1 Churches Together in Kings Lynn: Contact details for the website. www.churchestogetherkingslynn.com Churches Together in England https://www.cte.org.uk/ representative: Catherine Howe
[email protected] County Ecumenical Officer for Norfolk and Waveney www.nwct.org.uk Denominational Ecumenical Minister: Revd Karlene Kerr (see St Faith’s Church entry). Andrew Frere-Smith, Development worker, Imagine Norfolk Together: Email:
[email protected] Website: www.imaginenorfolktogether.org Baptist Church: Cornerstone King’s Lynn Baptist Church, Wisbech Rd., South Lynn, PE30 5JS. Pastor: Revd. Kevan Crane: The Church Office is open Monday to Friday 9am to 12.00 Noon. Community Cafe open Wed & Fridays 9am to 4pm & Thursdays 12.00 Noon to 4pm. Website: www.klbc.org.uk E-mail:
[email protected]. Sunday services: 10.00am and worship, prayer and communion service on the last Sunday of the month at 6pm. All services are held in the church. Updated 28/01/20. Confidentiality agreed 15/11/17. Kings Lynn Churches Together Winter Night Shelter Charity No: 1175645. 5 St Ann's Fort, Kings Lynn, PE30 1QS. Co-ordinator: Lucy McKitterick. Tel: 01553 776109 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.klwns.org.uk Donate at: https://mydonate.bt.com/charities/kingslynnwinternightshelter Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Debt Centre: Emily Hart, the Debt Centre manager: email
[email protected] or ring 07495017364. Telephone: 01274 760720 Bradford head office: https://capuk.org/connect/contact-us Address: Christians Against Poverty, Jubilee Mill, North Street, Bradford, BD1 4EW New enquiries helpline: 0800 328 0006 Head office client support: 01274 761 999 or
[email protected] (please include your six-digit case number in the subject line) Supporter enquiries: 01274 760 761 or
[email protected] Any other enquiries: 01274 760 720 or
[email protected] Updated 02/02/18.