Issue 72 August/ September 2020
[email protected] Published six times a year by the Saint John Human Development Council From the Editor’s desk Sharps kiosks in the community It’s time to hear your voice: VOTE! Lorna Brown, 647- 4850,
[email protected] Superhero movies always do well. We all know the fantastic exploits and costumes of characters from the Marvel Universe and the X-Men Franchise. And despite being overshadowed recently by these newer kids on the block, Superman is someone we still immediately recognize in his tights and cape. We are drawn to the escapism of these fantastic stories. But it’s possible for you to be a superhero in real life. On September 14th, you can put on your tights and cape and be a superhero for democracy: you can VOTE. Your vote is your voice, and your voice matters. It is how you say what you want to see happen in your community and your province. And when enough of us raise our voices in the same way, we get to choose the person who will represent us. In our priority neighbourhoods, too few are raising those precious individual voices to make a chorus that will be heard. But that’s how democracy works. It doesn’t work when you stay silent. We have recently heard the sudden power of collective voices in the Black Lives Matter movement. Yes, one person can make a difference – when you add one plus one plus one until there are dozens and hundreds and thousands. We can’t become the thousands without each of us making our one voice heard.