áde €—leontologi— @sg€AD ere— de re™er™— del wesozoi™D is™ol— sndustri—l PQD iEHVPHI ƒ—˜—dellD ƒp—inF P wuseo qeologi™o qiov—nni g—pelliniD vi— —m˜oni TQD sERHIPT fologn—D st—lyF

QIH h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

seÂum x—tion—ldu xigerD xi—meyD ‚eÂpu˜lique de xigerY w€gwD wuE

seo dell— ‚o™™— di wonf—l™one ± ƒezione qeop—leontologi™— @former

wuseo €—leontologi™o gitt—dino di wonf—l™oneAD qorizi—D st—lyY ‡€D

€—leontologi™—l snstituteD niversity of †ienn—D eustri—F

qeologi™—l —nd p—leontologi™—l notes

„he €ol—zzo fossil site o™™urs in the western porE

tion of the st—li—n se™tor of the u—rst €l—te—u n—med

–g—rso ssontino9 in st—li—nF st —™tu—lly in™ludes two sitesD

n—med site e —nd site f —nd pro˜—˜ly representing two

distin™tD ˜ut ™loseD str—tigr—phi™ se™tions @see h—ll— †e™E

™hi— et —lF PHHI˜ —nd h—ll— †e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHR for

more inform—tionAF

pieldwork —t site f where w€gw IIUPH w—s

found h—s ˜een undert—ken system—ti™—lly sin™e IWWT

˜y the wuseo €—leontologi™o gitt—dino of wonf—l™one

@now €—l—eontologi™—l ƒe™tion of the wuseo dell— ‚o™™—

di wonf—l™oneAF

foth site e —nd f h—ve yielded — pe™uli—r fossil

—ssem˜l—ge ™omposed m—inly of perfe™tly —rti™ul—ted pigF I E vo™—tion of the €ol—zzo site @pogli—noE‚edipugli—D st—lyA

—nd wellEpreserved ostei™hthy—n fishesF „he i™hthyof—uE where w€gw IIUPH w—s foundF

n— in™ludes the py™nodontiform €ol—zzodus ™oron—tus

€oy—toEeriz—D PHIHD the —lopiform ‚hyn™hoder™etisD

sm—ll ™lupeomorphsD r—re gh—nid—eD in™hodus spFD—n

—nguilliformD —nd some sm—llEsized ˜ery™iform

—™—nthopterygi—ns @quidotti IWVQY h—ll— †e™™hi— 8

„entor PHHRY €oy—toEeriz— PHIHAF „errestri—lpl—ntreE

m—ins @prenelopsis spFD fr—™hiphyllum spFD €—giophyllum

spFD ™fF ƒphenolepisD gunningh—mites ™fF eleg—nsD some

pro˜—˜le ginko—les —nd indetermin—te —ngiospermsA —re

rel—tively ™ommon —t site eD —nd —re mu™h r—rer —t site f

@h—ll— †e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRAF snverte˜r—te eviden™e is

represented only ˜y — few de™—pod ™rust—™e—nsD some

rudist ˜iv—lve shells —nd — level with tr—™e @h—ll—

†e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRAF „etr—pod rem—ins were found

ne—rly ex™lusively —t site e —nd ™onsist of dis—rti™ul—ted

˜ones of nonEm—rine ™heloni—ns —nd — worn tooth of —

™ro™odyliform @h—ll— †e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRAF

„he fossiliferous se™tion of site f is only IPPFS ™m

thi™k —nd is ™omposed of thinly l—min—tedD light gr—yE

pigF P E €hylogeneti™ rel—tionships —mong the m—in theropod @eA greenish @h—ll— †e™™hi— et —lF PHHI˜Y h—ll—

—nd ™ro™odyliform @fA ™l—des mentioned in the textF ƒin™e

†e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRAF wi™rof—™ies —n—lysis suggests

the position of the „h—l—ttosu™hi— —mong the gro™odyliE

th—t deposition w—s in — restri™ted l—goon—l environment

formes is ™ontroversi—lD —n unresolved polytomy is preE

with intertid—lepisodes @ƒ—ndro †enturiniD persF ™ommF sented hereF

to pF wF hF †FAF w€gw IIUPH w—s found —t the ˜oundE

—ry ˜etween l—yers f —nd gD PHH —nd IWH mm thi™k

e˜˜revi—tions for v—ri—˜lesF evD —pi™—llengthYgeD ™rown

respe™tively @see h—ll— †e™™hi— 8 „entor PHHRD figF PUAF —ngleY gfvD ™rown ˜—se lengthY gf‡D ™rown ˜—se widthY gf‚D ™rown

foth l—yers —re ™omposed of sets of strom—tolite l—miE ˜—se r—tio @gf‡GgfvAY grD ™rown heightY gr‚D ™rown height r—tio

@grGgfvAY heD dist—l—pi™—ldenti™lesdensity @per mmAY hfD dist—l n—e —nd thinD ™o—rser storm levelsF „he tooth w—s deE

˜—s—l denti™les density @per mmAY hgD dist—l midE™rown denti™les denE posited —t the ˜—se of the l—min— fT th—t is the lowerE

sity @per mmAY wfD mesi—l˜—s—ldenti™lesdensity @per mmAY wgD mesi—l

most storm level of l—yer fY other fossils found in fT

midE™rown denti™les density @per mmAF

in™lude the fish ‚hyn™hoder™etisF „his se™tion is p—rt of

— thi™ker str—tigr—phi™ se™tion m—de of pl—tyD wellE snstitution—l —˜˜revi—tionsF pqq fD p—™ult—te— de qeologie

sÎi qeofizi™—D niversit—te— fu™uresÎtiD fu™h—restD ‚om—ni—Y wxxD wuE ˜edded limestone ™ropping out e—st of the vill—ge of

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QII

€ol—zzoD ˜elonging to the thi™k pper gret—™eous ™—rE

˜on—te pl—tform sequen™e of the u—rstF „his sequen™e is

domin—ted ˜y limestone with rudist ˜iv—lves —nd is

known in liter—ture under the n—me of –g—l™—ri di

wFte ƒ—n wi™hele9 @w—rtinis IWTPAF „he lithostr—tiE

gr—phi™ unit ™ont—ining the €ol—zzo se™tion is ™—lled

lo™—lly –g—l™—ri di eurisin—9 @known inform—lly —lso —s

–™—l™—ri — ‚udiste9A —nd its —ge is ™onsidered „uroni—nE

e—rly ƒenoni—n @„entor et —lF IWWRAF „intori et —lF @IWWQA

referred site e to the lower ƒenoni—n ˜e™—use of the

presen™e of the for—minifer e™™ordiell— ™oni™— —nd the

—lg—e ƒgrossoell— p—rtenopei— —˜ove the fish levels —nd

the for—minifer wont™h—rmonti— —pennini™— ˜elowF

wont™h—rmonti— spF w—s found —lso —t site fY „he forE

—minifers wF —pennini™—D €seudo™y™l—mmin— sph—eroiE

de—D e™™ordiell— spFD —nd ƒ™—ndone— s—mniti™—D —nd the

—lg—e ƒgrossoell— spF were found in — se™tion immediE

—tely ˜elow the fossiliferous se™tion of site fF „his —sE

sem˜l—ge suggests —n e—rly ƒenoni—n —ge @iFeFD goni—E

™i—nEƒ—ntoni—nA —lso for site fD in —greement with the

str—tigr—phi™ fr—mework of the u—rst €l—te—u @ƒF †entuE

riniD persF ™ommF to pF wF hF †FAF

„he u—rst €l—te—u is formed m—inly ˜y ™—r˜on—tes

gener—lly supposed to h—ve ˜een deposited in — sh—llow

pigF Q E „he western „ethys during ƒ—ntoni—n @v—te gret—™eousA m—rine environment —t tropi™—ll—titudes—nd domin—ted

timesD ˜—sed on i˜erli et —lF @IWWQAD with lo™—tion of the

˜y rudist –reefs9 during v—te gret—™eous timesF pollowE

u—rst €l—te—u @—steriskA on the edri—ti™Ehin—ri™ g—r˜oE

ing re™ent p—l—eogeogr—phi™ re™onstru™tion of western

n—te €l—tformF h—rk gr—y ™olor represents deep se— on

„ethys @seeD for ex—mpleD i˜erli et —lF IWWQY g—moin et o™e—ni™ ™rustD light gr—y epi™ontinent—l se— —nd m—rine

—lF IWWQY €hilip et —lF PHHHAD the u—rst €l—te—u w—s situE ˜—sins on ™ontinent—l™rustD white emergent l—ndD—nd

˜ri™kEp—ttern identifies the ™—r˜on—te pl—tformsF —ted —t the northern point of — wideD isol—ted intr—o™e—E

ni™ ™—r˜on—te pl—tform of f—h—mi—n type @edri—ti™EhiE

n—ri™ ™—r˜on—te pl—tformA during ƒenoni—n times @pigF

hes™riptionF w€gw IIUPH is — shed ™rownY the QAF imersion events —ffe™ted lo™—lly or extensively this

root w—s ne—rly ™ompletely reE—dsor˜ed —nd the ˜—s—l pl—tform sever—l times during gret—™eous timesY the

side of the ™rown —ppe—rs ™on™—ve in l—˜iolingu—l view most import—nt o™™urred during the l—te g—mp—ni—nE

@pigF ReEfAF foth mesi—l—nd dist—l™utting m—rgins ˜e—r w——stri™hti—n when — rel—tively l—rge isl—nd formed

@edri—ti™ ssl—ndX ytoni™Ï—r PHHUY h—ll— †e™™hi— PHHVD serr—ted ™—rin—eF sts ev is IPFPS mm —nd gr is IIFQTY

PHHWAF „he emergent p—rts of the ™—r˜on—te pl—tform the gfv is SFVP mmF „he gf‡ is not signifi™—tive ˜eE

˜elonged to —n —r™hipel—go of isl—nds pl—™ed ˜etween ™—use the l—˜i—l side is d—m—ged —nd the lingu—l side is

the xorthern iurope—n l—ndm—ss —nd the efro—r—˜i—n slightly ™oll—psedY width —t midE™rown is QFHU mmF „he

™ontinent @the iurope—n er™hipel—goX see h—ll— †e™™hi— gf‚ ™—nnot ˜e ™—l™ul—tedY howeverD the ™rown is not

PHHTY €ered—Eƒu˜er˜iol— et —lF PHHWAF strongly ™ompressed l—˜iolingu—llyX the width —t the

midE™rown is more th—n h—lf the gfv @SV7AF „he

™rown is rel—tively elong—ted ˜—so—pi™—llyD —s the gr‚

ƒystem—ti™ €—l—eontology equ—ls IFWSF

„he l—˜iolingu—l pol—rity is likely indi™—ted ˜y the

position of the mesi—l™—rin— th—t twists on one sideD

er™hos—uri— gopeD IVTW presum—˜ly the lingu—l oneF

„he outline of the ™rown in side view is tri—ngul—rD gro™odylomorph— ‡—lkerD IWUH

moder—tely ™urved dist—lly @ge is TV degreesAD with —

gro™odyliformes r—yD IWQH

™onvex mesi—lm—rgin th—t ™urves smoothlyfrom the

wesoeu™ro™odyli— ‡hetstone —nd ‡hy˜rowD IWVQ

˜—s—l p—rt to the —pexD —nd — ne—rly str—ight —nd slightly

xotosu™hi— q—sp—riniD IWUI in™lined dist—l m—rgin @pigF ReEfAF „he —pi™—l h—lf of the

™rown is slightly ™urved lingu—llyF „he ˜—se of the xotosu™hi— genF —nd spF indetF

pigs REUe ™rown is ™onstri™tedY the ™onstri™tion is wellEm—rked

QIP h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

pigF R E w€gw IIUPHD xotosu™hi— spF —nd genF indetF eA lingu—l viewY fA l—˜i—l viewY gA dist—l viewY hA mesi—l viewF ƒ™—le ˜—r equ—ls I mmF

—long the dist—l m—rginD where — not™h is evident @pigF the outline of the m—rgin just —˜ove the indent—tion is

SAD ˜ut it is imper™epti˜le —long the mesi—l m—rginF „he slightly ˜ut distin™tly ™onvex @–˜ump9A @pigF SAY interdenE

dist—lm—rgin presents — –˜ump9 just —˜ove the not™hF ti™le slits in the ˜—s—l p—rt —re shorter —nd ™ell—e less

„he l—˜i—l side is symmetri™—lly ™onvex @iFeFD the —pex developed th—n in su™™essive denti™lesY hf is VF widE

of the ™onvexity is ™entr—lon the sideY pigF RfAY the ™rown denti™les —re more distin™tD ™hiselEsh—pedD —nd

lingu—l side h—s — ™entr—lD longitudin—l relief with — fl—t ˜—so—pi™—lly longer th—n high @pigF TeEfAY denti™les —re

surf—™e —nd step —nd ™on™—ve mesi—l—nd dist—lslopes slightly in™lined tow—rd the —pex of the ™rownD ˜ut they

th—t —re ™onfluent with the serr—ted ™—rin—e —nd emph—E —re symmetri™—lF hg is SESFSF ƒh—llow ™—ud—e extend on

size them @pigF ReD UeAF the ™—rin— —nd —re —ngled ˜—somesi—llyD where—s the inE

„he midE™rown ™rossEse™tion is su˜re™t—ngul—r to terdenti™le slits —nd ™ell—e o™™ur only in the most exterE

dropElikeD with — rounded —nd wider mesi—l sideD — n—rE n—l p—rt of the ™—rin—Y very thin en—mel ridges p—r—llel to

rower dist—lside with — sh—rp ™—rin—D — ™onvex l—˜i—l the ™—ud—e extend onto the lingu—l surf—™e of the ™rown

sideD —nd — more fl—ttened lingu—l sideF @pigF TeAF „here is —n en—melridge on the midlineof

„he —pex of the ™rown presents — sm—ll we—r f—™et e—™h midEdist—ldenti™le@pigF TfAF „ow—rd the —pexD denE

extending slightly on the lingu—l surf—™eF „he ™rown ti™les ˜e™ome sm—ll —g—in @he is UFSEVA —nd they —re not

surf—™e is not flutedY it shows thin —nd irregul—r longE ™le—rly distin™t in the uppermost PFQ mm of the ™—rin—F

itudin—l wrinkles of the en—melF ƒm—ll ™ir™ul—r pits ™—n „he mesi—l ™—rin— is ™lose to the midline ne—r the

˜e o˜served in the midElower p—rt of the lingu—l side —pex of the ™rownD ˜ut it shifts on the lingu—l surf—™e

@pigF ReD UeAF „he l—rgest h—s — di—meter of HFRQ mmD just I mm ˜elow the —pex —nd twists lingu—lly @soD denE

where—s the sm—llest h—s — di—meter of HFIR mmF „he ti™les point lingu—lly —nd only slightly mesi—llyAF „husD

l—rgest pit presents ™on™entri™ lines of ˜re—k—ge —nd only — short —pi™—l segment ™oin™ides with the mesi—l

™oll—pse of the tooth surf—™eD whi™h suggest it is — stru™E m—rgin of the ™rown @pigF RhAF „he mesi—l™—rin—

ture ™—used ˜y ™ompression ˜y — sm—llD ™oni™—l pointD re—™hes the ˜—s—lp—rt of the ™rownD ˜ut the ˜—s—lsegE

possi˜ly the tooth of — ™run™hing fish @pun™ture m—rkAF ment @~PFW mmA is d—m—ged —nd denti™ul—tion is only

„he dist—l™—rin— extends from the —pex to the ˜—s—l p—rtly preservedF e tot—l of PV denti™les ™—n ˜e ™ounted

not™h —nd is ™ontiguously serr—ted @pigF RgAF f—s—llyD it in the rem—ining portion of the ™—rin—F wg is TD thus the

shifts on the lingu—l side in ™orresponden™e of the mesi—l denti™les —re slightly sm—ller th—n the ™orreE

–˜ump9F e tot—lof RS denti™les™—n ˜e ™ountedF „hey sponding dist—l denti™lesF wid mesi—l denti™les differ

—re slightly sm—ller in the ˜—s—l p—rt of the ™—rin— where from mid dist—lones in ˜eing lessdistin™t ˜e™—use interE

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QIQ

denti™le slits —re very short —nd ™ut only the m—rgin of

the ™—rin—D ™ell—e —re redu™edD —nd ™—ud—e —re not develE

oped @pigF TgEhAF „he few unworn denti™les —re —symE

metri™—l @pointing —pi™—llyA —nd longer th—n highF „he

denti™les diminish in size tow—rd the —pex @~VGmmAY

individu—ldenti™les—re not distin™t in the uppermost

QFS mm of the ™—rin—D ˜e™—use the interdenti™le slits

—re very short —nd ™ut only the outer p—rt of the ™—rin—

@they look like p—pill—eY pigF TgAF


„he tooth o˜viously ˜elongs to — ™—rnivorousD

gn—thostom—te verte˜r—te —ndD —ssuming th—t the shift

of the mesi—l ™—rin— is lingu—lD it ™omes from the left

upper j—w or from the right lower j—wF ƒerr—ted teeth

o™™ur in different gn—thostom—te groupsD from ™honE

dri™hthy—n fishes to m—mm—li—ns @eFgFD p—rlow et —lF

IWWIY e˜ler IWWPAF €resen™e of teeth with l—˜iolingu—lly

™ompressed ™rowns ˜e—ring finely denti™ul—ted ™—rin—e

@ziphodont teethA is ™onsidered —n —r™hos—uriform syE

n—pomorphy @eFgFD fenton IWWWA th—t is se™ond—rily lost

in sever—l derived line—gesX m—ny ™ro™odyliformsD most

pteros—ursD —nd ornithis™hi—n —nd s—uropodomorph diE

nos—ursF emong gret—™eous —r™hos—ursD ziphodont

teeth —re reported in most @˜ut not —llA theropod ™l—des

—nd sever—l™ro™odyliformsF „hereforeD the presen™e of

ziphodont teeth is — symplesiomorphi™ ™ondition th—t

—lone ™—nnot ˜e used for referring isol—te teeth to — less

in™lusive —r™hos—ur ™l—deF elthough ziphodonty is

pro˜—˜ly plesiomorphi™ for theropods dinos—ursD isoE pigF S E w€gw IIUPHD xotosu™hi— spF —nd genF indetF €—rti™ul—r of

l—ted ziphodont teeth th—t —re found in gret—™eous the ˜—s—l™onstri™tionF „he —rrow points to the more

m—rked dist—l ™onstri™tionF ƒ™—le ˜—r equ—ls I mmF ro™ks origin—ted from ™ontinent—lsediments ± —nd

pigF T E w€gw IIUPHD xotosu™hi— spF —nd genF indetF eEfA dist—lm—rgin in lingu—l@eA—nd dist—l@fA viewY gA the midE—pi™—lp—rt of the mesi—l m—rgin in lingu—l viewY hA midEdenti™les of the mesi—l m—rginF ƒ™—le ˜—r equ—ls I mmF

QIR h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

sometimes —lso from sediments deposited in tr—nsiE —nd the presen™e of — str—ightD serr—ted dist—lm—rgin

tion—lGsh—llow m—rine settings ± —re tr—dition—lly reE @ƒmith et —lF PHHSAF st differs from the prem—xill—ry teeth

ferred to th—t ™l—de @eFgFD gurrie et —lF IWWHY piorillo 8 of known —˜elis—uroids ˜e™—use the ™rown shows —

gurrie IWWRY vee IWWUY f—szio IWWUY „ori™es PHHQY more —symmetri™—l ™rossEse™tion profile in the l—tterD

„ori™es et —lF PHHRY ƒ—nkey et —lF PHHPD PHHSY ƒ—nkey more m—rkedly ™onvex l—˜i—lly —nd fl—tter lingu—lly

PHHVY vongri™h PHHVAF @ƒmith PHHUAF yne pe™uli—r fe—ture of w€gw IIUPH is

w€gw IIUPH ™omes from — se™tion whose sediE the presen™e of — slight ™onstri™tion —t the ™rownEroot

ments pro˜—˜ly origin—ted in —n intertid—l to l—goon jun™tion —long the dist—l m—rginD m—rked ˜y — low

environment ™ont—ining r—re m—rine inverte˜r—tes —nd –˜ump9 of the serr—ted m—rgin just —˜ove the indent—E

for—minifersD fishes with — m—rine to fresh w—ter distriE tionF elthough widespre—d —mong ˜—s—l dinos—uriformsD

˜ution @iFeFD €y™nodontiformesA —nd fishes with — m—rine ornithis™hi—nsD ˜—s—ls—uropodomorphsD —nd the primiE

distri˜ution only @‚hyn™hoder™etis —nd fery™iformesAF tive „ri—ssi™ s—uris™hi—n ior—ptor @v—nger 8 fenton

roweverD the r—re rem—ins of terrestri—lveget—tion PHHTAD the ™om˜in—tion of ™h—r—™teristi™s o˜served in

found in the toothE˜e—ring se™tionD —nd the nonEm—rine

w€gw IIUPH is —˜sent in —ll known nonE™oeluros—ur

turtles —nd —˜und—nt pl—nts ™olle™ted —t site eD testify to

theropods @‚—uhut PHHQAF emong goeluros—uri—D — ˜—E

the presen™e of ™lose emergent —re—sF pootprints of

s—l™onstri™tion of the ™rown is reported in the ˜—s—l

sm—ll to mediumEsized ˜iped—l dinos—ursD mostly referE

ornithomimos—ur €ele™—nimimus @€erezEworeno et —lF

—˜le to theropods with — size simil—r to th—t of the posE

IWWRAD therizinos—uroids @—nno PHIHAD —lv—rezs—urids

si˜le owner of the des™ri˜ed toothD —re rel—tively ™omE

@€erle et —lF IWWRAD troodontids @gurrie IWVUAD the droE

mon in the upper el˜i—n —nd upper genom—ni—n ™—r˜oE

m—eos—urid wi™ror—ptor @rw—ng et —lF PHHPAD toothed

n—te pl—tform of the ne—r˜y sstri—n €eninsuE

˜irds @€—di—n 8 ghi—ppe IWWVAD —nd in the prem—xill—ry

l—D gro—ti— @eFgFD h—ll— †e™™hi— IWWVY h—ll— †e™™hi— 8

teeth @˜ut not in m—xill—ry or dent—ry teethA of the ˜—s—l

„—rl—o PHHHY h—ll— †e™™hi— et —lF PHHI—D PHHPAF ƒm—ll

tyr—nnos—uroid €ro™er—tos—urus @‚—uhut et —lF PHIHAF

theropod teeth —re reported from the w——stri™hti—n site

„he €ol—zzo spe™imen differs from —ll these t—x— in

of uozin— @ƒ‡ ƒloveni—Y he˜elj—k et —lF IWWWD PHHPA th—t

the presen™e of — serr—ted ˜—s—lh—lfof the mesi—l™—rin—F

is —˜out RH km ƒi of the €ol—zzo siteF „husD the identiE

w€gw IIUPH is ™le—rly different from the teeth of the fi™—tion of w€gw IIUPH —s — theropod tooth would not

therizinos—uroidsD those of the few dent—te ornithomiE

™ontr—st with the lo™—l—ndregion—lgeologi™—lhistory

mos—ursD —nd those of the troodontids @in™luding those

—nd f—un—l—ssem˜l—gesF

˜—s—l t—x— th—t ˜e—rs finely denti™ul—ted ™—rin—eAD ˜eE

™—use the ™onstri™tion of the ™rown ˜—se is not m—rkedD

gomp—risons with theropod dinos—urs

expe™i—lly mesi—lly @f—rrett PHHWAF „he €ol—zzo tooth

„heropod teeth —re ™onsidered di—gnosti™ —t low

differs from —ll known theropod teeth in the in™omplete t—xonomi™ level @eFgFD gurrie et —lF IWWHY piorillo 8 gurE

serr—tion of the mesi—l™—rin—F „his ™ondition h—s never rie IWWRY f—szio IWWUY ƒ—nkey et —lF PHHPD PHHSY ƒmith et

reported —mong theropodsX —ll des™ri˜ed spe™imens —re

—lF PHHSY ƒ—nkey PHHVY vongri™h PHHVAF f—sed on the

either –truly9 serr—ted or unserr—ted @eFgFD gurrie et —lF su˜tri—ngul—r sh—pe of the ™rown —nd its limited ™urv—E

IWWHY f—szio IWWUY „ori™es PHHQY „ori™es et —lF PHHQY ture in l—˜iolingu—l viewD the rel—tively high l—˜iolingu—l

ƒ—nkey et —lF PHHPD PHHSY ƒ—nkey PHHVY vongri™h PHHVAF widthD —nd the —˜sen™e of —pi™—l™urv—ture of the dist—l

sn ™on™lusionD the ™om˜in—tion of ™h—r—™ter ™onditions m—rginD w€gw IIUPH differs from the l—ter—l @m—xill—ry

seen in w€gw IIUPH is unreported in theropod teeth —nd dist—ldent—ryA teeth of most theropodsD the l—tter

@„—˜F IAF sn p—rti™ul—rD the ™om˜in—tion of in™omplete t—x— showing l—˜iolingu—lly fl—ttenedD ˜l—deElike —nd

mesi—lserr—tion —nd — ˜—s—l–˜ump9 h—s never ˜een reE —pi™—lly re™urved ™rowns in l—˜iolingu—l view @eFgFD gurE

ported in —ny theropod t—xonF elthough some single rie et —lF IWWHY f—szio IWWUY ƒ—nkey et —lF PHHPD PHHSY

fe—tures @over—ll tooth morphologyD denti™le sh—pe —nd fro™hu PHHQY ƒ—nkey PHHVY vongri™h PHHVAF w€gw

density in the dist—l™—rin—A —re sh—red with —˜elis—urE IIUPH sh—res the presen™e of — lingu—lly shifted mesi—l

oidsD tyr—nnos—uroids —nd drom—eos—uridsD —ll —ltern—E ™—rin— with prem—xill—ry —nd mesi—lEmost @symphysi—lA

tive pl—™ements of w€gw IIUPH —mong the „heropod— dent—ry teeth of most —verostr—n theropods @gurrie et

require — ™omp—r—˜le —mount of homopl—syF €ending —lF IWWHY ‚—uhut PHHQY ‚—uhut et —lF PHIHAF st sh—res

—ddition—l eviden™eD it is unlikely th—t w€gw IIUPH some derived fe—tures with mesi—lmost m—xill—ry —nd

˜elongs to — yetEunreported line—ge of theropods with dent—ry teeth of —˜elis—uroid neo™er—tos—ursX lingu—lly

shifted mesi—l™—rin— @ƒ—mpson et —lFPHHIY ƒmith PHHUAD —n unusu—ldent—lmorphologyF

low ˜ut distin™t ˜—so—pi™—lly elong—te ™onvex —re— runE

gomp—risons with gro™odyliformes ning —long the ™enter of the lingu—l surf—™e with fl—t to

slightly ™on™—ve —re—s —dj—™ent to the serr—ted ™—rin—e gro™odyliform teeth —re usu—lly ™oni™—l with unE

@‚—uhut PHHRY p—nti 8 „herrien PHHUY ƒmith PHHUAD serr—ted ™—rin—e @idmund IWTWAD ˜ut the xotosu™hi—

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QIS

„—˜F I E histri˜ution of the odontoE Lingual shift of mesial carina logi™—l fe—tures dis™ussed in Carinae Mid-crown crown (in non-premaxillary Taxon/grade

ornamentation cross-section constriction and non-symphysial

the text —mong ™ro™odyliE dentary teeth) form —nd theropod t—x—F

“Protosuchids” denticles elliptical absent absent

“Sphenosuchids” denticles elliptical absent absent Non-Geosaurini absent rounded absent absent thalattosuchians denticles/ Geosaurini elliptical absent absent pseudo-serrations Most neosuchians absent rounded absent absent

Pristichampsus denticles elliptical absent absent denticles/ Trematochampids elliptical absent absent pseudo-serrations “Sebecosuchians” denticles/absent elliptical absent absent

“Notosuchids” cusps teardrop-shaped marked absent

Araripesuchus denticles elliptical moderate in A. wegeneri

Doratodon denticles elliptical moderate absent

Theropod elliptical or Abelisauridae denticles absent in Majungasaurus D-shaped Non-maniraptoran elliptical or denticles absent absent tetanurans D-shaped Troodontidae denticles/absent rounded/elliptical present absent ellitptical or in Dromaeosauridae denticles/absent in Dromaeosaurus D-shaped Microraptor Denticles, not completely subrectangular to MPCM 11720 moderate present individualized in the drop-like

apical part of carinae

™le—rly individu—lized ˜y interdenti™le slits —nd ™ell—e @–iphosu™hi—9 sensu gomp—ny et —lF PHHSAD — few meE

extending on the whole ™—rin—F triorhyn™hids @endr—de et —lF PHIHAD €risti™h—mpsus

e™™ording to €r—s—d 8 de v—pp—rent de froin —nd the „rem—to™h—mpsid—e @fuffet—ut IWURA —re ™h—rE

@PHHPAD ziphodonty is highly homopl—sti™ within groE —™terized ˜y l—˜iolingu—lly ™ompressed teeth with serE

™odyliformes @„—˜F IAF por ex—mpleD the m—rine metriorE r—ted ™utting m—rgins m—de of distin™t denti™les @€r—E

hyn™hids qeos—urus gig—nteus —nd h—kos—urus m—xiE s—d 8 de v—pp—rent de froin PHHPY gomp—ny et —lF

mus from pper tur—ssi™ —nd lowermost gret—™eous PHHSY ƒereno 8 v—rsson PHHWY „urner 8 ƒerti™h PHIHAF

h—ve denti™ul—ted ™utting m—rginsD where—s their ™lose e™™ording to €r—s—d 8 de v—pp—rent de froin @PHHPX

rel—tive „orvoneustes shows — –f—lse9 ziphodonty @see QTA ––true ziphodonts —re those with teeth h—ving l—tE

endr—de et —lF PHIHAF er—lly ™ompressed ™rowns with posterior re™urved

xotosu™hi— is — ™l—de th—t w—s ™ommon in ƒouth —pexD —nterior —nd posterior ™—rin—e ˜e—ring — num˜er

emeri™— —nd efri™— during the gret—™eous @q—sp—rini et of isol—ted festoonElike denti™les99 where—s –f—lse ziE

—lF IWWIY ƒereno et —lF PHHQY ƒereno 8 v—rsson PHHWAD phodont teeth9 —re those where ––the —nterior —nd posE

where—s in iuropeD ziphodont t—x— ˜e™—me more freE terior ™—rin—e —re rel—tively ™o—rse —nd ˜e—r ™renul—E

quent during the io™ene @s˜erosu™husD fergisu™husD the tions gener—lly formed ˜y —n—stomisingD irregul—r

–i˜ero™™it—ni—n ™ro™odile9D —nd the eusu™hi—n €ristiE ridges issued from the m—in ˜ody of the ™rown99F e™E

™h—mpsusY veg—s— et —lF IWWRY €r—s—d 8 de v—pp—rent ™ording to veg—s— et —lF @IWWRX IQPA true ziphodont

de froin PHHPAF m—rgins —re those h—ving ™—rin—e with isol—ted dentiE

„he referr—lof w€gw IIUPH to €risti™h—mpsusD ™lesD —nd ––—n –isol—ted denti™le9 is — dis™rete morphoE

the ƒe˜e™osu™hi— @in™luded in the xotosu™hi— —™™ordE logi™—l unitD ™le—rly individu—lized ˜y —n interdenti™le

ing to ƒereno et —lF PHHIAD —nd the trem—to™h—mpsids is groove or not™h99F pollowing this definition of ziphoE

dismissed ˜e™—use of the —˜sen™e of ˜oth the ˜—s—l dontyD w€gw IIUPH is not — –f—lse ziphodont9 tooth

–˜ump9 —nd the lingu—lly shifted ™—rin—D —nd the preE —nd is ™loser to — true ziphodont ™onditionD —lthough

sen™e of — ™omp—r—tively ˜lunter —nd rounded —pex of the denti™les of the —pi™—l h—lf of the mesi—l ™—rin— —nd

the ™rown in those ™l—des @ghi—ppe IWVVY q—sp—rini et those of the the —pi™—lp—rt of the dist—l™—rin— —re not

QIT h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

—lF IWWIY fu™kley 8 fro™hu IWWWY „urner 8 g—lvo somewh—t sm—ller th—n w€gw IIUPHD the ˜—so—pi™—l

PHHSAF height r—nging IIEU mmF sn f—™tD fuffet—ut @IWUWX WIA

reported th—t the l—rgest tooth is II mm –long9 —nd —

gomp—risons with hor—todon sm—ller one is ––only U mm long ‘FFF“ the —nteroposterior

e™™ording to gomp—ny et —lF @PHHSA —nd w—rtin et di—meter is R mmD the l—˜iolingu—l one PFS mm99D ˜ut he

—lF @PHIHAD the notosu™hi—n hor—todon is the only true did not report the museum num˜er of the spe™imensD

ziphodont ™ro™odyliform known in the pper gret—™E thus we don9t know to whi™h of the figured spe™imens

eous of iuropeF f—sed on its sm—ll sizeD its s™—r™e l—˜ioE he refersF

lingu—l ™ompression @it is not ˜l—deElikeAD —nd modest hor—todon i˜eri™us gomp—nyD €ered— ƒu˜er˜iol—D

™urv—tureD h—ll— †e™™hi— et —lF @PHHI˜A —nd h—ll— †e™E ‚uizEymen—™— 8 fus™—lioniD PHHS is ˜—sed on —n inE Ä

™hi— 8 „entor @PHHRA tent—tively referred w€gw IIUPH ™omplete lower j—w with teeth found in the ƒierr— €eE

to the only ™ro™odyliform with denti™ul—ted teeth ren™hiz— porm—tion —t the gher— site @†—len™i—D ƒp—inAD

known in the pper gret—™eous of iuropeD hor—todonD l—te g—mp—ni—n or e—rly w——stri™hti—n in —geF „eeth —re

inste—d of — theropod t—xonF hor—todon is reported heterodont in size —nd sh—peY the fourth tooth is su˜E

from the uppermost gret—™eous of eustri— @funzel ™oni™—l@gf‚ is —˜out HFTPAD where—s ™rowns in — more

IVUIY ƒeeley IVVIY fuffet—ut IWUWAD ƒp—in @gomp—ny et dist—l position —re l—ter—lly ™ompressed ˜ut str—ightF „he

—lF PHHSAD ‚om—ni— @w—rtin et —lF PHHTA —nd rung—ry fourth dent—ry tooth resem˜les w€gw IIUPH in over—ll

@‚—˜i PHHVAF ƒp—nishD ‚om—ni—nD —nd rung—ri—n spe™iE sh—pe —nd size @gomp—ny et —lF PHHSD figF QAF roweverD

mens were found in ro™ks origin—ted from fluvi—l —ndG its mesi—l ™—rin— does not shift —nd twist lingu—lly —s

or l—™ustrine sedimentsY the eustri—n spe™imens ™ome well —s th—t of the other teethD in™luding the mesi—lEmost

from — sequen™e of ™o—lse—ms —nd freshw—terGne—rshore ones @gomp—ny et —lFD PHHSY tulio gomp—nyD persF

m—rine ™l—sti™ ro™ks @uv—™Ïek 8 rerm—n PHHRAF ™ommF to pF wF hF †FAF purthermoreD serr—tions of the

hor—todon ™—r™h—ridens @funzelD IVUIA is the type ™—rin— —re —lw—ys formed ˜y ™le—rly individu—lized denE

spe™ies of the genus hor—todon ƒeeley @IVVIA —nd is ti™les in this t—xon @gomp—ny et —lF PHHSAF „here —re

˜—sed on —lmost ™omplete m—ndi˜le with poorly preE three —nd five denti™les per mm —t midE™rown in l—rge

served teethD — fr—gment—ry m—xill— —nd eight isol—ted —nd sm—ll teethD respe™tively @gomp—ny et —lF PHHSAF

teeth @fuffet—ut IWUWAF ell spe™imens ex™luding one henti™les —re ™omp—r—tively l—rgerD —nd p—ired denti™les

tooth —re from the lower g—mp—ni—n qrun˜—™h porm—E joined —t the ˜—se —re irregul—rly presentD —t le—st in the È

tion of the wuthm—nnsdorf lo™—lityD eustri— @ƒummesE figured se™ond m—ndi˜ul—r tooth @gomp—ny et —lF PHHSD

˜erger et —lF PHHUAF „eeth —re homodont in size @gomE figF RAF e m—rked ˜—s—l™onstri™tion —longthe dist—l

p—ny et —lF PHHSAD ˜ut heterodont in sh—pe @fuffet—ut m—rgin —nd the low –˜ump9 just —pi™—l to itD —nd the

IWUWAF fuffet—ut @IWUWD plF IA figured four isol—ted ™entr—lD longitudin—l relief with — fl—t surf—™e in the linE

™rowns th—t —ppe—r more ˜ul˜ous th—n w€gw IIUPHD gu—lside —re not present @gomp—ny et —lFPHHSY tF gomE

—lthough fuffet—ut @IWUWX WIA des™ri˜ed them —s p—nyD persF ™ommF to pF wF hF †FAF

––strongly ™ompressed l—ter—lly99F purthermoreD their ƒever—lteeth from the lowerw——stri™hti—n or

™rossEse™tion is reported —s ov—l—nd the mesi—l™—rin— possi˜ly ˜—s—l upper w——stri™hti—n p—Ãnt—Ãnele —nd €ui

does not shift on the lingu—l side @fuffet—ut IWUWY pigF lo™—lities of the r—teg f—sin of „r—nsylv—ni— @‚om—ni—A

UfAF „he dist—l m—rgin is sigmoid in l—˜iolingu—l view in were referred ˜y w—rtin et —lF @PHHTA to hor—todon spF

‡€ PQRWGSV —nd TH @fuffet—ut IWUWD plF ID figs T —nd U „he —ttri˜ution to the genus is ˜—sed on the ™—rin—e

respe™tivelyAD where—s it is ne—rly str—ight in w€gw displ—ying — ––™le—r pli™—tion of the en—mel —nd the denE

IIUPHF ‡€ PQRWGSW @fuffet—ut IWUWD plF ID figF SA h—s tineD whi™h is ™h—r—™teristi™ of the genus99 @w—rtin et —lF

— less sigmoid dist—l m—rgin respe™t to the other hF PHHTX QPAD me—ning with th—t the presen™e of true denE

™—r™h—ridens teethD —nd — ˜—s—ldist—l™onstri™tion @pigF ti™les @teremy w—rtinD persF ™ommF to eF gFAF roweverD

UfAF yne side of ‡€ PQRWGSW @in the ™—ption of plF ID we note th—t su™h — fe—ture is not —ut—pomorphi™ for

fuffet—ut IWUW does not spe™ify whether the lingu—l or hor—todonD this ˜eing — notosu™hi—n symplesiomorphy

l—˜i—l is figuredA seems to h—ve — ™entr—lD longitudin—l sh—red ˜y sever—lother t—x— @v—g—s— et —lFIWWRY yrteg—

relief with — fl—t surf—™e @see pigF UfAD possi˜ly present et —lF PHHHY ƒereno 8 v—rsson PHHWAF „he only referen™e

fuffet—ut —lso in ‡€ PQRWGSVF roweverD this would ˜e in ™onE to teeth in the di—gnosis of hor—todon ˜y

@IWUWX WHEWIA is ––teeth strongly ™ompressed l—ter—llyD tr—st with the des™ription of the ™ross se™tion of the

with finely serr—ted edges —nd smooth en—mel99D where—s hor—todon ™—r™h—ridens teeth —s ov—lgiven in fuffet—ut

hor—todon is not di—gnosed ˜y —ny dent—lfe—tures in @IWUWAF ‡€ PQRWGSW is only slightly less ™urved th—n

the revision ˜y gomp—ny et —lF @PHHSAF yne of the two w€gw IIUPH @ge is UH degreesA —nd less elong—ted

„r—nsylv—ni—n morphotypes @pqq f ‚FIWQWY w—rtin ˜—so—pi™—lly @gr‚ equ—ls IFUVAF e™™ording to the deE

et —lF PHHTD plF ID figF IEPY pigF UhA resem˜les w€gw s™ription ˜y fuffet—ut @IWUWAD the whole ™—rin—e —re fiE

IIUPH in the over—ll sh—pe of the ™rown in l—˜iolingu—l nely serr—tedD with V denti™lesGmmD ˜ut the ™rowns —re

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QIU

viewD tri—ngul—r —nd high @gr‚ equ—ls PFHRD ge is UP the mesi—l ™—rin—D whi™h h—s —lso wellEdefinedD l—rgeD

—nd ™hiselEsh—ped denti™lesD —t le—st —t midE™rownF degreesAD the slight l—˜iolingu—l ™ompressionD the ™onE

prom the photogr—ph of the ™rown @™ourtesy of wF stri™tion —t the ˜—se of the ™rown only visi˜le dist—lly

‚—˜iA it is impossi˜le to st—te whether — ™entr—lD longE —nd the presen™e of the –˜ump9 just —pi™—lto itD —nd the

itudin—l relief with — fl—t surf—™e is present —long the ˜—s—llingu—ltwistingof the dist—l™—rin—F roweverD it

lingu—l side or notF „his spe™imen resem˜les the spe™iE differs from w€gw IIUPH inX the sh—pe of the dentiE

men pqq f ‚FIWQW figured ˜y w—rtin et —lF @PHHTA @™fF ™lesD h—ving the s—me denti™les morphology mesi—lly

pigF UgEhAF —nd dist—llyD distin™t denti™les in the —pi™—l h—lf of the

es shown —˜oveD the ™riterion used ˜y w—rtin et mesi—l™—rin—D the —˜sen™e of lingu—lshiftof the mesi—l

—lF @PHHTA to support the referr—l of the ‚om—ni—n teeth ™—rin—D —nd more re™urved ™utting m—rginsY furtherE

to hor—todon is ˜—sed on — notosu™hi—n symplesiomorE moreD — fl—t ™entr—l —nd longitudin—l p—rt on the ™rown

phyD not on unique di—gnosti™ fe—tures of the genus in the lingu—l side —nd the rel—tive depression ˜etween

hor—todonF „his ™—sts sever—ldou˜ts on the referr—lof this p—rt —nd the ™—rin—e —re not mentioned in the

isol—ted ziphodont teeth from the pper gret—™eous of des™riptionF

the iurope—n er™hipel—go to the genus hor—todon ‚—˜i @PHHVA reports the presen™e of hor—todon in

˜—sed only on th—t fe—tureD sin™e those serr—ted teeth the ƒ—ntoni—n gseh˜—Âny— porm—tion —t sh—rkuÂtD f—kE

m—y ˜elong to other notosu™hi—n gener— @ƒereno 8 ony wtsD western rung—ryF yne of the three rung—rE

v—rsson PHHWAF elthough none of the teeth referred to i—n morphotypes @w—rton ‚—˜iD persF ™ommF to pF wF

hor—todon is des™ri˜ed in det—ilin the liter—tureDthe hF †FA sh—res with w€gw IIUPH — t—ll @gr‚ equ—ls

€ol—zzo spe™imen seems more simil—r to the type speE PFIUA —nd slightly dist—lly re™urved ™rown @ge is UH

™ies hF ™—r™h—ridens from the lower g—mp—ni—n of eusE degreesAD with — ˜—s—l™onstri™tion more m—rked disE

tri— th—n those from the upper g—mp—ni—nEw——stri™hE t—lly where —lso — –˜ump9 of the ™—rin— is presentD —nd

ti—n of ƒp—inY this is not surprising ˜e™—use of p—l—eoE — str—ight dist—lm—rgin @pigF UhAF st differs from

w€gw IIUPH in the —˜sen™e of — lingu—l twist of geogr—phi™ —nd ™hronostr—tigr—phi™ re—sonsF roweverD

pigF U E w€gw IIUPH ™omp—red to teeth referred in liter—ture —s hor—todon —nd to er—riE

pesu™hus wegeneriF eA w€gw IIUPHD lingu—l viewY fA hor—todon ™—r™h—ridensD

‡€s PQRWGSWD from wuthm—nnsdorf lo™—lityD eustri— @dr—wn from fuffet—ut

IWUWD plF ID figF SY s™—le ˜—r is —pproxim—te ˜e™—use the s™—le in figures —nd sizes in

the text ˜y fuffet—ut IWUW —re not in —greement e—™h otherAY gA –hor—todon9 spF from

the gseh˜—Âny— porm—tionD sh—rkuÂtD rung—ry @from — photo ™ourtesy of wF ‚—˜iD

s™—le unknownAY hA –hor—todon9 spFD pqq f ‚FIWQW from p—Ãnt—Ãnele lo™—lityD ‚oE

m—ni— @dr—wn from w—rtin et —lF PHHTD plF ID figFP—AY iA IIth left m—ndi˜ul—r tooth of

er—ripesu™hus wegeneriD lingu—l viewD wxx qehPHD ilrh—z porm—tionD q—dof—ou—D

xiger @from ƒereno 8 v—rsson PHHWD figF PIgAF „he s™—le ˜—r equ—ls I mmF e˜˜revi—E

tionsX ˜pD –˜ump9Y ˜rD ˜—s—lresorptionY d˜™D dist—l˜—s—l™onstri™tionY d™D dist—l™—rin—Y m™D mesi—l™—rin—Y pmD pun™ture m—rkF

QIV h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

™odyliform genus reported to d—te from the iurope—n the tooth from €ol—zzo shows differen™es with —ll the

teeth reported from eustri—D ƒp—inD —nd ‚om—ni—F „he pper gret—™eousF st is noteworthy th—t the €ol—zzo

most import—nt of whi™h —re the presen™e of — lingu—lly spe™imen sh—res the unusu—lpresen™e of — lingu—lshiftE

shifted mesi—l™—rin—D —nd the —pi™—lp—rt of the dist—l ing of the mesi—l™—rin— with one spe™ies of the notosuE

™—rin— —nd —pi™—lh—lfof the mesi—l™—rin— without ™omE ™hi—n er—ripesu™husF „his genus h—s — p—nEqondw—n—n

pletely individu—lized denti™lesF distri˜utionY its monophyly h—s ˜een questioned ˜y yrE

teg— et —lF @PHHHA —nd „urner 8 ƒerti™h @PHIHAD ˜ut w—s

purther ™omp—risons supported ˜y €ol8 epestegui— @PHHSA —nd ƒereno 8

emong gro™odyliformesD — str—ight ™—rin— runE v—rsson @PHHWAF „he sh—red presen™e of m—ny ™h—r—™tersD

ning —pi™o˜—s—lly —long the mesi—l m—rgin of the teeth in™luding —n —ut—pomorphyD suggesting — stri™t —ffinity

is — plesiomorphi™ fe—ture sh—red ˜y most t—x—D where—s

˜etween w€gw IIUPH —nd — qondw—n—n t—xonD h—s

— lingu—l shifting of the mesi—l ™—rin— is — poorly menE

evident p—leo˜iogeogr—phi™ impli™—tionsF roweverD

tioned —pomorphy with — p—t™hy distri˜ution @eFgFD it is

sin™e the distri˜ution of — lingu—lly shifted mesi—l ™—rin—

present in the dyros—urid rypos—urus rogersii from the

—mong ™ro™odyliforms m—y h—ve ˜een overlooked in

w——stri™hti—n of xew terseyD ˜ut not in other dyros—urE

liter—tureD the phylogeneti™ me—ning of th—t ™h—r—™ter

idsY henton et —lF IWWUAF e lingu—l shifting of the mesi—l

@for ex—mpleD its in™lusiveness —mong er—ripesu™hus speE

™—rin— o™™urs —lso in ‚—z—n—ndrongo˜e s—k—l—v—e @ƒiE

™ies or notosu™hi—ns —s — wholeA h—s yet to ˜e tested in —

mone w—g—nu™oD persF ™omF to eF gFAD —n enigm—ti™

™l—disti™ fr—meworkF purthermoreD the €ol—zzo ™rown

ziphodont t—xon from the widdle tur—ssi™ of w—d—g—sE

h—s the —pi™—lp—rt of the dist—l™—rin— —nd —pi™—lh—lfof

™—r with possi˜le ™ro™odylomorph —ffinities @w—g—nu™o

the mesi—l ™—rin— without ™ompletely individu—lized

et —lF PHHTAF ‚e™entlyD ƒereno 8 v—rsson @PHHWX QSA reE

denti™lesD — fe—ture yet unreported in other ™ro™odyliE ported ––lingu—lly defle™ted mesi—l ™—rin— —nd —sso™i—ted

formsD —lthough —lso pro˜—˜ly overlooked in liter—tureF trough99 —s —n —ut—pomorphy of the l—rgest post™—niniE

ell this suggests referring it —s — yet unn—med notosuE form teeth of the notosu™hi—n er—ripesu™hus wegeneri

™hi—n ™ro™odyliformD possi˜ly with qondw—n—n —ffiE fuffet—ut 8 „—quetD IWUWD from the ™ontinent—lilrh—z

nitiesF porm—tion @epti—nEel˜i—nA of xigerF „he IIth dent—ry

w€gw IIUPH represents the first re™ord of — noE tooth of eF wegeneri is very simil—r to the €ol—zzo tooth

tosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly @helfino PHHIY fonE sh—ring with it — slight ˜—s—l ™onstri™tionD finely serr—ted

figlio PHHSA —nd from the edri—ti™Ehin—ri™ g—r˜on—te mesi—l —nd dist—l ™—rin—eD —nd — ™entr—lD longitudin—l reE

€l—tform of the iurope—n —r™hipel—go —s well @ƒteel lief with — fl—t surf—™e on the lingu—l side @ƒereno 8

IWUQY €ered—Eƒu˜er˜iol— PHHWAF es notosu™hi—ns were v—rsson PHHWD figsF PHgD PIeD PIgAF st differs from

typi™—lly terrestri—l @y9 gonnor et —lF PHIHAD w€gw w€gw IIUPH m—inly in the mesiodist—lly ˜ro—der —nd

IIUPH is further eviden™e of lo™—l emergen™e in the l—˜iolingu—lly thi™ker ™rowns @gr‚ is —˜out IFTHD ge

northern p—rt of the edri—ti™ hin—ri™ ™—r˜on—te pl—tE is TQ degreesA with ˜oth mesi—l—nd dist—lm—rgin m—rkE

form during e—rly ƒenoni—n timesF edly ™onvex @ƒereno 8 v—rsson PHHWY pigF UiAF st is —lso

sensi˜ly sm—llerD ev ˜eing —˜out S mmF

e™knowledgementsF ‡e th—nk ‚om—in emiotD ghristopher

fro™huD engel— fus™—lioniD tulio gomp—nyD €hilip gurrieD t—mes p—rE

lowD teremy w—rtinD w—rton ‚—˜iD ylivier ‚—uhutD —nd w—rk ‰oung for gon™lusions

the inform—tion —nd dis™ussionF „h—nks to w—rton ‚—˜i for sh—ring the

unpu˜lished photogr—phs of the rung—ri—n –hor—todon9 teethF ƒ—ndro

„he serr—ted tooth from the €ol—zzo site is not —

†enturini helped with the str—tigr—phi™ —nd ˜iostr—tigr—phi™ d—t—D qiorE theropod toothX the ™h—r—™ter st—tes sh—red ˜y the €oE

gio g—rnev—le with inform—tion on the fishesD —nd h—vid w—rj—novi™

l—zzo spe™imen with some theropods —re —s either —d—pE

tr—nsl—ted into inglish the p—per ˜y fuffet—ut @IWUWAF griti™—l ™omE

tive ™onvergen™es or —r™hos—uri—n symplesiomorphies

ments —nd suggestions ˜y w—rk ‰oung —nd w—ssimo helfino gre—tly

@„—˜F IAF improved the m—nus™riptF ‡e th—nk the st—ff of the qruppo ƒpeleoloE

smport—nt fe—tures distinguish it —lso from the gi™o wonf—l™onese eFdFpF for this ™oll—˜or—tionD in p—rti™ul—r w—urizio

„entorF known m—teri—lof hor—todonD the only ziphodont ™roE

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QIW


e˜ler ‡F vF @IWWPA E „he serr—ted teeth of tyr—nnos—urid gurrie €F tF @IWVUA E firdElike ™h—r—™teristi™s of the j—ws —nd

dinos—ursD —nd ˜iting stru™tures in other —nim—lsF €—E teeth of troodontid theropods @hinos—uri—D ƒ—urE

leo˜iologyD IVX ITIEIVQF is™hi—AF tF †ertF €—leontFD U@IAX UPEVIF

endr—de wF fFD ‰oung wF „FD hesojo tF fF 8 frus—tte ƒF vF gurrie €F tFD ‚ig˜y tF uF jrF 8 ƒlo—n ‚F iF @IWWHA E „heropod

@PHIHA E „he evolution of extreme hyper™—rnivory in teeth from the tudith ‚iver porm—tion of southern

wetriorhyn™hid—e @wesoeu™ro™odyli—X „h—l—ttosuE el˜ert—D g—n—d—F snX g—rpenter uF 8 gurrie €F tF

™hi—A ˜—sed on eviden™e from mi™ros™opi™ denti™le @idsA E hinos—ur ƒystem—ti™sX €erspe™tives —nd epE

morphologyF tF †ertF €—leontFD QH@SAX IRSIEIRTSF pro—™hesF g—m˜ridge niversity €ressX IHUEIPSD

f—rrett €F wF @PHHWA E „he —ffinities of the enigm—ti™ dinos—ur g—m˜ridgeF

ish—nos—urus degu™hii—nus from the i—rly tur—ssi™ of h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wF @IWWVA E „heropod footprints in the

‰unn—n €rovin™eD €eople9s ‚epu˜li™ of ghin—F €—E gret—™eous edri—ti™Ehin—ri™ ™—r˜on—te pl—tform

l—eontologyD SP@RAX TVIETVVF @st—ly —nd gro—ti—AF snX €erezEworeno fFD roltz „F

f—szio ƒF @IWWUA E ƒystem—ti™ p—l—eontology of isol—ted diE ‚F trFD ƒ—nz tF vF 8 wor—t—ll— tF tF @idsA E espe™ts of

ISX QSSEQTUF nos—ur teeth from the v—test gret—™eous of ƒouth elE q—i—D „heropod €—leo˜iologyD

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wF @PHHTA E „elm—tos—urus —nd the other ˜ert—D g—n—d—F gourF pors™hungstinstF ƒen™ken˜FD IWTX

h—dros—urids of the gret—™eous iurope—n —r™hipel—goF QQEUUF

en overviewF x—tur— x—s™ost—D QPX IESSD wonf—l™oneF fenton wF tF @IWWWA E ƒ™leromo™hlus t—ylori —nd the origin of

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wF @PHHVA E s dinos—uri del †ill—ggio del the pteros—ursF €hilosF „r—nsF ‚F ƒo™F vondFD ƒeries fD

€es™—tore @„riesteAX qu—l™he —ggiorn—mentoF etti QSRX IRPQEIRRTF

wusF givF ƒtF x—tF „riesteD numero spe™i—leX IIIEIPWF fonfiglio vF @idFA @PHHSA E €—leontologi— dei †erte˜r—ti in

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wF @PHHWA E „ethysh—dros insul—risD — new st—li—F wemF wusF givF ƒtF x—tF †eron—D sF PD ƒezF

h—dros—uroid dinos—ur @yrnithis™hi—A from the pper ƒ™ienze dell— „err—D TX IEPQVF

gret—™eous of st—lyF tF †ertF €—leontFD PW@RAX IIHHE fro™hu gF ‚F @PHHQA E ysteology of „yr—nnos—urus rexX inE

IIITF sights from — ne—rly ™omplete skeleton —nd highEreE

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wF 8 „—rl—o eF @PHHHA E xew dinos—ur tr—™k solution ™omputed tomogr—phi™ —n—lysis of the skullF

sites in the el˜i—n @i—rly gret—™eousA of the sstri—n ƒo™F †ertF €—leontF wemsD UX IEIQVF

peninsul— @gro—ti—AF €—rt ss E €—leontologyF snX h—ll— fu™kley qF eF 8 fro™hu gF eF @IWWWA E en enigm—ti™ new

†e™™hi— pF wFD „—rl—o eFD „unis qF 8 †enturini ƒFD ™ro™odile from the pper gret—™eous of w—d—g—s™—rF

xew dinos—ur tr—™k sites in the el˜i—n @i—rly gret—™E snX nwin hF wF @idFA E ƒpe™i—l €—pers in €—l—eontolE

eousA of the sstri—n peninsul— @gro—ti—AD wemF ƒ™iF ogyX gret—™eous possil†erte˜r—tesF €—l—eontF esso™i—E


h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 „entor wF @PHHRA E sl g—rso VS milioni di fuffet—ut iF @IWURA E „rem—to™h—mps— t—quetiD un gro™odiE

—nni f—X gli str—ordin—ri fossili di €ol—zzoF qruppo ƒpeE lien nouve—u du ƒeÂnoni—n infeÂrieur du xigerF gF ‚F

leologi™o wonf—l™onese eFdFpFD US ppFD wonf—l™oneF e™—dF ƒ™iF @€—risAD PUWX IURWEIUSPF

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wFD „unis qFD †enturini ƒF 8 „—rl—o eF fuffet—ut iF @IWUWA E ‚evision der gro™odyli— @‚eptili—A —us

È @PHHI—A E hinos—ur tr—™k sites in the upper genom—E den qos—uEƒ™hi™hten @y˜erEureideA von ysterrei™hF

È ni—n @v—te gret—™eousA of the sstri—n peninsul— @gro—E feitrF €—l—ontF ysterrFD TX VWEIHSF È

ti—AF follF ƒo™F €—leontF st—lFD RH@IAX PSESRF fuffet—ut iF 8 „—quet €F @IWUWA E en i—rly gret—™eous terE

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wFD ‚igo hFD „entor wFD €—™or qF 8 woE restri—l™ro™odili—n—nd the opening of the ƒouth

r—tto hF @PHHI˜A E sl sito p—leontologi™o di €ol—zzo etl—nti™F x—tureD PVHX RVTERVUF

@qorizi—AX d—ti e prospettiveF snX €erri wF gF @idFA E funzeliF @IVUIA E hie ‚eptilienf—un—der qos—uform—tionF

qiorn—te di €—leontologi— PHHIF qiornF qeolD ƒerF QD e˜h—ndlF kFkF geolF ‚ei™hs—nst—ltD SX IEPHF

TP @PHHHY supplFAX ISIEISTF g—moin qFD fellion ‰FD her™ourt tFD quir—ud ‚FD vu™—s tFD

h—ll— †e™™hi— pF wFD †l—hovi™Â sFD €oso™™o vFD „—rl—o eF 8 €oisson eFD ‚i™ou vF iF 8 †rielyn™k fF @IWWQA E v—te

„entor wF @PHHPA E v—te f—rremi—n —nd v—te el˜i—n w——stri™hti—n p—l—eoenvironments @TWFS to TS w—AF snX

@i—rly gret—™eousA dinos—ur tr—™k sites in the w—in her™ourt tFD ‚i™ou vF iF 8 †rielyn™k fF @idsA E etl—s

frioniGfrijun ssl—nd @ƒ‡ sstri—D gro—ti—AF x—tur— „ethysD €—l—eoenvironment—l w—psF fisgs€±p‚exE

x—s™ost—D PSX IEQTD Q m—psD wonf—l™oneF vefD ‚ueilD w—lm—isonF

he˜elj—k sFD uosÏir eF 8 ytoni™Ï—r fF @IWWWA E e prelimin—ry ghi—ppe vF wF @IWVVA E e new trem—to™h—mpsid ™ro™odile

note on dinos—urs —nd nonEdinos—uri—n from from the i—rly gret—™eous of xorthEwestern €—t—goE

the pper gret—™eous ™—r˜on—te pl—tform su™™ession ni— @ergentin—AF €—l—eo˜iogeogr—phi™—l —nd phylogeE

—t uozin— @ƒ‡ ƒloveni—AF ‚—zpr—ve s†F ‚—zred— ƒ—zuD neti™ impli™—tionsF gret—™eous ‚esFD WX QUWEQVWF

ˆv@IAX QEPSF gomp—ny tFD €ered— ƒu˜er˜iol— ˆFD ‚uizEymen—™— tF sF 8 Ä

he˜elj—k sFD uosÏir eFD fuffet—ut iF 8 ytoni™Ï—r fF @PHHPA E fus™—lioni eF hF @PHHSA E e new spe™ies of hor—todon

„he v—te gret—™eous dinos—urs —nd ™ro™odiles of uoE @gro™odyliformesX iphosu™hi—A from the v—te greE

zin— @ƒ‡ ƒloveni—AF wemF ƒo™F qeolF stFD SUX IWQEPHIF t—™eous of ƒp—inF tF †ertF €—leontFD PS@PAX QRQEQSQF

QPH h—ll— †e™™hi— pFwF 8 g—u eF

helfino wF @PHHIA E „he fossil re™ord of the st—li—n gro™oE ni—nA of w—d—g—s™—rF etti ƒo™F st—lF ƒ™iF x—tF wusF givF

dylomorph—F e˜str—™ts of the Tth iurope—n ‡orkE ƒtF x—tF wil—noD IRU@IAX IWESIF

shop on †erte˜r—te €—l—eontologyD ploren™eEwonteE w—rtin tF iFD gsiki FD qrigores™u hF 8 fuffet—u iF @PHHTA E

v—r™hiD st—lyD ƒeptem˜er IWEPPD pF PVF gret—™eous ™ro™odili—n diversity in r—tÎeg f—sinD v—te

henton ‚F uFD ho˜ie tF vF 8 €—rris hF gF @IWWUA E „he ‚om—ni—F r—ntkeni—n—D SX QIEQUF

m—rine ™ro™odili—n rypos—urus in xorth emeri™—F w—rtin tFD ‚—˜i wF 8 gsiki F @PHIHA E ƒurviv—lof „herioE

snX g—ll—w—y tF wF 8 xi™holls iF vF @idsA E en™ient su™hus @wesoeu™ro™odyli—X etopos—urid—eA in — v—te

w—rine ‚eptilesF e™—demi™ €ressX QUSEQWUF gret—™eous —r™hipel—goX — new spe™ies from the w——sE

i˜erli qF €FD fernoulli hFD ƒ—nders hF 8 †e™sei eF @IWWQA E

tri™hti—n of ‚om—ni—F x—turwissens™h—ftenD WU @WAX

prom —ggr—d—tion to progr—d—tionX the w—iell— pl—tE


formD e˜ruzziD st—lyF snX ƒimo „FD ƒ™ott ‚F ‡F 8 w—sse

w—rtinis fF @IWTPA E ‚i™er™he geologi™he e p—leontologi™he

tF €F @idsA E eFeF€FqF wemsD STX PIQEPQPF

sull— regione ™ompres— tr— il „F sudrio e il pF „im—voF

idmund eFqF @IWTWA E hentitionF snX q—ns gF 8 €—rsons „F

wemF ‚ivF stF €—leontF ƒtr—tFD VX IEPHHF

ƒF @idsA E fiology of the ‚eptili—D IXIIUEPHHF e™—E

y9gonnor €F wFD ƒerti™h tF tF ‡FD ƒtevens xF tFD ‚o˜erts iF

demi™ €ressD vondon —nd xew ‰orkF

wFD qottfried wF hFD rieronymus „F vFD tinn—h F eFD

iz™urr— wF hF @PHHTA E e review of the system—ti™ position

‚idgely ‚FD xg—s—l— ƒF iF 8 „em˜— tF @PHIHA E „he

of the dinos—uriform —r™hos—ur iu™oelophysis ˜—ldwiE

evolution of m—mm—lElike ™ro™odyliforms in the greE

ni ƒulliv—n 8 vu™—sD IWWW from the pper „ri—ssi™ of

t—™eous of qondw—n—F x—tureD RTTX URVEUSIF

xew wexi™oD ƒeF qeodiversit—sD PV@RAX TRWETVRF

yrteg— pFD q—sp—rini FD fus™—lioni eF hF 8 g—lvo tF yF p—nti pF 8 „herrien pF @PHHUA E „heropod tooth —ssem˜l—ges

@PHHHA E e new spe™ies of er—ripesu™hus @gro™odyloE

from the v—te gret—™eous w—ev—r—no porm—tion —nd

morph—D wesoeu™ro™odyli—A from the vower gret—™E

the possi˜le presen™e of drom—eos—urids in w—d—g—sE

eous of €—t—goni— @ergentin—AF tF †ertF €—leontFD PHX ™—rF e™t— €—l—eontF €olFD SP @IAX ISSEITTF

SUEUTF p—rlow tF yFD frinkm—n hF vFD e˜ler ‡F vF 8 gurrie €F tF

ytoni™Ï—r fF @PHHUA E pper gret—™eous to €—leogene foreE @IWWIA E ƒizeD sh—peD —nd serr—tion density of theropod

˜ulge un™onformity —sso™i—ted with forel—nd ˜—sin dinos—ur l—ter—l teethF wodern qeolFD ITX ITIEIWVF

evolution @ur—sD w—t—rsko €odolje —nd sstri—Y ƒ‡ ƒloE piorillo eF ‚F 8 gurrie €F tF @IWWRA E „heropod teeth from

veni— —nd x‡ gro—ti—F e™t— g—rsologi™—D QTXIHIEIPHF the tudith ‚iver porm—tion @ pper gret—™eousA of

€—di—n uF 8 ghi—ppe vF wF @IWWVA E „he origin —nd e—rly southE™entr—lwont—n—F tF †ertF €—leontFD IR@IAX UREVHF

evolution of ˜irdsF fiolF ‚evFD UQX IERPF q—sp—rini FD ghi—ppe vF wF 8 pern—ndez wF @IWWIA E e

new ƒenoni—n peiros—urid @gro™odylomorph—A from €ered—Eƒu˜er˜iol— ˆF @PHHWA E fiogeogr—phi™—l —ffinities of

ergentin— —nd — synopsis of the ƒouth emeri™—n greE v—te gret—™eous ™ontinent—ltetr—pods of iuropeX —

t—™eous ™ro™odili—nsF tF †ertF €—leontFD II@QAX QITEQQQF reviewF fullF ƒo™F qeolF pr—n™eD IVHX SUEUIF

quidotti qF @IWVQA E ƒtudio p—leontologi™o di due teleostei €ered—Eƒu˜er˜iol— ˆFD g—nudo tF sFD gruz—doEg—˜—llero €FD

delgret—™eo superiore delg—rsoF npu˜lishedm—sE f—r™o tF vFD voÂpezEw—rtõÂnez xFD yms yF 8 ‚uizE

ter thesisD niversity of fologn—D VV ppFD fologn—F ymen—™— tF sF @PHHWA E „he l—st h—dros—urid dinos—urs Ä

rw—ng ƒF rFD xorell wF eFD ti F 8 q—o uF @PHHPA E xew of iuropeX — new l—m˜eos—urine from the uppermost

spe™imens of wi™ror—ptor zh—oi—nus @„heropod—X gret—™eous of ereÁn @rues™—D ƒp—inAF gF ‚F €—levolDVX

hrom—eos—urid—eA from xorthe—stern ghin—F emF


wusF xovit—tesD QQVIX IERRF

€erezEworeno fF €FD ƒ—nz tF vFD fus™—lioni eF hFD wor—t—ll—

v—nger wF gF 8 fenton wF tF @PHHTA E i—rly dinos—ursX —

tF tFD yrteg— pF 8 ‚—skinEqutm—n hF @IWWRA E e unE

phylogeneti™ studyF tF ƒystemF €—l—eontFD RX QHWEQSVF

ique multitoothed ornithomimos—ur from the vower

uv—™Ïek tF 8 rerm—n eF @PHHRA E „he g—mp—ni—n qrun˜—™h È

gret—™eous of ƒp—inF x—tureD QUHX QTQEQTUF

plor— of vower eustri—X p—l—eoe™ologi™—l interpret—E

€erle eFD ghi—ppe vF wFD f—rs˜old ‚FD gl—rk tF wFD 8 xorell

tionsF ennF x—turhistF wusF ‡ienD IHTeX WIEIHIF

wF eF @IWWRA E ƒkelet—l morphology of wononykus vee ‰FExF @IWWUA E „he er™hos—uri— from the ‡ood˜ine

ole™r—nus @„heropod—X evi—l—eA from the v—te gret—™E

form—tion @genom—ni—nA in „ex—sF tF €—leontFD UI@TAX

eous of wongoli—F emF wusF xovit—tesD QIHSX IEPWF


€hilip tFD ploquet wFD €l—tel tF €FD ferger—t pFD ƒ—ndules™u wFD veg—s— yFD fus™—lioni eF hF 8 q—sp—rini F @IWWRA E „he

f—r—˜oshkin iFD emon iF yFD €oisson eFD quir—ud ‚FD

serr—ted teeth of ƒe˜e™us —nd the s˜ero™™it—n ™ro™oE

†—slet hFD ve xindre ‰FD iegler wFD fou—ziz ƒF 8

dileF e morphologi™—l —nd ultr—stru™tur—l ™omp—risonF

quezou tF gF @PHHHA E w—p ITF E v—te w——stri™hti—n

ƒtudi— qeolF ƒ—l—m—ntFD PWX IPWEIRRF

@TWFSETS w—AF snX her™ourt tFD q—et—ni wFD †rielyn™k vongri™h xF @PHHVA E ƒm—ll „heropod „eeth from the v—n™e

fFD f—rrier iFD fijuEhuv—lfFD frunet wF pFD g—det tF €FD porm—tion of ‡yomingD ƒeF snX ƒ—nkey tF „F 8

gr—squin ƒF 8 ƒ—ndules™u wF @idsA E etl—s €eriE f—szio ƒF @idsA E †erte˜r—te wi™rofossilessem˜l—gesX

„ethysD €—l—eogeogr—phi™—l w—psF ggqwGgqw‡D „heir role in €—leoe™ology —nd €—leo˜iogeogr—phyF

€—risF sndi—n— niversity €ressX IQSEISVD floomington 8

€olhF 8 epestegui— ƒF @PHHSA E xew er—ripesu™hus ‚em—ins sndi—n—polisF

from the i—rly v—te gret—™eous @genom—ni—n±„uroE w—g—nu™o ƒFD h—lƒ—sso gF 8 €—sini qF @PHHTA E e new l—rge

ni—nA or €—t—goni—F emF wusF xovit—tesD QRWHX IEQVF pred—tory —r™hos—ur from the widdle tur—ssi™ @f—thoE

„he first re™ord of — notosu™hi—n ™ro™odyliform from st—ly QPI

€oy—toEeriz— pF tF @PHIHA €ol—zzodusD genF novFD — new py™E ƒereno €F gFD ƒidor gF eFD v—rsson rF gF iFD q—do fF @PHHQA E

nodont fish from the v—te gret—™eous of northe—stern e new notosu™hi—n from the i—rly gret—™eous of xiE

st—lyF tF †ertF €—leontFD QHX TSHETTRF gerF tF †ertF €—leontFD PQ@PAX RUUERVPF

€r—s—d qF†F‚F 8 de v—pp—rent de froin pF @PHHPA E v—te ƒmith tF fF @PHHUA E hent—lmorphology—nd v—ri—tion in

gret—™eous ™ro™odile rem—ins from x—sk—l @sndi—AX w—jung—s—urus ™ren—tissimus @„heropod—X e˜elis—urE

™omp—risons —nd ˜iogeogr—phi™ —ffinitiesF ennF €—E id—eA from the v—te gret—™eous of w—d—g—s™—rF snX

leontFD VVX IWEUIF  ƒ—mpson ƒF hF 8 ur—use hF ‡F @idsAD w—jung—s—urus

‚—˜i wF @PHHVA E xew dis™overy of the v—te gret—™eous ™ren—tissimus @„heropod—X e˜elis—urid—eA from the

ziphodont ™ro™odyliformD hor—todon from the ƒ—ntoE v—te gret—™eous of w—d—g—s™—rF ƒo™F †ertF €—leontF

ni—n gseh˜—Âny— porm—tion of rung—ryF e˜str—™ts of wemsD VX IHQEIPTF

the Tth weeting of the iurope—n esso™i—tion of †erE ƒmith tF fF 8 hodson €F @PHHQA E e propos—lfor — st—nd—rd

te˜r—te €—l—eontologistsX VPD ƒpisÏsk—Âxov—ÂF terminology of —n—tomi™—l not—tion —nd orient—tion in

‚—uhut yF ‡F wF @PHHQA E „he interrel—tionships —nd evoluE fossilverte˜r—te dentitionsF tF †ertF €—leontFD PQ@IAX IE

tion of ˜—s—ltheropod dinos—ursF ƒpe™F €—pF €—l—eonE IPF

tolF „he €—l—eontolF essFD TWX IEPIQF

ƒmith tF fFD †—nn hF ‚F 8 hodson €F @PHHSA E hent—lmorE

‚—uhut yF ‡F wF @PHHRA E €roven—n™e —nd —n—tomy of qenE

—nd v—ri—tion in theropod dinos—ursX impli™—E phology

yode™tes serusD — l—rgeEtoothed ™er—tos—ur @hinos—uri—X

tions for the t—xonomi™ identifi™—tion of isol—ted

„heropod—A from €—t—goni—F tF †ertF €—leontFD PRX VWRE

teethF „he en—tF ‚e™F eD PVSeX TWWEUQTF


ƒteel‚F @IWUQA E gro™odyli—FsnX uuhn yF @idFA E r—nd˜u™h

‚—uhut yF ‡F wFD wilner eF gF 8 wooreEp—y ƒF @PHIHA E

der €—l—eoherpetologieD ITX lEIITD qust—v pis™her †erE

gr—ni—l osteology —nd phylogeneti™ position of the

l—gD ƒtuttg—rtE€ortl—ndF

theropod dinos—ur €ro™er—tos—urus ˜r—dleyi @‡oodE

ƒummes˜erger rFD w—™h—lski wF 8 ‡—grei™h wF @PHHUA E

w—rdD IWIHA from the widdle tur—ssi™ of ingl—ndF

pirst re™ord of the l—te g—mp—ni—n heteromorphy —mE

oolF tF vinnF ƒo™FD ISV @IAX ISSEIWSF

monite xosto™er—s hy—tti from the elpine gret—™eous

‚igo hF @IWWUA E ƒ™—vo p—leontologi™o IWWU nel gret—™eo

@qrun˜—™hD qos—u qroupD vower eustri—AF e™t—


superiore di €ol—zzo @qoAX risult—ti e prospettiveF


x—tur— x—s™ost—D ISX PWEQQF

„entor wFD „unis qF 8 †enturini ƒF @IWWRA E ƒ™hem— str—tiE

ƒ—mpson ƒF hFD g—rr—no wF „F 8 porster gF eF @PHHIA E e

gr—fi™o e tettoni™o delg—rso ssontinoF x—tur— x—sE

˜iz—rre new pred—tory dinos—ur from w—d—g—s™—rF



„intori eFD €ugliese xF 8 g—llig—ris ‚F @IWWQA E „he €ol—zzo

ƒ—nkey tF „F @PHHVA E hiversity of v—test gret—™eous @v—te

lo™—lityF snX „intori eF 8 wus™io qF @idsA E possil fish

w——stri™hti—nA ƒm—ll „heropods —nd firdsX „eeth

lo™—lities of xorthern st—lyF pield guide˜ook of the

from the v—n™e —nd rell greek porm—tionsD ƒeF

sntF ƒympF wesozoi™ pishesX ƒystem—ti™s —nd €—leoeE

snX ƒ—nkey tF „F 8 f—szio ƒF @idsA E †erte˜r—te wi™roE

™ologyD ii™hst—ttD eugust IWWQD IUEIVD ii™hst—ttF È È

fossil essem˜l—gesX „heir role in €—leoe™ology —nd

„ori™es eF @PHHQA E istudio prelimin—r de dientes —isl—dos de

€—leo˜iogeogr—phyF sndi—n— niversity €ressX IIUE

tero podos delgret— ™i™o ƒuperior de l— guen™— de

IQRD floomington 8 sndi—n—polisF

„remp @€irineos ƒurEgentr—lesD vleid—AF e™t—s de l—s

ƒ—nkey tF „FD frinkm—n hF fFD quenther wF 8 gurrie €F tF

ss torn—d—s sntern—™ion—les so˜re €—leontologõ— de

@PHHPA E ƒm—ll theropod —nd ˜ird teeth from the v—te

hinos—urios y su intornoD PIQEPPHD ƒ—l—s de los snE

gret—™eous @v—te g—mp—ni—nA tudith ‚iver qroupD

f—ntes @furgosAF

el˜ert—F tF €—leontFD UT@RAX USIEUTQF

„ori™es eFD ‚uizEymen—™— tF sFD g—nudo tF sF 8 voÂpezEw—rE Ä ƒ—nkey tF „FD ƒt—ndh—rdt fF ‚F 8 ƒ™hie˜out tF eF @PHHSA E

tõÂnezxF @PHHRA E xuevos d—tos so˜re los dinos—urios „heropod „eeth from the pper gret—™eous @g—mp—E

teroÂpodos @ƒ—uris™hi—X „heropod—A de los €irineos ni—nEw——stri™hti—nAD fig fend x—tion—l€—rkD „ex—sF

ƒurEgentr—les @rues™— y vleid—AF qeotem—sD TX UIEURF snX g—rpenter uF @idFA E „he g—rnivorous hinos—ursF

„urner eF rF 8 g—lvo tF yF @PHHSA E e new se˜e™osu™hi—n sndi—n— niversity €ressX IPUEISPD floomington 8

™ro™odyliform from the v—te gret—™eous of €—t—goE sndi—n—polisF

ni—F tF †ertF €—leontFD PS@IAX VUEWVF ƒeeley rF qF @IVVIA E „he f—un— of the qos—u porE

„urner eF rF 8 ƒerti™h tF tF ‡F @PHIHA E €hylogeneti™ history m—tion preserved in the qeologi™—l wuseum of the

of ƒimosu™hus ™l—rki @gro™odyliformesX xotosu™hi—A niversity of †ienn—F u—rtF tF qeolF ƒo™F vondonD

from the v—te gret—™eous of w—d—g—s™—rF tF †ertF €—E QUX TPHEUHRF

leontFD QH@TAX IUUEPQTF ƒereno €F gF 8 v—rsson rF gF iF @PHHWA E gret—™eous groE

—nno vFiF @PHIHA E ysteology of p—l™—rius ut—hensis @hiE ™odyliforms from the ƒ—h—r—F ooueysD PVX IEIRQF

nos—uri—X „heropod—AX ™h—r—™terizing the —n—tomy of ƒereno €F gFD v—rsson rF gF iFD ƒidor gF eF 8 q—do fF

˜—s—ltherizinos—ursF oolF tF vinnF ƒo™FD ISV@IAX IWTE @PHHIA E „he gi—nt ™ro™odyliform ƒ—r™osu™hus from

PQHF the gret—™eous of efri™—F ƒ™ien™eD PWRX ISITEISIWF