JOBNAME: RNA 12#5 2006 PAGE: 1OUTPUT: Saturday April 114:41:58 2006 csh/RNA/111792/RNA23004

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Identification of inhibitors of ribozymeself-cleavage in mammalian cells via high-throughput screening of chemical libraries

LAISING YEN,1 MAXIMEMAGNIER,1 RALPH WEISSLEDER,2 BRENT R. STOCKWELL,3 andRICHARD C. MULLIGAN 1 1 Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, and Division of Molecular Medicine, Children’sHospital, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA 2 Center for Molecular Imaging Research, Massachusetts GeneralHospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, Massachusetts 02129, USA 3 Department of BiologicalSciences and DepartmentofChemistry,Fairchild Center,Columbia University,New York, New York 10027, USA

ABSTRACT We have recently described an RNA-only regulation system for mammalian cells in which inhibition of self-cleavage of an mRNA carrying sequences provides the basis for control of . An important proof of principle for that system was provided by demonstrating the ability of one specific small inhibitor of RNA self-cleavage, toyocamycin, to control gene expression in vitro and vivo. Here, we describe the development of the high-throughput screening (HTS) assay that led to the identification of toyocamycin and other capable of inhibiting RNA self-cleavage in mammalian cells. To identify small molecules that can serve as inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage, we established acell-based assay in which expression of a luciferase ( luc)reporter is controlled by ribozyme sequences, and screened 58,076 compounds for their ability to induce luciferase expression. Fifteen compounds able to inhibit ribozyme self-cleavage in cells were identified through this screen. The most potent of the inhibitors identified were toyocamycin and 5-fluorouridine (FUR), analogs carrying modifications of the 7-position and 5-position of the purine or pyrimidine bases. Individually, these two compounds were able to induce gene expression of the ribozyme-controlled reporter ; 365-fold and 110-fold, respectively. Studies of the mechanism of action of the ribozyme inhibitors indicate that the compounds must be incorporated into RNA in order to inhibit RNA self- cleavage. Keywords: gene regulation; ribozyme self-cleavage; ribozyme inhibitors; toyocamycin; 5-fluorouridine

INTRODUCTION (Gossen and Bujard1992; Wang et al. 1994; Rivera et al. 1996;Suhr et al. 1998). More recently, the discovery of The ability to ‘‘exogenously’’ control the expressionof RNA interference and siRNAs has led to the development in mammalian cells has been apowerful toolof of novel strategiesfor controlling geneexpression that rely biomedicalresearch (Gossen and Bujard 2002). Gene on the targeting of RNA(Fire et al. 1998;McManus and regulation technology has already played acritical role in Sharp 2002). In the hopes of extending the application and efforts to understand the role of specific geneproducts utility of gene regulation technology, we have been inter- in fundamental biological processes, in development, and ested in the development of new methodsfor controlling in disease states. In the future,the technology offers the geneexpression that rely on the modulation of RNA self- opportunitytohave amajorimpact in new areas of re- cleavage rather than . The basis for such a searchand medicine. To date, most commonly used gene system is the incorporation of sequences encoding self- regulation systems rely on the control of transcription cleaving RNA motifs(i.e., ribozyme sequences) into a Reprint requests to: Richard C. Mulligan, Harvard Gene Therapy mammalian transcription unit, such that upon generation Initiative, Harvard Institutes of Medicine, Suite 407, 4Blackfan Circle, of the resulting mRNA,spontaneous ribozyme self-cleavage Boston, MA 02115, USA; e-mail: [email protected]; should lead to destruction of the mRNAand therefore fax: (617) 432-6146. Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are no gene expression. Administration of agents capableof at inhibiting RNA self-cleavage should result in preservation

RNA (2006), 12:797–806. PublishedbyCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press. Copyright Ó 2006 RNA Society. 797

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of the intact mRNA and therefore reinstate (i.e., ‘‘induce’’) screeninorder to directly identify molecules capableof geneexpression(Fig. 1A). functioning within cells. Since avariety of aminoglycoside The two essential requirements of such an RNA-only (Stage et al. 1995; Murray and Arnold 1996;Hermann and generegulation system are the availability of ribozyme Westhof 1998; Tor et al. 1998; Jenne et al. 2001) and non- sequences capableofefficient self-cleavage in mammalian aminoglycoside antibiotics (Jenne et al. 2001)had been cells when embeddedinanmRNA transcript, and the previously shown to be able to inhibit the self-cleavage of availability of small molecules capableofinhibiting such hammerhead in the in vitro setting, we first self-cleavage in mammalian cells.With regard to the first screened such compounds in the -based assay.Wethen requirement, we have recently testedalarge numberof extended the studies to include the high-throughput natural and synthetic ribozyme sequences for their ability screening of 58,076compounds. We report here the results to function in mammalian cells when embeddedinan of those screening efforts and the characteristics (and in mRNAtranscript. We were able to identify and further some cases,the mechanism of action) of the inhibitors that developamodified version of ahammerhead ribozyme, were identified. derived from Schistosoma mansoni (Sm1), that is capable of extremely efficientself-cleavage in mammalian cells (Yen et al. 2004). This ribozyme,termedN79,was foundto RESULTS function in avariety of commonly used mammalian cell linesand in primarycells in vivo. An important proof of Generation of reporter cell lines for principle for the use of inhibitors of RNA self-cleavage to cell-based screening control geneexpressionwas providedbythe demonstration of the ability of one specific small molecule inhibitor of For screeningpurposes, we chose to generate astable RNAself-cleavage, toyocamycin, to control gene expression human (HEK-derived) cell line that carries an integrated in vitro and vivo. Here, we describe the development of mammalian expressionvector in which aluc reporter the high-throughput screening (HTS) assay that led to the gene’s expression is placedunder the control of the CMV identificationoftoyocamycinand other inhibitors of RNA promoter and with two copies of the N79ribozyme (Fig. self-cleavage. Rather than rely on in vitro screens of 1B). Stable cell lineswere generated by cotransfection of compounds, we chose to develop amammalian cell-based HEK 293 cells with the reporter construct, an expression

FIGURE 1. Strategy for identifying new ribozyme inhibitors via high-throughput screening. ( A )Controlling gene expression via the modulation of RNA self-cleavage. When a cis-acting hammerhead ribozyme is embedded in the mRNA, self-cleavage leads to the destruction of the mRNA and results in the absence of gene expression. However, the administration of specific inhibitors of the ribozyme leads to the generation of intact mRNAs and results in expression. ( B )Schematic representation of the N79 ribozymes and the reporter gene expression vector used for the cell-based screening assay. Stable cell clones that had low background luc expression and could be induced by morpholino anti-sense as shown in the bioluminescent images were selected for the use in the screen. The black line identifies the sequence targeted by the anti-sense . numbering follows standard nomenclature (Hertel et al. 1992).

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Inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage in mammalian cells

vector encoding puromycin resistance, and subsequent chemical diversity (10,000 compounds). For this high- selection in puromycin-containing medium. Approximately throughput screening effort, the HEK79 cells were seeded 10 clonal cell lineswere generated in this way. To identify in a386-well format and exposed to the different com- specific cell linescapableofresponding to putative inhib- poundsatafinal concentration of 4 m g/mL for 48 h, and itory molecules, all cell lines were tested for both their basal luc activity wasthen measured using aplate reader. levelofluc expressionand forthe extentofinduction of luc Molecules were considered positiveifthey induced luc expression achieved after transfection of the cells with an expression in cells carrying functional N79 ribozymes but anti-sense morpholino oligonucleotide known to block the not in cells carrying inactiveN79 ribozymes. Throughthis cleavage of N79 (Yen et al. 2004). Several cell lines tested in primary screening effort and subsequent analysis of similar thisway expressed very low basal levels of luc, yet were analogs of positivemolecules, 15 ribozyme inhibitors were readily induced to express luc after administration of oligo- identified. The maximalfold increase in luc expression nucleotide. One of these cell lines, termed HEK79, showed achieved by each compound(Foldmax) and the concen- a20-fold inductionofluc expressionafter oligonucleo- trationthat yields50% of maximal induction(EC50) are tideadministration and was chosenfor high-throughput summarized in Table 2. All of the identifiedmolecules were screening (Fig. 1B). shown to possess comparable activity in aseparately generated N79-carrying cell line to that observed in the HEK79 cell line usedfor the original screening (data not High-throughput screening of compound libraries shown). Interestingly, noneofthe inhibitors that were As indicated above, several different antibiotic compounds identified were aminoglycosides, despite the presence of havebeen previously shown to inhibit ribozyme activity in manysuch molecules in the libraries. vitro.Asafirst step toward the identificationofcom- pounds capableofinhibiting ribozyme cleavage in mam- Characterization of positive compounds malian cells, we testedavariety of such compounds (Table 1), using both the HEK79 cell line and cells transiently trans- Basedonstructural similarities, the identifiedmolecules fectedwith different N79 variants. None of the compounds can be divided into three groups.The first group consistsof testedrevealed an appreciable inhibitory effect on ribozyme adenosine analogs, includingtubercidin(7-deaza-adenosine), self-cleavage, when administered at concentrations of either tubercidin-monophosphate and -triphosphate, tubercidin- 10 or 100 m M(data not shown). cyclicmonophosphate, sangivamycin, 8-azaadenosine, tri- Basedonthose results,weextended the screening effort cyclicnucleoside, and toyocamycin. All members of this to include 58,076compounds. The full set of compounds group contain at least amodified 7-position on the purine included an annotated bioactivecompoundlibrary (2036 (Fig. 2A). Analogsthat have modifications other than at compounds) (Root et al. 2003); adiversity library obtained the 7-position, such as 2-amino, 3-deaza, 6-chloro, 9-deaza, fromNINDS (1040 compounds) (Lunn et al. 2004); acol- lacked an inhibitory effect. In addition, the identified com- lection of FDA-approved drugs (1000 compounds) (Rogers poundsall contain a29 OH group on the sugar base, et al. 2002); acombinatorial library from Comgenex indicating that aribose is necessary fortheir inhibitory (20,000 compounds); alibrary containing both natural effects (Fig.2A). Similar analogs that lack 2 9 OH or are products and synthetic compounds (TIC; 24,000 com- missing the riboseentirely produced no appreciable inhibition pounds) (Kelley et al. 2004); andacombinatorial library (29 -deoxy-tubercidin, 2 9 -deoxy-toyocamycin) (Fig. 2B). Of called the ‘‘World Diversity Set,’’ obtained from Specs, all the compounds, toyocamycin (Aszalos et al. 1966) was containing compounds chosenfor geographic as well as found to be the most potent ribozyme inhibitor, resulting in up to 365-fold luc inductionwhen applied to the stable cell line.The effectiveness of the remaining compounds in TABLE 1. Survey of ability of different antibiotics to inhibit this group was <60-fold (Table 2). Based on its apparent hammerhead ribozymefunction higher effectiveness, adose-response curve of toyocamycin Chlortetracycline Kanamycin on the stable cell line wasgenerated. As shown in Figure Demeclocycline Neomycin B 2C, the inductionpeakedrapidly around1m Mand then Diminazeneaceturate Neomycin sulfate Distamycin ANetropsin dropped off sharply. This drop coincidedwith apparent cell Doxorubicin Paramomycin toxicity observed by microscopy. In addition, adecrease of 5-epi-Sisomicin Sisomicinsulfate luc expressionfromcells carrying inactive ribozymes, Gentamicinsulfate Tetracyclin presumably due to the toxicity effects of the compound, G418 Tobramycin was observed when the concentration of toyocamycin Gramicidin DTuberactinomycin A Hoechst 33258 Tuberactinomycin B reached 0.5 m M. The dose-limiting toxicity of toyocamycin Hoechst 33342 thus excludes its use at higher concentration or for long- term applications. 799 JOBNAME: RNA 12#5 2006 PAGE: 4OUTPUT: Saturday April 114:42:13 2006 csh/RNA/111792/RNA23004

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(Ferbeyre et al. 1998), ahuman parasite TABLE 2. Compoundsfound to inhibit ribozyme activity in cells that infects people in many areas of the a b Compound name EC50 ( m M) Foldmax Class world (Ross et al. 2002). It is intriguing Toyocamycin 0.4 378.2 Adenosine analog that oneofthe drugssuggested in the 8-Azaadenosine 3.6 45.4 Adenosine analog past as potential treatments for Schisto- Sangivamycin 1.1 38.2 Adenosine analog some infection was tubercidin (Jaffe Tubercidin 2.5 57.8 Adenosine analog et al. 1971;elKouni 1991), the same Tubercidin-cyclic monophosphate 34.4 35.1 Adenosine analog molecule identified in our screen as an Tubercidin-monophosphate 2.2 39.3 Adenosine analog Tubercidin-triphosphate 1.9 34.7 Adenosine analog Sm1 ribozyme inhibitor. This prompted Nebularine 10.2 8.4 Adenosine analog us to test other molecules with known Tricyclic nucleoside 39.5 12.0 Adenosine analog anti-Schistosomal effects for their 5-Fluoro-uridine 5.9 120.9 Uridineanalog inhibitory potential. These included 5-Bromo-uridine 266.6 15.5 Uridineanalog nebularine, dipyridamole, benzylacy- 5-Fluoro-uracil499.5 65.3 Uridineanalog Syto-83 7.4 25.6 RNA-bindingdye clouridine, metrifonate, oxamniquine, Homidium bromide 2.3 8.4 RNA-bindingdye praziquantel, and artemether. However, Acridine orange 7.0 3.6 RNA-bindingdye only nebularine (also an adenosine an- a Theeffective concentration at 50% of maximal induction. alog) (el Kouni and Cha 1987) showed b Numbers are maximal ‘‘fold increase’’inluciferase expression after 24 hofcompound an inhibitory effect on ribozyme self- treatment. cleavage, albeit minimal (Table 2). In- terestingly, unlike most of the adeno- sine analogs found in ourscreen, Thesecondgroup of ribozyme inhibitors identified in the nebularine contains amodification on the 6- butnot the screenconsists of uridine analogs, including 5-bromouridine, 7-position of the purine base (Fig. 2A). 5-fluorouridine (FUR), and 5-fluorouracil (5FU)(Fig. 3A). Lastly,itshouldbenoted that whilethere were numerous All contain a5-position modification on the pyrimidine. guanosineand cytidine analogsinthe 58,076 compounds Analogsthat contain an iodo, amethyl, ahydroxyl, an screened,noneofthemsurfacedasribozymeinhibitors. In ethyl, or an aza group on the 5-position lack an inhibitory particular,7-deazaguanineand 7-deazaguanosine triphos- effect. In the case of this group of inhibitors, FUR was the phate(thepurinecounterpartsoftubercidin) and5F- most potent. However, replacing the 2 9 OH group of FUR cytosine (the pyrimidine counterpartof5FU)(Fig. 4B)all by either 2 9 deoxy or 2 9 O-methyl, or by inverting the stereo- showed no inhibitory effectswhentestedatsimilar concen- centerofthe 2 9 -position (Fig.3B), resulted in loss of inhi- trations that produced inhibition by adenosineanalogs or bition, indicating that, as with adenosine analogs, aribose uridineanalogs.The fact that only adenosineand uridine is necessary for the inhibitory effects of uridine analogs. In analogsbut no guanosineand cytidine analogswerefound contrast to toyocamycin, the dose-response curve of FUR positive mayprovide an insightintothe N79structure– reached aplateau of 110-fold at 50 m M, and the plateau was function relationship (see below). maintained for awide range of concentrations (Fig. 3C), suggesting that an efficient induction can be reached with Mechanisms responsible for ribozyme inhibition: alower dosage before reaching severe toxicity.The related RNA incorporation vs. RNA binding molecule 5FU (Longley et al. 2003), however, has adose- response curve resembling that of toyocamycin, reaching To examinethe mechanismsresponsible forribozymeinhibi- apeak of 65-fold followedbyaquick drop-off (Fig. 3D). tion, we incubatedthe N79 ribozyme with either tubercidin The effectiveness of 5FU was also significantly less, re- or toyocamycin in an in vitro catalytic reaction. Surpris- quiring aconcentration of 500 m Mtoreach 50% of the ingly, neither tubercidin (Fig.5A, lanes3–8)nor toyocamycin maximal induction, as compared to the 6 m Mrequired for (Fig.5B, lanes3–8)was able to inhibitribozymeself-cleavage FUR(see EC50 in Table 2). For both FURand 5FU, a in vitro,asindicated by the unaltered cleavage percentage decrease of luc expressionfrom cells carryinginactive over abroad range of compound concentrations. The lack ribozymes was observed when concentrations reached 800 of direct inhibition by these molecules indicatedthat their m M. mechanism of inhibition was not likely due to direct The thirdgroup of ribozyme inhibitors belongs to the ribozyme–compound interactions.Inlight of our findings family of RNA-binding dyes, and includes Syto-83, ethid- that inhibitory activity appeared to always be associated ium bromide(homidium bromide), and acridineorange with a29 OH group on the sugar base, we next asked (Fig.4A). These dyes were also far less potent inhibitors whether covalent incorporation of these analogs into the than the adenosine or uridine analogs(Table 2). ribozyme-containing RNA might be required for the in- As mentioned earlier, the N79 ribozyme used in our cell- hibition of RNA self-cleavage. To test if covalent incorpo- based assay was developed from Sm1of S. mansoni rationofidentifiedinhibitory molecules can, indeed, lead

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Inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage in mammalian cells

polymerase. However, past studies using chemical synthesis to generate FUR-containing hammerhead ribozymes dem- onstrated that when incorporated at certainkey positions of the ribozyme,FUR,indeed, impairedself-cleavage (Hammann et al. 2001).

FIGURE 2. Chemical structures of identified adenosine analog ribozyme inhibitors and related compounds. ( A )Analogs capable of inhibiting ribozyme self-cleavage in cells contain at least amodified 7-position on the purine, with the exception of nebularine, which contains a6-position modification.These compounds all have a29 OH group on the sugar base. The differences between these compounds and the inactive adenosine are indicated by the yellow shade. ( B ) Examples of analogs that lacked an inhibitory effect. ( C )Dose- response curve of toyocamycin in log scale. Error bars indicate 1S.D. ( standard deviation).

to cleavage inhibition, tubercidin-triphosphatewas used in place of ATP in an in vitro transcription reaction to generate ribozyme RNAcarrying substitutions in all aden- osinepositions. As shown in Figure 5C, this substitution resulted in the complete loss of ribozyme self-cleavage (Fig. 5C, lanes 2–6), while the unsubstituted ribozyme cleaved efficiently under the sameconditions (Fig. 5C, lane 7). Similarly, FUR (Fig. 5D) and 5FU (Fig. 5E) exhibitedno FIGURE 3. Chemical structures of identified uridine analog ribo- zyme inhibitors and related compounds. ( A )Analogs capable of inhibitory effect when incubateddirectlywithN79 ribozyme inhibiting ribozyme self-cleavage in cells contain amodified 5- at concentrations that would normally produce pro- position on the pyrimidine. These compounds all have a29 OH group nounced induction in the cell-based assays. Ourattempts on the sugar base. The differences between these compounds and the to examinethe effect of incorporating FUR into the N79 inactive uridine are indicated by the yellow shade. ( B )Examples of analogs that lacked the inhibitory effect. ( C )Dose-response curve of ribozyme were inconclusive due to the difficulty of gener- FUR in log scale. ( D )Dose-response curve of 5FU in log scale. Error ating full-length FUR-substitutedN79 ribozyme by T7 bars indicate 1S.D. 801

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lead to the graded loss of cleavage activity in vivo. Furthermore, the N79 ribozyme contains an unusually high percentageofAand Ubases in its loops Iand II. Substituting these bases could disrupt the critical interac- tion of the two loops required for the ribozyme to function in cells (De la Pena et al. 2003; Khvorova et al. 2003; Penedoetal. 2004; Yen et al. 2004).

Synergistic inhibition of ribozyme function by combined administration of toyocamycin and FUR As toyocamycin (an adenosine analog)and FUR(auridine analog) would occupy different positions if they were in- corporated into the N79 ribozyme, we nextasked whether combined administration of the two compounds might lead to improved inhibition of ribozyme functionrelative FIGURE 4. Chemical structures of identified RNA-binding dye to addition of asingle compound and perhaps define aless ribozyme inhibitors and several guanine and cytidine analogs related to tubercidin and 5FU that lack inhibitory activity. ( A )RNA-binding toxic regimen for achieving reasonable levels of induction of dyes. The structure of Syto-83 is currently unavailable. ( B )Structure geneexpression. To address this question, varying amounts of guanosine and cytidine analogs with similar functional groups to of each compoundwere combined andadded to HEK79 that of tubercidin and 5FU but that lacked the inhibitory activity. cells, and subsequently, the fold induction of luc expression was determined. As shown in Figure 6, administration of specific concentrations of the two compounds did, indeed, Consistent with the mechanism of covalent incorpora- result in amore efficient inhibition of the ribozyme than tion of the compounds into the ribozyme-encoding cellular was possible with either compoundalone (e.g., 670-fold mRNA, it has been reportedthat tubercidin (Acs et al. induction by acombination of the twocompounds vs. 1964), toyocamycin (Suhadolnik et al. 1967), 5-FUridine 120-fold induction by FUR aloneor378-fold induction by (Glazerand Lloyd1982),and 5-FU (Glazerand Lloyd1982) toyocamycin alone). In addition, avariety of mixturesof areable to enterthe ribonucleotide pool for RNA synthesis the twocompounds were able to induce geneexpression and can be found in the cellular of mammalian cells. between 200- and 600-fold (Fig.6), in contrast to the nar- This mechanism of inhibition of ribozyme function, de- row range of concentrationsoftoyocamycin for which pendent on inhibitor incorporation into RNA, may shed induction can be achieved in the absence of significant light on the basis for our identification of only adenosine toxicity (Fig. 2C). To document the practical use of this analogs with amodified 7-position and uridine analogs two-compound cocktail for the regulation of geneexpres- with amodified 5-position as effective inhibitors and our sion in vivo, we established an in vivomodel in which an inability to identify any analogous guanosine and cytidine AAVvector encoding aluc reporter controlled by two analogs. While these findings might simply relate to the copiesofthe N79 ribozyme (similar transcription cassette variable cell permeability of different molecules, or their to that diagrammed in Fig.1)was injected subcutaneously ability to be recognized by RNApolymerases for incorpo- to the left ear of nude mice. To provide an internal control, ration, they may suggest that structural interactions invol- all mice were also injected in the right ear with ving the 7- and 5-positions of Aand Ubases, respectively, carrying the inactiveN79. After3wk,thesemice were areparticularly important for N79 ribozyme function in imagedfor basal luc gene expression (day 0), and imme- vivo. Althoughthe 7-position of Adoesnot form hydrogen diately after imaging, asingle pulse of cocktail was of mice, bondsinthe standard Watson-Crick base pairs, the X-ray taken before and 2–3 dafter cocktail injection, are shown structures of hammerhead ribozymes, indeed,showedits in Figure 7. The images demonstrate that, as expected, the involvementinforming the nonstandard A-G basepairs right ear carrying the inactiveN79 showed little change in theconserved core (A9-G12, A13-G8; see Fig. 2for the in gene expression before and after cocktail treatment. nucleotide numbering) (Fu and McLaughlin 1992; Pley In contrast, in the left ear carrying the functional N79, et al. 1994;Scott et al. 1995). The role of the 5-position of apronounced induction was readily detectable after the Uisless clear since it is not involved in hydrogen bonds of treatment. Quantificationofthe photon output indicated either the standard Watson-Crick or the G-U wobble base that the induced gene expression reached37-, 17-, and 13- pairs. Nevertheless, it was shown that incorporating FUR fold in the three mice treated. The inductionafforded by at the U4 and U7 of the hammerhead core led to the this single pulse injection method was somewhat variable impairment of self-cleavage (Hammann et al. 2001). Thus, from mousetomouse, most likely due to the variability of modifying those Aand Ubases in the conserved core could cocktail volumedelivered.

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FIGURE 5. In vitro self-cleavage of N79 ribozyme in the presence of inhibitors and in vitro self-cleavage of derivatives of the N79 ribozyme containing analog substitutions. ( A ) Cleavage of N79 ribozyme in the presence of tubercidin. (Lane 1 )RNA marker of 64 bases, (lane 2 )without Mg2+ ,(lanes 3 – 8 )inthe presence of increasing concentrations of tubercidin, (lane 9 )inthe presence of adenosine. The cleavage percentage remained unchanged from lanes 3 to 9 .(B )Cleavage of N79 ribozyme in the presence of toyocamycin. Notations are as described in A .(C )Cleavage of N79 ribozyme in which all the adenosine positions were substituted by tubercidin. (Lane 1 )RNA marker, (lanes 2 – 6 )cleavage of substituted N79 ribozyme at various reaction times, (lane 7 )cleavage of the unsubstituted N79 ribozyme. ( D )Cleavage in the presence of FUR. Notations are as described in A .(E ) Cleavage in the presence of 5FU. (Lane 1 )Without 5FU, (lane 2 )without 5FU and Mg2+ ,(lanes 3 – 7 )inthe presence of increasing concentrations of 5FU, (lane 8 )inthe presence of uracil as the control. Conditions for all self-cleavage reactions: 50 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM Mg2+ (pH 7.5) for 20 min at 22° C, with the exception of E ,which was carried out with 1mM Mg2+ .

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self-cleavage via their covalent incorporation into the mRNA carrying the ribozyme sequences, as evidenced by the inability of these molecules to inhibit ribozyme self- cleavage in vitro and by the loss of self-cleavage activity when these molecules are incorporated. Based on the well- described interactionsbetween specific aminoglycosides and other small molecules and RNA (Stage et al. 1995; Murray and Arnold 1996; Hermannand Westhof 1998; Tor et al.1998;Jenne et al. 2001), we had expected that our extensive screen of compounds would have led to the identificationofcompounds that inhibit ribozyme self- cleavage by virtue of their direct binding to ribozyme- containing RNA. Ourinability to identify such compounds may suggest that the complexstructure of mRNA mole- FIGURE 6. Combined administration of toyocamycin andFUR leads cules and their associated present in mammalian to improved levels of inductionofgeneexpression. Thenumbers next to each contourlinerepresent ‘‘fold increase’’ in gene expression induced cells greatly restricts the possibilities for the types of by 24 hofcocktailtreatment.The concentrations areinlog scale. interactions between small moleculesand RNAs that can lead to the inhibition of RNA self-cleavage. The ability of morpholino oligonucleotides and several RNA-binding DISCUSSION dyes to inhibit ribozyme activity in cells, however, suggests The work describedhere represents the first cell-based that appropriate interactions between specific small mole- screen aimed at identifying small moleculescapableof cules and ribozymes that lead to inhibition of self-cleavage modulating ribozyme self-cleavage in vivo. By screening in vivo areindeed possible. We are hopeful that additional 58,076 compounds, we were able to identify two small screening efforts will lead to the identificationofnew in- molecules, toyocamycin and FUR, that can potently inhibit hibitors of ribozyme function with improved toxicity ribozyme functioninmammalian cells. It is of significant profiles and more desirablepharmacokinetic properties. interest that the two most potent inhibitors of ribozyme We had already madeuse of one of the molecules function in cells that we identified appear to inhibit ribozyme identified in the current study, toyocamycin, to provide acritical ‘‘proof of principle’’ for the ability to regulate gene expression in mammalian cells both in vitro and in vivovia the modulation of RNA self-cleavage (Yen et al. 2004). As expected by the proposed mode of action of this inhibitor, we showed in that study that in the absence of toyocamy- cin, the ribozyme-controlled mRNA was not detectable in the nucleus or in cells carrying active ribozymes, consistent with the mechanism that ribozyme self-cleavage leads to rapid degradation of mRNAs. However, when these cells were treated with toyocamycin, the amountofluc mRNA increased to alevel comparable to that of cells carrying inactive ribozyme, which is consistent with the mechanism that inhibition of ribozyme self-cleavage leads to the generation of intact mRNAincells (Yen et al. 2004). FIGURE 7. Control of gene expression in vivo after coadministration In the present studies, we show that the combined ad- of toyocamycin and FUR. About 5 m Lofrecombinant AAV carrying ministration of toyocamycinand FUR to cells harboring the active N79/luc transgene (titer of 1012 genome copies/mL), or recombinant AAV carrying the inactive N79/luc transgene (titer of aribozyme-regulatable expressionconstruct leads to an 5 3 109 genome copies/mL) were injected into the left or the right ear, improved induction of gene expression, relative to the use respectively. Three weeks later, asingle pulse of roughly 5 m Lof of toyocamycin alone.This combined regimen requires cocktail containing 20 m Moftoyocamycin and 12 mM of FUR was lower concentrationsofthe twocompounds than must be injected in each ear (day 0). Animals were imaged as previously described (Yen et al. 2004) to determine the levels of luc expression used to achieve reasonable levels of inductionsusing either prior to the addition of compounds, and 2dafter compound compound alone, and consequently results in aless toxic treatment. The figure shows arepresentative animal of the three- effect on the cells. While it is hopeful that the use of such animal cohort. The induction in fold described in text was calculated atwo-compound cocktail may enable more experimental based on the photon output in the left ear before and after cocktail treatment, and was normalized to the photon output from the right applications of the ribozyme-based gene regulation system ear. than arepossible with toyocamycin alone, the identification

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Inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage in mammalian cells

of significantly less toxic inhibitors of ribozyme function FUR (Sigma), as 10 mM stock in PBS; toyocamycin (Berry & remains an important goal of future research. Associates) and tubercidin (Sigma), as 10 mM stock in 10% In addition to the use of the ribozyme-based gene DMSO. regulation system forthe controlofexpressionofgeneprod- ucts, the finding that one of the most commonly used In vitro transcription and catalyticreaction chemotherapeutic agents,5FU, can serve as aribozyme DNA templates containing aT7promoter and the ribozyme inhibitor in vivo raises the interesting possibility that one sequences were generated by PCR. 33P-labeled RNA was then novelapplication of RNA-only gene regulationsystems transcribed by T7 RNA polymerase in the presence of 50 m M might relate to the real-time ‘‘sensing’’ of the presence of blocking anti-sense oligonucleotides using Ambion’s MEGAshort- specific compounds in vivo. In the specific case of 5FU, script kit. The anti-sense oligonucleotide sequence used was the abilityofthe molecule to induce expression of areporter 5 9 -GATAGCAGTGGAATCCAGGACGCAC-39 .Inthe absence of genecould provide an important means of monitoring 5FU the anti-sense oligonucleotide, z 95% of the transcripts were uptakeand retention by tumors and normal tissues, and/or cleaved during the 3-h in vitro transcription reactions. In the pres- ence of the anti-sense oligonucleotide, the percentage of cleavage facilitate efforts to developmore optimalroutes of 5FU products dropped to 35%. To make ribozymes with incorporated administration. tubercidin, transcription was carried out by substituting ATP with tubercidin triphosphate. Full-length RNAs were then purified by 10% denaturing polyacrylamide gel. To determine the cleavage MATERIALS AND METHODS efficiency, ribozyme was incubated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) for 3min at 95° Cand slowly cooled to 23° Cin15min. Self- High-throughput screening of compound libraries cleavage reactions in the presence or the absence of inhibitory compounds were triggered by adding MgCl2 to 1mMor10mM ACL, NINDS, TIC, and Comgenex libraries were collected by at 23° C. The reaction was stopped by adding 5volumes of stop Dr. Brent Stockwell, prepared as 4mg/mL solutions in DMSO, solution (8 Murea, 50% formamide, 40 mM EDTA), and the and screened at afinal concentration of 4 m g/mL. FDA2000 was cleaved fragments were separated by a10% denaturing poly- collected by Dr. Steve Gullans (BWH), and each compound was acrylamide gel. Cleavage percentage was then quantified by prepared at 10 mM in DMSO and screened at 10 m M. The Specs PhosphorImager. We did not detect any cleavage products in library was prepared as 10 mg/mL and screened at 10 m g/mL. transcription reactions when tubercidin triphosphate was used to HEK79 cells were seeded in white, opaque-bottom 386-well replace ATP. plates at adensity of 8000 cells per well in medium with 10% serum and pen/strep using the Zymark dispenser. On the same ACKNOWLEDGMENTS day, cells were treated with compounds at afinal concentration of 4 m g/mL and 0.1% DMSO, followed by an incubation period of We thank Jack Szostak for helpful discussions and for reviewing 48 hat37 ° Cinahumidified incubator containing 5% CO2 .Cells the manuscript, Steve Gullans for providing the FDA2000 library, were then lysed, and luciferin was added to the cells at afinal and Yi Tang for assistance with bioluminescence imaging. This concentration of 4 m g/mL; the amount of light output from each work was supported by grants from AMGEN and L’Association well was recorded on aPacker Fusion platereader. Induction of luc Francaise contre les Myopathies (AFM) to R.C.M. and R24 expression by aparticular compound was calculated by subtract- CA92782 to R.W. R.C.M. is an AMGEN consultant and equity ing the signal with instrument background and background from holder. B.R.S. was supported in part by aCareer Award at the untreated cells. All screens were performed in triplicate repeats. Scientific Interface and by the National Cancer Institute (1R01CA097061).

Cell culture assays for testing the effective Received November 21, 2005; accepted January 13, 2006. concentration of compounds

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Yen et al.

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806 RNA, Vol. 12, No. 5 Downloaded from on September 28, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Identification of inhibitors of ribozyme self-cleavage in mammalian cells via high-throughput screening of chemical libraries

Laising Yen, Maxime Magnier, Ralph Weissleder, et al.

RNA 2006 12: 797-806

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