Building, Norwalk, Conn
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Enterprising Republican Journal, especially devoted to Local ISFews and Interests. TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ESTABLISHED 18QO. •1-1 / NORWALK, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1887. 11. Yolume LXXXVII. Number ym• plains, but it was a long time before I could A MEDICINE NOT A DRINK. A •% ' THE FIRE KING'S THICKS. J. G. Gregory & Co. • GOING. get rid of the impression made on me by his 1 NEW PARLOR GAME. High Authority. KISS OF PEACE. weird recital. I never heard of him again Desire to state that in addition to a full line of Uorins about tha quiet way% (, r, cvenr Hop Bitters is not, in any sense, an Sitting beside tho hearth, _ -" , until to-night, when the message of his death A REPORTER'S EXPLANATION OF WRAPPER alcoholic beverage or liquor, and could Drags, Proprietary Medicines and Druggists' rf , when you passed (Tom living iato death, came to me so unexpectedly. Who was the WHOEVER FIRST COMES ALONG WITH MARK Sundries they are prepared to receive Joining as best she caa and ms^ «* . Ko lure-word filtered on the trembling air, HOW THEY ARE PERFORMED. not be sold for use except to persona ."JJN orders tor In tlio careless household mirth. - - Ko dying whisper hushed the sobbing breath friend who closed his eyes? Who placed his IT WILL GET RICH. desirous of obtaining medicinal bitters. With which I knelt in motionless despair. death notice in the paper? I don't know, but Tet always through the haunted nltbt,.^- • - wherever he is God will bless him for his s . ^ ^ GREEN B. BAUM, Silk, Cotton or Linen RmLnwi t had no right to mourn you. Other eyes A Marvelous Medley of Magic—Wonder- < ' U. 8. Com'r Internal Rev. As tlirough the restless day, « f-i f Might Watch the glory fading from your own. kindness.—Pittsburg Dispatch. Any Trivial little Thing Easily Becomes Feeling—another how is passed-*" , ' < , And other hands to distant Paradise r ^ ful Performance of a Man lu Leaguo Is a poorly white, Of tho timo that flies away. * » * ' In Judgo Hilton's Wlno Cellar. a Craie~Fan With Baan BigetiPara- With the Powers of tlio Fire and WASHINGTON, D. C., Sept. 34,1884. Might soothe your way, while I knelt on alone. seibi-transparent. Dear SirWhy don't you get a certifi ELASTIC HOSE The last frail strand of the cable v "You were probably never in Judge Hil phoniatla of' tha Game—Drawing a Brlmston World. fluid having • re- But when the hours had passed, and all the room cate from Col. W. H. W., of Baltimore, For varicose or enlarged reins. Warranted to Is partini; slow and sure, * j t- Was wrapped ia silence, and the steady light ton's wine cellar!" my friend continued. "I P'i. lmarkabla affinity 3 That nover again to tho harbor side never was there myself, but from what I The' professor was a little man, generous 1 tho akin. The showing how he cured himself of drunk ' i lit, and at reduced rates. t from yonder lamp was all that pierced the "The man wio will invflnt u new parlor enness by the help of Hop Bittors. His is My bonnio boat will moor. i ! ' S'lOOin! hear it must be something remarkable. It is and cxpansivo in the matter of shirt front, ly srtiole y*t game that will catch "-the'fancy of society red as., to hair and blessed with a surprising 'known to chemistry a wonderful case. He is well-known in They also desire to state that they have accepted My bonnis boat, that may come agallfc £: - When masses of fresh roses, red and white, beneath Stewart's great retail store, Broad Rochester, N. Y., by all the. drinking the agency of the New Tork Vaccine Uo., and will tayrl-h with fragrance at your head and feet, way and Tenth street. Denning runs it now, needn't trouble himself t about tho little cares amplitude of coat sleeve and tail. that tMli penetrate keep a supply of God temper tho wave and windl of this life," said a society man. "All the th*skin WITHOUT people there. Ho is known in this city, To gladden sad eyes and yearning lil—H. f . TV'itii one bud lying twist your finger tips, and the judge is a silent partner. Sam Bar "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, coming That now are left behind— 9 * 1stood beside you for one fcboment, Sweet, low was in the store not long ago, when he circles highand 'low- ore thirtting for some to the front of tho stage and turning back _ nivnr. Cincinnati, New Orleans, New Tork; in And stooping, kissed yod on the pure, pole thing new, aftd whoever gets in with it first his cuffs with an innocent air and, that gen- Before V>U(. fact all over the country, as he has spent May come again, but not to lie5' lips. met the judgo. thousands of dollars for rum. I honestly PORE BOVINE VACCINE TIBUS "Did you ever see my wine cellar f he is sure to make • fortune. Now, to show you ' ©rally cloan fingered dexterity which char Beautifies the Complexion, Safe by tho old homo shore; ' ' y how easily a trivial little thing f becomes a believe his card would be worth thousands Thi anchor of youth Is almost waighedfr. .. JDear, whea you wakened did your spirit weep, asked. acterizes the manual motions of sleight of Eradicates all So^ FreeUM/Taa, Matt ; Constantly on hsnd. jjOr in its new-found wisdom understand craze, I tu||ye only .to c^ll your attention to hand men—"ladies and gentlemen, begging Patches, Black Worms, I»»aHUe» aa« Dis. of dollars to you in this city and Balti They will cast it navar mora. " ~ ' "I nover had the pleasure," Mr. Barlow re colorations of every UM) Htlnr wltWa er «po« more alone, and make thousands of sober 6s piteous love which watched that dreamless plied. "I am sure it would interest me." the bean bag game. It isn't the old bean bag your pardon in advance for the liberty I am ; They have In stock Electric Batteries, Which And it's oh. and it's oh, for tha sinking dread. sleep, that you tosS fiiom ona TOW or line of persons the akin, it render* tte sMa WWtjBtir, MaUH- men by inducing the use of your bitters. will be sold at close figures. Ther carry also a full Zi&r . "Como with mo," said the judge. taking, I wish to state that in the hall of assortment of Keystone Writing Paper rackets. It's oh for the climbing sorrow, '' And sought to follow to the unknown land f to anotheft buta game that requires a little this Opera house, just outside the door, there lonee.L. J. A. W. As ever tha cruel, creeping night '.,t iThen the clouds lifted from yourpatient head Sam followed in some amazement. They —J-ahd aersianent In Its J -filial— descended the stairways, and went down skill ln throwing. That's the secret of the is a faucet connected with the pipes which dfrfnllyfKd thug ; or roacft'SUiven Brings oa the weary morrow! * And Hooded you in light of life divine, Infant*. Try U. r i Prejudice Kills. ::;5 Wd my kiss quiver o'er your lips' softredf ;; j ' three or four stories underground. The floor whole thing-^the throwing. You want a supply the city with water. If some young IOTO that is true must hash Itself number qt bean bags of different sizes, a piece gentleman in tho audience will be so kind as "Eleven years our daughter suffered on •' ; '1, ; i~ i • Did any heart-throb whisper it was mine f of tho cellar was a bed of pure white sand, XT OUBSS a bed of misery under the care of several Nor pain by its useless cry, . AV, left there by nature when Manhattan'Island of painted canvas, with a hole iu it, and ap to fill this tin utensil in my hand"—be lilted (AlBMtlartaatly) Intan, Frteklr Beet, Ck»p- For the young mustg^andtheoMnuistfliMif'' It on your peacefulness there sometimes break pliances to stretch the canvas between the a tin quart bucket from .the tablo and tapped ted, Beech er Chafe* SkUs4* fset 'lU remit*1 of - the best physicians, who gave her And timo goes by, goes by. "A sudden pity for tha hopes that died,— was formed. Barlow gazed about him in upon all dlKue* of the ikln m^wribdwfol. disease various names but no relief, and wonder. There were wines enough there to folding doon dividing two parlors, and when it with his forefinger—"with water from mamSBt • —All the Tear Bonni. If you grow giadder.that for your dear sake you've got them you've got the now craze that faucet, I shall proceed to burn it—not It Never Fall* now she is restored to us in good health Absolutely Pure* Aliicv.-orl: liSsbeen blessed and-purifled,— stock the greatest wholesale house' in New by Hop Bitters, that we had poohed at Keep ever in your heart untouched with pain York. They included the best 'and rarest complete.. I've seen twenty married n:cn boil it, understand mo, but burn tho water Mee75c.pir8attls This Powder never varies. knarvel of pure *•HFWAR BREAKS OUT. ,,, , : 1 and Women throwing' bags at the bole in the with a flame which you may all see." twayears before using it. Wc earnestly, strength and wholesomeness. •' More economic iito memory of ihat kiss of saiyklty,, vintages—old port, George IV shen-ies, fine Use AIM hope and pray ihat no one else will let than tbe ordinary kinds, and cansot be sold in com And when in God's own time wojneet again, canvas for two.