Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd. 2018 Annual Report
Xiamen International Bank Co., Ltd. 2018 Annual Report 厦门国际银行股份有限公司 2018 年年度报告 Important Notice The Bank's Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and senior management hereby declare that this report does not contain any false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and they assume joint and individual responsibilities on the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information herein. The financial figures and indicators contained in this annual report compiled in accordance with China Accounting Standards, unless otherwise specified, are consolidated figures calculated based on domestic and overseas data in terms of RMB. Official auditor of the Bank, KPMG Hua Zhen LLP (special general partnership), conducted an audit on the 2018 Financial Statements of XIB compiled in accordance with China Accounting Standards, and issued a standard unqualified audit report. The Bank’s Chairman Mr. Weng Ruotong, Head of Accounting Affairs Ms. Tsoi Lai Ha, and Head of Accounting Department Mr. Zheng Bingzhang, hereby ensure the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the financial report contained in this annual report. Notes on Major Risks: No major risks that can be predicted have been found by the Bank. During its operation, the key risks faced by the Bank include credit risks, market risks, operation risks, liquidity risks, compliance risks, country risks, information technology risks, and reputation risks, etc. The Bank has taken measures to effectively manage and control the various kinds of operational risks. For relevant information, please refer to Chapter 2, Discussion and Analysis of Business Conditions. Forward-looking Risk Statement: This Report involves several forward-looking statements about the financial position, operation performance and business development of the Bank, such as “will”, “may”, “strive”, “endeavor”, “plan to”, “goal” and other similar words used herein.
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