English Shree Purushotam Prakash

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English Shree Purushotam Prakash | Jay Shree Swaminarayan | 4 SKSST Kenton Harrow | www.sksst.org Celebrating 50 years of establishment 5 6 SKSST Kenton Harrow | www.sksst.org Ky`z ht` .... Ky`z fh`açy` - Ad#<wt SJ¡N KhaC`y xa Kaa Ôy`z CSa g`wJr`te †y`z BˆNa g`wJr`t Ôy`z CSa ÍC`qMN`r`yn`N` S†Szg`e †y`z BˆNa ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Mzqdr. KhaC`y xa Ka Kçx[`a CrSa B`ra M`S fn` A` KhaCt A`JNa KçxN` Eqth`S S`Ma NJrYe ˙aEAa t`a KçxM`z CSt` A`fn`` Cq[l BzDAw `aNa KçxM`z CrS`dN` A<`Ca A`Ct` dwßK`LN` fqrn``Ma AaK M`I kate ufr qN<¡r ht`, Cq[l`aAa Skt MhaNt Kre jCNM`z Ba f`zd[a N Yt`z A`fn`` B™mqNØ qC\C`N Szt`aAa Cq[l`aNa r`ajr`aoe KM`C` <l`Mn` ANa A`g`h™ Kral Ka K`aE NC` frdÅa `M`z CSC`o Kr`a. fWÔy Szt`Na ` A`Å`eC`d¡ Ye N xWoKa r`ajr`oa e KM`C` fWC¡ A`qÏK` uFa¡ Jzg`B`r trF NJr d`a[`Ce. A` SMya daÅ`e Ch`n`M`z dqry`E SFr jCNM`z jCN ANa Mrn` Cçca Z`al` k`te hte. A` SFr dr˜y`N K`cw r`SN, g``aL f`f[e, feC`Nwz f`n`e Cg`ara S`Ya laC`Nwz. fCNNe qdÅ`` f™™M`n`a daÅ`e Ch`n`Ne g`qt ANa K`Le r`IeN` SzfWn`¡ AzDK`r Cçca dqry`E M`a˙N`z t`aF`N`a Cçca A`g`L CDtwz. Ch`n` Ôy`ra Ba Ye In` MqhNa M`a˜B`S` Bzdra fh`actwz †y`ra A`fn`` Cq[l`a ˘C`S lE Å`Kt`. Eqth`S S`Xe fwra xaa Ka AMwK Ch`n``a dqry`M`z g`rK`C YE g`yal ht`z, Cq[l`aNa ˙N g`wM`C` f[y` ht`. Gar MqhN`A`a B`d fh`a~cN`a fI f`pCt` †y`r CtNM`z fqrC`r JN`a qNr`ztN`a ˘C`S lat`z. A`fn`` M`oa A`qÏK` AaK NC`a kz[, K`aE ANw<C`a Nqh. f™<w K@f`Aa QhMt Kre A`g`L CÎy` Y`a[` Gn`` M`a˜B`S` CSC`o KrC` r`aK`y` Aˆy Cq[l`a N`Er`aBe, Kzf`l`, d`raSSl`M Cg`ara Å`har`aM`z ÍY`E Yy` MwÅKaleA`a Cape. Å`RA`tN` tBia A`fn`` Cq[l`a MK`N B`zDK`M, K[ey`, SwY`r Cg`ara K`MM`z ˙a[`y`, K`aE fÁYrNe k`n`, ıl`aK BN`C`N` K`rk`N`z tY` K`~aKreo k`n` Cg`ara ÍCeK`re ANa A` XaIa S`re N`MN` MaLCe. KrKSr ANa BctNe <`CN`Na K`rn`a A`œYK reta fg`<r Yt`z ©`qtJN`aAa f`at`N` fqrC`r B`LK`aNa A`qÏK` B`al`Çy`z, B`LK`a ÍY`qNK qNÅ``L`aM`z A¯y`S KrC` l`gy`z, fqrn``Ma ©`qtM`z qÅ`Xn`Nwz f™M`n` CÎywz. NCe fa]eN` A` B`LK`a CDw A¯y`S Kre Å`Ky`z. qÅ`Xn`N`a Sd#ufy`ag` Kre N`aKreM`z, tY` Aˆy K`M DzD` Å`R Kre Caf`r ufl`ag` XaIa fg`l`z M`z[y`. ©`qtJN`a A`J fn` Mht†CNwz ÍY`N Dr`Ca xa. fWC¡ A`qÏK`N` M`ao` Å`har`aM`z parpar ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Mzdr`aNe ÍY`fN` fn` Yte rhe, ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Szf™d`yN`a \CJ FrKe rH`a. fWC¡ A`qÏK`N` daÅ``a Kaˆy`, ywg``z[` tY` o`ˆZ`Ney` ÍCIzt Yy`z, daÅ``aM`z Caf`r DzD`M`z ÍY`qNK f™˙Na ˙a[C`N` Mwda# SrK`re qNyzIn``a A`Ct`z g`y`z. fqrn``Ma N`aKre Caf`r DzD`M`z f[te MwÅKaleNa Îy`NM`z lE ANaK ©`qtJN`a JaA`a qB™oeÅ` N`g`™e†C Dr`Ct` ht` taA`a M`aoe Sz˚y`M`z qB™oN JC`M`z l`EN lg``Ce. Celebrating 50 years of establishment 7 qB™oN Azg`˙™a Na `a fd™ aÅ`, Skt pz[e, NCwzJ C`t`Crn` Ky`z JCzw? Ky`z rhaC?wz Å`zw K`M MLe Å`KÅ`a? Azg`™aj <`s`Ne MwÅKale, A` BD`J f™b`a h`rM`L Cçca ©`qtJN`aAa QhMt Kre qB™oN fh`a~çy` †y`z Mh` MwÅKale Cape ÍY`E Yy`, K`M K`J fn` MLC` l`gy`z, MK`N M`qlK Yy`. A`œYK qÍYtAa Swke Yy` qÅ`Xn` XaIa ywC`N`aAa q[g`™eA`a h`qSl Kre uçc KX`Aa N`aKre tY` DzD`M`z ˙a[`y` A`œYK qÍYte Gn`e SwDre, f™<w A`Å`eC`¡dYe Swke Yy`. Cs`a¡ drqMy`N A`fn`a SMwd`y CDt`a rH`a. qB™oNN` M`ao` Å`har`aM`z parpar ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Mzdr`aNe ÍY`fN` fn` Yte rhe, ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Szf™d`yN`a \CJ FrKe rH`a. daÅ` K`L f™M`n`a ÍC`qMN`r`yn` ANwy`yeA`a D`œMK <JN qKt¡N M`oa JRreA`t Jn``t` N`N`z cc¡ h`al Cg`ara <`[a r`ke S†Szg` S<`A`aNwz A`y`aJN Krt` rH`. qdNfq™ tqdN Sz†Szg`eA`aNe Sz˚y` CDte rhe. ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Szf™d`yNa A`g`L Df`CC` <wJ >e ÍC`qMN`ryn` MzqdrN` A.qN. frM fWÔy Mhzt Å``ÍIe ÍC`Me >e DM¡jCNd`SjNe f™arn`` ANa A`Å`eC`¡dYe lz[NM`z >e Kçx S†Szg` ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Mzqdr lz[N N`M A`fe SNa 1966 M`z SzÍY`Nwz SJ¡N Yywz. SzÍY`N`a qCK`S Yt`a rH`a D`œMK C`r thaC`r, u†SC`a N`N` h`al <`[e uJC`t` rH`. Cs`a¡ dr˜y`N S†Szg`eA`aNe Sz˚y` CDte rhe. S†Szg` SM`Ja MzqdrNe Jg`` laC` qCc`rn`` Kre ANa f™<w Eçx`Aa SNaa 1976 M`z har`aM`z C`‹g`N r`‹[ ufr Mzqdr M`oa N`N` cc¡ h`alNe Jgy` krede, ufr`aÚt MwJB Mzqdr SzÍY`Nwz N`M >e Kçx S†Szg` ÍC`qMN`r`yn` Mzqdr lz[N A`fe h‹r`a Mzqdr N`Ma A`La k`Mn`wz Yy.zw SKz L`S t`a rheJ, NC` qCÅ``L Mzqdr BN`CC` M`oa Jgy`Ne S`aD k`aL Å`R YE. S†Szg` SM`JNe Sz˚y` CDte J rhe Cs`a¡ qC†y`z SNa 1991 M`z <wJ MzqdrN` A.qN. Mhzt fWÔy>e hqrÍCRfd`Sj lz[N fD`ral ta dr˜y`N >e C[t`l g``deN` D.DW. A`c`y¡ f.fWÔy >e AJaˆ|f™S`djNwz A`g`MN Yywz, t`A`a>eAa <qCßyC`n`e Kral Ka A` Mzqdr qCÅ``L BNÅ`a ta M`oa ANKw wL Jgy` x M`SM`z MLe rhaÅ`a. <wJ MzqdrN` Mhzt ÍC`Me S`Ya fwr`n`e ÍC`Me >e GNÅy`MjCNd`SjAa fD`ral, taA`a>eAa SzK¬f S`Ya A`Å`eC`¡d A`fal Ka Mzqdr M`oa Swzdr ANwKwL Jgy`Aa taMJ Çy`JBe <`Ca MaLCe Å`KeÅ`wz. <qCßy C`n`e tY` A`Å`eC`¡dYe har`aM`z C‹ÍoqF¬[ r`‹[ ufr BzD f[al F‹Ko„eNe qCÅ``L Jgy` Çy`JBe <`Ca MaLCe Å`Úy`. hqr<Út`aN`a A`Nzd ANa u†S`h CÎy`a. Nie KrC`M`z A`Cal Ka ta Jgy`Aa Swzdr rMn`ey qÅ`krBzD MzqdrNwz NCqNrM`n` KrCwz. S†Szg`eA`a trFYe tN, MN ANa DNNe SaC`Ye fwr˙aSYe MzqdrNwz B`zDK`M K`y¡ fwR Yywz. MWœt f™qtØ` Mh`a†SC t`. 26 12 1996 Ye t`. 1 1 1997 SwDe uJCC`Nwz A`y`aJN KrC`M`z A`Çywz. - - - - >e C[t`l g``deN` A`c`y¡ f. fWÔy 1008 >e AJaˆ|f™S`dj Mh`r`J MzqdrN` A`MzIn`Na M`N A`fe taA`a>e Mwœtf™qtØ` SMya fD`y`¡, S`Ya <wJ MzqdrN` Szt`a 8 SKSST Kenton Harrow | www.sksst.org tY` >e g``zDeNg`r g`w®KwLN` AÎyX Å``ÍIe ÍC`Me >e hqrf™K`Å`d`Sj S`Ya qC\C`N Szt`aN` S`qˆNÎyM`z A`c`y¡ >e AJaˆ|f™S`dj Mh`r`J N` ÍChÍta >e GNÅy`M Mh`r`J, >e Sh˙Nzd ÍC`Me, >e NrN`r`yn` daC, >e r`D`K@ßn` daC S`Ya >e hqrK@ßn` Mh`r`J, >e g`n`fqtj tY` >e hNwM`NjNe MWœt f™`n` f™qtØ`Ye D`MDwMYe KrC`M`z A`Cal. >e GNÅy`M Mh`r`JN` S`qˆNÎyM`z qdN f™qtqdN MzqdrN`a qCK`S Yt`a rH`a, ywC`N hqr<Út`a NCe NCe f™C@qtA`aN` A`y`aJN Krt` rH`. Jgy`N`a A<`C Jn``t` MzqdrN` B`JwN` <`g`M`z A`‹qFS ıl`aK, 'K`‹˜ƒywor h`uS’ laC`Nwz Nie KrC`M`z A`Çywz.
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