
Journal of Iberian Geology https://doi.org/10.1007/s41513-018-0048-4


The vs Theropoda record in the (Upper , ): a taphonomic perspective

Kamila L. N. Bandeira1 · Arthur S. Brum1 · Rodrigo V. Pêgas1 · Giovanne M. Cidade2 · Borja Holgado1 · André Cidade1 · Rafael Gomes de Souza1

Received: 31 July 2017 / Accepted: 23 January 2018 © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018

Abstract Purpose The Bauru Group is worldwide known due to its high diversity of , especially that of . Recently, it has been suggested that the Crocodyliformes, especially the Baurusuchidae, were the top predators of the Bauru Group, based on their anatomical convergence with theropods and the dearth of those last ones in the record of this geological group. Methods Here, we erect the hypothesis that assumption is taphonomically biased. For this purpose, we made a literature survey on all the published specimens of Theropoda, Baurusuchidae and from all geological units from the Bauru Group. Also, we gathered data from the available literature, and we classifed each fossil fnd under a taphonomic class proposed on this work. Results We show that those groups have diferent degrees of bone representativeness and diferent qualities of preservation pattern. Also, we suggest that baurusuchids lived close to or in the abundant food plains, which explains the good preserva- tion of their remains. Theropods and titanosaurs did not live in association with such environments and the quality of their preservation has thus been negatively afected. Conclusions We support the idea that the Baurusuchidae played an important role in the food chain of the ecological niches of the Bauru Group, but the possible biases in their fossil record relative to Theropoda do not support the conclusion that baurusuchids outcompeted theropods. Rather, this taphonomic bias must be tackled frst, which previous studies have not regarded.

Keywords Bauru Group · Baurusuchidae · Theropoda · Titanosauria · Taphonomy · Palaeoecology

Resumen Objetivo El Grupo Bauru es mundialmente conocido debido a su diversidad de arcosaurios, especialmente Crocodyliformes. Recientemente, se ha sugerido que los Crocodyliformes –y, particularmente los Baurusuchidae– fueron superdepredadores del Grupo Bauru debido a sus convergencias anatómicas con los terópodos y a la escasez de estos últimos en el registro fósil de este grupo geológico. Métodos En el presente trabajo presentamos la posibilidad que esta hipótesis esté tafonómicamente sesgada. Para lograr este objetivo, realizamos una evaluación bibliográfca sobre todos los especímenes publicados de Theropoda, Baurusuchidae y Titanosauria de todas las unidades geológicas del Grupo Bauru. Asimismo, también recopilamos datos de la literatura disponible y clasifcamos cada hallazgo fósil dentro de una clase tafonómica propuesta en este estudio. Resultados Mostramos que tales grupos tienen grados muy diferentes de representatividad ósea y calidad en los patrones de preservación. Además, sugerimos que los baurusúquidos vivieron bien cerca o en llanuras de inundación, lo que podría explicar la buena preservación de sus restos. Terópodos y titanosaurios no vivieron en asociación a tales ambientes y la calidad de su preservación se vería así negativamente afectada. Conclusiones Apoyamos la idea que los Baurusuchidae jugaron un papel importante en la cadena trófca de los nichos ecológicos del Cretácico Superior del Grupo Bauru, pero los posibles sesgos en su registro fósil referentes a los Theropoda no

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Vol.:(0123456789)1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology apoya la conclusión que los baurusúquidos desplazaron a los terópodos. Más bien, este sesgo tafonómico debe ser encarado primero, lo que hasta ahora estudios previos al presente no han contemplado.

Palabras clave Grupo Bauru · Baurusuchidae · Theropoda · Titanosauria · Tafonomía · Paleoecología

1 Introduction attributed to the Bauru Group, but is nowadays considered as belonging to the Parecis Group after geological revisions The Bauru Group is one of the most fossiliferous geologic on those strata (Weska 2006; Bittencourt and Langer 2011; units from Brazil, comprising an area of 370.000 km2 Delcourt 2017). (Fernandes and Coimbra 1996) and constituting the larg- Regarding the low diversity of theropods in the Bauru est Cretaceous continental unit in (Bertini Group, some authors have argued that this scenario does et al. 1993). This unit was formed by the deposition of not represent the original Bauru’s biocoenosis (Martinelli sandstones in lacustrine, fuvial and aeolian environments, et al. 2013; Godoy et al. 2016), thus preferring a taphonomic which implies in the existence of diferent formations among explanation (e.g., Souza et al. 2014). Other authors prefer the unit (e.g., Fernandes and Coimbra 1996; Azevedo et al. a palaeoecological explanation, assuming that Titanosau- 2013a). ria and Theropoda have a similar taphonomic signature and The palaeoenvironment of the Bauru Group was inhabited then that the high abundance of titanosaurs and the lower by a plethora of , with vertebrates being its most diversity of theropods is a real representation of the Bauru’s abundant record, including fsh (e.g., Martinelli et al. 2013), biocoenosis, as opposed to a taphonomic artefact (Rif and Lissamphibia (e.g., Baez and Peri 1989), Squamata (Estes Kellner 2011). As such, the diversifcation of Baurusuchidae and Price 1973; Nava and Martinelli 2011), turtles (e.g., is justifed as an occupation of the top terrestrial predatory Romano et al. 2013), birds (e.g., Alvarenga and Nava 2005) niche in the Bauru Group, replacing small and medium-sized and (e.g., Bertini et al. 1993). Despite this diver- theropods (Rif and Kellner 2011). sity, in terms of abundance, the Crocodyliformes The palaeoecological hypothesis as an explanation for the are predominant (with 26 species; Roxo 1936; Price 1945, Baurusuchidae diversifcation in the Bauru Group suggests 1950, 1955; Carvalho and Bertini 1999; Campos et al. 2001; that there is no taphonomic bias regarding the preserva- Arruda et al. 2004; Carvalho et al. 2005; Nobre and Car- tion of theropods. However, no taphonomic analysis has valho 2006; Carvalho et al. 2004, 2007; Nobre et al. 2007; ever been performed to corroborate this afrmation. There- Andrade and Bertini 2008; Iori and Carvalho 2009; Marinho fore, the present work aims at describing quantitatively and and Carvalho 2009; Nascimento and Zaher 2010; Kellner qualitatively the non-avian Theropoda, Titanosauria and et al. 2011a, b; Campos et al. 2011; Carvalho et al. 2011; Baurusuchidae record in the Bauru Group. This data will Montefeltro et al. 2011; Iori and Carvalho 2011; Iori and serve as evidence for the analyses of taphonomic patterns Garcia 2012; Marinho et al. 2013; Godoy et al. 2014; Pol and possible preservation signatures in those groups, which et al. 2014; and excluding Brasileosaurus pachecoi Huenei will provide new subjects to the discussion and test the pal- 1931 due to the fragmentary nature of the specimen and its aeoecological scenario for the Baurusuchidae diversifcation. dubious systematic positioning, see Rif et al. 2012), with Institutional abbreviations: CPP/CPPLIP, Centro de Pes- non-avian being the second more diverse quisas Paleontológicas Llewellyn Ivor Price, Peirópolis, (with nine species; Kellner and Azevedo 1999; Campos Minas Gerais state, Brazil; DGM-R, Departamento Nacional et al. 2005; Kellner et al. 2005; Santucci and Bertini 2006a; da Produção Mineral, Museu de Ciências da Terra, Rio de Kellner et al. 2006; Salgado and Carvalho 2008; Santucci Janeiro state, Brazil; GP-RD, Departamento de Geociências and Arruda-Campos 2011; Machado et al. 2013; Bandeira da Faculdade de Filosofa, Ciências e Letras de São José do et al. 2016). Rio Preto, São Paulo state, Brazil; LF-R, Grupo de Ciên- Among the Crocodyliformes, eight of those species are cias Luckesi, Escola Estadual José Firpo, Lucélia City, São baurusuchids, all of which exhibit some degree of anatomi- Paulo state, Brazil; LGP-D Laboratório de Geologia e Pale- cal convergence with non-avian theropods (e.g., Rif and ontologia of Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; Kellner 2011). Regarding , all known species Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil LPRP/USP, Laboratório de from the Bauru Group are titanosaurs (e.g., Bandeira et al. Paleontologia de Ribeirão Preto, Faculdade de Filosofa, 2016). Theropods (including birds) are represented only by Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São sparse and isolated remains and no nominal species has been Paulo, São Paulo state, Brazil; MBC-PV, Coleção Zoológica proposed yet for the group (Brum et al. 2016, 2017; contra do INBIO/Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia Kellner and Campos 2002). The abelisaurid species Pycnon- city, Minas Gerais state, Brazil; MCT, Museu de Ciências da emosaurus nevesi Kellner and Campos 2002 was originally Terra–Companhia de Pesquisas de Recursos Minerais, Rio

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology de Janeiro state, Brazil; MN, Museu Nacional/Universidade intraformational conglomerates, being considered as fuvial Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil; MP, braided palaeoenvironment (Menegazzo et al. 2016, Brusatte Museu Geológico Valdemar Lefèvre, São Paulo state, Bra- et al. 2017). Dias-Brito et al. (2001) suggested a - zil; MPM, Museu de Paleontologia de Marília, São Paulo age for the in strata. state, Brazil; MUGEO, Museu Geológico Valdemar Lefèvre, The is comprised by fne-to-medium São Paulo state, Brazil; MZSP-PV, Coleção de Paleoverteb- sandstones with planar to trough-cross stratifcation. The rados do Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, sandstones with ripple cross-lamination are also frequent, São Paulo state, Brazil; MPMA, Museu de Paleontologia together with the cross-bedded and massive conglomerates de Monte Alto, São Paulo state, Brazil; UFRJ DG-R, fossil with fragments of volcanic rocks (Brusatte et al. 2017), reptilian collection from Departamento de Geologia, Uni- being interpreted as a fuvial braided environment (e.g., versidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro state, Menegazzo et al. 2016). The Presidente Prudente Formation Brazil; URC-R, Museu de Paleontologia e Estratigrafa da contains thick mudstone beds interbedded with sandstone Universidade do Estado de São Paulo campus Rio Claro, lenses at the base (Simbras 2009; Azevedo et al. 2013b; São Paulo state, Brazil. Brusatte et al. 2017), with channelized deposits comprising Anatomical abbreviations: cd,coracoid; ch, chevrons; a fning-upward sequence which conglomerates are at the fe, femur; f, fbula; hu, ; hy, hyoid; il, ilium; is, base, sandstone on the middle and mudstones at the top. ischium; man, manus; mdb, ; os, osteoderm; pb, This formation has been interpreted as a large overbank fne pubis; pes, pes ph, phalanx; pt, proatlas; ra, radius; rb, rib; deposits as well as amounts of flled channel, food plains sc, ; sk, ; st, sternum; ti, tibia; ul, ulna; vb, and crevasse splays, typical of a meandering fuvial system. vertebrae. Finally, the Marília Formation is traditionally divided in three Members: Serra da Galga, Ponte Alta and Echaporã. The Serra da Galga Member has coarse to fne sandstones, 2 Geological background with some conglomerates interpreted as fuvial braided sys- tem. The Ponte Alta Member also comprise course coarse The Bauru Group (sensu Soares et al. 1980) is an Upper to fne sandstones but these are more cemented. Lastly, the Cretaceous sequence which flled up the same geotechtonic Echaporã Member is composed by sand sheets deposits, and layed over the strata of the Paraná Basin (Soares et al. which are interpreted as residual lakes. 1980; Fernandes and Coimbra 2000; Brusatte et al. 2017). This unit was deposited in a depression developed during the Late Cretaceous, resulting from the break-up 3 Materials and methods (Fernandes and Coimbra 2000), being deposited immedi- ately above the Serra Geral basaltic rocks (Fernandes and 3.1 Studied materials Coimbra 2000). Here, we follow the geological unit propo- sition for the Bauru Group, originally described by Soares In to test the palaeoecological hypothesis proposed by et al. (1980) and later updated (Fernandes and Coimbra Rif and Kellner (2011) as an explanation for baurusuchid 2000; Fernandes 2004), with the major formations (from the morphology and its specimen abundance, we must search oldest to the most recent): Vale do Rio do Peixe, Araçatuba, for evidences (i.e. morphology of the specimens and spe- Uberaba, Presidente Prudente, São José do Rio Preto and cies abundance on fossil record) that have the same causal Marília. The propostion of Fernandes and Coimbra (2000) origin as the hypothesis in test (see Jefares 2008). We regard divided the Adamantina Formation into the Vale do Rio here the taphonomic pattern of small to medium sized speci- do Peixe, Araçatuba and Presidente Prudente formations, mens of Baurusuchidae and Theropoda to argue whether although the Vale do Rio do Peixe and São José do Rio Preto the species diversity of those groups has a palaeoecological do not exhibit distinctive features among them, with the explanation as opposed to a preservational bias hypothesis. rare diferences often being regional variations, especially If the Baurusuchidae and Theropoda specimens represent in São Paulo state (Brusatte et al. 2017). In this way, we do diferent taphonomic patterns, implying on diferent causes, not adopt these designations, using the former designation the taphonomic bias will be preferred rather than the pal- Adamantina Formation instead. aeoecological explanation. Following the reasoning of Rif The Adamantina Formation corresponds mainly to fne and Kellner (2011), we also study the taphonomic pattern sandstones with ripple cross-lamination or planar to trough- observed among Sauropoda (Titanosauria) as an outgroup cross stratifcation, with some intraclasts of mudstones at comparison. The teeth (associated or isolated) of both dino- the base of the troughs. Those sedimentary matrices are saurs and of the crocodyliforms were not considered interbedded with heterolithic facies with matrix-supported in this study, due the high quantity of teeth than any other

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology type of bone. In this way, to understand the taphonomic pro- bones, while those ones are rare in the dinosaurian clades cess regarding the fossilization of Baurusuchidae, Therop- recovered from the Bauru Group (two for Theropoda and oda and Titanosauria specimens from the Bauru Group, we fve elements for Sauropoda). Taking the most frequent perfomed an extensive literature survey on all the published bones among the compared groups, the predominance of specimens from these groups. A total of 21 Baurusuchidae, hindlimb elements is remarkable. 26 Theropoda and 71 Titanosauria specimens were cata- The baurusuchid is the more representative taxa when logued (see Table 1 for parameters of the taphonomic class compared with theropods and titanosaurs. This is a direct and the results in Table 2). consequence of the most numerous kinds of bones (e.g., skull, vertebrae, femora, etc.; see Fig. 1 and Table 2). This 3.2 Taphonomic remarks trend has similarities with titanosaurs, the second group with high degree of representativeness of bones, despite the verte- The completeness, articulation and quality of preservation brae and ribs being the most abundant bones for this group. (Table 1) are evidences for the inference of the biostrati- Although titanosaurs and baurusuchids share similar number nomic processes and its respective duration. The approach of described species, this tendency could be related to the taken in this paper aims to reveal the preservation bias of low number of specimen sampling for Titanosauria, rather each studied group, and not the specifc taphonomic history than a more general taphonomic tendency. of each specimen itself. Therefore, these taphonomic classes and their frequencies are a gauge for overall preservational 4.2 Biostratinomic comments biases in overall preservation, both in terms of quality and quantity of material. Our taphonomical remarks concerning the preservation Therefore, our classes are based on the biased potential aspects of baurusuchids, theropods and titanosaurs in the for taphonomic grade from Behrensmeyer (1978) which Bauru Group suggest diferent biostratinomic patterns for qualitatively seeks to assess the degrees of weathering in individuals of each group. Baurusuchid are those with the bones. As a result, all 115 specimens are scored on eight the highest degrees of completeness and articulation (13 out classes (Table 1), with the bone surface damage being con- of 21 individuals show at least some degree of articulation; sequently distributed on fve levels (Behrensmeyer 1978). see Table 2), which include almost complete and The best preserved specimens are scored at the initial let- almost complete postcranial skeletons, with only faint signs ters (e.g., A, B) from Table 1 and smallest numbers of the of weathering (e.g., Araújo-Júnior and Marinho 2013). We Table 2 (e.g., level 1), and the most damaged specimens are interpreted that these fossils sufered a relatively short pro- scored at the most largest ones (e.g., level 5). Those classes cess of subaerial exposure and transportation prior to burial indirectly indicate an estimation of how long the exposure of those bone elements. of the bone lasted. Although titanosaurs are represented by 71 specimens, only 5 exhibit some degree of articulation, while other 25 specimens are represented only by associated elements (10 4 Results of class F and 15 of class G; Table 2), and 41 are isolated remains. Though some titanosaur specimens exhibit good 4.1 Bone representativeness preservation of bone surface, most specimens exhibit more signs of weathering (e.g., Santucci and Arruda-Campos The Titanosauria are the best represented clade recovered 2011) than baurusuchids. Additionally, a considerable num- from the Bauru Group in comparison with the other analysed ber of titanosaurs (29) exhibit elements with minor loss of groups, with 9 nominal species described up to date. Bauru- superfcial bone tissue (e.g., Bandeira et al. 2016), while suchidae is the second, with eight species, while Theropoda 4 specimens show an extensive loss, such as DGM 497-R exhibit no nominal species. In terms of specimen repre- which lost an almost entire bone surface (Trotta et al. 2002). sentativeness, titanosaurian remains totalize 71 specimens, On the other hand, theropods are represented almost followed by the theropods with 26 while baurusuchids are entirely by isolated, incomplete material, with only two represented at least with 21 specimens (Table 2, Fig. 1, see specimens (out of 26) represented by associated remains also Table 3). Vertebrae and ribs are the most sampled bones (Table 2). Most theropod remains (7 out of 26) show at least for the three clades. However, the titanosaurs exhibit the slight signs of superfcial damage, with 7 specimens hav- highest comparative frequency of those axial remains. Skull ing more advanced weathering signs. In this way, theropods bones (including the mandible) are well-represented in Bau- show more taphonomic loss of quality than baurusuchids, rusuchidae with two complete and twelve associated skull but without the expressive loss of the bone surface seen in

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology some sauropods—which in turn, could be correlated to a and vertebrae being the main elements recovered. Lastly, longer time exposed to the weathering and abrasion factors, 57 (80, 28%) titanosaurs are represented by single isolated as expected to sauropods due to their larger size. elements, mostly vertebrae or long bones.

4.3 Taphonomic patterns 4.3.1 Diversity distribution among formations of Bauru Group The majority of Baurusuchidae specimens can be classi- fed as belonging to classes A, B, C and D (Table 2). No The distribution of the diversity of the fossil record of baurusuchid specimen consists of isolated bones. All thero- Baurusuchidae, Theropoda and Titanosauria among the pod specimens can be classifed as belonging to classes F, formations of the Bauru Group is compiled in Table 2. G, and H. No theropod specimens are articulated or nearly The Adamantina Formation is the most diverse unit of the completely associated. The titanosaurian specimens can be Bauru Group regarding the groups surveyed in this study: classifed as belonging to classes E, F, G, and H (Table 2). all baurusuchid crocodyliforms specimens (21), with eight However sporting similar classes as theropods, titanosaurs species, as well as 13 out of 26 theropod specimens and 22 from the Bauru Group tend to be somewhat more complete out of 71 titanosaur specimens (with three species) yielded and to be found in closer association than Theropoda. from the Adamantina Formation. As the unique unit with Overall, in terms of completeness a comparison between baurusuchid fossils, the Adamantina Formation is the only these three groups indicates that baurusuchid remains tend one to yield all the three groups of the survey provided to be more complete than either of the two other groups, herein. The baurusuchid fauna of this Formation includes and titanosaur specimens tend to be more complete than the species albertoi, B. pachecoi and B. sal- theropods. In terms of articulation and association, the Bau- gadoensis, Aplestosuchus sordidus, dinizi, rusuchidae individuals are found in articulation in greater Gondwanasuchus scabrosus, sera and quantity than the other two groups. In contrast, most thero- maxhetchi, as well as a specimen assigned pod remains consist of isolated bone material, with no artic- to Baurusuchus cf. B. salgadoensis and another to Baurusu- ulated specimens being found. The Titanosauria are rarely chus sp. The theropod fauna of the Adamantina Formation found in articulation but are often in association, while the includes records of Unenlagiinae (Dromaeosauridae) and of Theropoda remains are scarce. indeterminate Abelisauroidea, Noasauridae, Megaraptora, In terms of bone representativeness, baurusuchid remains Maniraptora and Aves. The Titanosauria record includes the have a tendency to be reasonably complete or, failing that, to species Adamantisaurus mezzalirai, topai be well represented by their cranial elements. In comparison, and maximus. The holotype of “ Theropoda tend to be woefully incomplete: the most com- brasiliensis” was described as a distinct species by Arid and monly found elements are vertebrae and long bones. Charac- Vizotto (1971), but it later considered to be a nomen dubium teristically, very little in terms of cranial elements has been (Upchurch et al. 2004). Furthermore, there are also records recovered. Sauropod bone representativeness varies, with of several and of indeterminate Titanosauria some elements being reasonably complete though seldom remains recovered in the Adamantina Formation. as complete as the least complete baurusuchid. Most of the The Marília Formation is the second most diverse by specimens are incomplete (54.13%; Table 3) with long bones having 10 specimens of theropods and 44 of Titanosauria

Table 1 Taphonomic classes proposed here and their respective degree of articulation and association Taphonomic class Name Description (T.C.)

A Complete articulated Complete or nearly complete specimen, in articulation B Complete associated Complete or nearly complete specimen, in association C Skull and mandible articulated Cranium and mandible in articulation D Skull and mandible associated Cranium and mandible in association E Headless articulated postcranium No cranium or mandible, wealth of postcranial elements, in articulation F Headless associated postcranium No cranium or mandible, wealth of postcranial elements, in association G Headless postcranium No cranium or mandible, wealth of postcranial elements, dispersed but belonging to the same individual H Isolated bone Skeletal material in isolation

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Rif and Kellner Rif and Kellner ( 2011 ) ( 2012 ) - Nas (lith.settings); and Zaher cimento ( 2010 ); Nascimento and Zaher (2011) (lith.settings); Godoy Godoy (lith.settings); ( 2014 ) et al. Arruda ( 2004 ); et al. Carvalho et al. ( 2005 ) Carvalho et al. Geroto and BertiniGeroto Price ( 1945 ) Marinho ( 2013 ) et al. Marinho ( 2013 ) et al. References 1 1 3 1 1 1 B.S. climate trine environment, trine environment, in aridincreasing - lead - ity and relief, formation ing to of alluvial plains, and rivers, braided temporary pools. Specimen found in alluvial plain through formed sudden foods. Eggs and eggshells on correlated levels nearby climate climate plain reworked plain reworked fuvial systems by alongside scattered ephemeral shallow in an aridlakes or semi-arid seasonal climate plain reworked plain reworked fuvial systems by alongside scattered ephemeral shallow in an aridlakes or semi-arid seasonal climate Floodplain in arid Predominantly lacus - Predominantly Floodplain in arid Floodplain in arid Extensive alluvial Extensive Extensive alluvial Extensive D. E. AF AF AF AF AF AF FM grained sandstones sandstones and sandstones with siltstones of red intercalations mudstones oxidized grained sandstones grained sandstones with lamina - cross tion (pers.obs) sandstone with sandstone lamination cross (pers.obs) sandstones and sandstones with siltstones of red intercalations mudstones oxidized sandstones and sandstones with siltstones of red intercalations mudstones oxidized Fine to medium to Fine Fine-grained Fine to medium to Fine Fine-grained red Fine-grained Fine-grained LIT. E C C C B A T. C. T. ul, man, il, is, pb, ti, f, pes fe, ch, sc, cd, hu, ra, sc, cd, hu, ra, ch, ul, man, il, pb, fe, ti, f, pes rb, sc?, cd?, hu, ra, rb, sc?, cd?, hu, ra, ul, man, il, is?, pb?, ti, f fe, vb, rb, ch, cd, hu, ra, cd, hu, ra, vb, rb, ch, Sk,mdb Sk, mdb Sk, mdb sk, mdb, hy, vb, rb, sk, mdb, hy, sk, mdb, pt, hy, vb, sk, hy, mdb, pt, Material UFRJ DG 288-R MPMA 62-0001-02* MCT 1724 DGM 299-R* MZSP-PV 140* MZSP-PV LPRP/USP 0229* Specimen - salgadoensis doensis pachecoi coi didus cf. B . Baurusuchus - salga Baurusuchus Baurusuchus cf. B. Baurusuchus - pache Baurusuchus Baurusuchus albertoi Baurusuchus Aplestosuchus sor Aplestosuchus Species The specimens of Baurusuchidae, Theropoda and Titanosauria analysed on present work, regarding their identifcation as species (‘SPECIES’) or less inclusive clade (‘CLADE’, see clade (‘CLADE’, their identifcation as species (‘SPECIES’) or less inclusive regarding work, on present The specimens of Baurusuchidae, and Titanosauria Theropoda analysed Baurusuchidae 2 Table Clade table), as the known body portions (‘SPECIMEN’), and all specimens are discriminated with their respective bones recovered (‘MATERIAL’) body portionstable), as the discriminated known (‘SPECIMEN’), and all specimens are bones recovered with their respective

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Cotts et al. 2016 et al. Cotts Marinho ( 2013 ) Carvalho et al. ( 2011 ) Carvalho et al. Carvalho et al. ( 2011 ) Carvalho et al. Carvalho et al. ( 2011 ) Carvalho et al. Carvalho et al. ( 2011 ); Carvalho et al. Cotts et al. ( 2016 ) et al. Cotts Araújo-Junior and Araújo-Junior References 3 3 3 3 4 3 B.S. - plain reworked by by plain reworked fuvial systems, alongside shallow lakes, ephemeral in arid or semi-arid seasonal climate. Occur (Fossil Distal rence) and alluvial fans alluvial plains sudden subjected to foods in a dry climate. and hot Further the down, authors seem - contradict ingly stating themselves, - that the environ by ment is marked deep “relatively lakes” and alluvial plains sudden subjected to foods in a dry and climate hot climate (Formation) Alluvial Distal alluvial fans Distal alluvial fans Floodplain in arid D. E. AF AF FM grained sandstones grained sandstones with calcrete (most surfaces speci - complete - men); conglom sandstones eratic with alkali pebbles and sandstone (bones intraclasts disarticulated) between very fne very between with sandstones carbonate cementa - fne tion and very with sandstones - planar cross-bed ding. Fine to coarse to Fine Set of intercalations of intercalations Set LIT. C C C A F E T. C. T. ch, sc, cd, hu, man, ch, ti, pes, os il, is, fe, sk, mdb, pt sk, mdb sk, mb sk, vb, rb, mdb, pt, vb, ch vb,rb, pb, os Material CPPLIP 1235* CPPLIP 1234 CPPLIP 1236 CPPLIP 1237 CPPLIP 1435 UFRJ-DG 418 R Specimen dinizi Campinasuchus Campinasuchus sp. Baurusuchus Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2011 ) ( 2011 ) Montefeltro et al. et al. Montefeltro Montefeltro et al. et al. Montefeltro Godoy et al. ( 2016 ) et al. Godoy Marinho ( 2013 ) et al. References Cotts et al. ( 2016 ) et al. Cotts Cotts et al. ( 2016 ) et al. Cotts 2 2 1 2 B.S. 2 2 arid climate arid climate arid climate reworked by fuvial by reworked alongside systems ephem - shallow arid lakes, eral or semi-arid seasonal climate and alluvial plains sudden subjected to foods in a dry and climate hot and alluvial plains sudden subjected to foods in a dry and climate hot Continental, semi- Continental, semi- Continental, semi- Alluvial plain D. E. Distal alluvial fans Distal alluvial fans Distal alluvial fans Distal alluvial fans AF AF FM sandstones with sandstones sandy-mudstone contributions sandstones with sandstones sandy-mudstone contributions sandstones with sandstones sandy-mudstone contributions sandstones and sandstones with siltstones of red intercalations mudstones oxidized Fine-grained Fine-grained Fine-grained Fine-grained LIT. C C G B T. C. T. F F pes, pes ti, f sk, mdb sk, mdb ul, man, il, fe, ti, f, ul, man, il, fe, sk, mdb, vb, rb Material hu, ra, ul, man, ti, hu, ra, pt, rb, sc, cd hu, pb, pt, LPRP/USP 0740, LPRP/USP 0741, LPRP/USP 0742, LPRP/USP 0743, LPRP/USP 0744, LPRP/USP 0745, LPRP/USP 0746 LPRP/USP 0019* LPRP/USP 0018 LPRP/USP 0739, UFRJ DG 408-R* Specimen CPPLIP 1436 CPPLIP 1437 sera scabrosus Pissarrachampsa Pissarrachampsa Gondwanasuchus Gondwanasuchus Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Rif and Kellner Rif and Kellner ( 2011 ) Azevedo et al. ( 2007 ) et al. Azevedo Candeiro et al. ( 2012 a) et al. Candeiro Candeiro et al. ( 2012 a) et al. Candeiro Azevedo et al. ( 2007 ) et al. Azevedo Campos et al. ( 2001 ); et al. Campos Pinheiro et al. ( 2008 ) et al. Pinheiro Candeiro et al. ( 2012 b) et al. Candeiro References 3 2 4 3 4? 2? 1 B.S. or braided, semi- or braided, arid conditions (unclear whether this proposed depositional paleoenvironment the Forma - is for tion as a whole or the locality where the specimen was found) or braided, semi- or braided, arid conditions (unclear whether this proposed depositional paleoenvironment the Forma - is for tion as a whole or the locality where the specimen was found) – – – – – Fluvial meandering Fluvial meandering D. E. MF MF AF AF AF AF FM conglomerate, also conglomerate, thin by composed medium-grainedto with limestones, coloration bleached matrix in an arkosic conglomerate, also conglomerate, thin by composed medium-grainedto with limestones, coloration bleached matrix in an arkosic grained sandstones, grained sandstones, by intercalated silt - mudstones, and clayish- stones sandstones White limestone and White limestone White limestone and White limestone – – – Sequence of fne- Sequence – LIT. H H H H H B D T. C. T. hu, ra, ul, man, il, hu, ra, ti, f, pes is, fe, ph ph ti + f + pes vb ph sk, mdb, vb, rb, cd, sk, mdb Material CPP 481 CPP 470 UFRJ-DG 07-Av MPM 011 UFRJ-DG 06-Av DGM 1477-R* URC R-73 URC Specimen maxhechti Aves indet. Aves Aves indet. Aves Aves indet. Aves Unenlagiinae indet. Unenlagiinae Aves indet. Aves Stratiotosuchus Stratiotosuchus Species Theropoda 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Azevedo et al. ( 2013b ) et al. Azevedo Martinelli ( 2013 ) et al. Méndez et al. ( 2014 ) Méndez et al. Bertini ( 1996 ) Méndez et al. ( 2014 ) Méndez et al. Machado et al. ( 2013 ) et al. Machado Méndez et al. ( 2014 ) Méndez et al. Méndez et al. ( 2014 ) Méndez et al. Azevedo et al. ( 2013a ) et al. Azevedo Bertini ( 1993 ) et al. References Candeiro et al. ( 2012 a) et al. Candeiro 4 2 2 5 1 5 4 2 4 4 – B.S. of high sinuosity system system water environment water of high sinuosity system Meandering fuvial Braided fuvial Braided – Intensely energetic energetic Intensely – – – – Meandering fuvial – – D. E. PPF UF AF AF MF MF AF AF PPF MF AF FM comprising fning- vertical upward withprofles con - at theglomerates base, sandstones in the middle and at the mudstones top stones sandstones and sandstones beds, conglomerate blue and colored red, moderately with silty-clay matrix and associ - ated pebbles of clay colored comprising fning- vertical upward withprofles con - at theglomerates base, sandstones in the middle and at the mudstones top conglomerate, also conglomerate, thin by composed medium-grainedto with limestones, coloration bleached matrix in an arkosic Channelized deposits Green fne sand - Green – Medium to thick thick Medium to – – – – Channelized deposits White limestone and White limestone – LIT. H H H H F H H H H H H T. C. T. sk vb vb sk il, is, pb ti f vb il pes mdb Material R-45 UFRJ-DG 379-Rd. CPPLIP-1324 MPMA 08-003094 URC R-44, URC URC R-44, URC MPMA 27-0001-02 MCT 1783-R MPMA 08-0069-13 MPMA 08-0016-95 UFRJ-DG 254-R CPP 482 DGM 935-R Specimen dae indet indet. - Carcharodontosauri Megaraptora indet. Megaraptora Megaraptora indet. Megaraptora Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Enanthiornithes Theropoda indet. Theropoda Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2014 ) Novas et al. ( 2008 ) et al. Novas Delcourt and Grillo Machado et al. ( 2008 ) et al. Machado Novas et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Novas Azevedo et al. ( 2013b ) et al. Azevedo References 2 2 2 4 2 B.S. lacustrine deposits (Formation, Flash- locally) food deposits that - previ reworked soil exposed ously sediments (caliche) arid in a seasonally - (Fos environment sil Occurrence) Sudden foods over the alluvial plains depressions in shal - depressions and ephemeral low bodies, aqueous duringcreated periods of higher level water of high sinuosity system (Basin) Fluvial and Aeolian deposits and Aeolian – – Meandering fuvial D. E. MF AF MF MF PPF FM stones associated stones with lime - impure by overlain stones, - conglom coarse to sandstones eratic and fne sandstones interbedded with sandstones clayish in tabular geometry although bed - cross ding and planar cross-stratifcation also common. are fning- are There cycles upwards fne fnished by quartz-rich sand - with planar stones cross-stratifcation. Interbedded are pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones, with- mud intra clasts lated with siltstones lated with siltstones and sandy mud - stones comprising fning- vertical upward withprofles con - at theglomerates base, sandstones in the middle and at the mudstones top Carbonated sand - - interca Sandstones – – Channelized deposits LIT. H G H H H T. C. T. vb vb, rb, fe, pes vb, rb, fe, sc ph f Material CPP 893 DGM 930-R MCT 1718-R CPPLIP 659 UFRJ-DG 390-R Specimen Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Maniraptora indet. Maniraptora Maniraptora indet. Maniraptora Maniraptora indet. Maniraptora Coelurosauria indet. Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Novas et al. ( 2008 ) et al. Novas References 4 B.S. lacustrine deposits (Formation, Flash- locally) food deposits that - previ reworked soil exposed ously sediments (caliche) arid in a seasonally - (Fos environment sil Occurrence) Sudden foods over the alluvial plains (Basin) Fluvial and D. E. MF FM stones associated stones with lime - impure by overlain stones, - conglom coarse to sandstones eratic and fne sandstones interbedded with sandstones clayish in tabular geometry although bed - cross ding and planar cross-stratifcation also common. are fning- are There cycles upwards fne fnished by quartz-rich sand - with planar stones cross-stratifcation. Interbedded are pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones, with- mud intra clasts Carbonated sand - LIT. H T. C. T. fe Material CPP 174 Specimen Abelisauroidea indet Abelisauroidea Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 1999 ) ( 1971 ) Powell ( 1987 , 2003 ) Powell Kellner and Azevedo and Azevedo Kellner Campos et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Campos Novas et al. ( 2008 ) et al. Novas Brum ( 2016 ) et al. Brum ( 2016 ) et al. Brum ( 2017 ) et al. Arid and Vizotto Arid and Vizotto References 2 2 2 2 2 4 bones) 4 (vb), 2 (long 4 B.S. trine deposits (Flash-food deposits that - previ reworked soil exposed ously sediments (caliche) arid in a seasonally - (Fos environment sil Occurrence) Sudden foods over the alluvial plains) – – – – – Fluvial – Fluvial and lacus - D. E. MF MF AF AF AF PPF AF MF FM grained white and sandstones yellow fning upward with fning upward laminated cross overlain sandstone a conglomeratic by layer sandstone with sandstone of some layers siltstones stones associated stones with lime - impure by overlain stones, - conglom coarse to sandstones eratic and fne sandstones interbedded with sandstones clayish in tabular geometry although bed - cross ding and planar cross-stratifcation also common. are fning- are There cycles upwards fne fnished by quartz-rich sand - with planar stones cross-stratifcation. Interbedded are pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones, with- mud intra clasts. – Fine to medium to Fine – – – Mudstone layer in a layer Mudstone Reddish fne-grained Reddish Carbonated sand - LIT. E E G G G E G H T. C. T. is, ti vb vb, il il fe vb vb, rb, sc, hu, il, pu, vb, hu, fe ph Material 1719-R D3, GP-RD-4 MCT 1487-R MCT 1488-R, DGM 927-R MCT 1857-R DGM 929-R MN 4111-V GP-RD-2, GP-RD- GP-RD-2, CPP 692 Specimen faustoi ” brasiliensis “Série A” pricei Trigonosaurus Abelisauridae indet. Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Noasauridae indet. Gondwanatitan Antarctosaurus “ Antarctosaurus Abelisauroidea indet. Abelisauroidea Species Titanosauria 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Campos ( 2011 ) Campos ( 2008 ) ( 2006a ) Santucci and Arruda- Salgado and Carvalho Salgado França et al. ( 2016 ) et al. França Kellner et al. ( 2006 ) et al. Kellner Santucci and Bertini Kellner et al. ( 2005 ) et al. Kellner References 4 3 3 5 3 3 B.S. - braided fuvial braided alluvial systems, plains and ephem - under lakes eral and dryhot climate (Formation); fuvial Braided (possibly systems caused ephemeral, torrential by rains after drought) (Member); Chan - Occur nel (Fossil rence) environment with environment semi-arid condi - tion, with dry and alternate periwet - ods predominated environment with environment semi-arid condi - tion, with dry and alternate periwet - ods predominated Semi-arid foodplain Alluvial fans, Alluvial fans, Fluvial depositional Fluvial depositional – – D. E. AF MF AF AF AF MF FM sandstones locally locally sandstones with carbonatic cementationand and conglomeratic lamitic lenses and sand - cross-bedded present are stones coarse-grained fne - to sandstones grained sandstones in fning-upwards (fne sand - cycles interbedded stones with pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones with- mud intra clasts) grained reddish a above sandstone thin conglomeratic layer grained reddish a above sandstone thin conglomeratic layer dish sandstones that dish sandstones to change gradually siltstones beige grained white and sandstones yellow Reddish, massive massive Reddish, Conglomerates and Conglomerates Fine to medium to Fine Fine to medium to Fine - red Cross-stratifed Fine to medium to Fine LIT. E F G F F E T. C. T. is, fe man, pb, is, fe, f, man, pb, is, fe, pes vb, rb, sc, hu, ra, vb, rb, sc, hu, ra, vb, rb, cd, hu, ra, vb, rb, cd, hu, ra, mdb vb, hp, sc, st vb, hp vb, hp Material UrHoB, CPP- UrHoB, UrHoC 7048-V, MN 7049- 7048-V, MN MN 7050-V, V, 7051-V MUGEO 1289, MUGEO 1295 MPMA 12-0001-97 CPP-UrHoA, CPP- CPP-UrHoA, MBC-42-PV MN 5013-V, MN MN 5013-V, MUGEO 1282, MCT 1490-R Specimen mus topai topai zalirai Aeolosaurus maxi - Aeolosaurus riberoi Uberabatitan Maxakalisaurus Maxakalisaurus Adamantisaurus mez - britoi Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2001 ); Martinelli ( 2011 ) et al. ( 2008 ) ( 2008 ) ( 2008 ) ( 2008 ) ( 2008 ) Candeiro et al. et al. Candeiro ( 2006 ); Martinelli ( 2011 ) et al. Santucci and Bertini Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Lopes and Bunchmann Almeida et al. ( 2004 ); Almeida et al. Bandeira et al. ( 2016 ) et al. Bandeira Machado et al. ( 2013 ) et al. Machado References 2 3 5 3 3 4 3 4 4 B.S. – Fluvial? Fluvial? Fluvial? Fluvial? Fluvial? Fluvial? Floodplain – D. E. MF MF MF MF MF MF MF PPF PPF FM - - sandstone layer sandstone sandstone layer sandstone sandstone layer sandstone sandstone layer sandstone sandstone layer sandstone ates, (2) fne- to ates, (2) fne- to medium-grained crossbedded and (3) sandstones abundant nodular and horizontal car bonate , coarsen and which upward thicken grained, well- sorted,- cross-bed sandstones. ded red Furthermore, these authors recognized intraformational and conglomerates red subordinate are shales, which or laminar. massive of thisThe top unit is characterized by the interbedding of (1) conglomer with lamina - cross tion sandstone – Fine to medium pink to Fine fne to medium pink fne to Fine to medium pink to Fine Fine to medium pink to Fine Fine to medium pink to Fine Very fne to fne fne to Very Fine red sandstone sandstone red Fine Reddish fne-grained Reddish LIT. (ch) H H H H H H G (vb), H F F T. C. T. vb ti ph vb vb co vb, ch vb, rb mdb, vb, il, is Material CPP 248 LGP-D0005 LGP-D0004 LGP-D003 LGP-D0002 LGP-D0001-5 UFRJ-DG 270-R MCT 1628-R MPM 125R Specimen topai magnifcus agus Aeolosaurini indet. Aeolosaurini indet. Aeolosaurini indet. Aeolosaurini indet. Aeolosaurini indet. Aeolosaurini indet. cf Maxakalisaurus Austroposeidon Austroposeidon nemoph - Brasilotitan Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- References 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 B.S. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – D. E. MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF MF FM – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – LIT. H H G G H H G G H H H H H H H G H G H H T. C. T. ra ti rb rb hu ul rb vb ch il ul ra st b f rb fe rb fe fe Material MPMA-28 MPMA-27 MPMA-26 MPMA-22 MPMA-18 MPMA-17 MPMA-16 MPMA-15 MPMA-14 MPMA-13 MPMA-11 MPMA-10 MPMA-09 MPMA-08 MPMA-07 MPMA-06 MPMA-05 MPMA-04 MPMA-02 MPMA-01 Specimen Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2014 ) 2014 ( 2007 ) ( 2007 ) Martinelli et al. ( 2015 ) Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Rosas ( 2001 ) Rosas Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto de Azevedo et al. et al. de Azevedo de Azevedo et al. et al. de Azevedo Candeiro et al. ( 2006a ); et al. Candeiro Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- Bertini and Franco- References 3 4 4 netic due to due to netic exposure) - 5 (post-diage 3 4 3 4 B.S. origin origin – – Fluvial-lacustrine Fluvial-lacustrine Fluvial? – – – D. E. AF AF AF AF AF MF MF MF FM - - people people stones with plan- stones lamination parallel and with some layer conglomerate stones with plan- stones lamination parallel and with some layer conglomerate grained, well- sorted,- cross-bed sandstones. ded red Furthermore, these authors recognized intraformational and conglomerates red subordinate are shales, which or laminar. massive of thisThe top unit is characterized by the interbedding of (1) conglomer ates, (2) fne- to medium-grained crossbedded and (3) sandstones abundant nodular and horizontal car bonate concretions, coarsen and which upward thicken Collected by local Collected by Collected by local Collected by Fine reddish sand - reddish Fine Fine reddish sand - reddish Fine Very fne to fne fne to Very – – – LIT. H H H H H G G F T. C. T. vb vb fe ti vb, rb vb rb is, il Material LF-008-R LF-007-R UFRJ DG 327-R UFRJ DG 326-R MMR/UFU-PV 0001 MPMA-63 MPMA-31 MPMA-29 Specimen Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2014 ) 2014 ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto References Geroto and BertiniGeroto 3 3 4 4 4 B.S. – – – – – D. E. AF AF AF AF AF FM - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion people Massive or laminated Massive Massive or laminated Massive Massive or laminated Massive Massive or laminated Massive Collected by local Collected by LIT. H H H H H T. C. T. rb rb is pb vb Material LF-2V LF-1V LF-012-R LF-011-R LF-009-R Specimen Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 1999 ) ( 1999 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) ( 2014 ) Kellner and Campos and Campos Kellner Kellner and Campos and Campos Kellner Trotta et al. ( 2002 ) et al. Trotta Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto Geroto and BertiniGeroto References 2 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 3 B.S. condition condition Under fuviatile Under Under fuviatile Under – – – – – – – – D. E. MF MF MF AF AF AF AF AF AF AF FM stones stones people people people people people - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion - stratifca (parallel fne tion) very sandstones, beige with sub-rounded subangular to grains, a strong silty matrix, and carbonate cementa - tion Conglomeratic sand - Conglomeratic Conglomeratic sand - Conglomeratic – Collected by local Collected by collected by local collected by collected by local collected by Collected by local Collected by Collected by local Collected by Massive or laminated Massive Massive or laminated Massive LIT. F F F H H H H H H H T. C. T. vb, il,sc vb, il, sc vb ti fe hu hu hu rb rb Material MCT 1489-R MCT 1536-R DGM 497-R LF-005-R LF-003-R LF-006-R LF-002-R LF-001-R LF-4V LF-3V Specimen Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology ( 2005 ) Marinho and Candeiro Martinelli ( 2015 ) et al. Martinelli ( 2015 ) et al. Silva Jr. et al. ( 2017 ) et al. Jr. Silva References 4 1 1 3 B.S. system system system – Braided fuvial Braided Braided fuvial Braided Braided fuvial Braided D. E. MF MF MF MF FM - stone, deposited in stone, a fuvio-lacustrine show environment, - ing cross-stratifca - tion and conglom sequences eratic coarse-grained fne - to sandstones grained sandstones in fning-upwards (fne sand - cycles interbedded stones with pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones with- mud intra clasts) coarse-grained fne - to sandstones grained sandstones in fning-upwards (fne sand - cycles interbedded stones with pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones with- mud intra clasts) coarse-grained fne - to sandstones grained sandstones in fning-upwards (fne sand - cycles interbedded stones with pelites, clayish and sandstones coarse sandstones with- mud intra clasts) Calciferous sand - Calciferous Conglomerates and Conglomerates Conglomerates and Conglomerates Conglomerates and Conglomerates LIT. H H H F T. C. T. os sk* vb* vb, il, is Material 247 CPPLIP 0115, CPPLIP 0031, CPPLIP 0086, CPPLIP 0114,CPPLIP 0029, CPPLIP 0034 CPP-297 CPPLIP 296, CPPLIP 12141 CPPLIP 0032, Specimen Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology - - ( 2006b ) ( 2006b ) ( 2006b ) ( 2011 ) ( 2005 ) Santucci and Bertini Santucci and Bertini Santucci and Bertini Marinho and Iori Marinho and Candeiro References 4 4 5 2 1 B.S. system and distal system alluvial fan system and distal system alluvial fan system and distal system alluvial fan broad and shallow and shallow broad systems braided Braided fuvial Braided Braided fuvial Braided Braided fuvial Braided Fluvial bars of – D. E. MF MF MF AF MF FM - - - - bedded sandstones bedded sandstones and conglomeratic inter sandstones, calated with thin mudstones massive beds bedded sandstones bedded sandstones and conglomeratic inter sandstones, calated with thin mudstones massive beds bedded sandstones bedded sandstones and conglomeratic inter sandstones, calated with thin mudstones massive beds - conglom quently eratic stone, deposited in stone, a fuvio-lacustrine show environment, - ing cross-stratifca - tion and conglom sequences eratic White to beige cross- beige White to White to beige cross- beige White to White to beige cross- beige White to - Sand deposits, fre Calciferous sand - Calciferous LIT. G G G G G T. C. T. vb vb vb os os Material CPP 494 CPP 491 CPP 261 MPMA 08-0058-11 CPP-674 Specimen Eutitanosauria indet Eutitanosauria indet Eutitanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Titanosauria indet Species The taphonomic information is scored based on its taphonomic class (‘T.C.’) as well as on the degrees of weathering and maintenance of the bone surface that were observed (‘BONE SUR as on the degrees (‘BONE observed of weathering as well and maintenance of the that bone surface were based on its taphonomic is scored The taphonomic class (‘T.C.’) information and the (‘FM’) attributed interpreted formation include the to the depositional facies geological collected (‘LIT.’), the where material from the lithology of the was facies B.S.). Lastly, FACE’, the described specimens are in which or revised with the references (‘D.E.’), palaeoenvironment Formation sensu Fer do Rio Peixe Formation Formation (includes theAf Adamantina specimen, São José do Rio Preto and the * holotype Vale – inconclusive, ? missing information, 2000 ), FM Formation,nandes and Coimbra MF Marilia Formation, Prudente PPF Presidente Formation, Formation UF Uberaba 2 Table (continued) Clade

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology

(with three species). The theropod fauna includes indeter- Baurusuchidae, where the lithological information could be minate Abelisauroidea, Maniraptora, Enanthiornithes and found. The majority of baurusuchids have been recovered Aves, which indicates at least a great representativeness from psammitic sediments, particularly fne sandstones. We of the clade. The titanosaurian fauna includes the species possess even less information regarding the depositional Trigonosaurus pricei, Baurutitan britoi and Uberabatitan environment of theropods as quite often the information is ribeiroi, aside from records of supposed Aeolosaurus sp. either missing or unclear. (see Martinelli et al. 2011 for a discussion) and of indeter- When we focus on the theropods of the Bauru Group, the minate Titanosauria bones. The last three formations present completeness, quality and amount of material are entirely a low diversity, which may be a refection of both the tapho- reversed. Nearly all of the fndings consist of isolated bones, nomic factors and the short time in which these formations with a couple of specimens consisting of associated post- have been investigated in detail. The Presidente Prudente cranial elements. Characteristically, very little cranial mate- Formation diversity is represented by three specimens for rial has been recovered, and most of the isolated bones are each dinosaurian group. Each of the Titanosauria speci- broken and fragmented. Unfortunately, we do not possess mens represent a diferent species (Gondwanatitan faustoi, detailed lithological information for all fnds, and as for the Brasilotitan nemophagus and Austroposeidon magnifcus), Baurusuchidae environmental information is scarce. Where while the theropod record is comprised by occurrences of we do have such information, as is the case for the specimens indeterminate Abelisauroidea, Carcharodontosauridae and UFRJ-DG 254 R, UFRJ-DG 379 R and UFRJ-DG 390 R, Coelurosauria. Lastly, the Uberaba Formation has a single the fnds come from the bedload of a meandering fuvial theropod record assigned to an indeterminate megaraptoran, system, while being worthwhile to note that the material is and the Araçatuba Formation has an occurrence of noto- fragmented and broken. suchian remains (Simbras et al. 2017). The absence of detailed environmental information dif- fcults a direct comparison between the records of Bauru- suchidae and Theropoda for the Bauru Group in terms of 5 Discussion their biostratinomic paths and places of fnal burial. We must rely on the taphonomic classes and general environmental The Bauru Group is considered one of the most important information to provide us some insight into the conditions geological units from Brazil due the occurrence of many ver- about the formation of these deposits and the nature of the tebrate fossils (Azevedo and Simbras 2009; Candeiro et al. processes that infuenced them. The abundance of skeletal 2008; Candeiro et al. 2006a). Despite this context, virtually elements coupled with the ubiquity of articulated and asso- no work has focused in applying a taphonomic approach to ciated specimens, as is the case for Baurusuchidae, suggest the vertebrate fossils found in it (e.g., Araújo-Júnior and relatively little transportation and exposure prior to burial. Marinho 2013). Generally, the taphonomic inferences are The degree of preservation of the skulls and the fact that presented as notes or observations in osteological descrip- some of them have been found in articulation are also indica- tions. The precariousness of works focusing on taphonomic tive of little destructive action, either through transporta- approaches in the Bauru Group refects the low rates of bone tion or scavengers. All of this does not necessarily mean preservation along environmental gradients, which in turn lack of transportation, given that “bloat and foat” is a quite infuences the data acquisition for better understanding of common mode of transportation of crocodyliform carcasses depositional rates and biogenic processes. (e.g., Salisbury et al. 2003; Syme and Salisbury 2014), but it does mean that there was very little subaerial exposure prior 5.1 Proposition of taphonomic patterns for studied to burial in a level enough to allow the degree of articulation groups and preservation of fragile elements. As stated previously, the situation of theropods is the There is a marked tendency for baurusuchid remains of the opposite, with most specimens being represented by bro- Bauru Group to be relatively complete, well preserved and ken isolated bones, with very few of them being associated. to be found either in articulation or in association. Indeed, These taphonomic characteristics are indicative of destruc- nearly every Baurusuchidae specimen belongs to the frst tive taphonomic agents and processes. Whether the bones four taphonomic classes, therefore including at least par- were broken due to the action of scavengers, during trans- tial cranial elements. Furthermore, some specimens dis- portation or the diagenesis cannot be determined from the play remarkable preservation, as is the case of Aplestosu- literature alone and is largely irrelevant for the present dis- chus sordidus, a most superb specimen (see Godoy et al. cussion. All that matters is to acknowledge the fact that, as a 2014). For the purposes of this paper, the rarity of detailed rule, theropod fossils have undergone very destructive tapho- lithological information for many specimens is lamentable. nomic processes, in comparison with the Baurusuchidae. The rare exceptions are those researches with focus on the

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If we consider the widely accepted environmental inter- the skull, teeth and limbs between baurusuchid crocodyli- pretation of the Bauru Group as warm and dry, the derivation forms and theropod dinosaurs (see Rif and Kellner 2011). pathways for the distinct preservation of Baurusuchidae and These authors thus suggested that baurusuchids and small Theropoda become more evident. Some aspects also help to medium-sized theropods of the Adamantina Formation to clarify the diferent preservations related to those taxa. occupied similar ecological niches and exhibited a com- As expected to semi-arid environments, whose remains are petition relationship. Moreover, based on the assumption subjected to sudden foods or outpouring of the foodplains that the small to medium-sized theropods are scarce and (Behrensmeyer 1978), and the carcasses could potentially lie the large-sized ones are rare, Rif and Kellner (2011, p. scattered throughout the plains for a long time before being 50) proposed that baurusuchids dominated their niche over washed away, all the while undergoing the rigors of bone theropods. Nonetheless, as already pointed out, there is no weathering, abrasion, trampling and scavenging (e.g., Beh- strong evidence regarding the scarcity of small to medium rensmeyer 1978). Under these conditions, it is expected that size theropods in the Bauru Group, with the fossil record carcasses which have been left close to where they died will of this clade being recovered from both Adamantina and have some elements destroyed or carried away. When the Marília Formations. Anyhow, Rif and Kellner (2011) did sporadic fash food carried the scattered elements, wash- not leave it clear whether baurusuchids had dominated their ing away the plains into the streams and temporary lakes, niche over theropods because they would have competitively it formed a deposit that might contain the eventual skeletal excluded those dinosaurs or if they would have occupied a material separated from the rest of the original carcass, and niche left open by the purported scarcity of theropods. also sorting with the carcasses of other animals that died at Competitive exclusion occurs when, given a case of com- more distant points—those ones represented by the isolated petition, a certain species has an advantage over the other(s) bones, like the theropods remains. and ends up dominating its niche (Gause 1932). If this were Such scenario plausibly explains most of the Theropoda to be the case, the hypothesis by Rif and Kellner (2011) of fnds in the Bauru Group. In contrast, the Baurusuchidae baurusuchid dominance would have to explain why bauru- remains to be preserved in articulation under the same envi- suchids were better ft to occupy their niche than small to ronmental conditions, with so much material being found, medium-sized theropods. However, no evidences exist for in good conditions and with fragile cranial elements also a supposed best ft of baurusuchids over theropods, such as preserved, we conclude that the taphonomic processes that best predatory adaptations in the frst over the later. In fact, operated on the genesis of their depositions were not nearly Rif and Kellner (2011) actually defended the hypothesis that as destructive, as a whole, as they were for Theropoda. baurusuchids could have been up to as competent as thero- Whether the Baurusuchidae arrived at their place of fnal pods as predators of small to medium-sized prey, and not burial as “bloat and foat” carcasses or they lived and died superior. Furthermore, if a competitive exclusion hypoth- close to them, they were not subject to extensive subaerial esis were to be considered anyway, then the or exposure or transportation after the end of the biological a signifcant reduction on theropod diversity would have to decay. be expected for the Adamantina Formation (to which bauru- suchids are exclusive in the Bauru Group). However, despite 5.2 Palaeoecological considerations the negative preservational bias of theropod dinosaurs, there is no evidence supporting their reduction in diversity associ- Palaeoecological observations over the species diversity ated with the presence of baurusuchids. This is also corrobo- of baurusuchids and dinosaurs from the Bauru Group are rating with our observation that, to date, no Baurusuchidae here discussed based on our taphonomical considerations. has been found outside the Adamantina Formation. Rif and Kellner (2011, p. 50) assumed that Baurusuchidae On the other case, if an open niche were to be considered, and Theropoda exhibit similar preservation patterns in the then the scarcity of theropods would have to be explained by Bauru Group and that the proportional diversity of those some other event, what has not been done in the literature. groups in the taphocoenosis refects the original diversity of Notwithstanding, an open niche hypothesis could be con- its biocoenosis. However, the taphonomic results found here sidered if an absence of large-sized theropods in the Adam- support a diferent scenario where the proportional diversity atina Formation is observed on the future. In such case (as of this group is parsimoniously explained by a taphonomic opposed to what has been proposed for Argentine palaeoen- bias. Therefore, this works supports that the hypothesis of vironments, see Gasparini et al. 1993), the absence of poten- the Bauru Group taphocoenosis does not correspond to the tial theropods as the top predators would enable the diver- real diversity of the biocoenosis (as traditionally expected in sifcation of those crocodyliforms and the sharing of their palaeontology, e.g., Behrensmeyer et al. 2000). niche with the small to medium sized theropods rivalling the An ecomorphological hypothesis presented by Riff latter as competitors. Therefore, the purported dominance of and Kellner (2011) regards evolutionary convergences on baurusuchids in the food web of the Adamantina Formation

1 3 Journal of Iberian Geology proposed by Rif and Kellner (2011) and the concurrent On the other hand, the taphonomic aspects of sauropods are hypothesis of open niche would still require the following closer to those of theropods. In this way, we interpret that answers: (1) How diverse were theropods in the Adamantina non-baurusuchid notosuchians most likely shared more simi- and Marília Formations?; (2) Is there any diversity modif- lar habitats with baurusuchids than with dinosaurs, espe- cation regarding theropod species between the Adamantina cially regarding theropods, while theropods and sauropods and Marília Formations?; (3) Does exist in fact an absence of had a preferred occupation of drylands (Fig. 2). large-sized theropods in the Adamantina Formation? And if Godoy et al. (2016) had already suggested that bauru- so, what caused it?; (4) Why are baurusuchids absent in the suchids could not have completely dominated the Adaman- Marília Formation?; and, (5) How baurusuchids conquered tina food web, if assumed as solitary predators, and they and diversifed in the Adamantina Formation? would be incapable of preying on large adult sauropods We agree here that the morphological and biomechani- (contra Rif and Kellner 2011). These authors thus suggested cal similarities between baurusuchids and theropods dem- that there should have been a prey item niche partitioning, onstrated by Rif and Kellner (2011) must imply in similar that is, a case of niche partitioning in which predators that ecomorphologies concerning at least dietary habits (that is, share an ecosystem do not share the same species for prey consuming small to medium-sized prey). Nonetheless, simi- (Godoy et al. 2016). However, the only direct evidence so lar dietary habits does not necessarily imply in a relationship far of baurusuchid diet consists of a small sphagesaurid of competition, which these authors suggested to occur (Rif notosuchian in the stomach content of the Aplestosuchus and Kellner 2011). Based on these considerations and on our sordidus holotype (Godoy et al. 2014). This single case of proposed taphonomic bias in the Bauru Group, we argue that stomach content in baurusuchids only partially supports baurusuchids and theropods did not completely compete for this hypothesis, especially given the absence of evidence of prey at least partially due to spatial niche partitioning. Niche theropod predation so far. In fact, another point that supports partitioning explains how two or multiple species can coex- our hypothesis is the presence of teeth marks found in some ist without directly competing and preventing competitive Maxakalisaurus topai bones (Kellner et al. 2006). These exclusion. Spatial niche partitioning refers specifcally to marks were attributed to the theropods, due to the presence cases where two predators forage for similar prey in diferent of several theropod teeth closely associated to the Maxaka- spaces. This occurs for example with some arboreal lizards lisaurus topai holotype. Therefore, until more evidence of the Anolis, which comprises sympatric species that is found, it still remains possible that, as Rif and Kellner feed on similar arthropods but forage on diferent layers of (2011) suggested, baurusuchids and small to medium-sized vegetation (Pacala and Roughgarden 1985). This also occurs theropods consumed similar prey (that is, small sized prey with the felid top-predators, hyper- Panthera onca such as small crocodyliforms, small dinosaurs and mam- (the jaguar) and Puma concolor (the puma) which, in Cen- mals). We consider that none of these possibilities can be tral Brazil, consume similar prey in diferent habitats (Sol- confdently corroborated yet, though we can consider the lmann et al. 2011). While jaguars prefer to occupy areas occurrence of at least spatial niche partitioning. However, closer to water-bodies, pumas occupy jaguar-free areas more we agree that, most likely, only large theropods could have distant from water-bodies (Sollmann et al. 2011). preyed on large sauropods (assuming baurusuchids as soli- In a similar way, we suggest that baurusuchids and thero- tary hunters; Godoy et al. 2016). pods preferred diferent ecosystems: being baurusuchid The abundance of baurusuchid fossils greatly exceeds fossils correlated with foodplains and with theropods with the abundance of theropod fossils, what does not necessar- drylands (Fig. 2). It is important to notice, however, that ily imply in an original larger abundance of baurusuchid an association between baurusuchids and foodplains does individuals over theropod individuals in the biocoenosis of not imply in semi-aquatic habits, especially by the morphol- the palaeoecosystem. As proposed here, the larger number ogy that indicates a terrestrial lifestyle (e.g. Rif and Kellner of baurusuchids remains can be explained by a taphonomic 2011). Though semi-aquatic crocodyliforms are present in bias, once again due to the diferent habitats of baurusuchids the Marília (e.g. jesuinoi Price 1955) and Presi- and theropods in the Bauru Group. In addition to being rep- dente Prudente formations (Pepesuchus deisae Campos et al. resented in larger numbers, baurusuchid remains are also 2005), they are yet unconfrmed in the Adamantina Forma- more complete, articulated and better preserved. tion. It is important to note that non-baurusuchid crocodyli- Another aspect regarding the abundance and good pres- forms (omnivorous notosuchians such as ervation quality of baurusuchids and other Crocodyliformes amarali, luziae, arrudai was tentatively explained by a burrowing behaviour (e.g., and paulistanus) exhibit taphonomic patterns Marinho and Carvalho 2009) that would be absent in sau- of good preservation and facies occurrence similar to bau- rischian dinosaurs. Based on the documented burrowing rusuchids (Carvalho and Bertini 1999; Iori and Carvalho behaviour observed in extant Crocodylia (Smith 1979), this 2009; Marinho and Carvalho 2009; Iori and Carvalho 2011). behaviour was inferred as plausible for some crocodyliform

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Fig. 1 Graphic bars of the bone representative for Baurusuchi- dae, Theropoda and Titanosau- ria. cd coracoid, ch chevrons, fe femur, f fbula, hu humerus, hy hyoid, il ilium, is ischium, man manus, mdb mandible, os osteoderm, pb pubis, pes pes, ph phalanx, pt proatlas, ra radius, rb rib, sc scapula, sk skull, st sternum, ti tibia, ul ulna, vb vertebrae

Table 3 Summarized table B Ba F T F Ti F TF To of the fossil material and distribution per clade, with the sk 14 0.108527132 2 0.064516129 0 0 0.0576811 16 relative frequency, mean and mdb 14 0.108527132 1 0.032258065 2 0.0183486 0.0530446 17 deviation pt 4 0.031007752 0 0 0 0 0.0103359 4 hy 2 0.015503876 0 0 0 0 0.005168 2 vb 8 0.062015504 6 0.193548387 28 0.2568807 0.1600622 42 rb 8 0.062015504 1 0.032258065 14 0.1284404 0.074238 23 sc 3 0.023255814 1 0.032258065 3 0.0275229 0.0276789 7 cd 5 0.03875969 0 0 2 0.0183486 0.0190361 7 hu 6 0.046511628 0 0 9 0.0825688 0.0430268 15 ra 5 0.03875969 0 0 4 0.0366972 0.0251523 9 ul 6 0.046511628 0 0 2 0.0183486 0.0216201 8 man 7 0.054263566 0 0 1 0.0091743 0.021146 8 il 6 0.046511628 3 0.096774194 5 0.0458716 0.0630525 14 is 5 0.03875969 1 0.032258065 6 0.0550459 0.0420212 12 pb 4 0.031007752 1 0.032258065 4 0.0366972 0.033321 9 fe 6 0.046511628 3 0.096774194 8 0.0733945 0.0722268 17 ti 8 0.062015504 2 0.064516129 6 0.0550459 0.0605258 16 f 6 0.046511628 3 0.096774194 2 0.0183486 0.0538781 11 ch 4 0.031007752 0 0 5 0.0458716 0.0256264 9 pes 6 0.046511628 3 0.096774194 1 0.0091743 0.05082 10 os 2 0.015503876 0 0 5 0.0458716 0.0204585 7 ph 0 0 5 0.161290323 1 0.0091743 0.0568215 6 st 0 0 0 0 1 0.0091743 0.0030581 1 Sum 129 32 109 270 Mean 5.6087 2.9783 4.7391 11.7391 s 3.4792 1.7258 6.0919 5.0142

B. bone, Ba Baurusuchidae, F frequency, s sample standard deviation, T Theropoda, Ti Titanosauria, TF total frequency, To total species such as (Gomani 1997) and Armadil- argue that the burrowing behaviourism were widely distrib- losuchus (Marinho and Carvalho 2009; also see more exten- uted among the Crocodyliformes, including Baurusuchi- sive discussion in Sertich and Groenke 2010). Some could dae, and that this behaviour could explain the abundance

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afected as a result. We support that the Baurusuchidae played an important role in the food chain in the ecological niches of the Late Cretaceous Bauru Group of Brazil, but the possible biases in their fossil record, as well as in that of the theropods, do not support the conclusion that baurusuchids outcompeted theropods as previously regarded. Rather, this taphonomic bias must be tackled frst, what previous studies have failed to do. Also, the diferent palaeoenvironments among the Bauru Group exhibit an abundance of predatory and herbivorous archosaurs occupying those spaces, and the numbers here presented do not warrant decisive conclu- Fig. 2 Scheme representing our proposed depositional context for sions for taphonomic patterns of any group of vertebrates in Adamantina Formation correlation to the tafonomic hypotheses of the the Bauru Group. Finally, we recommend that authors who titanosaur (A), baurusuchid (B) and theropod (C) remains. Deposi- will eventually come to describe new specimens also ofer tional model based on Model 3 from Miall (1985). Vertebrate silhou- a more rigorous taphonomic control on future works. With ettes modifed from Godoy et al. (2014) and Curry Rogers (2009) most specimens collected near large roads and previously exploited sites, we recognize that our work is still an early and quality of the crocodyliform fossil record in the Bauru assessment, and that future evidence can shed light on the Group. However, this argument only becomes plausible if hypotheses elaborated here. the burrowed itself and naturally died while buried or if it was suddenly caught by a collapse of the burrow. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Ángela D. Buscalioni (Uni- The present work does not discard the possibility of a wide- versidad Autónoma de Madrid) for her suggestions and discussion. The comments made by Adam C. Pritchard, André E. P. Pinheiro and spread burrowing behaviour for Crocodyliformes, which Francisco Ortega greatly improved the quality of the manuscript dur- could potentially help in thermoregulation (Pooley 1969). ing the review process. The authors of this work are funded by the However, based on our taphonomic results (as the absence of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científco e Tecnológico some skeletal parts and the weathering and abrasion marks (CNPq) for the technical support scholarship number 385064/2015-2 to KLNB, by PhD scholarship number 140808/2016-7 to GMC, by PhD among the fossils),we consider more plausible a scenario of scholarship number 140789/2016-2 to BH, by the MSc scholarship by mummifcation plus water carcass (Hill 1979; Weigelt 1989; 134422/2016-3 to ASB, MSc scholarship by CNPq to RVP and PhD Araújo-Júnior and Marinho 2013) instead of assuming the scholarship by CAPES to RGS. We also thank Alexandra Elbakyan for burrowing hypothesis for distinct groups of crocodyliforms ‘removing the barriers from Science’ and allowing us to access several articles that would not be possible under other conditions. Although in the Bauru Group. The absence of geological marks such our current government on Brazil neglects investment on Science and as holes (e.g., the fossil preserved on a rock diferent form Education, we will persevere. the remaining facies) or fossils without mummifcation and transport signals also corroborates our assumption. References

6 Conclusions Almeida, E. B., Avilla, L. S., & Candeiro, C. R. A. (2004). Restos caudais de Titanosauridae da Formação Adamantina (Turoni- ano-Santoniano), Sítio do Prata, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. The specimens of Baurusuchidae from the Bauru Group, Revista Brasileira de Paleontologia, 7(2), 239–244. which are relatively complete, articulated, or in close articu- Alvarenga, H., & Nava, W. B. (2005). Aves Enanthiornithes do Cretá- lation and well preserved corroborate our hypothesis of a ceo Superior da Formação Adamantina do estado de São Paulo. In A. W. A. Kellner, D. D. R. Henriques, & T. Rodrigues (Eds.), taphonomic tendency for this clade. This was indicated by II Congresso Latino-Americano de Paleontologia de - the high bone representativeness and better quality on pres- dos, Boletim de resumos (p. 20). Rio de Janeiro: Museu Nacional. ervation pattern of available specimens in comparison with Andrade, M. B., & Bertini, R. J. (2008). A new theropod bones. Although poor lithological and stratigraphic (: ) from the Upper Cretaceous of information was given by previous authors, our work also Monte Alto City (Bauru Basin, Brazil), and a revision of the . Historical Biology, 20, 101–136. shows that baurusuchids lived (or at least died) close to the Araújo, H. I., Jr., & Marinho, T. S. (2013). Taphonomy of a Baurusu- abundant food plains, with those animals probably being chus (Crocodyliformes, Baurusuchidae) from the Adamantina quickly buried after death, which favoured the process of Formation (Upper Cretaceous, Bauru Basin), Brazil: Implica- preservation. Theropods and titanosaurs probably did not tions for preservational modes, time resolution and paleoecology. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 47, 90–99. live close to such environments, which implied in their low Arid, F. M., & Vizotto, L. D. (1971). Antarctosaurus brasiliensis, um sampling on those facies (almost absent at all for thero- nôvo saurópode do Cretáceo Superior do Sul do Brasil. In F. pods), with the quality of their preservation being negatively

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Kamila L. N. Bandeira1 · Arthur S. Brum1 · Rodrigo V. Pêgas1 · Giovanne M. Cidade2 · Borja Holgado1 · André Cidade1 · Rafael Gomes de Souza1

* Kamila L. N. Bandeira Rafael Gomes de Souza [email protected] [email protected] Arthur S. Brum 1 Laboratório de Sistemática e Tafonomia de Vertebrados [email protected] Fósseis, Departamento de Geologia e Paleontologia, Museu Rodrigo V. Pêgas Nacional/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da [email protected] Boa Vista, s/n, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20940‑040, Brazil Giovanne M. Cidade [email protected] 2 Laboratório de Paleontologia, Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Filosofa, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Borja Holgado Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Bandeirantes, 3900, Monte [email protected] Alegre, Ribeirão Prêto, SP 14040‑901, Brazil André Cidade [email protected]

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