Dædalus Coming up in Dædalus: Dædalus on Life Anthony Kenny, Thomas Laqueur, Shai Lavi, Lorraine Daston, Paul Rabinow, Robert P
Dædalus coming up in Dædalus: Dædalus on life Anthony Kenny, Thomas Laqueur, Shai Lavi, Lorraine Daston, Paul Rabinow, Robert P. George, Robert J. Richards, Nikolas Rose, John Journal of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences Broome, Jeff McMahan, and Adrian Woolfson Fall 2007 on nature Leo Marx, William Cronon, Cass Sunstein, Daniel Kevles, Bill McKibben, Harriet Ritvo, Gordon Orians, Camille Parmesan, Margaret Schabas, and Philip Tetlock & Michael Oppenheimer 2007: on the public interest Fall on the E. J. Dionne Jr. Why the public interest matters now 5 on cosmopolitanism Martha C. Nussbaum, Margaret C. Jacob, A. A. Long, Pheng Cheah, public interest William A. Galston An old debate renewed 10 Darrin McMahon, Helena Rosenblatt, Samuel Scheffler, Arjun Adam Wolfson From James Madison to Abraham Lincoln 20 Appadurai, Rogers Smith, Peter Brooks, and Craig Calhoun Nathan Glazer Reflections on an elusive goal 30 plus poetry by Ted Richer, C. D. Wright &c.; ½ction by Chris Abani, Jagdish Bhagwati Some implications for economic policy 37 Wesley Brown, Alix Ohlin &c.; and notes by Phyllis Coley, Don Gary Hart The commonwealth ideal 45 Harrán, Richard Kraut, Ian Ayres &c. Christine Todd Whitman Governing in the public interest: then & now 51 Robert N. Bellah Ethical politics: reality or illusion? 59 Amy Gutmann The dangers of extremist rhetoric 70 Lance Taylor Economists & the wealth of nations 79 poetry Molly McQuade Spring’s So Sad, We Want to Know Why 88 ½ction Mary Gordon Dilly 89 dialogue Cornel West & D. Graham Burnett On Melville’s The Con½dence-Man 101 notes Omer Bartov on Eastern Galicia’s past & present 115 Harriet Ritvo on the animal turn 118 U.S.
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