Annex 1: List of Medical Case Rates
ANNEX 1. LIST OF MEDICAL CASE RATES FIRST CASE RATE ICD CODE DESCRIPTION GROUP Professional Health Care Case Rate Fee Institution Fee P91.3 Neonatal cerebral irritability ABNORMAL SENSORIUM IN THE NEWBORN 12,000 3,600 8,400 P91.4 Neonatal cerebral depression ABNORMAL SENSORIUM IN THE NEWBORN 12,000 3,600 8,400 P91.6 Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy of newborn ABNORMAL SENSORIUM IN THE NEWBORN 12,000 3,600 8,400 P91.8 Other specified disturbances of cerebral status of newborn ABNORMAL SENSORIUM IN THE NEWBORN 12,000 3,600 8,400 P91.9 Disturbance of cerebral status of newborn, unspecified ABNORMAL SENSORIUM IN THE NEWBORN 12,000 3,600 8,400 Peritonsillar abscess; Abscess of tonsil; Peritonsillar J36 ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 cellulitis; Quinsy Other diseases of larynx; Abscess of larynx; Cellulitis of larynx; Disease NOS of larynx; Necrosis of larynx; J38.7 ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 Pachyderma of larynx; Perichondritis of larynx; Ulcer of larynx Retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal abscess; J39.0 ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 Peripharyngeal abscess Other abscess of pharynx; Cellulitis of pharynx; J39.1 ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 Nasopharyngeal abscess Other diseases of pharynx; Cyst of pharynx or nasopharynx; J39.2 ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 Oedema of pharynx or nasopharynx J85.1 Abscess of lung with pneumonia ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY TRACT 10,000 3,000 7,000 J85.2 Abscess of lung without pneumonia; Abscess of lung NOS ABSCESS OF RESPIRATORY
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