Pharmacological Reports Copyright © 2012 2012, 64, 15261536 by Institute of Pharmacology ISSN 1734-1140 Polish Academy of Sciences EP3 receptor-mediatedcontractionofhuman pulmonaryarteriesandinhibitionofneurogenic tachycardiainpithedrats HannaKoz³owska1,MartaBaranowska-Kuczko1,EberhardSchlicker2, Miros³awKoz³owski3,AgnieszkaZakrzeska1,EmiliaGrzêda1, BarbaraMalinowska1 1 DepartmentofPhysiologyandPathophysiology, MedicalUniversityofBialystok, Mickiewicza 2A, PL15-089 Bia³ystok,Poland 2 InstituteofPharmacologyandToxicology,BiomedicalCenter,UniversityofBonn,Sigmund-Freud 25, D-53127Bonn,Germany 3 DepartmentofThoracicSurgery,MedicalUniversityofBialystok, M.Sk³odowskiej Curie24A, PL15-276 Bia³ystok,Poland Correspondence: BarbaraMalinowska,e-mail:
[email protected] Abstract: Background: The aim of our study was (1) the pharmacological characterization of EP3 receptors in human pulmonary arteries and (2) the examination of the potential involvement of these receptors in the regulation of neurogenic tachycardia in pithed rats. L-826266servedastheEP3 receptorantagonist. Methods: Experimentswereperformedonisolatedhumanpulmonaryarteriesandpithedrats. Results: The prostanoid EP1/EP3 receptor agonist sulprostone (1 nM – 100 µM) concentration-dependently contracted isolated hu- man pulmonary arteries (pEC50, 6.88 ± 0.10). The EP1 receptor antagonist SC 19920 (100 µM) did not affect the vasoconstriction in- duced by sulprostone, the TPreceptor antagonist sulotroban (10 µM) only slightly attenuated the effects elicited by sulprostone > 3 µM, whereas L-826266