Little Snake River Watershed Investigation, Level I Study

Client/ Mr. Ron Vore Project Manager: Jay Schug Reference: Water Development Commission 6920 Yellowtail Road Cheyenne, WY 82002 (307) 777-7626

The Little Snake River watershed is tributary to the and is located in the River basin. The watershed spans state lines with the Colorado / Wyoming State line effectively dividing the watershed in half. The project study area includes the Vermillion Creek watershed, which lies west of the Little Snake River watershed and is also directly tributary to the Green River in Colorado. The total area encompassed by these watersheds is approximately 5,052 square miles. The study area is relatively isolated from metropolitan areas and its three towns (Baggs, Dixon, and Savery) have a combined population of less than 1,000 people. The primary land uses have historically been agricultural in nature with livestock grazing being the dominant livelihood. However, with the “boom” in energy development, man’s impact upon the region has increased with the construction of numerous oil and gas wells along with their supporting infrastructure (road, pipelines, etc.). In support of local efforts to identify potential conflicts and solutions to water related issues, Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. was contracted by the Wyoming Water Development Commission to conduct an in- depth evaluation of the watershed and its water resources. The purpose of the study was to identify water supply needs and to develop a watershed management plan that identifies problem areas within the watershed and to provide practical economic solutions with an emphasis placed on the evaluation of potential storage opportunities. The watershed study is a comprehensive multi-disciplinary evaluation of existing conditions. Specific tasks included in this effort are listed below.

• Facilitate consensus building among the LSRCD, landowners and the Wyoming Water Development Commission. • Facilitate public participation. • Develop a comprehensive GIS encompassing the vast amount of spatial data, background mapping, and aerial photography (including the legacy of historic aerial imagery, • Construct a Digital Library with which the user can access the extensive amount of existing literature and data. The Digital Library should also be seamlessly available through the GIS environment. • Conduct an evaluation and description of the Little Snake River watershed (and associated watersheds) based to a large degree on the wealth of available information. • Augment existing baseline geomorphic data by conducting a geomorphic investigation of the primary channels within the watershed and identify potential mitigation measures to improve impaired channel reaches. • Conduct an irrigation system inventory and develop an enhancement / rehabilitation plan for those ditches expressing an interest to participate. • Conduct an evaluation of water storage needs and opportunities to augment water available for livestock and wildlife. • Develop a watershed management plan which identifies problem areas within the watershed and proposes practical economic solutions. • Identify permits easements and clearances necessary for Little Snake River, Near Savery, Wyoming plan implementation. wywdc32 Little Snake River Watershed Study.docx Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc. • Develop cost estimates for improvements.

All of the information collected during this study is being incorporated into a comprehensive GIS developed using ArcView software. In addition to traditional coverage generated using the spatial data, ACE has developed innovative customized tools to facilitate data queries, data review and editing, and map generation. In addition, our Digital Library enables the user to incorporate information from virtually any other electronic media into a comprehensive ‘clearinghouse’ of information.

wywdc32 Little Snake River Watershed Study.docx Anderson Consulting Engineers, Inc.