76 Room reopens today

The public is invited to join the The dedication ceremony will opening and dedication of the new include entertainment by Rising '76 Room at the Museum of North Sound, an FC singing group. Orange County in Fullerton. The '76 Room, which will serve as Also featured at the ceremony will a multi-purpose room, was be an exhibit entitled "Nepal, A refurbished by FC Industrial Arts Bridge With The Past". This exhibit students. is co-sponsored by Fullerton The dedication of the room will College. take place tonight at 7:30 p.m. at the Museum of North Orange County at The '76 Room was financed by a 301 N. Pomona Ave. in Fullerton. $16,000 grant from the Union Oil Admission is free Company of California. FC to be honored in St. Louis convention

Fullerton College has been invited workshop entitled "The Role and VOTER REGISTRATION - "Yes on 14" committee member Karen just haven't registered yet, you are urged to do so. The voter registration to exhibit a display at the Scope of the Community College - Flock (above) is helping FC .students register for the upcoming tables are located at the south end of the Student Center. Association of Community College New Directions." PHOTO BY BENDER November election. If you have moved recently, are new to California or Trustees 7th Annual Convention in St. Louis, Missouri. Highlighting the convention will "From Where You Have Been to be the displays. Founded in 1913, Where You Are Today" will be the Fullerton is the oldest community theme of the convention which will college in California and is among be held Sept. 29 through Oct. 2 at St. the oldest community colleges in the Louis College, St. Louis, Mo. The nation invited to exhibit a display. convention will feature audio visual Other community college pioneers materials, brochures, old and new invited to exhibit a display include photographs of the campuses and Bakersfield College (1913), Bakers- workshops. Representing FC in St. field, Calif.; Joliet College (1902), Louis wil be FC President Dr. John Joliet, Ill.; and Vincennes College W. Casey. He will present a (1804), Vincennes, Ind. Volume 55 Issue 3 Fullerton College Friday, September 24, 1976 FC Student government I L I I seeks senate nominees

This year's Senate elections may p.m. It is recommended that all Trustees find financial impact reduced have to be postponed due to low candidates attend. student involvement, says Senator If enough candidates are chosen in Dan Busey. time, the elections will take place on Trustees also The Board announced its approval October 5 and 6 from 8:30 a.m. to 9 By BRIAN SCULLY Since final enrollment figures The Board of The deadline for filing petitions at a measure allowing the of a swimming pool rehabilitation p.m. The results will be posted in the News Editor have not yet been tallied, it is not approved the Student Affairs Office is 1 p.m. new telephone system contract so that the FC swimming Student Affairs Office on Thursday, The projected financial impact on known exactly what cutback purchase of a on Tuesday, Sept. 28. "So far," says pool may be modified. Oct. 7th. Fullerton College due to declining measures will have to be taken. for Fullerton College. Busey, "very few petitions have new telephone system, Nadar Inc. was awarded the The A.S. Senate will declare the enrollment will be less than had In other board action, the . The been turned in." the contract. The twenty-year-old results effective on October 12. Run been originally projected. NOCCCD trustees tabled a measure valued at $189,000, will replace swimming pool will not be available This may cause the elections to be off elections, if needed, will take that would require religious current telephone system now in use At an NOCCD Board of Trustees to FC swim classes until work has postponed, which would be, says place on the same day from noon to organizations at FC to pay a fee in at FC. meeting Sept. 14, Joseph Newmyer, The system, first proposed last been completed. FC Swimming Busey, most unfortunate for all FC 4:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. order to use campus facilities. Vice Chancellor for Finance and May, will feature a greater number classes will use a new Fullerton city students. and on October 13 from 8:30 a.m. to Faculties, reported that under The measure was tabled until of telephones, touch-tone daling pool located at Euclid and Valencia. noon. The results of the run-off recently enacted legislation, income October 12 in order to allow the FC and an emergency power supply The next meeting of the NOCCCD On Tuesday, Sept. 28, a elections will be posted the next day, for FC derived from property taxes A.S. Senate to further study the system. The new system is due to be Board of Trustees is scheduled for candidates meeting will be held in and will be declared official on will not be affected by changes in situation. in use by January 1, 1977. Tuesday, September 28, at 7:30 p.m. the Student Government Room at 2 Tuesday, Oct. 19th. enrollment. The religious club fee proposal Newmyer also reported that the stems from regulations regarding NOCCD was currently attempting to the separation of church and state. compensate for almost 90 per cent of By law, colleges cannot officially recognize religious clubs as campus Placement office aids s1tuden ts the projected financial losses due to for the first will supply special cards declining enrollment. The compen- organizations and must therefore One of the first places a student which had come there Office about openings and then the Office but it's still when filled out, wm oitain sation is due to come from various treat the organizations like looking for a job should visit is the time. "This isn't bad, Office displays a description of the which, the amount of requirements. The dates, job refer- budgetary cutbacks. off-campus clubs. Fullerton College Placement Office. not much considering job. and all hard-to-remember Posted outside the Placement students enrolled in the college. job-seeking student fills out an ences and so on, plus a few file at the the Placement Office, which is located in the "Many do not know", said application, which goes on reminders from Building, are jobs office. Office. This is all very convenient for Administration Baysden, "that the Placement available to Fullerton College Before receiving a card with the the job-seeker. Senate passes Office serves students free of students, permanent and tempor- job's location, the student talks to a Baysden has one piece of advice to charge. Another thing evening unskilled, in Job Interviewer whose job is to make the job-seeker. "We do stress ary, skilled and students may not be aware of is that and the rest of Orange sure the student meets with all the appearance. We gather, from what Fullerton if you have an application on file at requirements--"We screen him for employers have told us, that fifty per ballot m easure County. the Office, you can conclude the put is made "We run the whole gamut--from whole transaction by telephone." the job he picked," as Baysden cent of the employer's mind it. up while you are walking toward FC student Dean McClain raised mowing a lawn to a permanent job in The phone numbers are posted BY MICHAEL JOHNSON "But apart from this," says him. Depending on your appearance the point that if four Senators were an office," said Barbara Baysden, outside the Placement Office on the The A.S. Senate unanimously Baysden, "the Interviewer will act and what attitude you seem to show. appointed only five more would have Job Interviewer at the Placement permanent jobs plaque. passed a proposed constitutional as counselor. We're here to serve No matter what clothes you wear, no to resign before special elections Office. "The Office," amendment Tuesday that would Mrs. Baysden you. Come in, and keep coming matter whether your hair is long or would have to be held in accordance In June alone, she explained, the stresses,"acts as a middleman." allow the appointment of Senators to back, let us get to know you." short -- just look neat! Oh, and with the By-laws. However, Senator Office served 388 students, 195 of fill vacancies created during the Employers notify the Placement This semester the Placement remember to wear shoes." year. The proposed amendment Sammi Odeh countered that since must now be approved by FC the appointees would have full students. senatorial rights nine more Senators The new amendment would allow would have to resign before the Senate to fill 15 per cent (four requiring special elections. seats) of the total Senate positions. A Dan Busey, Senator-at-large, candidate for appointment must be moved to change item three on nominated by a current Senator and arguments against the amendment must submit a petition with 50 to read, "It would remotely increase student signatures. If the candidate the role of special interest groups." is ratified by a majority vote of the Previously the item said, "It would Senate then he may take office with increase. "backroom" politics." full Senate privileges. Due to the unavailability of Cesar The By-laws presently state that Chavez, the Senate cancelled his special elections must be held when speaking engagement scheduled for nine Senate seats are vacant. Much of the meeting was spent by today. An alternative representative (UFW) the senators in debate over the of the United Farm Workers on campus at a various arguments for and against may be speaking later date. the proposed amendment. Backers of the amendment state Since the UFW is supporting that it would allow the Senate to Proposition 14, the Farm Labor maintain a larger working size and Initiative, questions were raised as give better representation for to whether an opposition spokesman divisions in case of vacancies. It would be allowed to speak on would also reduce the number of campus. special elections. However, opponents claim the McClain said that since FC is a amendment would circumvent the public entity any opposition must be electroial process and given given the opportunity for equal time. nonelected members the same rights and privileges as elected A motion was passed to formally senators. It would not decrease the invite any opposing viewpoints to number of special elections due to speak against Proposition 14 or the will be the consistently high number of UFW. The invitation announced in an ad in the Hornet or vacancies in the Senate, but would located in the Administration Building, the campus radio EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE - Ed Croson (above), an FC student, is Placement Office. The office, promote special interest through KFCR, only one of the many people finding employment assistance from the Job offers a wide variety of jobs to students. - PHOTO BY BENDER groups. station. IRNET Page 2 Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 H From the editor's desk Editorial policy Schorr-a better replacement BY CHIP O'NEAL On Wednesday of this week the public's right to know. It's voted to interesting Opinions from FC students, faculty and staff TL.a Hornet reserves the right to publish only Editor-in-Chief House Ethics Committee that their decision came are welcomed in the form of letters to the editor, those that space and taste allow. The Hornet staff This column is making its debut drop its lengthy investigation of only a week after the Fresno Bee's These letters must be less than 300 wordss, will make an effort to cover all newsworthy events in this issue and by an odd turn of Schorr, saying he would not be cited four newsmen were released from signed and submitted in Rm. 512 by 10 a.m. on on campus and to comment on local and national events, it will be devoted to for contempt of Congress or suffer jail after refusing to reveal sources. the Tuesday prior to the desired publication date. issues.. All unsigned editorials are the opinions of reporting a news event that any penalties in connection with his In conscience, Schorr could not the editorial board. normally would have appeared on leakage of the House Committee on •take the responsibility for sup- one of the Hornet's news pages. Intelligence report. It was about presing a report which Congress, Deadlines, however, prevented this time the committee' came to a bowing to the dubious pressures of late breaking story from getting conclusion, and I'm glad they came the executive branch, had voted not front page coverage. to the conclusion they did. to make public. Schorr's career as a journalist has Schorr has been under investi- Rent for religion In the future this space will .been lengthy and controversial. gation and barred from reporting feature comments by myself on Lyndon Johnson used to refer to the for CBS since last February for various issues which directly affect 60-year-old journalist as a "sonofa- In an opinion from the office of Evelle Younger, Dr. Omar H. Scheidt, who voluntarily withheld his giving the Intelligence report on the the students of FC. bitch," Richard Nixon was enraged Attorney General of California, we see the question of recommendation until this essential input could be doings and misdoings of the CIA, enough to unleash an FBI charging religious clubs a rental fee for use of public acquired. If the NOCCCD Board of Trustees FBI, NSA, DIA and all the other spy Sinvestigation into his affairs, and facilities handled in a somewhat distorted manner. approves it at their meeting next agencies, to the liberal New York A.S. Senator Jim Ruggles has now assumed the former CIA director Richard Helm Senator Dennis Carpenter (D-Newport Beach) and Tuesday, and I can think of no weekly, The Village Voice, who District Attorney Edward Denton requested the arduous task of organizing an ad hoc committee which reason why they wouldn't, publicly called him "Killer Schorr." CBS printed the report in its entirety opinion. will obtain student input. reporter Daniel Schorr will replace with a blood-red headline which Those of us in the journalism field David Frost as the opening speaker pleased with the The opinion states that "California's public schools Ruggles has tentative plans for a 10-person commit- for FC's Artist-Lecture series. read, "The CIA Report President are -especially constitute a secular setting and the use of public tee giving equal representation to each religious Ford Doesn't Want You To See." addition of Schorr to the Artist- organization on campus as well as other interested Schorr's appearance is tentatively school facilities by religious clubs can be considered scheduled The Ethics Committee's decision Lecture program. I think he will individuals. for Friday, April 22, at 8 tantamount to funding religious activities. Accor- p.m. at the Titan Theater, located not to cite Schorr for contempt of have quite a few more interesting dingly, such use would have the primary effect of The Hornet is in agreement with Ruggles when he on Lemon Ave. across from the Congress is another victory for the stories to relate than Mr. Frost advancing religion." expressed hope that if the board does decide to CSUF campus. freedom of the press and the would have. We feel that while this may be valid on the high impose the mandatory rental fee, it will be nominal. school level where students' presence is mandatory, it Religious clubs, when using public facilities:, is not applicable on the college level. represent a very miniscule expense to the district and rapped by court an exorbitant rental fee would be unjustified. Discrimination a letter to BY MICHAEL MEDLEY a person's race and go strictly by a Under a system where true President Dr. John W. Casey stated in A final objective of the ad hoc committee, stated by the NOCCCD Board of Trusteess that "our recom- Editorial Editor person's qualifications. equality is present, those persons Ruggles, would be to design a set of regulations re- An admissions program which with the higher qualifications, mendation, following the Attorney General's Opinion, garding on-campus religious activity that would Last week the California Supreme guarantees entrance to a certain whether they are white or minority. is that religious clubs must pay a fee for usage of our protect the "involuntary audience." Court ruled that special college facilities when activities are devotional rather than admissions programs that give number of students because they are should be given top consideration. The Hornet is in strong concurrence with this academic ("academic" meaning a part of the preferential treatment to minority members of a minority does no good Those who have lower qualifications objective. curriculum. applicants were unconstitutional. for anyone in the long run. should be given the lesser We cannot condone religious activity on campus an consideration regardless of their his recommendation to This decision seems to indicate This can be shown by using the The same day Casey made that becomes so strongly evangelical that students are race. table awareness of the reverse discrimina- situation at the U.C. Davis medical the board, the A.S. Senate asked the boaird to rudely approached and accosted or classes disturbed. be obtained. tion that has been going on in many school as an example. There are 100 the matter until student input could Last year, the Hornet published several surveys and If the situation is so bad that the areas. openings in the first-year class. If letters reflecting this student majority opinion. only way minority students can get Though the board subsequently followed the A suit filed in 1974 by Allan Bakke *the top 100 qualifiers are white, 16 of into medical and law schools is with Senate's proposal and will take up the matter again on The meeting to organize the ad hoc committee will was the catalyst which eventually them will be turned down in order to special admissions programs, Oct. 12, it is unfortunate that Casey couldn't have take place in the A.S. President's office next Tuesday resulted in the court's decision. admit minority applicants who may objective. something is lacking somewhere. If followed the example set by Cypress College President and we hope it can realize its twofold Bakke, .caucasian , claimed he had not be as well qualified. the problem lies deeper in the been denied admission to the U.C. amp, M h This type of a program is educational system, that is where it Davis medical school in favor of less discriminatory to white students should be remedied. qualified minority applicants. because they may fall victim to a The minority applicants were quota system even though their There is no way to justify any type admitted under a special admissions academic qualifications are high. of discrimination against any human program which give 16 of the 100 In a 48-page majority opinion the being. To give someone preferential first-year class openings to court said, "... the equal protection treatment because they belong to a disadvantaged minority applicants. *clause by its literal terms applies to minority, despite their qualifica- A program such as this one is a 'any person'..." If a person is a tions, is just as wrong as denying clear case of overkill as far as member of a minority, he or she equal treatment for the same reason. reducing discrimination is concern- should not be considered so The key word is equality and it is s4 ed. The only way to eliminate disadvantaged that they should be the right of every person to be discrimination in college admiss- given preferential treatment over treated equally and to be given an ions, as in any other area, is to ignore anyone else. equal chance.

b161 I Letters to the editor I Religious clubs' fee The Hornet uses school funds, which fee was a typographical error, it includes federal funds. This should have read that A.S. Senator In the Hornet's "report" on the constitutes definite college recogni- Dan Busey proposed a $1 fee for Sept. 14 A.S. Senate discussion on tion. Should the Hornet be treated as religious groups use of school the "problem" of religious clubs an "off-campus" group and come facilities. The Hornet apologizes for meeting on campus, your bias is under the same A.S. Senate any misunderstanding the error apparent. The report included the recommendations as religious created.] incorrect statement, "By law, groups? colleges cannot officially recognize No less should the Christians on Voice your opinion religious clubs on campus and must campus be denied freedom of therefore treat these organizations religion and freedom of controls The Hornet, like any news- as off-campus groups," due to thereof? Therefore, why are the paper, provides its readers with a "regulations regarding separation Constitutional Rights being with- forum. In this forum students, of church and state." held from Christians? Has the First faculty and staff are welcome to Amendment been repealed? voice This is definitely not the law! The their opinions in the form of a r4')7 What the Hornet biasly calls the letter. First Amendment to the constitution "problem of religious clubs guarantees the right of freedom of requesting free use of FC," is The letter can deal with a campus, religion, including the freedom from merely FC's A.S. Senate overstep- local, or national issue. Perhaps the being prohibited, regulated, control- ping into constitutional rights where writer would like to rebut an led or taxed. (Dan Busey rightly So U Ra ufRACAUT it has no jurisdiction. editorial, or point out something that identifies a $1 fee for religious clubs The Hornet is allowed its bias by was not in a Hornet article. A letter only, and not for other clubs, as a the law of freedom of the press. to the editor is an ideal way for double standard.) Might I suggest printing the non-journalistic students to offer a The First Amendment also viewpoints of Christians for a total solution to some of FC's problems. guarantees freedom of the press. I I-' -r Ir - ' - freedom of the press? Writers should submit the letter Sincerely, in Room 512 by 10 a.m. on the Mrs. Pamela Anderson Tuesday prior to the publication. date. The Hornet will print any letter FC needs new child-care program [EDITORS NOTE: See related less than 300 words written in good editorial on this page. The quoted $7 taste, provided it has space. BY KAREN EWING intelligence, emotional stability and possibly the faculty. Students woul d studies the program. Next, a District I more mothers are More and social adjustment. thus be helping other students , Curriculum Coordinating Commi- working before their children enter while at the same time learning. ttee must approve it. This committee I school. There is an increase of One of the findings of the study, then passes it onto the Board of single-parents. The family nebulus conducted by Baker and Dunn, was Baker believe that the STrustees, who gives it to the state. is breaking down, and as a result of that all of the studied Orange County Dunn and Hornet staff center should not be of the usuall With all of these necessary r these changes, the use of child care centers' directors feel that there is a "educational" model, which simpli-. approvals, it is difficult to get a new facilities is increasing. need for employees to be trained in All American Rating 1975-76 fies and pushes downward the Sprogram implemented. This prog- infant/toddler care. They also add Editor-In-Chief...... Chip O'Neal primary curriculum method, butt ram would do so much for the Managing Editor...... Kurt Jensen that it is difficult to find such help. FC's present child-care program confuses the children. The two FC Scommunity that it's approval would News Editor ...... Brian Scully is good, but it does not provide for be worthwhile. Editorial Editor...... Michael Medley As a result of their study, Baker instructors also feel that the Feature Editor ...... Debbie Holliday infants (children one-year old or and Dunn proposed an Infant/Todd- "health" model, of some centers, Sports Editor ...... Tony Messano less) and toddlers (children 2 or 1 Baker says that the main problem Photo Editor ...... Paul Bender ler Development Professional/Para- which stresses the health and well 3-years old). News Assistant ...... Ray Helmsworth being of the child, is too sterile and Sis not being able to find a facility for Karen Ewing professional certificate program. the center. Old convalescent homes Editorial Assistant ...... This would provide a chance for institutional. Feature Assistant ...... Darlene Bufka Last year, Home Economics and churches have been considered people Cartoonist ...... to become trained in this area but nothing has been found. Last Jon Gothold instructors, Kathleen Baker and of child care. The two Home Economics Torch Editor ...... Frank Messina Linda Dunn, conducted a study of year, a chance for a government Business Manager ...... Bob Dulyea instructors recommend that the Office Manager...... Robin von Mizener infant centers, seven in Orange Sgrant was lost because the school To earn a certificate, a student facility resemble a home. The- place Reporters ...... Jeff Barrese, Greg Bratoff, Mike Gilson, not list where the facility County, two out-of-state and eleven must complete 30 units, 24 required would have both places of privac3 could Jeff Irons, Keith Kropp, Lenore Hayes, Darlene Natal, Earl Ruiz, Julie Rob- other California centers not in would be. It is sad that there seems inson, 20 AB students and 6 electives. Some of the subjects and social interaction. This will be Photographers ...... Pete Henderson, Mike lannone, Orange County. l to be no room in the community for a Dave McChesney Their study are Child Development-Infancy and very good for a child, because he wil Adviser ...... Larry Taylor included such center. Photo Adviser areas as the methods Safety Education and First Aid. be in a warm and comfortable child-care ...... Lew Barrett used to teach children and also the The Hornet is edited and published weekly, except during the summer atmosphere. months, exam periods, and school holidays, by the Journalism department educational background of the There would also be an The proposed infant/toddler of Fullerton College, 321 E. Chapman Ave., Fullerton, CA 92634. It is jointly people employed in the facilities. Infant/Toddler Work Experience For the program to be approved itt center could provide students with financd as a service by the Associated Students and the college adminis- tration. However, views expressed in the Hornet are only those of the Hor- class. This class would be a facility must go through the Home inexpensive child care, but more net staff. Printed at Orange City News Publishing, Inc., Orange, CA. Mem- Baker said that research has on or near the school and would be Economics Division, then to the important would provide the berships: Associated Collegiate Press, California Newspaper Publisher's shown that the infant to toddler open to students, low-income Instruction Office. Ten days later ai community with much needed Association. years are critical for a child's families in the community and Curriculum Review Committee trained employees. HORNET Friday Sept. 24, 1976 Page 3 FC satellite campuses enrollment drops

:BY ROBERT RHEIN Katella dropped 10 classes, with a program has been enlarging over the decrease from 1,271 to 853 students. years. There are currently 340 Enrollment figures for the fall part-time extended day instructors. semester at FC's four extended day Loara and Lowell dropped a class With 8,000 students, including those satellite campuses now stands at each, with enrollment decreases of attending FC during the evening, 4,063 students. This is a drop of 6 1,049 to 894, and 654 to 576 the satellite campus system is percent over last spring's enroll- respectively. almost a college in itself. ment of 4,672. The satellite campus system has This came as no surprise to the FC been offering college courses and administration, as the 6 percent credits to FC's outlying neighbor- In spite of the low enrollment decline was projected as early as last hoods since its introduction in 1974. figures, Dr. Malm has high hopes for Sept. 10. the future of FC's satellite Dr. Ivan C. Malm, Associate Dean campuses. "The program is going, of Instruction at FC says, "We think The four facilities that make up and we're going to keep it going." we are doing a real service to the the FC satellite campus system are Dr. Malm adds, "I'm looking for the people of Orange County." El Dorado High School in Placentia, day when extended day enrollment Loara and Katella High Schools in To meet the needs of the North is equal to, or greater than our Anaheim and Lowell High School in Orange County community, the regular day program." Whittier.

ayin9 t«c). El Dorado was the only satellite Are you campus that enjoyed an increase in rnue"f1 for vc trr enrollment. 55 classes were offered this semester, compared to 50 last spring, with 1,740 students this fall, Arrto in rlr inc"e? compared to 1,698 last semester. *Student Discount Rates Because of the expected drop in PARKING PROBLEMS? - Despite enrollment have more FC students utilling public transportation. *Monthly pay - low cost attendance this semester, classes declines, better bus service and enlarged parking lots, The OCTD has increased the number of buses on its *No refusals Fullerton College is still plagued by a lack of available existing routes resulting in better bus service for FC. were cut back in the other three parking. One possible See story below. solution to the problem is to PHOTO BY BENDER schools. 1871-1231 or 879-35001 Chuck Mertz University Insurance Services Offered by John V. Briggs Insurance Brokers 111 W. B astanchury (at Harbor), Fullerton OCTD ncrease service to FC "Established to Serve the Student"

The Orange County Transit Route 25 (Fullerton-Huntington Route 47 (Fullerton-Santa Ana via more students would use the "gold District (OCTD) has instituted a new Beach via FC and Cal State FC) will also be increasing the sticker" bus permits issued with bus service expansion program that Fullerton) will double its regular frequency of its service to FC. every parking permit. The sticker MAKE OVER will result in better bus service for weekday service to FC. Route 25 According to OCTD officials, the allows unlimited free riding on the FC students. buses will now run every half hour. new bus service expansion program OCTD. $50 PER MONTH On September 12, the OCTD Route 41 (Newport Beach-La is now running fairly smoothly after M" increased the number of buses Habra via Harbor Blvd.) and Route its uncertain start. The changeover . The OCTD has established' an by donating blood Plasma. operating on already existing bus 43 (Newport Beach-Brea via FC) will to the new bus schedules on Information Center at the and help save lives. in by lack south end of the Student Center. The routes. Two new bus routes (one also double its coverage so that both September 13 was hampered ( First time donors come before 1:30 p.m.) in Mission Viejo) drivers and bad new schedules (which replace Anaheim, the other Routes 41 and 43 will serve FC every of available For informatiocall (714) 541-2604 all older ones), maps and transit were also introduced. half hour on weekdays. scheduling. closed Wed. and weekends - reports information are available However, the OCTD now there. " $1.00 Bonus With'Ad and Donation. that the transition to the new schedules has been successfully David Frost cancels FCcompleted. Western Biologics The OCTD hopes that the parking Calf. problem at FC will be lessened if 118 W, 3rd Santa Ana, Artist-Lecture engagement r-trOb.dq EDITOR'S NOTE: Following our On Nov. 13, the Royal Winnepeg Believe in vs... deadline it was announced that CBS Ballet will appear in the Plummer reporter Daniel Schorr has been. Auditorium. Victor Riesel, a top scheduled to replace David Frost as investigative reporter and syndic- the opening program for the Artist- ated columnist will speak at, Lecture Series. See From the Plummer on Jan. 7, 1977. U51 Editor's Desk, on page two.] The FC Artist-Lecture Series will David Frost, who was scheduled feature pianist Vasso Devetzi on to speak at Plummer Auditorium on Friday, Feb. 18 and the Moravian Oct. 8, will not be available on that Folk and Dance Ensamble will date. appear on Sat., March 12. Classic He had planned to launch the guitarist Pepe Romero will complete 1976-77 FC Artist-Lecture Series but the series with his performance on was forced to postpone his Saturday, April 2, 1977. appearance indefinitely due to an All artists will appear at Plummer unexpected trip to Australia. Auditorium with the exception of As of today, the speaker who will Riesel and Devetzi, who will appear take Frost's place has not yet been in the FC Campus Theatre. All established. performances begin at 8 p.m. WOMEN'S CHOICE CLINIC ABORTION SERVICES Pregncy Screening Menstrual Aspirations Counseling Abortion After Care Birth Control For information and appointments call: FEMINIST WOMEN'S HEALTH CENTER ORANGE COUNTY-714) 547-0327

Is your , you're sStudent getting grad. point or better. Sd \you m quality,,y average good' o, ,.,, Srates on your enoughenough? auto,oc.o ,oinsurance. .n Call foday and W FARMERS INSURANCE get e facts GROUP .1 . AUDREY HIRST AGENCY / 2113 E CHAPMAN AVE ' FULLERfTON CALL 871 6670

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Discount Can Still Mean Quality OHRAND OLD ART SHOP Main Street Shopping Center 2720-A North Main St. * Santa Ana, CA * (714) 834-0411 One Block South of Bullock's next to Thrifty Drug. Page 4 Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 HORNET EOPS offers counseling Loggins, the students to relate to someone Messina JULIE PAJARES BY The Extended Opportunities who has been there or is going Program and Services (EOPS) offers through the same emotions." a little known service, Peer Peer Counseling also sponsors bid farewell to L.A. Counseling, to Fullerton College various activities from time to time BY LENORE HAYES but rather as an addition of two Students. to get the students involved and Last Saturday evening bid separate maestros to the industry. Peer Counseling is set up mainly make them feel comfortable and farewell to two entertainment Heart began the bill with a to help college students who have welcome. Tomorrow afternoon Peer of entities: it was the closing night relatively short, but exquisite set. encountered bad experiences within Counseling is holding a picnic at the Universal Amphitheatre's This Washington-based group has a the school systems. Hillcrest Park. summer concert line-up, and most palatable style, blending a mixture This service offers assistance, To become a Peer Counselor, one importantly, it was the final Los of sensual earthiness with gut drive. support and encouragement to the must be enrolled as a student at Angeles performance by Kenny students who have a high potential Fullerton College and have Loggins and . (Their The rich, sleek vocals of Ann and the necessary skills, but are low completed one semester at final show was in San Diego last Wilson is the nucleus of Heart's achievers who for a number of FC with a passing grade. The last Sunday.) dynamics, although Wilson's con- reasons have not measured up to requirement is an interview by a Loggins and Messina took the stant Rod Stewart-like microphone their full potential. screening committee after they have stage with arms about each other's dancing could be replaced with a less A student who feels he is reviewed a resume filed by the shoulders and received with humble conspicuous, more original mode of culturally different can also benefit applicant. simplicity, the standing ovation that stage presence. Nothing less than fromPeer Counseling. is was presented them, and commen- brilliant could describe Ann Peer Counseling provides an The EOPS Peer Counseling ced to produce one of the finest Wilson's guitar style. opportunity for the student who comprised of twelve student concerts to play on a Los Angeles counselors, four counseling assist- Heart will be appearing at the wants to help himself, but somehow stage. ants and Counseling Services Forum, September 30 with Jefferson can't relate to parents, administra- Their two hour set bore no Coordinator, Cathy Spears. Starship. Personal suggestion: after tion or any form of authority. blemishable qualities, a trait rarely LOGGINS AND MESSINA - The concert with his mastery of both the Those interested in becoming seeing both bands perform, my If the administration doesn't run visible in the majority of concerts L.A. farewell concert of Kenny guitar and . Loggins [right] involved with some aspect of the advice is to get to the Forum on time' Peer Counseling, who does? staged. It seems as if the motto of Loggins and Jim Messina marked put on his usual exuberant stage ; Peer Counseling program should to see Heart and leave before the Studen handle the Peer current popular rock acts is "If we the end of a very talented duo. performance. stop by the EOPS office, located Starship comes on. Counseling affairs. As one of the can't be good, we'll be loud." There Messina [left] highlighted the behind the 500 building, inT5D. counselors remarked, "It's a way for I are only a handful of exceptions to - - - I that blasphemous music rule; Loggins and Messina is one of them. A brief essay of their acoustical repertoire opened the show. A rapid, but meticulous transition was made into the country tinged rock. Songs such as "Nobody But You", "Listen To a Country Song" and "Angry Eyes" were executed in long version productions, entailing intricate and versatile arrangements. Assisting Loggins and Messina on Sears stage were Jon Clarke - saxes, , recorder, and Vince Denham - saxes, flutes, recorder. New additions to the band include Doug Livingston on keyboards and pedal steel guitar; George Hawkins 3 things that every picks up the bass and harmony vocals. Woody Chrisman augments the sound with country fiddle and violin. Due to a recent hand injury, Loggins was unable to play the guitar,. instead, he flavors the music college student should know: with the use of various percussion instruments. That, in no way, placed a damper on his vigorous and exuberant stage performance. Messina highlighted the concert with his impeccable mastery on guitar; while "Be Free" was graced 1 e You can SAVE $5 on this by his superlative work on mandolin. The only sad note to the concert slide-rule calculator was that it had to end. Loggins and Messina's break-up should not be viewed as the loss of a music duo, 9 7 SALE 14 Regular $19.99 Live better for Y2 the cost! a. An 8-digit slide rule calculator can make the difference in the speed and accuracy with which you solve complex We help you find a problems. Work square roots, squares, reciprocals in- compatible roommate stantly. 4-key memory lets you work 2 problems at once. Has percent key, floating decimal and large green digital ROOMMATE FINDERS display. With case. Runs on batteries (included). Op- 826-2775 tional adapter available. b. Reg. $26.99. Full slide-rule calculator with scientific nota- tion, 4-key memory. Runs on batteries (included). Op- tional adapter available...... 21.97

Quilts, Applehead Dolls, Blown Glass,plus Hundreds of gift Item 2. You can SAVE $40 on our -hand crafted by senior citizens. Senior CitizenGift Shop 1263 F. Electric 1 typewriter Lincoln Ave at East St. Anahei 991-9320 Located in throughwa tween Alpha Beta & Pharmacy. SALE 992lar ADRESSERS WANTED Immed- $139.99 iately! Work at home - no experience necessary - excellent pay. Write American Service, 6950 Term papers, lab reports, essays-it's hard to reduce your Wayzata Blvd., Suite 132, typing load, but you can make your job easier with Sears Minneapolis, Mn. 55426. Electric 1 portable. Has wide 12 inch carriage with pre-set REDUCE, REDUCE, REDUCE - tab positions for fast column work. With 3 different re- Without starvation or hunger peat pains. Lose 10 to 29 lbs. a month keys, standard pica type. Typewriter cover included. with organic food. Improved hair & nails. Moneyback guarantee. $24.75 for a month's supply. Call Tom Tokunaga at 526-3100. NEED A PART TIME JOB? 3 . You can SAVE $4 on Sears WE OFFER FLEXIBLE HOURS IN THE EVES AND WKNDS. OR carry-pack shelving MORNS, 8-a.m. M-W. THE JOB CONSISTS OF BOTH PHONE WORK AND DRIVING. 097 MUST BE 18 AND HAVE A SALE Regular DEPENDABLE CAR. PAY IS 2.50 $13.99 HR. PLUS MILEAGE. CALL Handy carry-pack GEORGE AT 835-1234 EXT. 233. with handle REGISTER NEWSPAPER. Don't limit yourself to dorm room furniture. Expand PART TIME ave. 15-20 hrs. per your storage space with Sears 4-shelf steel shelving unit. wk taking inventory in retail Walnut-color unit will accommodate stereo equipment, stores. Flexible schedule but records, books. Has adjustable shelves, decorative should be available to work until end noon at least 2 days per wk. We panels. Comes unassembled. will train. WASHINGTON INVENTORY SERV. Sale prices in effect through October 2, 1976 Ask about Sears Credit Plans 12900 Garden Grove Blvd. at Haster, Suite #175, G. Gve. (#14) 638-0070 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. Avail"-'n larger Sears Retail Stores and Catalog Page 5 Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 HORNET Starwood serves up Mother's Finest m BY HARRISON CHASTANG When the group began the set, the outshout the other part of the Vicki Sue Robinson, the audience was sitting in their seats Starwood. headlining act at the Starwood two but by the middle of the show, the weeks ago, was not able to appear whole house were on their feet The group's stage presence was because of illness. It was a good dancing to the music. On "Mickey's very good as they always kept thing that she didn't show up, Monkey," the famous hit of Smokey moving about in a manner that because she might have been Robinson and the Miracles, the would want to make you get up and upstaged by the opening act called group turned the song into a round, move also. The group ended the Mother's Finest. with half of the audience singing one show with the song "Hard Core To the eye and the ear, Mother's part and the other half singing Nigger," and then there was a puff and Finest is a gathering of the biggest another. The reaction to this was of smoke, a flash of flame stars in rock in one band. On bass, fantastic, and even the people in the suddenly they were gone from sight. there is a brother named Wizard who "Hot 100 Club,',' (a special section of If this band keeps playing the way looks like Sly Stone and plays like the club reserved for press and they did at the Starwood, every rock him also; a guitar player who looks record company executives) who band in America, including the like Johnnie Winter and plays like rarely show any emotion toward an Who, who they tour with next, had Jimi Hendrix; a drummer named artist,were up on their feet trying to better watch out. B.B., who looks just like Alice OEDIPUS - The animal-like mask shown above will made by Nick Borah and the Fullerton College Art Cooper and plays as good as any rock Tr A ency be worn by the lead actor in FC's production of Dept. PHOTO BY BENDER drummer around, and a singer who Ticket "Oedipus the King." The masks were designed and looks like Chaka Khan, but sings .o2 )699-0906 better than Khan. range County Dial TICKETS One would imagine that with all 70W. Lincoln, Anaheim Nr Beach] 842-5387 this diverse talent that the band play well together. The gickets flow available for: "Oedipus the King" will climax would not Eagles, Weather Report, Chuck Magione, Labelle, group sounds like Led Zeppelin, but Monterey Jazz Festival, , JeffersOn Starship, Bruce Springsteen, because four of the seven members richy Furay, Jerry Jeff Walker, Hall and Oates, Leonard Skynard ,Todd Rundgren, Liza Minelli, The doobies, Tommy bolin, Who, of the group are black, they give the drama department's semester COMING Led Zeppelin, Stones, Black Oak Arkansas, Grateful band a touch of soul that groups like Dead, and much, much more! the Stones could never get. BY NANCY COOK Traditionally performed with ancient, classical theater. "It will heavy robes, stiff movements and give them movement and vocal was Oedipus, He who "This stoic scenery, the play will be given a opportunities that they would not get solved the famous riddle. Great and new interpretation this fall. "I in a modern production," Hender- was his name..." powerful suppose the only term we could give son confirmed. A line like this from Sophocles' it is 'primitive' ", says Henderson. Greek tragedy, "Oedipus ancient He disclosed that the actors will don A single prehistoric-looking set provokes questions. Tyrranus," animal-like masks and reptilian resembling a mountain of broken Who was Oedipus? What was the Super Sept. Sale costumes in an attempt to capture granite will constitute the scenery, famous riddle? Why was his name feelings that must have been present while leading actors, Oedipus (Ken great and powerful? in early Grecian audiences. Mikell) and Jocasta (Nedda Shrum) will perform their heroic lines The Theatre Arts Department of SALE PRICE "I'm interested in seeing the through lion-like masks. Fullerton College will provide the whole play as a metaphor. Though $179.95 answers when they present we as a twentieth century audience Other animal-faced characters in "Oedipus the King," a Fullerton Reg. Price may not get so keyed up over "Oedipus" are Creon (Harvey $299.95 College rendition of Sophocles' play. patricide and incest, the play can Hand), Tiresias (Earl Mills), two The play will climax this still be effective in touching deep messengers (Dean Northrup, Lori semester's Theatre Arts Dept. emotional centers in each one of Grifo) and a shepherd (Robert events. Under the direction of Jim us." Lauder), as well as the chorus. Henderson, it is scheduled for not Shown with matching performances Nov. 4-6 and Nov. "I don't mean that we're Set design will be by Chuck Space-saver Six Drawer Chest 11-13 at 8 p.m. in the Campus moved by a man killing his father Kading, a Fullerton artist who has REG. PRICE $150.00 SALE PRICE Theater. and having sex with his mother, but designed sets for an opera $99.95 the Greeks lived so close to social association in Washington for the "Based upon the Greek legend of chaos that they felt great last three years. Masks and in breaking these a youth who, ignorant of his identity, consequence costumes will be done by Nick Borah 10% Discount on any THE CAMPAIGNER - Gleaming brass corner plates with commits patricide and incest by eternal verities and displeasing their and the Fullerton College Art Dept. Waterbed with solid wood construction puts this bed in a class by itself. marriage, the play is essentially gods. Yet the success of the play is Dr. Dan Fredriekon and the student I.D. Card this Complete with pedestal, deck, liner, and featuring a quality soul-shaking," says Henderson. dependent upon whether or not we, Fullerton College Music Dept. will Week Classic Mattress and thermostat - controlled Chemelex heater. "The script is about a man in search as a twentieth century audience, still provide the sound effects. Ron Aha Now available in all standard sizes at this incredibly low price! of identity and origin. His desire to retain a tragic view of the world. I is in charge of lighting design. Cal know his "true self" overpowers the believe we do, for death is inevitable State Fullerton dance instructor, fear of what he might find. It's a no matter how we live our lives." FULLERTON Mariam Tate, is the choreographer, 2443 E Chapman Ave. desire that finally destroys him." Susan McQuistin (Chapman @ St College) He added that the play was chosen with students Behind Ichabod s mainly because it would provide the (associate director), Phyllis Palatink (714) 871 0621 With the combination of students with an opportunity to (stage manager), and Gina Martino Sophocles' philisophical investiga- working with the (costume mistress). 100% FINANJCING O.A.C. 30 DAY TRIAL S X"lA tions and Henderson's theatrical experience innovations, the play should be a L classic of a classic. The Gldeu i _1\ 1% Fri.-Sun. Sept. 24-2& Believeusl in us... BUDDIG MEATS COMMANDER CODY AT UPSCHITZ CREEK I Oct. 1,2,3 m C+.nTr-.m TRADER JOE'S MARKET DION Oct. 5 Buddig's smoked meats have FUNKY KINGS such taste appeal that they are 306 Pacific Coast Highway Advance Reservations some of the most popular Huntington Beach (714) 586-9600Jniversity Stereo | delicatessen items we carry. across from the Pier Dining, Cocktails, no age limit i

LITTLE RIVER BAND THE WEST" (P] Bring this adpe to the Midnight show Friday asrSaturdayone the 25Yo andreeivefree It's Tim fer "NGCUMIALL RAIL

James Cain FREE PASSES Bring this ad to the Midnight show Friday or,Saturday the 25 and receive one free

-mS.~IIE ETME 62

. r..... :. $6.98 LIST

Little River Band was named Album of the Year by The Australian Record Industry Association; voted The Best Performance By A Group On Record - "Curiosity (Killed The Cat)." Originallywith other successful Australian bands, LIVE L.R.B.'s members are rich in music experience. F WE.-HU.'SETEBE 2-3 -k ROCK CONCERT Friday and Saturday All $698 list records always $399 or less! * Midnight SFeaturing ORANGE PLACENTIA MONTEREY PARK HERMOSA BEACH GLENDALE PASADENA THOUSAND OAKS Mall of Orange 187 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. 2092 S.Atlantic Blvd. 729 Pacific Coast Hwy. 320 S.Central Ave. 3741 E.Foothill Blvd. 1682 Moorpark Rd. Co- hit "Convo'i' (714) 637-8490 (714) 996-2470 (213) 726-0636 (213) 374-3005 (213) 246-9152 (213) 351-0616 (805) 497-7770 Peter Fonda I SANTA ANA LONG BEACH WESTMINSTER SHERMAN OAKS AZUSA/GLENDORA HOLLYWQOD STUDIO CITY 2407 S.Bristol 4750 E.Pacific Coast Hwy. 13932 Golden West St. 4568 Van Nuys Blvd. 1123 E.Alosta Ave. 1440 N. Vine St. 11978 Ventura Blvd. "FUTUREWORLD" (714) 540.9005 (213) 433-0374 (714) 893-5297 (213) 789-8671 (213) 335-7310 (213) 463.9781 (213) 769-5550 Call theatre for times iON. MAM ' 0e *fI" 525-4747 Pane 6 Fridav. Sept. 24. 1976 HORNET I - I L Cale ndar TODAY MONDAY Dance and Party at the Masonic Lodge, 120021 Effective today FC's Veterans Affairs Office E. Beverly St., Whittier. From 8 p.m. to midnight. hours will be as follows: Monday - Thursday 8 a.m. Admission charged. to 8:30 p.m. Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Hornet cross country squad hosts Mt. San The Women's Club of Fullerton is holding its Antonio College at 3:30 p.m. on the FC course. membership tea today at 1 p.m. at the First Hornet water polo team at Mt. San Antonio Presbyterian Church of Fullerton, 838 N. Euclid, College for the Mt. SAC Tournament. All day. Fullerton. TUESDAY SATURDAY The Activity Center for the Orange County The Associated Students sponsored Reclama- Epilepsy Society opens today. Hours are from 9 tion Center will be open today from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. a.m. to 3 p.m., 2730 E. Main St., Santa Ana (714) at the Orangefair Mall. Aluminum cans, bottles 547-0748. and paper are accepted. FC's A.S. Senate meets today at 10 a.m. in the The North Orange County and Whittier Area Student Government Room located on the east side Literacy Council is holding a refresher workshop in of the Student Center. the Laubach method of teaching English today. Petitions for vacant seats in the A.S. Senate Registration begins at 9 a.m. Orangethorpe United must be turned in by 1 p.m. today in the Student Methodist Church, 2351 W. Orangethorpe, Affairs Office. Fullerton. Candidates for A.S. positions Candidates Meeting, 2 p.m., in the Student Government EOPS is sponsoring a picnic for all interested Room. Candidates who can not attend should students at Hillcrest Park from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. contact the Election Committee Chairperson. Pictures will be taken. FC's Hornet eleven travel to Murdok Stadium in NOCCCD Board of Trustees meets tonight at Torrance this evening for a football game with the 7:30 p.m. at the District Education Center, 1000 N. CRASS BLUEGRASS musicians Wayne Bachrach Upschitz Creek Revue, tentatively scheduled as El Camino Warriors. Kickoff is at 7:30 p.m. Lemon St., Fullerton. (left) and Jim "Roscoe" Wray offer fine country with opening act for the Commander Cody band this V ------a ribald twist. Wayne and Roscoe constitute the weekend at the Golden Bear. Upschitz Creek offeirs country vulgarity Ad libbing A man who can rattle off dirty opening act for Canned Heat last their way through the Molesting Blues." jokes faster than Jim "Roscoe" Monday at the Golden Bear. More at eevening with excoriating wit and Both musicians come well Wray and Wayne Bachrach will beat home in the Inn's environment speech littered with malapropisms prepared with musical credentials a path straight to the outhouse door where the sound is strictly acoustic, ("pardon us for the sound, but the including Roscoe's work with Frank of the Upschitz Creek Revue. the irreverent pair nightly bedazzle aagnostics are really bad in here") Wakefield and Red Allen. To both In addition to a highly refined the sparse crowds with their riffing the duo delivers a wide and lively their credit, they also claim at least sense of humorous vulgarity, Wray and ribaldry as they stroll from table r'epertoire of country favorites such two incidents of shocking customers and Bachrach are outstanding to table (on top of them, of course). ais "Six Days on the Road," off their barstools and eliciting seven bluegrass musicians forming a Deft and dexterous diddling on 'Orange Blossom Special," "Don't letters of complaint to the two-man band with a name their fiddle and mandolin (or 'mandarin' ILet Your Deal Go Down", (given a Sheraton management. employers pointedly omit from the since he claims it is of Japanese rnew approach with a phallic Says Wray of the Revue's stage marquee: the unprintable Creek make) is provided by Roscoe, inadequacy connotation), and "I act, "We could do it without being Revue. supplemented by flashy and (Gave Her the Ring, She Gave Me the dirty, but it wouldn't be as much The Revue is currently playing the sometimes competent six-string IFinger." Occasionally a blues fun." Sheraton Inn, and was recently guitar work demonstrated by rnumber is thrown into the KURT JENSEN called in at the last minute as the Wayne. performance such as "Child

Not if it's an extraordinary Pilot Razor Point marker pen. Afiber-tipped pen so precisely balanced, it will always feel comfortable Heat: Onthe roaiJ again in your hand, even after hours of writing. Its sturdy plastic point, surrounded Canned sharp line. by a unique Pilot metal "collar" writes a distinctly smooth, Canned Heat opened a blistering as elaborate as his well-miked drum righteous solo with both hands "Since they didn't have faith in us, Infact, it's the thinnest tipped pen you can buy. And that makes it just the album and hot set of down-to-earth boogie at kit. dlarting, picking and touching they didn't promote our great for pages of notes or that one important love letter. Best of all, it's the Golden Bear with an Perhaps boogie is too narrow a firets up and down the guitar neck. it never went anywhere." only 69c and is now available at your college book store. appropriate selection, their first hit musical frame-work for musicians to Between sets at the Golden Bear, There is good news for the die- So ifyour Pilot pen makes you lovesick, don't be single "On the Road Again." exercise a solo prowess, but Mandel BBob Hite spoke wryly of Canned hard Heat fan though. Once again, ashamed to admit it. After all, it'll . .. .. a. A boogie band of legendary had no apparent problems other IHeat's recent record contract with the group plans on returning to the alwaysashme betoadiit. good to you. After allBigB status that began in the sixties, than an infrequent feedback AAtlantic which has since been recording studio. Canned Heat enjoyed world fame squelch. In addition to solo breaks, terminated. Almost disbelieving it himself, and several hit singles before he performed some of his own "Those people wanted to change Hite shook his head saying "We've contract hassles and the suicide of compositions wherein his sound- >ur whole scene." been away for so long. We haven't vocalist-songwriter Allan Wilson sculpting improvisational playing Atlantic apparently wanted The even cut it yet. But right now we're PILOT finelne marker pens. gradually forced the band into semi- sometimes sounded like an electric Heat to have a sound resembling free agents (without contract retirement. violin or keyboard synthesizer. of B.B. King by the addition of obligations)" K.J. Pilot Corporation of America, 41-5 36th St., Long island City, N.Y. 11101 that I mmm Aficionados of Canned Heat who Mandel is truly an electric hhorns to the band. The group's are astonished that the group is still guitarist and uses a complex set of insistence on keeping their own in existence will be further tone and reverb controls to play the ssound resulted in the subsequent A MESSAGE FROM THE ASSOCIATED surprised at the band's sound, instrument to its fullest potential. flop of the LP "One More River to which is incredibly tight. He occasionally glided into a (Cross." The Heat's personnel features STUDENTS TO OURFELLOW STUDENTS jazz-guitarist extraordinaire Harvey At the next Associated Students Election (Oct. 5 & 6, 1976), an amendment to Article Mandel who has worked with the III, Section A of the A.S. Constitution will be on the ballot for your consideration. In band off and on since the release of essence the amendment will give the elected 30 member Senate the option, during the LP "Future Blues." the year, to appoint up to 4 people to fill elected positions that have been vacated Sticking mostly to hits and other or that have not been filled by election. tunes sounded favorites, none of the SECTION A PRESENTLY READS: "The Associated Students shall be stale or trite. This may have been ARTICLE III, because it has been so long since goverened by a Senate comprised of duly elected students..... they were last heard or because BACKGROUND: The Senate is proposing this amendment for the following they were all handled in a slightly reasons: different manner with modified fifty percent (50%) of the bass lines and vocal arrangements. A. During the course of the year up to approximately Overall, the presentation was elected officers may leave the Senate for various reasons.- loud and lively and orchestrated by B. When vacancies reach a certain number (the By-laws presently say 9) special Bob Hite who spearheads the group elections must be held. with strong gravelly vocals and C. Special or mid-year elections have been a necessity for the past 6 years. These bluesharp. Hite's play- elections, in addition to being time consuming, typically cost approximately ing was tight and concise, but $150.00 each. cannot hope to replace the harp D. Special elections have been held to insure that as many campus segments as virtuosity that was shown by Allan possible are represented at all times. The newly proposed option to appoint Wilson. people to vacancies would have the same objective. Though Hite is light on his toes, ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE AMENDMENT he still lives up to his nickname ARGUMENTS FOR THE AMENDMENT the Senate to 1. It would circumvent the electorial process "The Bear" at 350 pounds and 1. This amendment would allow a larger working size--on a more for up to four (4) voting members. sporting bushy beard and waist maintain regular basis. 2. It would allow non-elected persons to funct- length hair. He bounded and 2. It would provide more opportunities for fill- ion with the same voting privileges as elect- boogied around the stage between ing Senate vacancies and therefore more ed representatives of the students. bassist brother Richard, slide and representation for all division in case of 3. This could remotely increase the role of rhythm guitarist Chris Morgan, vacancy. special interest groups on campus. lead guitarist Mandel and long-time 3: It could reduce the number of costly special 4. A larger Senate does not necessarily mean a band member Fito de la Parra, elections ($150.00 each). better more efficient or productive Senate. whose drumming proficiency was 4. The 15% figure would keep the appointed 5. This amendment would not end costly positions from controlling the Senate. Since special elections. The number of anticipated Senate size is determined by current school vacancies would still dictate a special mid- ARMY RESERVE enrollment (30 is the current capacity) the year elections. small percentage of appointed positions would not unduly imbalance the elected FULL TIME OPPORTUNITIES -I 'r postions. PART TIME CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Supplement your income without "In cases of vacancy the Senate may also appoint Senators. interfering with your studies. a. Appointed positions will be limited to Senator vacancies only. Vacancies in the offices of President, Vice-President and Treasurer will be filled by special We have openings for a few highly qualified people. Become a CITIZEN SOLDIER elections. while attending college, then carry that skill over into your chosen civilian b. Appointed positions shall not exceed 15% of the current number of Senate profession. positions. Gone are the days of $25 a month and all the hay your horse could eat (and you too, must be nominated by a currently elected official. sometimes). Today, that and more is made every day by Army Reservists like c. The candidate yourself. And the fringe benefits are excellent. Full time life insurance at half price, d. The candidate must also obtain 50 student signatures on the petition form PX privileges, free space available air travel in the Continental United States (use it supplied by the Judicial Committee. during summer vacation), and retirement income (yes, retirement from a part time e. The Judicial Committee will review the candidate's elegibility under Sections I, job.). Qualified Men & Women II and III of the Election Code. In all, the ARMY RESERVE is the perfect part 17-35 f. The candidate must be ratified by a majority vote of the Senate. time job for you. One weekend a month and two g. After the candidate is ratified, they may take office with the full privileges weeks each summer is all it takes. SINCE 1776..... accorded to them by the Constitution of Fullerton College." Call your ARMY RESERVE Recruiter ARE YOU IN FAVOR OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT? YESD NOD I r~ -_ I HORNET Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 Page 7 From The Hornets' Nest Strikers 'The Python' set to crush record BY TONY MESSANO attempt Monty Bullerdick's 145-yard performance at Fresno last weekend placed him 254 yards shy of becoming the all-time Fullerton College football rushing leader. Only Mike Acker, who totalled 1,453 yards in 1964 and '65, to repeat stands between Bullerdick and a niche in the Hornet record books. Also, Bullerdick's three touchdowns in the Fresno game lifted his total to BY KERRY MANGANO four in two games. This puts him atop the Orange County JC football If winning creates pressure, scoring derby with 24 points, 12 ahead of second place Ric Martin of then Fullerton College women's Golden West College. volleyball coach Marty Orner will be It's about time someone stuck a nickname on the elusive Bullerdick. How under a lot of pressure when her about "Monty the Python," because he is a thrill to watch and he squeezes yardage out of defenses... team opens the dual match season Sept. 30, here, against Barstow Last Friday, in the Hornets' College. varsity soccer debut at Cal State In the 13 years she has coached Fullerton, FC goalie Steve volleyball at FC, Orner's teams have Hymer faced unceasing pressure never had a losing season. from the Titans' awesome offense. (See photo at left.) The UCLA graduate expects to .-...... '. field a strong team made up of Despite his precarious position, several talented freshmen. ii :,1l ~.:^l)il^~Hymer didn't forget his courtesy. She listed freshmen Julie Sl When a spectator retrieved a stray "OOOH, THAT SMARTS" - FC's Rudy Fuentes Fullerton. Chris Passarello (far left) reacts with Thompson, Karen Eich, Terri ball for the fifth time and handed it heads the ball out of the Hornet defensive zone during emotion as Tom Frank (13) and Jose Gutierres (2) look Wallace and Jan Ruski as players: over to Hymer, the netminder from action in front of FC goal last week at Cal State on. Hornets dropped 4-0 decision to Titans in debut. she expects to make a strong ;| iWatsonville, Ca. thanked him, then contribution this year. S. w quipped with a "I really don't know how we'll its:-'agi 0-53-: disse keeping you busysmile, today,"They're aren't sure Hornet kickers start off on wrong foot stack up against the league because I * . they?" It is impossible to make a just Sergio Molina accounted for FC's Cal State coach Dennis Checkett haven't e tg e w tc The Titans kept Hymer busy, seen the other teams play, assessment of Jim Pasquale's first and only goal in its brief varsity felt that the Hornets did well in yet," Orner explained. '. too. They blanked the overmatched soccer-coaching talents this early in history. But a hat trick (three goals) their first game. "They should do A Hornets, 4-0. But Hymer's humor If the past is a way of measuring the Hornets' initial varsity soccer by Dorado of Golden West more fine in the community college circuit was not shut out... success in the future, however, then season. than offset the Hornets' short taste this year," he said. A former FC football player starred on television and radio last weekend. Marty Orner has a head start on her But this Craig Feola, a steady defensive back for coach Hal Sherbeck's 1974 and much can be said of of glory in the first half. The rivals this year. '75 teams, was one of the few bright spots for the University of Oregon in. Pasquale's scheduling abilities: He Rustlers exploded for seven goals in ~nE3E3CSCSCSC3C~S~43EXS3E~SESESC~~ its 0-53 disaster against Southern Cal Saturday night. He was in on is tough. the second half. numerous tackles from his defensive secondary slot. The Hornets are 0-2 this The game was telecast twice on a tape-delay basis and broadcast live on preseason following 0-4 and 1-8 radio. drubbings at the hands of Cal State FC netters serve Feola, who entered Oregon this fall on a football scholarship, was a JC Fullerton and Golden West College, Foot InThe Mouth I All-American honorable mention and first team All-Conference selection respectively. last year at FC. He also earned the school's 1975 "Best Defensive Back" causes for playing Lest our readers forget, "Foot In The Mouth" is still accepting written So FC will try to gather itself opinions of 500 words or less. award. Fullerton College's mixed doubles before traveling to Long Beach City Merely sign your letter, state you major and submit your viewpoint on "Craig was an extremely consistent player who made few mistakes," tennis team was idle prior to its 1976 reports the Hornets' defensive back coach. College next Thursday for a 3 p.m. sports to the Hornet office, Room 512, prior to noon, the Tuesday before opener yesterday, here, against Los desired publication. That is humble praise coming from Al Feola, match. (The Hornet is published every Friday, except Craig's proud father, who Angeles Harbor College. holidays.) has been the defensive back tutor at FC since 1961... "One thing is for sure," Pasquale The While on the subject of coach's sons, it should be noted that Eric affirmed, "we won't be going into The Hornet netters, however, Hornet reserves the right to edit where deemed necessary. This week, "Foot In The Mount" Sherbeck, son of the FC head coach and athletic director, is the South Coast Conference season were active in reply to the question: broadens its base to cover all sports currently at with a wide-open topic: Arizona state University via a tennis scholarship. big-headed." "Why did you choose to play mixed Racial Discrimination In .Sports. But based on the responses, The younger Sherbeck was outstanding in both singles and doubles tennis this year at FC?" racial discrimination is a factor only in doubles The Hornets open SCC play Oct. football, basketball and the Olympics. competition last year. He compiled a 33-4 record and No. 2 ranking in Mixed doubles coach Ann Read the 9 at Grossmont College. This could mean that it is virtually non-existent state in singles play for FC in his only year here. made it clear to her team that, in other sports. Or, it At Golden West last Tuesday, may imply that prejudices in football, basketball and the Olympics are "Eric is really excited about being at A.S.U.," relays his father... "Winning or losing is not important. so There have glaring that they obscure the facts in other sports. been four heretofore unfamiliar faces scurrying about the FC Having fun and improving should men's athletic department, recently. Women cagers come first." Some say sports have come a long way from the early Whites-only teams They are Larry Knuth, Steve Iverson, Dick Shelko and Ken Hickerson. Some of the Hornets echoed their and the old Negro Leagues. But have they come far enough? Knuth (the K is voiced) is filling in for Dr. Bob Ward as assistant cross mentor's sentiments. Mark Thorpe country and head track coach. Ward is taking a one-year leave of absence debut Oct. 6 Do you think there is still racial discrimination in sports today? while serving as a trainer for pro football's Dallas Cowboys. and Mike Santo said they "enjoy It's been said that old habits Iverson, Shelko and Hickerson have been assisting the FC grid program are tennis and came to have fun." COMPILED BY hard to break. In that case, the as part-time coaches. Iverson (Magnolia) and Shelko (Cypress) are local A few women appeared to be more ROBERT KRIER ,high schQolinstrucos .and. Hickerson is a gra-diter student-coach... Fullerton College women's basket- dedicated to the sport. Cindy "Yes. Mexican-Americans seem to be Hornet baseball coach Mike Sgobba urges prospective ball team should be in for a Howlett said, "I like to play tennis discriminated against more so baseball players than Blacks. You don't to try out for his team Monday, at successful season when it debuts see a representative amount of Mexican-Americans 2 p.m., on the FC diamond. The Hornets' and this keeps me in practice for the in football fall-winter baseball season starts Oct. 19... Oct. 6 at Santa Barbara City College. and basketball. Also, very few Blacks hold leadership positions women's team in the spring." Jody in sports"--Bill Brummel, Forestry. Women swimmers and divers at FC, who wish to compete for the Hornet coach Colleen Riley has a Foster, one-half of FC's No. Hornets in the "No. The only place you would find it would be in the Deep South. A spring, are asked by women's swimming coach Sue Beers to record over the past two seasons of 1 tandem, explained, "I'll attend a meeting in. room 1207 lot of Blacks can make it and have made it. Look at O.J."- John Kent, Pro- Monday at 11 a.m... 36-2. But there might be a sour note be Law. From FC women's athletic director playing for Cal State Fullerton Florence English comes the this year. And that is the fact that FC announcement of a new award. It is called the "Sportswoman Award." next year and I want to remain "Yes. There may be reverse discrimination. A Black player I know feels has only one player returning from that some Criteria are being considered for the new honor, which will competitive." And Wendi Kramp is players are given a position simply because they are Black, be given to .without their several qualified women at the 1977 spring awards banquet. last year's team, which finished in "just going to try hard." ability being considered. Some coaches overdo racial first place in the Coast League. R.T. Farquhar felt that he seized equality. "--Andrea Mangum, Undeclared. "I Karen Donnelly, injured much of upon a golden opportunity. "I need don't think so, because there are many more Blacks in football, basketball and the Olympics."--Sonja Bodell, last year, is that lone returnee. She is improvement and playing with the Pre-Law. a 6-foot center. Competing with her "I'm not sure. By simple observation you can tell that most basketball girls will do it to ya everytime," he and football players are Black. It appears for the starting spot is 6-foot Kathie that there is no discrimination said. against Blacks, but there may be discrimination against Mexicans."--Jack Myers, who played center on the Male chauvinism is the main D. Sharkey, Police Science. undefeated 1971-72 Hornet squad. reason behind former national junior "Yes, especially on coaching staffs. There is only a token number of Gone from the squad is Joan Uhl, college finalist Rudy Sanchez' Black coaches. You can still find a lot of discrimination insports as a whole, last year's team MVP. participation. "(I'm here)...because too. "--Charlene Fuller, Sociology. Though 1976 appears to be a I'm not a sexist," he remarked. "Yes, there is in some sports, but not all. Some sports are dominated by rebuilding year for FC, it must be Diane Hahn, showing her school Blacks. In other sports, Black athletes are not given a fair chance."--Greg remembered that the Hornets have spirit, commented that she was Cheatham, Pre-Law Business. "It depends where you are. There qualified for post-season tourna- playing for FC because "we're going is discrimination in some places, like ments each of the eight years Riley the South, but I don't think there is any here."--Michael Tatmon, to have a hot team this year." Communications. has coached them. But Vicki Langley was a bit cool to "Yes, there still is, a little, but not nearly as much as there used to "We're optimistic about the the question. She said she "had no be."--Ray Redic, Undeclared. upcoming season," said Riley. "We idea" why she went out for the team, have a lot of tall (5-foot-10 to 6-foot) ATTENTION GRABBER - Hornet women basketball players then closed with, "I have no further (from left) players and the freshmen Peggy Reid and Kathie Myers watch with Interest as look very comment." coach Colleen Riley runs through a play. FC opens 1976 play Oct. 6 at Santa good this year." Neither did the rest of the team. SAYLOR'S Barbara. Riley is looking forward to the It was time to prepare for next start of the season and, judging by Thursday's 2:30 p.m. home match STUDENT DISCOUNT Gil's Gab her record, FC foes shouldn't do against Glendale College. likewise. --Kerry Mangano --Joe Barrese I 15% Attention UCLA: Beware of high flying' Air Fiorce Academy SERVING ALL THE VISUAL ARTS obstacle seems to be the Grossmont BY MIKE GILSON Alston's position. Alston is Watch out for the Angels next Student Headquarters for team, which FC will face Oct.'30, hanging up his spikes after 23 After being year. With a healthy Bobby Bonds ranked No. 2 down south, at2 p.m. Mark that one seasons... Artist Supplies -Materials nationally in community college and a pea-shooting Nolan Ryan (he's down on your calendar. UCLA had better be careful football last week, Fullerton College won five in a row, including three Of course, defeating FC this year tomorrow against the Air Force 245 So. Euclid-Anaheim stood a good chance of reaching the three-hitters), they might surprise a would make any team's season. So Academy. Remember last year when No. 1 spot lot of people next season. Maybe 420 E.4th Long Beach in the JC Grid-Wire Poll watch out Hornets-when you're the Bruins released yesterday. looked ahead to Ohio they will even spend some money Phones: (Anaheim) No. 1, you have to play them one State? Air Force forced a tie with 827-6970 The Hornets figure to climb after and acquire another quality player game at a time... them. And guess who the Bruins (Long Beach) 435-5383 their impressive 33-12 victory over or two. After watching Pat Haden's face next week? Ohio State... Fresno City College last week. And performance in the Ram-Viking previously No. 1-ranked Mesa, Ariz. game, it seems Los Angeles has a will undoubtedly slip in the polls, starting quarterback for years to following a 21-9 defeat at the hands come. With Haden at the controls, of No. 7 Grossmont last week. the Rams should be prime Meanwhile, if FC keeps up its contenders for a berth in the Super present pace, it certainly will be the Bowl... team to beat in the Jr. Rose Bowl The Dodgers' head cheerleader, race. But the Hornets' biggest Tommy Lasorda, is in line for Walt Monaco Barbers | AYER West TO RENTL lt UTS MEN's$ 55 . 5 00.,ini.u 2954 Yorba Linda Blvd., Fullerton (Gemco Shopping Center) OPEN 7 DAYS 528-9097 Y, KAYALIEMUSI A7J Page 8 Friday, Sept. 24, 1976 HORNET Gridders invade El Camino BY KEITH KROPP of the game. "It's a healthy situation El Camino College, a familiar to have two excellent quarter- preseason foe of the Hornet football backs," Sherbeck said. team, will host Fullerton College In some respects, Sherbeck felt tomorrow night at 7:30 at Murdock this was actually the opening game Stadium in Torrance. of the season for the Hornets, since FC head coach Hal Sherbeck feels few players had the opportunity to that El Camino is not as physical as play against Citrus two weeks ago. last year's powerhouse squad. But Last week, almost every player got he indicated the Warriors have some action. gained quickness. In the past, the big play has been Last year, the Warriors defeated prominent in the Hornet offense. In FC 17-7 in a game which El Camino's 1975, for instance, wide receiver Ron defense dominated. This season, Smith was FC's game-breaker. And however, the FC offense is much the Hornets used several big plays to stronger. achieve victory against Fresno last "With us in a good position, we week. must be totally prepared and can On one, Ron Cassidy, Smith's have no letdowns," commented successor, caught a 54-yard scoring Sherbeck. "Teams tend to point to pass in the first quarter. you when you are going good. (FC, On another big play, in the second 2-0, is the top-rated team in the quarter, Bullerdick bolted 47 yards state.) We can have no breakdowns for a touchdown. in any area." And a third big play was turned in In last Saturday's game, the by the Hornet defense when Dave Hornet offensive linemen Mike Eddleman (76) Hornets compiled 27 points in the Coleman, a defensive back, returned : ! :: 009...... - . /: and Dick Bidwell rest during last week's clash first half and rolled to a decisive an interception 34 yards for a 33-12 win over Fresno City College, touchdown just before halftime. at Fresno. with Fresno City College All told, FC amassed 427 yards Starting quarterback Morris offensively against the Rams. Bledsoe and back-up Bob Farra each Polte will start frosh passed for over 100 yards. And Fullerton ...... 13 0--33 tailback Monty Bullerdick rushed for Fresno ...... 6 0--12 DEFENSIVE PRESSURE - FC defensive back Steve Erdner forces an BY JIM BERNASCONI 100-plus yards for the second week incomplete pass in the fourth quarter of the Hornet's 33-12 win over Fresno in a row. FUL-Bullerdick 6-yard run College last Saturday. Tomorrow night, FC will play "Although we have mostly Though they compete in a tough at El Camino College. "Our coaching staff prepared the (Dave Donk kick) freshmen, I feel we'll have a great conference and have to practice in a team very well," praised Sherbeck. FRE--Phillips 1-yard run (kick ********* Southland JC Grid year," says Fullerton College coach Poll "We executed with much greater failed) Stinger of the Week- Rocky Ernie Polte of his water polo team. downtown facility because of repairs intensity than in the previous FUL-Cassidy 54-yard pass from Liapis 1--Fullerton (2-0-0) Offensive Back of the Week- 2--Bakersfield (1-0-0) "I am positive in my thinking on the FC pool, the Hornets are game." Bledsoe (kick failed) Monty Bullerdick 3--Golden West (2-0-0) because we have team captain Dirk Sherbeck also pointed out that the FRE-T. Johnson 77-yard pass expected to reach state competition Defensive Back of the Week- 4--Citrus (1-1-0) Flores, Kelly Capps and Dan Hornets showed a lot of from Ambers (kick failed) Todd Kirschner 5--L.A. Valley (1-0-0) DeJongh returning from last year's again this year. And it may be the FC improvement in all phases, FUL-Bullerdick 47-yard run receiving. kick) Off. Lineman of the Week- Rich 6--El Camino (1-0-0) squad," Polte continues. "And Dan especially in passing and (Donk freshmen who ultimately decide that stated that Coleman 34-yard inter- Hanson 7--Grossmont (2-0-0) Simeroth transferred here from The Hornet mentor FUL-D. Def. Lineman of the Week- Lou 8--Mt. San Antonio (2-0-0) Pepperdine and has looked fate. Bledsoe established the momentum ception return (Donk kick) Falcone 9--Canyons (1-0-0) impressive." for FC early and Farra maintained FUL-Bullerdick 7-yard run (kick that edge throughout the remainder failed) ** ******* 10--Rio Hondo (1-1-0) Polte also thinks his freshmen look promising. "Our freshmen, espec- ially Dave Perry, Brian Hopp, Norman Evenson and Tom Kersch, are rapidly improving. This season is Bledsoe enjoys FC grid success going to be interesting and I expect a BY CINDY GROSS Lofgren because of the way they contracted bone chips from playing between this year's Hornet football If Notre Dame doesn't offer him a few surprises." however, Bledsoe said Morris Bledsoe, the starting give themselves to the team. They baseball and since that time he has team and that of 1975. "Last year, scholarship, are not "individual" players, concentrated on football. The bone we were striving to beat one team he'll stay on the West Coast and Polte figures seven of the eight quarterback for the Fullerton according to Bledsoe. chips don't seem to hamper his (Orange Coast College),'' he probably go to the aforementioned players will be College football team, is a Bledsoe's participation in football performance on the gridiron. mused. University of California at Berkeley. starting for the Hornets during the surprising personality. baseball was encouraged by his The hazards of football don't "But this year, we're thinking, Berkeley has already offered him a busy upcoming week. FC will His looks are deceiving. He and father, whose experience as a tight seem to bother Bledsoe or his 'we're the champions,' and we're football scholarship. participate in the Mt. San Antonio stands 6 feet 1 and weighs 200 end in semi-pro football played a father." Dad worries more about me going for them all. They're all would like tournament today and tomorrow and pounds. His unruly blond hair After college, Bledsoe part" in his son's athletic when I go snow skiing," Bledsoe tough, but you can't think that way the Northern California tournament, frames a scraggly beard and gives "big to play pro football for one of the inclinations. laughed. when you're playing them." the Oct. 1-2. him a tough appearance. But he is West Coast teams, preferably not what his looks might imply. But the vounger Bledsoe The tonic moved to the difference Bledsoe then talked about his Rams. Bledsoe is a conscientious team's performance against Fresno Wherever Morris Bledsoe fin- The Hornets are out to improve person. He is aware of the pitfalls of City College, last Saturday. "It was ishes his Pre-Law studies (in which upon last year when they won the football, but admits that at FC this a total team effort. We were up for he has a 3.0 GPA) and college South Coast Conference title, year, they are few and far between. it. We were like one unit-- like a pro career, he'll be an asset to finished second in Southern The Hornets' "knowledge of the team," Bledsoe said with a smile. football the school and the team. His California and third in the state. system and overall experience," as Bledsoe would like to continue both of the game and players and Bledsoe put it, are two reasons why playing football in the future. His respect dream is to play for Notre Dame, an his philosophy of "playing for the was second in the FC is rated No.1 in the state. "Golden West ambition he held since he was a team and not yourself" is a rare but I feel'it's now the "I just love it," he said of the state last year, child. commodity these days. toughest team in the state," Polte atmosphere on the 1976 Hornet concludes. football team. "It's a total team effort. Everyone is giving 110 per VILLAGE ART CENTER cent and is behind you all the way." 424 W. Commonwealth FC Hornet He spoke appreciatively of his Fullerton, Ca. 92632 ' teammates, especially running back .. 525-5897 Monty Bullerdick and offensive f 10% Student Discount lineman Jeff Lofgren. "The team is t Sports Menu i well-balanced with a lot of depth Custom Framing and competition," Bledsoe said. SEPTEMBER Artist He talked about his own Materials 24-Cross country, Mt. San competition, back-up quarterback Art Classes Antonio, 3:30 Bob Farra, with respect. "It's the 24-25-Water polo, at Mt. SAC first time anyone behind me has tournament, All Day given me any competition," Bledsoe explained. "He (Farra) is a 25-Football, at El Camino, 7:30 very good quarterback. We will - - -- ~ --- p.m. BLEDSOE CONFERS - Hornet sophomore quarterback Morris BledsoDe both get better because we teach cited his team's communication as a major reason for FC's succes ss 28-Soccer, at Long Beach City each other." this year. Here he is shown in a common pose with head coach Hial College, 3:00 Bledsoe viewed the FC coaching Sherbeck. PHOTO BY HENDERSO N staff as a close-knit team, also. 30-Mixed doubles tennis, Glen- "They never fight and always now in stockNEW SUPPLY dale College, 2:30 SKIERS!! confer with each other on matters of SSCOTT UA -k Men's Jeans 30-Women's volleyball, Barstow importance," he noted. & Coordinates College, 3:30 Being a team and giving to the SCOTT BOOTS by team is important to Bledsoe. 1E The Lightest Boot on the Market Levi-Lee-Tobias-Leggs Because of this, Joe Namath rates (Only 5.1 lbs. per pair, i.e. men's for Casual or Dress as his favorite player. "He will size 10 about half the weight of always be my idol because he's for most other boots.) "the trend the team," Bledsoe said. is toward lighter equipment Men's Shirts He continued the issue, explain- to make skiing more fun by ing how he enjoyed Bullerdick and and less fatiguing. SCOTT Hang Ten-Kennington-Campus-Bardon Boots give you. lightness and performance." Wrangler-Joel-Levi-for all occasions PLACENTIA - LA MIRADA COME IN AND TRYONA =_ Gal's Shoppe BIKE PAIR AT A;r_ Ditto's-Lady Wrangler-Levi-h.i.s. for her- ORANGE Blouses by: Levi-Kennington SHOP COUNTY'S MOST Byer-Langtry-Lady Wrangler Sales Service PROFESSIONAL SKI SHOP O Sleeping Bags-Back Packs- New & Usec Bicyc es Complete Line of Accessory Items 10 Speeds and Standards , Models & ti\ 41SPOn 7l rl ,A I FULLERTON All sizes, colors & models Sporting Goods IWP 2 Locations 112 E.Commonwealth 528-1555 943-2116 FULLERTON ^- ORANGE 525-5544 K 2520 E. Chapman 1511 E. Katella .. (.I...st o BOPne y F d(1 I Boock WeS t of Ne.ort ty ANAHEIMWEST ANAHEIM EAST 606 W.Chapman 15816 E.Imperial 870-4171 633-1880 2131 West Lincoln Ave. 114 East Lincoln Ave. Placenlia LaMirada OPEN DAILY: Monday-Friday 10-9, Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-5 S956-2300 535-7835 The Hornet, 1923 - 2006 - Link Page Previous Volume 55, Issue 2 Next Volume 55, Issue 4

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