廈門經停遊 Xiamen Stopover Package

四星 4 Star Price: 五星 5 Star Price:

2N3D: $250/person 2N3D: $300/person 第1天 入境廈門 3N4D: $400/person 3N4D: $450/person 接機送酒店,不含晚餐。 Day 1 Arrival Xiamen Upon arrival, pick up at airport, transfer to your hotel and check in. 和悦酒店4*/翔鹭大酒店5*/明发戴斯酒店5* Highlights Xiamen Hooray Hotel 4*/ Xianglu Garden Hotel 5*/ Days Hotel & Suites Mingfa Xiamen 5*

Xiamen, Located at the southeast coast of , Xiamen is a tourist city of Province famous for its attractive seascape. As 第2天 廈門一日遊 one of the major seaports since ancient times, Xiamen boasts a wide 上午: 鼓浪嶼(不含電瓶車): 菽莊花園,鋼琴博物館, gulf with deep water but without freezing and silting. The name of 龍頭路自由活動。 'Xiamen' was consequently given, which means 'a gate of China'. As 下午: 南普陀寺,華僑博物館,廈門大學,環島路 one of the forerunners of the special economic zones of China, Day 2 Xiamen day tour Xiamen mainly consisting of Xiamen Island, Gulangyu Island, the Morning: Gulangyu Island (exclude: Golf Car): Shuzhuang Garden, north bank area of the and Tong'an County, is connect- Piano Museum, Longtou Road Shopping. ed with the mainland by the Gaoji Seawall, Xiamen Bridge, etc. Afternoon: Nanputuo Temple, Overseas Chinese Museum, Xiamen Xiamen has been called the Egret Island because of the hundreds of University, Coast Road. thousands of egrets inhabiting there. This is due to the beautiful natural scenery, the fresh air and the clean environment of the city. 早餐/中餐/晚餐 Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner Being of a subtropical monsoon climate with mild weather all year round expect the typhoon months, Xiamen is an ideal tourist destination for you. It is a typical littoral city with abundant tourist 第3天 廈門送機/永定土樓一日遊 attractions such as islands, mountains, temples and parks, etc., * 參加兩晚三天: 導遊將送您前往機場,乘坐航班離開 providing you with a full sightseeing schedule. The well-known 廈門。 Gulangyu Island, Nanputuo Temple and other tourist areas like * 參加三晚四天: 永定土樓一日遊 Jimei, Wanshiyan, etc. are highly recommended. A sea tourist line is 景點: 永定高倍土樓群: 承啟樓,五雲樓,僑福樓。 also available for you to enjoy the amazing scenery of many beautiful small islands around. Day 3 Airport transfer / Yongding earthen buildings (Tulou) day tour 3 Days 2 nights: Tour guide will transfer you to the airport . 4 Days 3 nights: Yongding earthen buildings (Tulou) day tour 團費包含 Package Inclusions Highlight: Yongding Gaobei Tulou: Chengqi, Wuyun, Qiaofu. 行程中列明的酒店(雙人房) Hotel accommodation as indicated (twin-share) 行程中列明的首道景點門票和餐食 Main entrance fee & meals as indicated 早餐/土樓農家菜/晚餐 旅遊巴士 Travel transportation Breakfast / Local Cuisine Lunch / Dinner 專業中英文導遊 Chinese & English speaking tour guide 強烈建議購買各種旅遊保險如: 醫療、失竊、旅程取消等,保障個人利益! Travel insurance (strongly recommended) 第4天 廈門送機 導遊將送您前往機場,乘坐航班離開廈門。 團費不含 Package Exclusions Day 4 Airport Transfer 國際航班機票及其產生的燃油稅和機場稅 International airfare & taxes Tour guide will transfer you to the airport. 簽證費及其他相關費用 Visa fee and it’s service fee 小費(>2歲) : 共AUD10/人/天,不含行李小費 Tipping AUD10/person/day, excluding luggage tip (>2 years old) 个人消费 Personal expense 福州經停遊 Stopover Package

四星 4 Star Price: 五星 5 Star Price: 2N3D: $300/person 2N3D: $360/person


Fuzhou is an old port city, Marco Polo visited it. In the 19th century, it exported more tea than any other Chinese port. Today, it is the provincial capital and administrative center, and also a major center for light industry. Nike has a factory there, and a Taiwanese rm that makes shoes for Adidas, Reebok and others has four. All are large factories, with several thousand employees each. Fuzhou is right across the straits from Taipei, and there is fairly heavy Taiwan investment. 第1天 入境福州 The city is on the , a few km inland from the sea. There are 接機送酒店,不含晚餐。 many mountains and waterfalls in the hinterland, while sandy Day 1 Arrival Fuzhou beaches are abundant in the coastal areas, especially in the town Upon arrival, pick up at airport, transfer to your hotel and check in. ofChangle and the island of Pingtan. The actual port is in the suburb of Mawei, which has also been a center for shipbuilding for several 光龙酒店4*/铭豪大酒店4*/西湖大酒店 hundred years. In 1884, the French destroyed a dockyard at Mawei, Fuzhou Spring Hotel 4*/ Ming Hao Hotel 4* / sinking a good part of the Chinese navy and killing hundreds. There Fuzhou Lakeside Hotel 5* is a museum to commemorate this. For a more general view of Fujian's seafaring history, visit the Maritime Museum inQuanzhou. 第2天 福州一日遊 The Fuzhou region has its own language, called Fuzhou Hua 上午: 福州國家森林公園,林則徐紀念館 (Fuzhou speech) or Mindong (Eastern Min, where "min" is another name for Fujian). The region also has its own culture and an architec- 下午: 西禪寺,三坊七巷 tural style distinct from other regions in China and Fujian, which can Day 2 Fuzhou day tour be found both in the city and in the towns and rural areas around it. Morning: Fuzhou Forest National Park, Linzexu Memorial Museum The city has the oldest wood structure in South China (Hualin Afternoon: Xichan Temple, Sanfang-Qixiang Culture Street Temple) and has one of the largest historic downtown districts in 早餐/中餐/晚餐 China "Three Lanes and Seven Alleys" with over 200 residences from Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner the Ming and Qing dynasties.

第3天 福州送機 團費包含 Package Inclusions 導遊將送您前往機場,乘坐航班離開福州。 行程中列明的酒店(雙人房) Hotel accommodation as indicated (twin-share) Day 3 Airport Transfer 行程中列明的首道景點門票和餐食 Main entrance fee & meals as indicated Tour guide will transfer you to the airport. 旅遊巴士 Travel transportation 專業中英文導遊 Chinese & English speaking tour guide 強烈建議購買各種旅遊保險如: 醫療、失竊、旅程取消等,保障個人利益! Travel insurance (strongly recommended) 您的特約旅行社 Your Travel Agent 團費不含 Package Exclusions 國際航班機票及其產生的燃油稅和機場稅 International airfare & taxes 簽證費及其他相關費用 Visa fee and it’s service fee 小費(>2歲) : 共AUD10/人/天,不含行李小費 Tipping AUD10/person/day, excluding luggage tip (>2 years old) 个人消费 Personal expense