New Or Noteworthy Plants from Colombia and Central America-2
NEW OR NOTEWORTHY PLANTS FROM COLOMBIA AND CENTRAL AMERICA-2. By HENRY PirrrEu, MAGNOLIACEAE, THE COSTA RICAN SPECIES OF TALATXMA. The genus Talauma is re]>resented in Costa Rica by two species, one of which grows at the lower edge of the "tiemi templada/' while the other is conspicuous among the larger trees of the upper forest belt on the volcanoes Barba and Poas. Heretofore the last species has been considered identical with T. cexpedesii of Central Colombia, a view that is not tenable, for reasons which are stated below, Talauma poaaana Pittier, sp. now Medium-sized tree. Young twigs glabrous, regularly marked by the circular scars of the caducous stipules. Leaves coriaceous, glabrous, petiolate. Petioles S to 3.5 cm. long, canaliculate, rather slender* Leaf blades 10 to 14 cm. long, 5 to 0 cm. broad, acute at base, with a more or leas rounded acumen, light green and glossy above, whitish green and finely reticulate beneath. Margin very entire, slightly re volute. Pedicels 6 cm. long from bract to perianth. Perianth formed of 9 thick, coriaceous divisions, the 3 exterior ones (sepals) laiger, about H cm. long by 2 cm. broad, elliptic- ovate, greenish and eallose on the back, cream white with purplish tinges inside, the interior ones obovate^pathulate and conchiform, of the same length as the former but narrower and entirely (Team white. Stamens numerous; anthers sessile, about 12 mm. long, introrse. Carpels numerous, fusiform, and forming astrobiliformgynce- cium. Ovary 2-ovulate; style dorsi-sulcate, ending in an obtuse re flexed tip. Fruits and seeds unknown* COSTA RICA: Rancho Flores, altitude 2,050 meters, at the foot of the Barba Volcano, Pittier, flowers, May, 1888; Ttmduzt flowers, February, 1890 (Institute ffs-goog.
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