86 Players Contest in U.S. Open

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86 Players Contest in U.S. Open Volume I Wednesday, NUU'lber 24 Offj clnl PubUcati on of jije Unl ted Stutes (bess federati on A ugust 20, 1947 86 Players Contest In u.s. Open LARGEST FIELD OF PLAYERS I MEn IN 48th OPEN TOURNEY Latin American Champions Entered Add That International Flavor At Corpus Christi, Texas, the largest and one of the strongest fields of chess players contest for the 48th Annual U. S. Opcn Championship title. Eighty-six players in all, representing seven­ teen States, Mexico, Canada, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Cuba and New Zealand, are meeting in the modified Swiss System Tourna­ ment conducted by the USCF with the Corpus Christi Chess Club and the Texas Chess Association acting as hosts. The Tournamcnt is the meetil~g. place of champions, average players and noviccs. A few of the leading names include Isaac Kashdan, former Open Champion j Herman Steiner, dcfclldillg Open Champion; Anlhony E. Sant:l.siere, Ventnor City victor; Dan Abc Yanofsky, present Canadian Champion; R. G. \Vade, for~ ncr )Jew Zealand Champion; Miguel Aleman, Champion o£ Cuba; Miguel Cucfl"ar, Cnampiul1 o( CuiUllli)ia; J\rillro CoJon. Challlpinn CIf Pm'rll) llieo; and Weaver Adams and Olaf U l ve~tad of the U. S. Team vs. U. S. S. R. I!la,ers ol lIote Iuuude vl.h", See September 5 issue for final nDE U "LEGA rEs ASSEMBLED AT H1LVERSUfI,'j Mary Baln, Southern Ass'n Wo­ report on Tournament. 7 man's Champion; Alronso Ferrlz, Gien, U.SA.; Postnlkolf, Cz«hslcn... :..iI.; Dr. W. Dorazil, Aus.""; G. C. Dal Vnm", Champion of Mexico City; Willtam Preside",; Prof. H. Meyu, Tn3.$urtrj haly. • Byland, Metropolitan Champion of CCLA ANNOUNCES Franct. Pittsburgh; Paul Poschel, II l1noifJ B... ~ Ro ..: Interpreter; Foll:.e Rogard, Scandinavian Zont; State Champion; Albert Sandrbl, ITS 15th ANNUAL M,JJI" R.. ---SlanJiI18: Dr. F. Pettet'S, Belgium; N. Staltn', Yudowitch, U.S.S.R.; Y. MarcuM', Paltstint; MaW,,,ff, U.S. former illinois State Champion; Dr. U. S. CHAMPIONSHIP L..nrftrlbourg; B. H. Wood, Gre.lt Britain; Dr. E. V""lImy, S.R.; G. W. ). ZittH'Steyn, Nttllttlands; Jou Si5k.a, Yugo­ Gustave Drexe l, Florida State Switurland; IUgoz:in, U.S.S.R. ; Heynen, Hungary; ). Louma, $Ini:t; K. ). Nifukerl:ce, 5«x-tuty. Champion; Charles Joachim, Seat­ Entry for the 15th Grand National tle Champion and rormer Vienna Correspondence Chess Cbampion­ AL. WILLS W INS U. S. HAS TWO MEN Amateur Champion; AHred Ludwig, ship Tournament which confers the PLAYGROUNDS ARE Nebraska State Cbamplon; Itobert Official Correspondence' Ciless Title LA. STATE TITLE; IN WORLD MATCH CHESS-CONSCIOUS Steinmeyer, S t. Louis Dis trict for the United States closes on Champion; DI·. Bela Rosza, OkJa­ September J, 1947. Tile tournament FORM STATE ASS'N FOR "MAIL" TITLE AT HARRISBl ~ RG, PA. homa State Champion; and Bert Is conducted by the Correspondence Brice-~ash, Panhandle Open Cham· , Chess League of America under the tn the Louisiana State Champlon­ In the World Championship Cor­ Sponsored by Councilman Leitner pion. endorsement or the Uulted States silip Tournament tjt Baton Rouge, respondE-lice Tournament two well­ the g ame ot chess has become a The JunlOI' group of players is Chess Federation. July 4·6, A!. Wills of New Orleans known CCLA players nre entered. playground llluSt for Harrisburg' ably represented by George Kram· Unlike other CCLA events Illls emerged us State Champion. close· One is Jack w: Collins. present (Pn.) Parks Department. Starting er, former New York St.ate Cham­ tOUl'llame nt is open to a ll residents ly followed by Cccll K. Colllus o f U. S. COI'respondence Chcss Cham· with GO S€ts and boarus purchased pion ; Larry Evans, U. S. Junior of the United States (whether Shreveport, the 1946 Ch ampion. pion; the other J. Eldwin Woody. on au experimental budget, aided Lightning Champion; Joseph Sulli­ members of the CCLA or not) but Third place went to }-'rederlck who leads in the current U. S. by the advice of the USC!>' on COII­ van, Jr., Southern Ass'n Junior all cO~lpetitors must be members Cummings o! New Orleans by vi.r­ Correspon dence Tourue)' and can do 'structing the program with USCF Champion; and Paul Poschel, lIli· of the USCF or become members tue ot a Sonneborn-Berger rating no worse thall lie tor the U. S. Dh'ector John D. French on the nois Junior Champion. in ol'der to compete. Ttle tourna_ breaking his tie score with Gray Title. Collins (BrooklYll) and sPOt to otrer suggestions, the Parks Early rounds reported as CHESS ment has tllree rounds of play, with wllo was I)iaced fourth. The seven Woody (Two Rivers. WIs.) will Department have already found a LIFE goeS to press Indicate an' ex­ prizes in each round. W inner of round Swiss tourney had twenty­ meet such redoubtable correspond· playground cbess program growing citing start to the tournament with the championship receives posses­ two entries and was directed by ence experts as Purdy. G. WOOd, into one of tile Il\03t popular or the usual upsets. In a s tartling sion of the Henry D. Hibbard Me­ Otto C1altor of lJaton Rouge, with Koshnilsky and Henneberger In acth'lties. Over 100 boys and girls game 15-year-old Larry Evans best­ morial Trophy for one year plus J . C. Currie, A. M. Lockett, Jr., their endeavor to bring this World bave learned to play chess since its ed Abe Yanofsky, while )1rS. Mary permanent possession of a special C. K. Collins and A. Wills serving T itle to America. Introduction in June or this year. Baln defeated AIronso l-~errl:c, but trophy, and is recogni:!:ed by the on the tournament committee. The First instructor appol.n,ted was lost to Olaf Ulvestad. As the early USCF a s the U. S. Correspondence Shreveport Chess Club will be hosts 16·year-old J oseph E. MUleI'. a rounds of the S"'iss System do not Chess Champion for 19-47. to the 19d Tournament. R. E. MARTIN WINS bring together the leading players, Doys' Club chess expert, who has ll\Ost of tbe ranking e ntrants In the RULES On July filh tlle Louis iana State CCA "MAIL" TITLE taugbt most of the other youthful I. All cn l n.nl~ DJu>t be mcmto.-n in good Chess Fedcrntlon WIlS formally or­ Instructors in the fine points of the tournament are as yet undofeated, "l~n,Ji~>( 0' the IISC.·. although Arturo Colon Joined the ~. ~:"Iry I...,: '1.00 per """11on--$l.:IO if ganl:ced aud the following omcials IN CANADIAN MEET game. So successful has been the .vou a", not a rn~rolw,r ilL good OU,,,U,,1t of were elected: A. \Vyatt Jones ranks ot the unexpectedly van­ chess program that neighboring Quished in yielding a gurne to Wil­ ~~,So';::"':::~~n~. I ~~~,~ :':"i~~:=l~ (Shreveport) pr(lsillent, Andrew M. Robert E. Martin, pres.ldent of the y,,,, 1i!O-. r..oekett. Jl·. (New OI·leans). Ralph cities are alrea.ly viewing the re­ liam Kendall ot San Antonio In the 3. On. "" m~ with ","eh o,,~t. 1,,,11,,. Gambit Chess Club (Toronto), Is second round. I>!".I lI',m ... will to.- ""liN In tor adj,,,Ii<·~tl,,n 11. Agate (Lafayette). Dt·. Earl victor in the 194G Canadian Postal sults at Harrisburg and Illanning to ,,,'" Y"T ~ft"T tto.-,- arc hot",," In the /lu' Jones Alexandria) and Eugene K. Chess Championship Tournament Other. early roulul s urpl'lses lu­ r,,"m). .noJ ei.;hI ~n monlh. in the OOl('(>nd rollow suit. ,,,,,,,,1. 1"loul'lIey (MonrOE-) vlce·presldents; conducted hy the Caillulian COI'fe' cluded the I)I'UlIant gamo of the ~. 1'12) ..... ",e allow~ d (lO I.... 'n in which and Otto Clultor (Baton Rouge) spondence Chess Ass'n. with a score A championship tournament has lS·year-old Ceorge Kramer In whiCh to di.v;otch their ",,,"<.. "",.I mll.t m~k e 110 111 '''-,.. In 1.h'N mont!,. (HKU';IIK In"" Ih~ secl·etarY-(I·ensurer. Dues for the of 6-1. Second l)lace went to Frank been p1auned for the playgrounds he held ille undefeated Isaac Kash· 1' ...11113,.11 01 lh.,;. OI'P""ont·. """I. til Ihe Louisfana Chess l~cderaUon auto­ pu,lllluk of th"\T 0"'-" 1'('\, li ... ) ~nd t~ n mon. Ander'soll (Toronto) wlUl a score In August with tile win ners in ea'Ch dan to a dnlW while Itl e fonner matically \Jlcludes membership in champion Anthony Santaslero wns " mo"lh ",,·,,·Mt...... F'ailnTe 10 "","ply ,.,-111 of 5~ · H. Anderson bested Martin park meeting in a final tournament I", ."md~" 1 ca" ... 10 dc-clare the .kH"'ll1rnl • tho USC ~~. in their game, but lost to Moman no more sllccessful, drawing with 1'1 ..... '. r', 1r~H\~' l<:>rl.. il....:l. to determine the Park Champion­ ro. 0 .... month .·~.,.ti"n may be tAken ~ur. and drew with Stockll. Thlnl place the young Alben Sllndrln ot Chi­ Lou"i.n. Stote Chom""nlhip In!!, ~a"h year of play. dtl....... _t OM t!m~ went to W. :\Iulr (Schenectady) ship; and the Harrisburg T e legrapn cago whose falling eyesight has 80 ~,' I" I"'TlOO. of ........,i< or ,,...,.,. but ""II. \\'111 . ___.. __ .6~.} Hoymood _ ...... 8&.31 ft,,,,lIon In .01 ...0 .... mu.,t \:>f' ci"en 10 lbe (""m". ___.... _6·1 lIu"ter ___.. _.. 3·~ with 5-2. Other scOres were J. is donating prizes for the event. far been no handlCSI) to his game.
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